Lou Engle Turn America Back To God - Victory Tulsa, OK - 2016

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in 1997 Promise Keepers put a million men on the mall to pray for America and historic event in church history and I begin to declare the hearts of the father are turning to the children and there's coming a corresponding movement of the young people turning to the father's I had no idea what was being launched it led to a supernatural series of events that on September 2nd into the new millennium 400,000 young people gathered together for 12 hours to cry out to God it launched the movement of the call and now we're sixteen years into that movement I always knew that the call was some kind of liking John the Baptist type movement because it was about fasting in prayer in Nazarites and it was about turning America back to God it was after this that I begin to ask the question has the call failed because we haven't seen American turned back to God and the Lord spoke to me when I asked that question and he said loo if it truly was in John the Baptist type movement you can bet there's a Jesus Movement coming it's another massive baptism of the Holy Spirit and that's what we're dreaming about for three years we begin to pray stadiums would be silly so I call my friend and I tell him this story and he says Lu do you remember my dream that I had he says in the dream I received five sets of five plane tickets and in the dream we could only fly United and he knew it had to do that the church must unite because only a United Church can heal a divided nice [Music] he said I was so concerned that I would miss the expiration date and it was in 1080 days the tickets expired I wake up from the dream look up 1080 days from the dream guess what did it's April 9 2016 the hundred and tenth anniversary of the Azusa Street revival from that moment on I've known that God has a date with his church as we're praying this my friend and I we actually go to the Memorial Coliseum in Los Angeles and somehow they let us get in there and we claim it for stadium Christianity then I get email from a young lady in Washington State she says I had this dream I saw this huge stadium and it was both a football field and it was a baseball field it was so vivid she said I woke up and I googled to see if there was any stadiums that was both a Super Bowl and the World Series she said there's only one it's the Colosseum in Los Angeles I think you're supposed to get a call a Susa there so I was convinced in my heart that God wanted to do the stadium but I just didn't have faith to raise the kind of money that it would cost by the field I was reading Matthew 13 and it says when a man finds a treasure he goes and hides it in a field and sells all that he has to buy that field with joy you know there just comes a time when you just want something more than anything else for me my calling has been revival for 40 years and I would rather get revival than anything else except my own kids loving Jesus there's sense the Lord's that sell the house to buy the field the stadium for the treasure and the unity of the body of Christ for revival this is not about some huge thing that I'm doing I could care less if anybody knows about it but I want revival and I think we're at a point in America that everybody's got to begin to ask the question how much maybe it's time for whole body of Christ to bite to sell out for the greatest outpouring of the voice I believe in the next year we will begin to see the greatest awakening America has members and we won't just talk about the past we'll talk about the future a new Jesus Movement a new assistant come not just join us let's work together mobilize and move this thing across the earth we're not going for an event we're going for a massive race it's not just a system day it's just [Music] [Applause] 1999 January I was crying to God how can I turn America back to you and a woman came to me she said um you don't know who I am but the Lord spoke to me because you're gonna start something with the youth of America in prayer that's gonna change the destiny of the nation she said I'll give you a hundred thousand dollars to start it it launched a supernatural series of events that I just felt like it was being carried along by the Lord and the Lord spoke to my heart called the youth of America to fast and pray with God's promise that he would turn things around if you had gathered together with two generations that became the burning vision of my heart we sounded this to this vision hoping people would come but with nightmares that no one would come I had nightmares that was just me and 10 20 people that showed up I'd wake up sweating but when I went on the mall in September 2nd 2000 Labor Day weekend at 5:30 in the morning I could hardly believe my eyes in the darkness as far as I could see thousands and thousand 270,000 had already gathered they were already praying in the dark four hundred thousand gathered together to fast and pray for 12 hours in DC for our nation and it's launched the movement of the call I believe it's about turning America back to God let's stand it's one thing to have praying hands in your backyard it's another thing to have praying hands and I know this place has been a praying place from its inception and I believe we are headed for a great revival a Great Awakening beyond the Jesus Movement beyond any outpouring but God said I want you to lift up hands let's just lift your hands I wants to pray like the Koreans just all to get a will like the book of Acts they lifted their voice in one Accord I want us to pray for the outpouring of the Holy Spirit with mass salvation everywhere go ahead lift your voices and begin to pray God we pray Lord Lord bring something that will shake America something Lord thousands millions of souls will be saved the signs and wonders that have never been seen before Lord we believe Lord for a mass awakening we ask Lord of the harvest thrust forth laborers into the harvest field Lord we ask for the glory of God to be manifested again Lord we have seen this is we believe you remember covenant you showed covenant in Jonathan Edwards Laura it was the third Great Awakening we ask make Tulsa a fire bed a fireplace of that movement that are you burn Lord Lord with this history here let the bones rattle again god we thank you for the new breed that's arising that aren't just doing religion they're taking up a double portion of the spirit of Elijah we thank you for the past but we thank you for the ongoing mental of the outpouring of the spirits tonight Kindle a fire into the fire across America Lord we thank you God for 200 universities are holding 40 day fast all across America right now crying to God Lord stir us again and Jesus name I need Awakening in my own soul I need my own heart to be touched by the waterfall again God set the fire again it's gonna keep praying for a moment but I had a dream just recently and I've given myself to the young people of America but in the dream I was holding the call and I said in this dream I'm not just excited about the young people I'm excited about those who've been after God for 20 years and these older people I said it's it's a call to the Nazarites and the old people ran for the altar and one lady was crying Oh Lord I remember when you said the fire 20 years ago she said oh I remember when the fire fell and then she began to cry out in my dream send the fire again send the fire again I believe 20 years ago a visitation took place across America with Brownsville and Toronto in the life that's 20 years right now but I want to pray send the fire again lift your voices send the fire again set it on the old send it on the young send it on my children I need the fire again Lord send the fire again so we believe we Holy whole do these things jesus name amen amen can we just take that prayer up what if would you start praying it daily send the fire again send the fire against you send the fire again I remember how to dream some time ago I don't know if you've ever heard of the ramp in Alabama the young people thousands of kids over the years have been going there and in this dream I was in their building there's very few people there but we were expected revival and I was talking to her kids and they couldn't hold a conversation in my dream they couldn't hold a conversation without sin send the Holy Spirit they just be talking normally and then suddenly they would say send the Holy Spirit I think God wants to build expectancy he comes with his faith this is a place of faith this is the center of faith we believe for the faith to heal a sick person but I believe God was to raise up the faith to shift cities and nations he wants to raise up a corporate expectation that God is not done with America lift your voices and give Him praise but praise You Lord you're the lord of history you're still the god of revival we magnify your name in Jesus name you may be seated I'm so honored pastor Paul that you would invite me to be with you tonight I am in a a pregnant season you know what that means that means I feel like we're about ready to give birth to something I was talking to mrs. Doherty Sharon and she just saying how Kenneth Copeland were saying the very thing the video is saying we're in the days like in 1967 preparing for a new Jesus Movement many of you don't even know what the Jesus Movement was I was in it in Southern California I got saved 40 years ago 1975 I say it's 40 years it's time to go over the Jordan and into the Promised Land but in those days you could have said boo and people were getting safe we've never seen a revival like that since we've seen outpourings of the Spirit but not a general outpouring where they're just in the streets getting saved my friend is a pagan friend then he walked up to these two guys this is what time is it they said it's time for you to get saved and he did that's just the way it was then we're believing for a great harvest to come hallelujah now tonight I'm not a Bible teacher whenever I try it doesn't work I just tell stories but so did Jesus you know you know two plus two equals four might reach the mind but once upon a time or reach the heart in many ways what I share with you tonight is prophecy and if it is prophecy then you need to judge it and if you judge it by the witness of the spirit inside in your heart then there should be this rising up inside of you daring to believe that we can we can move heaven with God I go back many years ago and I have to tell you a story you know and I am in chapter 40 of Psalms it says this burnt offerings and sacrifices you have not desired but my ears you have opened burnt offerings and sacrifices not desired then I said here I come I delight to do your will it says in another passage lo it is written in the scroll here I come I delight to do your will that is powerful when you know what your story is you can say with confidence here I come its power when you can say I know what I'm about here I come that's not arrogance that's being baptized in confidence but the word of the Father that tells you who you are they came to John the Baptist they said who are you what do we tell who they are are you Elijah are you the Prophet are you Jeremiah he said know who you are you and he answers back you talk about a guy finding his name written in the scroll he says I'm the dude you've been reading about and Isaiah 40 all these years come on he says I'm the voice crying in the wilderness they've been looking for Elijah for years for centuries and here he comes and says I'm the guy I found my name written in the scroll ha what's written in your stroll God is the author and the finisher of your faith he wrote a book about your life before you were ever born and your job description in life is to find out what's written you're gonna find your chapter titles and sometimes chapter titles of a new season are actually discovered in dreams it was in 1984 we moved to Pasadena because of a dream of a black man come to Los Angeles he was saying there's going to be a great revival we moved out 12 of us believing that God will give you give us this great revival we thought the revival would immediately take place rings never happened immediately they usually become nightmares God never tells you the bad news he gives you the good news ask Joseph if he told you the bad news you said that's not my story so the author gives you a glimpse but he's also the finisher and so there is a storyline in our lives that if we understand that he's the author and that he's the finisher and that in between some 139 he says this he hedges us in behind and before it's not just up to you to figure out God is the one who is actually closing in open doors to get you to the finish line of the story and if your story seems pretty beat up now well good news two prostitutes an adulteress named Bathsheba and and an amal - Ruth were in the genealogy of Jesus anyway that was pretty good he's the author and the finisher of your faith I'm going somewhere with this if you know we should Bible says we are his workmanship the words of poema there we are his poetry he didn't write he didn't write a math equation to describe your life he wrote poetry it's a good story but if you were going to graph Joseph's life this is what it looks like all right left of his father hated by his brothers he's a multicolored court hated more by his brothers has a dream of ruling the world hated more by his brothers thrown in a pit and becomes a slave in Potiphar's house becomes the ruler of Potiphar's house falsely accused of rape and doesn't get bitter because bitterness shuts down the story line forgiveness unforgiveness shuts down the story line thrown in prison has a dream becomes the ruler of prison has a dreaming prison forgotten in prison pharaoh has a dream he interprets it and the dream comes true he's the rule of the world if you graph it it goes like this draw a line under it it's a crown it was all plans lorry this is great news because no matter where you are in your storyline God has another day another chapter he has another chapter and the chapter for America is not yet fully finished there's still a chapter for America and so I found my book I found the title of my book in 1994 1995 I was reading a book called Azusa Street by an intercessor named Frank Bartle Minh that was in Pasadena California I was living in the same city as I'm reading his book he is praying in the same streets that I was praying in a hundred years before William Seymour the black man who's going to lead to great Azusa Street revival who didn't get bitter because of racism he got an open heaven and United the body of Christ that's what we need right now in America we need a black/white unified church because only a united church can heal a divided nation this is why we've got to make sure no divisions in our own houses no divisions in our own faith in our churches we must make sure that we are walking united because I believe right now it's the only hope for America and so I'm reading his book he fasted so much in 1905 his wife thought he would die but the book lit me on fire have you ever had it read a book that let you on fire Moses had a burning bush but I had a burning book and I picked I turned aside to see this marvelous sight why was this fire burning inside of me it was a burning book and because of that book I felt like everything about Frank bar demons was me and I went into days of fasting and I cried out one night God give me the mantle of Frank Bartle man I don't want to read about revival I want to see revival and for two hours one night I cried out to God like I had never cried out finally I went to sleep the next day I run into this brother and he says to me hey Lou I had a dream last night and in this dream I saw a big black book and the title said revival he said I turned the inside of the cover and I saw a guy's face and his name was Frank barliman and his face turned to your face now you can be a skeptic and miss the voice of God you can be jaded on prophecy and you can miss the very purposes of God but I knew God was speaking to me the title of your book is revival and your and your calling is intercession and fast miserable location so there's a couple of weeks later I said a woman's aglow meeting I wasn't a woman it was gonna glow I don't even know I was there I'm standing there at the end of the meeting standing there wondering why I'm here an african-american lady walks up to me she said you know 1906 there's this black lady praying with this guy named Frank barliman she says I feel like I'm that black lady looking for that Bartle I said lady we gotta talk see God was giving me glimpses early on and he wants to do it for all of us you should not listen to my stories and say I wish I could have him I remember reading is that really is that you really you God by Loren Cunningham years ago who I win and I read it and I said god I want a supernatural kind of story like that and he answered my prayer come on lift your heads I want you to pray I want a supernatural life I want to know the story that you've dreamed for him I'd go ahead and ask him God make my life supernatural make my life supernatural he just answered you now believe it so as I look back at the early storyline of my book an initial chapter it has to do with Azusa and then I find myself and this is just a brief rundown I've been preaching across America in small groups of young people on a 40 day fast in 1996 and starting a 24-hour House of Prayer in Pasadena God gave us a dream and in the dream I was with this young boy named Joel and I was supposed to be giving Joel a letter this young boy named Joel but I had lost the letter I woke up frantically looking for I was frantically looking for it I woke up and the Lord spoke to me don't lose Joel's letter call the youth of America to fasting in purge Joel chapter 2 blow the trumpet in Zion Paul a fast gather the elders gather the children and I for three we couldn't pull it off we didn't have any administration but we begin to gather young kids up to 4,500 gathered in Colorado to fast for three days praying that stadiums would be filled with young people like John the Baptist the Nazarites separated to God trying to God for revival and we preached on John the Baptist's he'll go on before the Lord list fear the power of Elijah we preach this we cried out to God and then in 1999's the thing was saying in 1999 I cried out to God how can I turn America back to God there are some times that God releases a prayer of faith into your soul that is utterly impossible but when you're in that moment of faith it seems like you could touch anything in God I felt faith burning the groanings and travail was on me to turn America back to God I've seen enough to know that God can do things then you know you have this kind of a counter you wake up in the morning you're thinking you're just mere mortal again and you'll wonder who's gonna pay for it and this lady comes to me said you don't know who I am the Lord told me to pay your salary this year cuz you're gonna start something with the youth of American pearl chains the destiny of the nation I don't even know who she is but I took her money she's been paying my salary sixteen years she's 92 years old believing it's not too late for America what do we do with a legacy like that and she just stopped everything stopped and you know why I think the wilderness days when you just get your sandals old your sandals don't wear out God gives you men there comes a time when you go over the Jordan and you have to be provided for by conquest you conquest that's how I think church is going into conquest days so my son came to me and she came to me and we launched this vision of kids on the mall in DC and seven months before the gathering my 13 year old my 12 year a boy had come to me and he said dad I had a dream and he in the dream there were two gangs fighting a devil gang and a God gang and he said I went to the leader of the god gang and said how old do you have to be to be a part of the God gang and the leader said the rules have changed it used to be 21 but now it's 12 he said dad what does it mean I said son I think here to be about your father's business at age 12 ties your teenage years to God and don't waste them 7 months before the call I mean 8 or 9 months before the call he came to me just 13 years old not eating not even even to puberty and he said to me dad I want to do a 40 day juice fast and smoothies oh really he said and Dad I don't want to cut my hair I want to be a Nazarite to the call and dad after my forty day fast I want to do a Daniel fast no meats no sweets for seven months and then dad I don't want to play baseball this year I just want to run with you and pray for revival I'm thinking this is fairly extreme and I don't know what to say to the kid but I did have to wait long to find out because at 4 o'clock in the morning it's happened to me three times I heard the roaring audible voice of God and this is his voice America is receiving her apostles prophets and evangelists but it has not yet seen her Nazarites and I knew a new breed of young kids fasting and praying would prepare the way for a Jesus Movement his fasting and prayer always precedes the deepest preparations released the deepest revivals I got to tell you that and I had a dream seven months out before the call sorry to talk about dreams not really because dreams are the language of the last days maybe we should get used to the language and not say it was just a dream I had a dream in which I was overwhelmed with the impossibility of seeing America turned back to God but a scroll rolled down before me and it said and yet it said and he will go on before the Lord and the Spirit of the power of Elijah to turn the hearts of the fatherless children and the rebellious to the wisdom of the righteous I'm reading this in the scroll and I know he's describing the job description of the call it was a John the Baptist as small as it was you most of you not even heard of it but it puts stadiums a hundred thousand in New York 50 thousand in Boston eleven days after nine hundred seventy seven thousand in Nashville thousands have come to fast and pray for 12 hours that is a miracle we told nobody who the speakers were or the worship teams were because we've said we've had enough personality driven religion in America we need God and his answers Joel - and so - leads to acts - I'm telling you this story because I think you can understand where we're going now I I sense you captain it you've got to inject yourself into history you got to inject yourself into the story those guys in the book of Acts when the Holy Spirit comes they said oh this is that which was spoken by the jaws of profit they were injecting themselves in the storyline we need to inject our stealth selves into the storyline a prophetic history it's gone 16 years and then these guys came into my living room three years ago he's why we M dwarfs came in my hobbit hole oh you didn't see that movie and they started singing an anxious song and I longed to strap on my sword and go to the mountains and take on dragons something that woke when they said to me there's coming a shift to the call and it will not be just fasting in prayer but the proclamation of the gospel signs and wonders and stadiums are gonna be filled and Billy Graham's mantle is coming on the nation it gave me this word and it shook me for two days we prayed as we were closing up a prophet from Nashville cause my friend knows nothing what we're doing so do you know where lue Inglis tell him last night I had a visitation tell him there's coming a shift to the call and it will not be just fasting and prayer but the proclamation of the gospel signs and wonders and stadiums will be filled and Billy Graham's mantle is coming on the nation when that happened something shifted in my heart I prayed three years with young kids for stadiums to be filled with fasting something putted me in my heart begin to pray for the next three years that stadiums will be filled with signs and wonders and miracles and mass evangelism and oh God Jesus the Evangelist is gonna rise up in America again the fivefold ministry apostles prophets evangelists pastors and teachers in certain times manifests himself in one of those kinds of manifestations but in the 70s it was Jesus the Evangelist who rose and I say Jesus the Evangelist is rising again in America oh they're gonna get saved and they are already I'm getting excited let's plays you're so hungry do you know the anointing is not so much on the preacher it's on the hunger of the people that draws it out that's what happens this place is prepared for revival I was very interested as I've recently been looking at Oral Roberts and found out to 1947 his ministry was kind of just not going very well and he went into seven months of fasting and the healing revival breaks out do you know what here we are 1946 70 years ago a book called atomic power to burn fasting lit a fasting movement is extended fasting erupted out of San Diego it spread up into Canada they read the book they said the grace of fasting rested on all winter long and then the Holy Spirit broke out and the latter rain outpouring began and the same year what happens is the outpouring of the Holy Spirit on bill bright and the campus movement is begun 1949 Billy Graham becomes his outbreak his breakthrough in Los Angeles 1948 Israel becomes a nation it's Joel chapter 2 a worldwide fast extended fasting brought forth what I'll give you the early and the latter rain show of chapter 2 I'll restore the land Israel becomes a nation and I will pour out my spirit on all flesh worldwide I feel were in a 70 year period something's coming in these next three years I believe the grace of fasting that was on Oral Roberts he's gonna come on this city this anointing for signs and wonders and miracles we're headed into those days and so let me keep going that let me tell this story so for three years we've been praying this and then we did the call in Berkeley because Berkeley was the place where you could say was the flash point of the rebellion of the 60s we did to call there and on purpose we went there to say God break the rebellion and turn us into a new era of a Jesus Movement and so while we were there in Berkeley fasting and praying for 50 days 70 young people gathered with me most of them were Asian students University students who fasted and prayed for 50 days not all on water you die they gave up a semester of school to do it that's a miracle because Asians do not take off a semester of university here's some Asians laughing but the fact is they sense they were in a pregnant moment and they'd rather rather change history with God than prepare for their future because there comes a time when you have a moment of time and you must seize that divine moment I was once in a dream this brother named Aaron McManus threw me a book it flies toward me I catch it and it's titled seizing your divine moment I tell you you can be faithful all your life but when the prophetic moment comes you can't miss that moment you have to seize that divine moment of your life a whole generation comes to the Jordan and in one day they refuse to cease their moment and they wonder for 40 years listen maybe you've missed some seasons I have but good news God comes to us again and again and again and as I'm praying there in Berkeley the Lord just speaks to me call the leader of the Azusa Street organization and african-american men we had a disagreement six years ago he tried to call me I didn't call him back I waited six years very bad the Lord should get reconciled I called him on the phone and we weep together on the phone and we get reconciled this whole story that I tell you now is about a black man and a white man getting reconciled I think something's going on right now see there is an answer to the racism there's an answer to the riots and it is the body of Christ if my people humble themselves and walk in love and unity I can change the atmosphere of the whole nation and at the end of that phone call out of the blue he just said hey lewd the call Azusa streets still waiting for you and suddenly the first chapter with my Frank Bartle Minh comes slamming into my later chapter like a novel a good novel where the author introduces some character and then chapters later they surface and everything makes sense to the novel this is what happened to me and so I'm praying and fasting and the Lord speaks to me look up April 9th 2016 the one hundred and tenth anniversary of the Azusa Street revival it's a Saturday the thought come in other words you could hold the call on that day I said okay so I look it up it's a Saturday I go hmmm if I do the call I'm gonna do something small and safe because I didn't have any money and I had three people left on staff and I'm thinking I'm gonna do something small say God never calls you to do anything small and safe or it's not God did you do it anyway I called my friend Chris Bergland Chris Bergland says to me now you tell him what's going on he's been a prophet to me for 31 years he dreamed the the barliman thing he he says to me allude to remember the dream I had in nineteen in 2013 when we did the forty day fast in mod odditorium in Pasadena no I don't remember it he said Lou in the dream it's amazing in the dream I had to buy five sets of five plane tickets but the only Airlines we could fly on was United Airlines and he knew that the church can only fly United in the dream he's concerned it'll miss the expiration date he opens up the jacket of the ticket and it expires in 1080 days and in the dream when he wakes up he Google's 1080 days it's april 9th 2016 the hundred and tenth anniversary of the street revival I knew at that moment God has a date with his church so I go and I said God if we're gonna if we're if we're gonna do this I need somebody that does signs and wonders because we're gonna make the shift and I've only fasted and prayed I need somebody touched signs and wonders I said if I could just run into Bill Johnson of the Bethel movement if he comes I'll throw myself I run into him in a bizarre circumstance in London I tell him this story he says I'm canceling South Africa will throw the whole Bethlem movement we're contending not just for the ordinary miracles but the extraordinary miracles of Acts 19 we're in a shift I just had a dream that I was laying my left hand on the shoulder of Bill Johnson and on the right hand on my right hand I was to be laying it on his right hand or shoulder but I had but I had not I wasn't laying it on I was hesitant to lay my right hand on it and in the dream he had set his face to second Kings to where Elijah goes to Bethel seeking for the double portion and the Lord spoke to me through this dream he said don't hesitate put the right hand of your strength which is fasting in prayer get behind this thing and pray in a double portion of the Oral Roberts anointing praying a double portion of the Billy Graham anointing pray in the pray in this door that's what he likes to did he stuck with Elijah he got after that thing and wouldn't let it go it's time for the church to say we won't let you go this time we're not content with anything but historic awakening because there's no future for America without it so with that burning in my heart this lady calls me you know the video says the whole Memorial Coliseum all that by the way Billy Graham put a hundred and thirty four thousand people in that Coliseum in 1963 and twenty thousand couldn't get inside you got a picture of that can you put that slide up there I mean that's Memorial Coliseum that's Billy Graham 1963 I'm not looking to the Past I'm believing for the evangelists that are coming this will be ordinary this will be seen in football fields the prophets have all seen it brothers are well it couldn't happen you may not believe it but I would rather going down living my life in the shadow of the dominating prophecy that in the citizen of unbelief I believe God still has an answer in the darkest hour I believe the God's promises are still bright yes it's dark but the darkness comes but the glory of the Lord Rises upon you Oh father I'm praying raise up evangelist in this place fan these two guys right there in the front right those two guys take it the other guy all morning night long that guy could tap him I've been prayin feeling I don't know who you are but I felt your fire I felt these are too mighty evangelists are gonna move is I don't know what it looks like how it works but the Lord has laying his hand on a new breed that remember Billy Graham but they're going after a double portion we just had a dream that in in the Coliseum in section 22 in the top of section 22 Billy Graham Derek Prince and TL Osborn were holding hands agreeing in heaven with what was being prayed on the stage I say that Billy Joe dirty isn't that Stan's looking on and saying it's coming a double portion and heaven is synergizing with earth this is what's happening in these days I tell you it's not about you it's not about your weakness it's not about your sin it's about a God who keeps covenant I've had so much brokenness failures in my life but the Lord is the Lord who keeps covenant it's time to throw off the grave clothes of the accuser of the Brethren I believe the Lord is coming with a mighty rebuke to the accuser Zechariah 3 to release a Cariah for that not by might not by power but by my spirit I just lift your voices just begin to pray to God write me into the story I don't want to pass these days sleeping I'm injecting myself in the story I'm taking up the prophetic callings I'd say mine laying hold of what you spoke to me I'm not looking at my failure I'm looking at the God who is able father I am asking you stir calling unfold the storybook of many women's lives I say God there's another assist coming and beyond are you unify the church and the color line was washed away in the blood heal our cities deliver us from riots give us revival in Jesus name God if you want to remain standing I'm just gonna tell a few more stories and then I'm gonna end if you want to just sit down feel free but I want to stay in the spirit cuz I could feel the spirit of faith someone says John Doe said once said this it's more important menorah isn't it is more important to know the promises and covenant promises of a city rather than the demonic powers that hold it because if you know the Covenant promises it releases hope tonight God is releasing hope into hearts there are bones in this ground and those bones are rattling because we're prophesying to the healing revival of 47 it's now going into 70 years it's faith it's the seed of God I finally had to move either be a dreamer or act on it you know you get dreams but there comes a time when you can't delay you got to act on it so I went with my team to the Memorial Coliseum he seats a hundred thousand on the under 110 freeway on the hundred tenth anniversary of this for Psalm 110 from the womb of the dawn in the day of power that you shall gather to thee is to do and what to the stadium the lady said yes this is the place where the first Super Bowl was played 15 years ago it's the youth its the Jubilee year this is the yuba Jubilee year where you proclaim Liberty where you let the captain's go free will you let your bitterness end so you're not keeping people in slaves I just had a dream two months ago five times one night Jeremiah 34 eight and they made a covenant to proclaim Liberty to their slaves do you know what april 9th is it's also the anniversary of Appomattox or General Grant surrendered Lee surrendered to General Grant and I thought it was April 9th I'm thinking it's time for the civil wars in the church tens it's time for the racism to end and begin to proclaim Liberty to bless every denomination you may not agree with them but you can agree with Jesus and his salvation but it is time to fly united it's time to fly United in our families it's time to get right make phone calls get right with people I believe this is the precursor to revival because before you get Acts chapter 2 to suddenly out of heaven you have to have Acts chapter two one they were all together in one place and in one Accord if he just the one Accord it's heaven on earth in synchronism or two or three agreed sympathized together there's no discordant notes have you ever been in a music group that there are all these bad notes it's miserable God says I want symphony now in my church but people said well she said this is Vince Lombardi was the coach of the Green Bay Packers I'm gonna say ng can I just take three more minutes before because I want you to get this see this is just how God talks to me I'm like a little child I just believe he talks I'm just not gonna be cynical to his voice and should this is where the and we're Vince Lombardi won the first Super Bowl and I just erupted inside because 20 years ago at this time my daughter was born gloria angela grace on a night when two 11 year old Asian girls in Madonna Torian had a visitation from God from 12:00 midnight to 4:00 in the morning they described the angelic realm I recorded and wept for four hours I walked home I think angels walked in with me and immediately my wife's contractions started and glory he was born she's 20 years old she's a missionary in the Himalayas been possessed by God she got born in the glory but in that four hours the thing that stood out to me more than any other thing is suddenly those two Asian girls begin to prophesy much too small three thousand seat auditorium much too small monster small stadiums will be filled there's Vince Lombardi in heaven I've been asking God for twenty years why was Vince Lombardi in their dreams and I've been praying for 20 years God is there coming a Super Bowl for the church I've been praying for 20 years I believe we're entering into the Super Bowl of God not necessarily the state stadium maybe it's just a crack in the door but I'm believing for two hundred thousand missionaries 80 million souls being saved in America it's what we're asking God for that night I went to Bonnie Brae Street on the hundred ninth anniversary of the outpouring I was we were praying in a full house where the Azusa Street revival began with William Seymour and at 11 o'clock at night I prayed God where can I hold up and fast forty days [Music] because I'm 40 years old in the Lord and it went too fast 40 days for 40 years to enter into the new day of revival I walked out at 11 o'clock at night african-american man who for 10 years has been praying for the mantle of Williams he grabs me as I walk out he says Luke he said Lois I gotta talk to you I had a dream two nights ago and in the dream I said to my wife Lu's looking for a place to hole up and fast 40 days and he's gonna fast in the corner of Jefferson and Hoover on the on the campus of USC now I knew that this wasn't a good fast it was a chosen fast and every night up to 120 kids would come every night crying out to God for revival during the middle of the fast so amazing did you see that airplane on the in the you wonder that's stupid but it's amazing we were on the USC campus the football field it is USC's football field and a guy comes in and says do you know there is a United Airlines shed on the campus of USC and it's facing a stadium God is shouting it's time to fly United we're going to that stadium on April 9th from 7:00 in the morning to 10:30 at night we're gonna make a covenant we're gonna unite the tribes unite the denominations and we're gonna make a covenant to fly United saw that God's given to me and then at 4 o'clock in the afternoon but bringing evangelist signs and wonders people Heidi Baker Todd white others and we are going to believe God Bethel worship we are believing for signs and wonders the word of Susa means blessed miracle we're saying God released miracles releases into a day beyond the healing revivals of Oral Roberts we kind of believe even double portions of these things then we had a dream that Daniel kolenda was preaching the gospel he's Reinhart bunkies spiritual son and it was a pool on the field of people leaping into it so I called I'd never met him before we met together and I told him I said maybe it's a symbolic dream and he says I'm canceling my stadiums in South America I'm coming I don't need to preach and I don't need an honorarium that's who's gonna preach because God's gonna give us a pure breed of evangelists that are not looking for big money think they're good of it the purebred evangelist is coming I'm not saying it's wrong for money believe me I'm done I want to pray for you right now I hope you pick up something here he's gonna preach the gospel that night we're gonna believe that the loss are getting saved I don't know what's gonna happen but I'd rather step out in faith I'm believing for a hundred ten thousand people and some of you can come and join your prayers and unite your faith but it's not just about going to that stadium it's about raising the water level of faith and prayer and fasting we're calling for 40 days of fasting we've been doing it for the last three years March 1st through April nights were saying God release today of the healing revivals and the Billy Graham's mental father I pray for this church I bless it I thank you for its history I thank you for the anointing the testimony of God that's gone out all over but we just don't look back to those days we blame Lord that's a latter glory of the house will be greater than the former glory I want to pray right now that God would release dreams wherever we go we pray for dreams and people begin to dream lift up your hands father I pray for an explosion of dreams and visions and encounters release the prophetic whirlwind Lord angels appearing expectation everywhere they're asking what is Lord I'm asking for a fight for an open heaven a battle of this place this in his nether than the gate of heaven and the house of God Father I pray right now released the grace of fasting stir the grace of fasting not legalism but the Jesus fast that goes before the Jesus Movement father I'm asking starla fires Oral Roberts fastings 70 years ago we can't look back and honor our fathers and boast about we come from Abraham it's time for generation to return to the heart sacrifices and passion center for father I will turn the hearts of the father's to the children and the children to their fathers there's a new generation that's gonna turn back to the heart passions of Billy Joe Kearney a Billy Graham and they will shake this nation or lose these traces we pray in the name of Jesus give a shout to God what a crazy Lord with praises erupt in America erupt in the nations you can go to the call comm if you want information thank you for allowing me to be here tonight [Music]
Channel: Lou Engle
Views: 1,711
Rating: 4.942029 out of 5
Id: Ryr7XE1eEX4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 55min 41sec (3341 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 09 2019
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