Love at First Slight: Dalia Dippolito Murder For Hire Part 1

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Reddit Comments

the audacity of someone to lie and steal like that with no remorse is scary. i’m glad she was caught. if she was able to find someone to actually do the hit for her i bet she would have gotten away with it.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 7 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/moonlightbae- πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 15 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

She’s a piece of shit and I loved seeing how frumpy and ordinary she looked at the trial in which she was actually sentenced. I know her husband was a con man (back in the day), but I liked him. He was funny and loyal and trying to better himself. He never saw her coming and I loved his attitude on the witness stand when he got to speak freely. Excellent analysis of an old case worth another look because VICTIMS DESERVE TO BE REMEMBERED (and Mike was a victim even if he survived).

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 4 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/[deleted] πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 16 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies
if it Casey Anthony and Jodi arias had a baby a really manipulative entitled compulsive liar baby it would be Dalia Dippolito hello everybody and welcome back to my channel thank you so much for being here today we're talking about a woman named Dalia Dippolito a woman who it's almost unbelievable the kinds of things she did the kinds of lengths she went to in order to get what she ultimately thought she wanted and it's a crazy story Dalia was arrested in August of 2009 for attempting to hire someone to kill her husband but there's so much more to the story to this woman than meets the eye she was so manipulative so evil so depraved at times going through this case it was hard to believe and had a fact check over and over again to make sure the things I was reading about and hearing were true so let's start at the beginning because as you know in order to understand what happened at the end we have to go back to the beginning Before we jump in let's have a quick word from our sponsor today our sponsor is audible audible is an application on your smartphone or your tablet or what have you and it allows you to get audio books and then listen to them and I know we're all busy right we're on the go we're really ever rarely sitting down and able to read a book I know that I have a book a physical book then I think I'm on chapter 2 and I've had it for three months and I've been trying to get through it so badly because it's so good but I just don't have the time to sit down to read so audible is great for people like me people like a lot of you I'm sure with your audible subscription you'll get Wanek credit every month which is good for any title in their collection regardless of price or length you'll also get two audible originals every month you can take your pick from a fresh monthly selection there's guided wellness programs meditation and fitness classes for a healthier body in mind you'll also get news stories from the New York Times Wall Street Journal in 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so interesting getting it from the perspective of the attorney it was a completely different perspective than I had read before so it's very interesting and if you're interested in this case and you want to know more I highly suggest it so give audible a try click the link in the description box and you can get a free month so you get a free book from audible you can cancel it any time you're not contracted into anything alright let's get started on the video thank you guys so much for listening to the sponsor as you know supporting the sponsors of this channel support this channel and I love you guys let's get started I have a feeling this is gonna be a long one so grab a coffee grab a snack settle in it's gonna be one wild ride oh wait oh wait pause me I can't wait that long okay Dahlia was born on October 18th 1982 she was born Dahlia Mohammad to an Egyptian father and a Peruvian mother her childhood seemed fairly normal there was no glaring warning signs to suggest she would become what she became originally the family lived in New York but they moved to Boynton Beach in Florida when Dahlia was 13 where her family lived in a nice gated community she was the oldest of three children her mother worked for a health insurance company and her father served tables Dahlia went to a Catholic school when Delia was 17 a few things happened so it seemed like her father had been having an affair her mother found out about it and filed for divorce but when Dahlia found out that her parents were separating it apparently upset her alas she ran away she flew from Miami New York City where she was grabbed up by law enforcement at JFK and sent right back home so this was when she was about seventeen it seems that she started her career as an escort when she was about 19 so Dahlia was a beautiful one dummy she still is right she's not dead she's spoiler alert she's not dead she's still here but she's a beautiful woman but when she was actively you know being an escort obviously she took a lot of care of her appearance she was petite short with long dark hair golden skin bright green eyes she cared a great deal about her physical appearance it was her job to stay looking good so she spent hours at the gym and she made sure her hair and her nails were always looking fresh she met a man named Micah Stanley at a place called the Blue Martini and West Palm Beach Mike Stanley it was a building contractor who was originally from Connecticut but he was in Florida for the weekend for business now he dealt mainly with high-end interiors for malls and retail spaces so he was in the area looking to expand his business and when he met Dahlia she was with her mother and her aunt at the Blue Martini and he bought them all drinks so he could get to know her better she was ten years younger than he was and he was married with a child according to him at this time he was on the rocks with his wife a break if you will and he was living in the basement of his home in Brookfield Connecticut so they kept in touch and within six months they decided to move to California together Mike Stanley went to California first to settle in get a job you know get them a place to live make some business connections and Dahlia followed a month or two later but their whirlwind romance was not to last according to him his job called for him to work often and late so he had long hours he was often working and additionally their age difference became more evident the more time they spent together so I've always said it's easy you know it's not easy to have a long-distance relationship but it's easy to overlook flaws in your partner when you have a long-distance relationship because you're mainly communicating over the phone or the internet but when you live with this person you're together with this person every day their little idiosyncrasies their flaws their hangups things that you didn't notice before you'll become more aware of because you're with this person every day and and they can get on your nerves a lot quicker in person every day than they can you know long distance so that's pretty much what happened with Dalia and Mike Stanley but for a few months after calling it quits they lived in the same house occupying different bedrooms but then one weekend Dalia went home to visit her family in Florida and when she got back she told Mike she'd met someone else and she'd be leaving California permanently okay so according to court records Dalia not only worked as an escort promising the girlfriend experience to her clients but she ran her own group of girls setting them up with dates and taking a percentage of their earnings so essentially she was you know a pimp she was a madam she ran a massage parlor in Orange County California and she placed advertisements for her business on Craigslist and sugar-daddy dot-com to bring new men to bring new clientele in when she left California she didn't have a lot of loose ends to tie up the building she ran her business out of her massage parlor it was in Mike Stanley's name since she told him she didn't have the credit to do it herself the house they lived in was in Mike's name and she knew she could continue to hook her employees up with dates long distance I shouldn't have to physically be there so the girlfriend experience for those of you who don't know it's when you hire a girl and you pay them for their companionship and it could involve sex but it also involves you know cuddling or going out on dates bringing this woman to business events having basically somebody there who will be as if they're your girlfriend but they're not actually your girlfriend that's what Dalia specialized in so keep that in mind keep in mind that she was essentially a professional girlfriend she would know exactly exactly what a man would want and she'd be able to figure out quickly upon meeting a man what kind of girl he was looking for and transform into that it was her job okay enter Mike Dippolito my pollito the best way I can describe him is Ronnie from the Jersey Shore Mike was originally from South Philly and he had a really complicated family dynamic his parents were both absent drug addicts and he had some family ties to organized crime with his relatives Joe and Charlie Dippolito being involved in some gang activity during the 50s and 60s in LA he was raised by his grandparents his grandparents have been described as highly functioning alcoholics and he liked to work on cars and he had dreams of becoming an auto mechanic but life had different plans for him life had a different path in mind for him he first started drinking alcohol when he was 10 and he began selling pot when he was in the ninth grade from there it was all downhill as he turned his attention to harder drugs he was a popular drug dealer because he always priced his drugs lower than everybody else but he wasn't necessarily a very good drug dealer he'd come up short a few times one of which was a time he got ripped off by a pretty girl and when he told the people that he worked for these people he was supposed to bring the money to what had happened they demanded that he go and like beat up this girl and take the money back or the drugs but he said he wasn't going to do it so he himself was battered by 30 thugs only being saved when a passing friend pulled him out and got him to the hospital he was also arrested one time when one of his friends pulled a gun on another guy all of them being in a drug-induced haze and he went to juvie several times between the ages of 15 and 18 he was sober for several years but then he discovered percocet he sold crack on a street corner in a Dominican neighborhood in Philly and they called him white boy Mike but after he was beaten within an inch of his life he decided it was time for a change so he left Philly and moved to Boca Raton Florida to stay in a halfway house and get his life together for a while he worked normal jobs he stayed on the straight and narrow but then he met a girl who was mixed up with ecstasy and his vicious cycle repeated itself again he became addicted to the drug and it began to rule and ruin his life he had a lot going for him though he was a gym rat so he was maintained his buff shape like mike-mike dippolito's biceps are huge that's why he reminds me of Ronnie from the Jersey Shore but even though he looked like this big tough guy on the outside you know he's got like tribal tattoos huge muscles he's Pan he's probably got like a mean mug on inside he was a complete teddy bear whose fondest memories were of dancing with his mother in her room at night before she went out if he had a weakness or a character flaw it was that he was a tad naive and he always saw the best in people sometimes this would be his downfall Mike Dippolito was also a natural-born salesman he had a way of making people feel at ease like they were chatting with a friend he tried selling gold coins for a bed and he was good at it but he found the work boring and unrewarding he ended up joining a wolf of Wall Street boiler room type operation making cold calls convincing people to invest in foreign currency it was a scam though there was no business opportunity there for for these people that they were calling Mike and his co-workers were just taking their money and vanishing now the feds would raid their offices and then they would just pack up and to relocate somewhere else where they would continue their call since the tale as old as time in eighteen months the operation had brought in somewhere between 13 and 18 million dollars and out of that Mike received a few hundred thousand but law enforcement was constantly getting involved like constantly trying to break it up making a move so he struck out on his own but his his own business it didn't last for very long in 2001 my created two companies m.a.a.d financial and CTU Inc both of which who is the sole officer and director from an apartment in Boca Raton he cold-called people all over the country trying to persuade them once again to invest in foreign currency in what he called a risk-free investment that would show a big profit big returns within just a few months Jorge Nemeth is a man that Mike scammed and stole from he's one of the victims of this scam and he claims that he gave Mike $20,000 and Mike was so good at convincing him that this was real that it was happening he was already imagined the bow he was gonna buy with the profits he was gonna be getting in just a few short months at least a dozen other people also wired Mike's company money anywhere from sixteen thousand dollars to twenty five thousand dollars like that's how much they wired to him each that's not what he made total that's what they wired to him each so Mike also had a few weaknesses of his own right he loved drugs and he loved call girls and he threw money at these things with great abandon what he didn't spend on escorts and ecstasy was frozen by his bank due to suspicious transactions and when he tried to cash a bad check he was arrested and his apprehension was almost a relief to him right he'd been running for so long trying to keep his head above water spending days locked in hotel rooms with piles of drugs and multiple call girls it was nice to not have to run and look over his shoulder anymore so when he went to jail he had a girlfriend a nice Italian girl named Maria and she was write or die for Mike she'd known Mike for years I think nine years they've known each other and she said he'd always been a sweet and thoughtful boyfriend the kind of person who always put others before himself she said Mike would never intentionally hurt anybody and she she even said this about him after he he did something bad to her so I think it's true and she actually sold her car to pay for a lawyer for him and waited while he served seven months in prison so he'd been sentenced to two years for these scams but he was given time served and when he was released he'd made a deal that he'd plead guilty to organized fraud on Lisa's telemarketing and grand theft and in return he needed to pay full restitution to the victims of his scams to the tune of two hundred and nineteen thousand dollars and he'd also be on probation for 28 years that's a long time to be on probation when he got out he was 32 years old he'd gained a GED and a few pounds while behind bars but he'd also gained a new perspective on life and this time he knew there was really no choice but to live a legit life follow the rules if he was caught doing something again that would be a violation of his probation he'd be right back in that jail in that cage and he didn't want so if you look at Mike and Dahlia two people that in our story haven't met yet you've got Dahlia comes from a nice family you know her parents got divorced but that's pretty common these days went to a Catholic school it seems to have no issues really no criminal record and then you've got Mike who just comes from a family of addicts and alcoholics develops a drug problem of his own sells drugs gets put in juvie gets put in jail starts you know one of those financial scams it seems like he'd be the one that would that would end up being the bad guy in the story but Dahlia is in fact the bad guy in the story so Mike Dippolito and his loyal girlfriend Maria were married after he got out of prison and he was lucky enough at that point to get into the business of internet marketing before it was really a thing he started an online marketing company called M AD media incorporated and he was doing well financially he had the love of a good woman who'd supported him and had his back while he was going through his legal troubles he was driving a Porsche but he did have an addictive personality and since he wasn't able to use drugs he had to meet his urges elsewhere in October of 2008 when his wife Maria was out of town for work for a couple of weeks and Mike was at his office late a coworker introduced him to a website called eros calm now this obviously wasn't Mike's first encounter with escorts but he'd put all that behind him long ago with the drugs in the crime he was working late though his wife was out of town for three weeks he was lonely so he began to browse the website just curious about you know what kind of stuff was on there before finding a profile that caught his eye she was a real looker then exotic and in town only for the weekend it was perfect a quick fix that no one ever had to know about and he could go back to his normal life when it was over as if it had never happened he could get it out of his system the girl said her name was Dalia and when he called the phone number provided she picked up on the first ring she had to call back several times to get directions to find where he was but eventually he opened his front door to find the beauty on his screen standing in front of him in the flesh and Mike said that at first Dahlia seemed nervous as if this wasn't something she did all the time and that endeared her to him it brought out his natural protective instincts they chatted and got to know each other a bit before getting down to business and when she left she smiled coyly at him and said she'd be in town for a few more days if he wanted to meet up again well Mike thought to himself that's never gonna happen right it was a one-time thing and now that it was out of his system he could get back to his happy life but the next day he couldn't stop thinking about Dahlia the feel of her skin the way she smiled at him through her eyelashes the sound of her laugh so he called her again but she told him she was getting her nails done and she couldn't meet that day however she showed up the next day to his house without calling they went into the bedroom right they did their thing that she was paid to do and as she was gathering her things to go he mentioned the next day he might be at the beach to which she responded well then I might stop by and after that the door was open and not the door to Mike's house because Dahlia did not take the door to Mike's house to leave the door was open into Mike's life Dahlia didn't leave she put her things down led him back into the bedroom they went at it again this time on the house and this should have been a Mike dippolito's first red flag the first sign that this had quietly changed from a business transaction to something more personal but he missed it or he was happy about it or he just didn't want to see it I don't know which one it is but but he pushed forward full steam ahead the next day she came back again at 10 a.m. it was a Saturday and according to Mike they spent the whole weekend in bed W gave off the whole not like other girls vibe right this is a trope that you often see on the Internet you see in memes where girls are like other girls wearing dress and heels me wearing dirty sneakers and sweatpants I'm not like other girls you know it's gotten actually out of control kind of tries me crazy but that's what Dalia wanted people to think she was at least she wanted men to think she was like that right she was laid back she wasn't clingy or high-maintenance she seemed cool and down-to-earth she seemed perfect while Mike was most intrigued by was that out of the bedroom she gave off this innocent vibe but behind closed doors she was wild he said that the sex was unlike anything he'd ever experienced and he thought that they had a real an immediate emotional connection it wasn't a jab to her she wasn't coming to see him as a client or a Jan she genuinely enjoyed spending time with him they hit it off they connected on a physical and mental level or so he thought in reality Mike saw what Dalia wanted him to see a like-minded person a hard worker a hustler not ashamed of her past or what she chosen to do on her path to becoming successful outside of what she did for a living she seemed so straight-laced she lived in the gym like he did she didn't do drugs she barely drank alcohol and according to Mike Dalia had her own money through her escort work and as a real estate agent which she apparently was okay she's a real estate agent and a pimp so he wasn't worried about her being a gold digger when his wife Maria got back from her business trip he broke the news to her well he broke part of the news tour he said he wanted to divorce and he was moving out but initially he didn't tell her that it was because he'd met someone else he just was like I'm leaving and I want a divorce and of course poor Maria she's confused you know she's been at his side through everything she thought they had a happy marriage they did have a happy marriage and Maria confronted him later when she saw him in the store buying flowers and he finally admitted that he was seeing someone else he told Maria he'd met this woman online and that she lived in different states and Maria said she thought it was sketchy and a little weird and suspicious but Mike did not think it was and you'll see this pattern everybody in Mike's life once they meet alia and realize that Mike's serious about this girl they all tell him like get away there's something off about her but he doesn't Dalia told him she needed to go back to California to set her affairs in order and when she came back two weeks later he'd moved out of the house he and Maria shared and he too rented a house in Boynton Beach which Dalia moved into with him immediately right their relationship is moving at top speed pretty much a month they meet decide that this is the real thing for them Mike moves out of his wife's house and then they're living together Dahlia introduced him to her mother in siblings that same month and at the end of October Mike took Dahlia and her whole family out for dinner at a Delray Beach restaurant for dahlias birthday but while they were at this restaurant eating something strange happened Mike looked up and he saw a man standing behind dahlias chair dressed in a suit and holding flowers before Mike could ask any questions Dahlia jumped up and brought the stranger outside and she was back within a few minutes she explained to Mike that this man was an ex-boyfriend someone she'd lived with in California and he was taking their breakup hard so basically he was like there to win Dahlia back it was certainly awkward for everyone involved but Dahlia swore she had taken care of it and it wasn't long before dinner went back to normal and the whole incident was forgotten in November of 2008 Dahlia got breast implants that she was very proud of like I said Dahlia was a really petite girl and she worked out a lot to keep herself fit but she'd always wished for more curves and now she had them and according to Mike he did not pay for this procedure once again this was another reason for Mike to believe that Dahlia had her own money and money wasn't the motivation for her coming into his life like a sexy tornado at the end of December Mike and Dahlia left Florida and they flew to Vegas to celebrate the new year now according to Mike this was where dahlias facade faltered a bit and he saw what he thought might be her real personality so they were going to Vegas to watch a UFC fight at the MGM Grand Mike had to get permission from his parole officer to leave the state and this annoyed Dahlia slightly and he was like it's not a big deal all I have to do is you know have a business meeting while I'm there that way I can say it's a work trip and that they're not gonna stop me from doing that like if it has something to do with work they're not gonna stop me but she was irritated that they couldn't just pick up and go they couldn't be spontaneous they had to clear it with a court or somebody else but once in Vegas everything was going fine and they had a great time until the morning after the UFC fight when Mike woke up early to go to the gym as he did every day Mike was a creature of habit he'd a very strict routine and he said that he needed this routine in order to keep him clean and off drugs and alcohol he needed to have structure and order in his life and as you'll see I don't know how this guy stays sober or even if he did I don't know but I don't know how he does once Dalia comes into his life because any structure routine or peace of mind that this man had would be just destroyed when she showed up okay so the morning after the UFC fight right Mike gets up really early to go to the gym like he usually does and when he got back to the room he found his girlfriend pouty and upset because he'd gone without her so now they have their first fight right everybody knows the first fight in a relationship it's it's one really that will set the stage for your fights for the rest of your relationship and her petulant behavior ruined the rest of the trip at least for Mike and for the first time I considered Mimi they'd moved a little too quickly maybe he really didn't know this woman and it was best if he ended it before things did get too serious when they got back to Florida he told her it was over and according to Mike Dalia was stunned she didn't ask him to reconsider she didn't try to figure out what she'd done to cause him to feel this way she just sat there as if she didn't understand what was happening before saying I've never been broken up with before to which he answered yeah well there's a first time for everything kind of a dick answer but I mean come on who says that I've never been broken up with before so such a big ego so once she realized he wasn't going to change his mind she demanded $2,500 from moving expenses and he said he paid it just to get rid of her but in my opinion this should have been another red flag for Mike if she was financially independent if she had her own money why would she need him to pay her to move yes Mike go off King I just a bullet right wrong in mid-january after they'd been apart for a few weeks they met for coffee to survey the ruins of their relationship now this is always a trap by the way relationship advice for you guys if you don't know the meeting is under the guise of getting closure figuring out what went wrong using that knowledge to move on emotionally and be more successful in future relationships before Dahlia it was the opportunity to get him in person and worm her way back into his heart and his life she was the kind of girl who'd always got what she wanted using whatever she had at her disposal to manipulate dozens of men throughout her life and when he mattered that day the coffee shop she wasn't the outraged self-assured woman who looked at him with fire in her eyes when he broke up with her and and said you know you've never broken up with me before pretty much saying what are you an idiot I've never been broken up with before you're the first that means you're dumb that's what I heard she was humble apologetic eyes down turned she told him she missed him and if he was honest with himself he missed her too especially the intimacy they had shared for some reason I can't say why I'm not sure Mike could ever say why either instead of moving back into a relationship with her slowly he just suggested then and there as they get married now he claims that this wasn't planned he didn't even have a ring it just occurred to him and the question popped out and of course Dalia happily said yes of all the things in this case that I don't understand this is probably one of the top ones like top three why did he ask her to marry him the only thing that I can assume is that Dalia is is a manipulative person right she has perfected the art of manipulation she's perfected the art of making someone else a man in this case feel so good about himself that just her presence seeing her being around her makes him feel better makes him feel like a better version of himself so he would want to keep her around for as long as possible also the sax I'm sure that had something to do with it you know can't imagine that Dalia showed up to that coffee shop in sweatpants you know looking sad like she's been crying for days she probably came looking amazing you know that's what you do when you see your ex for the first time after you break up you're not trying to look like a homeless person you want to look hot and I'm sure she she she's back through the art of looking hot okay so now Mike and alia are engaged but they can't get married yet right because he's still married to Maria but on January 28 2009 his divorce from his wife Maria was finalized and the next day he closed on a townhouse at 238 thousand dollar townhouse paid on cash and of course Thalia was the real estate agent for the deal so she collected the Commission like I said this townhouse was paid for all in cash something he'd done the previous year when he bought his mother a house and dahlias mother and her siblings lived less than a mile away so this perfect situation right Dahlia decorated the townhouse using Mike's money in tasteful muted grays and tans she had all brushed aluminum appliances installed black lacquer furniture big screen televisions the bed was covered with a lush fake fur bedspread and she bought an ORAC track to keep up with her figure the couple also had two pets a fluffy white Maltese named Bella who belonged to Dahlia and Mike's dog an English bulldog named linguini adorable on February 2nd they were at the courthouse and married less than a week after his divorce with Maria had gone through and if you ask Mike the honeymoon never ended he thought they had the most perfect marriage he thought he was a great husband and that she was an adoring wife Dahlia seemed to anticipate his needs that's what he said she knew he liked she'd surprise him with small treats she'd buy him gifts they wrote each other sweet notes in one Valentine's Day card Dahlia writes since I met you I never hesitated and never had any doubts you were such an amazing husband with you everything has always fit right there was a dry erase board on the refrigerator that they would take turns writing loving messages to each other or leaving silly drawings for the other person to find not only that but Dahlia was fun she was fun they had fun together and the sex was still phenomenal even after marriage people say that sex gets worse after marriage right but Mike would find that wasn't true Mike said that Dahlia was very experienced in the bedroom right and she would want him to do things that even he felt reserved about now he claims that Dahlia always wanted to get close to him day or night all day all night right and she'd often request that he to choke or hit her during sex now Mike claims he wasn't really into this but he insisted that she would demand he do it and do it harder he said quote I could have gone ten times further she loved it so basically Dalia wanted it rough in the bedroom and Mike wasn't bad into it you know into it to a certain amount but to the point where she wanted it he was afraid to hurt her the only thing that seemed to bother Dalia was her new husband's probation they couldn't spontaneously travel they had to hide their money so it wouldn't be seized to pay off the restitution Mike had been making a dent in his debt getting it down from 219 to 191 thousand dollars but it was depressing to think that he might be paying this off for years forever like a weight around his neck which is exactly how I feel about my student loans they are drowning me dalia being the lovely and supportive wife that she was made Mike a deal she would put up ninety one thousand dollars towards his restitution and he would only have to come up with the other 100k but if they could pull this off it would mean that he'd be done with the probation with restitution it would be behind him Mike was blown away and beyond grateful for her offer they had decided initially to keep their money separate so that she wouldn't be affected by his debts but the fact that she would do this for him reinforce his belief that she was truly in love with him he'd come from such a tumultuous uncertain childhood he'd never really had anyone you know that he could depend on but here was someone who wasn't judging him for his past mistakes who was willing to take a big financial risk to change his life the realization that he didn't have to be alone that he could have a true partner in life it touched his heart beyond words so Mike had the money right he'd managed to stash away about two hundred and fifty thousand dollars all in cash in a safety deposit box valia proposed this plan to him so that the authorities wouldn't catch on to what they were doing and how much money Mike had actually hidden away he would take the cash out of the safety deposit box and he would make them into cash several cashier checks that he would write to Dalia with small amounts over the course of you know a few weeks so they'd all be amounts that were under ten grand and he'd give them to her slowly and over the next couple of weeks he ended up giving her eighty seven thousand dollars in cashier checks and thirteen thousand dollars in cash she told him she was going to deposit the checks and the money into her bank and in her part of the restitution and then arrange for a wire transfer to his lawyer so that his lawyer could pay the restitution and he'd be off probation and free to live his life however he wanted and this sounds like a great plan right only one problem Mike's lawyer never got the money a wire transfer should've been real quick couple of days tops and Mike Dippolito wouldn't own this considering he ran an illegal scamming business where people had to wire him money all the time Mike Dippolito would have known how long a wire transfer would take I mean is sometimes it's immediate sometimes it just takes a day or so but it never takes much longer than that every time Mike called his lawyer to see if the money had gotten there yet the lawyer said no there's no money here and Dahlia always had an excuse for why the wire transfer hadn't gone through yet first she said she'd wired it through an account in the Grand Cayman Islands to save on the transfer fees and then she said it had been reversed and she'd had to put it through again and at one boy she even suggested that Mike's lawyer might have gotten the money but stolen it she made a big show of calling his lawyer's office every morning to see if the money had gotten there yet always slamming down the phone in frustration when she was told that it hadn't now Mike loved his wife right he wanted to believe she was telling the truth but we've got almost two hundred thousand dollars missing and it wasn't really something he could look the other way on he was within an arm's reach of being done with probation and he couldn't risk having something go wrong he was generous though and he gave her three weeks to figure it out so on March 12 Mike and valia receive a surprise visit from Mike's probation officer at midnight and with the probation officer there was a few Boynton Beach police officers the probation officer apologized but he said they'd received an anonymous tip that Mike was selling his steroids and ecstasy and they had to search his home mic was obviously shocked and confused he'd been on probation for over six years and this had never happened to him and even though the search turned up nothing Mike's probation officer began making more surprise visits and giving Mike more attention which is never something you really want when you're on probation you kind of want the probation officer to leave you alone the less you see the probation officer the better you're doing dalia once again being the best wife ever and realizing her husband was upset she suggested that they get away for the weekend and so she booked a room at the ritz-carlton in Manalapan in Palm Beach now this hotel is closed now but in its prime it was a really high-end place the rooms would run you $1,200 a night and Dalia paid for this with her own money to treat him and to get his mind off all of his troubles they checked in on March 14th which was a Saturday made a great night but on Sunday morning Mike woke up early to go to the gym and when he was on his way back to the room he saw some police officers in the lobby which perplexed him because it was still really early like he gets up really early to work out 4:30 or 5:00 so when he was in the lobby was probably around 6:30 or so you know it's pretty early and they were just standing around in the lobby like they were waiting for something they weren't talking to anybody they weren't looking at anything they were just standing there so he went up to the room where Dahlia was they packed up their things and they went back down to the lobby to check out and have the car pulled up through ballet the cops were still there and when Mike took the keys from the valet one of them approached and they were like is this your vehicle and Mike said yes fully aware that the scene was being watched by everyone in the hotel lobby the cops apologized but they said they'd like to search his vehicle since they've gotten reports it was involved with illegal drug activity he gave them the keys and then he and Dahlia stood and watched along with everyone else in the lobby all the cops searched to Mike's SUV but found nothing right so he found nothing still this is like a high-end hotel it's the ritz-carlton 1200 hours a night all these rich people standing around watching your car get searched by the cops he was incredibly embarrassed and completely confused about why this was happening why now on the way home Mike drove and Dahlia made a big show of calling his lawyer to tell him about the incident and after she got off the phone the both of them sat there and kind of like speculated on why this was happening who was doing this Tam who's trying to set him up they were both equally stunned by this new turn of events the next day which was Monday March 16th Mike had to get to his a a meeting early because it was his turn to make coffee so if you've ever been to a a or na or something like that there's somebody who's tasked with doing certain things like one person has to come and early make the coffee set the chairs up that was Mike's job that day and on the way he stopped at a gas station to fill up when he opened his gas tank he found a bag of pills and powder stuffed in there right in his gas tank he panicked he knew it wasn't his he knew it hadn't been in there the previous day when the police had searched his car or had it been had it been in there in his gas tank and they just hadn't found it and he realized that he realized that it was a good possibility these things had been in his car when the police had searched his car and if they found it he would have been back in cuffs no questions asked not knowing what to think what to do he threw the baggie out and he got a hold of there he started to really wonder if someone was trying to set him up bless his dear pure little innocent heart and he would only get worse for Mike his lawyer finally called him and he was like dude the money is not here and I have a sneaking suspicion it's never going to be he told Mike you need to talk to your wife because something's not right and Mike finally did confront Dalia and he demanded to know where all the money was he said he was gonna leave he said if I can't trust you I can't be with you and I'm sure you're lying about something Dalia finally came clean alleging that she'd lost the money after trying to make a profit and falling victim to a scam now I have my own opinions about why Dalia pretended to have lost the money in some scam because this was a lie okay I think knowing about Mike's past she knew he'd be all too familiar with how easily people can fall for schemes like this he had been the one who had victimized many people himself this way and possibly he'd feel sympathy for her for being tricked like that either way she said she would pay back the money as soon as she could she was just waiting for some Commission's to clear from houses she'd sold okay now you would think that Mike would feel angry betrayed even but definitely angry right she'd lost almost $200,000 money that was supposed to be his take it to freedom change his life but he wasn't mad he didn't yell at her or kick her out he was proud of her for being so brave and coming clean finally telling the truth he admired her ability to own up to what she had done which is so ironic on March 29th Mike and Dalia had dinner in West Palm Beach and might notice the guy sitting at the bar who kept looking at him he mentioned it to Dalia but she just kind of shrugged it off and after they ate they walked to the parking garage where their car was only to find a handful of cops standing around the SUV when they approached the cops asked once again to search his vehicle at this point Mike thinks it's like almost comical you know he's looking around where's the hidden cameras like when is Ashton Kutcher gonna pop out and tell me I've been Punk'd he tells the police yeah you can search the car but he lets them know that this has been happening to him quite a lot and he explains about the past couple situations the cops are like okay okay dude yeah everybody's got an excuse right so they search his car anyways and this was a much more thorough search and it took longer as Dalia and patiently stood by seeming annoyed by the interference to her evening they searched the car for about 15 minutes but they couldn't find anything so they brought in a German Shepherd a police dog to sniff around the car see if he could find anything okay so this police dog quickly alerts to the back of the SUV specifically right around the area of the spare tire now when the police were like okay the dogs sniffing here what's going on with the spare tire they're always gonna give you a chance to like come clean Mike told the police he'd never removed the spare tire he didn't even know how inside they found a cigarette pack containing a gram and a half of coke but Mike's reaction was generally so surprised and shocked when they uncovered it even the police noticed and they were like wow this guy seems really surprised that this is here one police officer a female cop pulled Mike aside and he begged with her to believe him he was six years sober they could give him a drug test to prove it and then he began to cry and she meant really bad for him so she told him confidentially that they'd received an anonymous phone call telling them that they'd find a gram of coke in his car but it wasn't even close to that much what they found the amount he had wouldn't be enough to sell and if he was just keeping it for personal use why would he have stashed it away and inconvenient hard-to-reach place so the police ended up believing Mike and they let him go but Mike began saving copies of the police reports from all these incidents in his glove compartment anticipating that this would not be the last time something like this would happen to him and he'd be proof to show he was clearly being targeted and suddenly it was this of a light turned on in Mike's head over six years sober six years on probation with no issues and all of a sudden these horrible things are happening to him what was different in his life recently that could be the common denominator for all of this while his new wife Dahlia so they're driving home afterwards you know after the dog finds the drugs in the spare tire and Mike asked Dahlia who was in the driver seat this time if the drugs were hers if she put them there in response to this perfectly reasonable question she pushes her foot down on the gas pedal like as far as he can go pedal to the metal right getting Mike's car to over a hundred miles per hour on the highway this poor guy he sees his life flashing before his eyes he's begging with her to slow down he's like I didn't mean it you know I'm just asking I don't know what else to think anymore you know he's panicking I don't believe you're responsible I just don't know what else to do you're trying to like calm her down eventually she she does slow down but he's terrified at this point the next day Dahlia handed him a cashier's check for a hundred and ninety one thousand dollars and Mike's like huh finally you know and at first he's relieved but then he sees that the name on the check wasn't dahlias like it wasn't from Dahlia it was the name Eric tall and Mike was like who the hell is Eric tall according to Dahlia Eric tall was the husband of a co-worker of hers a woman named carry on now she said this was the only way she could get the money to Mike by reversing the wire transfer to a third party now none of this made any sense Mike was so happy to just have the money or what he thought was the money in his hands he didn't really push it and they would go the next day to his lawyer's office in Fort Lauderdale hand to check over and this nightmare would be over they get to the lawyer's office sit down to his desk and then Dahlia it'll freaks out she's got the in his hand she's about to hand it to the lawyer Mike sees the end is near and she just starts crying and sobbing she explained to these two shocked men staring at her she didn't know now if giving Mike the money was the right thing to do since he'd questioned her trustworthiness she felt she was no longer interested in investing in someone who didn't believe in her she told Mike simply that she would hand him the check once he gave her the ninety one thousand dollars that she put in so she's basically saying I have all the money here but I've given you ninety one thousand dollars and I want that back before I give you this money saying that to her husband right which is pretty pretty shitty so Mike pleaded with her right pleaded with his lawyer he's telling Dalia like we'll figure this out later just give him the check like I'll promise I'll give you the money later and she's like no nope I want it right now and the lawyer was like well I can't really take it from her I can't like grab it from her fingers if she doesn't want to willingly give it to me so frustrated at the end of his rope Mike left alia at the lawyer's office drove all the way to Boca Raton where his safety deposit box was he took ninety one thousand dollars in cash out put it into a shopping bag and then drove back to Fort Lauderdale to the lawyer's office to give this bag of money to Dalia when she had the cash in hand she gave him the check and he handed the check over to his lair secretary but when he came back from giving the check to the secretary Dalia was gone she wasn't in the waiting area where she'd been previously she just up and vanished and while he's standing there like where did my wife go his lawyer comes running out of his office waving this cheque and yelling and telling Mike stop wait you know any hands Mike the check and the check that Mike had held in his hand just two hours before it no longer said one hundred and ninety one thousand dollars it said a hundred and ninety one dollars so Mike's like staring at this cheque open-mouthed and his lawyer told him I warned you about her I knew she was trouble like I tried to tell you Mike couldn't address his bad relationship choices at that time he needed to find alia so he calls her and he's like where are you and she says I'm by the car I'm waiting by the car so he runs down to the car to try to get an explanation of what the heck's going on when he gets to the car she's standing there with two other people a man and a woman supposedly Eric tall and his wife carry on and Mike ignored these two people and he turned on Dahlia and he immediately demands that she gives him the cash back right the bag of cash he'd just given to her she did but then he told her to get in the car they were going home in the car Mike demanded to know how she had switched the checks and she played dumb she said I hadn't been her it must have been Eric the it must have been Eric it couldn't be anybody else so she blames this Eric tall guy the minute they get home Mike had Dahlia call Eric tall and then he took the phone from her so this man Eric who Mike's had had some sort of thick accent this man Eric told Mike that he'd told Dalia to be upfront with Mike about what was going on and Mike's like well what is going on so Eric said the real story was that Dahlia had lost the money in a scam like she'd originally claimed but she was scared that Mike would leave her if she didn't get the money back soon so she'd called carry on and she'd had carry on convinced her husband Eric to loan the money to Dahlia to be paid back when those Commission's went through right Dolly's gonna pay Eric back when her Commission's at her houses that she selling goes through so Eric said I'm still willing to help but since you and your wife have caused me so much trouble and I'm driving all over the place he wanted something in return he asked for 10 points on the whole 191 thousand dollars which would be 19 thousand dollars so the next day is April 1st April Fool's Day ironically enough and Mike mad Eric at Eric's bank and he gave him the ninety one thousand dollars in cash that he'd just taken from his safety deposit the day before plus an additional fifty thousand dollars in cash and cashier checks now the deal was Eric would put up the additional 50k that was needed to complete the restitution Eric had his bank make out a cashier check - Mike's lawyer for the whole amount 191 and Mike's basically giving Eric all this money but Eric's only gonna be putting in fifty thousand dollars okay and then Mike and alia went back to the lawyer's office to hand the check over but when they got there his lawyer asked Dalia to leave his office so he could talk to his client Mike in private so the lawyer had got some documents and these documents had been faxed over from Eric tall and they stated that in return for the $50,000 loan Mike would have to put up his house as collateral and Mike's lawyers like this is getting kind of sketchy here man I don't specialize in property law the whole situation just seems off and he basically told Mike to find a new lawyer like I'm glad to have been able to help you this long but on this journey you're going on you're gonna need somebody else he gave him the name of a lawyer who could help with like property law and stuff like that but he also handed him back the check and said he couldn't take it he couldn't he didn't deal with the situation so therefore he wasn't going to help Mike out with the restitution now his new lawyer would do that so let's take a quick inventory of how much money Mike is in the hole for at this point I only wish that Mike had taken such an inventory when this happened so the $100,000 that he'd initially given to Dahlia that she'd allegedly lost in the scam the ninety thousand that he'd taken from his safety deposit box that had ended up with Eric tall the $50,000 he'd given to Eric for the loan plus attorneys fees he'd lost about two hundred and forty thousand dollars in me had literally nothing to show for it he's desperate at this point so we called the lawyer that his old lawyer suggested he hires her over the phone sight unseen he drove to her office to give her the check but she told him what am I supposed to do with this check the checks made out to somebody else your old lawyer and the old lawyer had washed his hands of the whole sketchy situation so I I obviously can't take this check from you Mike called Eric and he asked him to make out a new check with a correct and new lawyers name and Eric was I can't no problem just meet me at the bank meet me at the bank tomorrow okay so the next day came and do you think it went smoothly for Mike do you think it went smoothly for poor sweet Mike no not from the very first moment he woke up on April 2nd and he took the dogs for a walk at about 7:45 a.m. as he usually did but when he got back to his townhouse the cops were waiting again they already had Dahlia and they told them they'd received complaints of shouting and loud noises coming from his home and Mike admitted by he and Dahlia may have been fighting and arguing about the money situation so the police separated Mike and alia to question them away from each other and the officer he was with told Mike that an anonymous caller once again an anonymous caller had claimed they'd seen someone who they referred to as a drug dealer in Mike's townhouse grabbed a woman and dragged her inside by her hair and they were afraid for this woman's life now Dahlia denied to her her police officer she was talking to that anything had happened or then Mike had done this and with really no proof or evidence the police left but after being shook up about this Mike now has to meet with this Eric tall guy to figure out the money situation so he meets Eric tall at the bank only to be told by Eric that there had been too much activity on his account within the past few days so his funds had been frozen they went to another bank and encountered the same scenario now keep in mind Mike never heard of bank teller or a manager say this it was only reported to him by Eric Eric was sympathetic this was a must this was unfortunate but hey call me in a couple of days this whole Bank freezing thing will be taken care of and we'll get you another check easy peasy Mike Dippolito would never see or hear from Eric tall again if that was his real name I don't think it was so what happened to Mike is called the Spanish prisoner con it's a confidence trick originating in the late 19th century the trickster tells his victim that he's corresponding with a wealthy person who's been imprisoned in Spain under a false identity the prisoner cannot reveal who he really is without serious repercussions and he's relying on his friend to raise money and help him get released so his friend is is the person who's tricking the victim the trickster offers to allow the mark or the victim to put up some of the capital promising even more money when the prisoner is released because this is like royalty you know this this royal person is gonna be so grateful for your help that they're just gonna lavish you with with wealth there's also usually a non-monetary benefit for the mark such as the hand of a beautiful woman the prisoner's daughter for instance so after the market gives up the money he's informed that further complications have arisen more money is needed and this continues until the mark has no more money or refuses to give up anymore now there's always an emphasis on secrecy right the trickster the guy who's doing the scam he's showing trust in the victim the mark to be discreet I've chosen you based on you know your high moral standard and your your good soul and your good heart and the fact that you're trustworthy you have a good reputation so the marks feeling special like they have been chosen because what a good person they are to help this royal king or queen or princess or whatever get out of prison and and their life's gonna be made after this right so it also might sound familiar to the good old Nigerian prince scam which has been relieving people of their money for years and is still going strong CNBC reports that this scam still rakes in over 700 thousand dollars a year so you receive an email by someone overseas who claims to be royalty they have this fortune but they can't get it out of the country so they ask if they can send it to your bank account for safekeeping and then in return they'll give you some of their large fortune so they take your bank account info and they definitely don't put any money in your bank account they just take all of your money out of the bank account so now Mike is literally he's out of money right he's still on probation he knows you know deep down inside that Dalia is the reason for all of it he goes over in his head all the people who told him that she was bad news everyone basically he'd even lost two close friends over his marriage to her and as the days went by and Erik ghosted him Mike confronts Dalia but surprise she has happiness a happy distraction she tells Mike she's pregnant she's with child he's going to be a father with the promise of parenthood the hope of new life might completely forgets for the time being that she basically stole $200,000 from him they began to prepare for the arrival of their baby Dalia is always reading baby books and complaining about getting fat they talked about baby names Dalia takes all her prenatal vitamins and goes to her doctor's appointments even though they always seem to get cancelled at the last minute when Mike plans to go to her doctor's appointment with her and Dalia and Michael also started going to marriage counseling so they could get past their trust issues and ensure that they have a strong foundation when the baby in therapy Dahlia told Mike that she just she needed him to put the money thing behind them the money thing you know two hundred thousand dollars is gone put it behind you she felt that it was holding them back and he tried to tell her it wasn't really something to get past because he really he like physically needed that money and it was gone but every time he tried to get a straight answer out of her she shut down all right so Mae arrives spring was in the air Dahlia is pregnant you know she's you know glowing with this new life growing inside of her and then Dahlia told Mike that she'd gotten a call from a detective at the Boynton Beach Police Department a detective named detective Hurley now Dahlia claims that this detective called to say that Mike was in some sort of danger so she shows him the number right on the caller ID and when they called it back it did in fact reach the boy in Beach Police Department but they were informed that no one named detective Hurley worked there on May 27th Mike and Dahlia went to the gym together which was out of character for her since she had become pregnant with child she didn't really like to go to the gym that much and she she usually like to go alone but when Mike was getting ready for his work out in the morning she surprised him she says she wanted to go with him and he was pleased after their workout they left the gym and they walked to the car there was a piece of paper taped to the windshield it was an extortion letter it told Mike to bring $40,000 back to the same parking spot and 9:30 a.m. the next day and to place it under the car behind him this letter warned him not to tell anyone especially his wife it ended with the words I will tell you that all that is happening to you has happened to you and is what will happen on Friday tell no one come alone sign to someone who can help you this is the most convoluted extortion letter since JonBenet Ramsey write all that has happened to you is happening to you and will happen it's like Yoda wrote this letter there was a number on the extortion letter and it was a Miami Beach area code and even though the letter said not to tell anyone Dahlia insisted that they needed to call the police and they fill out a police report my hanyan at this point what I think what I feel allegedly Dahlia is building a paper trail and you'll see what I mean in a little while she wants there to be a record of the fact that mike has had problems with the law and maybe there was someone or multiple someone's out there who had something to gain from a messin with Mike and poor Mike at this point he's living in the matrix he has no idea what's going on and his life is just falling down around him Dahlia also thought it would be a good idea to call the number that was written on the extortion note of course Dahlia was the one to call not Mike and she claimed that a woman answered and informed her that if they didn't pay up both she and Mike would be killed Mike and Dahlia even drove to the place at the time where they were supposed to leave the money they didn't leave the money but they kind of like sat a little ways away and watch and nobody showed up you know nothing happened now Dahlia claimed to be terrified by this right she was terrified she's got a life inside her she has protect and she suggested that they get a guard dog but they already had two dogs and they had a pretty good surveillance system they had cameras and motion detectors so they didn't pursue that any further but they worked together as a team Dahlia and Mike trying to figure out who might be doing this to them basically this was just Dahlia bringing up a random people in Mike's life speculating out loud if this person or that person could be responsible she wandered out loud if it could be Mike's prior business partners the ones who'd stayed in prison while Mike took a deal and got a lighter sentence and Mike was obviously aware that some of the companies he'd worked for had had connections and ties to organized crime so it wasn't a huge leap for him to make but why now why after six years why after you know peace and quiet for that long would they start popping up in his life now Dahlia even suggested that it might be his ex-wife Maria who she claimed was resentful bitter and jealous because Mike left her for Dahlia so Mike called Maria and asked her if she was the one trying to set him up and you can imagine how that conversation went but the things that his innocent little wife was telling him they didn't sound as crazy or out there to him as they do to us so imagine you're Mike right you're living your life as normally as possible sure you had a rough past you did some things who are proud of but you are trying to move past that and walk the straight and narrow all of a sudden years strange things start happening to you the police keep showing up at your house at random places throughout the city wanting to search your property your person your vehicle because someone's been calling in anonymous tips on you saying that you have drugs you sell drugs you take drugs but you know you don't have drugs but I knew find drugs in your gas tank and the cops find them behind the spare tire on your SUV you clearly know someone's trying to set you up someone's messing with you but you don't know who and as far as you're concerned your wife who's suffering through all of this with you she's the only person you can trust Mike became extremely paranoid he searched his house every time he came home he searched his gym bag every time he went to the gym and he searched his car every time he got into it his life was a living hell he told the police officer who interviewed him about that extortion note left on his car I wish whoever this is would just break my windows or even just shoot me and get it over with already he was always looking over his shoulder and finding solace and his wife who seemed as outraged and confused as he was what the truth was she wasn't confused the only reason she was outraged was because her plans her many plans to have her husband thrown back into jail had failed Dalia Dippolito was behind all of it and it would only get worse once she figured out that getting Mike locked up again wasn't going to work she turned to darker solutions on July 22nd Mike had a liposuction on his back to eliminate his love handles and his recovery was a hard one he was on bed rest for two weeks due to the pain and to add to it he was constantly running to the bathroom because he had some stomach issues he thought that he was having stomach issues from a case of food poisoning but the inside of his mouth was also covered in ulcers and he even talked to his plastic surgeon to see if something had been done during the surgery to have caused these issues like maybe a medication or something that he'd been given but the surgeon was like no there is nothing his stomach sickness and mouth ulcers most likely had more to do with the iced chai latte tea from Starbucks that was laced with antifreeze that his thoughtful wife had brought him when he was laid up in bed she dumped out half the drink and filled it up with odorless colorless antifreeze she'd become so desperate with her well laid plans to get Mike in cuffs proving to all be unsuccessful it was no longer her mission to get him arrested she now wanted him dead and there was another reason that her plans had changed to murder right around this time Dahlia told Mike she had a judge friend in Miami who'd given her the name of a lawyer and Mike needed a new lawyer didn't he Dahlia told Mike this Miami lawyer would allow Mike to handle everything via mail it's called administrative probation according to the law offices of lief Ratan lief are located in Palm Beach and Broward County Florida administrative probation is a form of non-contact supervision in which an offender who presents a low risk of harm to the community may be transferred by the Department of Corrections to a non reporting status until the expiration of the probation now this would only be considered after the terms been completed halfway successfully I don't know why Mike just didn't google it there was no judge no lawyer no possibility of administrative probation it was another Dalia Dippolito special Dalia told Mike she'd already paid his retainer and now Mike should just wait for the call which came the next day from a man who called himself Richard Richard told Mike he should write a letter to the judge of why he was seeking administrative probation and then bring it to the Miami courthouse the next day where a paralegal would be waiting to grab it from him Dalia wrote the letter for him they drove out there together they gave the letter to a waiting paralegal as planned Richard called to follow up and he was like everything's looking good this is gonna be so easy we're gonna have you on this administrative probation before you know the only problem is your house man your house because of the restitution your house might be a target they might try to seize it to pay off the restitution to the people you've wronged is there anybody else's name you can transfer it into like anybody you know of course of course there was Mike's loyal loving wife Dalia the next day Mike and Dalia drove to Delray Beach and paid $100 to transfer the title of Mike's house into dahlias name however the guy who was assisting them with this which he innocently questioned like what they hope to gain from this considering they were married and in Florida if you're married it's community property right that means the house was community property which meant they just paid $100 and driven to Delray Beach for nothing really if Mike's house was under threat of being seized it still would be if it was under dahlias name because it's community property okay so now we need to break off here and talk about another man that's important to this story his name was Muhammad jihad a and he was a 32 year old who was born in Jerusalem and moved to the United States when he was one he'd been spotted by a television producer while at a nightclub in Miami and he'd been given a spot like a part on the show Burn Notice playing a terrorist which is absolutely terrible like did they just send this television producer out to nightclubs and they were like find someone who looks like a terrorist and he picked Mohammed when Mohammed medallion he was the owner of several check cashing convenience stores in South Florida and she had walked into his Boca Raton location while he was there she was 18 years old gorgeous a horse always dressed to the nines and she told him she was getting her car washed at the nearby Mobil station but she came in and out of the store multiple times in a 10-minute period to flirt with him so that night they they hooked up and from then on they saw each other a few times a week when asked to describe their relationship Mohammed said they were intimate friends I think that means friends with benefits just as Mike Dippolito quickly figured out dahlias not like other girls don't you wish your girl from was hot like me routine was an act Mohammad figured out much of the same he said that she could become really bratty and throw fits if she didn't get her way and he found her to be very insincere and two-faced very concerned with shallow things like looks and money but not much else he had been talked into marrying a woman his family had chosen for him an arranged marriage and Dalia wasn't happy with it she berated him she basically said he was weak and stupid for letting his family make these choices for him and when that didn't change his mind she showed up at his apartment on a night she knew his new bride was going to be there and then she refused to leave at this point Mohammad realizes this girl's unhinged she's a little crazy little dangerous and he plays some boundaries on the relationship he did however continue to see her in secret even after his marriage in May of 2003 so he employs many boundaries right in my opinion now in 2004 he and his wife who he had the arranged marriage what they got divorced and his release ship with Dalia increased in intensity but then she left for California and he claims he didn't see her for the better part of four years that is until she called him randomly saying she was in town she was in Florida and she wanted to get together for drinks now this would have been right around the time she met Mike Dippolito for the first time and it's theorized she arranged this meeting with Mohammed the same weekend that she was in Florida that she'd met Mike so they met for drinks in West Palm Beach and she bragged him about her architect boyfriend from New York she was engaged him she showed off her $40,000 diamond ring and she gushed about how happy she was now this person she's talking about is not Mike right it's a different guy most likely I think Mike Stanley she's talking about but she also chatted with Muhammad a little bit about her massage parlors in California and then they parted ways after promising to keep in touch months later Mohammed ran into Dalia again at a restaurant in Palm Beach Gardens but this time Dalia wasn't glowing with happiness she seemed down and distracted according to Mohammed she told him she was trapped in an unhappy marriage with a violent abusive man who was on probation sold drugs and had a steroid habit when Mohamed asked her why she didn't just leave she told him her husband was insanely jealous and possessive she was afraid for her life now according to Mohamed she didn't have any bruises or any outward signs of abuse that he could see but she did seem genuinely scared and asked for his help the next morning she showed up at his house around 6:00 a.m. now our buddy Mohamed he's got a little bit of a xanax habit and according to him I mean this was 6:30 in the morning it's early he was half asleep and he's out of it from all the xanax that he took so he doesn't remember exactly what happened but he thinks that something physical happened between them think Monica Lewinsky and Bill Clinton now this would have been right after the Ritz Carlton incident in Manalapan while she was there with Mohammad that morning she asked him for some xanax and he gave it to her now according to Mohamed Dalia fess up to trying to frame a Mike and get him thrown back in jail she said there had even been a third attempt where she'd set him up and she had a friend of hers call in a tip to the police but when the police got to Mike's location he'd already left so they if she knew that Mohammed had some connections in the West Palm Beach Police Department and she asked him to put her in touch with someone there who could help her he did get her in contact with an officer Wilson of the Palm Beach Police Department and she spoke with Wilson on March 18th so as you can see we've gone back in time a little so for some perspective let's connect the dots Dalia sees Mohamed at the club then either the 15th and now this is the night they get back from Manalapan and the Ritz Carlton she goes to his house at 6:00 a.m. the next morning bill something physical with him allegedly and he gives her a xanax allegedly later that day when Mike Dippolito goes to his a a meeting he stops to get gas and finds pills and powders in his car hidden in the gas tank a few days later Dalia meets with is detective Wilson and this is right around the time when Dalia is telling Mike that she's wired the money to his lawyer to pay his restitution but hasn't gotten there and his lawyer tells him he doesn't think the money's ever coming so March 18th Dalia meets with the detective tells this guy that her husband is abusive use of steroids sells drugs the whole spiel and she could promise him that if he stops Mike there will be drugs on him but then she offers to pay the detective and he tells her no this is my job like this is what I do serve and protect keeping people safe but she continues offering to pay him which made him feel obviously very uncomfortable and he breaks off contact with her right he's like yeah maybe I'll find someone in your jurisdiction like I can help you so also in March Mohammad asks Dalia to co-sign for a car he wants to buy because his credit isn't great but instead of doing that Dalia decides she's going to use the money she just stole from her husband and buy this man a Range Rover cash she's a girl after Jake Paul's heart Dalia Dippolito and Jake Paul would have been perfect together Mohamed said that it was technically their car that they could both use but Dalia had a Mercedes and she also had Mike's SUV at her disposal which she often drove so really it was like technically muhammad's to use when he asked her where she got the money from she said it was from the restitution money she was supposed to be holding for Mike but she'd already spent half of it on new clothes hair extensions and tanning and you know plus a Range Rover for the dude you used to have sex with she cleaned the other half was hidden somewhere quested muhammad's help in setting up a fake bank account she also wanted to know if he could help her and forge a fake wire transfer as heat because remember at this time she's trying to convince Mike she's actually wired the money which she never did hey so the weeks are passing Dahlia is getting more desperate her efforts to get Mike rested have failed he's on to her about the missing money and demanding an explanation suddenly you know she's pregnant which has bought her some time but she's running out of tricks at the end of March she called Mohammed and she said she needed to meet with him desperately he was like okay come to my cousin's store it's a clothing shop called urban wear and Riviera Beach and she showed up driving her Mercedes with her long hair flowing wearing a short skirt and no bra and of course know there's some guys standing outside the shop they can't call her the comment on her appearance and she breezed past you know loving the attention but she had a job to do she was there to enlist Mohammed's health in a very important mission she told Mohammed and his cousin the store owner situation was out of control with Mike you know she could see no way out she needed someone to kill her husband according to Mohammed he said no this was crazy you know but she kept insisting her voice is getting louder and louder until the guys who had been standing outside when she arrived who were now inside they heard her but these weren't just regular guys shopping for some cool clothes these might happen to be a part of a group called the buckwild gang the corner the store was on was their corner and they used urban wear as a hangout the buckwild gang was known for drug dealing robbery extortion and even murder having been linked to some two dozen shootings so they hear her demanding that someone kill her husband and they're like we can kill your husband will happen and his cousin allegedly warned Dalia that these guys were serious not to be messed with they were like you know if you if you enlist these guys help like there's no going back you know but she went outside with these gang members anyways to converse on the street which seemed to be a good idea you know it's way more private than inside the store anyways one of the guys was named Ali Rico and he was a longtime gang member he proceeded to negotiate with her and they they kind of settled on you know payment and what she wanted him to do and she gave him all this information so he and Dalia get into his car to drive and check out Mike's apartment because that's where she wanted it been like her husband to be killed and this way they could plan the best way to do it and when and Mohammad and his cousin just see this girl get in the car with these gang members and they're like dahlias not coming back like r.i.p Dalia she's she's done Battaglia and the gang members they did get back and when they got back Larry Cole took Mohammad aside and he was like this chicks crazy this apartment this townhouse has motion detectors alarms on the front of backdoor cameras everywhere like it's impossible it can't be done but Larry Cole also told Mohammed that not only had Ali had given them Mike's address and schedules but she'd offered to pay them or give them Mohammed's Range Rover whichever they preferred you know he left it up to them however Larry ko was like now we're out we can't do it you're a ranger over safe for now so the buckwild gang they were upfront with Dalia they told her they weren't doing it it was too risky but this didn't compute for her see Dalia had always gone through life getting her way especially when it came to men she used whatever was at her disposal usually her looks and sex in order to gain something to have others do her dirty work so when they told her no she thought maybe they were just like playing hard to get maybe they wanted more money she somehow was able to get Larry COEs cell phone number and proceeded to barrage him with phone calls all of which went unanswered you know you're an unstable and scary person when a group of guys called the buckwild King want to avoid you and are scared of you so she made 12 calls to larry coast cell phone on April 2nd remember that this was the day Mike had met with Eric tall at the bank and tried to get another check but Eric said that the the funds were frozen and he'd have to wait a couple of days before he could get another check to him and once again Dalia knows that Eric tall is never gonna give him this check right she knows she's running out of time the same day she's calling the gang member to kill her husband the police also show up for a domestic dispute at the doobly nose so Mohammed claims that he left the country and he didn't come back in till late June and Dalia was even worse she was any in more frantic state than ever sometimes calling him ten times a day Dahlia told Mohammed that Mike was getting suspicious she'd lied to him about being pregnant even lying to her own mother to make it more believable but she was panicking right because they were supposed to go to a baseball game where one of Mike's co-workers and his pregnant wife would also be now Mike had gone all out for this baseball game he invited dahlias entire family he shelled out big bucks for a luxury box for all of them but she was concerned that his friend's wife who was allegedly four months pregnant and Dahlia who said she was allegedly four months pregnant like they would look different pregnant wise and this might set off some alarm bells in Mike's head when he saw that his friend's wife looked pregnant but Dalia didn't the game was supposed to happen on July 19th and she asked Mohamed to go along for emotional support but he said no she also asked him to buy her a gun off the street and again he said no and I don't know what world this this girl lives in you're going to a baseball game with your family and your husband and you're gonna ask some random guy that you used to sleep with to come along as well like a buffer cuz that's gonna make it less awkward I don't know okay so July 21st mike has the house moved into dahlias name but then she also discovers that it doesn't really mean anything not while Mike is alive at least so she calls Mohamed and she says they need to meet again they meet in the parking lot of a mobile station that was close to her house and they sat in Mohammed's car a new Lexus he actually sold the Range Rover before he left for his vacation because he was scared that Larry ko would try to take it from him that's payment for something so Dalia directly tells Mohammed in his car during this meeting that he needs to help her find someone to kill her husband and he tries to talk her out of it but eventually he gets sick of trying to do that and he leaves her in his car to go into the gas station to buy a pack of cigarettes when he got back in the car Dalia told him oh I have to get something out of my car I'll be right back and she took her purse and got out of his car and when he's waiting for her to get back he opens up his glove compartment to put his wallet back in and sees that something is missing while he was in the gas station Dalia had taken his gun out of his glove compartment taking the gun that he had in his glove compartment she took it she stole it right so when she got back he told her like give that's me don't try that again he told her she was an idiot for even touching a gun like that with no gloves because she didn't know if it had been involved in a crime good advice it's really good advice but honestly his real concern is not about Dalia being framed for a crime right after he left the mobile gas station he considered what a dangerous person she could truly be to him why had she stolen his gun he knew she wanted to kill her husband and perhaps there was enough of a paper trail between Dalia and Mohammed given all the calls texts and the gift of a $40,000 car to tie him to her and to the murder if there was one maybe she was trying to set him up additionally the fact that she was serious enough about killing her husband worried him he'd been trying to talk her out of it for months but she was still dad sat so he called his lawyer who recommended that he go to the police which is exactly what he did now Mohammed signed a confidential informant agreement he said he didn't want Dalia to get into trouble but he couldn't in good conscience do nothing when he knew this man's life was in danger now to his credit although I do think that a lot of it was selfish like worried about being involved with her worried about possibly being framed for Mike's murder most criminal informants are paid somehow they're compensated somehow and Mohammad was not compensated at all but he also wanted his identity kept private right of course he did he didn't want Dalia to know he'd been the one to turn on her and he couldn't have it get out in the streets that he was a snitch he didn't realize however that the contract he signed stated if the case went to court he'd be required to testify he also didn't realize that signing that paper had given police permission to install a monitoring device in his vehicle on his person and this monitoring device would record video and audio now in part 2 we're gonna see with our own eyes how Dalia could cold-heartedly plan the murder of a man she claimed to love a man who she had lied to and stolen from since the day she met him we're also going to see the way the Boynton Beach Police has sat her up to get all of that on tape an action that would come under fire later on and we're also going to watch Dalia try to guess late the [ __ ] out of everyone unsuccessfully granted but to is something really special we'll see all the shenanigans she gets into through her multiple trials that's right multiple trials this is Dalia Dippolito we're talking about okay she's the queen of extra one trial will simply not do okay before we go I want to give us some patreon birthday shoutouts because I am an idiot and I forgot to do January and February and when this post it'll probably be March so I'm Way behind but we're gonna catch up because my patrons are the bomb and they deserve a million birthday wishes all right so I've got Morgan Spinks and Morgan turned 25 on January 25th congratulations Morgan I also have Alexa Wilkinson who turned 21 on January 8th and we have a Carissa early who turned 30 on the 2nd of January oh it's right around Bella's birthday name pronounced Karissa ignore the H did I say Teresa I think I said Karissa right I think I said it right Susan turcica who's been a really loyal patreon and a subscriber of mine for a while her brother's birthday was January 26 and this is special to her because her brother was really close to her and he passed away before she had her son and she really thinks that her brother would've been an amazing uncle to her son Ben so happy birthday to Susan's brother wherever he is I'm sure he's super proud of you and super proud of them Emma ball turned 39 on the 10th of January her grandmother's birthday was also the 10th of January and she misses her loads and was honored to share her birthday with her my grandmother's birthday and my mother side is also in January so it was a very special month Sarah Duffy says she's gonna be 51 on the 23rd that's awesome Denise mom turned 62 on the 25th of January Rachel domine turned 24 on the 11th of January Marni cozy's birthday was on January 15th she turned 55 Rachel Thorne's birthday was January 26th and she can't believe she's gonna be 49 or she turned 49 it was scary to her oh man it this time flies I feel you I feel you I turned 36 in February and I was like am i 30 say my 34 pretty sure I was 34 like I just forgotten the last two years existed Jessica Hathaways they was January 10th and she turned a 44 Karen Purnell's a daughter Abigail turned 11 on January 22nd happy birthday Abigail I know it's late I know I'm so late I'm horrible person I'm horrible aunt Stephanie but even though it's late happy birthday to you you beautiful little girl Abigail what a cute name and what a good age Elevens a great age you're like just old enough where people don't put you at the kids table but you're still young enough where your parents do everything for you it's pretty awesome Jocelyn Ford turned 45 on January 23rd Penny's birthday was January 18th and Leah said that her eighth year anniversary with her boyfriend is on the 17th of January so I mean that's like eight years is a long time are you gonna are you gonna get that ring soon if he likes it then he needs to put a ring on it Carrie Matthews says that she had turned 34 on the 6th of January and Amy Hill says that her birthday was on January 12th the big 30 congratulations that's like when you have the over-the-hill birthday parties isn't that one they do that isn't that 30 now so ridiculous 30 is the new 20 and tomorrow Dylan says that her Ryan I assume it's her son turned six on the 4th of January Bella my birthday my birthday my daughter Bella's birthday is the third annual she turned 3 what a great time and then Teresa Carter says she turned 45 on the 21st of January so happy birthday to all my patreon happy birthday to all of you out there who had a birthday in January February March I'm gonna do the February birthday shout outs in another video but thank you guys so much if you guys want to join patreon I do what I can most of the time you'll get early access to videos and I post you know a couple of times a week to let you know what's going on what cases I'm working on you get to vote on cases there's always a link in the description box if you want to check that out thank you all so much for being here thank you for listening to the sponsor thank you for watching my videos and supporting me I love you so very much stay kind and stay beautiful and I'll see you in part two [Music] [Music] [Music] TV girls it is good and you
Channel: Stephanie Harlowe
Views: 668,851
Rating: 4.904079 out of 5
Keywords: true crime, stephanie harlowe, mystery, dalia dippolito, mike dippolito, boynton beach pd, cops, florida crimes
Id: 9QUcXLM-ifU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 84min 35sec (5075 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 06 2020
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