Talent is Important

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[Music] [Music] Exodus chapter 31 verses one to five it's there on the screen let's go then the Lord spoke to Moses say see I have called by name Bezalel the son of uri the son of of the tribe of judah and i have filled him with the spirit of god in wisdom in understanding in knowledge and in all manner of workmanship to design artistic works to walk in gold in silver in bronze in cutting jewels for setting in curving wood and to work in all manner of workmanship we title our discussion today talent is important talent is important I'll tell you why we're sharing this I have a clear vision from the Holy Spirit that every single person is talented and that a lot of people are neglecting their talents and we have only just a few people who identify their talents who deploy those talents and they become stars they become celebrities in our world and everybody else feels like it's their destiny to be ordinary and God says no there is something special about everyone not everyone's calling or assignment is meant to be visible for every visible star you have many that are hidden but they are stars in their own right making it possible for the visible one to be really really visible some of the people that are visible let's say in the entertainment industry music you have loads of people behind them who are experts in their own right it's either they're doing the makeup or they're arranging the Wardrobe or they're organizing the staff the logistics the movement and so on the security for each actor or actress that you see on the screen you have cameramen they are behind the cameras that's why you can see them but without them you can see the actor or the actress you have the director who is making sure everything flows together there's a person that it will wrote the script in the first place so but every single one of them has to function in their own area of expertise or talent for the visible one to make impact so whether you're Colleen is meant to be visible or not visible every single one of us is a star help me to say to the person sitting next to you I'm happy to be sitting next to a star nowadays star Kristen Center is a church of mega stars not ordinary ones amen so from the passage that we read you see God you know helping us to know it's not only preaching that he anoints people to do he anoints people in the professions he gives people for the professions and we'll be discussing a lot more about that as we go on this month two things make some people more successful than others character and competence we also refer to them as talent and effort let's use spiritual language the way we find it in the Bible the fruit of the Spirit and the gifts of the Spirit it's the two classifications they make people more successful than others mm-hmm sound character and competence so talent is the competence part of the equation talent is the gifts of the spirit part of the equation because sometimes we refer to talents as gifts a talent is in it ability it's unusual or Extra Ordinary ability talent is a gift from God talent causes want to get more results with same or less amount of work compared to others that that's part of how you recognize talent because it's a gift it was just put in there some people have voices there's a way the vocal cord is structured that is not like that of other people when they make sounds people around begin to up to observe there's something about this voice there's something about this voice and then that ability can be cultivated and before you know it some people are even still teenagers when they become global sensations and music it's a gift that structuring is a gift there's nothing you can do about it even the doctors can't help to restructure your vocal cords to make it happen if it's a design from God so there's a way that your spirit and your mind and your emotions and your physical body work together to produce maybe ideas maybe artistic works it may be equations or solutions but that's just the way they work together that it doesn't happen for anybody else so when you function in such an area you tend to get results more easily than others when you do your thing people around wonder how you could do that because you are doing whatever it is at an extraordinary level that's how you get to recognize a talent good it is my opinion that most people don't pay enough attention to their talents and not doing that makes us to live ordinary lives I believe that everyone is talented there is a part of God in every human being there is a part of God's extraordinary ability in every human being we must resolve this quickly there is no human being that has all of the extraordinary ability that God has known if not we will have another God so it's just a part of God it's a part of God ok but every human being has it because we've been created in the image and in the likeness of God we are more like God in some areas than others some are more like God in their musical ability than others some are more like God in their ability to design than others some are more like God in their ability to relate with other people than others some are more like God in their ability to communicate than others this is very very important a woman for example is more like God in some areas than a man is I know that the traditional representation of God that we have had is may okay but wisdom should tell you that since Genesis chapter 1 verse 26 says that God said let us make man in our own image and after our own likeness let them have dominion and verse 27 says that God created man in his own image and after his likeness male and female he created them wisdom shall tell you that the man looks like God and the woman also looks like God so there's a part of God that a man expresses there's a part of God that woman expresses that's the beautiful thing about it I said God didn't give anybody everything so there are things there's a way or there are ways in which a woman is more like God than a man is a woman can give but a woman can't produce but then there are also ways in which a man is like God modern a woman is in certain areas this flows over into all areas of life identifying what makes you different what makes you unique those special abilities that God has given you and deploying them is allowing God to express himself through you this is very important identifying and deploying your talents and your gifts is allowing God to express himself through you let me explain that a little bit from the scriptures Galatians chapter 2 verses 7 to 9 Galatians chapter 2 verses 7 to 9 Paul the Apostle said but on the contrary when they saw that the gospel for the uncircumcised had been committed to me as the gospel for the circumcised was to Peter pay attention to verse 8 it's in brackets it's an it's an explanation it says for he who worked effectively in peta for the Apostleship today second sized also walked effectively in me toward the gentiles verse 9 says and when James Cephas and John who seemed to be pillars perceived the grace that had been given to me they gave me and Barnabas the right hand of fellowship that we should go to the Gentiles and their to the circumcised the GameChanger there is verse 8 for he who worked effectively in Peter for the associate to the sacrificed the he there is God Paul is acknowledging that when it comes to preaching Peter gets better results with the circumsized than I do when it comes to preaching I get better results with the uncircumcised or with the Gentiles than Peter does wisdom tells us and the church leadership agreed but each person should go walk in the places where they get better results listen you will never be able to give the Holy Spirit as the excuse for you're struggling in an area for which he has not gifted you there are lots of people who are saying that well everybody's telling you can't you see you get better results in this area can't you see who you are talented you are gifted for this and you're saying well the Elizabeth has not told me I don't know how is the oldest Prince supposed to tell you because here our church leaders here are some of the most powerful people in church history discussing here analyzing their results and they're saying here is Peter this guy gets massive reason whenever he talks to the Jews they get saved in their thousands you remember the day of Pentecost 3000 people decided to believe in God just because PETA spoke another day it was 5000 that's amazing but whenever it had to do with people they were not Jews then there were complications introduced for Paul it was a different experience he got his best results when he went to people they were not of the Jewish race it's amazing you read his story I like to read history when you read his missionary strips in Acts of the Apostles whenever Paul go to any City the first place he went was the Jewish synagogue we read Romans chapter 9 and Romans chapter 10 Paul was so passionate about the Jews he said he was willing to be cursed just so they could be blessed just as they could be saved Jesus Christ came through them how come people who were not Jews we're getting saved we're ahead of them Paul wanted them to be saved so anywhere he went he would go to the Jewish synagogue you know what they did they beat him that was what they did they beat it when they threw him out then he went to go look for his real customers happy to ask someone sitting next to you haven't they bitten you enough I would yes circumstances have been trying to show you what you are gifted for what you are not gifted for don't sing by force don't if it is there it is there if it is not there it's not there if your resource are commensurate to your loads of effort then it's not a gift effort does a lot and we're going to talk about effort because it plays a huge role because talent has a way of seducing you into laziness because things work for you more easily than they do for others talent has a way of deceiving you and getting you to take things for granted but we discussed that some more later but I'm trying to make a point I like the way Paul described it is that he who worked effectively in Cephas in other words whenever Peter does his thing and get those unusual results it is God that is expressing himself through him he said he also worked effectively in me and like that when talent is deployed divinity is enmeshed with humanity and love it it's it's no longer a human being that's why a human being would speak and and you would you just think that you were listening to something from heaven sometimes we say that that's out of this world exactly that's what will I try to explain there's something about this that is unusual there is something about this that is extraordinary there's something about this that is beyond human Joseph deployed his gift in Egypt when he interpreted the dream for Pharaoh then Pharaoh made that statement that I love so much in Genesis that one verse eight Genesis that one verse study it and I I think it should be the testimony of every Christian this Pharaoh of a person looks and Joseph and said can we find a man such as this a man in whom is the Spirit of God by the time Yousef did this thing all the magicians and astrologers in Egypt had tried to interpret Pharaoh's dream they couldn't do it this guy comes and he does it easy Pharaoh says this is not normal this is beyond normal I pray in the name of Jesus Christ that area that God has designed for you to function in beyond normal God will allow it to find expression this season in Jesus name it makes life easy makes life exciting so divinity meshes with humanity when you align with your wiring you are designed to be a star designed to shine bright in life some people contend that talent is overrated and that you can compensate for talent through effort or through hard work some people really really argue with the fact that talent is critical to success and they say look where most of if I some people say that most of the skills that you need to succeed on a job as kids that you can learn they don't require talent not say good yes you do have a point but it is difficult to argue against the fact that there is something called uniqueness in creation very difficult to hug you against that fact that of all the human beings that ever lived the ones that are alive and the ones that will ever live there are no truth I will have the same fingerprints so that's what we are talking about that some people have some abilities that are more than others in some areas I don't think we should be able to contest that now if you can succeed by hard walk only just imagine how much more you will succeed if all of that hard work is invested in an area for which you are gifted or talented then it would be extraordinary I think the talent is important talking about uniqueness in creation and all I'm here to do today is just make an introduction to the subject and we'll continue next time first Corinthians 15 verses 39 to 41 first Corinthians 15 verses 39 to 41 all flesh is not the same flesh but there is one kind of flesh of men another flesh of animals another of fish and another of birds there are also celestial bodies and terrestrial bodies but the glory of the celestial is one and the glory of the terrestrial is another there is one glory of the Sun another glory of the Moon and another glory of the stars for one star differs from another star in glory I'm trying to talk about uniqueness hello you are different from everybody else in some special way and you need to accept that let me read verse 41 from the amplified bible 1st Corinthians 15:41 from the amplified bible it says the sun is glorious in one way the moon is glorious in another way and the stars are glorious in their own distinctive way for one star differs from and surpasses another in beauty and brilliance so I'm here to say to you first you are a star you remember when God gave Abraham a vision he said his descendants would be like the stars of the sky and like the sand of the seashore you were one of those stars that God was describing so you surpass other stars in your own distinctive way you surpass them in beauty and brilliance thank you Lord that you've got to accept that you Aspasia where are you discovered before or not what are they told you before or not some people say this talent did people just use it for oppression it's the people that believe that some people were created special everybody else was prettier to be ordinary it's those people that want class segregation they're the ones that this kind of artery well sorry in our own equation having read the Bible all of us as TAS amen that's what we want to say our world would be a better place if everybody function in their area of talent Wow awesome why should you value talent talent gives you higher returns on the investment of your effort that is my objective today to ask you to please begin to pay attention to this thing called talent or gift the first reason is it's the one area where you put in normal effort you get unusual results it gives you very high returns on your investment of time effort money we call it ROI high ROI example Joseph interprets a dream for Pharaoh and becomes prime minister of a whole country hello there are loads of people that interpret dreams for people and they don't change the Estados maybe they give them a little bit of money or some food but for yourself this is a talent this is a gift this is extraordinary wait he interpreted dreams for fellow prisoners in prison and that opened the door for him to go display the same gift in the palace that's amazing look at that curve who gets promotion that way and he was a foreigner in that country he entered that country as a slave that's phenomena excuse me don't you want to find out what your own talent is if your own talent will open those for you that way oh yeah higher returns on investment you put in average effort like everybody else but the results get a phenomenon I pray in the name of Jesus Christ that for you and for me the days of fruitless effort are over forever I declare the name of Jesus Christ that the days of making big effort and getting small results those days are over forever in the mighty name of Jesus Christ I pray that the power of the Holy Spirit will rest on you I pray for the miracle of open eyes I prayed our revolution will come to you now in the mighty name of Jesus you will find your place you will identify it the Holy Spirit will bring it to you for free and clearly in the mighty name of Jesus Christ and I pray that as you begin to find alignment with your gifts and talents oh my my my miracles literally miracles of promotion divine acceleration miracles of restoration will begin to happen in your life in Jesus name [Music]
Channel: Sam AdeyemiTV
Views: 12,872
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Id: gVodotn5Ztk
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Length: 26min 7sec (1567 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 02 2017
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