The Watt's Family Murders: Why Did This Happen?

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hello everybody welcome back to my channel thanks for coming back for another true crime video today we are talking about Chris and Shannon Watts so this is a pretty current case that's happening right now this video is going to do a quick overview of the case what happened the day that Shannon and her two daughters Belle and Celeste went missing and then we're gonna talk about what's going on with the legal case and we're going to also dissect a couple of Chris Watts interviews I think it's really telling the way that somebody behaves in the moments and days following a cry let's just jump right in and get started so Shannon Watts lived in Colorado with her husband Chris and her two daughters Bella and Celeste Bella was four and Celeste was three Shannon was also 15 weeks pregnant with a little boy that they were going to name Miko she was really excited to be having a son since they already had two daughters and she has said in videos that Facebook videos that she's put out because she was very active on social media so she said in these Facebook videos that Chris was really wanting a little boy that he wanted the son so she was happy to give him one and she was excited for Bella and Celeste to become big sisters she really thought that they were going to love Nico and have a really good time with him and she was excited to see her little family grow [Music] [Music] unfortunately Shannon Bella and Celeste would never meet little Nico because all four of their lives were ended tragically and pointlessly at the time of her death as Shannon was working for a company called Laval Lavelle's best known for their health and wellness kind of supplements and shakes and things and those are called thrive so you probably have heard of it or you probably know somebody who sells it or you know somebody who's tried to get you to sell it it's pretty common and pretty big out there I know at least two or three people in the past couple of years have approached me trying to get me interested in it but I was a big Shakeology girl so I wasn't interested Laval is what they call an MLM or a multi-level marketing company if it makes it easier we can call it a pyramid scheme and that's pretty much what it is and it's not necessarily a scheme because they know people do make money off of it I know people are very successful in it Shannon was allegedly one of them but just imagine you know a pyramid and one person is here at the top and then they have their downline right so the people that they bring on to also sell and push an advertising market this product the people underneath them on their downline that person at the top of the pyramid is going to get a percentage of their sales I know people can be successful in an MLM but it's usually that top of the pyramid person and so not everybody is going to be but it's possible I spent a little bit of time talking about that because Laval and thrive were an important part of Shannon's life she used to work in HR and like a Children's Hospital and then obviously you know she had the girls and she became a full-time stay-at-home mom and I think she wanted something else to do besides just being a stay-at-home mom not that being a stay-at-home mom is a easy or be insignificant because it is neither of those things but as somebody who does stay at home with my little girl you know the majority of the time it can become kind of mundane and you need something to get you out there talking to people you need something to spark your creativity hence for me YouTube but you need something else to kind of define yourself as something other than somebody's mother it's not a bad thing it doesn't make her a bad mother it doesn't make her negligent it doesn't make her selfish it just makes her human see we never judge men for wanting to be something other than fathers but when a woman wants to do something outside of the house or wants to do something part time to like increase her income or to just use these skills that she has and she has to offer to the world people can get kind of judgy so on August 10th Shannon left of Bella and Celeste with their father and she went on a business trip to Phoenix with a friend and the business trip was for LaValle the company she arrived back home on the 13th of August her friend dropped her off at the house about 2:00 a.m. as she went inside and that is the last time that she was ever seen alive by anybody besides her husband Chris watts so Shannon was described as having a really strict routine and once again as somebody who is home the majority of the time with a young child you really have to have a strict routine that you follow or you'll go crazy you'll lose your mind you know you have to know exactly what's going to happen next in order to kind of keep sane and know what to expect throughout the day so she had a very very strict routine apparently her little boy Miko he had it in a regular heartbeat so the day after she got dropped home or the morning of because she got home pretty early in the morning of August 13 she had a doctor's appointment that morning at 10 a.m. just to check on the heartbeat of Miko and she did not show up to that doctor's appointment and her friends were calling her and tried to reach out to her and she wasn't responding it at some point I guess her phone went off and her friends kind of thought that was weird and not even just weird but it was definitely like something wasn't right Dan and being involved in social media so much was part of her job so far did not have her phone to not be answering it for it to not be on it all struck all her friends who knew her and knew as she did for a living as extremely odd something something was off she would always have her phone on her she would always be posting an Instagram and Facebook and all of that stuff that was just part of the gig that's part of the gig when you do something like that you have to push it on social media and you have to be always on you know people's feeds so that they remember who you are and what you're selling so she was so one of her friends Nicole because Nicole wasn't being able to get ahold of Shannon she got worried and she drove to Shannon's house and knocked on the door nobody answered but she did notice that Shannon's car was in the garage and that Bella and Celeste car seats were also in that cars Shannon hadn't really taken them anywhere because unless they went for a walk or something you know they weren't going anywhere without a car and car seats at that point I guess because they had adorable cam Chris Watts who was at work he kind of asked Nicole like what's up you know over the doorbell cam and she said your wife's not answering the door she's not answering her phone something's wrong and he at that point I guess told her she took the girls on a play date you know don't worry she told me she was taking him on a play date don't worry but I guess that didn't sit right with Nicole and maybe she kind of just thought that his response was a little kind of not as panicked or worried as he should have been about his two young daughters and his pregnant wife so she did call the police and report Eman and her girls missing officer Coonrod arrives at the Watts household and also tries to ring the doorbell knock on the door see if anybody's gonna answer when he gets no response he calls Chris watts and says you know we're here to do a welfare check on your family I really need to get in I noticed that there's a garage like keypad on the garage so you know when you want to get into your house but you don't have a key or you just want to go in the garage you can put in your four-digit code and the garage will open so he basically asked Chris Watts can I have the the code to that that keypad so I can get in check on your family and Chris said oh that keypad it doesn't work but I'm on my way home and I'll be there in five minutes once Chris gets there and both he and officer Coonrod get into the house they obviously noticed that Chanin Bella and Celeste are not in the house they also notice that Shannon's purse is there her cellphone is there the girls medicine is there everything that they would need to leave the house and do anything were there including the car and the car seats like I said so now officer Coonrod is suspicious of Chris and he definitely thinks something's going on so he asks Chris to explain to him the last time he saw his wife what happened you know go over that that's pretty common when a person is missing to ask their spouse or significant other like what happened last time you saw her so Chris tells officer Coonrod the Shannon arrived home around approximately he says 2:00 a.m. and then he got up at 5:00 a.m. to go to work and at that point they had an emotional discussion about how Chris wanted to end the marriage I think as soon as officer Coonrod heard that there was a marital discord or there was problems with the marriage he immediately suspected Chris maybe even before because of course it's a common statistic that most people will go missing or you know anything bad that happens somebody it's usually somebody that they know and it's nine times out of ten gonna be you know the spouse or romantic interest or relationship in their life so officer Coonrod calls in detective bomb over so detective bomb over comes in and he asks Chris the same question tell me about the last time you saw Shannon and this is also common for police to do this right for two people to ask a person that they may be you know investigating or just a person they may be questioning this same question to see if they get and the discrepancies or any kind of different answer from that person because the truth the truth doesn't deviate right it's it is what happened if I got in my car went to the store got a gallon of milk came home and you know made a cup of coffee that's the truth so my story's not gonna change too drastically from that series of events because that is what happened but somebody who's making something up or lying they're not gonna have such a good a handle on their story and their deed Hel's may vary from retimed to retelling and Chris's story did vary when he retold it to Detective bomb hover so Chris tells the detective that Shannon arrived home at 1:48 a.m. when he told officer Conrad she arrived home he said it was at 2:00 a.m. and now you know at approximately 2:00 am but now he has a more nailed down tuilik 148 a.m. which is super specific and I find that a lot of people when they give you like super specific times and dates and lakes like details like that it's because they're lying because you know if my husband's on a business trip and he came home unless I'm happening to be staring at a clock right when he walks in the house I would not know what minute it was I would just approximately know what time it was he then tells the detective that he and Shannon had their emotional discussion at 4:00 a.m. and that is when he told her he wanted to divorce he wanted to separate wasn't working and they both cried and were upset though his story obviously did change and it may seem like small details of where the story changed but it's very important when you're talking about a pregnant woman and two little girls missing you know and you want to figure out what's happening he told officer Coonrod that he woke up at 5:00 a.m. and then they had the discussion and then he went to work but he told the detective that they had their discussion at 4:00 a.m. so that would have been an hour before he even woke up to go to work it's just little things like that that they'll look to see what changes and obviously that probably threw up a red flag for them so at first Chris Watts he played the distraught husband you know he gave television interviews I believe the cap set up these interviews because it was like three separate interviews done the same day and I I feel like typically that's not how it works I think usually they just bring in the press all at once and they kind of ask him questions and each you know organization goes back and edits and does whatever they can with the footage that they have but these were three separate entities the three separate times that day so I almost feel like they wanted to put him under pressure see what he would do also once again see if his retelling would change from person to person to person and once again it did and at this point nobody knew that he was involved in his wife and his daughter's deaths nobody even knew they were dead nobody knew where they were I think now it's a lot easier to look at the interviews and say like oh right there that's where he's acting weird or right there he says something that doesn't make sense but I don't think at the time your average person just watching TV would have thought that they probably just thought like oh poor guy he doesn't know where his wife and kids are but I definitely think the police were looking for indications in those interviews of deceits then the behind the closed doors story of Chris and Shannon kind of came to lay allegedly they were in quite a bit of debt or at least they were a few years back when they had declared chapter 7 bankruptcy they looked like they had the perfect life they lived in a beautiful over 4,000 square foot home it was like a $400,000 house he had two gorgeous little girls they seemed to love each other very much like I said Shannon was super active on social media so not only was she pushing her thrive products but she was also constantly talking about how much she loved her life how much she loved her husband how grateful she was for her daughters and you know to be pregnant now with another child as she was always pushing out this perfect image of the life they had and clearly they didn't right but I know a lot of people there's actually an entire youtube channel devoted to playing these videos from Shannon's Facebook live and things like that to make her look bad it's make her look like a mother who wasn't present a mother who was always talking to the camera and it makes me sick I can't stand it because there's all these comments they're horrendous these comments on this Facebook page are like I'll pay attention to your kids stop you know talking to the camera like guys this is what she does for a living this is how she makes money why is it why is it a thing to attack the victim why is it a thing to try to find what the victim did to deserve what happened to her Chris and Shannon declared bankruptcy in June 2015 and they were really in that Lake if the exact figure was four hundred and forty eight thousand dollars worth of debt at the time it also looked like they owned almost two thousand dollars to their homeowners association I think the homeowners association was like taking them to court the next month actually it was it wasn't good on August 15th Chris Watts was arrested and charged with three counts of first degree murder for his wife should man his daughter Celeste and his daughter Bella she dad's body was then found and discovered in a shallow grave in a nearby oil field owned by and Darko petroleum which had been Chris's employer they did fire him the day he was arrested for the murders of his family but at the time when the bodies were put there Chris was employed there sometime after Bella and Celeste Chris and Shannon's two little adorable beautiful innocent baby girls were also found dead submerged in oil tanks near their mother's shallow grave at that point Chris admitted and you know confessed to killing Shannon but he told an entirely different story than anybody expected he said that the night Shannon got home from her business trip they had their emotional discussion or conversation about how he was you know seeing somebody else about how the marriage was over it wasn't going anywhere he just wasn't happy anymore and she you know to get back at him I suppose then went into their daughter's room and strangled both their daughters to death Chris said he saw her strangling Celeste on the baby monitor and then he saw Bella's body close by blue I suppose he saw that the body was blue on the baby monitor so that indicated to him that Bella was already dead and she was strangling Celeste so he ran upstairs but too late Celeste was was gone so he flew into a rage his own words he flew into a rage and he strangled his pregnant wife to death and at that point he then took three bodies put them in the back of his work truck and drove them to the entire coal oil fields to hide them or get rid of them or dispose of them or bury them or whatever you want to call it so Chris is in custody at this point he's set to go on trial next month for the murders of his wife and his daughters and his unborn son Miko I guess he is at this point in solitary confinement so basically he's locked up in a Cell alone for 23 hours one hour a day he's allowed to go out and you know make phone calls or just sit in this kind of like public room where he's not locked up in a Cell but pretty much 23 hours a day he's locked up he's not really allowed to go outside there's no exercise involved he can't have any books or reading material it's just him and his Bible and a picture of his family in his cell for him to look at 23 hours a day and hopefully suffer terribly as he looks at the faces of his beautiful innocent daughters they killed for absolutely no reason because come on guys Chris Watts killed these two little girls there's no way Shannon Watts killed her daughters he's on suicide watch as well so they have to check on him I guess every five to 10 or 15 minutes to make sure he hasn't tried to kill himself or isn't going to try to kill himself which I feel like they should just kind of close the door and let him do what he's got to do because it would be a mercy for everybody if he ended it for himself it would save the taxpayers a crapload of money having to not only house him in prison but feed him in prison and then now to have the trial and people have to be pulled for jurors and it's just a mess and it's gonna be a long drawn-out process it's gonna cost a lot of money and make a lot of people waste a lot of time when we know that it was him who did it so I don't know why they don't just let him end it for himself so I guess the mystery of this whole case is why right why why why did he kill his wife his daughters when he could have just left he couldn't have just gotten a divorce he could have just lied well here's my thoughts I think that he's an incredibly selfish narcissistic sociopathic kind of person I think he thinks only of himself I believe that he knew getting a divorce would obviously be expensive with two children and one on the way an incredibly expensive house that I don't think they could afford I think he wanted to avoid all the messiness that a divorce would Intel I think he wanted to make whatever was easiest on him happen and that would be basically to just get rid of every sign of his old life so he could start fresh and he could start new and he could get a redo and a retry and his likes I honestly think he did not know what he was signing up for when he got into a relationship with Shannon you know it was like they got into a relationship and then it was marriage and then it was having kids and then they were buying a house and then they were having more kids and then it just became this white-picket really domestic kind of life that I don't think he was happy with I don't think he ever wanted and I don't think that he felt like he signed up for it and believe me I mean there are days where on my bad days where I will be standing in the middle of like a messy kitchen with kids running around and screaming my hair's a mess and my back hurts and I feel like when did this happen like I did not sign up for this this is not the life that I wanted we all have those moments right where we would much rather be anyplace else but at the end of the day we look at our kids and sleep peacefully after you know a long day and we've finally put them to bed and we can finally breathe and we are thankful for what we have and we know that we wouldn't want any other life but I don't think Chris had that like revelation where he said oh you know I love my kids I love my wife this is the life I have and I just have to kind of you know deal with it like I need to be thankful and grateful for this he just was not and was not happy Shannon made his life better I think he was kind of a loser before he met Shannon he was out of shape he didn't really have anything he was just kind of a quiet guy I don't really have any close friends and he's introverted you know whereas she's extroverted and I think she brought him out of shall you can even see physically the way he transforms from this kind of like normal like average Joe kind of chubby out of shape guy that would be just walking down the street and he became like really buff and his physical appearance improved a lot and you know she gave him two beautiful children two beautiful little girls who loved him compeletely you can see in these videos how much Bella and Celeste love for their father like he is their hero he is their world [Music] [Music] I don't I don't understand how how he could look into their little pieces who admired and adored him so much and end their lives she gave him so much she keep him a purpose she gave him something to live for and he just pretty much was like well you know I look good now I'm gonna have an affair with somebody from work because he was having an affair with a girl from work and you know I don't want this anymore and it's funny because he actually has a video on YouTube where I don't know why but he's giving like relationship advice and he says something like you know sometimes you figure out like this relationships not working and you meet somebody else and that's working better for you so you should just like segue from the first relationship to the second relationship you know whatever's better for you like he's selfish he's crazy that's not what a marriage is America doesn't always work a marriage doesn't always feel like it's working a marriage isn't always and getting a longer agreement but you make it work you don't just find something that works better and take off and God Chris I wish you had found something that worked better and took off because shenana and Bella and Celeste would have been so much better off without you Shannon was going places with Laval and thrives she was very successful she was doing really well she was clearly enjoying it she'd found her groove she'd found her place that she belongs with the community of people that accepted her and supported her and I think he was kind of jealous of that like I think that he envied that she'd found a reason and the motivation to live and be that didn't include him and the family I think he envied her ability to do something that really needed that really dictated her to be this outgoing and extroverted and friendly person and I don't think that he's like that so he could understand how she was doing it and I think that he also maybe felt a little like his man card was being revoked because he probably always felt like he was the one when to provide for them and he could kind of bank on that like she needed him for that but now she was making her own money and she was also bringing in you know financial income to the house so it took away some of his control over her for her to be now a financial provider as well he maybe probably felt useless maybe felt like what's the point why am I here you know she seems fine without me that's why some of his interviews really quick okay so I believe this was his first interview that he gave right now it's got canine units the Sheriff's Department everybody was like there they're doing the best right now to figure out like if they can get a scent and see where they went they went on foot they went in a car or they went somewhere and right now it's just like they've they've been on point they're going through the house trying to get scent and hopefully they can pick something up to where it's it's gonna lead to something what happened so I think it's funny because they clearly have like sniffer dogs in his house right now and he's real nervous like you can tell he's holding his self like this and he's rocking back and forth super super nervous and every time the dogs bark you can kind of see him like stiffen up and kind of like become a little bit more alert and just kind of probably freak the [ __ ] out because he knows that he killed them and he knows that he's pretending that he doesn't know where they are and he doesn't want to get caught she came home from the airport two a.m. and I left around 5:15 she was still here and like about 12:10 and that afternoon her friend Nicole showed up at the door like I had texted a few times that day called her say you know but she never got back to me but she wasn't get back to any of her people as well and that's what really concerned a lot of people's like she's not getting back to her like she doesn't about to me that's fine like she gets busy during the day flashing it back to her people which was very concerning and Nicole called me when she was at the door and that's when I came home and then walked in the house and nothing is vanished nothing was here I mean she wasn't it she wasn't here the kids weren't here no nobody was here so he says I watched in the house and just vanished nothing was here and then he kind of like goes back like no no I mean you know she wasn't here no one was here the kids weren't here it's just so weird it's not how you like know it's now how you described how your kids and wife are missing you don't know what happened vanished like any stuttering so much and his body language is just showing somebody who's not afraid not terrified not distraught somebody who's nervous somebody who's tightly wound somebody who's kind of just waiting for the other shoe to drop scheanette as they say in Annan Belen celeste celes de and when they asked him what's your kids names they zoom in on his face which i think is really telling I think that they know or suspect that he killed those girls so they zoom in on his face when they ask what his kids names are and you can see in his eyes like there's definitely a you know some kind of emotion there he's trying to hide so it was tough for him to say their names and like spell them when the fellas for Celeste is three and so how many times you try calling her she's blinking I called her three times texted her about three times just to say you know what's going on like I didn't I could after that for the knife or I called her and text her once it's like no maybe she was just busy like she'd just got back you know like everybody's probably calling her from her trip she just got back from Arizona and I figured you this busy but when her friend showed up that suppose like it registered like alright this isn't right so you can really tell a lot of the times too and I think that people know this so they kind of try to stop it but if you are seeing something like if somebody asks you a question and you're like yeah it wasn't right you know and you're kind of like saying something like yes but shaking your head no it means you're lying it's your body's way of kind of betraying you your body's telling the truth even though your mouths not I think she just took off I mean right now I don't even want to just like throw anything out there like I hope that she is somewhere safe right now and with the kids but I mean could she event because she just taken off I don't know but if somebody has her and they're not safe like I want them back now like that that that's what them I like if they're safe right now they're gonna come back but if they're not safe right now that's what that's the not knowing part like if they're not safe last night I wished I had every light in the house on I was hoping that I would just get just ran over by the kids running in the door and just like barrel rushing me but it didn't happen and it was just a traumatic night trying to be here kids are my life I mean those those smiles light up my life and there's like I mean last night like during like you know when they usually dinner it was just like I missed them like I mean I missed tell them hey you got to eat that or you're gonna not gonna get you're just certain you know and just like you're not gonna get your snack after I missed that like I missed them you know cuddle up on their couches that like a Minnie Mouse couch and Sophia couch that they cuddle up on and watched you know Bubble Guppies or something and it was just like you know I'm it I was it was terrible Scotty I needed that I needed that last night and and I really like how he's talking so so much about how his kids not being at the house is hard for him you know he needed that last night he needed to see them last night he was so hard to be at home and not have them there and to me like your father whose kids are gone vanished like you said vanished they're gone you don't know where they are they could be like dead right now they could be in pain they could be being tortured you don't know but what you're thinking about is how it was hard being at your house without them for you so this is a sign not only if somebody who knows what happened to his kids so he doesn't you know have this fear of the unknown or the stress of wondering what's happening to them but somebody who's selfish narcissistic turns every situation into them it's the Chris Watts show he is the victim here he is the one who has to come home to an empty house and can't tell the kids to eat your food or you can't get your dessert it's just for that nobody to be here last night and to go into their rooms and not and know that I wasn't gonna turn the rain machines on I know that I wasn't gonna turn the monitor on no I wasn't gonna kiss them to bed tonight it was it was I act that's why I last night was horrible I couldn't do it that I was I just want I want everybody just come home wherever they're at come home that's what I want wherever they're at come home if somebody has them and they're not safe I want them back but if they are safe I want them back I just want them back like it doesn't make any sense the way that he talks about this is like clearly I think he put planning into it I think he rehearsed and had a script of what he wanted to say I think he's also kind of like on the spot right now so he's kind of forgetting that stuff so he's just kind of going over like their nighttime routine you know they would eat dinner and then I would tell them to eat dinner or they couldn't get their dessert and then they would watch Bubble Guppies on their couches and then you know I'm not gonna turn on their rain machine for them I'm not gonna kiss them goodnight like to me he's just trying to pull from the truth and facts which is what they would do every night before going to bed or what they would do every night in their regular routine in the household so that he's not seeing some that is either you know shined on as a lie or he's not messing up or stumbling over his words or kind of contradicting himself right so he's talking about their routine because it's something he knows it's something he's familiar with it's something he's comfortable with he it's something that's the truth so he can say it without sounding like a liar did you guys sure it wasn't it wasn't like I already had an emotional conversation but I'll leave it at that but it's I just want them back I just want them to come back so they're they said yeah Jeff an argument before you left and he said it wasn't an argument emotional conversation I'll leave it at that but and then he like switches the subject like well let's not talk about you know me and today I'm like I just want them back I use one the back hebes going back to that you know helpless father plea while he stands there holding himself so tightly like his shoulders are hunched and rocking back and forth once again the sign of somebody who's nervous not scared not distraught nervous the sign of somebody who's hiding something a sign of somebody that doesn't want to be open and doesn't want something to get out like the truth and if if they're not safe right now that's what's that's what's tearing me apart because if they are safe they're coming back but if they're not this this this has got to stop like somebody has to come forward and he's repeated this already if they're not if they are safe they're coming back but why are what does this mean like if this is the second time he said it just in this interview if they are safe they're coming back like he's just repeating the little tidbits and the little like scripts that he's given himself and I think he forgot the majority of a script you know because he's nervous I don't think he's ever had been in a position like this before he's nervous but he keeps repeating just the parts that he does remember which makes him just sound idiotic in in sincere yeah I've been in constant contact like every hour I mean everybody back in North Carolina and the East Coast I mean from Maine to Florida was there a parent saying to you know just like I if they need to go on a flight just let them know because I mean they don't they feel helpless right now because they they're on the opposite side of the country I mean this Colorado is I mean you can't just drive around and look I mean it's just like you wouldn't really know what you're looking for that's what the cops dream of talking about laughter I mean I mean I mean I mean I mean I mean this is somebody literally who's not speaking within the heart this is somebody literally who has given himself a script given himself a dialogue and can't remember it's who he's stuttering any stammering and he's tripping over his words he's not just like talking from the heart today I was like I want to get out and drive around this you won't know what to look for with that police or the sheriff's or your neighbors is anybody what is what's police say right now this is what they're doing right now is with the k-9 in the sense I think this is the biggest thing this is the big thing they've done so far because yesterday that I'll forget the department did all the searching of the house and try to gather whatever information they could and with the detectives officers and sergeants and today it's I mean obviously with all the activity that's around it's it's there's a lot going on around here so we're detectives officers sergeants like what just say officers you know detectives officer sergeants once again like he doesn't know what to say and he doesn't want to say something stupid he doesn't wanna see something that's gonna make him look like a liar he doesn't want to see something that's gonna clearly like contradict anything he said before so he's just rambling now detectives officers sergeants like what is dad and I really hope that all this can lead to something positive what did your neighbors did they see anything you know like we've we've the police finally went door to door asking like cameras and everything just like nothing and my last question last question if your wife can see this if she if she can watch these Shannen Bella Celeste sure out there just just come back like if somebody has her just please bring her back I need to see everybody I need to see everybody again this house is not complete with without anybody here okay so I think it's really telling and reporters do this lap so the reporter asks Hamling if you could talk to your wife right now if you could say something what would you say and he kind of like just turned to the camera and literally his effect it does not change his tone of voice does not change he doesn't become emotional he doesn't become sincere or genuine he doesn't leave interview mode nothing changes and that expression not his tone of voice not the inflection nothing and then he kind of switches from talking to Shannon and balance lasts like talking to the person who took them so he's trying to right now set this narrative that somebody took him in all the while in the background like these his sniffer dogs are just barking and I just see him like getting tenser and tenser every time they bargain especially towards the end they're like they start barking like crazy and he literally you know looks like he's gonna [ __ ] himself every time it happens so I kind of enjoy that he's suffering there and I do feel like there's some emotional you know sadness about the kids obviously I don't think that um I think he loved them in some way I don't know like that's the hard part you know you don't I don't have a disturbed mind I don't ever have a mind that could harm a child much less my own and so you can't really like get inside the head of somebody who would and figure out what they felt about that person or if they loved the person that they killed I do sense a difference in the way he talks about balance last and then when he's talking about Shannon a sense that there's you know he did it look like he was almost kind of tearing up a little bit when he was talking about them when they asked what their names were he first started talking about them but he did get himself under control quite quickly after that okay so here's another interview it's a little shorter wherever they're at like I have no inclination to where they're at right now so he was this for an inclination he uses it a lot I have no inclination as to where they are now I have no idea I don't know I don't inclination I think he is using words that he can remember so he can remember what to say so he says this word over and over again it's just a strange word to use in not only this you know situation but in general like I've no inclination I don't know I I don't have any idea where they are or I don't know where they are like I have no inclination it's almost like he's not lying if he says that weird word exhausted like every friend that I know of and every friend that I have has called friends that Shannon has that maybe I didn't know about and it's just like there's just like vanish like she's not like when I got home yesterday it was like it goes town watch this part yeah cuz like Bella was gonna start kindergarten next next Monday Bella was going to start kindergarten next Monday Bella was going to Bella was going to start kindergarten next Monday not Bella is going to start kindergarten so how does a man who doesn't know where his kids are or if they're live or dead how is he already referring to his daughter in the past tense as if she's gone Bella was going to start kindergarten next Monday oh he's disgusting he's a disgusting person he's a disgusting human being I'm just hoping right now that she's somewhere safe and maybe she's just she's there but right now it's just like I'm hoping she's somewhere safe and maybe she's just she's there he has no idea what he's talking about you know he's wet right now like he's in his head freaking out because he has no idea what he's talking about any no sadly I just hope if she's somewhere safe you know she's she's there like he doesn't know what to say he's afraid to really just go and talk because he doesn't want to say something stupid he doesn't to say something it's gonna incriminate him he doesn't want to see something that contradicts anything he's already sad if she's vanished like I want her back if she's vanished I want her back he keeps saying like if she's gone if someone took her if she's vanished I want her back right it's just a weird way to discuss somebody who's missing like if she's vanished I want her back if she's safe they'll be back if she is not safe I want her back you're also your second thought is that you're afraid people think you may have yeah I mean nothing nothing everybody's gonna have any opinion on anything like this I just want them people to know that I want my family back like so he basically the reporter asks and like you know are you ever worried that people are gonna think he you had something to do with this and he literally like trips over his words like does this weird smile thing like a little bit of this Bugs Bunny kind of impression and it's just super awkward and telling I want them safe and I want them here like this heats like whoever thinks that I just want them to know I want my family back and with them safe I want them here like that's not our dressing what this guy just said which is how do you feel about the people might think you can do this like I want them safe I want them back I want them here like he's so annoying with how repetitive he is in these interviews you know insincere and dissing genuine he is not the same I mean I last night was traumatic last night was I I can't really stay in this house again like with nobody here and tonight was traumatic it's not the same I can't stay in this house with nobody here you just did it for six weeks you just then for six weeks they're safe or if they're in trouble like there's this that it's that variable like I'm not sure I mean I can't do anything right now for more on that like I'm not sure if they're safe somewhere just huddle up somewhere or so see what he says I don't know if they're safe somewhere just huddled up somewhere what do you weird thing to say huddled up somewhere like maybe in an oil tank that you put them in huddled up in the oil tank that you just you know through your daughter's bodies into like they were trash huddled up somewhere Lee heater battery right now and it doesn't know like it's real earth shattered part of all this it sounds like everything's gonna locked up there's no signs of leaving the house no no like we have camera their neighbor has a camera we I mean everything was everything she checked out doorbell only right there he's freaking out right now so Celeste she's just a bubble of energy she's called rampage cuz she's like she's just always it she's got two spirits go or she's sleeping and she's always a troublemaker she's always the one like jumping off things you know just yelling at you and all kinds of things Ella she's the more calm cautious mothering type yes she's she's more like me she's more calm she's selected says Bella's more like me she's mark calm and then he does this really awkward and like creepy laugh which I definitely got her mom's personality to where she's always just gung-ho ready to go that's like that's why I want everybody back they ask him these hard questions that he doesn't have a true emotional response for like how do you feel that your wife's pregnant you have a baby on the way like does that worry you how are you feeling about that I just want them back I just want them back like if he doesn't have an actual emotional response to pull from to answer question he repeats things he's already said that he feels safe repeating pretty much I can't do this anymore I can't like look at his stupid face and listen to his stupid voice any longer so basically he's lying and I wanted to talk about those interviews not only because obviously we know that he confessed to killing Chanel so we know at this point he's lying about everything that was in those interviews but I wanted to show you like how easily he made the decision to lie he didn't come clean so you killed your wife because she killed your daughters a normal person with a normal conscience with that point realized like oh my god not only did I just kill my wife I killed my unborn you know son and my daughters are dead they would either kill themselves or confess and explain what happened and take like the jail time or whatever was to come take whatever consequences there were but he tries to get out of it he tries to hide he takes his wife's body when she's pregnant with his son dumps her in a shallow grave takes his two baby girls puts them into oil and oil vats if you cared about your children if you were so devastated they were killed by your wife you would hide them in oil bats even if you were trying to hide the murder I feel like he would have at least given them a proper burial like said some words you know had a place where he could bring flowers or come back and sit and talk to them and visit not throw them in a vat of oil and he did that I think to decrease the opportunity of DNA being found on them so there's so much we could talk about with this we could talk about why he is the way he is I would really like to talk for a lot longer about why this one YouTube channel is continuing to try to make Shannon look like a horrible person like she was not a horrible person she loved those girls and I truly believe that she loved Chris so much did nothing but talk while about Hamling was she dismissive with him in some videos yeah so whatever I'm like that with my husband you know when we're busy we have a career and we got kids running around we have a million things like sometimes we can be cold and dismissive to the people closest to us and we were all guilty of that and anybody sitting on these YouTube comments talking [ __ ] about her and what she's doing or how she's treating her kids or how she's treating her husband like please I would love to put a camera in your house and see how perfect in kind and sweet you are to everybody in your home at all times like just stop it Chris killed those little girls Chris killed his wife and he did it not because of any other reason or any there's no logical reason like nothing that they could have ever done nothing would make them to serve what happened to them especially those little girls being murdered by their father who they trusted and loved and cared for and looked up to so much it's devastating I can't even imagine their last moments and nothing that they could have done would have warranted or deserved that and I don't even know I lost my train of thought because I'm so upset I think this YouTube page is literally set in motion to make her look bad because the trial hasn't happened yet and this YouTube page wants to start you know kind of coloring the opinion of Shannon in the public because the public is going to be what next month a jury so they are trying to put out all this information about Shannon that looks bad for her to change or color the opinion of a potential jury pool I honestly think and this is my opinion so don't come for me I can't be sued for this is my opinion I honestly think it's somebody on his defence team or somebody close to him who's trying to help him get off but he is not getting off I swear I'll be damned like I already had to stand there and watch Casey Anthony walk I will be damned if this man gets away with us he's not going to there's papers out there and there's like tabloids who say that he could there's no way he still killed his wife he still killed his unborn you know child even if Bella and Celeste don't get justice and he doesn't get pinned for their murders he still is going to jail for a long time and hopefully we'll get the death penalty because that is what he deserves never deserved the love the Shannon had for him he never deserved it the love that Belle and Celeste had for him he's a selfish narcissistic horrible person who's insecure and has low self-esteem his low self-worth and somebody gave him a chance and somebody tried to give him worth and give him a purpose and he murdered her and murdered everything they created together I'm gonna keep you guys updated on what's going on with his case and with his trial and as new things kind of arise I'll let you know as of now they're kind of just getting all the facts together Chris and his defense team are trying to suppress a bunch of stuff in the press that people are seeing about hammy he doesn't like it and I guess a lot of it comes from People magazine like People magazine has been seeing things I guess that he was like emotionless or stupid little things that he's trying to to get surprised but not trying to get suppressed the fact that he's had an affair and that allegedly he had like a 10-month affair with him another man which I don't know is true or false but that that came out a man came out and said that they'd had a relationship for 10 months and and unless I speak to this man unless I kind of am able to gauge for myself whether he's being honest or you know making it up for attention I can't say whether it's true or not do I believe it sure this Chris watts he's insane he's a psychopath he's a terribly selfish disgusting person who should have never been allowed to be a parent but I don't I don't know if it's true or not so I don't really want to shine too much of a light on it but he didn't have a problem with the magazines or the tablets talking about that guess the DNA evidence from Shannon and the girl's necks have been run and they have that information but the states and the attorneys who are prosecuting Chris they don't want that made public right now and a lot of people have been saying that means you know there's something in there that implicates Shannon or that it means there's something in there that could make him look not guilty but I don't think that's the case at all I think that if they have exactly what they need to fry his ass and I think they don't want anything to touch it I think they don't want anything to go out in the public yet to become basically like twisted and turned around and they don't really want Chris and the defense team to have it yet because they don't want him to be able to formulate like an answer to it at this point or to come up with some other crazy story like he did with the Shannon killed the kids story that he just fabricated and came up with to make himself look better and to get out of trouble I think they really just want to kind of hold on to everything keep it safe keep it ready and then drop that bomb on him during the trial so they're obviously gonna have to give it to the defense team in discovery because they have to have that evidence but they don't have to give it to them at this moment so they're not they're trying to keep control and keep the ball in their court and I don't think it it all means that Shannon was implicated by that DNA evidence or that Chris was not implicated by that DNA evidence thank you guys so much for being here please let me know if you have any questions please stay with me as we kind of like keep going through this trial I cannot wait to see this guy either locked up for life or on death row I know it's a terrible thing to say but you know as I get updates on the case or as there's more opinions that I have on the case and I will see you guys next time stay kind and stay beautiful what's your say CC diva diva princess mini-boss Rockstar multitask good job another smile Oh fake play along a fall asleep when I wake up and in my dreams I'll be pain in the world the world a world built with immense care a parallel universe way thought of boredom is too abstract a contrast to the trivial when everyday seen feeling staged seen in photographs these pictures come today [Music] well true if these pictures come to the reality I used to wish for a plane to come and take me away into the clouds [Music] nothing to make my escape I was afraid I stay still on the ground [Music] you see paint all over the gray sky when everyday seen a feel like stage seating for the class but these pictures come to the when portrayed if these pictures come to mind dreams to
Channel: Stephanie Harlowe
Views: 926,652
Rating: 4.7621641 out of 5
Keywords: mystery, monday, chris watts, shanann watts, the watts family, the watts family homicide, the watts family murders, chris and shanann watts, is chris watts a psychopath, true crime, true crime tuesday, mystery monday, chris watts interviews, chris watts interview analysis
Id: xSZRB01G90g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 56min 7sec (3367 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 23 2018
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