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I've tied to this and your relationship and in your relationship with mediocrity and moving on to excellence hello I'm sure something's like That's not me but maybe I'll just tend to someone here just one person hello some of us need to end our relationship with mediocrity and move on to excellence Daniel chapter 1 verse 8 Daniel chapter 1 verse 8 hallelujah it is a joy to bring God's Word and I don't take it for granted at all I know it's been a while Daniel chapter 1 verse 8 are we there it is but Daniel purposed in his heart that he will not defile himself with a portion of the Kings delicacies now with the wine with which he drank therefore he requested of the chief of the eunuchs that he might not defile himself and verse 9 says now God brought Daniel into favour and good will of the chief of the eunuchs and in Daniel chapter 6 verse 3 Daniel chapter 6 verse 3 are we there and it is an excellent spirit was in Daniel an excellent spirit was in Daniel for the King sought to promote him over all the provinces because what an excellent spirit was in him can you see he distinguished himself above every other person because an excellent spirit was in him so we must make up our minds to operate an excellent what I realize that we can't do it in our strength right we can't do it enough strength excellence is not just about putting things together on the outside that's fine the packaging and all of that but you see eventually what's on the inside will come out and the game will be off so we have to excellence is something that comes froma inside and reflects on the outside do you agree with me so if you want favor begin to work in excellence because it says that this man thought Daniel came into favor and goodwill with the chief of the unit's the person that was in charge of giving them all that they needed I was during the week speaking to teenagers at a summer camp and this was my text we looked at the story of Daniel and you know saw so many things there how Daniel was also a mean he was a young teenager carried away captive into Babylon and because the media to train them to see who the king could use that they could serve in the king's palace oh you know it was likened to going to school somewhere else going to a foreign land going through a different place from where you grew up and some of us we could go to a different place in our minds hello why we talked about going to Kenneth it's not really a physical location what is a place of excellence a place where God wants us to operate right but we get to that place and we struggle with how we've operated before but thank God because this guy had excellence of spirit he was quick to learn but he decided that he will not do away with the value that he had learned growing up I want to say this very quickly because many of us struggle to work in excellence we struggle to you know operate as we should as God has ordained even though we have given our life to Christ but because our minds are not renewed Romans chapter 12 verse 2 read that it is we shouldn't be confirmed to to the world we shouldn't be conformed to this world standard but be renewed in our mind we should be transformed by renewing our minds we renew our minds by the Word of God so we are made in the image of God but many times we struggle to manifest that image he's an excellent God he said his thoughts are higher than our thoughts and his ways are higher than our ways what should we give a party although your ways are higher that's our job stay where I am but I wish to seek to close up I got I which is sick to say God bring me up higher and God says change your thoughts because it says as the heavens are higher than the earth so are my thoughts higher than your thoughts so it's about our thinking hello so we are born again a sweet man is born again we're Christians and this for those of us who are Christians but sometimes we struggle in to operate as we should now I believe that Daniel had these values from his childhood yes he was separated from where he lived he was separated from his parents and carried away too and a strange land what he held on to the value that I will not go change I would not let go of you know the godly values that I have even though they brought me here to change me hello and I will learn what I need to learn and he learns very quickly what is that I would not define myself with a portion of the Kings delicacies and of course that had to do with the wine and all the things that they had to drink and all of that but that's also today's like in would you saying I will not touch corruption with a long pole I will not even if I have to leave that contract I will not hello so you make up your mind to guard your spirit and you know what is not for you and so she had favor with this man because this end of God give us water and bread he and his friends and you know you need to get some good friends around you and maybe I agree with me hello and even though yes I will share with teenagers for many times - I agree and I tell other that we are the ones that release of a peer pressure hello we adults sometimes are the ones that suffer peer pressure where further what our friends will say and we transfer that to our children and then we are saying that they shouldn't get into peer pressure they don't let their friends put them under pressure but you are under pressure until you transfer the pressure hello because many times you are factoring what will my friends say what would they say what would they say what would they do and sometimes we look like something really good and something lofty it looks like something good something long tea but you are saying no but we will get to God God is healing out of all of that anyone that still has that less I knew today there's going to be a change hallelujah because we are going to discuss the practical it's so important so you want favor walk in the spirit of excellence tell yourself I am cutting up my relationship with mediocrity enough of the romance but some of us are in and out you work in excellence today tomorrow you are caught in mediocrity and you know to be mediocre is just to leave less than what God has said excellent is doing things God's Way doing things with good quality but it's from our heart first and it hangs your love it hangs your love a lot because many times we think that some things are too much for someone else to deserve because we don't think that we deserve it and even if we think we deserve it we look down on other people make your case to look down on people medicate to see that someone else does not deserve what you deserve or you don't even think that you deserve certain things and that's why this word also also is a message to a nation not just to us as individuals but I think we don't just speak to the nation like that who are the nation we is made up of human beings right who are the church is not just the building is made up of Christians that should show the example because we are the called out ones and I know that we will lead the way in Jesus name oh thank you Lord Jesus thank you Father I want us to look at a story in the Bible we're going to look at another story I'm not going to say so much about Daniel anymore because that senior pastor has really dealt with that in the first service when we look at Daniel chapter 6 verse 4 though the following verse it says the vice-regent and the governors got together to find some old scandal or skeleton in Daniels as a message translation to find some old skeleton in Danny's life that they could use against him but they could not dig up anything they will be able to dig up anything about your life in the name of Jesus and we are not perfect I'm not perfect we fall we do make mistakes and thank God that God forgives us and that's why we get better and better because we read our Bible will come to church and we learn and we are reminded of the tools to which we have to work with I tell myself sometimes Nicky you you are if you are having a different you just dance to it hello because people don't know what you are hearing in your head and what you hear in your head is the Word of God what you have taken in that is one will come back to you and that is what you will act on and some of your friends are people outside the wall maybe like you are acting out of think you are not instead below for your hearing another voice you're hearing another team get rid of peer pressure get rid of all this pressure and do what God expects of you so Daniel was not afraid to stand alone but somebody was not alone because he even had three other friends and they went through the persecution together so they wanted to you know they wanted to how do I put it mess them up and sometimes some of us have been not only means judge but we have been mislabeled and we have suffered injustice some people have gone to jail for what they did not do 17 years after as I read stories like that of social media we done never be your portion 70 years after they released all they see to them is story because somebody got on the case and decide to dig up the case here that happens a lot in America I have a village in America I don't know about here if you go in there there will not be your portion to help you Father this everything else because you should be bitter and all of that and this mile out and I think that judging me was too happy to have their life back because they didn't ever think that the case will believe that reinvestigated so what do they want to sue for a but you're like this is grating Justin this is you but what if they are died there they won't even be able to taste the freedom again praise God when no man says what happens to people when they a situation like that they find it freedom inside the prison hello for the words those of us that do prison ministry is so important we pray for their physical friend about the internal freedom threat so that they don't go out and do worse thing hallelujah so they could not find any evidence of negligence or misconduct Daniel chapter 6 verse 4 they couldn't find what the only found against him was they now saw that we'll have to bring him down with respect to his religion so they made the King signed a decree you had favor with the king the King promoted him that was not business but sometimes the president doesn't know what he's signing or what is a green soon sometimes the path build the house of rape and all of that people are we are grew to this and they don't know that someone has an ulterior motive as AI yes we signed it into decree and you don't even know what you're signing you do even know you're signing maybe the death warrant of some people like we know the story of King Arthur s and Esther and all of that and so yes it's starting to decrease and one should pray to their God in etc and then they went to report Daniel of course the king is the king of Israel is a man of principles we have to be what thrown in jail for God deliver him God is going to shut some the lamb mouth of some lions on your behind God is going to shut some mouth on your behalf for you work in excellence and do what is right I'm going to defended him even the king was eager to see that he was still alive and he had respect for his God he had respect for Daniel's God the Lions were calm every stone the religious around you from this moment forward as you make adjustment in your heart will become that every son becomes that's what Jesus said peace be still in the name of Jesus so tap into this principle is from within it is from within but how do you get to this point how do you get to this point I quickly want to say that we should raise our children with an attitude of excellence if you don't have doing everything keep sane and nobody there's nothing that money Drive block money on trees etc an excellent spirit even if you do not have you tell the child to pray hello you let him know God answers prayers you tell me when I have it I'll be able to provide it for you but right now I don't have you'll encourage that child you hold his hand in faith and you might be surprised that go to answer his prayers even before you hello because they are little doesn't mean that we should just silence them and say anything I remember one of our Lady Jane church is close to Mia we mentioned Hannah images that one day a son said I really good last year some years ago anybody was much younger and he said every time every time weather's not fun every time he's preaching what of course only K he said he was saying that at home and then she said levodopa so Sammy's do not judge leak any computers and avoid mommy no God is the owner of the church is not fascism and she was actually ethical to see yourself I know you don't want anything to keep quiet so you could you know cuz you know the student when they are very intelligent they seem troublesome they asking questions they are bringing things that you don't want to spend the time if they told either you know what should I do make exactly you know what we'll talk about that later or they asked something they want you to promise something quickly you don't know because you are tired you say ok ok ok I literally like what did I even see they say you know what I'm tired right now come back in and a Strang and we discuss it don't rush to see anything just to silence then because you might say what is utterly wrong but thank God that this boy was intelligent yes Amen thank God is what was intelligent I mean she could not see anything after that because that was the word hello will preach the word back to you I remember when I'm just moving to a house many years ago and hearing Legos and kids so that nice of course everything was not fully set but were lying there's a room called a prayer room because I said God if you give us a house of our own I'm going to dedicate it has a place to u-dub a prayer room a secret place of course it has become body prayer Romani music room because they love instruments so you have all kinds there but we moved in there and the floor is not that's the only place that where the flow is rocked a small room wall-to-wall every other room is houses it's wood on the floor so I think they love you know they just wanted to sleep there and all of that so what leaders okay go up to your beds everyone and all that and exactly the one of them just and at least it doesn't matter because there's some words left in the house of the Lord bye-bye I'm going to bed you guys what do you say after that so the lens i did is prayer agree that this is where we pray this the house of the lord only was there i just left them there although he didn't quite fit books but that was true so it was like was a big deal of us living here isn't this blessing was able to be more later than our bedroom relax don't use your mediocrity to infect this children in a wrong way break them with excellence the excellence of the world with excellence of you know good schools good education as much as you can afford a low the children will tell you to steal on their behalf hello I mean people had an idea know the story of Evan I pity his children I pitied them when I saw the picture of the children crying on begging he didn't send their father to be they didn't send her to be kidnapped to have median so that they could live a good life so so we're talking about excellence and I want us to look at in I'm trying to bring out the fact that Danielle had an excellent spirit and of course it showed and all of that and God vindicated Emmanuel loaded and promoted in spite of all those who wanted to bring him down to their level another story is in Matthew chapter 25 and we know the story this man said the kingdom of heaven is like in 210 no sorry like into a man who travels a far country who called his servants as Matthew chapter 25 verse 14 all the way to 28 and so he called his seven three of them and he gave them you know tense he gave one ten talents to give one five and gave one one but now we talk about Daniel yes excellent but I want to look at the guy who are giving one talent here because we've looked at an example of excellence Daniel and it's also justice to this and you talk about you said but these three guys of course the first to manifest excellent they operated in excellent we know the story if you don't read it when you get back home now and you give it to them and expect them to you know do business with it to multiply and talent was the currency again you can look at talents in the sense of your talents and your gifts so you've got a given attendees use everything hello if you are giving you just one now you have one don't say I have just one gift and you go and hide it and refuse to do what you should do refuse to speak if you're a speaker refuse to preach refused to answer the call of God in your life heaven we see you a wicked and lazy servant but that would not be your portion so you can look at talent in terms of your talent your gifts you know what this was actually tell and in terms of the currency that they had at that time so this guy we know the story he went and hid that talent instead of multiplying areas that of doing business with each other when the master comes back he can present to him you know what he has had done with the money what he had done with the business so it will look at and I just want to jump to verse 24 let me read verse 26 okay the world verse 22 said he also who received two talents came and said Lord you delivered to me to tell him sorry they were giving five talents two talents and one you deliver to me two talents look up gained two more talents beside them his Lord said to him well done good and faithful servant for you have been faithful over a few things and I will make you ruler over many things enter into the joy of your Lord and that was the same thing he said to the one who are giving five talents and brought ten he doubled it so they essentially doubled it so it's not even about the quantity of been giving what is about the quality that you apply you gave the same reward to the one who are giving five talents and brought ten same reward to the one who was giving two talents and brought four you get the equation and this guy was given one talent so if you had worked on it and doubled it and brought - what would you have gotten the same result and since you are doing another translation says now you are ready to be my partners I think it's message or soup now I will make you my partners they didn't know they were working for themselves people operating magic II think that they are doing it for the boss so this guy said the one who written one talent said it's an oriental look I have multiplied it but he had to go into a long story hello when your results to you show show you don't need a long story hello you are told to do this you deliver what is the story there but you had to go you tease the one that talks he he had a long speech your results will answer for you your results will speak for you this one you have to go into a long speech excuse this upon to detail yourself I will do it with unnecessary excuses when I'm given an assignment I will find a way I will come back to my boss at the end you know the other day because hello people people who are little super successful people they are tired of things like that find a way hello you'll be rewarded for it if you can't find a way because you could send prey till God could help me with this assignment to let me fall for this man it means don't let me feel don't let is not be disappointed in me but this guy what is it then I wanted to look at his mentality because if you have status of this brick of your mind to do away with it he said I he will receive the one today that Lord I knew you to be a hard man who didn't know what they had man I think the others didn't know but when you employed you have a contract even when you are self-employed you have a contract with clients because in your visual statement you have said we deliver we do this etcetera blah blah blah and when you do not deliver you have filled them because they have now become like you're your boss you employ but you are employed by by the clients because they will pay your salary hello when they pay for the services that you offer so you're still in employment so whichever way say they are under a hard boss God does not it is not an excuse to treat the patent back the way the person has treated him is that I knew you to be a hard man is therein to know the word he knows the man reaping where you have not sown Georgia is he supposed to judge him how do you know he has look where he is also did you know it means green obvious did you know when was fifteen years old did you know him or you knew him when he was forty unemployed you are you identified hello around here sometimes honestly where sometimes too critical breaks my heart sometimes for the joke is sometimes a bit too critical we need to correctly love yes and I see it sometimes on social media Twitter Street you know and all of that it whatever II I'm like people say something that people don't bounce on them and run and show their mentality I mean it says they're wrong well let's leave that for another day I need to be have my ripping where you have not sown gathering where you have not scattered seed so he has really building monka you never mind your business he hasn't really been studying this man but not to be a prodigy of him to see how can I also excel if study no loop off all his weaknesses anything in his mind I will show this man and he was playing with fat liquor after he won pray for flavor ask God for favor at all night prayer meeting this is the highway this is the way and it's the way of love this man said you have son ungodly where you have not scattered seed and I was afraid and went and hid your talent in the ground look you have what is yours the way you give it to me very sad and I happened a lot around here because you feel you're entitled to because you have not been promoted all these well and you didn't even know that this was a last test that would rather your boss and ask that you be promoted those who I had know their heart hello do you think this was new to it boss those who are had those who are choleric temperament no they have to learn those work we know our temperament people one is people who are written to that level we know assemble in this that we do all those give tests that you know every level so you know your what you operating in whether your spiritual gifts testers are the ministry the levels of this Academy whether you're going to be employed as a SAP run a gift test then there are links online there are places where you can run the gifted and know whether you are introverted extroverted other people's people have gone on to do even more specific ones there's one with one there's one we've done in the past arisen it's about sixteen I did another one recently while I was doing it cause training two weeks ago and it had to do with our it's according to Romans to avoid in Romans 12:10 there are seven gifts there I came out as proclaimer and compulsion hello and when we see such things it's it's confirming against me too and those temperaments have setting areas that are not really they're not good or bad each one has its strengths and weaknesses but he just kept on looking at the months because because the man always likes results if they look do this and I need it back tomorrow and it's - eh you're kidding me me I will sleep me I was you understand while others were wrong with it silly buddy that is what he wants so give it to him you can change him so those who are had no their heart those who are soft no their salt hello what he taught you preach to the man about who is so the man said okay you are wicked verse 26 and lays you a wicked and lazy servant you know where I read web northern and gathered we have non-jewish also I've deposited my money with the bankers but my coming out of it sit back please with interest hello this man was so wicked things and even just put it in fixed people let it just be they I don't have to do anything only did you yield something for the man but that would not be your portion anyone that is like this you're going to change your ways but you know what why I want to get to the practicality very quickly oh my God my time is gone very quickly just give me a little bit more why do we operate like this because I don't really like talking about yet we talk about the story without all the insights and all of that yet but why do we operate like this why do we open like this not all of us often like this because some are blessed of hot privileged or breaking in terms of your friends were Christians the right way you know you know the xposed you a new taught you kindness balancing on all of those things but many of us grew up like my husband we always say the culture around here the culture around here but I can say the culture from home is the culture from where is the environment but the environment rest of the home and then the environment of the larger society because even went from home is good my tummy child is 3 an idea what age they start going to school 2 3 some other 20 decide what some point in time you're going to the larger society you go to school you meet teachers and all of that and they can begin to recondition in a negative way so but sometimes we've been hurt along the way and we make up our mind all those things affecting us this guy said I was afraid so once here we operate in mediocrity we do not give excellence room though it's locked up in our spirit because we operate in fear this guy confesses it I was afraid that I mean I won't get anything from it I was afraid I'd get a thank you because I had man I was afraid I was afraid insecurity is another one we're insecure we are afraid but that's because we don't know enough of God and we're not sued enough with his love to know that our promotion our our security our elevation is not even in the hand of any man because the hearts of kings on his hands hello god forbid what if that must have died before he got back and the board decided that ok everybody what you have those Google did my mom woulda been sorrowful like ah only one the man knew his attitude was terrible I gave him only one in the first place is a you if I gave you five that I will meet since I saw his that one that he did not multiply did not shake the business tell your neighbor no shaken so the man was a hard man but he was also a wise man God knows our levels he knows our energy he knows where we are and we are tested at those levels you're like God gave me Mountain give me tech make up give me one minute ask me with money going to see you I don't want to kill you just take this small amount this and let me see how you will do it and let's see how your attitude how it will be they will stop seeing you in church if you won't even pray again or meditate if you won't even talk to me again hello no Toby bata promotion even God cannot talk to them well that would not be your portion so its insecurity being afraid being fearful and honestly I empathize with people who are in such situations because you want to pull me down it's because you want to remain there hello you want to pull someone down and that is why when people do you bad if you have a spirit of excellence it will transfer to compassion for them because you will just be you will just shake your head because you know that you are once there or if you are never there you will feel sorry for them because it is pride and it is fear you will know that they haven't come to the point where they can trust God with their lives and then they take it out on you you say but many times we reply and we retaliate with that same behavior so we are done is the excellence or not because we then you know with that all hitting with me or he did this to me like he was trying to repeat you know revenge on his boss with the same attitude that his both had or that he thought his both had but it didn't work because he lost out hello so if you truly have excellent it doesn't matter who does work to you you will not bring yourself down to the level of mediocrity creepy because you have told yourself that we are quite and with long time ago hello you get the drift we have plotted with no the both driver refused to give you your change are you are ready to fight both conductor Dan is a bus conductor inside you with all your time or we can garner whatever you know you are going to court you know you are going to work in your leg should keep the change you know you not what do you want to do if I bless you and I love you with the love of God you put that on top hello compassion is what when God taught me this year that years ago I'm like my god you only give what you don't have you only give what you have hit that head because hit is inside them since I do not have the edges only with love I'll reply you eyes only with love I'll reply you but you see most country point where you are not forcing it where it comes from the inside and that is why how do you change you get into the Word of God give your life to Christ because the love of God is she'd abroad in our hearts by the Holy Spirit when we have received Christ we get into God's Word we meditate on it do with fear read scriptures I have to do with faith courage boldness do with your insecurities let God's would heal you and ask for grace for empathy ask for grace for love is that I will show you a more excellent way now abideth Faith Hope and love and I will show you a more excellent way as for the great for love for empathy for wisdom empathy to be able to put you of yourself in the other person's shoes empathy to have a lifestyle of making excuses for people hello please be made excuses for this man he should say Wow his mother had a very hard or bringing that's why he is so hard now make life better for him and do what he wants hello because you all know God so you get the drift how many we want to pray today and say Lord fill my heart with excellence fill my heart with love fill my heart with grace fill my heart with empathy empathy and help me to be able to understand and have compassion on people that they operate from what they know thank you Father thank you lord let us pray father we thank you for your word we thank you Father so much for opening our eyes O God for how we should live you want us to live in this world like you have ordained so I pray father God because many times we fall short but I ask though that you do a workup on our heart O God do a soldier upon a heart oh god you are the healer healers you are the greatest Ian's father and your Jehovah Rapha work on our heart father many of us have been hurt and wounded and we pay back with that which we have in us but I pray father in Jesus name that every trace of hurt every trace of pain and insecurity will give way in your people today - excellent - love to rise above the obstacles to rise above the behaviors that put us down that love will do away with limiting behaviors that come from a subconscious Lord God let everyone be healed in the place where they were wounded healed in their childhood free to love and free to reign in life thank you Father God let this become the culture of our church let this become the culture of this nation Nigeria let this be the culture of nations of the world for it needs love there will be no war and nations will be the better frame thank you Father in Jesus name we pray
Channel: Nike Adeyemi
Views: 6,051
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Id: 5a4SAJT1tHA
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Length: 35min 59sec (2159 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 02 2017
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