Caylee Anthony: The Beginning (Mystery Monday) PART ONE

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The worlds biggest POS mum

👍︎︎ 6 👤︎︎ u/Blackshells 📅︎︎ Aug 15 2020 🗫︎ replies

Thanks for posting! I also run /r/truecrimediscussion. Self-promotion is allowed there if you would like to post your video on that subreddit as well.

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/Hysterymystery 📅︎︎ Aug 15 2020 🗫︎ replies

Why is she trending again???? Cant we all forget about it why bring it up every other day?

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/jessidarkbloom 📅︎︎ Aug 15 2020 🗫︎ replies

casey’s about to have a book released?!!

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/agweandbeelzebub 📅︎︎ Aug 19 2020 🗫︎ replies
hello everybody welcome back to my channel this is the highly anticipated Keeley and Casey Anthony video now before I get started let me just tell you that I'm pretty sure I have the flu so if I start breaking out into cold sweats at some point in this video or just pass out you'll know what happened today's video is brought to you by audible a free audiobook download and 30-day free trial at and I love listening to audible I'm the Google home Mini now so I can walk around the kitchen and just listen to the audiobook I just love audible it helps me so much when I'm researching these cases because I don't have a lot of time to sit down and read books but I obviously can find the time when I'm driving or doing laundry or cooking to throw an audiobook on and listen for those of you who watch my channel who have been interested in trying audible please go ahead and click the link in the description box and audibles gonna be offering you a free audiobook so there's really nothing to lose here if you're interested you can try it out if not you got a free audiobook so I always get a lot of questions about what clothing and makeup I'm wearing currently in the video and then I have to go back and kind of remember especially the makeup what makeup I was wearing so from now on I'm gonna put that information in the description box and if you guys want to know what shirt I'm wearing today it's one of my favorites and now I've worn it almost every day since I've gotten it and I have it in gray as well so it gives me a little bit more variation because black and gray are typically my go-to colors but let me show you really quick so it says a true-crime and shell and it's basically me in a nutshell I got it from this cute little Etsy shop called Jean Girard apparel this isn't sponsored by a Jane Gerard apparel in any way she did not pay me to say this or wear her shirt in this video just like me Jane Gerard is a small creator she's trying to make her way in the world and I love supporting small businesses and small creators because that's who I am so if you guys are interested and checking out what she's gotten in her shop I'll put the link in the description and let's get started on the video so this is the Kaley and Casey Anthony case and I'm sure everybody already knows about this case unless you've been living under a rock or you just don't watch the news because this was a huge case and still is today because of the verdict that happened in Casey Anthony's trial I put off doing this video for a while just because I felt like I had some biases against Casey Anthony as I think most of America does I think she's pretty much been tried in the court of public opinion and found to be guilty even though she was not found guilty in her actual trial so there are a lot of people out there who think that she did this there's a smaller group of people who believe she's innocent so it took me a little while to summon up the courage to dive into this case because I know that I'm biased and I don't like to go into cases being biased I like to try to look at it from everybody's perspective that's something I pride myself on and I usually won't cover a case if I don't feel like I can cover in an unbiased way now with that being said I do have some different opinions after getting deeper into this case and we will discuss those as we go along through the video I want to let everybody know this video is gonna be in two or three parts if you're looking for a Wikipedia recitation of this case this video is not for you this is an in-depth analysis and look into the case and we're gonna go over every single small detail leading up to the trial of Casey Anthony during the trial of Casey Anthony and after the trial of Casey Anthony so this is the story of Casey and Caylee Anthony the beginning we all pretty much know the story of Caylee Anthony a little girl who went missing just two months before her third birthday what followed would be a trial and a controversial acquittal that's right up there with the OJ Simpson acquittal but I believe that few people really know the entire story as well as the small details that led up to Kelly's birth Kaylee's disappearance and what would follow Casey Anthony the young mother who most of the world thinks is responsible for her daughter's disappearance and death is a complicated person to understand her we need to understand her family and the dynamic between them I've said it before and I'll say it again a person is the product of their environment a person is a product of the way they were brought up there's obviously other factors at play but the way you're brought up the way you're raised and the childhood that you experience makes a big impact on your personality in adulthood so let's go into the cast of characters in Casey Anthony's family we have her father George Anthony George Anthony was originally from Ohio and he worked in the 80s as a Trumbull County sheriff's deputy in the stolen car division for ten years before retiring from the force during this time he was married to his high school sweetheart her name was Terry and they were married for five years Terry recalls that outside of his uniform and George Anthony wasn't that much to write home about their marriage ended allegedly because Terry claims that George was a habitual liar and had a gambling problem and she just couldn't trust what he said anymore they were divorced and soon after he met Cindy Anthony no Cindy Anthony is also from Niles Ohio she came from a military family and she was a registered nurse they got married in 1981 and they had their son Lee on November 20th of 1982 they then had their daughter Casey on March 19th 1986 after Cindy and George had kids Cindy one Jew work less and stay home with her kids more and that's common sometimes when you have children you want to focus more on the kids and kind of pull away from your career and she thought that George wasn't making enough as his position in the Trumbull County Sheriff's Department so she kind of urged him to leave this position that he had put ten years into and find something that would make him more money so that she could stay home with the kids George began working for his father Lee Anthony and his father's used car lot in Niles Ohio and it was called Anthony's auto sales the only problem was George and his father Lee did not really get along they had a lot of arguments they butted heads often and one of these disagreements would end with George throwing his father through a plate-glass window at the dealership so needless to say after that he no longer had a position at Anthony's Auto Sales he tried his hand at opening up his own car lot and had to take out a second mortgage on his home to be able to accomplish this but he wasn't really good at running a business I'm not sure exactly why or what happened but the business went under and he lied to his wife Cindy and told her it was because they had made some bad investments and not that he just didn't know how to run the business and he'd run it into the ground in 1987 George Anthony ran for County Clerk of Courts position and he lost that race according to his first wife Terry George's ultimate dream job was being a character in Disney World he wanted to put on one of those big like costumes like a goofy and walk around and you know just be in the happiest place on earth and I mean I get that after his attempt at opening his own business failed the family moved to Orlando Florida Quinn sit down me enough the home of Disney World where George wanted to work George actually got a job as a route manager at a newspaper so it correct me if I'm wrong but I believe that a route manager at a newspaper is basically just a glorified paperboy head paperboy if you will he ended up injuring his knee and he had to switch professions again and this time he wanted to pest control I just imagined this man who started off as a respected member of the police force having to switch jobs because his wife thought he wasn't making enough money having to work for his father and then failing at business and then becoming a paperboy and now he's spraying houses for bugs I can't imagine that that was healthy for a Georgia Anthony's self-esteem while George Anthony was working in pest control he injured his same knee again and he just had to stop working altogether George Anthony at this time basically stayed home and got addicted to online gambling racked up a lot of debt in online gambling and also credit card debt just because they didn't have to in coming in so they were putting a lot of things on credit cards and as a result like the majority of America honestly they were in a lot of credit card debt Casey Anthony was described as a spirited and energetic child she was full of personality loved to make people smile throughout her school years she was very popular keeping a wide circle of friends and boyfriends she was athletic she played volleyball soccer she ran track George how would you describe Casey growing up as a child very energetic very intelligent young lady little girl always trying to do the best she possibly could always trying to make me laugh she was actually not a bad student but people described her as more of a tomboy she preferred the company of males to females and she kind of had interests that went more in the direction of what men would be interested rather than what women would be interested in so the majority of her friends were men the trouble with Casey seemed to begin when she hit high school and the compulsive lying began now always remember Casey Anthony is a proven and notorious liar one of the worst she reminds me of Jodi arias so much and this lying to everybody about everything began long before she would even become pregnant with Caylee when she was in her senior year of high school she just stopped attending classes who knows what she was doing and you know we've all skipped a class here they're in high school I was guilty of it as well but she just stopped attending classes pretty much altogether and a couple weeks before graduation her parents asked her where her cap and gown for graduation were and they hadn't seen her with them so she said that the school had made a mistake and hadn't ordered it her parents believed her I guess and didn't pursue it any further at that point but a couple of days before graduation Cindy and George Anthony got a call from the school guidance counselor and they had to go into the school where they were told that Casey was short credits and would not be walking the stage and graduating with her class when Cindy and George confronted Casey about this case once again lied and said it was the school's fault that they had enrolled her in classes and hadn't let her know that they were half credits or the credits weren't going to go towards her diploma kind of thing which doesn't really make any sense but her parents believed her the day of graduation arrives instead of coming clean to friends and family Cindy and George Anthony go along with this charade that their daughter has created and they actually go to graduation with their friends and their family and they sit there and they watch the entire graduation and when they're asked why KC wasn't walking the stage and getting her diploma Cindy said the school made a mistake but she has still graduated she has her diploma she just wasn't allowed to walk the stage they threw her graduation party they accepted gifts they accepted money for a graduation that never happened so I'm gonna stop right here and I'm going to refer back to what I said at the beginning that your upbringing the way araise contributes to the kind of personality you develop there didn't seem to be repercussions for Casey Anthony for her lies and her treachery and in fact it seemed that she thought her parents would just kind of go along and support her with whatever she chose to do even if that meant lying to everybody in her life and they did instead of looking further into her lies checking with the school about the credits story seeing how many classes and days she had skipped of school asking what she was doing when she wasn't in class telling her she's not gonna get a graduation party because she didn't graduate they just built this protective barrier around her and took part in the narrative that she was creating and this gave her the belief that you can lie your way out of anything and you can create your own life out of the lies that you tell it's really poor parenting to be honest after high school Casey continued to live with her parents in their home and she had become a beautiful vivacious outgoing and popular young woman but she still lived with her parents and she didn't really make an effort to contribute to the home even though Cindy and George were struggling financially and I have to imagine that she knew they were she had a job at this time at Universal Studios in Orlando Florida and she worked basically at a Kodak kiosk as kind of like a contractor to Universal so she didn't work directly for Universal Studios she worked for a contractor of Universal Studios and basically what her job was was to try to sell tourists pictures of themselves while they were at the park so those pictures that get taken of you while you're on rollercoasters and then after you get off the roller coaster somebody tries to sell you the picture that was Casey's job to sell the pictures this is where she would meet a man who was in her life her quite a while and his name was Jesse Grund now Jesse was working as a loss prevention officer at Universal Studios at the time so he would basically walk around in street clothes I just kind of keep an eye on everything see if somebody was like stealing from souvenir shops and that's when he saw a little brunette who seemed to be full of life carried herself very professionally and he described her as just beautiful and exactly his type he says it was love at first sight for him they met in January of 2015 and their relationship accelerated very very quickly this is going to be a hallmark of Casey Anthony's personality that she basically will just leech onto people for whatever reason whether she's looking for something in her life that's missing whether she just likes to use people maybe a little bit of both but she will leech on to men and women very very quickly and become so engrained in their lives as so quickly they don't even know what hit them the first time she met Jesse's parents though they noticed something odd in May of 2005 she did go to Jesse's parents house for the first time she was helping one of his brothers try to get a job at Universal Studios and his father asked Jesse well you didn't tell us that Kacy was pregnant and Jesse's like no she's not pregnant she's just retaining water she's a virgin still and Jesse's father was like she she looks pregnant and Jesse and Kacie denied this around the same time at Casey's uncle noticed the same thing at a family wedding and he asked Cindy when's your daughter expecting her baby and Cindy said much of the same what are you talking about she's just gained a little weight Casey still a virgin she's not pregnant and everybody who sees Casey can clearly tell she's pregnant she's a small petite little girl this isn't somebody who can kind of hide a pregnancy very easily she's pregnant and Cindy and George are just denying this left and right to anybody who asks eventually when she was about seven months pregnant Casey did come clean to her boyfriend Jesse and her parents that she was pregnant she was expecting a child and everybody was overjoyed allegedly Cindy and George said they were excited to become grandparents and they just were happy for Casey in general Cindy told Casey you're gonna be a great mom and she just couldn't wait to have a baby in the house Casey and then he also told a Jesse Grandda that he was the father of this baby that she was pregnant with and he did the math like anybody in his situation would and didn't really think that it added up how he could be the father of the child case he was carrying when they had only been together and had known each other since January and as she was due in August but every time he would bring it up or question it she would get really agitated she would get really mad she would get offended and cry and you know he would just kind of drop it to avoid the conflict so eventually Casey's questionable math skills and her clinginess - Jesse kind of caused him to pull back a little bit and they took a break they would reunite right after Caylee was born and in fact jesse was there the day Caylee was born in the hospital and this would be the first time that George and Cindy Anthony would meet Jesse who Casey was telling everyone that was the father of her child so they were a little like aloof with him because they're thinking this guy enact my teenage daughter up he hasn't even been around he took a break from her is he even gonna be able to support them who is this guy they said he looked scruffy when he showed up at the hospital not put together and they just kind of initially didn't like him in fact I think that Jesse Grund was one of the only people in Casey's life who genuinely cared about her and would have taken care of her for ever if she had let him i'm audist 9th 2005 Caylee Marie Anthony was born now there's a couple add things about Kaylie's birth and you can agree with me or disagree with me but that's just my opinion so pick it up or put it down Casey's father George was in the room when Casey gave birth like in the room literally right there in the room when she gave birth and I don't know if any of you think that that's normal or not awkward but I think it's super abnormal and super awkward I would never have my father in the room when I gave birth because he was like not even standing by her bedside he was right at the end watching Caylee come out and it's just super weird and not only that but the first person to hold that Caylee Anthony was not her mother but her grandmother Cindy who insisted that she be the first one to hold the child now this is also strange for me and you can once again disagree with me but I've given birth three times and every time I insisted that I be the first person to hold my child even before they clean the baby off even before they took it and did what they needs to do I want it to be the first person to hold my child because you really need to develop that initial bond between mother and child and when a baby's born it's a really hard separation for both mother and child and it can be really traumatic for a newborn baby to be all cozy for 40 weeks in a womb and then to be pulled out into the world so it's really helpful for mother and child for the first person to hold the baby to be its mother but Cindy Anthony wanted to be the first person to hold Caylee and it bothers me guys I find myself feeling a little bad for Casey in the situation when you first give birth you're not really in any position to be arguing with anybody you're weak you're tired you just went through hell and now your mother's kind of like pushing you and trying to control the situation and you don't really have it in you to argue but I'm sure that Casey Anthony did want to be the first person to hold her baby and that just didn't happen in my opinion Cindy Anthony took advantage of her daughter's weekend estate and her age to kind of get her away in the situation and we will see that Cindy Anthony does have a very controlling side to her so Jessie grande is there when Keeley is born and he and KC become romantically involved again nee he still has his doubts about whether or not Keeley is his daughter so he orders a paternity test but it takes six weeks to come back and in those six weeks he becomes very very attached to Caylee according to Jessie by the time the results came back saying that he wasn't the father he had come to love her as a father and he said he didn't know how to love her any other way and it didn't matter to him at that point that she wasn't actually his daughter he thought of her as his daughter and he actually wanted to adopt her at one point and just a good guy in my opinion I don't know him personally but for everything I've read about him from everything that I've seen in the evidence and the case files and heard in the trial jesse was a stand-up guy Casey would have been lucky to have him Caylee would have been lucky to have him he wanted to step up and be this little girl's father even after finding out that Casey had lied to him for the majority of their relationship he's still proposed to Casey and wanted to adopt Caylee but you know who didn't want him to adopt Caylee Cindy Anthony a Cindy Anthony just didn't like Jessie I guess and I think that the reason for this is two pronged one I think that she saw Jesse as a young George Anthony and Cindy Anthony was not super happy in her marriage they were actually having marital problems at this time Cindy and George and they had ended up separating he wasn't even living in the house when Keeley was born so they separated he moved out and she was contemplating divorce at this time because she had found out about the gambling and all the debt they were in and she just kind of was sick of him lying kind of like his first wife so she was kind of playing divorce it did end up that getting divorced was too expensive she would have to pay him money because she made more money so she just kind of Grande and bared it and he moved back into the home but ten months after Keeley was born but at this time they're having some marital problems and she's pretty much looking at Jessie Grund as a young George Anthony thinking that she settled and she doesn't want her daughter to settle as well I also think that Cindy Anthony had a sort of possessiveness over Kaylie and didn't really want another guy to come in and adopt her because she knew that as long as Casey was single and didn't have support from outside the home Casey would always depend on Cindy for support and help with her daughter would always go to Cindy when she needed something and that way Cindy could continue to will maintain the amount of control over her daughter and her granddaughter's life that she really wanted to have if Jesse came in and adopted Kaylie and married Casey now he takes them away he's taking care of them they have a happy family a happy life and where's grandma Cindy left kind of on the outskirts just trying to get time with her granddaughter when she can when her parents say it's okay instead of having her daughter and her granddaughter living with her and being able to control every aspect of their lives Cindy wasn't shy to express her feelings of distaste for the marriage and the adoption of Kaylie to Casey and eventually the relationship with Jessi and Casey began to deteriorate he said she kind of had switched gears from being somebody who he thought was gonna be a good mother and in the beginning was a good mother at to somebody who kind of felt like she had lost her youth and was trying to go out and party a lot you asked her to marry you when the end of that year December 31st New Year's Eve got engaged all right and why didn't you get married I'm a few months later may of 2006 came to the end of it there were some behavioral changes in her she was just turning into a different person and basically she said I loved Kaylie more than I loved her and that was unacceptable to her that was very unacceptable okay but she thought it would be best if they just stayed friends and he remained in Keeley's life but not as her father just as a friend of her mother's so at this point we have an obvious question who is the father of Caylee Marie Anthony no one still even really knows to this day and I have a sneaking suspicion that Casey herself doesn't even know but she did have a lot of ideas or about who Keeley's father might be Hesiod told her friend Milania caprese that Keeley's father was a man who worked at Universal Studios with her named Josh and according to Casey Josh was hot they'd had a one-night stand and Kaley was a product of that but Casey also said that Josh had died in a tragic car accident not long after Kaylie turned to the existence of this Josh person has never been proven and I'm pretty sure she made him up in 2011 a woman came forward saying that she believed her son Michael Patrick Dugan was the actual father of Caylee Anthony Michael had called her in 2007 and told her she was gonna be a grandmother and that the mother's name was Casey Anthony Michael Dugan a few months later would actually die in a car accident and I wonder if that's where Casey got the story to make all about this Josh guy dying in a car accident because Casey's actual father had died in a car accident but then why not just say that that's the actual father I don't know Cindy had once said that Casey told her the father of Caylee was Eric Baker he was a friend an old friend of Casey's and he actually lived in a different state but they still kept in contact and Casey told her they'd had a one-night stand and because of that she became pregnant with Caylee coincidentally enough according to my research eric bakker also died in a car accident after Kiwis birth both Casey and Caylee lived in the home with George and Cindy Anthony and Caylee it was well taken care of by her grandparents she had her own room which was decked out in Winnie the Pooh decorations and bedding and pictures because Winnie the Pooh was her fave and she also had a little Playhouse in the back yard that George Anthony had constructed for her and he actually laid down little tiles on the floor at the Playhouse because it was open and he didn't want her to have to play in the dirt so he laid little tiles on the floor for her and they put a little mailbox on the front which had her name on it say what you want about George and Cindy Anthony but they loved their granddaughter they doted on her she was very well loved and cared for in that household they bought her her clothes her diapers her food everything she needed she was the apple of their eye and I wonder if this gave Casey a little bit of jealousy that they had kind of directed their love and attention towards her daughter instead of her and Caylee was an absolutely adorable and sweet little girl with a personality to match she was a big fan of wearing sunglasses and a hats so she was a stylish little girl I have a two-year-old daughter myself who insists on always having like some kind of headband in and she's very picky about what shoes she puts on she loved to watch Dora the Explorer and as a result she could count out 40 in Spanish which is really an incredible feat for a child who wasn't even three years old yeah Casey was described for the most part by most people to be a good mother people who saw her and Keely together said that Casey seemed to really love her daughter and doted on her Casey never rose her voice never yelled at Caylee played with her she seemed to dress her nicely and kind of took her everywhere with her to friend's house and things like that and she would get mad if her friends would try to smoke like cigarettes or weed in front of Kayleigh and she would be like no you can't do that my daughter's here so she did you know for the most part as a mother who is young you know 19 20 at the time that she had Kayleigh she was doing her best I think in the beginning but let's be real the people who are doing most of the caring for Kayleigh or George and Cindy Cindy would work all day at the hospital as her job as a nurse and she would come home you know around 5:30 five o'clock six and Casey would say to Caylee hey do you want Grammy time and basically hand her over to her grandmother this is where Casey Anthony's employment status now changes so she was working at Universal Studios like we talked about but when she was on maternity leave she obviously wasn't working but they expected her to return after her maternity leave now they would keep trying to contact her to see when she was coming back and she just kind of didn't respond it also eventually when they hadn't gotten ahold of her after quite a while they put through the paperwork for her to be terminated and she no longer had her job at Universal Studios nobody else knew that besides Casey though because she old everybody that she went back to work and she would go to work every single day leaving Kaylee with her parents or friends who would help watch her where was she going during the day well she was just having me time Kaycee time she'd go to friends houses and play video games she'd go shopping she'd go get her nails done she would just go hang out she wasn't doing anything bad she wasn't doing anything in nefarious but she wasn't taking care of her child she didn't actually have a job she even guilted one of her friends Lauren Gibbs into watching Kaylee for free by telling her she didn't have enough money to pay for child care as well as all her other expenses and she was just a single young mother trying to make ends meet so her friend Lauren actually agreed to watch Kaylee for her for free this is also going to be a pattern that we see with Casey she uses people she uses people but she gives nothing back to them this is also around the same time that Casey begins telling friends that she misses having freedom and she wishes that she could just be a normal 19 year old without the burdens and responsibilities of a child and listen I completely get the desire to have time alone to have time to just walk through target without kids in your cart yelling at you to just have time to be and not have to take care of other people I have three kids I get it but the fact is Casey was doing this every single day and to me this is the sign of somebody who never really wanted to have a child there were actually reports that when Casey was pregnant with Caylee she had wanted to give Kaylee up for adoption but her mother Cindy would not hear of it so if she's working all this time which she claims to be going to work every day where's the money right she doesn't have any money but she can't let people know that so she has to figure out a way to get money from different avenues we're gonna talk about that in a minute but George and Cindy like I said they're still having financial troubles and George eventually starts taking work as a security guard for certain establishments like movie theaters even with both Cindy and George working they were still deeply in debt they were having trouble finding money to pay for their expenses Plus now they have two extra mouths to feed in their home and they're paying for all of Kaylee's expenses and most of KC's as well because George and Cindy were the main caregivers for Kaylee when she was born I think this caused some tension between Cindy and her daughter Casey Cindy had actually been quoted as saying she wasn't Casey's child she was our child she belonged to all of us we I get feeling that way but it's a rude thing to say Casey carried her around for 40 weeks gave birth to her its Casey Anthony's child it's not your child it's at everybody's child Caylee was Casey's daughter many people would report that Cindy would often tell Casey that she was an unfit mother that she was irresponsible and she denies ever seeing this but so many people have said that she said it that I just I don't believe her and I can see that dynamic happening I was a young mother myself I had my first daughter when I was 17 and that would often be a conversation than my mother and I would have she never called me an unfit mother but she would say things like you have to focus more on your kid you can't be going out the same as you used to it was definitely a struggle between the two of us as well so I understand this dynamic I think more than a lot of people do a teenage mother especially at first they have to transition into understanding now that they have a child and they might not always be as present and responsible as a more mature woman who's made the decision to have a child and prepared herself for that it's a growth thing and for most people and most young mothers I think it does come quickly once the realization hits that this is your life now you resign to that and you love your child so you want to give them the best of yourself but for Casey I do believe that because her mother and her father were stepping in so much and taking over so many of the responsibilities when he came to Caylee she felt more comfortable with removing herself from the equation at first Casey just began borrowing money from her parents and when she was asked when she was gonna pay it back she would always just kind of put them off and make up excuses of why she didn't have the money at the time Casey lied again and said she had gotten a second job at a store called Sports Authority which I is just like a place that sells sneakers and athletic apparel but this fake second job gave her more freedom than her fake first job because she could have extended hours she could be working at night or she had to stay late to do inventory like once a month and because of this fake job which gave her more flexible hours at night she started going out and partying more but this would also be the time that both Lauren her friend who was watching Keely for free and her parents would figure out that case he was lying about this second job Lauren had to get a hold of KC one day when she had Kayleigh and Casey wasn't answering her phone so Lauren called at the store the Sport Authority store and asked for Casey Anthony and they said well she doesn't work here and she never has nobody by that name works here and so Lauren obviously confronted Casey about this and Casey lied and said they were mistaken or they call me something different there you know just lied again and Lauren wasn't having it so she told Casey like you're on your own I'm not gonna watch a kid for free for you anymore so you can go out and party and do whatever you're doing also one day George Anthony showed up at sport authority to surprise Casey and take her to lunch only to find that she not only wasn't working there that day but she never had so he also confronted her about it and she basically did the same thing kind of lied but also told him it's none of your business where I work or what I do and I'm not sure who's believing her at this point besides Cindy Anthony who appears to believe every single lie and every single word that comes out of her daughter's mouth even though they seem to have this weird dynamic with each other of competition - who Caylee would love more I want to be with more I also think Cindy almost felt guilty maybe something in the way that she raised Casey caused her to believe she didn't do a good enough job and so she felt guilty that's a common emotion and you'll see when parents really kind of cover up for their kids who are lying and doing bad things it's out of guilts for something that they think they didn't do enough of or something they did that they think caused this behavior and their child and I mean rightly so in the early spring of 2007 Casey told everyone she had gotten a promotion a universe studios where she didn't even work to begin with so she got big promotion for her fake job and she was now the event planner at Universal Studios and yeah everybody's happy Casey's doing great awesome this allowed her to have more freedom again with her comings and goings she would write fake emails from fake email accounts and send them to herself her own email and show her mother and father say Ola there is an event emergency at Universal Studios I need to go they need me bat-signal has gone up they need me and this worked for a long time they just were kind of happy I think that she was moving forward and progressing seemingly in her life so they didn't really question it and they wanted to do whatever they could to support her blossoming career right around this time Casey tells her parents she's involved in a relationship with a man named Jeff Hopkins Jeff Hopkins worked at Universal Studios he had a son who was right around at Kaylie's age named Zachary and she was in love with him she stored his number in her phone under the title boyfriend and would show her mother all the time like look my boyfriend you know just in case you don't believe me here's a picture of him and his son and here's his name in my phone and Casey Anthony is honestly one of the greatest storytellers of all time because she would not just tell lies and usually when you're when you're lying what you want to do is you want to keep it simple so that you don't trip yourself up the simpler the better that way there's not a lot of details and small intricacies to keep track of but she wove the details into the store she would create a whole cast of characters and weave them into her stories you know people's mothers and sisters and friends and have all these names and details and their birth dates it was insane I don't know how she kept track of it but anyways her parents now want to meet Jeff she's been talking about him forever he sounds like a great guy sounds like responsible he has a kid already he has a good job sounds like somebody they wanted me not like that Jesse grande guy who just wanted to marry your daughter and adopt your granddaughter and take care of them so they plan a dinner to meet him and he's gonna come over with his son and meet the Anthony's right as the food is going on the table right as dinner's about to be sat down and eaten oh no he texted me he has a sick kid Zachary sick and he can't come so they cancel they reschedule for a different time well when that different time came once again right before dinners about to be served he text her again he has a work emergency he has to go into work Casey's parents keep pushing her to meet this illustrious Jeff and eventually Casey's just like uh he had to move to North Carolina darn it you know that's that's horrible but you're not gonna meet him now but we're gonna you know keep things going we're gonna try to keep things going long distance he's trying to see if we can make it work August of 2007 they were having a second birthday party for Kaylie everyone was gonna come over to the Anthony home celebrate little Kylie's second birthday party and a Casey Anthony went out to buy a cake and some decorations she came back with the cake and decorations everybody's like great this is awesome they had a party but later Casey's grandmother Shirley realizes that her checkbooks not balanced and finds that Casey actually took a check out of her checkbook to pay for the cake and party decorations and Shirley is not happy about this Shirley strikes me as somebody who is a no-nonsense kind of old lady so she lets Cindy know what her daughter did and Cindy of course defends her this was not the first or last time he's Anthony would steal from her grandmother but a month later she started using her mother Cindy's credit cards without her permission when Cindy confronts Casey about it - Casey lies this is getting redundant she lies and she says her paychecks are locked in her supervisors office and her supervisors like out of town or something and she can't get them right away and that's you know something that Cindy believes again I guess and I don't want to say that Cindy is a stupid woman because she's a nurse she clearly went to college she has some kind of common sense so I don't think she's stupid and I don't want to ever suggest that I think she was stupid for believing her daughter but there's something else going on there right because it's not stupidity she's an intelligent woman she's managed to stay alive for this long how does she continue to believe these ridiculous lies since Kaylee was born George Anthony despite his money troubles would take a $30 a week from his own paycheck and put it into an account for his granddaughter well Casey found out about this and drained the account leaving just five dollars in there just enough to keep it open when George found out the money was gone and demanded answers from his daughter Cindy Anthony once again steps in and says let it go just let it go don't pursue this George Anthony also claimed that Casey would go through her own daughters piggy bank and take all the big change out of it that she could for herself so at one point Casey fakes deposit slips into her mother's account she faked deposit slips and showed her mother look I paid you back I finally got paid and I paid you back for all the money you've lent me and it was a good chunk of money so she told her mother the money was in her account and not thinking otherwise even though I mean at this point me being Cindy I would have questioned the legitimacy of Casey's deposits but if Cindy goes and spends the money she thinks is in her account and she bounces checks and has like overdrafts you see had also been paying her cell phone bill online using her mother's checking account which Cindy Anthony hadn't been aware of either and in what is really a scumbag move Casey Anthony actually takes a check that her grandmother gave her for her birthday takes the routing number off that check and takes money out of an account that her grandmother had set up to pay for the expenses of her grandfather being in a nursing home grandma Shirley was not having it she was like done with it so she called the police and actually reported her granddaughter had stolen from her at this time still plagued by financial troubles George and Cindy go to see a financial adviser and while they're there the financial adviser lets them know exactly what kind of damage Casey has done to their finances they are informed that over the past few years Casey had stolen over $40,000 from them that's a lot of money what did she do with her the financial advisor did a couple of things in this meeting some of which I think was their job to do and some which I think was not but he or she advised Cindy to cut ties with Casey you know this isn't a good relationship for you this person's stealing from you whether they're blood or not they are stealing from you so you should cut ties so you can work on rebuilding your credit and rebuilding your finances now Cindy doesn't want to cut ties with Casey because she says her granddaughter Kaylee is with Casey and they come as a pair basically and if she doesn't see Casey she won't see Kaylee and then the financial advisor does something that I'm not sure financial advisors are supposed to do but suggests that Cindy tried to get custody of Caylee Anthony because Casey definitely doesn't seem in at least the financial position to care for Caylee so it might actually work and then you know you get the best of both worlds you don't have to deal with your daughter who's stealing from you and you get to keep your granddaughter so this is where the seed was planted I think in Cindy's mind that she could potentially get custody of her beloved granddaughter but now that tension is building between Cindy and Casey Casey wants to live her own life she's trying to strike out and gain independence and Cindy is kind of not allowing that to happen she's not allowing her to make her own choices and granted I don't think that Casey was the best decision maker who ever lived but you have to let people make their own decisions and even if they fail even if they make mistakes that's how they learn what's a good decision and what's not and Cindy just wasn't letting her daughter make her own decisions and make her own mistakes and fail Mei is the same month that Casey would meet her new boyfriend Tony Lazaro Casey was dating Tony at the time that Caylee would end up going missing they initially met on Facebook and then they attended a no clothes party together and a no clothes party isn't really what it sounds like it's not where you go to the party naked it's where you have to wear items that are not actual clothing items so imagine one of those Project Runway challenges where they make the contestants basically create fashion out of like coke bottles or something it was kind of like that you have to find items besides clothes to wear and casey chose to wear an american flag I feel like that's so wrong she's like in my brain a vision standing by the window Tony and Casey hit it off the party of course and once again as her relationships and friendships tend to do their relationship accelerated very quickly now Casey was kind of technically currently at the time she met Tony involved with a man named Ricardo Morales she claims that she liked him but he never pulled the trigger until he found out she was interested in Tony but he is referred to as an ex-boyfriend in a lot of different Case Files and a lot of different reports so who knows she often refers to him as Rick in text messages which we will go over in a little bit but apparently when he found out that she was dating or seeing somebody that's when he kind of wanted to become involved but she had already been you know falling in love with Tony because she falls in love every single time she turns around so she's falling in love with Tony and Tony's a Long Island native and he's attending Full Sail University in Florida so he's a college kid he's living with a couple roommates he's a club promoter so his job is basically to go around and promote events at clubs and throw events and try to get people to the clubs and KC just kind of loved this about him now Tony had met Kaylie several times and we will talk about that in the timeline that I'm gonna discuss with you in a moment but he actually told KC that he didn't even really want kids and if he did have kids he'd rather than be boys than girls because girls were more trouble than boys so is that important I don't know but just keep it in mind let's go over the timeline in the days leading up to Kelly's disappearance and after some of you may feel like this is too detailed going over this timeline but I think it's very important to see the progression of Casey as a normal young mother to Casey as so On June 1st Casey told her mother she was being sent to Tampa for a work and she'd be gone for a few days she also texted her friend Amy who zynga that day and told her she was going to be with the new guy Tony she was dating and she texts to Amy I really like this guy she was supposed to go with her friends she had like a friend group and she's supposed to go with her friends including Ricardo Morales and Amy who's Inga to a karaoke bar that evening but she said she couldn't and she didn't show up that night she was with Tony of course and they went to a barbecue at a friend's apartment that night and according to Tony that night Casey spent the night at his apartment and they were intimate for the first time June 2nd which is a Monday Ricardo finds out that Casey is seeing Tony and apparently he tells her he has feelings for her Casey brings Caylee her daughter to Tony's apartment this is the first time that Caylee will meet Tony and considering that Casey and Tony have only been dating for like a week that I think that's too soon to introduce your daughter to somebody new that you're dating but ok she brings it Caylee over to Tony's apartment and according to Tony Caylee had a teddy bear in one hand and a book in the other and they spent the day at his apartment complexes pool he says that Casey was a good mother she would yell at Caylee if she got too close to the edge so she was worried about her falling in and Caylee was a smart kid easy to be with fun to be around they had a good time that day right before midnight that night Casey texted her friend Amy and says so is it more sad or funny that Rick decides to spill his real feelings for me after hearing that I made out with Tony stupid so stupid I couldn't wait for him forever and I'm truly glad I didn't on June 3rd at Casey text her friend Amy and says she's taking her mother out to dinner which she wasn't and she found a great store to get some essentials for their new home together so apparently Casey and Amy are planning on moving in together and we'll find out a little later that Casey was telling Amy that her parents were leaving the house to her and asking Amy to move in with her to the point where Amy actually put a change of address form in that arrived at the Anthony home so anyways Casey's like I found this great dollar store we can get some essentials for our new place together can't wait to move in with you she then asked Amy if she was coming out to the jukebox the next night and a couple hours later she posts on Amy's Facebook wall it really has been too long since we've seen each other thankfully we have trucks celebration to end this drought I think she means Troy on Wednesday June 4th in the morning she posts on Amy's Facebook wall all the times we will have I can't wait for us to become roomies in another week seriously by the end of the week it will be just us girls I can't believe it I don't know if just awesome girls meant Amy and Casey or if Casey was referring to Amy Casey and Caylee because allegedly Caylee would be living with them as well and I'm not sure what she's trying to gain from this lie because her parents are not leaving her the house her parents are not moving out of the house and she's literally giving herself this time limit of like just by the end of the week we're gonna be living together which is crazy because I feel like this lie would catch up with you pretty quickly right on Wednesday June 4th Casey and a bunch of her friends went to voyage a club and this was for a Troy's of birthday which was probably the celebration she was referring to on Amy's Facebook wall and Casey brings Tony which is you know a big deal because Ricardo is there right so there's a drama and tension everybody's like oh my god what's gonna happen Ricardo's here Tony's here Casey's in the middle getting all the attention which she loved Casey was not able to stay over at Tony's that night she told him she wasn't allowed to her parents wanted her and Caylee to be home Thursday June 5th all of Casey's friends went out again for Troy's actual birthday now remember Casey is the only person in her friend group who has any sort of responsibilities none of her other friends have children are married even in serious relationships they have no responsibilities so they can go out as much as they want so you see that Casey has the you know FOMO going on fear of missing out and she's consistently kind of thinking what if what if I didn't have any attachments what if I could just go out whenever I wanted Casey did not join them a for Troy's actual birthday celebration and that night Casey's grandmother surely also emails one of her friends in the email Shirley tells her friend that she hasn't talked to her daughter Cindy in a while she seems to pressed seems overwhelmed she seems stressed out Shirley thinks that it's the responsibility of having Casey and Caylee in the home and extra people to provide for she also mentions to her friend how George got into trouble and into debt with online gambling how he can't really provide for her family have Cyndi's the main breadwinner and this is just so like old-lady gossipy right like this is private family matters and she's just poor heading it around to all her friends it's crazy Shirley says that Cindy has considered doing away with herself if it hadn't been for Kaylee and for her mother and her father Friday June 6th I think that Casey had plans with her friend Amy and Ricardo because Amy and Ricardo live together and she texts her friend Amy and says oh I got roped into staying at work I won't be able to come out tonight why Casey does go out that night she goes to a fusion Ultra Lounge it's a club that her boyfriend Tony is running a promotion at every Friday and she's gotten really into like helping him run the promotions and putting it out there on the social media and she even helps with the shot girls and managing the cocktail waitresses and things like that now if you've ever been to a club like this I used to manage one there is usually a photographer there who will take pictures and or it's like enhance their own social media kind of presence and a photographer was there that night took pictures Casey was in the pictures and when Ricardo saw the pictures on Facebook he and Amy confronted Casey about it and was like why'd you lie to us and she said I didn't lie my boss at Orlando studios he needed me to go check up on his kid who was at fusion and it wasn't supposed to be there so I had to go to the club to see if this kid was there which is the most ridiculous lie like she lies at the drop of a hat about the most ridiculous things she could have just said she was there planning an event for Orlando studios like that was her job at Orlando studios why can't you say that you make up the most ridiculous lie and involve all these people in that don't need to be involved the owner of the fusion nightclub had seen Casey often knew she was Tony's girlfriend and said she just seemed like a normal college kid a party girl and he never even knew she had a child now that Friday Amy Casey's friend actually gets into an accident and totals her car and she you know had reached out to Casey the night before I think looking for help but of course Casey's not there to help Amy Casey wants people to be there to help her when she needs help but she's not really all for helping other people so the next morning which is Saturday June 6th at Casey posts on Amy's wall Facebook wall that she hopes she's okay at 11 p.m. that night Casey and her daughter Caylee show up at Ricardo's apartment and ask if they can spend the night and of course Amy's already there because she lives there with Ricardo at this time and Ricardo is Casey's axe or somebody that she used to be involved with but now she's seeing Tony so this is a whole weird dynamic I don't understand but anyways her and Caylee spend at the night at Ricardo's was that evening Sunday June 8th Casey and Caylee wake up and they leave Ricardo's and go back to the Anthony home Monday June 9th the Casey leaves the house and says she's going to work and she's dropping Caylee off at an Inez she did not go to work because she doesn't have a job what she did was she pick Tony up from school his Jeep needed to get some work done so she actually had picked him up from school she took him and Kaylee to subway and she bought them all subs they had lunch and then she dropped him back off at his car which was ready and ready to be picked up she texts her friend Amy later to tell her she's staying at the boys that night which is Ricardo's and that Kaley used the baby potty for the first time followed by a sorry proud mama that night both she and Kaley stayed at Ricardo's apartment again Tuesday June 9th Ricardo leaves his apartment early for work and he says that he sees both Casey and Caylee still asleep when he leaves later Casey would text Amy and say the she and Ricardo were no longer friends because he had professed his love for her she hadn't returned the sentiment so it was awkward now she claims that Ricardo told her he wanted to see her even though he knew she was seeing Tony and he didn't mind if she saw both of them at once and she told me she couldn't do that because she respected him too much she's got some high morals this Casey Anthony on Wednesday June 11th Ricardo and Amy go out to a club they asked Casey to go but she claims she's working but this is also the day she changes her relationship of status on facebook and myspace and all social media to taken or in a relationship so it's official Thursday June 12 Caylee Casey and Tony I'll go to the Cheesecake Factory together for lunch after that Casey meets up with a former classmate Kristine and Chester and her two kids and they go to the park with Christine's two kids and Caylee and you know they play at the park Caylee has a playdate with the two kids and at 10:24 that evening Casey texts Amy and responds to a missed phone call and tells her she's about to make a late call for work and we'll call her leader at 11:15 that evening the Anthony's desktop shows an internet search for Zenaida age twenty five Fernandez Gonzalez and Jacksonville Friday June 13th Amy text Casey at 6:15 a.m. Casey was supposed to go with Amy that day to help her and get a new car in Jacksonville so she was supposed to drive her because Amy's car had been totaled but Casey made up a story and lied and said how her father had had a mini heart attack and she was on her way to the hospital with him so she just doesn't want to help her friend right her friend's there for her when she needs help her friends give her places to stay let her borrow money this this and that but she is never there when her friends need help so she says I'm so sorry my father had a mini heart attack we're on the way to the hospital and Amy's like oh my god I hope he's okay you know don't worry I'll find another ride so she's lying about her father having a heart attack to get out of helping a friend a dirtbag later in case he would text Ricardo and ask him to come to fusion that night cuz it was Friday Tony's club night to promote and he declined I wonder why but he also asked her you know what was going on with Amy weren't you supposed to be driving her to Jacksonville today to help her get a new car in case he was like oh yeah but my dad had a mini-stroke so you know I couldn't do that but he's okay now that night there was a pop showcase at fusion both Tony and Casey where their Keely was not there I'm not sure who she's with at this time but she's not there Casey stayed over at Tony's that evening as well Sunday June 15th 2008 was Father's Day now a Cindy Anthony took two-year-old Keely to visit her own father Cindy's father at the nursing home and they visited there with him for a bit they had a good time Caylee snuggled with her great-grandfather and then Cindy brought her back to the family home the Anthony home and they swam in the pool a little bit that afternoon after that they had dinner with Cindy's mother Shirley which I'm sure consisted of Shirley just ripping Cindy a new one about how Casey had robbed the bank account and stolen from her so that evening the 15th Father's Day Cindy and Casey have a big blowout now it had come to Cindy's attention that when Casey said she was working on that Friday night before she had been at the club she'd seen pictures on Facebook I'm not sure how Cindy saw the pictures on facebook i think somebody showed them to her but she'd seen the pictures on facebook and she confronted casey with it and confronted casey with stealing from her grandmother and they got into a huge fight both Cindy and George and Casey will say there was no fight nothing happened but the neighbors heard it it was pretty evident that they were yelling at each other and basically Cindy said I'm gonna take custody of Caylee away from you and this was kind of the first time she had brought this up or suggested it in such an aggressive and outright way the neighbor of the Anthony's he is involved a lot in this timeline and he said that Casey Anthony had quite at the temper he often heard her yelling and swearing at her mother so this wasn't the first time they got into an argument that night both Casey and Cindy tucked Kaylee into bed Casey talks on the phone with her boyfriend Tony until 1:05 on the morning of Monday June 16th they spoke for about 80 minutes he called her again at 308 a.m. and there's really no record as to what was discussed at during these phone calls he says just normal lovey-dovey relationship stuff he actually said lovey-dovey that's not my term in the morning said he left early for work as she typically did and George Anthony gave Akili breakfast - case he was on the computer from 756 a.m. to 8 o 6 a.m. she flirts with a male friend named Ryan on the internet and tells him she's checking on the Facebook MySpace hoopla she's trying to get him to come to fusion on Friday and just kind of talking about his life her life she claims she's moving out all this jazz at 10:27 a.m. she uploads a picture of the interior of fusion nightclub into her photobucket account and photo bucket I don't even know if it's still around but it was in the old days it was like kind of a Dropbox or Google photos for pictures you could just store pictures in there at 10:00 to 1:00 that afternoon George Anthony I saw Casey and Caylee walk out of Casey's room Bailey was dressed in little jean shorts a pink shirt sandals and sax and had on her trademark large sunglasses they both had backpacks Casey told him she was going to work and she was dropping Keely off at the babysitters George helped get Kaley into her car seats he gave her a kiss he said I love you and I'll see you soon and he waved goodbye to her as Casey drove away with Caylee in the car and this would be the last time George Anthony would see his granddaughter alive this would be the last time anybody would see Caylee alive besides Casey Anthony but according to Casey Anthony's cell phone records she did not go far we already know she doesn't have a job so she's not going to work but what does she do that day she made three calls that all pinged at cell towers close to her home and 1:00 p.m. she called Tony and she spoke with him for about 14 minutes at 1:44 she made a 36 minute call to her friend Amy and at 2:52 she made an 11 minute call to her ex-fiance Jessie grande this called Jessie he claims was about Casey telling him her parents were getting a divorce and she needed a place to stay and Jessie says he could swear at this time that he heard Keeley in the background of this phone call what it appears happens is that Casey left the house to make it look like she was going to work like she did every day and she waited for George Anthony to leave to go to work himself and then she circled back around and went back to the Anthony home that afternoon while she was back at home not at work not anywhere else she spent a lot of time on the computer it appears I don't know where Kaylee was at this time that's what's really frustrating this time line is something that only Casey Anthony knows so I don't know where Caylee was at this point between 2:00 and 3:00 p.m. there was heavy Internet usage on the computer at the Anthony's residence and both George and Cindy were verified to be at work at that time Casey did some searches on the Internet at this time and the contents of these searches we will go over in the trial and court portion of the video but she did some serious internet searches at this point the most important thing to remember though is at some time between the point when George Anthony saw Casey and Caylee leave the house and 8:00 p.m. that evening when Casey is seen with her boyfriend Tony on a surveillance camera at Blockbuster sometime between those two events Caylee Anthony went missing and it is widely assumed that that is when her life was taken from her so at 8 p.m. at Casey and Tony go to the Orange County Black Buster and rent two movies jumper and untraceable jumper is a movie about a man who can transport himself anywhere and he uses this ability to travel the world and rob a bank vaults and untraceable is a movie about a serial killer who kidnaps people and places them in elaborate death booby traps that are activated by the amount of views' he receives on a website called kill with me Caylee is not with them at this time on Tuesday June 17th both Cindy and George Anthony are at work and Casey returns to the family home her cell phone pings a cell tower southeast of the house and Lake Vista Boulevard and south goldenrod her phone then goes silent between the hours of 5:00 23 and H 23 no calls or messages in or out which typically means the phone is turned off the cell phone goes live again at 8:23 p.m. near Tony's apartment that afternoon Casey also visited a friend of hers whose name is Chris and he would say that she showed up driving Tony's Jeep and not her car and she seemed happy normal chatting she said she was looking to buy place and that she was looking at a $250,000 house which she thought was cheap and he thought that was funny it is funny you don't have 250,000 dollars Kasey's on Wednesday June 18th that Casey returns to her parents home when she knows her parents are at work she backs her car into the garage and she asks her neighbor Brian Berner to borrow a shovel she borrows the shovel in about 1:30 p.m. and returns the shovel an hour later Brian Berner said she didn't appear to be sweaty or dirty or out of the ordinary at all her cell phone pings at or around her parents house between 2:30 and 3:30 and after 28 minutes of a cell silence which means it was turned off her phone pinged by the e contrail located south of lake Underhill the next day which was a Thursday June 19th a friend of Casey's Matthew crisp was contacted by her inquiring about leasing an apartment for her boyfriend Tony she also invited him to fusion Ultra Lounge the next night which was Friday Tony's normal Club night he declined and Casey just keeps on promoting this Friday night at fusion at 3:57 p.m. she writes on her friend Troy's wall inviting him and his friends to fusion on Friday as well he responds to her and asks her how long will she be there and at 909 she responds to him until 2:00 a.m. I'll be there all night Friday June 20th Casey and Tony go to fusion nightclub again now this is the infamous hot body contest that Casey Anthony entered this is the night of this where she's wearing the blue dress I believe and she's taking part and entering this hot body contest and there's tons of pictures of her taken she's drinking and laughing and having a great time when in reality we know her daughter at this point has been missing for about four days after Casey and Caylee lefted the Anthony home on the afternoon of the 16th George and Cindy obviously didn't see Caylee again and they saw very little of Casey who made a point of going to the house when she needed something only when she knew they weren't there or they were at work she would tell her parents that she was working a lot and that she was staying this nanny that she had gotten for Kaylie the nanny's name was Anita Fernandez Gonzalez and Casey and Caylee were staying with her because Annie that's her nickname Casey said zani is her nickname xanies watching Hayley a lot while Casey is at work so they're basically staying with this nanny when in reality Casey is living with her boyfriend Tony and his two roommates who they said she was like a mother hen like a den mother almost she would clean and cook for them she was probably trying to earn her key because she was living there for free basically and she didn't want them to feel like she was a leech which is great but where was that initiative when you lived with your parents so every time Cindy Anthony's reaching out which is every day talking to Casey trying to get a grasp of where they are Casey makes up something she says zani took Caylee to Disneyworld sandy took Caylee to the beach to the park they're always someplace different I'm June 21st five days after Cindy had last seen Caylee he told her mother that she Caylee zani zani sister Raquel and a work friend of Casey Juliette Lewis Juliette Lewis they're all going to Tampa to go to Busch Gardens for the day Cindy asks KC about Kaylie's clothes she's like all Kaylee's clothes are here don't you need something and KC's like no no we don't need anything Danny's always got clothes for Kaylee at her house and zani brought us shopping so we bought a bunch of new clothes and shoes and things for Kaylee Cindy asked if Kaylee could call her when she got home that evening from Busch Gardens and KC was like yeah sure we'll call you but of course that would not happen because Keeley and KC loved Busch Gardens so much they were so tired at the end of the day that Kaylee fell right asleep and the next day they had such a great time the first day they decided to stay and go to Busch Gardens again once again cindy asked Casey to have Kaylee call her but something else happens oh it's horrible but on the way home Casey and Juliet and Kaylee are driving in Casey's car and they're following zani and her sister Raquel and zani gets in a car accident a bad car accident and they have to be taken to the hospital in Tampa Raquel's got a broken arm xanies got a concussion and Casey has to stay with them to make sure they're okay while Kaylee can't talk to Cindy either because she's not currently with Casey at the hospital Kaylee is staying with Juliette Lewis at a nearby hotel this is bananas do you see what I mean these lies she makes up adding all these extra people and being really specific about you know broken arm and a concussion and all these little details that make telling lies so hard to keep up with and of course Casey's not in Tampa all weekend she's staying at Toni's house all weekend so now because of this accident they have to stay in Tampa another day which is pushing them into Monday somehow with Casey being in Tampa on Monday she managed to still go to the Anthony home with her boyfriend Tony driving his car because she ran out of gas again and break into their shed so that she can steal her father's gas cans because she needs gas and she doesn't have money according to her boyfriend Tony hold up to the shed she broke the left on the shed when and got the gas cans came back out he brought her to her car and she poured her own gas and herself as if she'd done it a million times which I'm sure she has so the next day which was June 24th George Anthony goes to mow his lawn and his gas for the lawnmower and his lawnmower are kept in the shed and as he goes into the shed he notices the last been broken the gas cans are missing so he reports it to the police and he also goes over and tells his neighbors like there's somebody stealing things in the area so be careful but he still has after he sits down and thinks about it a sneaking suspicion that his daughter's involved in this somehow the next day Tuesday the 24th of June KC thinks George is working because it's his normal date and time to work but George actually has a job interview that night so he took the day off from work and he's home she walks in and he's like hey what's going on even seen you in forever how's our granddaughter where is she and she's like I only have 10 minutes dad I don't have time to talk I'm just here to grab some clothes everybody's fine Keeley's with sani were fine I have to get back to work so she goes and grabs clothes from her room George Anthony is like I think she took my gas cans so he tells her I'm gonna go in your car I forgot something in your trunk I have to get it out of your trunk and she comes running out and she's like no I'll get it for you dad don't worry you don't have to do that and he's like I know where it is I know how to open your trunk I'm very capable of doing it myself and not that old Kasey banks and he goes out to her car opens her trunk and she's like following him like trying to stop him you know making excuses she can get it you don't need to do that bubble blah and as he's opening the trunk she kind of pushes in front of him grabs the gas cans out of her trunk throws them down at his feet and says here's your effing gas cans what a peach on Friday June 27th the KC texts Amy and says she's run out of gas again she's claiming she has a gas gauge problem so the gas gauge is telling her she has gas but she doesn't what she really has is a I have no money problem in this text to Amy talking about how she ran out of gas as she tells Amy I'm sure I hit something there's like an animal plaster to the frame of my car it smells really bad and this is the first mention of Casey Anthony's car smelling like death that we will kind of see in the many reports of people saying Casey Anthony's car smoke like death she ran out of gas in the am Scott financial parking lot so it's like a check cashing place and she actually parked it by a dumpster didn't have any gas it couldn't go anywhere so she left it there just left it there and called her boyfriend Tony and said I ran out of gas can you come get me she leaves her white Pontiac in the parking lots doesn't tell anybody like if it was me I would go in at least and say to the people inside like hey my car like broke down I ran out of gas I'll try to come and get it as soon as possible please don't call the police or have it towed like I'm gonna come back for it when the car was still parked there on June 30th three days later the manager of the check cashing place calls to have it towed Kaylee's car seats and Casey's purse were both in the back seats which is so weird why didn't she grab her purse probably cuz she had no money in it so it didn't really matter that day which was a Monday June 30th Cindy was actually on vacation from work so she had taken some time off from worth the entire weekend she really wanted to spend time with Kaylee while she was on vacation so she's calling Casey every single day trying to find out where Kaylee is can she come over can I see her can I pick her up Casey tells her mother that zani and xanies roommate Jennifer Rosa have taken Caylee to character breakfasts at Universal Studios all that day and there's another person in here Jennifer Rosa now the roommate is just insane so Cindy Anthony who really wants to see her granddaughter gets in her car drives to Universal Studios and calls Casey when she's there and she's like Han here at Universal Studios where is Caylee at I want to see her I'd like to pick her up and take her back with me that's one case he's like oh we're not there actually at all we're still in Tampa at this point if I'm Cindy Anthony I'm calling the police already because I haven't seen my granddaughter in two weeks and the stories my daughter's telling me don't seem to add up and aren't making sense and she's an old liar but Cindy did not contact the police at this point that week Tony Lazzara was going back to New York to visit family he had Casey bring him to the airport and drop him off and told her she could use his car while he was gone for the week well she didn't have there was a place to stay because I guess he didn't let her stay in his apartment while he was gone after Tony got on the plane and left Casey went to Ricardo's house where amias day and she hasn't seen Amy in like 10 days at this point they've communicated through text but they haven't really seen each other so she goes and hangs out with her and during the week Tony's gone Casey actually stays at Ricardo's with Amy because she uses people she was often asked at this point by her friends where's Kaylee and she would always have an excuse she's at the beach she's with Danny she's at Disneyworld blah blah blah all the same stuff she was telling her parents just not on the same days Tuesday July 1st Ricardo leaves for work Amy and Casey are in the living room talking and he leaves them there that morning Casey calls her axe Jessie and she's like hey I need a place to shower can they stop by and shower at your house and he's like I guess so she comes by she takes a shower and then she hangs out for a little bit after watching TV with him and then she leaves there is no Caylee at this point he asks where Caylee is of course because Jesse loves Caylee and Casey said she's with the nanny Wednesday July 2nd Casey gets a tattoo on the back of her left shoulder and it says La Bella Vita which is Italian for the beautiful life according to the man who gave her this tattoo she wasn't in search of her daughter she wasn't concerned or worried or panicked about where her young daughter was she did talk damn about her relationship with Tony that her boyfriend was out of town visiting family back in New York and that she was planning on getting another tattoo soon Cindy would try again to go to Universal Studios or places where Casey said Caylee was to try to find her granddaughter on this week that she's off from work and my heart really breaks for her I can just imagine this woman you know walking around a theme park or a playground just looking at see if that's her granddaughter it just breaks my heart for this woman even though she had her issues even though I think she did contribute to how Casey turned out she loved her grand Sindhi at this point enlists the help of her older son Lee Anthony and Lee does his own investigation kind of figuring out talking to KC's friends like where's she gonna be at and he finds out she's gonna be at the certain place and the certain night but then one of the friends who Lee called tells KC like your brother's checking up on you he's really worried about you maybe you should call him and so KC makes her not to be at the place she was supposed to be because she doesn't want me to find her a girl named Melissa England I believe she was a girlfriend of some new friend of KC's but this girl Melissa says that she spent a good deal amount of time with KC on Thursday and that KC didn't mention her daughter Kaylee once which kind of disappointed Melissa because she also had a child it was kind of looking forward to connecting with KC about that and Melissa also says KC seemed very stressed and anxious that she was getting a lot of calls from her brother and mother and it seemed to be bothering her on Thursday July 3rd at 8:40 4 p.m. Cindy Anthony creates a myspace account and then makes a post on myspace titled my Kaylie is missing mood distraught she came into my life unexpectedly just as she has left me this precious little angel from above gave me strength and unconditional love now she is gone and I don't know why all I am guilty of is loving her and providing her a safe home jealousy has taken her away jealousy from the one person who should be thankful for all the love and support given to her a mother's love is deep however there are limits when one is betrayed by the one she loved and trusted the most a daughter comes to her mother for support when she is pregnant the mother says without hesitation it will be okay and it was but then the lies and betrayal began first it seemed harmless ah love is blind a mother will look for the good and her child and give them a chance to change this mother gave chance after chance for her daughter to change but instead more lies more betrayal what does the mother get for giving her daughter all these chances a broken heart the daughter who stole money lots of money leaves without warning and does not let her mother now speak to the baby that her mother raised fed clothes sheltered paid her medical bills etc instead she tells her friend that her mother is controlling her life and she needs her space no money no future where did she go who is now watching out for the little angel Wow now I know I'm gonna get heat for this from the grandmas out there but this is too much this whole post was childish and passive-aggressive pull way too much attention on Cindy's role and her granddaughters life basically it's you know like trying to guilt Casey I think into doing what she wants by saying all the stuff that she's done for Casey and for Kayleigh I don't like that kind of manipulation which is exactly what it is it's manipulation it's passive aggressive and it's counterproductive when do these people just sit down and talk to each other that's what I need to know like find your daughter sit her down face to face and talk to her this myspace poor me victim routine is pointless and embarrassing and it's the kind of stuff that we see all the time on social media that's what it was to me it's it's very strange that at the beginning she says she came into my life unexpectedly just as she has left me this precious little angel from above it gave me strength and unconditional love now she is gone and I don't know why it almost seems like she knows she's dead but I don't think she meant it like that a lot of people had perceived it that way after everything came out and Kayleigh was found but I don't think that she meant gone like dead I think she meant like she's not around and I haven't seen her and forever and like I said it's been almost a month since you've seen your granddaughter you haven't seen a picture of her you haven't heard her voice you need to be wasting less time on making myspace posts and you should have already contacted somebody by now Child Protective Services at the very least so that you could at least ensure for yourself that Caylee was safe and if you do look at the sign update on this myspace profile which I'll provide a picture for you the signup date is July 3rd 2008 Cindy Anthony created a myspace profile specifically to write this passive-aggressive message to her daughter Casey so Casey texts Jesse after she sees the myspace post and says to him something my family if they ask you about me or they want to know where I am don't tell them anything it's drama and it's just not good right now he asks her like what what's going on and she's like I don't talk about it right now tell you tomorrow so he calls her the next day and he's like what's going on and she's like I don't want to talk about it still but I'll probably be drunk later and I'll probably want to talk about it that because it's the fourth of July so she plans I'm you know getting sloshed I guess so on July 4th at the 4th of July around 3:30 that afternoon Casey and Amy go to their friend will waters house to decorate for a 4th of July party that he's holding there that evening now all three of them after they decorate go to the store and get like burgers and beer and stuff for the party Cindy Anthony reaches out to her daughter to see if she and Kylie would like to come and watch the fireworks with them Casey says we're not even in town remember my old boyfriend Jeff who moved to North Carolina well he moved back and he now lives in Jacksonville Florida and me and Kaylee are gonna be spending the weekend and some time with Jeff and his son Zachary in Jacksonville and meanwhile she's telling friends that zani has Kaylee and they're at Sea World during the 4th of July party at Will's house it's reported that key she spent most of her time inside cleaning up she cleaned the whole house I guess from top to bottom and she was just kind of like picking up cans and cups and everything as the party went on which is a little strange anyways at 9 p.m. that night Casey and her friends they go to Lake Eola for a fireworks display and at this time she's on the phone with Tony and he tells her some upsetting news that he might not be living in Florida for very much longer his father wants him to come back home so he might just finish out like this semester in Florida and go back home and then his dad's gonna send for his car later and the case he's upset about this she's like I don't want to talk about this right now you shouldn't talk about the sad things when you're watching fireworks you know she's like a Disney Princess over here and he says to her well I'll be home tomorrow we'll talk about it then you know have a good 4th of July and they say goodbye July 5th the next morning will Waters texts Casey he's interested in her because her milkshake brings all the boys to the yard for some reason every guy who meets her just wants like be in a relationship with her so will is going around that morning telling his roommate how awesome Casey is and he texts her and he says what am I gonna see you again she says I can come over today and we can hang out we can do something and he's like super pumped he goes to shower and she comes over to his house now at this point it's my opinion but I believe that Casey kind of sense that maybe Tony was gonna be out of the picture soon like he was gonna move back to New York and she needed a new boyfriend she needed a new person to leech off of she needed a new person who had a place she could stay in a car she could drive so she was like kind of lining will up maybe he can be the one around 9:30 a.m. she shows up at his place and he's like okay what are we gonna do and she says well I'm getting my own place soon so let's go to Ikea and get some furniture for my new place because she lives in a fantasy world so they leave they go grab coffee they go to Target cuz will Watters need some gum and then they go to Ikea and they spend most of the afternoon there at 4:00 p.m. they leave IKEA Kasey brings wil back to his apartment and she goes to the car wash to give Tony's Jeep a car wash because she just picked him up from the airport that night after she gets the car wash she heads to the airport and she's on the phone with wil this entire time so she drops well off and they immediately get on the phone and she's in the carwash talking to well she's parking at the airport talking to well she's going up the escalator to like the terminal to get her boyfriend taki dwell and he says he kept asking her don't you have to get into boyfriend mode now like shouldn't I go and she says no just keep talking Tony gets off the plane they get in the Jeep and they go to Buffalo Wild Wings for dinner Casey spends the night at Tony's that evening and according to him this is when her nightmares seemed to start or at least the first time that he noticed them she would wake up shaking and in a cold sweat she would have a hard time kind of staying asleep and falling asleep and one night he woke up to find her out of bed sitting cross-legged on the floor with her laptop in her lap watching a video of Caylee and crying Sunday July 6 Cindy once again tries to get Casey and kee to come over he assumes that Casey and Caylee are back from their trip to Jacksonville because Casey told her she'd be back by now but Casey says her car was having some problems while they were in Jacksonville and that Jeff is getting it fixed for her so she can't come back yet so Troy Rick Amy and Casey they were supposed to go stay with Ricardo's family in Puerto Rico they were just gonna have to pay for their flight down and back and basically everything was gonna be taken care of for them while they were there they were all planning on going on this trip she never told them that she wasn't going to go until of course the last minute as per Casey Anthony style on Monday July 7th a friend of Casey's and named Matthew crisp sees her at Subway and he asks about Caylee where's Kaylee and she tells him Kelly's on a play date with a friend in the friend's mother that evening at 6:50 p.m. Casey posts on MySpace under Diary of days and the worst days remember the words spoken trust no one only yourself with great power comes great consequence what is given can be taken away everyone lies everyone dies life will never be easy on the worst of days remember the words spoken hold your head high smile laugh love unconditionally tomorrow is a brand new day I'm not sure if she wrote these words herself I did put the whole thing into Google and there was no song or poem that came up as a match I think she probably took a bunch of like generic kind of sounding poems or motivational words from other things because she was big on those and kind of meshed them together into a little poem of a sort but it does appear that she wrote this or at least assembled it herself isn't it crazy though when she says everyone lies everyone dies on Tuesday July 8th Casey spent the night at Toni's apartment again that day she drove Amy to her flights for Puerto Rico so at 6:30 a.m. she dropped Amy off the airport so Amy could go to Puerto Rico after Amy of course filled her own gas tank and then told Casey she could use her car while she was gone because Casey's still telling people that she's going to end up coming to Puerto Rico she's just gonna take a couple more days because she's got stuff to deal with at home so Amy thinks that Casey's gonna just like go grab a plane to Puerto Rico within the next couple of days and the car will be at the airport but that's not what happens at 9:30 a.m. as soon as Casey drops me off at the airport basically she posted on Amy's Facebook page all Puerto Rico has stolen my friends we shall be reunited soon at 11:59 a.m. shortly after she gushed to Amy about missing her friends and being reunited soon Casey takes Amy's checkbook out of the glove compartment of her car and proceeds to go on a spending spree the next couple of days went to Target and she bought over $100 worth of items so she bought bounty I go waffle skim milk Jergens lotion spices deli meat Bisquick spaghetti you know daily essentials at 10:14 p.m. that same day a picture was uploaded on Casey's computer it was a picture of a little girl looking up at a teddy bear in a hangman's noose and captioned why do people kill people who kill other people to show people that to kill people is bad so creepy Thursday July 10th Casey texts Amy at 8:47 a.m. and says she's looking into a flight that will get her to Puerto Rico that night so she's just lying and telling the man coming I'm coming a couple hours later at 10:37 a.m. Casey goes to Target again with Amy's checkbook and spends a hundred and thirty seven dollars and 77 cents out of Amy's account she bought a beret a mesh bra a dummy bra a jacket a hoodie a Jersey and a pullover shirt and noon that same day she goes to a different target and rates another check from Amy's account in the amount of 155 47 she purchased popsicles some more Eggo waffles some more deli meat bread eggs sudafed Bud Light hamburger buns cherries and straws and it's crazy to me because she purchased cherries and straws in the first target trip like the day before or two days before so what is she doing this she needs so many cherries and straw and cherries and a whole package of straws in two days she speaks with her mother briefly on this day and says she's still out of town with Jeff they're having dinner that night while her car's being worked on and then she'll pick up her car when it's ready and come home so now we're at July 12th her friend Troy was in Puerto Rico with Amy text her and says are you still coming and she puts him off just like she's done with Amy she says I have a lot of stuff going on I gotta buy a new car I gotta find a place to live I'm gonna try to make it out there at 2:21 Casey uploaded a picture to her computer a Tupac quote you can spend minutes hours days weeks or even months over analyzing a situation trying to put the pieces together justifying what could've would have happened or you can just leave the pieces on the floor and move the [ __ ] on on this day will Waters is still keeping in touch with Casey because they were supposed to go on a date to a helicopter ride on saw island he kept trying to get a hold of her because he'd made reservations for the helicopter ride and she was kind of being flaky about whether or not she was still going he called her when he got out of work around five o'clock because they were supposed to meet around 6:30 because the last helicopter left at 7:30 finally after reaching out to her multiple times basically telling her you need to get back to me I've made reservations I have to let people know if we're coming she simply texted back sorry can't make it and that was it on Friday July 11th on Friday July 11th Troy leaves Puerto Rico he had to leave a little later than everyone else because he had a job interview this is the same day that Casey texts Amy and lets her know that she probably isn't going to be making it to Puerto Rico after all Casey also texted will waters that day after canceling on him for the day - the day before and asked him to go to fusion that night and he responded by saying why would I want to go to fusion and hang out with you and your boyfriend around 8:00 p.m. that night Casey calls her mother and asks why haven't you called me all day Cindy replied by saying what's the point Casey you told me you'd be home tomorrow so why would I need to call you on Saturday July 12th Casey writes another check from Amy's bank account to winn-dixie for the amount of 9262 this was also the day that Casey was supposed to be arriving home from Jacksonville yesterday she told her mother that she'd be arriving home from Jacksonville even though we know she's not actually in Jacksonville but she calls her mother and makes up yet another excuse in another lie that Jeff's mother the one would cancer remember the one that doesn't exist she had a surprise wedding so they were gonna stay in Jacksonville for the wedding on Sunday July 13th George and Cindy Anthony find a notice on their door that they have a registered letter that needs to be picked up at the post office neither George or Cindy can pick up this letter from the post office on Monday because of their work schedules so George plans on going to x' day morning to get the letter on tuesday july 15th ami text kc around 8:00 a.m. and lets her know that her plane will be arriving back in florida around 2:30 that afternoon so she'll need to be picked up George Anthony then goes to the post office on Tuesday to get the letter and it's from the impound lot who says they have a Casey's car which is actually registered in Cindy Anthony's name and they have the car and it's been in impound since June 30th he goes to the impound lots to try and pick up the car but he's told Cindy needs to be there because the cars in her name so she has to bring the title and she also has to bring about four hundred and eighty dollars because they've been charged every single day that the car has been on the impound lot so George call Cindy asks her to come to the LAT and bring the money and she does when Cindy handles everything with the money and the title the manager of Johnson's wrecking a Simon birch walks George over to KC's Pontiac Sunfire George has a set of keys and he unlocks the door and opens the driver's side door and at that moment a very foul odor came out of the car and hit the two men who were standing there Simon birch said he recognized the smell because he had worked on the impound lot for a long time and he pretty much smelled every smell you could smell coming out of a car that was impounded and he said this smell reminded him of the time a man had committed suicide in his car and had been in his car for five days before his body had been removed and his car had been impounded he said the smell coming out of KC's wasn't as strong as the smell that had been in that car but he was pretty sure it was the same smell George and Simon go around to the trunk and George Anthony says he said a little prayer hoping that it wasn't his daughter or his granddaughter in the trunk of that car causing the smell they pop open the trunk and inside they find a pretty much empty truck but there's a garbage bag that has old pizza and maggots in it George grabs the bag out of the truck hands it to Simon birch who throws it over the fence into the dumpster and they pretty much kind of look at each other and they say maybe that was what was causing the smell George Anthony had to drive the car home the whole way with the windows wide open because the smell was so strong at 1:24 p.m. keys he forged a check for 250 dollars from Amy's bank account and cashed it at the Conway banking center additionally she used her friend's bank account to pay her AT&T bill of five hundred and seventy four dollars and sixty cents this check bounced it due to on sufficient funds so essentially Kasey completely drained her friend Amy's bank account like had nothing left in it KC's friends returned from Puerto Rico the evening of July 15th and KC drives Amy's car to the airport to pick them up but they can't fit everyone inside of Amy's car along with all their bags so Amy actually takes Kasey alone back to Tony's apartment and drops her off so she can go back to the airport and pick up the rest of her friends after she picks the rest of them up at the airport they decide to make a quick trip to the mall so George gets the car back home and George and Cindy began to investigate what's inside of the car Cindy finds KC's work bag in the front seat she finds Kaylee's book bag in the backseat as well as Kelly's car seats and keilee's baby doll which is sitting in the car seat in the back seat there's also two pairs of shoes and a pair of pants which Cindy claims she threw in the washing machine immediately not knowing that they would be future evidence because they smelled really bad inside of Keeley's backpack they found some wipes some diapers and a toothbrush this was the same backpack that George Anthony had seen Keeley wearing the day she disappeared Cindy also finds Amy's number underneath Casey's purse in the front seat and so she decides to call Casey's friend and let her know what's been going on she basically tells a me that everything Casey's been saying is a lie she's been saying she has her car but her car's been impounded for over two weeks and Cindy basically asks Amy do you know where she is Amy you know trying to be a good friend kind of half-heartedly is like yeah I know where she is but this is awkward but she is convinced at this point that Casey has been lying and there's something going on so she agrees to let Cindy pick her up at the mall and she's gonna show her where Tony lives and where Casey's been staying all month they finally get to Tony's apartment and Cindy Anthony marches up to the door and knocks on the door and basically demands Casey to leave and get in the car immediately she scoops Casey up so quickly that Casey leaves everything that belongs to her there her laptop her clothes her book bag everything's left at Tony's apartment once Amy gets home she's just hanging out with her roommate and it occurs to her that she should probably check her bank account Cindy mentioned that Casey had stolen some money from her and Amy it was like well maybe she stole money from me as well because I have been missing cash here and there it's very possible that she took money for me so she checks her bank account and sees of course we already know that it's at zero and that Casey had been writing checks out of her account as Amy is finding out that her friend has been lying and stealing from her for months Cindy Anthony is sitting in a car with Casey and she's gonna start trying to figure out where Caylee is and she's gonna do some really dramatic things to get to that point and that's where we will pick up in the next video the investigation in the Keely Anthony case let me know if you have any thoughts or comments but no spoilers for those of us who don't know about this case yet the next video should be out within a couple of days and then the third and final installment of the Casey and Caylee Anthony case will be up a couple days after that thank you so much for being here I appreciate you guys so much thanks for bearing with me in my long videos they kind and stay beautiful and I'll see you next time I we're ins do you believe there's some place to come career ask see man
Channel: Stephanie Harlowe
Views: 1,248,571
Rating: 4.8529773 out of 5
Keywords: mystery, monday, caylee anthony, casey anthony, caylee and casey anthony, true crime, stephanie harlowe, stephanie harlow, mystery monday, unsolved, unsolved cases
Id: V8awhDBKS-M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 99min 27sec (5967 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 31 2018
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