The God of Abraham, Isaac, ​and Jacob by Lou Engle.

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without further ado I just want to honor somebody who's meant the world to Jessie and I to our movement who's a prophetic utterance and lifestyle has given faith and platform to what's been burning in our heart Lou Engel and I first met well really I've been around Lou because of my father-in-law Lou came to tape a few times with pastor Benny but really we connected through Daniel kolenda who invited Lou and I to be on TBN together and but it was pretty I wouldn't say we were super close at the time and then I had a dream I imagined that I got around Lou and had a dream and I had a dream and in the dream Lou Engel walked up to me this was just before the azusa event and in the dream he walked up about an inch away which is dangerous territory because of Lou rocks and you're an inch away you could get hit right in the head but the Lord protected me and Lou said something in the most heavenly rumbling voice he said you didn't know you were supposed to be part of the kazusa of the call but you are so I came out and and I I hate going to my phone in the morning I think it's a shape-shifted principality that brings distraction you could actually listen to Jesus and we reach for our phone instead of our hearts and I'm just like that's not me but I felt go to your phone and I did and there was a text message from Brian Brent and this is what it said Lou will be on campus at USC tonight this is right out of the dream we're all fasting and praying for the send we'd like to invite you to Minister Lou would like you to be there I know how this is crazy so I drove up to USC there in LA and and began to minister to a group of I don't know how many were in that room Lou 150 fasted like on Day 36 I think maybe thirty four of liquid fast and there was a little young girl with a ponytail pulled back a tank top on she was sweating on the keys singing met by love and and it was electric in there that girl happened to be Lindy Conant nobody really knew who Lindy was at the time outside of that circuit rider why'm movement she grabbed me she said Michael I'm hungry for Jesus please lay hands on me but anyways I began to minister and I couldn't see Lou because Lou was sitting in the middle of all this radical young people so I began to walk the aisles to pray for people and I felt someone to grab me and it was Lou and he said you need to come to Azusa and then it rocked me because it was the exact scene from the dream of the night before all that to say some of the most treasured moments in my ministry life have been with Lou at our side at Azusa in Orlando and in other moments in the presence of God all of us are walking behind anybody who loves Jesus and revival owes Lou honor and and and and in hearts laid down for Jesus so I want us all to stand and welcome our friend and father just a wonderful father in the faith Lou Engel can we do that [Applause] thank you you may be seated just to hear the story again is so touching I love dreams had dreams of the language of the Holy Spirit I find that the people that get connected with me usually have a dream about me before it gets connected very significant I actually look for that for the joinings of the Holy Spirit and I'll never never forget that night and I asked forgiveness for not for squeezing the time that Michael actually had at Azusa now and it's kind of a mess but usually the calls were a mess wonderful messes and but you know what I think I think it was not just what we did on the stage that day it was what God was uniting together relationship I so interesting that fast you know we were going to the Coliseum there in Los Angeles and and I got stirred in my heart and I said Lord I'm God I want to find a place where I can hole up and fast forty days for a breakthrough into into Azusa now into that stadium I went to Bonnie Brae Street that night after praying God helped me find a place I can hole up in fast forty days and went to Bonnie Brae Street that night Bonnie Brae is where the Azusa Street revival broke out where William Seymour the tongues of fire broke out in the Azusa Street revival I'm there and there's a whole company of maybe 30 people there were you there David David Kim is runs a ministry called contend and leads a company of radical young people who just fast and they go into places like to break through with fasting and prayer before we I love it it's they're having a conference coming up and anyway that night at Bonnie Brae finally I'm leaving people are still there I'm leaving I'm walking out african-american man walks out with me grabs me says little hide a dream last night and hid the dream you came to me and said no in the dream she's I think he said to his wife who's looking for a place to hole up and fast forty days and he will fast in the Methodist building in USC which was next to the stadium and he will be fasting in the Methodist building on such-and-such a street where it is there literally is a Methodist building on USC he tells me this and instantly I know I'm gonna hole up for forty days in that Methodist building and praying fast for a breakthrough so I turned an office in the Methodist building into my bedroom and I slept there for forty days thank God for my wife she's let me do some pretty crazy stuff when you get married you want to find a woman if that's wings not weights of course all you women are wings so never mind but what a historic time had we not done that I would have never met Michael I am in love with Jesus the divine manipulator of relationships and joinings today I come here and I just kind of like want to be a father i i I'm just I feel like I'm so rich right now I got I I live in Colorado Springs I got seven kids they all live there with eight grandchildren I'm just I feel like a patriarch man like God and I am John Dawson said people don't want to hear but God rules true family dynasties I just just thinking about Benny Hinn and the dynasty that rolls down on the double portion daughter Benny hasn't seen anything yet do you realize you understand what I'm saying people say well you know I don't want to have too many children what are you talking about oh how this gets really touchy I always touched this be fruitful and multiply subdue the earth has never been rescinded that's why I gave me seven kids I gave God seven kids because I actually listened to a lie that I shouldn't have children for three years so I could do the ministry and I'm thinking what the heck I regret those three years I could have had nine [Applause] this is for language to your to your generation my kids are saying how did you do that I didn't my wife did I mean that gals babysitting constantly she's become a mother again and she loves every minute of it hey can I just say mom's rocked the world what if I would have start stop with four children I'd never have Gloria he's gonna go to Kurdistan with her husband she got married and bears a honeymoon baby she's asking for another one right now I don't think she's got my DNA see I don't know if you know that I am part of I'm the eighth generation a preacher's I'm just sharing this I don't know why I'm sure that cuz I said I'm gonna be like a father but I think we need to think differently we need to think not my ministry but generationally it's God is the God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob he actually names himself that way he's generational through and through this gives meaning even if your life seems so boring that your son might be the multiplier of your seed sure you're actually living for your children's dreams not just your own I am a student of my kids dreams more than they are not a boy you know his name is Joe somebody named him Josiah you know and he's you know he's a skateboarder kid who's crazy you know about eight nine years old I'm thinking who is this guy I couldn't understand him fact when he was when he was we were pregnant we never did the ultrasound we always did the prophetic guess I mean my I'm there in Kansas City and ordinary Pasadena at the time we said if we can have a boy we're gonna name him Josiah next day a guy walks into my living room you shall have a boy and his name shall be John fire and my wife comes home and says this woman give it to me says you shall have a boy and you shall name his name Josiah see with your children you name them you frame them you train them and you claim them this is totally awesome you name them prophetically parents should have prophetic revelation even from birth as the dimensions of those now you can't you can't force them into a mold but you can be prophets named them and then you frame them by the prophetic words over their lives so my side I'm teaching Josiah uh-uh I'm doing devotions with my kids this is many years ago and he was about eight years old or some skateboarder ten I don't know something like that I'm preaching I'm teaching them on Josiah and the Bible tore down the altars of bail and as I'm teaching this suddenly Josiah comes out of his skateboarding mode into a heavenly perspective and he says who knows dad one of his three boys may tear down the altars of bail in America and I'm freaking out and immediately I knew this was a prophetic word over his life he went back to being normal but not me I prayed ever since that he would tear the eye that framed my intercessions flip it and he's gotten a dream put in his heart a lot of opposition that he would give the Himalayas to God through prayer walking the Himalayas and recently they got a new house they got the windows at face Pikes Peak and color out him and recently had a dream and in the dream a curtain was over the windows and his wife pulls out the windows pulls the pulls back the curtain and instead of Pikes Peak it's the Himalayas and he hears the voice of the Lord say you'll march in March do you follow Jesus and his voice is the most exciting boring notice the boring usually there's the boring before the exciting you know when Abraham has Hagar pulls that one off there's no recorded voice for 13 years and then suddenly the Lord appears to many says I am God Almighty walk before me and be blameless and gives him the next aid so you can't even fail you just with God even your failures are part of the trajectory of God's faith being built in your heart see I'm go I'm going on 67 I looked through the rearview mirror and I realize oh though I am unfaithful yet he is faithful he he's written the story and he's committed to finishing this story and that a cool dream but he had a dream that he was General Eisenhower he would ever heard about that guy probably not in America I don't even teach you a history anymore they teach you gender politics sad in the dream he was generalizing our you know General Eisenhower was the guy that led the Normandy invasion to take back the continent my guy my boy Josiah was the least educated kid in the world he wouldn't go to school for nothing you know that kind of thing man I got a couple of those kids probably the smartest ones I just bored so he ends up reading European historical novels historic fishing fiction novels and basically reads himself into a whole new world it just became a rabid reader part of European Wars is they had this thing called the shield wall it's their military defensive and offensive formations in which they fought their battles and he has this dream and in the dream he's General Eisenhower and all these young kids are coming to him all these young soldiers are coming to preparing for an epic battle and he says to them you are about to hear the sound of the clashing of swords on the shield wall of his turpitude dream he's a general calling for an an invasion again to take back Europe the shield wall this is this is how but I said to him the other day I wonder if the shield wall that you're after because that spoke to me about Europe I wonder if your shield wall is the Himalaya with the most unreached people groups in history folks this is how we live our lives we're looking for the clothes of Jesus we find whispering spots where we find his whispers and if we follow his whispers they become a roars it's how it works Jesus is writing an epic story about our lives anyway that's what I thought I'd say name them frame them claim them in ear session and train them in the way they should go right now I got five kids admissions and prayer I've got a special needs daughter that Jesus he's gonna heal I love Jesus you seven years old she's struggling in life just it's been 33 years of struggle it's a wonderful little girl a little girl but it's been painful and but what she was when she was seven years old she was in Maryland we were all in Maryland with a vacation and I came back to leave per meetings in Pasadena and I didn't know it that she was carrying around a little doll her cousin's doll and my wife loved the doll she said work if she was thinking where can I find a doll like this when I go back home for my little daughter she was a anointed doll Barbies not necessarily anointed but this was a praying doll had velcro hands velcro feet and velcro but so my wife prayed God where could I find that now I'm back in Pasadena leading permittees and a prophetic intercessor lady the I love those kind of people she comes to me at the permit he says you know I I go into thrift shops and I find dolls that are all beat up and torn to pieces and I bring them home and I put them together again and make them beautiful and when I found this doll I said the Lord said to me this is Lou's daughter's doll would you like to give it to her I said gee I'd like to give it to her Trezevant my wife and Christian pick him up the airport they get in the car said Christie I got a I've got a little special I get for you love would you like to see it she opens the package it's the same exact dog she was carrying 3,000 miles away my wife starts weeping and the Lord speaks to me there are no thrift shop doll God wants to put them all together again and he will touch your daughter if Jesus shows up in his full manifestation as burgers we'll go mental illness will be healed every sickness and disease and this nation is putting a demand now that he be manifested in all of these fools don't you want to serve a god like that that gives praying dolls 3,000 miles away I can tell you more stories but I probably should get to yeah I really need to but I said I just kind of want to be a father III guess I just want to say I just want to I'm just overwhelmed with the sense looking back at the rearview mirror Randy we understand this we're older guys we look and marvel at God's ways and his kindness toward us and the unfolding his plans I look back in on my on my journey I'd like to read a couple things but it rocked me I know man John said a man could be given nothing unless can receive nothing unless it be given from God could I just say don't compare yourself with one another find what has been given to you by God say I we look at one and I remember the great evangelist and in a on my pastor and and he was on the 22nd plan of getting people saved I mean man they just get saved I was in a 20-year plan I'd witnessed the people that come back to me 20 years later see I remember remember I wasn't in the office of an evangelist but one thing I did realize way back in the eighties that dream swirls would take place around me and divine amazing confirmations and when I opened my mouth and talk about it I felt like I could move the world a beginner and I said to a guy I think I understand my calling this is way back in the eighties I think I understand my car God has created me to release mass movement I couldn't do it say but I was recognizing way back there in my 30s that there was something when I would open my mouth I felt like bones would ring you have a dream at age five and tell you about a Davidic call on your life this is not a word of knowledge it's a word of Michael do you catch this you'd need to recognize and and celebrate who you are not who someone else is I mean the first time ever did word of knowledge of the street probably the last time I ever did word another I said your name is sudden so they said nice try [Laughter] ever hear Neville Johnson's I may never hear an ol Richard an old Alexander story what's some place that got a mega mega offering like thousands of dollars he's going to a train station to the train there's a homeless guy out there crying give me your money give me your money it's bothering him and he said and the Lord should give him your money so watch something that gives him thousands of dollars the homeless guy and the guy says thanks no from that point on thousands of dollars rolled into North was an age you might have even touched an angel just the other day my friend Chris Burton was meditating on friendship with God antenna I want to have communion with you I want to be a friend of God he's walking he's running down some sidewalk runs into a homeless guy and the Lord says give him your money he said not $35 i $38 I save five for myself gave him 33 and the guy and the homeless guy says you are a friend of God father we just pray right now for the super natural movements connections the voice of God the whispers oh Lord when you entertain hospitality you might entertain angels unaware loose expectancy we're in the days of the supernatural leadings of the Holy Spirit amen [Laughter] how much time do I have like you do I have a half an hour good I'll take an hour I'm just kidding [Applause] so I look back in my early days since the in you in your early days God will give you certain kinds of things that stir your heart and that you'll build upon the rest of your lives and they may come in extraordinary windows in what is he speaks you God doesn't just talk to you through the Bible I like the Bible I love the Bible try to try to be safe here but I love movies I remember the first time I watched a movie called the field of dreams I could encourage everyone I had religious people railing against me that I was promoting the movie the field of dreams because it was a New Age movement well the reason I was showing the movie because the New Age understands the supernatural more than you do why does this why do the pagans have to katraine us in dreams in interpretation the last days language of the Holy Spirit I remember the field of dreams and I I probably watched the movie a hundred times maybe whenever I need a good cry I go watch the field of dreams because actually the field of dreams is my field and when you watch a movie or read a book you can hear your name being cold if you build it he will come Michael if you build it he will come hey he has to plow his field whenever God gives you a field you're gonna have to pay a price with a great big risk to buy that field I remember watching the movie in the house before going out on the field of dreams there in Iowa is this heaven no it's Iowa I remember broke down weeping with all my little children saying I can't tell you how I've longed to watch to come to this field of dreams to be with you my eight-year-old boy Jacob breaks out weeping and says Oh dad I can't tell you how long I have desired to go to the field of dream with you I sent him into the corn fields to see if they could hear God you didn't watch the movie these are stories these are family stories these are things that route kids deeply into your own souls for you don't lose them down the road they need to see your build that your alters not your building project not your ministries they need to see your heart your fire your fastings I think my kids was once one of my little children the dog wasn't drinking or something like drinking it something was wrong he says he's on a water fast and then he goes out he builds a field the thing begins to happen and here's another voice go the distance in other words guidance and the unfolding of your storyline actually is like the old triple a ticker tape detective take whatever you some of you old guys remember that where one page it shows you the first part you stretched the triple-a think of your map then you flip it over and this the next trip if you ever shut down the prophetic voice and not be willing you'll never come to the fullness you've got to go to the distance and every step of the way you have to buy the field until you get to the major flashpoint moment of your life this is what's birding in my heart I found myself long and thinking of you Michael other guys I know what it feels like to enter into the time when I felt like my private life exploded into mass movement or 400,000 gathered on the fields Washington DC was my field of dreams and I found myself longing and I it's just part of what's in me God give Michael a flash that explodes his vision beyond all that you can think of or imagine you may not have that kind of sphere of ministry I don't want to tell you you can shake the world in a moment of you I just watched a movie on the airplane a lot of swearing we're in the swearing today so we are not into swearing someone I'll just put that on Facebook or some Twitter Lou's into swearing but the movie is about these kids came from broken families chat from all over the nation and they end up and the live msyn one family husband leaves a wife she has a son who's a surfer at the pipeline of Hawaii she has a house and somehow all these kids end up coming there for vacations or to surf and she opens the door and her house becomes the home where all these guys live their young kids and the Australians are ruling the world and surfing but a mentor comes into these guys lives that lives in lives in Hawaii and he begins to challenge them to face the big waves of the pipeline it shows their backs after they've fallen on the reefs and ah and they beat up and broken some almost died but the mentis basically shames them into boldness if you don't do type I'm not saying that's great discipleship but never mind but these guys become the best friends and they begin they begin to understand they begin and they begin begin great surfers and then they begin to challenge the Australians and they start sorry Australia but nevermind sorry France you didn't watch that either the soccer game you know the women's soccer game you guys don't even believe in sports that's cuz you're possessed these guys begin to win the World Championships and I was pondering this but do you look at those guys who won the world champions but where did it start a woman who opened up her hat little did she know and she was letting those kids in her house to live there there's a mama for every revolution there's a mama for every revival little did she know would she open her house to those kids that she was the catalyst of Wow shaking the whole surfing world in other words get a perspective over your lives you're not just doing hospitality you're preparing a way for the great revival literally we need to look at our lives from a realm of awe not just a realm a boredom the person we marry the persons we snub the persons we work with if in the afterlife or the life to come we would see them as human beings that we would be tempted to worship them there is no such thing as a mortal human nations and cultures change and are gone but human beings are immortal beings and we curse them that homeless person is filled with the glory of God if we can have eyes to see our lives from the perspective of heaven it will give help for us when we're all suffering in our marriages are broken apart it's not the last story because there is an awesome one who is awesome in side of us and he's still writing a story say we need to move from the realm of God is awesome to God is awesome inside me a major shift of God is great inside of me and I remember that filled the dreams movie beginning to churn and I got a gotta go fast that doesn't mean fast I didn't realize it that God was planting a seed way back in the eighties that I would have fields of Dreams Stadium stadiums began to be my journey 1995 we're in a revival at a place called Mount auditorium that mod auditorium was an old revival barn of the Nazarenes kind of neglected old barn 3000 seat old our auditorium I remember the day God sent me to that place to look at it written on his walls or blessed are the pure in heart for they shall see God but on the other wall in grey blessed are the hunger to hunger and thirst for righteousness they shall be filled but something happened inside of me and I found myself groaning I felt like this place would be a revival center and the Lord said move your house next door to that building because I'm going to send revival to that place and I was crying out to God and I was reading that passage in Jeremiah 32 and your son my brother Hanna male the law of the word of the Lord came to me and he said your brother Hanna Mel will come to you and say by my field that is anitha's sign and seal the deed way the silver and buy the field and then my brother Hanna melt came to me and said buy my field is it Hanna way out the silver and he said then I knew it was the word of the Lord he gets a word from the Lord and it immediately comes confirmed and the Lord said this is how you buy your field you get a word for the Lord and the divine confirmations begin to sweep around you and you find yourself stepping into your field of dreams and the Lord spoke to me get a house next door to it there's coming a revival I bought that house three years later the revival came and I would walk across the street didn't have to pay any gas money to get there I remember walking with my son my little eight-year-old boy Jacob her five year old boy Jacob walking with the hand walking over to the prayer room he didn't accept these his big prayer little prayer [Music] this generation needs to taste revival hey without a tape there's hope for a tree even when it's been cut down that the very scent of water new shoots will spring forth there's hope for America just give a generation a scent of Jesus a scent of revival then that smelling it yet we're at the beginnings I bought that field got into that building and then God visit us in 1995 on the 25th 28th of May I get a phone call at midnight from two eleven year old girls to eleven year old girls and they're say come to Mott to eleven year old Asian girls we're having a visitation I got dressed walked across the street they were there their mom and they were describing the angelic around they would describe Nathan he was shouting point at the same time all those a day and it was the most important and wept couldn't see a thing as the babe beheld heaven and at one point you may have heard the story they begin to shout together small stadiums will be guys dad these girls are eleven year old agents they know nothing about football I said you know who Vince Lombardi is no we don't know who he is but he's got a football helmet on in heaven from that point on see this is what happens God will trigger something inside of you and it becomes your intercessory staging ground that leads you to the place of your Divine flashpoint when you make history with heaven it's how it works for years I prayed that prayer why is it is there coming a Super Bowl for the church 1995 and I asked him why was vince lombardi in their vision I prayed it over and over and over again I I guess I guess I want to just I'm trying to sell the thing mother that night I walked home at 4 o'clock in the morning I walk in I think the angels came from Mott with me into the end of the building into my house because immediately my wife's contractions started and gave birth to glory we named her Gloria and grace Engel double the Angels that's what Engel means Gloria the glory and I felt like the Lord that the days will come when the glory of God comes and we'll fill stadiums Michael angels will attended we will see the Super Bowl for the church I don't have time to go into that whole story and then you know the story how the call was born and 400,000 gathered but before I went to that field I was there watching the field of dreams with my kids see this is Jesus this is Jesus who loves the surprises with divine whispers that if we're like little children we receive and believe or we can become intellectual and God says he's hidden these things from the wise and intelligence and has revealed them to babes he loves to play peek-a-boo with his kids he gives you a dream he's gone you wait another 10 years [Laughter] it's the brilliant love of Jesus so committed to us and to our story I did love this about Jesus and where was I oh yeah I was watching the field of dreams in a back room with my kids I'm peeing prepare to go to the big stadium I'm watching the field of dreams if you built it they will come knock on the door it's God in another guy he's got a box of donuts pink box I don't know if you have pink boxes here but in California they're pink boxes and if you ever start a fast the pink box will show up on the day you start your fast Oh broken more fast than you all [Laughter] [Applause] I'm I'm telling my story but but you're all thinking of your own stories and you under you need to fall in love with Jesus and not just say that's a cool prophetic window no that's the love of God breaking into your life showing you who you are and where you should go knock on the door pink box hey yeah what's the deal I just thought I bring this pink box of doughnuts of course at one time I had a dream that there was a snake written around a donut I haven't obeyed that dream somebody's laughing back there cuz you know there's a demon in that donut I need to get to my message I got 15 minutes he looks at me I said I think so too he says if you build it they will come I'm watching the movie in the backroom and God is encouraging his son that you're going to buy the field and your field will be stadium mass movements what was being sown in my heart as a young man was beginning to come to a place where I begin to see tipping point moment said alter history can I read something to you book called preg Paulo it's one of the best books I've ever read cuz I wrote it I just just lenient Tiananmen Square Boston Tea Party Woodstock the fall of the Berlin Wall Luther's 95 thesis the Mount Hermon 100 Zeus history every revolution has one defining moment that is remembered long after the names of politicians and kings have been forgotten at every massive shift in human history whether political cultural or religious a flashpoint occurs cultural sea changes whether for good or evil are spawned in these flash points read such rare slivers of time actually define destinies as key men and women seek to courageously shape the future by clarifying and organizing ideas I know this is long but stick with me that ignite the circuit between the individual and the masses and thereby alters history great leaders and great ideas succeed when events have prepared the way for them when the community is ready to be around there are times when the community is ready to be aroused usually preceded by years of small preparations and thousands of people's life and then a moment comes and when you come to that moment you can either choose the way of safety or you could seize the day and dare to believe at the other side of your risk is the revival that you've been dreaming about or the other side of your Buy in that business is the problem is the prosperity that you all dreamed about to promote the kingdom and finance me I tell these young business guys remember me when you enter into the kingdom you see when the response listen to to a ripe moment with a right message is magnified by collective readiness when the community is waiting to be aroused widespread explosive action inevitably results 20 years of stadiums and then Andy bird comes into my life with Brian Brent the adrenaline gland of the body of Christ and he prophesy there's coming a shift to the goal I want to talk about these transition prophesied there's coming a shifter call it will not be just fasting and prayer it'll be Michael Cooley honest and then you know they didn't say that but it's what happened ship to the call Billy Graham Mantle's and stadiums will be filled and then the following year they came they prophesied and the word will be iqbal o for the priests and gatherings the word iqbal o comes from pray the lord of the harvest to eggball o laborers into the harvest field now because I believe in the whispers of God I do something with my prophecies some people are on a 20 year program of obedience but David said when he said seek my face I said thy face O Lord so I see literally spiritual responsiveness is the key to greatness in the kingdom you hear his voice and you move with it sometimes the only movement you can do is pray that you can never organize your own mass movement God you gotta get the Trump but I've got many people so we're gonna do this know when we did the call people would say Promise Keepers we know but who are you and I would tell them how a woman came to me and said I'm gonna pay your salary this year just see that little statement began to shift mindsets say this is what you do you tell stories and stories create faith because we are all a great story so instead of just waiting on them I go back and I move through a series of events to Pasadena to Maude auditorium back to Maude auditorium where was my field of dreams and I started a netballer House of Prayer and our goal was to loose the prayer of Jesus into the whole earth that the whole world would be praying Lord the harvest pearl for laborers into the harvest field because the problem isn't the mass harvest it's not enough labour and God says this is how you get Labor's bank me bank me that I would her afford Labor's into the so we did a forty day fast forty day fast a company of about thirty of this meeting day after day for hours laurel harvest Iqbal laborers into the harvest the Lord just spoke to me we did the send the send was the answer to that bird a seven-year period of seven forty day fast and continuous praying Lord of the harvest leads us to a flashpoint called descend and fifty eight thousand show up God unites Michael got in you nice stand up Linda because we dreamed about him as well and Todd this thing that's going on I'm trying to say yours may not be stadiums but this is how you do it you've got to have prayer yes did you say you've got you've got to have the fully bent bowl of prayer to shoot the arrow of movement in your life it doesn't work otherwise and now descend and suddenly we kick over into Brazil we do five hours of a post 63,000 paid registrations ninety five thousand now on a waiting list with the potential in the next seven months I think that a million people will get into state it can literally be the tipping point for the prayer Lord of the heart because Brazil is being prepared to send its labors and the Lord spoke to me just recently Brazil is an answer to those prayers you prayed seven years ago you you intercessors and no one knows God knows you are moving history the great preachers will Sunday stand in heaven and be stepping aside from the little lady that moved heaven and had no stage with the stage of heaven this is how movements take place I'm stadiums are flashpoint and I'm looking over my life the flash points you know we did the call in Dallas and James gall prophesied and he said Lou he said he said to the board the Lord spoke to me shut the call down for three years and then God will raise it up supernaturally I don't want to shut the call down do we love our ministries more than the voice can we shut things down so they so we shut it down and little did we realize that God would release a mass movement called bound for life with life tape and the ending of abortion and praying for a million adoptions and right now if you can hear it it's everywhere everyone's talking adoption a dot why because there is a growing ferment God is getting ready to end abortion and the church and preparing to be the answer so live I'm not saying your sphere will be my sphere but you have a sphere and there is a movement for mass impact in your life and it might be just disciple one guy who becomes a mega voice come on now you see this picture you get understand the prophecy was three years it would be raised up three years go by and in that moment God was raising up a pro-life movement per movement do you see it had it not shut down there would be no life there wouldn't be millions of prayers Jesus I plead your blood over my sins of the sins of my nation God and abortion sending revival to America I know what's behind this movement that's going on with the heartbeat bill it's it's millions how do you know cuz I believe that God answers prayer and if you don't inject yourself into the storyline and believe it if you don't believe you're the answer your prayers are affecting the headlines you'll never pray three years ago by and we're this movements taking place and and what happens is this I'm in Nashville the Lord begins to stir so we begin to prophesied that music city will become worship City the Lord because he stirs oh there's coming a stadium a guy friend of mine says Lou on seven seven oh seven I just gone to the Titan stadium the football field and they said it's open to do on seven seven oh seven I think we need to go to the stadium so the word of the Lord comes but I need animal to say by the field and I said Lord confirm to me that you want me to do this on seven seven seven and I don't have any money so confirm to me that I need another hundred thousand dollars given to me just like the first woman gave me a hundred thousand to burn the first call I'm in a Prophet's meeting and a woman named Sharon Stone little scary lady and she she stands up points him seven seven oh seven they're going back to the state I am in a freakout mode but I said lord I need a confirmation of $100,000 I go back to wherever I was praying I get a phone call from a lady I never known never met her life was changed at the call San Francisco she introduces herself to me and she says what are you doing she says I think I'm gonna start the call all over again I'm going to Nashville to the stadium she says I've already written you a check for $100,000 the more you flow with the dream stream of heaven more will be given to you stay on the plan follow the voice pray it into being and by the field and by the way concerning Azusa now I will never forget reading that passage when a man finds a treasure he buries it in a field and sells all that he has to buy that field what joy and the Lord spoke to me you're going to the Coliseum I had no money he said yes you do you have a house that was given to you a million three sell the house and buy the field I sold that house and the joy that came to me I was looking for confirmations I'm in a restaurant a guy named John R nought is there hey come to halo by the field by the field by the it was like this in fact these kinds of prophetic whirlwinds take place so that you could talk about it to actually create faith in the masses that this is a God's story I've been praying that God will raise up movements among african-american voices who beats loud er than black lives matter why shouldn't the church get the voices in the right moment with the right message when there's collective readiness a flashpoint a curse you've got to buy that field and shoot back to that other picture and so here's the deal so 770 yeah just look at them seventy seven thousand people at seven seven oh seven we actually married three couples on that day during the call more marriages on that day than ever in history couple Kingdom eats it hey we were getting married on seven seven seven when we heard about the call we felt no we got we got a postpone our marriage we gotta be there I said don't don't push one I'll marry you so when brian johnson is leading worship with a bridal song three couples their best man and women the pastor's all come forth it was let me show you what led up to it show us the big crowds look at this this is I don't even know how this have go back to another picture that he was given to the crowd walking we walk down Church Street where all the sex joints were in complete silence because our message was our message was that the sex joints have come to church and we're asking forgiveness and gays or on the sidelines handing out water to the marchers I attend I looked over hill as far as you could see thirty thousand people come on I'm believing there's coming a freedom march of X gays and this is not play political it can I have five more minutes I'd lived on a journey and I'm bringing you in as a father because she I'm at a moment of making a decision and I don't know where I'm going to make this but you see flashpoints actually you you actually have to come to a place and die Yosemite was the flashpoint the tipping point where you said take this cup from me but if I but if not I'm following you Jesus you come to moments where usually the flash point that the flash points precede the cross the spirit witnesses to the blood the Holy Spirit fell in Acts chapter two witnessing to the blood of the Cross and every other breakthrough usually has a cross and which the spirit falls upon and years ago God gave us a word Bob Jones prophesied that a hundred thousand gay and lesbians would be saved and transformed by the power of God now I'm sharing this and nobody wants to talk about this stuff but folks I don't know if you know what's going on in California Rhode Island conversion therapy billed as a minor a minor can no longer get professional counseling if he's struggling with gender youth dysphoria and they're threatening parents that want to get counseling with taking away their children have you heard of the immunization bill that's coming a forced immunizations that literally they're saying if you don't immunize your baby we will take your child from folks this is where we're headed you can't have your head in the second but crisis moments prepares collective readiness for a voice to step into that with a clarifying idea that if the idea comes from God it could actually shift the future of the world this word we prayed it for years and we took a stand but we mostly took a Stonewall stand resisting the political and the Lord showed us it ain't working son gave me dreams years ago that it was closing homosexuals in white that the next Jesus Movement what the hippies were to the Jesus Movement the gay community would be to the next Jesus movement they get saved and healed so Chris Bergland is down in the inn in Nashville and and he has a dream and in the dream he sees this was this this big wall it says a hundred thousand LGBT saved and transformed by the power of God the guys are my prophet for 35 years in this dream in this dream they're individuals on the wall that were struggling with sin not just LGBT and in the dream individuals were laying their hands on their names weeping over it and suddenly the name would leap out of the of the wall to a testimony board and it was the Wailing Wall and the Lord spoke to us the strategy that I have to touch this world in this community and save a nation is the Wailing Wall not the stone wool brilliant brilliant brilliant so I don't have to go into but we prayed this for years and now we're coming to this flashpoint moment where these bills are coming out of Boston and the Lord has spoken to me enough I could show this picture at the sinned Paul case mom had that had that word that Luke 4:18 would be manifested the Spirit of the Lord is upon me because the Lord has anointed me this is my wife and I used kind of a spontaneous picture at the send I had been praying all the way up to this thing got it out of the sin let Luke 4:18 roll down it was how much time Michael kuleana said left undock Jesus and I knew it was a sign the send was the beginnings of a march to a full manifestation of Jesus in his love and his healing power and his delivering power and now I haven't just been praying I'm looking for the scrub unroll the scroll of Jesus I pray this for my kids unroll their scrolls for my grandchildren I pray all the day unroll their Scrolls Jesus wants to unroll his scroll again I was on a 40-day season of fasting after the sandwich 18,000 at least and joined with us and in this fast I had a dream and in the dream I saw like this ticker tape kind of dream wall as I'm waking up and it said you said that you would deliver us for 18 I woke up out of this and I remembered a young man years ago as I was preaching in California concerning the homosexual movement he stands up and rages at me says you cannot tell us that we can't have our civil rights if you can't manifest the deliverance power of Jesus your promise do you know why these bills are coming cuz no one can deliver them the answer is a full-blown manifestation of Luke 4:18 in our hour where the lies says you can't be changed what a thousands begin to be delivered and freed and there's a movement call Chay's right now a freedom march and they're marketing in the streets of ex-gays and suddenly in the last six months I am getting people calling me who are leaders in the been delivered and they're all calling calling me and asking me Lou what are you gonna do well the Lord stirred me and would you pray for me because I know if I do this I am risking a whole lot I'm risking the danger of my family my children my reputation descends reputation but Saturday is April 18th next year and I saw that I said God do you want me to go and do a gathering maybe maybe I could just hide in a small church I don't even know if Massachusetts will even have them allow me to have the venue but what I'd really like to do is go to Fenway Park with a green big monster wall that was in the field of dreams listen to me the other day we were talking should we go over pray one of these gals says hey Lou Lou do you know that Paul Revere rode on for 18 the midnight ride of Paul Revere I thought wow years ago my friend had a dream in newing in Massachusetts that we were driving a postal truck carrying a package called Isaiah 60:1 that's loofah and a police car hit us to hinder us from delivering the passive package I believe the law that's going on in New England is rising up to hinder possibly a third grade awaking flag this because years ago I had that dream and then that word were two minutes and that guy and I was there I had had that thing I was gonna preach to all those young kids and a whole pack about 150 young kids during the revival and the Lord spoke to me tell them that they that God is gonna show mercy to the youth of America because of the great great great great grandchildren of Jonathan Evers and just like who was the father of the first Great Awakening and just like David showed mercy to Mephibosheth a broken generation because of his covenant with John and God was going to show mercy to the youth of America because of his covenant with Jonathan Edwards and right before I got up to preach some kid walks up to me says I guess what mr. Eagle what he said I just found out this week I'm the great-great-great-great grandson of Jonathan Edwards I have prayed that for years and Jonathan Edwards isn't was in Massachusetts and could God go to the darkest place and launch a revival if we launched 40 days of fasting which I'm launching right now I mean the fullness of my calling I'm launching a global forty day fast to release the atomic power mushroom cloud over the skies you've got one of those in your seats sweep the skies reap the harvest Bob Hartley a prophet who's gone through his stuff just called me Michael the other day and he says Luke God gave me a dream years ago that in 2019 you would release the mushroom cloud of hope all over there I'm going to each if I'm going to Portugal I'm going to Spain I'm going to Germany I'm going to England we're going to put Peru we're going we're calling a global forty day fast but Jesus fell for a global Jesus Movement I feel like I've come in to my our ending with this I'm still praying and I still him I'd need a better felt I'm like Gideon compromising give you confirmation give me a confirmation give me cover mission yeah I talked to that lady about the Paul Revere ride next day my prophet friend haven't seen him for a month or two he said Lowe had a dream last night and in the dream you were writing Paul Revere's horse and on the shoulder of that horse was the letters MV midnight voice and there was another saddle that wasn't being her I was on a once settled but there was another saddle on the horse and a man in the dream named Jay Sekulow religious rights lawyer of America was basically there's just more to it but basically shouting at Chris Bergland I know what it is if I ride I'm gonna need a lawyer I think it's the Lord I just know it's gonna cost I don't know what the venue I have to blow a trumpet but I but here's the thing with flashpoints you will never know the fruit of what you do until afterwards and you will never know what could have been been if you didn't do it stand with me I may have said this before but years ago I had a dream and the guy was throwing me a book flying toward me and I grabbed it and it was called seizing your divine moments and I know the Lord was saying to me this is your life seize the divine moments create movements mass impact that's my story what's yours what's your tipping points what moments have you missed great movements have great moments and great leaders make decisions in those times that become the hinge of history I don't know what your history is leading to but God has written a story and there are moments when you will step in the ball that you've dreamed of if you're willing to trust the divine lover of your life and story later Holy Spirit I'm gonna ask would you pray with me I want to ask God that he's going to raise up an african-american voice that is in our day that is going to be louder than the other voice father I pray right now maybe someone even hear God they've had dreams they percolated with those dreams for 20 years they've stayed with I'm asking God that you would raise up a voice or twenty voices that shout louder not with anger but with the love of God I am asking God that you would raise up men and women who will live there hoping for the manifestation of Luke 4:18 I pray for a 20/20 vision to explode in men and women's lives something's coming in 2020 [Music] and I pray God for the Jesus image in Orlando that's coming that's gonna open the door to the 2020 bust out Luke 4:18 I'm going to Boston if I if I'm going and I'm gonna haul out 442 say God Jesus fasted 40 days and those who said in darkness have seen a great light god I pray in Jesus name God that you would lose fasting all over the globe to clear the skies no faith here today for men and women but I wanna pray that you would raise the voices out of the homosexual community like you did Saul out of the how about at the fair safe like a his voice would shake it will shake the nation we're not for a hundred thousand to be saved and transformed we ask you take the sword and the anger out of the church and replace it with the love of Jesus raise the voices from this very place you said that you and deliverance God I can hear them crying you said Lord I say Lord you said that you and delivers forgive us we have not delivered them but you said this kind cometh that out but by prayer and fasting lose the deliverance anointing on your church come on lift your heads I want you to pray Luke 4:18 this is where I'm in for the next seven months that's what I feel give yourself to get burns to 4:18 it was at the send father I cried lift your voices with me we pray manifest your delivering for a generation with opiate drugs can't get free methamphetamine addictions God anger racism hate God a generation filled with sexual immorality bondage and addictions Jesus if you ever reveal yourself you will every mental disease oh come Holy Spirit come into 2020 and lose the great third Great Awakening father stir men and women to seize this moment and we daring to belief in Jesus Lee [Music] stay up here for one second Lou I just wanted to speak into some of the things you said because I just want to bring it full circle so in 2016 I told you the story before but you might have forgotten you were with us at our Jesus we used to call them Jesus conference back then now we say Jesus 16 and I went to sleep that night and I was dreaming I heard your voice loud and clear you said stadiums will begin to fill easily and that's what God has done with the sinned and everything you said that yeah and then when I was in Dallas two years ago the same situation in and out of sleep I heard my dad I was dreaming and he said great acceleration is coming great acceleration is coming things that were once hard will become easy again great acceleration is coming and that's really what we're stepping into so I love how how Lou just paints the picture and makes us just listen to the still small voice of what God is saying so everything that you're speaking into it's happening we're really stepping into that moment right now so I just wanted to encourage you it's happening it's happening we're in yeah it's happening yeah can I just say something it's not about stadiums as after the big butt stadiums have a loud voice the the man the message number to Twitter this sand would well know in Brazil our little thing that when I was a number to Twitter in the whole world this is what happens with stadiums it's much more than a stadium it's it's actually a venue for a sound that goes wide and far and when God spoke to me in my way back in the 80s that mass movements come out of me it was stadiums that he would give me to create real quick I felt can can we just pray into something right now we just stretch out your hands Lord we ask that you will open up our dream life Jesus open it up like never before begin to speak to us God give us dreams visitations God even for our children Jesus Lord I thank you Father to do is open up our dream my father and speak and make everything clear and Holy Spirit help us be obedient to the dreams you put in our heart help us to be faithful in Jesus name Lord thank you Father God but the the things that were uncommon will become so common Lord that we'll see the things that happened in the Bible God Jesus I won't it won't just be like oh those were for back then God to do it more and more and more and more Lord in Jesus name Amen let's give it up for a little thank you so much yeah you can get his book at the product table
Channel: Lou Engle
Views: 7,396
Rating: 4.8867927 out of 5
Keywords: The Jesus fast, pray ekballo, fasting, lou engle, the send, Prayer, Jesus movement, evangelism, stadium Christianity
Id: j_iI4eU10Kw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 76min 45sec (4605 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 06 2019
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