The Case of Jodi Arias and Travis Alexander| Fatal Attraction

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hello everybody welcome back to my channel and welcome back to another true crime video today we're gonna be talking about the case of a Jodi arias and Travis Alexander a couple of my subscribers suggested this case and when I went to look into it I realized that I had heard about it before and not only that but I'd seen this really cheesy Lifetime movie about it before so I was kind of interested to get back into it and get the really like fine and nitty gritty details because obviously the lifetime movie was very biased towards Travis which of course he's the victim so I understand why but I didn't feel like it completely described both Travis's and Jodi's personalities and their contributions to what ended up happening so let's get right in on June 9th 2008 Travis Alexander's roommates have found him dead on the floor of his bathroom shower riddled with stab wounds friend of ours is dead in his bedroom we hadn't heard for a while we think he's dead his roommate this one is Aaron so there's lots of blood I didn't go in but I can't give you to someone who went in there he's dead he's in his bedroom in the shower we have no idea everyone's been wondering about it all over the place a camera and an SD card were found in his washing machine and the pictures that were retrieved off of it - gave some clues to who might have been responsible an ex-girlfriend of his Jodi arias Jodi arias was born on July 9th 1980 in Salinas California at age 10 Jodi became interested in photography and that interest and passion always stuck with her even though she would drop out of high school in grade 11 she really wanted to take photography and make it her career so she would take many part-time photography jobs throughout her life supple and her income though she worked as a waitress and it through this serving job in 2001 that she met Daryl Brewer the food and beverage manager at her job they began dating in 2003 and they purchased a home together in Palm Desert at this time Daryl was 40 years old and Jodi was 21 so he was he was twice her age in 2006 Jodi began to work for prepaid legal services and they sent her to Las Vegas for a conference and it was here that she met Travis Alexander who was a motivational speaker they met in September of 2006 and it was a great about this time that Daryl Brewer and Jodi arias relationship started to deteriorate Jodi told Daryl that she no longer wanted to maintain a physical relationship with him because she was interested in the religion of Mormonism and she wanted to save her body for her husband her her future husband does it surprise anybody that Travis Alexander was a Mormon and Jodi probably jumped on this Mormon bandwagon in order to either impress him or just kind of be like him at the same time while she was saving her body for her future husband she was also modifying her body by getting breast implants because she really wanted to make sure it was perfect for her future husband it did appear though that Jodi wasn't really interested in abstaining from sex until marriage because just a week after meeting Travis in Las Vegas they began a sexual relationship now Travis was a devout Mormon so he didn't drink coffee he didn't drink alcohol he didn't have sex before marriage but there was something about Jodi that you know I guess got him they had an intense physical and sexual attraction right from the get-go and as these kinds of relationships go it was a little bit of a rollercoaster and I don't know if anybody has been involved in a relationship like this before but it's it's addictive and it's obsessive and you know it's not really good for you but the other person has such a magnetic like attraction to you and vice versa so that every time you guys see each other and every time you're together you completely kind of forget all the other stuff this isn't going to work or we don't really have anything in common or I don't really like this person it's just that like animal magnetism and it brings you guys together they do think that this was like Jodi and Travis kind of had initially so with Daryl Brewer I guess he decided there was no real reason to live with the Jodi any longer if they weren't going to be having sex so he moved to be closer to his son and that they agreed that she could stay in the home until it was sold but it ended up being foreclosed a year later Jodi and Travis kept their relationship going even though Jodi lived in California Travis lived in Arizona they kept in contact they called each other multiple times a day and they exchanged many emails over 82,000 emails in November of 2006 Jodi was baptized into the Mormon Church Travis helped her get ready for it he was there with her when it happened and she then moved to Mesa Arizona I suspect both of these things were to get closer to Travis because he lived in Mesa and he was a Mormon so I think she did both of these things as a manipulation tactic to make him feel like she was the girl he wanted to be with she was close you know proximity location location location and she was a Mormon which is what he wanted in a wife so I think she did both of those things to kind of manipulate him into thinking that she was the girl for him their relationship only lasted for months Jodi got really jealous and possessive she really didn't want him to be with anybody else or be talking to anybody else and Travis felt like they had never said they were dating exclusively and she was kind of his dirty little secrets he didn't tell his friends he was having sex he didn't tell his family or his community or church that he was having sex that this wasn't something he was proud of so he kind of wanted to keep her like on the down low and away from his real life so people wouldn't know that the image he projected to the world which was this devout Mormon you know virgin was not true at all one day she went through his cell phone and she found like 40 messages to other women so she and and he didn't fight it according to his friends Travis was kind of already going down that path of wanting to end it and just kind of wanted to move on to the next part of his life they continue to talk and communicate they were friends and they continued their sexual relationship at this time Travis began to see other women and he also was still having sex with Jodi's so understandably she was jealous even though she was kind of like that girl who was just like oh yeah it's no big deal like we can just have fun she most likely secretly hoped that if she just kept herself under Travis's nose if she kept herself in his line of vision if she continued to have a physical relationship with him he would just wake up one day and say oh I I'm in love with you this is what I've always wanted why was I ever looking for anything else that didn't happen though he began to see other people and according to Travis Jodi slashed his tires twice broke into his house through the dog door and like stole his diary and read it she would hide in bushes and take pictures of him to see who he was with she sent him threatening emails sent the women he was seeing threatening emails from an anonymous email account she hacked into his Facebook page and send people messages through that so she was to say the least insanely jealous insanely even though Travis was being stalked and threatened by this woman he continued to feel safe enough to keep having sex with her and they did a lot of traveling to Jodi and Travis we did a lot of traveling and if you look at her myspace page there's pictures of them from all over the country traveling all over the place and it's so crazy because the pictures are still up but he was traveling with her even after she was allegedly threatening and stalking him so I don't know how unsafe he felt but according to Jodi one day he had sent her this like book he was reading you know all the places you want to go before you die and he was like let's just go and do this which is super cool I don't know if you guys realize but the more experiences you have with somebody the closer you feel to them and people and couples who travel a lot and see and experience new things together often feel they have this extra deep extra special bond because of all the things they've experienced together so this could be another reason why Jodie felt so strongly connected to Travis yeah eventually Jodie got tired of being Travis aside peace being kept secret from everybody in his life and she moved back to California to live with her grandparents even though she no longer lived in Arizona she and Travis continued to exchange sexually explicit emails and pictures and talk on the phone in June 2008 though when she hacked his facebook page Travis was like okay I'm done like this is crazy I've had enough he told her to just leave him alone he said we don't need to be continuing to have a relationship you're in California I'm in Arizona we've got our own lives like I just don't want to be a part of yours anymore and I don't want you to be a part of mine I'm sure that Jodie was heated on June 2nd 2008 Jodi arias rented a car from the budget rent-a-car in red in California and she took this car and she drove five hours to Arizona to Travis's home she didn't get there until very early in the morning the next day so she got there like in the early morning hours of June 3rd apparently her and Travis just spent that entire day having sex and hanging out and taking pictures of it two days later on June 4th Jodi drove the rental car back to California and back to the rental car place and dropped it off Travis's friends hadn't heard from him in days and he'd missed a couple important things he'd missed an important business meeting and he hadn't made it to a trip to Cancun that they had all planned on going on together so they understandably were worried and they showed up at his house to figure out where he was and what was going on and I guess this roommate was there in his roommate was like no Travis is out of town he hasn't been here in days and they were like no nobody can get ahold of in like he's not answering his phone nobody can find him so Travis's roommate took the key and unlocked Travis's door because it was locked from the inside and he went in to the room and Travis data stabbed to death on the floor of his shower forensic evidence collected at the scene including the camera and memory card from the washer they were looked into and that's when they found the pictures on the SD card apparently they'd been erased but the forensic team was able to recover them and they were all time-stamped and they showed Jodi and Travis in sexual positions and in the nude basically they had been taking pictures of each other that whole day the most disturbing pictures on the memory card were those have taken in Travis's last moments of life there's pictures of him just showering taking a shower so clearly Jodi was taking pictures of him while he was in the shower but the last picture of him taken alive literally shows his face and his face looks like stunned and there's fear in his eyes so he must have known what was about to happen to him there are other pictures on the memory card that look like they were taking an accidently and it's apparently of ham laying lifeless on the ground Travis's autopsy shows that he was first stabbed with a knife through his chest into his heart this was a woman that would have proved fatal anyways if it had been given time he was then a shot in the face and he was then stabbed all over his body between 27 and 29 times he had defensive wounds and cuts on his hands as well in the original 911 call when Travis's friends found him Jodi arias his name was brought up and during interviews with family and friends after Travis had been found dead Jodi's name was brought up many more times f-first Jodi claims she hadn't been anywhere near Mesa at that time or during that day and she sought to the story for quite a while insisting she was not with him that day she had not seen him that day she said she hadn't seen him in months once the police came at her with the photographic evidence she changed her story and claimed that there had been a home invasion she had been in the house with Travis he was in the bathroom and two people came into the house one man and one woman dressed all in black they started stabbing him and he yelled to her to go go get some help and get out of the house and she claims that one of the the two black clothed figures raised the gun to shoot her and pulled the trigger and nothing happened so she was miraculously spared and she ran out of the house never looked back and when she was asked why she didn't call the police she said it was because she was afraid because she was a witness that they were gonna come after her while all this was happening Jodi was playing you know the good role of the morning girlfriend or ex-girlfriend or friend or whatever she was to Travis she sent a lengthy letter to his grandmother just voicing her regrets and Travis's grandmother had basically raised him and his siblings because both Travis's parents were drug addicts and Travis had had a really hard upbringing so his grandmother was basically the one that introduced him and his siblings to the Mormon faith and saved them Jodi had flowers delivered to his family she posted a whole like in memory of Travis Alexander on her MySpace page which you can still see if you go to her myspace page there's all the pictures of her and Travis and they say in memory of Travis Alexander she was posting really sad she's on myspace about their time together she even went to a memorial service for him which was sure his family and friends were thrilled about if you look at her myspace page there's still pictures of Travis all over it it's so creepy and weird it's like these two people were frozen in time she is in Travis's Tapei and he isn't a her top eight and if you're too young to know what a myspace top eight is it's basically the people who visit your profile the most the people who you interacted with the most they would be in your top eight I'm July 9th 2008 Jodi's birthday she was indicted for first-degree murder and six days later she was arrested in September she was extradited to Arizona to stand trial for the murder of Travis Alexander Jodi arias at this point underwent a physical transformation she had already dyed her hair from blonde to brown and that was so she wouldn't be spotted while she was going into or leaving Travis's apartment the day she killed him but she took it to a whole new level so she used to be this like blonde bombshell I had a ton of makeup on tight fitting clothes really sexy really beautiful when she went to court she like I said had her hair brown she cut it into bangs she started wearing glasses her clothes were more conservative she wouldn't have any makeup on so she wanted people to think she was this innocent victim she wanted people to perceive her as just younger pretty much the way she was doing her hair the way she was wearing the glasses just having no makeup on she wanted to be perceived as younger and innocent and a victim she didn't want to be seen as the attacker she wanted to be seen as the attacked before the trial started Jodi told the judge she wanted to represent herself and he said whatever I don't have a problem with that I think Jodi thought she was so charismatic so magnetic so appealing to other people that all she had to do was get up in front of the judge and jury and defend herself and they would all say why is this girl here why is she on trial she is so sweet and innocent and intelligent and well-spoken we need to get her out of this courtroom right now case closed but that's not what ended up happening she provided letters that she claimed were written by Travis and in these letters he was admitting to that he was a pedophile the letters were obviously looked into and investigated and they were found to be frauds and shortly after this Jody went to the judge and did say okay I'm in over my head legally so I need a public defender at this point her court provided attorneys entered a plea of not guilty claiming the Jody killed Travis out of self-defense so here's the evolution of Jody's lies initially she says I wasn't there at all I haven't seen him in months have no idea what you're talking about then when they bring proof to her that she was there at the time stamped photographs she says oh yes yes I was there I was there but there was a home invasion the ninjas came in and they killed Travis and thank God they didn't kill me and I just never said anything about it because I was scared then when that doesn't look like it's gonna be believed she goes into the I was there there wasn't a home invasion I did kill him but I did so because he was physically abusive and I thought he was gonna kill me what just the fact that this girl's changed her story so much and she doesn't think that anybody's gonna like bad and ayah that shows you how much she's been manipulating people and getting her way for her entire life Jodi alleged that Travis was physically and emotionally and verbally abusive to her he would call her names he would call her his [ __ ] or a [ __ ] or things like that and just make her feel bad about herself he would hit her he would kick her and he would make her do sexually depraved things that she didn't want to do but she did anyways because he made her the trial lasted 18 days in these 18 days Jodi claimed that not only was Travis abusive and she feared for her life but since the age of 7 her own parents were abusive and they beat her with belts and wooden spoons and her dad had a belt he would hit her with and her mom carried a wooden spoon around with her and would hit the kids with him whenever they were bad I mean I don't know about you but my mom hit me with a wooden spoon a couple of times when I was young and I never killed my boyfriend she says the day that Travis died she had accidentally dropped his new camera and he yelled at her seeing like even a five-year-old can hold a camera better than you can and then he flew into a rage and he like went to tackle her like got real low to tackle her and she was like oh he's gonna kill me and she grabbed his gun she said and then shot him even though forensic evidence showed he was stabbed first then shot then stabbed again multiple times but then all this really incriminating stuff started coming out in court the lengths that Jodi went to not only to plan the murder of Travis but to cover it up so she had staged a robbery at her grandparents house weeks before in which a gun was stolen from her grandparents house and the gun matched the bullet that was found at the scene additionally she rented a car so she wouldn't be seen in her own car and she got tanks of gas or like cans of gas and put them in the car so she wouldn't have to stop between California and Arizona to get gas and have kind of a paper trail of credit card receipts showing where she was when she got gas listen if I'm found guilty I don't live I'm not guilty I didn't hurt Travis if I heard Travis if I killed Travis Oh she also dyed her hair so she would be harder to recognize she took the front license plate off of the rental car and she turned at the back license plate upside-down so it would be harder to identify then after she kills Travis she actually like called him a couple hours after she left his house and left a voicemail talking to him about you know normal things basically to make it seem like she thought he was still alive so you yes we were here to prevent me from going into the three digits so fun friends tell y'all about that later also we were talking about when we were talking about your upcoming travels for the way I was looking after make calendar stuff so I'm all confused Heather and I are going to CEO fellow on July 1st and we would love for you to come company I don't know when pain freedom within yourself but you know it's on the list so we could do because you know Shakespeare greater like chemicals so if you can make it it's not all just enough crater-like to delete this message press 7 save it in the archives press 9 that's you lying on the message right yes Charlie we're leaving the message for mr. Alexander indicating that you got lost fun fun right yes that's not true right that's not true and all of these lies their benefit so that you can escape responsibility I don't see how that's to my benefit but I don't know what you mean by benefit but it's yeah so I could escape whatever for the time being well now you keep saying for the time being you would have been happy to avoid the consequences for a lifetime wouldn't W I can't say we'd be happy but I don't know her dad though right I don't know well you didn't go to the police with any of your information ever until he contacted you right I think I initiated the contact she also drove right from Travis's house to another man's house in Utah that she had been talking to and having a relationship with and she ended up kind of like making out with him that day his name was Ryan burns and they had also mats at a convention in Las Vegas Ryan says when he met Jodi she had blonde hair but when she showed up at his house that day her hair was brown which we already know she had dyed it he also said she had cuts and bandages on her hands and she told him those from breaking a glass at her job as a server and cutting her hand the kind of attack that happened to Travis the multiple stabbing wounds this is not an attack or a murder a self-defense this is a murder of intense anger Jodi was so angry and you can tell she didn't just want him dead she wanted to kill him she didn't want him to just die she wanted him to suffer she wanted to take every thing out on him and that is why she stabbed him so much not only that but his throat was slit from ear to ear so what kind of self-defense murder is this you don't need any other proof in this case besides the way Travis was killed stabbed in the heart shot in the face stabbed 27 to 29 times and his throat slit almost that's the point of him being decapitated basically Jodie and her defense tried to show the world that the chaste good Mormon boy that Travis had shown the world wasn't actually him he was a sexual deviant he was a pedophile he asked her to do disgusting things and he hid that from everybody Jodie said if Travis wanted her as his own personal sex slave and brought forth like text messages and conversations which did support that that is kind of what Travis wanted from her they brought out underwear that had Travis's name on them that he had made for her and she showed a picture of her in a t-shirt with blonde hair and it said Travis Alexander's on the t-shirt and she claims that he had that made for her as well I don't know if I believe that because he really didn't want to have any ownership over her he even want people to even know they were together so why did he make a t-shirt that said Travis Alexander's on it I guarantee you she made that t-shirt herself that seems like the crazy kind of thing that she would do it reminds me of that movie How to Lose a Guy in 10 days where Kate Hudson makes like a photo booth of her and Matthew McConaughey's kids and their life together puts out pictures of them and puts it in the photo book like they had a whole life together and she makes this album that is Jodi arias like to a tee the prosecution countered with recorded phone conversations showing that Jodi was just as into all of this stuff as Travis was it was super awkward in the courtroom because Travis's family was there Jodi's family was there everybody was there the jury the judge everybody and they were playing these recorded phone conversations out loud and they were like really dirty and really like they were dirty so I could only imagine it was super uncomfortable for everybody and Jodi kind of like sat there on the stand and she you know did one of these like hiding her face with her hair as if she was just so ashamed she couldn't even make eye contact with anybody something that kind of confused people was Jodi had no character witnesses come forward for her so typically you would have someone come forward for you and say you're a good person or talk about you and the good things you had done but Jodi didn't have anybody come forward for her Jodi arias wasn't found guilty and convicted a first-degree murder when the verdict was read at crowds that were waiting outside of the courtroom cheered and the above-entitled action upon oros do find the defendant as to count one first-degree murder guilty five jurors find premeditated zero find felony murder seven find both premeditated and felony signed foreperson [Applause] [Music] death penalty was obviously on the table at this point and it was up to the jury to decide whether or not Jodi arias was going to live or die and they actually were hung at first they were a hung jury they couldn't decide there wasn't you know a unanimous decision on whether or not she should face the death penalty which I understand that this is a difficult decision I don't know if I could ever be in the position where I'd have to be a part of deciding whether someone lives or dies that has to be incredibly tough at first Jodi said if she was convicted of this crime she would want the death penalty because death would be freedom for her and she couldn't get it soon enough once it became clear that the death penalty was definitely probably an option she changed her tune there's this interview and I'll play you a couple clips from it but the interviewer just goes so hard at her I loved it like he literally says what everybody thinking and typically in interviews you'll see that the anchor or the reporter is kind of more like soft balling the person and he did not at all like he came at her so hard and I love him for that you said today you want to give Travis's family closure you know they want you dead so why don't you give them that closure what do you mean by that why don't I kill myself is that what you're asking no why don't you accept the fate of the death penalty if you know that's what they want if you truly care about their closure why didn't you apologize to them I did apologize to them you never said I'm sorry I said that I said that I'm sorry that I'll never be able to make up for what I did and that I can never replace their loss but you didn't use the word I'm sorry well then I'm sorry I didn't say that because certainly I am sorry especially since nobody believes what I'm saying anyway you said it right there no one believes a word out of your mouth why do you keep talking you've said that sort of thing a lot before including right after you were arrested you said my goodness if I did something this horrible to Travis I would beg for the death penalty right you did it so what changed my family changed my mind if you were on that jury and you had heard what they have heard would you kill you I don't believe in capital punishment one thing that surprised a lot of people is that no one from your family got up to say anything nice about you when you were facing the possibility of the death penalty well that was a defense decision but the impact of that is that you've lived on this planet for 32 years and you have no one other than yourself to come up and vouch for your character as a person when you're facing death well I did have people and they were not called and to people who say you shot him you stabbed him you slit his throat and then you killed him a fourth time when he was already dead by making up things about him to ruin his reputation you say what nothing was made up nothing was made up at all I mean it was a defense strategy too for me to take the stand and once I was on the stand I was obligated to answer the questions that were posed to me but you know no one believes you right that's not true so you think people should feel safe if Jodi arias is out of these four walls at some point I think so yes if you're not abusing me and attacking me and threatening to kill my life there's no reason to fear I didn't know that you're a hater when you came to interview me so Jodi got up in front of the jury and the courtroom and said no I know that I asked for the death penalty before but I only realized now that this would do less good for me and more harm for my family and she like points at them in the courtroom so she says she doesn't want to face the death penalty because she doesn't want to hurt her family anymore and not only that but she can do so much good for the world still even from a jail cell she can do so much good for the world she just goes and launches into this whole like diatribe about all the good she can do she can grow her hair out and donate it to Locks for love she can start a recycling program in prison she can start a book club in prison she can get a Spanish lessons in prison and then she brings out this shirt that she designed and it says survivor on it and she's like I can sell these shirts and a hundred percent of the proceeds will go to victims of domestic violence and it's a survivor on it like what I didn't know that if I got life there are many things I can do to effect have changed and contribute in the meaningful way in prison there are programs I can start and people like in help and programs that I can continue to participate in a few months before trial and by that I mean jury selection my hair was past my waist and I donated it to Locks of Love a nonprofit which creates wigs for cancer patients who've lost their hair in fact that was my third donation to that organization since I was arrested over the years I've spent an incarceration I've received many requests from women to teach them Spanish or American Title II which if I get permission I'd like to implement the recycling program the women's prison in Goodyear houses thousands of women and each week huge loads of waste are hauled off to landfill this is one small thing that could have a far-reaching and positive impact on the community and on the planet there's a higher rate of illiteracy in prison than in everyday society I know that reading has enriched my life by expanding my knowledge base and opening my eyes to new worlds and different cultures I can help other women become literate so that they too can add that dimension to their lives along the lines of literacy I'd like to start a book club or a reading group something that brings people together in a positive and constructive way so that we can share and recommend other good books and stimulate discussions of a higher nature additionally I've designed a t-shirt [Music] this is the teacher of which 100% of the proceeds go to support nonprofit organizations which also assists other victims of domestic violence I'm sorry I know it's not funny but it made me laugh because she killed somebody like she murdered somebody admitted to murdering somebody and then she's pulling out a shirt that's a survivor that's gonna help the victims of domestic violence he literally this entire monologue was reminiscent of a high school student like running for Student Council I'm gonna put vending machines in the cafeteria and we're gonna get 20 extra free minutes a day during our flex period no more teachers in the lunchroom I don't know what she was thinking but I mean it must have worked in some way or the other because finally five years after killing Travis Jodie was sent to prison for life without the chance of parole so Jodi arias is a textbook narcissist sociopaths she is somebody who was used to getting her way she's somebody who could talk herself out of any things so she's the girl who would get pulled over by a cop and cry to get out of the ticket she's the girl who literally was so manipulative is so controlling so charming that she could get anything she wanted I wonder how nice to hear [Music] if my change [Music] No [Music] I can't breathe until you're resting here with me who [Music] right [Music] [Music] [Music] do every new account that came out painted a clearer picture of her as this manipulative narcissistic a self-centered person when she was 14 she was growing pot on their roof and she got caught so her parents searched her room because you know your daughter just got caught in growing pot what else is she doing so they searched her room and he says that from that point on things changed in their relationship she never trusted them again she turned away from them and he blames himself for this she has this man manipulated to the point where he blames himself for ruining the relationship with his fourteen-year-old daughter when he was only being a parent that's normal parent stuff to do your kid gets in trouble for drugs you search their room that's what parents do she literally made them feel like it was their fault that their relationship changed not her fault because she did something wrong and they reacted to it it was their fault and they still to this day believe that a co-worker described her as controlling and crazy when it came to her relationship with Travis the co-worker said she would call him all the time and she could not come into her shift until she spoke with him on the phone and if she didn't get Travis on the phone she was not coming into her shift and she would leave after working all day at 11 o'clock from her job and drive all the way to Arizona it's a five-hour drive drove all the way to Arizona after work just to see him and make sure that he wasn't like with anybody else her co-worker said that the trip that Travis was planning to Mexico with his friends that was what really said Jodi awfully she was pissed he was bringing another girl he hadn't asked her to come she did not want him going to Mexico with his friends and another girl I guess that maybe she thought the traveling was kind of like their thing together and she felt betrayed that he was taking another girl traveling Jodi Zach's cell mate said that this new girlfriend Lisa they don't was actually the intended victim of Jodi's wrath that day that Jodi had confessed to her one day when they were in their jail cell together she hadn't gone to Travis's house hoping to kill him she'd gone hoping to find this girl Lisa and kill her as if that makes it better I do understand that she felt used by Travis I completely get this we've all been in relationships with people who we have felt are using us or aren't giving us as much as we're giving them or kind of aren't interested in taking it to the next level like we are we've all been there so I completely understand and I do think he was using her for sex do I think he was this amazing guy no do I think he had only good intentions no do I think he probably had some like sexual depravities clearly if you listen to the videotapes if you like read the things he wrote to her yeah he was kind of a freak but so was she and she was into it you know I think she saw Travis as somebody who was gonna save her from her life that he was the next step for her she envisioned this whole life with her said she wanted to marry him told everybody he was gonna be her husband and then he just kind of like threw her away and she says she felt like used toilet paper I get that feeling she was thrown away when he was done with her when he'd gotten bored when he'd exhausted her use he tossed her aside and he moved on to a girl that I think he felt was more appropriate for his Mormon upbringing he never intended on marrying Jodi he never intended on being with her she was the girl you have fun with she was the girl that you have sex with she was the girl that you sexually explore with she wasn't the girl you bring home to your parents and marry he was getting it out of his system was that okay was that right no to be honest Travis was kind of a scumbag but he didn't deserve to die for it he didn't deserve to be brutally stabbed and shot and died for it it's really a shame because Jodi to me seemed like a really intelligent well-spoken person she was a really good writer I read a letter she wrote to that Ryan burns guy and the she wrote to Travis's grandmother she was a good writer she has this amazing way of expressing herself with words she was really good with words she could she gonna listen emotional reaction from you she could make herself seem genuine she could make you feel like she really cared about what you were saying that she really cared about you but everything she did was in order to attain something for herself she was not selfless she didn't care about people for what she could do for them she cared about people for what they could do for her but she had a lot going for her she was a good thing er she was artistic she was great behind the camera you know she could have been a good photographer she could have done anything I think she was kind of in trouble from the beginning she was a psychopath she was a narcissist and I don't think that anybody did this to her I think she was born this way this case was crazy I remember seeing the Lifetime movie and then I remember reading about the case and I was like they made Travis seem like this innocent little boy she just corrupted him and that is not what happened but at the same time Travis did not deserve to die at all end of story she got what she deserved are you guys I hope you liked this video please give it a big thumbs up if you did like and subscribe if you want to see more let me know in the comments what you think about this case are you like team Jodi or team Travis what's going on have a great day everybody it's about that time I've got to get ready and go to war what is this what is this it's about that time now I've got to get ready and go to work but I will see you guys soon on mystery Monday stay kind and stay beautiful have a great day [Music] [Applause] today was gonna be the day that they gotta throw it back to you but now you should have some love realized what you got it too [Music] feels the way I do about you now [Music] but be Thor
Channel: Stephanie Harlowe
Views: 561,144
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mystery, monday, mystery monday, true crime, jodi arias, travis alexander, jodi arias and travis alexander, what happened?, true story, creepy stories, true crime story
Id: Kf_HchMAz6w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 31sec (2551 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 02 2018
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