The Death Of Laci Peterson: Is Scott Peterson Innocent? PART ONE

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hello everybody and welcome back to my channel so if it sounds to you like my house is about to blow down or blow away or is sort of Oz style that's because it probably is there is so much wind out there right now so much wind all nights it's been like battering my house and so from time to time you're gonna hear something that probably sounds like an explosion but it's just the wind so bear with me I cannot control it okay guys today is a good day and it's a good day because it's a mystery Monday mystery Monday's are always fun I know you guys love them and also I am announcing my merch line I guess merch line I don't know a lot of you have been asking me for months to do March and I never even thought about it before I was asked I didn't know what I would do or how I would do it so that's why it's taking me a little time I wanted to really make sure that whatever merch I did provide for you guys to spend your hard-earned money on was good quality and something I really put my heart and soul into and that's why it's taken like three months for me to finally have something to show you now usually people use a t spring but I did look a little bit into T spring and there was some mixed reviews people didn't like the shipping time sometimes people thought the quality wasn't great so I ordered a shirt from there just to see what would happen and I kind of found the same thing the shipping times were a little slow their customer service isn't very responsive and I felt that the shirt I received wasn't as soft as I wanted it to be so I looked into some other options and I came across a bonfire no bonfire is a great company I have somebody there that I work with one-on-one to help me through the entire process which I really needed I told him his name Zach I said that you saved my life right now like I want to cry I'm so happy because I did not even know where to start and he completely helped me every step of the way with everything the way the bonfire works though is a little bit different so I have two designs that we started off with and I can make new designs and introduce new shirts and new merchandise as often as I want so every couple of months I can bring out new things so it doesn't get stagnant and old but the way it would work is basically we run a campaign for like five or six days and you would order the shirts in those five to six days and then nobody's shirt would get shipped out until the end of the campaign so after the six days or the seven days or however long the campaign is set up for you would then get your stuff shipped out to you but it comes very very quickly they are really good and I really preferred the fabric the materials I found that a lot of t-shirts sometimes that you have made they're like those Hanes t-shirts and not even the tagless cans the ones with the tag and they're like scratchy and bonfire uses more well-known premium brands of t-shirts so I was really excited about that and I'm actually wearing one right now and how you can't see it but I'm gonna show it to you and then I'm gonna show you the other design and I'm gonna open the campaign to start as of today and it'll go for six days so we'll try this out if the whole campaign style thing isn't something you guys like let me know and I can you know put some designs on teespring as well if it's easier for you guys but I think this is really cool I think it's a really good concept they have a very good customer service they have a really fast shipping times and I just like them as a company so let's try it out see how it works let me know what you guys think okay I'm gonna show you now I'm so excited like I've been wearing these since they came I am so excited okay so this t-shirt says is it Monday yet and then it says hashtag mystery Monday and then the other design that I have is this one so this says don't come for me and then it has my glasses and I got this design in a long-sleeve shirt this design is the women's fitted but there's a lot of designs on the website and a lot of different colors too so they both come I believe in long-sleeve unisex and women's fitted and then there's like a slouchy tank top style as well and we'll just start with these two designs and there's all sorts of colors like I said all sorts of styles but we'll start with these two designs and then if this works out and it's something you guys like and you'll prove up because I'm doing it for you also I think it's super cool that I have a t-shirt that's something I created that I can wear now I'm so pumped but if you guys like it and you approve will release more designs and more styles and we'll do special things like Halloween and Christmas and stuff like that I'm super excited super excited so I'm going to put the website that you need to go to find my store to find my store in the description box super exciting guys I just have to tell you like this is the coolest thing ever I have merch which blows my mind and you guys wanted it and I can't wait to get tagged in pictures that you guys take of yourself wearing this stuff it's gonna literally be like the end-all-be-all moment of my life it's just the coolest thing ever and once again I owe it all to you guys everything I'm putting the stuff out there but you guys are watching it and you know giving me feedback and being there for me and so everything that happens that's good for me happens and is good for you guys like like when I hit that 100k subscriber mark and I get that play button like that's for you guys that's dedicated to you guys even though Aiden is making me put it in his room because he wants it in his room that's for you guys I love you guys so much let's get started on the video maybe guys a little hint at the end of my last video that we were going to be doing Laci Peterson next and why am i doing a Laci Peterson video for mystery Monday the reason is is at this point Scott Peterson is appealing his guilty verdict and he is saying still and has said from the beginning that he's not guilty that he did not do this and I'm pretty sure everybody you know didn't believe him at first I definitely always thought he was guilty and I kind of still do I went into this research and looking into this case thinking he was guilty as did everybody else in the world right so when I'm getting requests do the Laci Peterson case because Scott Peterson might not be guilty to me that's mysterious to me that that deserves a second look so I decided to look at this case with fresh eyes and open mind yes I have my biases of course just like a Casey Anthony but I can look at a case and look at the evidence and look what is out there to be seen and I can look at both sides of a story and try to figure out what's the truth right because there's always three sides to every story well one person believes what the other person believes and what the truth is so hopefully I'm trying to determine what I think the truth might be after looking at what's cats us and what everybody else says and I'm going to try to tackle this in an unbiased way I'm gonna try to tackle this in a way where I'm looking at it as if I've never seen it before but I'm gonna give you my opinion as I go along what I find to be suspicious the things that he's doing that I don't find to be suspicious that everybody says is suspicious things like that and I really encourage you to let me know in the comments if you agree with me or you disagree with me on these points be so everybody out there who's gonna say like why are you even doing this video you're stupid Stephanie stupid gabions guilty as sin I agree with you however there's a lot of stuff that came out cents that kind of showed things were happening in the case that we didn't know about that we weren't told by the media I kind of feel like the media and the police who went so hard for scat since day one they ignored some of the things that may have made him look less guilty so we'll see at the end of this video or these series of videos because of course this is a series we can't just cover Laci Peterson in one video we're gonna see at the end how we all feel now I'm gonna say as I usually do if you are looking for a Wikipedia recitation of the Lisa Peterson case and the Scott Peterson case this is not the video or series of videos for you this is going to be full of information details times dates I'm trying to get everything out there so that we can almost look at this case like a jury who had gotten all the information and we can kind of decide afterwards I'm trying to get everything out there am I gonna miss some things yes but I promise you I will do my best to get everything in here on Christmas Eve in 2002 Laci Peterson who was eight months pregnant with her first child disappeared from her hometown of Modesto California on April 13th 2003 the bodies of Laci and her son Connor or found washed up on the shore of the San Francisco Bay mile away from each other what happened to Laci encounter how did a normal happy soon-to-be mother and her highly anticipated son end up having their lives snuffed out so soon and with seemingly no reason Laci's husband Scott Peterson is currently sitting on death row after being found guilty for the murders of his unborn son and wife he still proclaims his innocence and 13 years after being convicted of the murders he appealed his sentence claiming his lawyers mishandled his trial and asking for another one I have to say that the similarities between what happened with Lacey and Scott Peterson and what happened with Shannon and Kris Watts are sometimes almost creepy as I went through this case again I looked into the Peterson case years ago a couple years after it first happened and I remembered a lot of stuff from it but not the small details when I'm going through the small details knowing how entrenched I was in the Watts case and how I pretty much knew everything inside and out about that case it really started to strike me in an unsettling way how similar these incidences were how similar the murders of these women were the dynamics in the relationship just their lives in general how the husband's acted before and after it's like I'm reliving the Watts case all over again so bear with me I will from time to time make a comment and say this reminds me a lot of Chris Watson we're not trying to take away from Laci Peterson at all but it's so stunning how similar they are obviously Chris Watts to me is much of a worse case because of the fact that Bella and Celeste Chris is Chris's two daughters were murdered as well I just find that it would be a lot harder and it would take a lot more of a psychopathic cold-hearted killer to murder his two daughters that he's been raising for years not that it doesn't take a cold-hearted psychopath to kill his wife and the child she's pregnant with but you understand what I mean right I know you're gonna come for me in the comments those of you who like to pick apart everything I say is like oh so Chris Watts is worse than Scott Peterson so you're on Scott Peterson side no obviously that's not what I'm saying I'm saying I feel like it would take a more evil person to do what Chris Watts did let's move on now you guys know how I roll in order to truly get perspective on somebody why they do the things they do their personality the way they act you have to go back to the beginning their childhood with Scott Peterson I felt like I had to go back even further on December 20 at the 1945 a man named John H Latham was struck on the skull with a pipe and murdered for $200 by an axe employee of his in a salvage yard that he owned in San Diego California he was a married father of four and his only daughter Jackie was two and a half when he was murdered shortly after Jackie's mother had a mental breakdown from the stress of losing her husband in such a violent way and being left alone with four children to raise and she took the four kids and placed them in the Nazareth house which was basically an orphanage since Jackie was the only girl she was separated from her three brothers so imagine this little toddler girl two and a half years old my Bella's age she loses her father then her mother and then her three brothers all in what I'm sure felt like overnights to her this would be extremely traumatic especially at this age this little girl was Jackie Peterson Scott Peterson's mother 10 years later when she was 13 Jackie would go back to live with her mother but her mother Helen would die soon after Jackie graduated On January 17th 1962 Jackie bounced around at that point searching for love and giving it to all the men who didn't deserve it she soon became pregnant with her first son Don and after the baby's father abandoned her she gave Don up for adoption in April of 1963 she became pregnant with another child this time a daughter named Ann in 1964 but the father of Ann was already involved in another relationship with another woman and he didn't want to have anything to do with Jackie or her daughter so Jackie gave and for adoption as well in July of 1965 she became pregnant with another son before being abandoned by this child's father as well when she found out at the doctor's office that she was pregnant the doctor basically looked at her and said listen lady this time like you should probably keep this one you can't just keep giving your kids up for adoption like have you ever thought about raising this one I guess my Siri impression is working even when I'm not trying I can also do an impression of a toaster so that's what happens when I try to ask Siri how to pronounce La Jolla California my Google home and series start arguing about who is better super strange so Jackie became a single parent and she opened a dress shop in La Jolla California called the put on it was said that she would often bring her son John with her to work and that his needs would often be overlooked for the needs of the business but I don't know if that's true it's just what people said she met Lee Peterson a divorced father of three Lee grew up very poor and worked for a trucking company before starting a successful packing and delivering business in San Diego California he was ashamed of his humble beginnings and made every effort to hide the fact that he had come from nothing overcompensating with fancy cars and expensive homes which of course led to financial strain Lee was described by his family so the people who knew him best as private introverted didn't really know himself that well wasn't really comfortable with emotions it is rumored that his first marriage ended because he wasn't even really comfortable around his own kids like he didn't really have any interest in interacting with them at all Jackie and Leah got married he adopted her son John and a year later on October 24th 1972 Scott Peterson was brought into the world he was actually delivered by c-section and he had to be put on oxygen and separated from his mother right after it was born because he had pneumonia Scott would go on to be known as the golden boy by his family and his parents and his siblings even though Jackie had son already and Lee Peterson had three children Scott was clearly their favorite and they put him on a pedestal his mother fondly likes to remember that it took him a while to learn to walk because somebody was always carrying him in 1976 when Scott was for the family moved to to Scripps Ranch which was a nicer suburban area in San Diego than they were currently living in in La Jolla Lee would often take little scat to work with him to deliver packages and he said it made him feel like he had a little buddy with him but he wasn't alone he also made an effort to get Scott interested in the things that he was interested in like fishing and hunting and golf especially golf and the reason he gave for including his son in on these things and bringing him to work was because he said it thought it would be easier for him to spend time with his son and connect with his son if Scott was interested in his hobbies and the same things that Lee like to do so basically you tried to mold somebody into like your duplicate so that she was liked them better because you liked yourself so much that's what I got out of it but it could be wrong Jackie's older son got into some trouble in high school and the family it basically disowned him and they sent him out of the state to live with relatives now let's just unpack this for a minute I am obviously not sure what kind of trouble John got into it could have been really bad but his family disowned him for getting in trouble in high school which i think is pretty common for kids in high school to do get in trouble I got into chums and sent him away to live somewhere else and yet Scott was placed on a pedestal brought along with his father to work he you know taught him to play golf and taught him to fish and hunt and would bring him everywhere with him what was he doing that stuff with John as well or was he not doing that stuff with John because John was not his actual son it was his adopted son and when John got into some trouble it kind of was the perfect time to send him away and you know erase the mistakes of Jackie's past and so I just want you to see what kind of family dynamic we have here that it's kind of toxic I think that it's probably not the best way to raise kids not productive emotionally healthy children but anyways let's move on so Scout was given most of the attention right especially after John gets sent away because now it was basically like on him you know he had these high expectations he had to make his family proud this he was the only son left basically John was gone we don't even know him anymore he's in a different state like you have to carry on our legacy now this is all on you and apparently he handled this pressure very well and rose to the occasion Scott Peterson was in the Cub Scouts and his mother was his troop leader some of the other parents and his troop would describe Scott as a little bit different than the rest of the kids he was very polite he was very sweet but he was quiet and preferred to kind of stay to himself whereas their kids were running around you know like normal six and seven year olds being crazy climbing trees Scott preferred to kind of hang back and quietly watch but something that people do remember about Scott even in those days was his huge smile how easily he would smile how big his smile was and how it would light up his entire face when Scott was in the fifth grade the family upgraded their living arrangements and once more always trying to keep up with the Joneses and they actually bought a really spacious nice house in PO way it had a swimming pool in the backyard it had a nice you know big backyard that backed up into a creek so it was probably a very nice place for young kids to grow up he was chosen by his teachers at painted rock middle school to do some crossing guard duties before and after school so he would be the kid who had to wear the orange vest and it would have to you know kind of tell kids not to cross the road yet because cars were coming and he took his responsibilities very seriously once again and people would be mad because he wouldn't let anybody cross and the cars were like my whole way still but he was very cautious and he would say like hold on and all the parents would get frustrated and you know Jackie remembers one parent saying come on he never lets anybody cross in his teens Scott worked at a country club in Rancho Santa Fe and he spent some time there taking lessons on his downtime and learning to perfect his swing and his golf game of course Lee Peter was very proud of his sons natural ability with golf and I'd have to say Lee it's probably not a natural ability with golf since you've been shoving a golf club in his hand since he could probably walk but anyways he saw potential in him and he said he made a promise he would buy his son a Ferrari if he could shoot par now my husband's a golfer I am NOT I find it incredibly boring but I don't know what shooting par means I don't know if it's hard to achieve I have to think it would be Scott really wanted that Ferrari so he busted his ass so that he could finally shoot par and he did when he was 16 he was handed keys to a car his dad kept his promise but it wasn't a Ferrari it was a much less expensive much more appropriate car for a 16 year old boy regardless he got a free car for being good at golf in high school he was named the golf team's MVP twice and for the most part he was remembered by his classmates by being a basic nice guy he wore polo shirts and letterman jackets yeah maybe he was a little arrogant but not any more arrogant than any other high school kid who wore polo shirts and letterman jackets his golf coach in high school remembers him as being a very polite and never swearing never using bad words always in control of his emotions so like the other boys on the team they would shoot badly and then they would throw their club and swear up a storm and stomp over to the next hole the coach said when Scott maybe shot poorly he just calmly moved on to the next one and shot again he didn't show any emotion he didn't show any anger he was always in control of his temper after graduation he received a scholarship to play golf at Arizona State University but he left after only one semester now I've heard it say that he got into trouble in school he got one of the other kids on the golf team like in trouble with drinking and partying and he was asked to leave but I'm not sure if that's actually true because I couldn't find it cooperated by multiple sources but he did leave after one semester and he went back to California he attended questo College which is a Community College in Caen Louie Obispo and he was there for about a year before he transferred again he then attended California Polytechnic State you know verse t where he majored an agricultural business he shared a bachelor pad style permit with friends and they actually put like fake artificial grass on top of their flat roof so they could all go up to the roof and drink beers and you know hit golf balls into a nearby field all his professors at Cal Poly once again loved him it said he was respectful he was smart he was polite one of his professors said I would take a class full of Scott Peterson's while he attended school he supported himself and paid for his tuition by working several jobs he worked at some golf courses and country clubs but he also worked at a place called the Pacific cafe in Morro Bay and that is where he crossed paths with a beautiful outgoing brunette named Lacey Rocha Lacey was a bundle of energy in light and excitement all wrapped up in a five-foot one frame with dark hair dark eyes and a beautiful smile with these amazing dimples she might have been a little thing I mean if I've won a short it's three inches shorter than me and I think I'm short but she was strong she was willful she wasn't afraid of anything her mother Sharon recalls that Lisa being such a good kid right from the beginning it was two days after she'd been brought home from the hospital that she was sleeping through the night and my daughter is two and a half years old and still doesn't when she was young she learned to love to grow things and to plant she spent a lot of time working with her mother in their garden and she learned everything about flowers and plants and how to make things grow and make things live the family owned a dairy farm and Lacey became a very comfortable on the dairy farm she would help out with the manure and milking the cows she and her brother Brent would just spend time finding things to keep them occupied on the farm which ended up being a lot of fun because it was always an adventure her mom said at least he was a big fan of movies and she would watch the same movies that she loved over and over and over again like she would never get tired of them especially Superman she loved Superman and Lacey's mom said it was almost fun watching these movies with Lacey over and over because Lacey would react as if she was just seeing it for the first time she would laugh like she'd never seen the movie before and when something happened that made her sad or emotional she would cry even if she'd already seen the movie 15 or 20 times Sharon would have to scream the movies the Laci would watch because she week is so emotional and upset and what seemed to be the smallest thing and Erin my hands me so much of Aaden he gets like that with movies he can't watch Moana anymore because her father yelled at her at one point and he you know broke down The Hunchback of Notre Dame forget about it he will never watch that movie again I made him watch it with me once because it was one of my favorite Disney movies growing up and when he went Quasimodo came down from the bell tower for like the Feast of Fools and everybody had masks on and they were dancing and he was happy and then they like unmasked him and started throwing things at him and bullying him like throwing food and fruit at him Aidan had like a mental breakdown like was sobbing he was like wrapping the remote controller to turn it off he just couldn't deal with it and see it hurt him inside so bad well let me just say this sensitive kids when they're like six seven eight and they feel horror when they see somebody else being abused those are the kids that grow up to be the strongest social justice warriors don't discourage that kind of behavior and your kids because I know people do that especially with boys Sharon and her husband Dennis Rocha divorced when the kids were still young and this was hard for Lacey and her brother Brent but they actually became much closer because of it it's a very common dynamic when kids are going through their parents divorce together that they actually form a stronger bond because they depend on each other and lean on each other and even in the later days when Lacey was missing you could tell how much her brother Brent really loved her and cared for her and was worried about her the kids went to live with Sharon in Modesto California but they would still go back to the dairy farm on weekends and spend time with their father brent remembers Lacey would often want to hang out with him and his friends which he didn't mind because he liked her they were close but when she became about 1314 he started to think it wasn't such a good idea because his friends would tell him you know your sister is really cute and he'd be like no no Lacey was the typical fun-loving teenager in high school she was a cheerleader she had a tight-knit group of friends they would go to sporting events together at the school they would have sleepovers where they would sneak champagne after the parents had fallen asleep and then end up being hungover the next day her friends described her as perky energetic bubbly and chatty she never changed from highs old college she was studying ornamental horticulture at Cal Poly and ornamental horticulture is actually the study of how to grow and arrange plants and flowers in a pleasing sort of way I guess for decorative purposes so you would see somebody like this going on to be like an event planner or a florist or a wedding planner or a caterer or something like that but it says a lot about Lacey's personality her mother said Lacey was born to be a housewife was a natural-born housewife and not all of us are her I promise you she loved to cook she loved to decorate the home to make it look you know aesthetically pleasing she loved taking care of people she loved entertaining and having friends over and making these you know delicious meals that they could enjoy even in college she was more mature than the normal college girl her brother and her safe clothes even when she went to college and he would often drive down to visit her at school and he said instead of taking him to cake parties she was taking him on wine tastings he was mature she knew what she wanted in life she knew who she was she didn't need to find it in the living room of some fraternity while she was doing a keg stand she had a more refined to taste she had a more mature outlook and she didn't really feel like she needed to waste her time doing things that she knew wasn't gonna get her anywhere Scott and Lacey's paths crossed when she had lunch at the cafe he worked debts she must have spotted him from across the room saw his natural way with people his big smile the way that he was charming everybody because he was working for tips and she actually gave her number to a friend of hers who worked there and said you know give it to this guy and the other server Lacey's friend gave it to Scott but Scott threw it away initially he thought it was just a joke you know he'd seen her he thought she was beautiful he thought she was out of his League and he thought that they were playing a trick on him but she went back to the cafe and she asked him basically you know she was like that straightforward and she said wench call me I gave you my number and they then started dating after this now Lacey called her mother Sharon before they had even gone on their first date and she said listen mom I've the man that I'm gonna marry you need to get down here immediately and meet him and Sharon was like well did you go on a first date yeah and Laci said no but we will they did go on their first date that very same week Scott took lacy deep-sea fishing which is something that he was very interested in right from his childhood and spending time with his father who forced his hobbies onto Scott but Lacey not so much and it strikes me again the dynamic is strange did Scott learn this from his father that in order to be with somebody you had to kind of make them like the same things you liked or they'd be intolerable to be with or was he just trying to show off to Lacey to say hey I have these highbrow hobbies look at me a much better first date would have been maybe you know dinner in a movie sit down have a meal with her talk to her see what kind of things that she likes to do see what kind of things she's interested in and maybe you wouldn't have taken her deep-sea fishing on a first date where she would spend the entire time seasick on the boat because she doesn't like being on boats she would've told you she don't like be on boats and then you would have known not to take her on that dates but maybe I'm looking into it a little too far Sharon Rocha drove down to visit her daughter at school the weekend after Lacey and Scott's first date and she and leecy had lunch at the Pacific Cafe where Scott worked and he had already set their table up for him he had two dozen roses on the table 12 red for Lacey and 12 white for Sharon Scott knew how important Lacey's family was to her Scott knew how much value Lacey placed in the family unit and in her own family so he was being smart if he wanted approval for his new relationship from the mother he had to charm the pants off of her and any mother would you know be happy to see her daughter be courted and wined and dined like that and then to receive roses of your own you know he's including you and on it and not just showering your daughter with roses yeah that's gonna it's gonna impress the mother and it did everyone who knew the couple in those early days could not say enough how much in love they were they spent every moment together and they were dating for about two years before Scott proposed they got married in a beautiful outdoor ceremony with a hundred and fifty of their closest friends and family just two months before Lacey graduated from college and from the out my perspective it looked as if they were the perfect match both attractive people with big happy smiles educated outgoing and motivated to make life everything they wanted after college the two embarked on an adventure together they went into business together they turned an old bakery in a strip mall into a burger place that they called the shack they wanted to become the place for the nearby college students to come on the weekends and hang out and get a burger and a beer Scott used knowledge that he gained from working at the Pacific cafe to get discounts on food and to buy a used kitchen equipment Lisi used her interior and exterior design skills to turn the place into a really cool but also upscale kind of environment there was peanuts on every table but she also turned an old wine barrel into a garbage can she had cool hand-painted signs on driftwood there was an old fisherman's box that was posted over the entrance it was just a really cool place and it became the popular college hangout that they had wanted it to be and they were both go-getters they were young they were just out of college and they were opening a restaurant they were embarking on something that's tough I mean 9 out of 10 restaurants do not make it past the first year but they were so sure in themselves and they were a partnership they worked together when Scott wasn't able to find anyone nearby who would install event that they needed to pass inspection he went to LA and he got the certification that he needed to install the vent on his own and Lacey was the perfect hostess Scott said they already loved to entertaining at home she loved cooking they loved grilling out they loved having people over and he said why wouldn't we open a restaurant where we can do all that stuff we already enjoy stuff we're already doing and get paid for it in 2000 the couple's sold their now profitable and busy restaurants for a profit for a good amount of money and they decided to move to Modesto where Lacey was born it was time to start a family they had had their fun they'd been to college they'd run a restaurant they'd spend nights drinking and partying with friends and now Lacey really wanted to start a family there are rumors that Scott was not so keen on this that he'd kind of put it off for a while that he really didn't ever want kids but Lacey did and so they started trying the move to Modesto was Lacey's idea her family was there her core group of friends from high school was there she thought it would be a much better place to raise a family with people around who would be loving and supportive of them in October they purchased a home on Covina Avenue for a hundred and seventy seven thousand dollars Scott went to work for a Spanish based agricultural Supply Company called trade core as their West Coast representative his clients were made up of big farmers and flower growers in Arizona California and New Mexico and because he had sales clients and a lot of different states he often had to travel and go out of town and stay out of town for a couple of days for work Lacey began working as a substitute teacher but her main objective was to turn the new house into a home a home that was fit for the husband that she loved and the children that she knew she would love she planted a flower garden outside and they installed a swimming pool and a fence in the backyard Scott joined in nearby Country Club Lacey would have lunch dates with her friends from high school they were living well what seemed to be a really good life they seemed happy everything was fine it was all going the right way in 2002 the Petersons became pregnant with their first child a boy who would be named Connor Connor Peterson his nursery was decorated in a blue and white nautical theme which is so sad considering what would end up happening and where he would be found the holiday season arrived in Modesto and at the Petersen house and lacy decorated their home for Christmas in between attending prenatal visits and Lamaze classes with her husband Scott the day before Christmas Eve was a normal day for Laci and Scott Laci has a half-sister named Amy's so they share the same father but not the same mother and Amy is six years younger than Laci and she actually worked at a hair salon in Modesto where both Scott and Laci would go to get their hair done the day before Christmas Eve they went to go see Amy that nights to get Scott's haircut Amy had worked her normal shift that day and then she left the salon to go to a local fruit stand or kind of a farmers market and order of fruit baskets that they were going to be giving their grandfather for Christmas so she ordered all the kinds of stuff that she wanted in it and they were gonna assemble the basket and somebody would have to come back the next day between 12:00 and 3:00 when they closed to pick the basket up the next day being Christmas Eve when she got back to the salon Scott and Lacey were waiting there for her and she sat them down and started cutting Scott's hair and while she was cutting Scott's hair she talked to Lacey about plans for tomorrow and mentioned she had to pick that basket up between 12:00 and 3:00 and Scott offered to pick it up for her he said I'm already gonna be out I'm gonna go golfing tomorrow so I'll be out that way anyways and out.grab before you and Amy was relieved because she was working on again a full shift at the next day from 6:30 to 2:30 p.m. so she didn't really want to like cut it down to the wire where she wouldn't be able to get the basket because she had to leave work late and he was just gonna save her a trip so she gladly accepted his offer to help Amy says Lacey was wearing a black top with cream-colored flowers on it cream capri pants a black jacket and a cream scarf after Amy finished Scotts hair Lacey wanted to know how to style her hair in the way where it would flip out at the ends and so basically Amy got a curling iron and a flat iron and tried to show Lacey the way to do it and they were kind of laughing and having fun with that Scott then invited Amy over that night for dinner he said they were gonna grab pizza and watch football and asked if she wanted to come but Amy said she already had plans so she passed now from here on out this is my gonna be Scott Peterson's word he says they left this line around 6:30 they stopped and grabbed a pizza on the way home when they got home they ate the pizza and they watched Monday Night Football after this they got ready for bed in their pajamas lacy was wearing a Scots blue pajama bottoms got into bed and they watched a movie in bed the rookie after that they went to sleep now this would have been about 11:30 he believes that they fell asleep also on the night of the 23rd around 8:30 lacy made a call to her mother couldn't firming Christmas Eve dinner for the next night because they were gonna be having Christmas Eve dinner with Lacey's parents now we find ourselves in the morning of the 24th Scott says Lacey got up around 7:00 a.m. she got dressed she threw his blue pajama bottoms that she'd been wearing to bed the night before in the hamper where they were found by the police later and she went downstairs to have some cereal Scott said she had to eat as soon as she got up because she was pregnant and if she didn't eat as soon as she got up she would be nauseous Scott got up around 8 o'clock he went downstairs where he had a bowl of cereal and Lacey sat with him while she ate a piece of toast scott planned on going golfing that day so he took a shower and as he was getting dressed Lacey talked with him about her plans for that day she was making a French toast baked for Christmas morning brunch and she knew that the bread had to be marinated in the egg mixture for several hours like something from 8 to 20 hours has to be marinated in this egg mixture before you can bake it so she wanted to go to the store on that day Christmas Eve day so she could get the stuff she needed for the French toast bake and she could marinate the bread the recipe for this french toast big thing was found on the counter top of the Petersons home she said she also wanted to walk the dog that day their dog Mackenzie she walked Mike Enzi every single morning it was the way she stayed active during her pregnancy and she said she was gonna mop the floor and make gingerbread cookies Scott then says he saw Lacey in the bathroom sitting on a bench that she would bring into the bathroom because she was having some swelling with her legs and her feet from the pregnancy so she liked to sit down while she was doing your hair and makeup so he saw her sitting on this bench trying to flip her hair and style it in the way that her sister shown her the night before and when Scott talked to Sharon later Lacey's mother he said he recalls her sitting there because he thought how cute does she look sitting on that bench trying to flip her hair up now the reason this timeline is so important is because later on Scott would be accused of killing Laci on the 23rd of December the prosecution would go so hard on the fact that they believed scott pearson had killed Laci Peterson on the 23rd of December so all these things happening in the morning when I say the recipe was on the counter showing she was going to make a French toast bake the pyjama pants that she took off as she wore the night before or in the hamper these are things that are all supposedly supporting the scab is innocent or at least that he didn't kill her on the 23rd and I don't believe that she was killed on the 23rd when the cops came in later that day they would find at the bunch in the bathroom just like he said and Lacey's curling irons sitting on the bathroom sink unplugged butts the plug was like stretched and reaching towards the outlet that would have been above the toilets now the Petersons have a housekeeper who I guess came through once a week and the housekeeper said she'd been there the day before and there was no bunch in the bathroom and there was no curling iron on the counter at this point Scott says he loaded a three large of patio umbrellas into the back of his truck he wanted to bring them to his warehouse to store and a neighbor actually saw him loading these umbrellas into his truck she waved at him he waved at her and said good morning and he seemed completely fine there are some reports though that he seemed to be loading these umbrellas in on top of a bunch of other stuff in the truck but none of these reports or sightings could be really validated Scott went back inside and filled the mop bucket for Laci so she could mop the kitchen floor and he says she was watching Martha Stewart at the time which is her favorite show and as he was getting ready to leave he heard Martha Stewart mentioned something about meringue or making meringue or something like that as lacy started to mop the floor a Scott kissed her goodbye he left the house between 9:30 and 10:00 a.m. but here's my question if they had a maid or a housekeeper who had just been in the day before why would Lacey be mopping the floor that morning if the housekeeper or the maid whatever had been in the day before did the housekeeper not mop the floor was Lacey just as she clean person which I know she was she was meticulous about the way she kept her house which is exactly the way that Shannon Watts was as well I always wondered how Shannon Watts kept her house so clean and picked up with two kids because I cannot seem to do it but least he was meticulous about the way her house was kept it was very clean it was very organized maybe she just mopped the floor every day but that's not something that we really know that she did so it would just be speculation at this point okay so a lot of people including Nancy Grace who was very vocal about the Peterson case they think it was odd that Scott would leave his pregnant wife to go fishing or golfing or whatever he ended up doing on Christmas Eve I personally do not think that's odd to me it would be add now to do that because I have kids and if my husband wanted to go fishing or golfing on Christmas Eve I'd be like no this is time to spend with your kids but if we were single if my husband and I we didn't have kids it was just us and my husband wanted to go golfing and Christmas Eve I would have no problem with that because I probably have a ton of stuff to do and it's easier for him to be out of the house and out of my way and not distracting me anyways it's a lot different when you have kids Christmas Eve takes on a different kind of family aspect but during the day on Christmas Eve before they were gonna go to dinner with her family at their house I don't see any problem with Scott going golfing or going fishing or doing something for himself I don't think that's suspicious she was pregnant yes but she was also a grown woman and she didn't need to be babysat by her husband he didn't need to stay home and watch her to make sure she didn't like you know eat a crayon or poke her eye out it was a nine minute drive from the Peterson home to the warehouse that's got Peterson rented to use to store his boat and also his a little office space during the time he was driving phone records show he checked his voicemail at 10:08 and he received a voicemail from his boss he arrived at his warehouse and he logged directly into his computer where he checked his email he also wrote an email to his boss and reference to the voicemail he had just heard in the car and this is all proven and shown in records that he did log on that he did check his email that he received the voicemail that he sent the email this is all confirmed so he was at this point at his warehouse he also googled instructions on how to us a certain a woodworking tool he had just received on December 20th in the mail now there's approximately a 20 minute time period whereas Scott's whereabouts or what he's doing are unaccounted for between the time when he logged off the computer and when he left the warehouse but the woodworking tool that he had just googled instructions at how to assemble was fully assembled so it is fair to say that he could have been putting that together in that 20 minute period he also pulled up the roll-up door in the warehouse his car or his truck was parked outside and the boat was parked inside and then he started to unload some tools from his truck into the warehouse he says at this point he reached into his toolbox and he cut his finger on one of the tools and he was bleeding and there was a spot of blood found on the door of his car here's something I found interesting because every time you hear the word warehouse like Scott Peterson had a warehouse I imagine this huge vast like massive room with high ceilings and it's just huge but this warehouse was it was not really that big it was more like a small garage or one of those storage centers you know like storage wars where there's these rooms and then you can store things in them it was more like that size it was just big enough to hold his boat and like a desk and a computer so it wasn't massive at all he would not have had enough room to pull his truck into the warehouse and hook the boat up there he had to pull his truck up to the Rolly door that he opened and then hook his boat up like that you know the boat was inside the shark was outside and he would hook them together and then pull the boat out so for the people who say that Lacey's body was put into the boat from the truck when it was in the warehouse he would have had to have done that move her body from the truck to the boat in broad daylight so I'm not sure how busy that strip mall was if there was other businesses that were open if the door to his warehouse was facing other businesses but that is something to think of that I really didn't know before I'd always pictured it as a bigger warehouse where he could kind of pull the truck in do whatever he had to do and then pull out and nobody would ever be the wiser the Berkeley marina was one of the marinas on the San Francisco Bay Nussbaum ninety minutes away from Scott's warehouse while he's at the warehouse one of the Petersons neighbors karen service she sees the dog mckenzie walking around the neighborhood wandering about with its leash and its collar still on and she knows the dog she knows the Petersons so she grabs the dog and she puts McKenzie in the backyard of the Peterson's home and closes the gate so McKenzie can't get back out Scott Peterson gets to the marina and he has a ticket that shows he parked there and he has a launch ticket to show that he launched his boat from there so this is his proof that he was actually at this marina when he said he was he says he went north about two miles before he found himself by a little island that had a sign on it that said no landing and there was some litter and garbage on the island and broken piers and he thought that that would be a good shallow place to try to troll I guess that's something you do I'm not sure it's a fishing term but troll so he wanted to troll there so he anchored himself down allegedly and he started trolling in the area now this island we would later found out is a Brooks island so they say he wasn't there where he said he was by Brooks Island because he was able to describe the island and what it looked like and where it was and all that jazz according to Scott he'd forgotten his saltwater lures that he just purchased in his truck and this bag of saltwater lers was found in the truck in the bag just like he'd said it was so he used to some freshwater jigs that he had in his tackle box even though San Francisco Bay is obviously saltwater he says he trolled for a little bit before he was getting wet and nothing was really happening he wasn't catching anything so he headed back to the marina like I said a police would later find the bag with the new lures in Scotts truck as he'd said they also found a fishing pole in the bottom of his boat there was a price tag to the fishing pole on the bottom of his boat he had just purchased this fishing pole on December 20th and a lot of people like to use this evidence as seeing see he really was out there fishing or he bought a fishing pole like four days ago and put it in the boat so that it would look as if he was that seems more likely to me because if he's a fisherman if he's somebody who likes the old fishing when he already have a fishing pole that he needed to use to go fishing in San Francisco Bay when Scott got back to the marina he claims that he talked to a couple guys who asked him like how was it out there and he talked to them for a little bit and these witnesses or these people that he spoke to they were never really verified and then he also said that there was some maintenance men nearby who were gonna go - laughs out of him trying to back the trailer down the ramp towards the boat to get it hooked back up and those guys did actually say that they did see somebody matching his description struggling to get their boat hooked up to the truck that day now let me just pause here and say I don't think that it was ever a question whether Scott went out on the boat that day I think the question was whether he went out there with the explicit intention to fish to which I would say he certainly was there that day I totally believe it but I do not think he was in the boat of fishing his family claims that Scott has been an avid fisherman since he was young but that doesn't really say anything about Scott Peterson in adulthood scout fishing in adulthood was not so common in fact the boat that he actually used that day he had just purchased that on December 9th they used to cash it was fourteen hundred dollars in cash he paid for this like 14-foot aluminum boat and the last time he had a year-long the fishing license was 1994 now you can buy two day passes the difference between buying a two day pass and a year pass is the two day passes about eleven to twelve dollars and the year pass is the $30.00 so if somebody's going to fish more than you know once a year they'd probably go with the year pass because they're gonna make up their money now if Scott wasn't gonna be fishing more than once a year I wouldn't call him an avid fisherman additionally and this is the most striking and suspicious piece of evidence that we have talked about yet or I think that we will talk about going forward he did have a fishing license but it was a two-day fishing license which he had had to have applied for in advance and then he'd have to give them dates on which to put on the license and he had applied for a fishing license that was for a December 20 and December 25th in advance so he had it when he went fishing that day so he buys a boat on December 9th he buys a fishing pole on December 20th and at some point between those two dates he applies for a fishing license for December 24th and December 25th for him to go out on the water for roughly an hour an hour and a half does that make sense because here's the problem Scott had told everybody he was going golfing that day even after Laci ended up missing the first couple of people he spoke to he told them he'd been golfing that day yet he says when he got to his warehouse he realized it was too cold and he changed his mind and he just bought this boat and he wanted to get it out in the water and see how it was on the water how spur-of-the-moment could this let's get the boat on the water trip have been if you had applied for a fishing license for this specific date in advance right there to me that's that's the thing that makes him the most guilty out of anything and according to Lacey's family they didn't even know that Scott had bought this boat it was a secret boat and they didn't think Laci knew about it either even Scott's own father Lee Peterson didn't know that's got it purchased a boat but Lee said it was pretty common for Scott to make big-ticket purchases like this and not tell anybody I guess but nobody knew he had this boat allegedly it was a secret boat that he stored in his warehouse nobody knew about it and he told everybody he was going golfing that day not fishing scott said he thinks he was out on the water for about 90 minutes from his Scotts arrival time at the marina and at the time where his cellphone shows him leaving the marina it was about 78 minutes so that's 78 minutes to get in the marina Park get your boat hooked off of your car in your truck and you know get it in the water get out to where you're going and then maybe what you're left with like 20 minutes to try to fish without the right gear for fishing in salt water without the right boat we're fishing in salt water because that boat was a freshwater boat it just doesn't make sense does it at 2:15 he calls a Laci cell phone and he leaves this message getting beautiful that I won't be able to get into develop arms to get that basket for Papa I was hoping you would get this message and going out there I'll see in a bit three lug in right he stops for gas at 325 and he calls Lacey's phone again at 352 but he does not leave a voicemail this time bank records proved that he did purchase guess at the time 325 when he said he did from the Chevron station and Livermore where he got gas and his warehouse in Modesto the drive would have been about 48 minutes he says he arrived back at his warehouse around 4:15 he says he went inside for just about five minutes at this point he saw a fax from one of his distributors saying a shipment was coming and he remembers being disappointed because the shipment wasn't supposed to be arriving later than expected and he was just in there long enough to see that fact now the facts actually had arrived at his fax machine around 11:30 8 that morning so it would have been faxed to the warehouse after he'd already left the marina so he would have seen it when he came back so that adds up at this point he basically detaches the boat from the truck puts the boat back in the warehouse closes the big Rolly door leaves through the normal entrance and gets in his truck and goes home he says he arrived home between 4:30 and 4:45 that evening and that time does kind of make sense considering where he was coming from and what he was doing when he got home he realized that Lacey's Land Rover was parked in the driveway so he thought she was home when he went in he discovered she wasn't there but her purse and her keys and all her stuff was still there he then saw that McKenzie the dog was in the backyard with its leash on so he went out to the backyard he took the leash off the dog brought the dog inside and then he saw the bucket of mop water that was still there from when Lisi had mopped the floor allegedly so he dumped that and then he decided he was gonna get cleaned up for a Christmas Eve dinner he took his clothes off and put them in the washing machine okay so a lot of people think it's suspicious that Scott washed his clothes as soon as he got home and this is one of the things that I do not find suspicious but that's just because of my point of reference Scott says that he worked with a lot of chemicals and things at his warehouse often and he knew he had Iowa who was pregnant at home so he would always come home and wash his clothes right away so he wouldn't you know I expose anything to the chemicals on his clothes and he would wash them as separately so as not to contaminate other clothes with things that were on his clothes so when Scott got home and saw Lacey wasn't there he didn't assume she was gone or missing or something had happened to her he just assumed that her mother had picked her up and brought her over to start helping with Christmas Eve dinner earlier in my opinion he didn't act strangely by just kind of going about his day got home his clothes were wet from being out they probably smelled and he wanted to wash them so he threw them in the washer now the washer and dryer on the first floor of the house so he didn't have to go upstairs to throw his clothes in it was right there my husband does the same thing he's always in the garage working on his car and then he'll come in and a strip his clothes off before he even walks into the house and then he throws them in the washer usually by themselves to just clean them before jumping in the shower and it drives me crazy because I'm always like could you have thrown any of the other 5 million things that were in the hamper just right over there a foot away and maybe made this a full load but I guess men don't think like that sometimes so it doesn't seem suspicious to me that he washed his clothes as if he was trying to get rid of evidence he could have been washing his clothes to get rid of evidence but at the same time I think Scott Peterson was a little OCD he got home and he dumped the mop buckets he didn't want it just sitting there same thing my husband would have done who is extremely OCD he washes his clothes immediately same thing my husband does and he's extremely OCD when the cops came later to see Scott Scout was super concerned with them parking in the driveway and opening their doors and possibly scratching his car my husband will park literally at the other end of the parking lot so that nobody parks in near his car and then he gets a furious when people do park next to his car even though he parked so far away from everybody else and I say they probably did it on purpose to annoy you because you're crazy also when the cops were there the next day inside Scott's home and talking to him he kept grabbing coasters to like put under their drinks so I think he was a little OCD it doesn't seem off character for and my husband does it all the time so it seems perfectly normal to me but that's just my opinion it's my point of reference after he throws his clothes in the wash and he starts the cycle he grabs some pizza there's still the pizza box from last night on the counter and he grabs some pizza out of there and starts eating it pours himself a glass of milk and he walks up stairs with his pizza on milk to take a shower after he gets out of the shower he gets dressed he comes back downstairs and he notices the light blinking on the answering machine signifying there some unheard messages there so he hits play hears his own message to Lisa earlier and then he hears a message from Li sees a stepfather Ron grants key had called earlier that day to see if Lacey and Scott could bring some whipped cream when they came for dinner that night because they were out of whipped cream and they needed it for the pies that is when Scott started to be like hmm if she's not there and she's not here where's she at so he called the home of Sharon and Ron and Sharon answered and Scott asked her is your daughter with you by any chance and Sharon was like no and Scott's like well she's not here and her car is here and all her stuffs here so now Sharon will say that Scott said immediately she was missing Lacey's missing and it always struck people as odd as why if you haven't seen your wife for an hour would you immediately say she's missing Scott claims he never said at least he was missing just that her car was there and she wasn't and he didn't know where she was so at this point Sharon says okay you go look for her we're gonna call hospitals and call her friends Scott goes out into the neighborhood with McKenzie on the leash again and starts looking for Laci wondering maybe if she fell somewhere she's hurt and knocking on neighbors doors and that's when the neighbor who actually pulled McKenzie in the backyard tell Scott what happened that she put McKenzie in the backyard at 10:30 so Scott had a frame of reference to go on at that point that Lacey had probably been missing since 10:30 that morning like right after he left to go to the warehouse Lacey's parents are calling her friends calling everybody who might know her calling the hospitals like I said and finally they just panic and Ron's like I'm gonna call the police and report leacy missing he calls 911 at about 547 p.m. and here that call yes my total on Paul he been saying all morning today my study my daughter is missing that this morning she eight months pregnant she ever gone for a walk in the heart dear God came always just Alicia came out your daughter your name my name is Ron I'm okay what is your name hello Kristi Diana hey why are they and feedeth be odd her husband Peterson is all over the park daughter like these beautiful safety pers alright PPP article oh my god systemic Asian Portuguese away how old it it's funny - what did she leave a half men come back that we don't know we just got a call from her son-in-law said he left a 2009 to face off you looked at home about a half hour ago nowhere around he walked out way walk a bit me and that part at the apartment like a little bit home once again many people think it's odd or strange that Scott was that the one to report Lisi missing but in the situation I don't think so Scott was out in the neighborhood with a dog looking for lacy Ron and Sharon were at home feeling helpless only being able to call people and see if they could find lacy so it makes sense that they were the ones to call 911 and you have to think this wasn't hours and hours after she'd been missing and he knew she was missing Scott got home between 4:30 and 4:45 and she was reported missing by Ron at 5:47 so this is an hour an hour and 15 minutes tops it's not as if Scott knew she was missing for days or even hours and never called the police and then somebody was just like we need to call the police and report her missing like we need to do something he would have I'm sure reported her missing no problem when he came home after looking for her after Ron had reported her missing the police met Scott Peterson and Sharon and Ron and Lacey's friends who had all come out to show support and to look for her they met them all at East LA Lomas Park and this was the park that lacy would usually take McKenzie when she was walking so they thought that this was a good place to start especially after hearing from the neighbor that Mackenzie had been found with the leash on around 10:30 they all assumed the police included that something had happened to Lee seat while she was at the park so they sent helicopters out so they could a survey the park eerily and kind of see if she was there if she'd fallen somewhere if she was out everybody was looking for her the entire neighborhood came out on Christmas Eve to look for this girl that they had become attached to everybody knew her in the neighborhood she was friendly she was pregnant they were worried about her so tons and tons people came out initially to help while the helicopters are looking in the park for Lacey the police asks Kat if they can look into his house and he says sure no problem it was very cooperative from the get-go cooperative and strangely come very calm not like you'd think that a man who's pregnant wife was missing would be acting very Chris Watson just kind of rolling with the punches going with the flow if you needed him for something he was there but he wasn't freaking out like where is my wife where's my wife she's pregnant with our child she could be anywhere she could be hurt she would be passed out what if she's you know started giving birth and she couldn't get help what's going on all her stuff is here like panicked you know your wife and your unborn child are missing they could be anywhere she's left all her stuff here so you know she didn't drive away at least a little bit more worried but he wasn't at all and that is what made him stick out to the police in the first place detective al Brahimi was one of the first people on the Peterson case and he went through the Peterson home on Christmas Eve just to see if there was anything out of source out of order and he said no it didn't seem like it the house was very well capped very nice very clean he just didn't notice one thing which was the bed that least he had made that morning was completely made perfectly probably like my husband makes them perfectly with Hospital corners now like how I make them just throwing the blankets over the pillows perfectly made but he noticed two indents at the bottom part of the bed on the comforter where it looked as if somebody may have been sitting they'd been searched scats Ford f-150 and Lacey's Land Rover and they didn't really find anything in there either all they found in Scotts truck was a couple patio umbrellas and a tarp now here's my question Scott was loading the patio umbrellas into his truck that morning to bring them to the warehouse to store them so why were they still in his truck later that day he'd already come to the warehouse he forgot to take them out or the patio umbrellas were just a cover to hide a body that was in the back of his truck just saying bro kini also does a cursory check of Scott's warehouse but Scott tells him the power's out so burqini had to shine his flashlights and he just kind of looked to see if anything was out of sort or maybe she was there he didn't see anything so he left but he did call later on the power company to see when the power would be back on in that complex or in the warehouse so he could go back and get a better look and power companies holds him powers never been out there we have no reported power outages in that area at all l broke em II did find it strange that Scott didn't seem overly concerned with his wife's disappearance and he also wanted to get the timeline straight so we had a Scott come in for an interview it wasn't an interrogation he says it was an interview to just solidify the timeline but something about Scott and the whole situation kind of unsettled bro kini so we turned on the tape recorder which he normally would have done in an interview with the spouse of a missing person bro kini asked Scott a couple of things he asks can we test your hands for gunshot residue and Scott's like yeah of course and he hands over his hands at this point bro kini notices that there is a fresh cut on his finger and Scott says yeah I got that cut today when I was reaching into my toolbox incidentally whatever was taken off of Scott Peterson's hands that day was never tested for a gunshot residue so I don't know what the point in that was but burqini also asked Scott if he will take a polygraph test and Scott's like yeah I will I'm like exhausted tonight and I'm worried so I just want to go home but I will do it tomorrow so he schedules a polygraph exam for the next day Scott's also asked about his marriage is it a good marriage did you guys have issues did you fight and Scott's like yes it was a good marriage no we didn't have issues no we didn't have a fight everything was fine the next day Christmas Day 30 minutes before Scott is supposed to go to the police station and have his polygraph he calls and he says I talked to my dad we don't think this is a good idea I'm not gonna take the polygraph exam so what do you guys think and tell me in the comments would you if your spouse was missing or had been murdered would you take a polygraph exam because I know they say not to because polygraph exams are can of not really scientifically proven and they can not be consistent in their results so if the police already suspect you of something and then you take this polygraph and you're telling the truth but it shows you're lying they might have more to come after you with even though the results of a polygraph are not admissible in court and there's a reason for that because they're not really true I always thought that the willingness to take a polygraph showed more about your innocence or guilt than actually the results but I don't know if I would take a polygraph if my husband was like missing or murdered because I just feel like it's their way of psyching you out and using it against you an interrogation so they'll bring it in the Bailey he failed the polygraph we saw this with West Memphis 3 like you failed the polygraph what are you hiding you're guilty and I think they use it against you so I don't know if I would take it necessarily but what do you guys think let me know the media picked up at the scent of this case on December 26th and basically it was you know the media camped out in front of the Peterson home the entire day the entire night they didn't leave this was right when the 24-hour media coverage on TV was happening and it was not uncommon for networks to do things like this to try to fill the space to try to fill 24 hours of news so they would get footage of Scott walking his dog Scott getting the mail Scott getting in his truck and they were just there all the time I happened to think it would be really obnoxious especially if you were innocent and your wife was missing but for some reason Scott avoided the media completely which they all thought was strange because typically a spouse or family member of somebody who's missing would want to get in front of the cameras as often as possible to get the word out there to bring awareness to this missing person to implore whoever had them to bring them back please but he did not want to be on the camera at all he don't want pictures taken of him he would always come out you know wearing sunglasses and a hat and like turn his head away from the camera and just trying to avoid getting his picture out there at all now at this point neighbors and people in the general area were being questioned and there were quite a bit of reports of people who said they saw Lacey walking her dog that morning December 24th there was at least at 12 reports of people who saw Lacey but only three of them were actually followed up with and only with phone calls never in person the reason these sightings are so important is because if people saw Lisi walking her dog after 9:30 on that morning and there was proof that Scott was on his way to his warehouse which there was he couldn't have been responsible for her disappearance and her subsequent murder so a lot of people think that the police ignored these reports and didn't follow up on them because they were so zeroed in on Scott as being the person who had done this they were so sure of it that they just thought that they didn't have to place too much stock in people who actually saw Lacey that day I'm gonna place a visual aid for you here which shows the blue dot which is the Peterson home and all the red dots are the places that Lacey was spotted that morning there was some speculation at one point that these sightings were all of a different pregnant woman in the same area and that it wasn't Lacey at all it was this pregnant woman who would also walk her golden retriever every single day in the area but it came out and that woman she had given birth in October so in December she would have no longer been pregnant and she says she's 99.9% sure that she did not go out the morning of Christmas Eve and even if she had gone out for a walk that morning she was no longer pregnant Homer Maldonado states that he saw Lacey walking her dog between 9:45 and 10:00 a.m. on the morning of Christmas Eve and this was about half a mile from the Petersons home he says he slowed down to take a good look which is creepy what are you slowing down to take a good look of and he says he remembers this because of how pregnant she was Homer swears up and down that it could have been anybody else that this was Lisi Peterson he reported this to the police on January 1st but he was never followed up with Vivien Mitchell who lives roughly ten blocks away from the Petersons she said she also saw Lacey that morning walking her dog Vivian says she knows it was Lacey because she and her husband had seen Lacey walking the dog before and Lacey was so pretty you couldn't duplicate that there couldn't be somebody who could mistake for Laci Peterson she reported that to the police as well she was given a phone call three weeks later and then nothing else on December 26th Albertini goes back to the Peterson home and he brings with him somebody he called in for backup another detective named a job you'll earth at this point they are suspicious of scats and there's a lot of reasons for that number one being when a person dies or goes missing nine times out of ten it's the spouse or somebody very close to them also they thought it was strange that Scott would agree to take the polygraph and then back out of it at the last minute and just in general the way he was acting so cool and calm and collected didn't fit with how somebody should be acting when they're pregnant wife was missing so they went there again to speak with him and to see if they could check the house again they asked him do you mind if we come in and look at the house again and he said I don't mind but hold on let me call my lawyer and check now the police claimed that when they went in and asked to look in the house again he immediately said no that he didn't think that was a good idea but Scott claims he said yes he didn't mind but he was gonna call his lawyer but then the lawyer took so long to get back to him and the police got impatient so they just pulled out the warrant and they were like listen we already have a warrant to search your house and your cars and your warehouse we just want to see what you would say so step aside please something I found out is that Scott two days after his wife goes missing has already lawyered up and to me that does look suspicious I mean he probably knew that they thought he was a suspect for this so maybe he was just trying to get ahead of it and they took both vehicles with them to check they took Scott's f-150 and they took Lacey's Land Rover they also confiscated his boat from his warehouse and they checked in his warehouse again the police department held a press conference to ask anybody in the public who had possibly seen Scott's truck and they showed pictures of Scott's truck and they said if you've seen this in or around the area of the Berkeley marina please let us know because we're trying to solidify this story and somebody in the audience was like well is Scott Peterson a suspect right now and the police said we cannot talk about that at this point so obviously now everybody thinks that Scott Peterson is a suspect and it doesn't get a good response from the public in general they just start going after him and both Scott's parents and Lacey's parents came to his defense Lacey's mother said listen if you knew Scott and how much he loved my daughter you would never be this about him I have never heard them say an angry word to each other I've never heard them fight I've never even heard them say I mean word about each other to anybody else they were a partnership they had a good marriage they had absolutely no doubt that Scot wasn't involved in whatever had happened to Laci but then on December 30th something happened that would throw everyone for a loop a young woman named Amber Frye called the police and told them that she'd been having a relationship with Scott Peterson for over a month that he had never told her he was married now the way that Scott and amber met is a fairytale romance for the ages Scott was in Fresno for business at a hotel and in the hotel bar he started hitting on a woman who was sitting at the bar by asking her what her favorite sexual positions were and she was like whoa slow down cowboy I'm involved in a relationship already but hey I know somebody that you might like and the somebody that Scott might like that this woman wanted to introduce him to was her best friend amber Frey now tell me why are you setting your best friend up with the creepy guy at the bar who tried hitting on you with a pickup line of asking you what your favorite sexual positions are amber was a 27 year old massage therapist living in Fresno with her two-year-old daughter she was a single mother and she'd just been looking for somebody to settle down with and give her life some sort of stability when her friend set her up on a blind date with Scott Peterson when Scott showed up at Amber's door to take her out for their first date she says she was pleasantly surprised by how handsome and normal and charming he was and she said it was cute because he was nervous he said he'd had butterflies in his stomach on his way to pick her up they plan to go to dinner but Scott said oh I've been working all day I just want to get out of these clothes into something fresh and look nice for you and get cleaned up so let's make a stop at my hotel really quick so I can you know get freshened up when they got to his hotel room Scott had already set it up with a bottle of champagne chilling and red roses and they toasted to their new future and blossoming relationship and you know I just find it so hard to believe that this girl didn't at this point see this guy was like a creeper right he's a creeper you Matt Hammond before he even brings you to dinner he's got you in his hotel room after drinking their champagne they went to dinner and then they went to a karaoke bar and they sang a duet and they slow danced until the bar closed down and then they went back to Scott's hotel room where amber spent the night he told her he was single and he was looking for the right person to settle down with he said he really wanted a committed relationship but he had no interest in having kids it was fine that she already had a child he didn't mind but he didn't want any kids of his own he was just too busy he worked too much he was out of town too much amber was a 27 year old girl who had not had a lot of luck in the love department once she had dated an older married man and that didn't end well and then she got pregnant by another guy who left her when he found out she was pregnant and now she was you know just the single mother trying to raise a young daughter she put herself through school she became a massage therapist and she just wanted someone to share that with that would bring stability to her life and her daughter's life Scott was handsome and charming he was sweet he gave her roses he told her he got butterflies in his stomach when he was coming to pick her up he had a good job so she figured you know he probably had a little bit of money he seemed to have it all together and she didn't really second-guess why it was going as quickly as it was I guess their first date was on November 20th and they stayed in touch they talked on the phone a lot but he told her he lived in Sacramento and she lived in Fresno so they couldn't see each other often in fact from November to the end of their relationship he only actually physically saw her in person a handful of times but they did talk on the phone every single day he came back to Fresno to see her on December 2nd and he took amber and her daughter hiking and then brought them back home and cooked them dinner this is so Chris watts to me right completely living a double life I mean the only difference really is that Nicole Kessinger knew that Chris was married but he told her allegedly that he was separated from his wife whereas Scott initially told amber like he'd never been married at all but on December 9th that changed he called her and he told her he had something important to tell her and could he come over he came over to her house and he dropped the bomb on her there he said I haven't been completely honest with you I was married but I lost my wife this same day December 9th before going to Amber's house to tell her that he lost his wife he purchased his secret boat but of course we know Scot didn't lose his wife and what does lose your wife mean any normal person would take that to mean that your wife has died right that's how amber took it and that's why she didn't really press him anymore for the details because he said it was too painful to talk about too fresh he couldn't do it he just couldn't do it we know that at least he was very much alive on December 9th and she was very much alive on December 14th when Scott returned to Fresno with three dozen red roses man this guy loves his roses brought her champagne and they drank the champagne and then he took her to a Christmas party that same evening Lacey attended a Christmas party in Modesto by herself that night amber asked Scott Peterson can I trust you with my whole heart and Scott responded you already know the answer to that it's so vague right he's so vague he almost does this whole vague generalized thing you know instead of saying yes you can trust me with your whole heart he's he's trying not to lie that's what a liar does a liar doesn't want to come right out and say anything that can then be brought back on them later so he says I lost my wife he doesn't say my wife died he doesn't say my wife and I got divorced he doesn't say I'm about to kill my wife he says I lost my wife that could mean anything right if she came back later and she was like I thought you said you lost your wife he could say I did lose her you know like we were separated emotionally so I felt like she died I felt like I'd lost her she asked could I trust you with my whole heart and he says you already know the answer to that he's so vague and he doesn't um purpose but it's so sketchy and so scummy it's got spent that night at Amber's and the next day he said he had to leave and go to Maine for work and then he was going to be traveling to Europe for work so he wasn't really able to see her for a little while but he said when I get back I will answer any questions you have and we'll talk more about this right now it's just so raw this is the first Christmas that I'm going to be spending without my wife and it's just too hard to talk about it right now but but after the holidays after I get back from Europe we will talk about it because I care about you amber did ask Scott where he lived or if he had an address that she could send a Christmas present to him since they wouldn't see each other over the holidays and he gave her a pill box in Modesto California which gave her pause because he told her he lived in Sacramento why do you have a peel box in Modesto I'm December 23rd while Scott was with his wife the last full day of her life that she would be alive he called amber and said he was in Maine duck hunting with his father she did not hear from him on the 24th or the 25th but on the 26th she called him he had told her that he was flying to Paris that morning but she wanted to call and leave a sweet message on his voicemail anyways but she was so surprised when he picked up right because should've been on a plane shouldn't been able to pick up his phone and she was like where are you he said I'm in New York and she said well aren't you supposed to be on a plane like did your did you miss your plane what's going on and he was like yeah I'm supposed to be but and she's like what what why didn't you tell me that you were in New York if you didn't fly to Paris why would you not call me why wouldn't you tell me that you were in New York what's going on well what was going on is he was under the scrutiny of the police department at that time they were like on top of his ass and you know he probably didn't feel comfortable calling you and maybe he thought you saw him on the news but amber didn't see him on the news she didn't watch the news she had no idea what was going on after the whole I'm in New York but I told you I was gonna be in Paris thing but I'm actually right here in California still not that far from you amber starts to get more suspicious that that little nagging feeling that had told her for a couple days now that something was off started growing so she actually called a friend of hers who was a police officer with the fresno police department and she had him look into scat which might seem crazy to some of you guys out there but I think it's brilliant I mean don't lie to women if you don't want us to ask our cop friends to look into you she figured her friend would just come back and say like yeah he's married you know sorry but she did not expect what she would hear from her friend the police officer and Fresno when he called her at 1:40 in the morning on December 29th and he gave her a phone number and said you need to call this phone number and talk to them and that phone number was for the Modesto Police Department so we are going to end part one here because I'm sure there is like two hours of footage that I have to edit through and try to get it down to a place where it won't take 25 hours to upload I will have Part two out for you soon and if we can't fit everything into part two maybe there will be a part three I don't know I just I'm going with the flow it's my birthday today guys so I've spent most of my birthday sitting in my living room with my feet balling asleep because I'm sitting on my feet and you know talking to you guys so you should feel really special also while we're talking about birthdays I would like to give a special shout-out to one of my patrons Cecilia it is her birthday On February 15th fellow aquarium yes amazing name yes don't be afraid to Celia I'm a satellite you're the sky it's like one of my favorite songs but happy birthday Cecilia thank you so much for being a patron thank you so much for subscribing and watching my videos thank you guys all so much I love you have an amazing day stay kind and stay beautiful and I'll see you next time bye oh don't forget to get your shirt if you want 100 my toes literally blew my toe is actually blue right now from sitting cross-legged for so long that's not healthy she's like a sickness in my brain a vision standing by the windowpane she ripples through the back in a day it's in the way about a moon me the way [ __ ] better and the tax until the cities and
Channel: Stephanie Harlowe
Views: 967,932
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mystery, monday, laci peterson, scott peterson, scott peterson appeal, scott peterson new evidence
Id: HTEc5mLq7ZU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 83min 26sec (5006 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 11 2019
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