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[Music] see in life we have to admit there are things we can control and there are things we cannot control most people unfortunately expend most of their energy most of their resources most of their attention most of their time on the things they cannot control yet in life there are a few things we can control i can control my thoughts my mind is my mind i can't think anything i want to think with it my emotions are mine okay so my emotions are my emotions i can feel what i want to feel so i may not be able to control the weather i may not be able to control the national economy but i can control how i feel and that the amazing thing is that when you understand the principle that guides us humans you will find out that success is first within and then without the amazing thing when you control what you can control your thoughts and your emotions right and then your words when you control what you can control the things you cannot control will align with what you can control it's amazing the way it works you imagine you're a sailboat on the sea or the lagoon you don't have any it's not a powered boat so you have no engine it's the sail that you have it's the wind that moves the boat you have no control over the wind but you have control over the sail when you control the cell the winds that you cannot control will take you to where you want to go it's amazing the way life works it's amazing that's why i say attitude is everything i know enough now to know negative thoughts combined with negative emotions will sink me i've got to take control of them when something negative happens i've got to be human i'm going to grieve i'm going to mourn but i'm not moaning forever i'm not money in that loss forever okay i'm going to bounce out of it yes i'm calling someone today whatever it is that has happened to you i feel so sorry okay i empathize with you and i call you today to step forward and continue with life let it go okay let's be forward forward focused not past possessed right good i read the book many years ago how to bounce back from failure to success in 30 seconds by dave dean i saw it with a friend i could not wait until it was through with it i consumed the book i was reading it late in the night i was so eager to see 30 seconds whoa and then i got into the book and the author said well you can bounce back from failure to success in 30 seconds because that is how long it should take you to make up your mind to try again awesome awesome strategy number two i would learn something new i would learn something new this i pointed this out because it is an area of great challenge for a lot of people when change happens you know we find it really stressful that we now have to learn to do things in a new way we need flexibility in our thinking we can't afford to get stalk okay what once worked was worked fine but it's not working anymore this world walks in seasons have you observed the world walks in seasons in some parts of the world you have two seasons in some parts of the world you have four and you have to adapt to the seasons there's nothing as difficult as trying to do something that is not appropriate for the season trying to plant a seed when it's not time for you to plant you know when the weather changes what do you do you change your clothing i remember my first time in calgary alberta in canada my sweetheart nikki and i went together yes with her daughter and you know we it was may yeah and we had winter coats on okay it was cold for us but the though our friends our hosts in canada had on simple chefs t-shirts i i could not help but ask them guys what's going on how come you feel comfortable in these t-shirts they said oh last winter they said right now it's nine degrees celsius they said last winter the temperature went down to minus 49 degrees celsius i said what they said yes so for us this is bliss this is summer okay so we have to adapt we have to change the one thing you have to keep in mind is the fact that there's always a way now i am not um proud of is the fact that i have you know i have not changed fast enough in many instances you know i've still still just hoping that you know things will still go back to where they were do you realize there are many people at that point right now in our world look at the massive changes that have happened in the business world i mean they are massive they are massive i mean a top executive you know here in the u.s told me some two weeks ago that one of his clients or a multinational corporation massive corporation sold off two of their buildings the office buildings and each of the buildings are is over 20 floors each of them is 20 something plus and they sold off the buildings why because they now ask their staff to work from home it's changed period so the little bit that they are keeping right um they still have offices but you now have to book to use the office okay you book to use the office so you don't have most of the staff are not going to have any permanent offices anymore they're going to book so that they can use a particular space for one hour or use the particular space for two hours exactly so you book you know like you book a hotel space it's amazing so the world has changed that's what i'm trying to say things have changed so when we go through seasons of change like that disruptions um we need to adapt quickly we need to adapt quickly in fact you know i mentioned earlier on about scenario plan so the point is i have actually now made up my mind that the future is not going to take me by surprise okay as much as possible i'm not god okay i'm not god but i don't want the future to take me by surprise secondly when that change comes when the future comes i will be quick to learn new skills um what did we have to do now okay zoom's been there for a long time webex been there for a long time but um you know most of us did not take those platforms very seriously but now we have two okay so the banks oh in many places the banks don't even want you to come close okay the banks don't want you to come close okay um so um they want you to do a business online including opening an account okay including open account so that means we have to learn to use computers use our phones use laptops you know now with better skills than we did before it's remote work now isn't it exactly so i would be quick to learn new skills i would be quick to learn news if i had to start all over i would be quick to adapt quick to learn new skills some people have seen dragging right now and it's going to be maybe by the end of this year that they would have to accept okay yeah some things are going to go back to where they were some things are not going back anymore and then some things are going to go back to where they were and it's going to be maybe two years from now or three years from now four years from now for some things honestly if there is always a way and you are just one idea away from breakthrough but you will only be able to capture that idea if your mind is open
Channel: Sam Adeyemi
Views: 3,689
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: ZrkiKsvj06o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 52sec (652 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 26 2021
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