Michael Koulianos at Bethel Young Saints | Come Lord

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hey why don't you stand come on come on can you just lift your hands I know we've worshiped for a while but we're gonna worship for a long time in heaven we might as well get used to you know there's more worship up there than preaching right come on lift your voice for the Lord come on lift your voice every voice lifted come on just begin to bless the Lord all over this place maude ba ba ba ba ba come on lift your voice lift your voice lift your voice begin to cry out begin to cry out begin to cry out in the spirit all over this room come on just begin to bless the Lord come on just begin the bless the Lord Mel Fadi Bemba and the old McCoy Jesus we give you praise today we give you praise and glory and honor and power and Majesty Jesus you make our praise your home so we gladly come in right now with praise on our lips and we say come and live here right now in Jesus name come and make the Civic your house right now in the name of Jesus come on just begin to bless him are you thankful if you're thankful then just tell him just begin to tell him thank him for the blood thank him for the cross thank him for the power of the Holy Spirit thank him for saving you Jesus we love you we love you we love you we give you glory and honor and praise and Majesty we just lift your hands here in this in this atmosphere of Jesus how we love your presence how we love your name yeah King of Kings Lord of lords bright morning star day spring Lord you're the day star you're the one who who made it all you're the one who saved us when we wanted nothing to do with you you're the one who set us free when we were slaves and you've made us love slaves and we're grateful to this morning Jesus and we want you to know that we want you to know that in the name of Jesus we're gonna go a little further I believe the Holy Spirit is gonna wreck some of you I don't know about you but I came for a head-on collision with the Son of God I came for a head-on collision with the Son of God but listen what the Bible says the Bible says this that God inhabits the praises of his people he literally takes your praise each individual praise here and creates a house with it and Jesus comes to live with us and that's what we need right now the Bible says that he's enthroned on the praises of his people that means that Jesus literally has a seat and destroys everything that's not him under his feet when we lift the praise so I want to tell you off the bat here's what we're gonna do for at least a minute you're gonna lift the most sustained loud non-religious obnoxious shout that is costly that might force some of you into the aisles that might offend the balance person that that brought you but we're gonna lift something that's irresistible to the Lord okay that's irresistible that will beckon him to come that will give us an audience with God because when Jesus comes everything changes this room changes your life changes your bondage just change your chains fall off sickness falls off all of that sup depression anxiety it just goes when Jesus comes in the room and this works every single time he said this that we enters courts with praise we enter skates with Thanksgiving so I'm gonna count to three and you're gonna lift something guttural you're gonna do what David did something's just completely undignified something holy and beautiful to the Lord that has nothing to do with you and everything to do with Jesus are you ready you guys ready then I want you to blow it up on those drums man are you ready one two three come on [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] let me compile before the King of Kings let every tongue confess that he lift up your shout let us join and sing it listen Chris singing [Music] [Music] oh Jesus Oh [Music] oh Jesus [Music] oh Jesus Oh [Music] [Applause] is the kingdom word is the power is the quarry foreign I'll tell him tell him yours is the kingdom yours is the power is the quarry for yours is the kingdom is the pack [Music] is the quarry [Music] if the king is the path yes [Music] and the king [Music] is it good is the king is the car get the cash [Applause] [Music] [Applause] in the case [Music] [Applause] [Music] here's the power is the glory forever yours is the king what is the power yours is the glory for [Music] is it [Music] it's the key [Music] [Applause] Lord we love you presents Jesus we love you we love your presence we love you [Music] we love you we love everything about you you just lift your hands in its glory come on Holy Spirit rip through this auditorium like a fiery wave come come Lord and blow through here like a lion with the eyes of fire and fill everyone here with the power and fire of the Holy Spirit if you're hungry if you're hungry to say Jesus touch me touch me tell him say touch me touch me don't leave me out today touch me [Applause] oh we love you we love you [Music] yeah [Music] Wow I love you lord [Music] I love you fill them with new wine today Jesus name can you lift this shout again can you just lift one more [Applause] [Music] [Applause] amazing Jesus amazing amazing Lord Wow Wow thank you lord Wow are you grateful can grab a seat why don't you go ahead and grab a seat come on wow thank you guys you're amazing we let them know we love them we let the worship team know that we're grateful so honored to be here I don't know why I'm saying that I just feel like we need one more praise can you lift one more [Applause] anyone feel the Lord in the room well pray for me I want to thank bill and Benny Johnson and the Bethel fathers and mothers for allowing us to come can we give the Lord praise for Bill and Benny come on just the price the price they've paid and so all of us get to come and drink from this amazing well and I consider myself a son of this house so I'm just gone already guys you're gonna have to really pray for me this is gonna be really hard to get through this say more for you I need to preach I want to thank Tom and Leslie is Tom there is looking right at you asking if you guys are here Tom and Leslie stand up would you do that Tom and Leslie Crandall Leslee leads the first year be SSM and Thomas the young Saints pastor and we just want to thank you guys for loving the Lord and being crazy enough to have me here but I love you all I love you both so much my wife's here Jessica's here Jess would you stand up come on yeah all three of my children are here but I won't make them stand up because they're at that age where they would hate me for that but they're here and I want to thank Deborah for serving and being so amazing Deborah stand come on stand up guys this is Deborah so Tom I have a prophetic word for you and for young Saints I heard the Lord say this morning it was quite early and it was earlier than I wanted it to be but I heard the phrase stadiums are coming more quickly than you think and that this gathering is actually a seed somehow for stadiums across America that God is gonna give the young Saints movement under your leadership and Leslie's leadership stadiums and arenas that are and I want all of you stretch your hands right now come on let's get in on this that God is gonna give you a favour to acquire and fill arenas and stadiums and while the background work won't be so easy initially filling them and paying for them is gonna be easier than you could have ever imagined and God is gonna surround you with a company of firebrands and fact he's gonna surround you with more than one brother and sisters brothers and sisters who also have eyes of fire who you feel like you've been cut from the same fraternity and sorority and they're gonna breathe holiness they're gonna spit fire when they preach literally and and and holiness will flow from the cross and from the wounds of Jesus in these stadiums it'll be a a move of God rooted rooted in the gospel and the holy fire of the holy spirit and it will turn a generation it will turn Millennials back to the cross and they'll find beauty there so father in Jesus name I thank you that stadiums are ahead and that the team is even being formed here and what they're learning here and reading will be a prototype to fill arenas and stadiums around America as we walk into this new Jesus Movement amen amen amen amen amen amen Tom my loud off the platform ever okay good I want to talk to you this morning and I'm really gonna ask for your undivided attention for about 15 to 20 minutes I want to have the most important conversation we could ever have and the conversation is about your soul your soul is the most precious holy beautiful thing in your life your soul is costly and Jesus is after it with fiery love you need to understand and as much as I value events we host events around the world you need to understand that you merely coming here as wonderful as it is your attendance does not secure your eternity you attending church does not secure your eternity you listening to worship music you being a worship leader you being a preacher that doesn't secure your eternity either you maybe just like Lana I've been I've been baptized in water the Bible doesn't say for God so loved the world that he sent to baptismal tank that one flustered some of you you said man I prayed the prayer I I prayed the prayer but the Bible doesn't say for God so loved the world that he sent the sinner's prayer now we use the sinner's prayer in all of our events but I'm here to tell you that prayers don't save Jesus Saves and I man I feel the fire of God here to pierce and peel back the onion and get into the depths of your heart today God is after you not because he's angry with you it's because he loves you Jesus wants you he wants you he's screaming for you through me for those of you who know me I'm not a screamer but today I feel the passion of God calling you home calling you home your pastor can't save you the four walls of your church can't save you gospel tracts can't save you growth tracts don't save you you say dude I went down to the altar altars don't save you either you say I responded to the call calls don't save you either you have to find Jesus at the altar and you've got to hear his voice in the call and this is what I sense that God is pulling back the bow of heaven right now and releasing an arrow of loving truth into the depths of your heart when Jesus comes into a room it is measurable and if you can't ask that you guys grab a seat and don't move around right now just hold it for 15 minutes trust me the first introduction that John the Baptist declared to Israel regarding Jesus was this behold the lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world Jesus came to be experienced as the lamb and his blood is powerful enough to wash away every sin ever committed past peasant present or future the precious Lamb of God shed his this blood for you and this is what you need to know when Jesus steps on the scene it is absolutely measurable he is king over sickness that means sickness leaves in Jesus name today we're gonna see miracles no doubt about it that means depression goes when he who is anointed with the oil of gladness comes it's all measurable the ear knows when jesus walks in a room the atmosphere knows the bible doesn't say that the place that the walls that they pour that the walls shook when they prayed in the book of Acts it says the place they prayed sure God can shake the air when he comes into a room God will shake the stuff you don't even see God will shake the stuff you don't see about you and that's why the Bible says you alone know the hearts of men O Lord you alone you think you know you but friend it takes you getting into this presence to even know what's going on in there Jesus is the x-ray machine and the surgeon you need him to know what's up and what's wrong and only he can fix it you can't face the holy throne of God on your parents marriage or on your favorite preachers merit it's just gonna be you and Jesus you say I know that what's the big deal well let me just tell you what that scene will look like number one you will stand before the Ancient of Days who has no beginning and no end and he is not your home boy does he love you yes but he loves you enough to blow the sin right out of your life this morning to just completely deliver you and set you free you'll stand before the Ancient of Days who is like complete light who has no shadow or turning within him the floor will be a sea of glass mingled with fire once you think that a sea of glass mingled with Rowan that is perfect emerald and he has living creatures around covered in eyes guys this is no average get-together and there are twenty-four elders seated around him and every time one of the angelic hosts declare who the Lord is these elders throw their crowns on the ground and cry out worthy worthy worthy holy holy holy holy holy it's amazing this is amazing and I feel that this is something we've lost something we've lost in our generation the fact that we're gonna give an account you will give an account whether you know Jesus or you don't we will all give an account for those things done in the body now John 1:12 you don't did turn there just just just look at me John 1:12 says this for as many as received him that him is Jesus for as many as received him to them he gave the right to be called children of God you have to receive the person you have to receive to him the actual Jesus it's not receiving the prayer it's not even receiving the lifestyle you have to receive Jesus if you're gonna live the lifestyle that him is a real person he likes things he doesn't like things he sees you right now before you were ever born jesus knew you'd be in that seat right now I want you to think of that before you were ever born the Lord knew you'd be facing what you're facing sitting right there before your parents were ever born before your grandparents for everyone the Lord knew you'd be right there right now you have to receive him this old man Simeon is holding little baby Jesus when he's dedicated and he looks down at this baby and says something Lord my eyes have seen your salvation listen to me salvation is not a system salvation is not a method salvation is not a six-step process salvation has eyes salvation has a whole a wound I should say on his side holes in his hands holes in his feet salvation has a beard and hair down to about here like wool salvation has eyes of fire because he is fire salvation has feelings salvation laughs salvation cries and here's the best part salvation is here right now he's here right now he's here how close is he Michael this is what Jesus says if two or three gather in my name I am there even in the midst of them even in the midst of them what's the key how do we get Jesus to come we come in his name we don't come today in the name as much as I love this place it's just my home church and I don't even live here I live across the country but we don't come today in the name of Bethel and we don't come in the name of young Saints and we don't come in the name of Michael we come in the name of Jesus that's why we sing to him that's why we sing to him because at some point in that song Jesus becomes really real and that's all it takes is that moment where everything just changes everything switches when we look at Jesus how close is he he's here but even closer than that he's in the midst of us that's what he promised I'll be there even in the midst of you I want you to elbow that person next to you say he's closer to me than you are now look back at me now look back at me Jesus in the myths that means he's closer than the air you're breathing he is the air you're breathing he's the one who's keeping you alive right now that's what the Bible says that he holds all things together by the word of his power it's Jesus's heart and word that is keeping your body intact right now you say man I'm pretty sure I met him friend if you met him you know you met him I'm not talking about a thought Jesus is not a thought he's a person how here is he he's very here he's more here than you are you say man I know I met the guy down the street I know I met the guy at the gas station I know I met my new pastor I think I met Jesus you know if you met Jesus he's the Ancient of Days with an incredible resume there's nobody like him can I tell you about him can I tell you about can I tell you about him a Bible says in the beginning was the word Jesus just not a creation he's just always been he's phenomenal and the Bible says in the Word was God he's God and he still is God and the Bible says and he was with God that means the personal Jesus if he can be with someone that means he can be with you he has thoughts he has feelings man he has a heart and for eternity after eternity after eternity he's just staring at the father blown away with the beauty and faithfulness of the father and the father's just blown away with the beauty and faithfulness of Jesus why is he blown away with Jesus because Jesus always says yes to him the nature of the Christian life is yes Lord not I'll try not all bow down to this website not all choose to live in a chain and hopefully walk into church filled with guilt and condemnation expect my pastor to get me free your pastor doesn't have holes in his hands only Jesus can do that semestre bull this is measurable to the father's going you're beautiful because you always say yes and Jesus is going you're wonderful father you're the faithful one and it's all by the power of the Holy Spirit and at some point the father said this I've made them in my image only I can fix them so because Jesus is the one who always said yes Jesus should all go I'll do it I'll leave this beautiful fellowship I'll step down out of heaven I'll trade this robe this heavenly robe that fills Heaven's temple with glory and I'll trade it for a robe of mockery here take my crown father I'll replace it with a crown of thorns I'll go to I am I always say yes and so Jesus steps down on the scene you say it's amazing that God became a baby and it is it's phenomenal that Jesus became a baby but I got something better for you he became a seed in the womb of a woman you talk about humility you talk about being humble that he took up residence in the womb of a 14 year old virgin named Mary some of you feel unseen Oh didn't get my worship song I didn't get to lead no one looks at me I didn't know my gift what about my gift it's not about our gift it's about Jesus it's not about our following it's not about social media it's not about being seen it's about him if the God of the universe the formless word became a baby a seed in the womb of a woman it's really hard to say no to that when he lives then he walked the streets and he ran for his life and went to Egypt and he said yes to his father every single day every second of every day and the Bible says he learned obedience and grew in favor and stature and wisdom the one day his friend the Holy Spirit 30 years later they got to meet up again at the Jordan and that spirit empowered and the Holy Spirit empowered him to show us what God is like guys look at me look me in the eyes never again do you have to wonder what God is like never again Jesus has settled the argument he settled the score Jesus is the perfect representation of your heavenly Father how does he feel about sickness he empty cities and villages of the sick how does he feel about poverty man he can pay his bills with a coin from a fish's mouth how does he feel about the poor oh he just provides for them and multiplies bread and fish how does he feel about the broken and those who have been riddled with sin man he sets them free and tells the accusers you who without sin cast the first this is what God is like and ultimately listen very closely ultimately he'd allow his body to be tied to a pole stripped naked maybe you say I've never heard this you haven't heard the gospel strip naked and literally skinned alive through a cat-o'-nine-tails a leather whip with metal balls on it and metal spikes that would rip his muscle out he wasn't whipped he was torn to pieces ribs exposed organs exposed yet they still tied him guys he didn't need them to time to that pole he would have held on for you the whole time yeah it's amazing it's amazing love this thing is supposed to trip you out it's supposed to stretch you it's supposed to amaze you supposed to sort circuit your brain or you feel really weird just thinking about it you just say I'm not gonna be okay after thinking about this that's the whole point God is wanting to wound us with love for Jesus completely smashed us to kick us in on the hardness of our hearts break us down and give us a limp and pick us back up again until pee people see Jesus in our eyes and after he paid for our sickness and took our saying and we stripped naked so you wouldn't have to walk in shame they offer him a cross a heavy cross a jagged cross a rugged cross and he said yes to it even though he had no skin left on his back and put it on his back and gladly climbed a mountain Jesus wasn't crucified in private he was crucified at the busiest intersection in God's holy city and he was suspended suspended in the sky and became a bridge between heaven and near hell literally the suspended mutilated bloodied Lamb of God outstretched nailed to a tree because this whole thing went south in a tree and with a tree in a garden called Eden and out Jesus would settle the score and rectify the deal while a living tree brought death to Adam a dead tree would bring life to you this is outstanding wisdom this is the gospel man and so Jesus tripped every drop of blood so that every sin would be paid for in the Bible says I poured my life up in Psalm 22 poured out his blood every drop had somebody's name on it in here was a beard pulled and ripped from his face crown of thorns in so deep that it pierced his skull Psalm 88 says my eyes waste away due to affliction they beat him so badly he couldn't even open his eyes any more yet he could see you in its heart so I don't know I never heard this I've never heard anything like this you need Jesus today and as he was suspended they took a spear and pierced his side and it went up into his heart and the Bible says water and blood flowed right out of that side and just like he took Adam before Adam was a living being and laid him down and breathed into his nostrils and Adam became a living being and he said it's not good that you're you'd be alone and finally he removed a rib from Adam sighs and Eve came forth so that Adam would have a wife Jesus's side was opened so the blood and water would come forth so that he would marry you he loves you he loves you and after he gave up his spirit because man wouldn't mourn him because he was popular while he was healing men not so popular on a cross because man wouldn't mourn him the Bible says the sky grew dark and the father mourned him because man wouldn't mourn him the rocks exploded at the foot of the cross the earth mourn them because a man didn't think there was much value and this one hanging on a tree and Jesus said father into your hands I commit my spirit at which point the Bible says he went into the underworld and destroyed the devil listen to me and destroyed the devil it is no longer a contest so the Bible says he rendered Satan powerless I need somebody on Keys rendered rendered Satan powerless through the work of the cross if you're bound by the devil if you're addicted to porn if you're addicted to perversion and lust you need Jesus to come in and render the devil powerless in your life right now here's the deal he already has is just waiting on your yes then after he was done embarrassing the devil just a good like a a pattern just a pet embarrassing the devil not helping him not negotiating with him embarrassing the devil completely defeating him the Bible says he took captivity captive took his friends those Saints who've gone on into the underworld and he blew through the ground three days later and the Bible says he sat up like the lion that he is and shook off death and walked out of that tomb with the angelic host because he has conquered death he has conquered your death he has defeated your death [Applause] the early church used to say this we are the church we are the Saints those who laugh at death did you hear me they said we were the church we are the Saints we are those who laugh at death we laugh at it the whole world fears it the whole world is doing everything they can do to just stay alive they'll do anything just to stay alive a little longer most Christians follow Jesus for most of their lives to go to heaven when it comes time to go to heaven they're afraid to go to heaven and we look at that moment and we laugh at it knowing that to be absent from the body is to be present with the Lord death is a joke we laugh at it we gladly lay our lives down because Jesus sat up out of that grave and rendered death powerless you say what I what do I need to do what what about me what about my issues guys look listen listen Jesus did not die so you'd be a slave that's not why he suffered he didn't suffer so you could fall and get up and fall and get up falling it up and spend your whole life falling falling from falling should be the rarity walking should be commonplace victory is why he died so how do I know how do I know if I'm born again are you free not are you attending this event no no are you free jesus said whom the Sun sets it's free in its measurable or are you a slave how do I know if I'm a slave jesus said he who sins is a slave to sin if you can't control your sin there is a freedom problem and Jesus came to set sinners of course it's measurable wearing your shirt is measurable you felt your car seat on the way here not a little kids car seat the adult one you felt the seat you feel your shirt you feel the person next year of course you feel Jesus when it comes to live in your heart so Michael what do I do you receive him him in all his ways even the stuff you don't get and the stuff you don't like maybe there's stuff you can't figure out about him you got to receive that too and as you receive him to you he will give the right to be called a son of God today now listen listen listen very closely listen very closely he's not gonna change your life this morning he's gonna replace your life this morning it's gonna replace it because it changed Michael is still a hellbound Michael he's gonna take you with all your chains and your filth and your anxiety and your fear and your shame and your bondage and he's gonna as you receive him today by faith he's gonna take you and nail you to a tree his tree and when he nails you to that tree the old you is gonna die he's not gonna fix the old Jew he's not gonna counsel the old Jew he's gonna murder the old you today you gonna murder it and then yeah man I need the drummer I need the drummer too it's about to really hit in here listen listen listen and then as he kills the old you he's gonna inject his life into your body so whether you work at in-and-out flipping burgers or you preach Crusades you'll have a fountain that never ever moves again you took those burgers gone oh Jesus I love these burgers the fountain that never moves and your body will become the house of the Living God forever and ever and ever and ever and ever and you'll be his and he will never leave you and he will marry you today and put a ring on your finger and you'll face eternity with peace and you'll be one who laughs at death stand to your feet what you do that stand your feet quickly I've got all the time in the world I want every head bowed and I close every head about a necklace you say Michael today's my day I'm done I'm done playing the game I'm done being a slave I'm done playing with religion I'm done I'm done being completely taken over and unable to control my body I want Jesus to wash me clean and set me free I want him to come live inside him I want you to get out of your seat and run down here right now get out of your seat right now you say this is it this is my moment I'm coming I'm coming look at this thank you Father come on come on down here come on down here and clog the aisles come on come on down and get free today come on down and get free modify thank you God oh come on lift the praise you said this is it you say this is it I'm coming to give my life to Jesus 100% look man they're storming down these down these stairs right now can you think up those keys just a little just a little bit please come come to the Lord come to the Lord Jesus thank you lord the gospel the gospel of power Wow keep coming keep coming it's just beautiful keep coming this is holy thank you Father thank you for what you're doing look they're backed up all the way up there oh the Lord is beautiful he's too beautiful to say no to he's too beautiful come on thank you Jesus thank you Jesus keep coming we have all day we'll wait for you this is your moment you come to the one who has eyes of fire who will set you on fire today come on come down guys make room for them coming in the back this is wonderful thank you Jesus thank you Jesus the gospel thank you lord come to a fountain that still flows drips from Emmanuel's veins the blood that speaks a better word speaks a better word to the accuser of the Brethren over your life the blood speaks righteous now the blood will speak holy the blood will speak mine and your sin will die today your sin will die today if you didn't come forward I want you to stretch your hands if you're on the balcony stretch your hands and cover these people in prayer Thank You G can we just thank the Lord quickly thank you Lord thank you Jesus ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba if you came forward I want you to look in my eyes if you wish you came forward and you there's no room man take a step to the left or right to get God's attention so jesus said jesus said if you deny me before men I'll deny before my father and his holy angels if you if you accept me acknowledge me before men I will acknowledge you before the Father if you wish you came down if you didn't and there's just no room I want you to just wave your hands at me that's enough for the Lord if you wish you did yeah look there's hints this is wonderful Jesus grab every single one grab every single one grab every one now look at me if you if you came forward to receive the Lord it's not about so much what we say while that's important this is about who you're talking to so today you're not going to speak to a prayer you're gonna close your eyes and the best you can speak directly to your heavenly father and the Bible says this whosoever calls upon the name of the Lord shall be saved and when you leave today everything will change you'll no longer be just a servant you'll be a son or daughter are you ready close your eyes now let's talk to the Lord repeat after me and loudly and boldly Heavenly Father I come to you a sinner in need of a savior yes wash me with the blood of Jesus forgive my sin Jesus you are the son of God you died on the cross for my sin you were buried and you've been raised to life because your God Almighty so today lord I give my life to you me for you and you for me Here I am Lord set me free for ever I am yours in your mind amen can we lift for a praise in here come on [Applause] [Music] thank you lord thank you lord thank you Jesus just close your eyes right where you are all over this place just close your eyes everyone just close your eyes lift your hands to heaven Lord Jesus I release now the presence and power of the Holy Spirit to fall someone bring me this young man to fall to fall write this this guy here to fall in this room all over all over all over all over just receive now just receive receive all over this room hit those drums please hit those drums just receive just to receive just to receive all over this room receive the fire of the Holy Spirit come up here young man jump up here by yourself I need to catch her you and the genom in the denim come up here come up here come up here receive receive receive the power of Holy Spirit the power of the Holy Spirit disclose your eyes and receive I need a catcher father's fire on him light him up the using to win the lost in Jesus name ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba hit those drums man hit those jumps into strips fire up heaven [Music] [Applause] bring this girl to me Jesus do [Music] let's go right here [Music] Jesus filler with the Holy Ghost [Music] bring me this girl right there right there I'm never gonna bring a ringa ringa ringa ringa ringa bring-bring [Music] well [Music] come here come here sweetie come [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] that's what you are you're an evangelist no more games what's your name ray get up help him up trying to his heart with the face of God enough games ray preach the gospel mouth father BAE BAE BAE Printemps miles that bad baby win the lost burn burn burn male 5 come in my Bible it's right there give it give me my Bob Tom am I good am i okay [Applause] the Lord put the word in him let him eat it come in sweet challenging and bitterness bah-bah-bah metal father [Music] preach the word rectifier on all of you and fire on all of you fire on all of you out there fire on all of you come on make this your moment grab the hem of his garment grab the hem [Music] our FNT or Alabama East and armed echo ribbon do [Music] Ribbon do [Music] re-bend do just forget about everything right now this is why you came here Santi airfare con todo con tau profits so just do it my receipt Tal Afar [Music] come here more MORE tell them Jesus Lord [Applause] more that girl she's got yeah yeah bring her here tiara listen daughter it doesn't matter what they said about you sweetie it doesn't even matter what they talked and what they say when it pierces your heart and breaks you down it makes you feel bad I cancel it and rip it off you don't even matter it doesn't matter girl dan la Cotte bringer it doesn't matter - fire fire rain fire it doesn't matter about you either it doesn't matter Jesus set you free now it doesn't matter free Frank I cancel every lie every line I rebuke every line voice every line devil in Jesus name the blood of a lamb flows through you daughter of the Lord it's been canceled it's been canceled I cancel it all in Jesus name be free stretch your hand spray tongues be free sweetie be free let him do it let him do do it let him do it whom the Sun sets free is free indeed is Leslie here less less less less whom the Sun sets free is free indeed can you just pray pray over her bless her as a mom bless her less [Music] Jesus will love you [Music] come here sweetie and the yellow [Music] just close your eyes begin to bless the Lord all over the room just bless the Lord just bless them that's right just love on him just love on him just love on him with your mouth begin to love on him singing this spirit see him as spirit all over the room that's right lift your voice as you bless the Lord he touches her you touch his heart he moves his hand see Wow can somebody move this you and the pink [Music] come everyone bless the Lord bless the Lord sing in the spirit your father your father if farted [Music] that's it [Music] yeah Jesus [Music] by the give my Amen to a DS Destin that she'll walk in this atmosphere from whole life than what she sees on this platform would be the norm for her Oh woman of God [Music] that this will be your life Adi [Music] it'll be your life [Music] your feet delighting through the butter of the anointing [Music] sounds of revival you're not miss fear in the norm oh there it goes calling the calling Christ calling through you Annie that's your destiny the calling Christ calling Zarate make straight the way of the Lord [Music] this is your world and your call this is where you'll live addy right here right here I release the anointing of the Holy Spirit over your life that you would walk but she's a walk in the anointing special to the Lord our fair says that says God in heaven oh yes release the wonders of old again in his life the wonders that flowed and came so quickly years ago released the wonders again the Wonder stir the simple childlike wonder Segen Lord the the stuff that's offensive to the religious release it again oh Jesus release your grace in your mercy bah bah bah bah [Music] buddy Senora get daddy [Music] Jess can you come up here test and start praying for these girls start praying for this young girl fire from heaven [Music] kissed and ale father kissed and elf re-emitted kissed and elf our premier sweetie come down Father in heaven Jessie come father I release what you've given me oh poor Taylor God [Music] the graces would come I'd in her life that a healing flow would drip off her mouth like a river of oil the devil's would quake when she opens her mouth and that you call her into the chamber we should give her song sitter literally being Sun in heaven and then she'd pull him down [Music] I see people jumping out of wheelchairs when you open your mouth I see the lame walking and jumping off structures I see I said girl I see it I see it clear as day all prey types in the grid I see it I see it I see it [Music] I see the heavens open over you [Music] you fiery one you fiery one you fight everyone no it's not it's not it's it's holy that's who you are you just want him you wanna you wanna call people to holiness that's what you're doing don't you change the dial turn it up girl turn it up fadi [Music] father release honor what you've given Jessie and I do it what so many before us walked in let her carry it merge decent hair digits in this life right now do it [Music] mara send your God put the cross on Tom stretch your hands now and agree with me put the cross on Tom's back authoring the cross God gives us across Tom and the cross gives us God walk with it Tom walk with it feel the way the beautiful way to the Son of God and it's easy in life but it's there all the time Joseph's cup of many colors rapping you rapping you with the cross of Christ crucified preach the gospel preach the gospel do it Tom do it sharra Jarrah [Music] and Ian Braden come in ready and Braden lay hands on mr. tuck come pray for Tom this is prophetic it's just for fennec come over here put your hands on it the Tom will carry the cross of Christ crucified to this generation malfete a baby [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] sorry for [Music] yours is the key [Music] it's a power it's a glory for yours is the key is the power is it go [Music] yours is a king yours is the power is the girl yours is the key is the power is it glory for you're is the kingdom your is the power is the glory forever [Music] yours is the kingdom [Music] is the power is too close is the King down yours is a pound is the glory for it's the king is the power is the cool [Music] is the power there's a go [Music] yours is the power [Music] is the power [Music] it's a path [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] is the kingdom yours is the power is the gone is the king [Music] is the power is [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] yours is the kingdom yours it's a town [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] you [Applause]
Channel: Jesus Image
Views: 35,851
Rating: 4.9054375 out of 5
Keywords: kanye west, Bethel, Michael Koulianos, Jesus is king, Jesus Image, Young Saints
Id: NCI9oslXjfg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 85min 16sec (5116 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 02 2019
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