Drop That Stone - Love Series

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today on excellent leadership with sama DMA so my encouragement is instead of you focusing on the ones that are being caught stealing from the government posts and from other places drop this tool welcome to our broadcast today we continue with our discussions on law and today one approaches from an interest in perspective I observed something about Jesus that when they brought people who were really bad to Jesus Jesus was very lenient on them he was very kind to them it's amazing the brother woman who was caught in the very act of adultery and Jesus was merciful to the woman amazing the people that Jesus really had serious issues with were hypocritical people and they were usually the leaders so as we study how to love because that's our master key Jesus said that's the greatest commandment you get it right with love you get it right with everything else he said all the commandments hang on loving God and love your neighbor as yourself so you can't love and fail anyway so they brought this woman to Jesus and she had committed this horrendous scene and so on and the law of Moses said she was supposed to be stoned to death what did Jesus have to say about that amazing the perspective that Jesus brought to it but our focus today is not on the woman but on the who brought her to Jesus and what Jesus dealt with them you know what when we deal with our own issues we'll be able to help other people deal with their own issues I don't know but it seems like fallen human nature things but if we cut other people down we'll feel more comfortable with ourselves because we do have low self esteem anyway but that never ever solves any problem so let's go into this message very interesting one it's titled drop that stone I'll see you at the end of this broadcast Galatians chapter 6 verse 1 it's on the screen let's go brethren if a man is overtaken in any trespass you who are spiritual restore such a one in a spirit of gentleness considering yourself lest you also be tempted good we'll talk to this discussion drop that thun I got that from a story in John chapter 8 a story that I found very fascinating John 8 from verse 3 the Pharisees and the scribes brought a woman to Jesus who had been caught in adultery they said to him the law of Moses says that we should stone someone that is caught in adultery what do you have to say verse 6 is this they said testing him that they might have something of which to accuse him first when I read this story I just try to imagine the amount of shape that that woman must have felt that day brought out in the open date I shaped and the people that brought her were not comment because again when I gloss over the passage my assumption is was just some ordinary men they were powerful people they were leaders they were the religious leaders of the day they were scribes and Pharisees she was shamed publicly she didn't deny what she had done because she was caught in the very act they said don't mind the fact that it was only her dad abroad committing adultery with herself by implication reminder fact but when I read the story further especially when I read verse 6 this they said testing him that they might have something of which to accuse him then I realized actually that the woman was not even the object of their anger the real target was Jesus it was Jesus they actually wanted to stone and this woman was caught in the crossfire we're talking about love this month and I realize that this just falls in line with the way the Bible structures it or explains it now when it comes to love you can't talk about loving God without talking about loving man you can't separate the two of them when they asked Jesus in Matthew 22 which is the greatest commandment Matthew 22:37 240 he said this is the greatest commandment that you love the Lord your God said the second one is like it that you love your neighbor as yourself when John the Apostle explained it in first John chapter 4 verses 20 and 21 he said anyone who says that he loves God but hates his brother is a liar he said how can you love God whom you have not seen and not love your brother that you can see he explained in verse 21 this is the command that we received from him that he who loves God most that's the word he used must love his brother also so that's his interpretation of what we read in Matthew it doesn't seem like so in Matthew in Matthew 22 they look like two separate command or Commandments but John the Apostle says no they are intertwined they are connected the actually what Jesus was saying is that you cannot love God and not love Matt because every human being is an extension of God man's body may have come from the soil but man's spirit came from inside God himself when he created man and breathe into his nostril it wasn't just air that it was pumping into the body it was the spirits of all human beings that was release in there every human being is an extension of God so whatever you do to man you've done to God God will fill it amazing so in the beat to hit Jesus they're going to hit also a woman caught in the crossfire but my focus is on the fact is on how Jesus resolved it Jesus didn't answer demos writing on the ground so verse 7 says oh when they continued asking him he raised himself up and said to them he who is without sin among you let him throw a stone at her fast isn't that scary then don't you think that would have put her life at risk he who is without sin let him throw a stone at her first verse 8 and again he stood and wrote on the ground then those who had it being convicted by their conscience went out one by one beginning with the oldest even to the last and Jesus was left alone and the woman standing in the Beast amazing every single person this were not members this way leaders every single one disappeared beginning with the oldest what did Jesus say if you don't have seen stone her so they said they ran away beginning with the oldest ostensibly because obviously he had the greatest volume of sin because he had been around for long for the longest time okay so the oldest you know - the youngest so they had seen amazing amazing and they wanted to kill someone for committing sin you know what I see from the Gospels when we relish the idea of bad things happening to bad people it's a sign something is wrong with us when we delight in the idea of someone being punished of something bad happening to someone it's a sign that's a problem somewhere because in Matthew 7 Jesus said judge not so that you will not be joy with the same measure that you judge it to be measured back to you then he said why are you concerned about the speck in your brother's eye when there's a pole sticking out of your own he said remove the pole in your eye then you'll be able to see clearly that it's just a speck in your brother's eye so it's our problems that magnify other people's problems amazing that's what I see from the passage I know that such feelings and desires are usually born out of our experiences where there's a lot of oppression and deprovision poor people happy when they had that bad things happen to rich people oppressed people happy when they had something bad happened to someone who is powerful the oppressors which was II that's why many years ago when we had the soap opera you know the soap opera on TV people really liked it they rich also cry you know does a local proverb in Yoruba language no Angelo Sharia law the rich man is not God does that these secrets are covered in nonsense it's so back to Galatians chapter 6 verse 1 but I did it from the Amplified Bible Galatians 6:1 amplified it says brethren if any person is overtaken in misconduct or sin of any sort you who are spiritual who are responsive to and controlled by the spirit do what should set him right and the word and restore and restate him without any sense of superiority and with all gentleness keeping an attentive eye on yourself lest you should be tempted amazing so he who does not have a sin let him throw the stones the first stone or the stone first and then they missed out one by one and the only person left with the lady was Jesus he had not committed any sin so he was the only one that had the right to do what to stone her the distort her know amazingly he said NIDA is where the people who are accusing you they've got they disappeared neither do i condemn you go and sin no more isn't it amazing your ability to forgive to restore to mend somebody's most spiritual ones those are the signs of spiritual maturity so church is filled with many babies because sometimes church is the place where you experience the greatest condemnation the place where we impose impossible standards on ourselves it was religious leaders they were going to stone the lady to death and they had issues in their lives and Jesus came to produce another dimension of spirituality dashing discover God's unconditional love in this new series by sammedi Yemi this series will show you practical wisdom and steps on why God's love will help you overcome in every area of your life today in this four-part series discover how to develop your love walk understand God's love for you and others overcome rejection and hurt through forgiveness and love and develop the capacity the love they unloved and more to receive this CD set please call the number on your screen now or go to sam at a Yemi net for your love gift of $20 or more discover and experience God's love with this impactful series by Sam a tme call now toll free 186 6 6 0 8 77 82 for international callers call on +44 one five one eight zero eight zero three 12 or visit us at www.imtcva.org hello i am sam 'dear me a big thank you to all my followers on social media it has been brought to my attention that there are fraudulent characters soliciting for money with my name on facebook i liked emphasize the fact that i do not solicit for donations on facebook so if you see such messages from any facebook page you know from me i want to encourage you to report them as being fraudulent please beware and be very careful and be safe thank you no human being on this planet is in principle more important it is the eve of the action of the leader that is greater than that of the follower what in terms of values are equal the church is the most important leadership production Factory on this planet one of the characteristics of leaders is that decision they have vision if they call you senator call you CEO call you governor or call you press it it will help you to keep that at the back of your mind not because we are special it's because they are special a tripod allows you the opportunity of passing a position leverage on the collective resources on their behalf every army has a department that is very important when they go to war the medical corps the doctors and the nurses they go with every a me that is in battle because getting people wounded is a normal part of it because it's a risky venture if you are afraid to approach the enemy they will take over your territory Church is involved in spiritual warfare it's for courageous people good so what does the army do someone is wounded they replace the person and they go to treat the wound and get the pesum back up into fighting position so I don't know of any army that would pick wounded soldiers from the battlefield and then shoot them and kill them except the judge judge we should stop killing our wounded people we should restore them we should mend them did I hear you say man that's the sign of maturity that's the sign of love this should be the place where people find forgiveness if I had forgiveness so I say to the person who's been wounded the person who's made a mistake yes the person who's being caught caught in adultery caught some of us were caught because you got pregnant so there's no place to hide it so you're carrying yes gardenia pregnancy and even though you're not married was I've been caught stealing some are being caught these caught hair or caught there if it's charged that you came you came to the right place the only thing is take your attention off from people put it on Jesus the light of the world the one person who will never ever condemn you he died for you already even if you killed someone he paid for that sin on the cross so he would never criticize you for it he understands the nature of sin come to Jesus the one who's being caught but I think the greater part of the message today is to the one that has not been caught yet all those who hold these tools were also doing it it was just that they had not been caught yet so my encouragement is instead of you focusing on the ones that are being caught stealing from the government posts and from other places drop this tool and also face Jesus the light of the world let's all receive forgiveness let's all receive cleansing let's already see freedom from shape and freedom from guilt Romans 8:1 says there is therefore now no condemnation to them who are in Christ Jesus who do not walk according to the flesh but according to the spirit verse 2 says for the law of the spirit of life in Christ Jesus has made me what free from the law of sin and death no one has the power to become sane it is the forgiveness Jesus and the power of the Holy Spirit that helps us to live above sin Romans 6:14 sees for sin shall not have dominion over you because you are not under the law you are under grace it is God's grace God's help you will look at the thing you were doing before the temptation will come and you will not respond to it it's God's grace that makes that possible and will receive that grace this morning in the name of Jesus Christ welcome back I hope that was a blessing to you so here is it the proof of spiritual maturity is in the fact that your focus is in restoring people back to health nurturing people back to spiritual health that's the sign that we are maturing in love so you just look around you today and I'm sure you don't have to look too far to someone who is having issues maybe in the family maybe in church maybe in the office but the proof that we are maturing in a capacity to Lord is in restoring people and you know what you won't have to wonder anymore if people love you or not you'll be amazed how much good how much blessing will come into your life when you love people practically this way because when love when value goes from you value will come back to you I pray in the name of Jesus Christ but the power of the Holy Spirit the invisible power that enters a seed and grows it into a tree that power will common this word in your spirit today and I prophesy in the name of Jesus that this word will bear fruit in your life in the name of Jesus and as you sow the seeds of forgiveness and the seeds of acceptance as you as you sow the seeds of love in people's lives i prophesy a harvest on your life today your name and your face will come up in somebody's mind somewhere i prophesy for you a harvest of favor doors of opportunity open for you today I declare this season of good news in your life in the mighty name of Jesus Christ Thank You Heavenly Father in Jesus name you know what at the end of the day as human beings we just don't have that capacity to love the Bible says the love of God He shed abroad in our hearts by the Holy Spirit all of us have been hurt too much to be able to log but you know one thing God loves you God loves me don't forget that and we'll see next time bye for now discover God's unconditional love in this new series by sammedi Yemi this series will show you practical wisdom and steps on why God's love will help you overcome in every area of your life today in this four-part series discover how to develop your love walk understand God's love for you and others overcome rejection and hurt through forgiveness and love and develop the capacity the love they unloved and more to receive this CD set please call the number on your screen now or go to sam at a Yemi net for your love gift of $20 or more discover and experience God's love with this impactful series by Sam a tme call now toll free 186 six six zero eight 77 82 for international callers call on +44 one five one eight zero eight zero three twelve or visit us at WWE to receive this resource today no human being on this planet is intrinsically more important than another it is the theme of the action of the leader that is greater than that of the follower what in terms of values are equal the church is the most important leadership production Factory on this planet one of the characteristics of leaders is that decision they have vision if they call you senator call you CEO call you governor or call represses it will help you to keep that at the back of your mind because we are special it's because they are special that's why bottle ouch give you the opportunity of passive deposition leverage on the collective resources on their behalf hello I am Sam Adair me a big thank you to all my followers on social media it has been brought to my attention that there are fraudulent characters soliciting for money with my name on facebook i liked emphasize the fact that i do not solicit for donations on facebook so if you see such messages from any facebook page then uh from me i want to encourage you to report them as being fraudulent please beware and be very careful and be safe thank you
Channel: Sam AdeyemiTV
Views: 22,106
Rating: 4.8969955 out of 5
Id: oWekiHigyB8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 15sec (1635 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 10 2016
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