Lou Engle - Christ for all Nations, Light the Fire Again 2018

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miss Lipp your voice is someone else to begin to praise I can hardly see the negative I have photos in my mind of the mass movement of God that's coming but it slip your hands it's a lord we've welcomed the visitation of Jesus the Evangelist to roll into Canada to roll into America and the nations of the earth living God what he spoke last night jump God if you just show up Jesus in all your glory all bets are off as to the fulfillment of the future of Nations God we thank you that you're gonna show us your glory in these days release faith into our hearts this morning in Jesus name Amen you may be deeply moved by this video I'm running actually I'm running with Daniel kolenda I'm running with Michael Cooley honest who is the son-in-law of Benny Hinn I'm Andy Byrd who those guys are in the video Andy Byrd is select a spiritual son of Lauren Cunningham and Todd white and several others I found myself as an older dude running with a new breed of young Avengers that we that it is my conviction and I've said it to Daniel Daniel we must insist that our sailing is not Reinhardt Bonnke we can't think that much it seems impossible how can anybody see something more than Reinhardt Bonnke but the ladder glory will be greater than the former glory we ask how could stadiums be filled in America a Reinhardt Bonnke said it he grew up on the Elbe River in Germany he said we would go down to the Betty there where the barges were stuck in the mud you couldn't move them for anything but when the tide came in he said you can push that Bard's with your foot and you could move it just get the tide in and stadiums will be we haven't seen it yet Toronto's outpouring was just a glimpse of the greater glory that's coming I lived my whole life to see Jesus manifested these are great days I'm grateful to be here in Toronto where in many ways it all began with me the outpouring the spirit you can do all you want and fight so hard and try so hard but when the breath of God came from Toronto everything began to move the call was born out of Toronto he was born out of Tehran it was the wave hit if the tide came in and swept millions of people fasting and praying which we believe has been a precursor to something that's not fasting its miracle science and wonders and the greater manifestation of price I believe we're in this stage I go back to 1995 johner not had come and Kerala on the 2nd of January actually a New Year's a parade a in Pasadena he preached and the power of God fell and then Wesley Campbell came to us and said around April around this time he said to us as leaders che on my pastor and myself he said call 21 days of fasting then go into protracted meetings if you don't someone else will it's a it's a it's a spiritual principle a casual approach to the prophetic leads you in the background but those who get up into the Jebusite stronghold first like Joab get to command come on a casual approached I'm through with counsel approaches to the prophetic I refuse to be jaded on the prophetic word how else are you gonna live your life and it was in 1995 April John came John and Carol came we went into protracted meetings and it was in 1995 or two young girls had a visitation in my daughter Torian where the revival were gather his Chan's daughter in a Filipino girl 11 year old kids and I get a phone call from them at midnight and I'm so stirred uh-uh-uh they're so stirred on the phone that could hardly talk I'm D'Amato Victorian come to mind we're seeing angels I lived across the street from the auditorium the Lord told me years ago move your house next to the auditorium there's coming a great revival I didn't have to pay any gas bills just pays to hear God I want is midnight I walk across the street these two young ladies are having visitation and describing the angelic realm for four hours they would point to angels and of course I couldn't see anything the kids could see it and they would point at the same time there's the building go on and on and the flowers it's the glory of God oh all the unreached people's they're coming in their pick in their tents outside this is about a missions wave that is coming this is about an evangelistic wave that's coming and then they broke out and they begin preface I'm much too small my daughter to see 3,000 people much too small much too small stadiums will be filled stadiums will be filled there's Vince Lombardi in heaven emotion you probably don't know who Vince Lombardi is but Vince Lombardi was the coach of the Green Bay Packers who won the Super Bowl the first Super Bowl and it's kind of a freak out for me cuz I said to the kids there's these up to 11 year old Asian kids do you know who Vince Lombardi is no we don't know who he is but he's got a football helmet on in heaven 1995 the glory appeared and God began to give us glimpses that when the glory comes stadiums will be filled there's coming a Super Bowl for the church it's not about stadiums its massive Angeles 'im mass waves of Jesus events so for years I prayed God stadiums will be filled and I said God is there coming a Super Bowl for the church and I said why and I would pray for years why Lord was Vince Lombardi in their dreams and killed a god a killer Zeus in out took place how many of you have heard of the Azusa now gathering the stadium together it's so stunning I won't go into the whole story but when I went there to the Coliseum to seek the Lord to ask the people whether I was to go to that stadium to hold this gathering and they said oh this is the place where the first Super Bowl was held and this Lombardi was the coach and I realized the Lord was in Azusa now was a trumpet sound of a way that is coming it was just but Jesus is going to fulfill the visions of prophets the Bible says under him who is able to do exceeding abundantly beyond all that you can think or imagine the world imagined in the Greek is fortissimo it is photographs I want to tell you this is mine this is my prayer book can't see it but such as ooh Chanel give Daniel a double portion of the anointing of Reinhard but there will be such a thrusting forth of evangelists and laborers and missionaries give him a double portion of Lauren cutting hems uh 19 my whole living room is filled with photos of stadiums this is like we do we put photos in our minds we pray the visions of God I can hardly look at the negative anymore my mind is filled with the covenants of God my mind is filled with the future of his glory appearing to us and it's not just a cool statement it's in my story I got this magazine I carry it wherever I go it's Reinhardt bunkie America shall be saved I carried this wherever I go I pray it because I probably won't even get to my message he says this is 2013 not to I'll give you a timetable in a little bit he says God spoke to me that the time has come for a mighty wave of salvation to sweep the u.s. and you know let's put Canada in there from city to city from state to seat stay and coast to coast says bunkie who recently became an American citizen I've seen God shake whole nations in Africa nations I thought God had given up on suddenly we're in the grip of the power of the gospel of Jesus Christ and then I came to the only conclusion one can come to I've turned into an incurable believer that God is able to do the same in America of what I've seen done in Africa now you could say and you can look at the statistics or you could believe the Prophet he says I will not join the choir of the prophets of doom and gloom this is the day of salvation in February bunkie for proclaimed at a two-day meeting in his hometown of Vero Beach that all America shall be safe Reinhard Bonnke is arriving this afternoon I'm preaching in the morning as a forum I am saying I believe this word we will go from coast to coast and proclaim it I believe the momentum will be so great they will fill the biggest stadiums in Jesus name that's impossible unless what John Kilpatrick preached on last night when that glory starts you what these prophets have seen you can't just organize good meetings something is coming that's way beyond I got a book right here I carry wherever I go it's called the nameless and faceless generation of reflection on Paul canes february 1989 prophetic vision he's seen the vision a hundred times in florida but he saw this vision listen someone's gonna something's coming so strong you won't even know the truth that there be any baptism of the Holy Spirit compared to the enormous baptism that you were about to receive can I say I don't think there's another baptism you might have been baptized I don't know I got a dribble of tongues well whatever baptism those guys received we sure haven't seen that kind a manifestation I say when he comes he will baptize with the Holy Spirit and fire I'm believing this coming another mighty baptism of the Holy Spirit and he says and I saw this and there's gonna be a faceless generation who will stand on platforms and stadiums with thousands and multitudes and masses and news media ABC NBC CBS CNN and even HBO the hobo channel and everybody else will be saved ladies and gentlemen this is what the media will say ladies and gentlemen we have no news tonight to report but good news the whole world is going mad over Jesus they're falling on their faces and saying Jesus is Lord in AH in AH and this is happening tonight simultaneously with the broadcasting and there's no sporting news tonight there's no spark reports there are no sport news tonight because the football stadiums and ballparks are filled to overflowing with thousands gathering you may say well the dishes could be kind of prophetic hike all I know is that in 1999 while a members came into my living room and said help me call a 40-day fast into the new millennium to call the whole world into a Jesus fast to prepare for the Jesus for the mass of Jesus harvest that's coming I said God if you want me to do that have Paul Cain call me out in a meeting and confirmed to me that I'm to call this 40-day fast I go to a meeting he calls me out with my birthday my middle name that nobody knew and he says and I see and I and I said to the Lord if you want me to do this if you want me to do this have him call me out and confirm it with me please yes T's 11:1 cast your bread upon the water and after many days you it will come back to you I said Lord have a good Furman he calls me out birthday middle name and he says that I seen that you were skinny for your fasting but the Lord says he's given you a cliche estis 11:1 cast your bread upon the water and I flip out inside and I called the world to 40 days of fasting this was before there was ever a call the issue is this I don't even know who did the call but I cast my bread upon the water and I've done it for 18 years and I believe it's coming back to me because all across the world people are on 40 days of fasting Jesus his dream being driven into the wilderness once again to prepare for his apostolic ministry it's moving together I'm telling you 18 years later I believe we're on the verge of a fulfillment of 18 years of calling for fasting and prayer because there is coming a harvest like we have never known I am I believe this and you said well Lu you how do you know because I say I've seen stadiums filled with the scroll of my own life turn with me if you would to Psalm 40 quickly I have 99 minutes I don't know what that means but it sounds good to me Psalms 40 quickly we gonna roll here I'm saying before you today that I believe that my life is a story written by God how many of you believe that your life is a story written by God look what David says this is to me he says verse 5 you have multiplied 2 O Lord my god your wondrous deeds and your thoughts toward us none can compare with you I will proclaim and tell them yet they are more than can be told God has multiplied his deeds in my life come on and yours and he says I am NOT going to hide what he has done I am gonna proclaim I am going to proclaim what I believe is my story just like you have to proclaim what is your story you have to inject yourself into the scroll of history you have to say that you're not a second-stringer your name is written in the book of God and all your days before you were ever born we're all written there he had a dream about your life before you were ever born and he wrapped a body around that dream to fulfill it that's why old man dream dreams dreams never die bodies do but dreams never die I'm telling I want to proclaim the deeds of the Lord in my life just like you must because in telling the story you're actually creating the story when you begin to speak what God has done and spoken about your life you actually begin to frame your future you create it with words with photographs in your mind you literally frame your future listen when Jesus winner and he pulled that donkey since I've got to ride this donkey so that it would be both fulfilled he felt he saw some dude in the Old Testament riding a donkey he had to say I'm that dude this is a stunning statement at the did you kill enough said he has to inject himself into the story if you say think you're just a second-stringer you'll just always hide in the shadows but when you find your name written in the book everything changes you've got to know your scroll and then he says he says in sacrifice and offering you have not delighted but you have given me an open here God is not in the religious sacrifices he's not into religion he's into opening our ears so that our sacrifices are born out of joy and safe we're not trying to get God to please it he has already pleased with us in Christ we're not trying to work up something here oh but when he opens our ear and begins to unfold the scroll sacrifice no longer as a drudgery it becomes a delight he says he says it's sacrifice and offering you've not delighted but you've given me an open ear burnt offerings and sin offering you've not required then I say say then that then comes from the opening of the ear then I said this I have here I come in the scroll of the book it is written of me do you to be able to know what's in the scroll of the book and you've been in the day of that fulfillment and you can say with confidence not in yourself but in the God who's the author and the finisher of your faith here I come you didn't stand up some of you've had dreams and visions you stepped in them maybe you haven't come into your first your convergence oh but there's something about knowing the time of fulfillment when you can say here I come here I come it's written of me in the scroll of the books oh god I pray bring people into a convergence when the Kairos moment meets with their character and the anointing of their charisma and they converge into divine moments and everything changes in a day of fulfillment that's what convergences you got to have a character foundation you behold your charisma so in the Kairos moment comes you step on to the stage of history and it's divine convergence you're leading the parade of history I believe the church is coming to a convergence moment like we have never seen and we will say here I come because it's Christ you nuts that is coming I will never forget prayed all those years for revival in Awakening little prayer meetings and then on one day my prayer meeting became 400,000 on the mall in DC and I knew I'd stepped into a moment of convergence but I can't stop there I gotta keep going on because there's more convergences that chapters are unfolding dreams are actually chapter titles of the next stages of your book Holy Spirit released divine Scrolls over the next four days loose dreams this revelation and but folding understanding and revelation and counter my brothers and sisters tell them who they are and what their job description is in life is Jesus and I just looked at I saw an older man right here and I just want to prophesy the older dudes these are our best years Daniel was moving angels and demons at age 83 fasting and praying over whole empires it's time for the Daniels to be deployed not to retire shift history go into unreached people groups in their 5-star hotels and instead of just eating their food fast and prayer walk their cities and open it up to the gospel come on give a shout to God Hebrews chapter 10 Hebrews chapter 10 now this is amazing to me David his prophet speaking but he has no idea probably that he's actually prophesied the life of Jesus can I tell you your life is the prophecy of Jesus your life is actually a prophetic window telling the story of Jesus that can only be told through your life so in Hebrews chapter 10 it says when Jesus came into the world he says burnt offerings and sacrifices you've not desired he actually injects himself into a biblical story from someone in the past have you ever read a book that lets you on fire it's because you're being ejected into that storyline it's a generational storyline and you carry on the work of your forefathers as double portion sons and daughters Jesus quotes this passage and he said burnt offerings and sacrifices not desired but he doesn't say by ears you have opened he says a body has been prepared for me you don't fully have your ears open unless you're willing to offer your body come on you haven't listened until you've offered yourself on the cross it's not enough to have a dream someone's gotta take the risk and step into the dream and say my god over my dead body something's gonna change something's gonna shift oh I don't want just a prophetic open here I want to walk in what that is Isaiah 50 he says you awaken my ear to listen like one being taught and I was not disobedient I set my face like flint they pulled out my beard oh but folks if you know it's the story line of heaven it's worth it all there are Scrolls written for every person life and I know the scroll written over my own life you say Luke maybe you're just going to kind of like a megalomaniac well the fact is it was said we diminished the prophecies over our lives because we actually don't think they're possible but gee but Mary said when the angel said you're gonna give birth to a manifestation of crime she says be it done unto me according to your word it is time to stop limiting the prophetic word and agreeing with it and say Lord I am going for the highest dimension of fulfillment of that prophetic word have you ever had a prophetic word you kind of thing yeah sure I had a prophetic word given when I was in my 20s struggling with sin making $4 an hour mowing lawns what did I'm doing in my life they said I'd be a prophet to the nation's yeah sure 42 years later I'm in Toronto he is able God is able who's the author and the finisher it's not just up to you he hedges the sin behind and before he knows how to get us to the right places it's not all up to you to make the right decisions man to beat your head against a wall try this way better that's better son which brings me to this journey of mine that in 1997 I've been traveling with a group of young people and what is this plot it says 81 does it mean I have 81 minutes yes Randy Clark just said I have he shook his head thank you that's the word of authority I've been traveling across America calling young people to fasten for Evan done anything different for about 35 years cuz when you know your scroll you don't have to compare yourself with anybody else you know better I don't talk I can't beat Daniel kolenda but I can be a rocker I've been banging my head against walls since infancy that's what my mom said built-in Wailing Wall digging the wells of revival strange no really what it is is probably something wrong with me but never mind there's hope for all of us and I remember 1997 I a week later from Promise Keepers that many of you know the score Promise Keepers put a million men on the mall a week later I held up that paper and I said the hearts of the fathers are turning to the children but the hearts of the children are turned to the fathers of there's coming a corresponding movement of young people to the mall in DC it will be a John the Baptist's fasting and praying Nazarite generation and when they go to the mall America will begin to turn back to law to the Lord I preached out of Luke 1:17 he shall go on before the Lord and the spirit and power of Elijah to turn the hearts of the father's to the children and the rebellious to the wisdom of the righteous when I read that chapter when I read that verse it's actually the scroll of John you gotta love John but he's ministering out there in the Jordan the most fiercest or whatever send them dudes and say who are you let's shall we tell you who you who say who are you whatever you gotta love his answer John says I'm the dude you've been reading about in isaiah 44:6 to know who you are for this purpose I came he said that Christ might be manifested what living under a divine purpose cuz he knew his scroll he founded in the book I found my scroll in the book you said well loo you're not John the Baptist no but my DNA is like and when I read his story and I look at my story I begin to identify with the movement of fasting and praying Nazarites that would prepare the way of the greatest demonstration of Jesus Christ this is how I read it you say well loo that's megalomania go ahead and believe that but I'm gonna stay on my story does this make sense folks we need to be convinced by God by is a prophetic that we are not second stringers then in 1999 I prayed how can I turn America back to God this is a stunner listen the story of our life unfold in certain prophetic moments and you don't want to miss those moments you could treat him like shooting stars here today gone tomorrow or you see them as lights shining stars that will lead you to the birthing of a Jesus Movement in your own life and soul come on the prophetic is not to tickle us the prophetic is to lead us to the birthing place from the womb of our hearts to manifest Christ and his specific story he's trying to write to our lives and it was eight nine eight months seven months before the call many of you have heard this I we were mobilizing with a dream of putting a million kids on the mall in DC too fast and pray and I had a dream and in the dream I was overwhelmed with the impossibility of seeing America turned back to God anybody ever feel overwhelmed with the impossibility of Canada a possibility of America turn back to God I don't even know what that means all I know is in this dream well actually I was praying how can I turn America back to go I entered into travail I've had it several times in my life and I'd reached up and I knew I got a home to go have you ever done that you reached up in prayer and you knew you've got a hold of God like you felt as if in that moment you could change the whole world ever have one of those moments two of you I believed I could turn America back to God for sin I woke up the following morning just a mere mortal yeah you know what I'm talking about but those moments of faith are real we need to reconnect those moments bring them back into our storyline release the prophecy again and then that woman came to me she said you don't know who I am but the Lord told me to pay your salary this year because you're gonna start something with the use of America that will change the destiny of the nation and I'm freaking out ticket who are you lady she paid my salary eighteen years she's 94 years old she can't do it anymore I gotta ask the question why would God send me a widow to fund Stadium [Applause] my life is filled with stadiums when those 11 year old girls girls prophesied much too small stadiums will be filled I recorded too far o'clock in the morning I went home at 4 o'clock in the morning I believed those angels walked right into my room into my house with me because immediately my wife's contractions started and I gave birth to my daughter Gloria who had dreams have been at age 5 of the shoes of Amy Semple McPherson what come on what are you gonna do with a dream like that disbelieve it oh no I want to ask God to fulfill those six months before the call I had this dream and in the dream I was overwhelmed with the impossibility of seeing America turned back to God and in the dream a scroll rolls down before me and it says and he shall go on before this in the spirit and power of Elijah to turn the hearts of the fathers for the children their rebellious to the wisdom of the righteous I woke up and the Holy Spirit spoke to me what I'm pouring out in America is stronger than the rebellion I received that scroll as the story of the call you could say Louie that's kind of crazy but I'll be crazy I want to believe College when the Virgin Mary sent you then they say she's gonna give birth to the Messiah blessed are you who believes the words that was spoken had she not believed that conception never would have taken place I am pregnant not with a John the Baptist movement I am pregnant with the next stage of something I think is stronger than the rebellion because it was in 2012 the weimer's show up again Andy bird and crew and they show up and they give me this word in my living room in Kansas City I'm I'm having a good time in Kansas City there they bother me at the dwarves The Hobbit dwarves you know that one something took his shook up inside and they come they said there's coming a shift to the call and it will not be just fasting prayer but the proclamation of the gospel signs and wonders and stadiums will be filled and Billy Graham's mantle is coming on the next [Applause] from that point on I've been looking for the day that Billy Grimm passes because there's a mantle coming of evangelist then I believe we have not yet seen it's so stunning I was with these Wiemers for two days we prayed to end up at a prophet calls me calls my friend said you know where Lou Engel is he's in this meeting tell him I had a visitation last night tell him the Lord said there's coming a shift to the call and it will not be just fasting and prayer but the proclamation of the gospel signs and wonders and stadiums will be filled and Billy Graham's Mantle's coming on the nation folks when you got start getting prophetic words like this matching one another it is not a time to just think well I sure hope so it's a time to say like Jeremiah then I knew it was the word of the Lord he said Hannah mal your brother will come to you and say buy my field and Anitha he says and then Hannah Mel came to me and said buy my field it's your right redemption to possess it he said then I knew it was at that moment I knew that the call was not the last movement of stadiums there was coming a movement of Jesus the Evangelist and was going to be manifested and for seven years we had been waiting on this word in fact it was the year a year after I was with Andy Byrd and crew again there in in Orlando and they gave me the word of ECMO lo which is the word used in Matthew 9 38 pray the lord of the harvest to ECMO lo laborers it's not the normal word for sin we used the word pray the lord of the harvest to send laborers into the harvest field that is not the scripture jesus comes out of the vision that is heartbroken of the harassed and helpless like sheep without a shepherd his heart is shattered he gathers his disciples and I am convinced he does not say pray the Lord I was traditionally pray the Lord of the harvest to send laborers I think he came exploding with fire and passion and he uses the word that's not used for prayer it is the word did am i it's an imperative tense it is this I commanded you to beg me if we just get this we could change the whole world right here from this very place he said the prescription for the great harvest it's the first of all I command you to beg me and it's not the normal word for sin it's the word act below the word that below is the same word when Jesus uses when he says the spirit drove him into the wilderness he didn't just walk into the wilderness the fast no the spirit was driving him too fast 40 days because he was about ready to get a jailbreak for the world he was driving his dread champion to win where Adam failed in feasting he would win in fasting let's come into generation evangelists that aren't just enjoying themselves they're coming and they're following and being driven into fasting so that they get God's glory on their lives not just the sea not just an anointing and money there's a new breed of evangelist I'm not looking for a stage the only one Jesus manifestation the nameless faceless and what Paul Cain saw we're stadiums would be filled and no one knew their names but for days it would be the dead being raised it would be cripples the man I believe in God that Jesus the Evangelist isn't going to show up to instantaneous delivers a mental illness all those who are oppressed to the devil folks we cannot limit what Jesus was on the earth he wants to come in full-blown manifestation in our day are you with me pray I command you to beg me it's the same word used drive Jesus drove the money changers out of the temple that's the past I command you to beg me he'll force laborers what if the whole world would begin to pray this every day all across the world Lord of the harvest hurl forth laborers into the harvest it's the prescription we made it a suggestion but it was the command of the first apostolic generation don't you think the last Apostolic generation needs that same command can you imagine millions around the world praying every day God her Labor's into Tibet her four labors I began to pray this I begin to pray this day and night because I got captured by this I heard the story of a man named dick Simmons who was crying out to God over the Hudson River at midnight one night of the gangs of New York City praying so loud Laurel a harvest send for neighbors the police came to arrest him for disturbing the peace maybe we need to disturb the peace he said I'm praying for the gangs they said keep praying little did he know that night that very night there was a man reading Life magazine on the Gangs of New York City his name was David Wilkerson God hosts folks you may not be known by men but if you're known by God you can move history and all those souls David Wilkinson go to the account of the praying man on the Hudson give us millions of intercessors Lord the harvest pearl fourthly I started praying this uprated I found myself praying it in my sleep my daughter Gloria came to me she said Lou dad I had a dream and in the dream I was on this stage and in this dream Loren Cunningham was preaching on the mantle of Moses coming on Joshua she said I was in the first row jam packed auditorium and dad all he was doing was preaching to me and suddenly daddy fell to the stage on the stage and died I jumped up on the stage and begin to give him CPR and says you can't die yet your task isn't finished you can't die yet your task isn't finished he races from the dead dad grabs me by the shoulders and says it's not my task to finish it's yours this coming to generational transfer to a new breed who's gonna take up the mantle of Lauren cutting him and Benny Hinn and John you know Reinhardt and Lou Engels and they're gonna take it to dimensions we've never known because that is the work of God his generational through and through it hurled her into the mission field learn the language brilliant now she's giving her life to mobilize missions and I'm saying give her a double portion why would she dream that it's not my test to finish it's yours she's a better preacher than I am why shouldn't I ask give her a double portion of her dad's mental to proclaim folks our best years are before us finds your life [Music] and my son came to me Josiah he's always hiding in the back road he said dad I had a dream I wonder how many millions of people could start having dreams of callings to the Macedonians come on because we started praying and started a revolution right here in Toronto Lord of the heart it's a one verse prayer revolution linking to prayer movement in the evangelism movement pray the lord of the harvest send forth laborers pray and go come on it's a one verse revolution to change the whole world my son comes they said that I had this dream and this dream is in this big auditorium I sitting in the back row that sounds right and he said Lauren Cunningham was on the stairs preaching I'm so moved by his message he said I ran outside the parking lot to my car in the dream a big kid crying he said dad I was wailing under the love of God hear my lord send me here my lord send me because of it he went to be a missionary up in the Himalayas his whole life goal is to give Himalayas to God with fasting and prayer walking come on who knows what could be at least of atomic power with the very word of Christ that's the prescription for the great harvest come on stand with me right now I'm not done yet but I want you to pray with me I want you to lift your hands I don't want you to beggin I'm begging God my 16 year old doesn't fully know Christ yet but I'm already begging God Berlin for because the prophecies over is like come on lift your voice her on my own kiss he they get to visit my kids to show me the prayer works Lorna hurts her for Labor's hurled forth labors go ahead press Lord we praying God in your cities pearl forth laborers into the high schools killing dreams loose encounters Macedonian calls we beg you Lord her for labors and new Mustang into the moldings God in the Somalia and Oman and Yemen Holy Spirit and Paulo laborers into the harvest we beg you hurl for laborers into the harvest demons Oh cousin histories may change this moment this prayer in your lips is gonna shake the earth let this go all over the world they're praying in Indonesia the crane in Argentina China Lord the Heartless [Applause] this was the cry of Jesus when he was all alone and he saw them harassed and helpless limited by his art incarnation he needed a million Jesus come on he needed a little a million little Jesus father we pray right now I believe this is the hour of Jesus the Evangelist we have not seen him like this since the 70s and the Jesus Movement they were getting saved everywhere it was Jesus the Evangelist the fivefold ministry apostles prophets evangelists pastors and teachers any certain seasons Jesus manifests himself in a particular way as one of those offices in the seventies it was Jesus the Evangelist they were getting saved everywhere Billy Graham bill brides folks we say it's back to the seventies the world shaking like this sixties but the 70s are up it's 70 years such Israel's become a nation and 70 years the Canadian latter rain folks this is the time to not sit around it's time to go after the full mantle of Jesus the Evangelist right now you may be seated turn with me the second Kings chapter 2 please just hang with me because I'm going somewhere I was so tired of ministry inward failures failures of my house my structure the call sometimes I think I was never meant to govern anything are so people that are builders so certain people are Blazers I'm more of a blazer but seven years of a challenge of my soul finally at the beginning of this year I said god I could care less about ministry I need your face iiiiii and I went for thirty days down on the southern point of Hawaii a very isolated area and I went and sought God for 30 days I wanted to do complete fasting but they got those beautiful avocados and those like candy bananas you know those things my gosh Adam filled with an apple oh but dude avocados and candy bananas I hardly ate anything for the release three months so in uh Nannette Nazarite Valley I'm not doing it kind of look could seg be like James Bond you know [Laughter] double-oh-seven you know I went to Nashville and 7/7 said I want to stick with 777 anyway something happened to me with this prophetic word that had been given to me in 2012 I'm reading this and I've been I was alive to God now when the Lord was about to take Elijah up to heaven by a whirlwind folks you can tell any transitional season where there is a prophetic whirlwind that begins God goes God moves in whirl winds there are times it's just hardly anything going on but at other times it's like everybody is dreaming dreams there is a whirlwind just read Luke 1 and 2 it's the preparation for the manifestation of Jesus birth angels are showing up it's people press the sign Archangels dreams folks you love those kinds of time pay close attention to the dreams that come to you in those whirlwind moments go back and revisit your whirlwind moments they were telling you of something that was about to be birthed in your life or a storyline does that make sense pay close attention to the whirlwind Elijah was about ready to go up in a whirlwind did I tell you Billy Graham didn't just go up Billy Graham was in a prophetic whirlwind we started getting dreams from everywhere of the mantle of Billy Graham prophets seeing him going into heaven and his mantle hovering and exploding into a thousand pieces engaging people's hearts that were open to him he was some kind of timeline Oral Roberts himself Reinhardt here not in the stage of his life something's transitioning brothers and sisters God God God still does is he still there are moments in time where there is a specific shift into a new season that happened in Toronto a shift and it's been that shift for 20 years but everybody knows this is the end and there is a whirlwind I believe Billy Graham was a scientist it was prophesied over me maybe eight or ten times ten years before this that I would add the call would begin to enter in to Billy Graham's mantle for stadiums but part of me wants to hide that thing and say it can't be we don't have any organization on the other hand I'm saying I'm moving in a new generation of young guys that may have the organization to move these things for but it won't be just an organization it's gonna be sovereign sovereign waves of God's glory you can't produce Paul Kane's mission with good organization it was about ready to go up in a whirlwind Elijah and Elijah were on their way from Gilgal and Elijah said to Elisha please stay here for the Lord has sent me as far as Bethel but al Isis said as the Lord lives that you yourself live I will not leave you so they went down to Bethel when I read this on - I read this on to 12 Billy died on the 21st I read this at 212 and the Spirit of God exploded me and I've written it down in my Bible in big letters Billy Graham I will not let you go until I get your mantle on the next generation something happened to me it was like an explosion went off in my spirit and I began to write down names Daniel kolenda a double portions coming come on something with Billy Graham but double portions coming of evangelist Daniel anima I got them written right in my Bible Billy Graham I will not leave you and jump as long as you live and leave you until you let a double portion of your spirit on the next generation interesting Elijah says please stay here three times he says please stay here folks this is not a time to stay here there is a spirit that is in the church right now and has set up : hi this is gotta be I will not let you go we can't go back to normal from the days of John until now the Kingdom of Heaven suffers violence and the violent take it by force yeah maybe doesn't fit our dimensions of grace and all but there is a grace in the season of seizing your divine moment and you cannot play you can't stay here for me I know it Amin's it's just Nazarite separation I'm going for the face of God on America that's all I want Jesus I've said my face I'm trying to do this Nazarite fast pretty miserable but everything in me says this is the hour for which I was born I feel literally I feel that if I've been in a John the Baptist movement for 18 years it's all gonna be this because it was so many time ago that it was some time ago where I said Lord the calls failed and I felt like the Lord Lord said if it truly wasn't John the Baptist type movement you can bet there's a Jesus movement coming and the last word of genres not prepare the way of the Lord it is behold the lamb of God taken what if there comes a mass beholding of the Lamb of God that takes it away oh I think we should be praying these two things that John said and he shall baptize you in the Holy Spirit and Fire there is no act following without a fresh baptism of the Holy Spirit can we take up these two prayers free prayers Lord of the harvest and Lord loose some mass beholding of the Lamb of God and release a baptism of the Holy Spirit and fire that has never been on the church before done we can't stay here years ago I had a dream and a man was writing a book was throwing me a book flying to me and I caught it and the title was seizing your divine moment I have tried to live this every transition point of my life I don't you can live your whole life faithful and miss the iris moment did you hear that you can be faithful your whole life and when the moment comes you're not willing to risk it all to step into that the issue is not whether or not Esther has been promoted the issue is when she's promoted is she willing to risk her life and say if I pair there are people being prepared in Canada for high places in government but the question is will they succumb to the political atmosphere or step up for such a time as this and had their promotion on the basis of no compromise rather than trying to fit into the system please stay here but Elijah said as the Lord lives with you yourself live I will not leave you so they went down to Bethel and the sons of the prophets who were in vessel came out to a license says do you know that today the Lord will take away your master from over youth this is what began to happen the sons of the prophets begin to pick up the passing of Billy Graham did you hear that I get stacks of Dreams from the year before not stacks a lot of them a people dreaming of the big announcement of Billy Graham's death and all of heaven rejoicing my friend had a dream he saw Billy Graham at home plate as an umpire at a baseball game ready to die and he was calling people out or safe it's called salvation it's the Evangelist and in the green who dreamed the man yelled on third base was on third base with Billy Graham goes home the greatest evangelistic anointing in history will break out in America Paul Cayce prophesied stadium Christianity did I tell you about Luke 4:18 I've just been with Paul Schaffer from 49 to 4:18 we called 40 days of prayer fasting in California and then friend of mine has a dream that I'm tightening my belt ten more notches and said anybody want to fast with me ten more days I instantly knew what it was because the first would be the ninth and the 18th it's Paul Caine's mom Paul canes mother at age 44 was ravaged with cancer her breasts were eaten away she was pregnant with a little boy the doctor said you'll never give birth to this child but God visit her and said you'll have a boy and he'll named him Paul cuz he'll move in the signs and wonders of the Apostle Paul God heals her and she nurses Paul cane on her fully restored breasts for years she lives to AIDS 104 and at age 104 she says to Paul I'm dying and I am going to deliver you the prophetic word that a greatest prophetic word that I've ever given to you she said and he says well what is it she says I don't know yet and she goes into a coma for two months they begin to pray deliver her from the coma so she give the prophetic word you know she raised it from the coma and she says the Lord gives you Paul and the whole world the scroll of Jesus Luke 4:18 and he opened the scrolls and he read the Spirit of the Lord is upon me because the Lord has anointed me for the last 10 days I've been reading for 80 praying with people hundreds of people in California it's time for my stro Luke 1:17 I'm only living for the scroll of Jesus in full manifestation come on the Spirit of the Lord I feel like a fella safe teen years what the call I've been living for and I want to just say it's been going on the scroll of Jesus Randy Clark John or not many of us the scroll Jesus but folks I don't think we've seen the fullness of that measure when every sickness and disease when the blind and the dead have been raised in the media are saying no bad news tonight only good not good news she went into the she gave that word she went into the back into the coma Mike Bickle was there with her when she died and she died on 4:18 at 4:18 stand with me for a moment I want you to lift your voices and begin to pray lose the scroll of Jesus Jesus the Evangelist now like his Luke 4:18 come on lift your voices it's a father today out of Toronto where 20 years ago the father's blessing his signs and wonders and glory came got enough out of Brownsville Lord loosed the fullness of the scroll of Jesus lo it is written of you in the book Lord loose evangelists like we have never seen father on lists double portion evangelist signs and wonders Mott's two small stadiums Randy Clark we're gonna see stadiums it's not about stadiums stadiums are but the flash point of a mass awakening like happen in Argentina oh it's about happening in the streets it's people sharing the gospel one on one father stir an evangelistic anointing in Canada stirred in the streets loose callings on evangelist today right now stir as Paulo labors I'm gonna go 10 more minutes sit down and Elijah said to him please stay here for the Lord has sent me to the Jordan I can't tell you how this scripture jumped into my spirit there in Hawaii the Lord has sent me to the Jordan for it was six years ago hang with me guys first six years ago when I was with those Wiemers again we were in Orlando in the Citrus Bowl the word at bolo came and I was ministering there and we began to dream about the Citrus Bowl we've heard the prophecies it was in Central Florida where Paul Kane began to see the stadium's main filled we were in that in Orlando and I began to burn inside this Citrus Bowl is gonna be filled up with something called descend I didn't I didn't tell you that when they prophesied Billy Graham's mental they said the call will give birth to the seed I've been waiting on that word for seven years so in this Citrus Bowl six years ago I was in a meeting I was with Andy Bird this might seem crazy please just love me anyways but I identified with John because I found my name in the scroll and I leaned over and I said Andy Bird I feel like we've come to the Jordan and I'm praying laying my hands upon you that you would lead I'm saying it's John to Jesus please someone's going to get the wrong word just spew this out you know what I'm I'm just trying I felt as if there was a transfer beginning six years ago it was silent but something's going on right now because I feel something public is coming and we're going to this Citrus Bowl next year on the anniversary of Billy Graham's pasty and we're calling thousands of evangelists worldwide to come because we believe we're coming to a Jordan cross of a double portion mantel in the very city of Reinhardt Bonnke who prophesied the stadiums of America are gonna be filled and all America shall be filled I refuse to doubt that work and he sent me to the Jordan you know the whole story verse 9 asked me what I shall do for you and Elijah said please let there be a double portion of your spirit on me I want to say I believe it is time for some for men and women to go after it until they get a double portion I don't know what that all means but I am praying Daniel : give him a double portion of Reinhardt punky I am praying for Michael cruelly honest a double portion a Benny Hinn sorry guys this I'm running and I'm just talking I pray for an t-bird a double portion I pray for David Kim who's with me a double portion of my calls to fast and pray someone is gonna say I'm not gonna stay here until I get the fullness of his face I don't even know what it means to you but it means a correct of course that side issues can no longer grimace you shall love the Lord your God with all your heart all your mind all your soul and all your strength that doesn't leave a whole lot of room for other passions something's happening a spiritual violence is taking place and America has to have this ship and Canada has to have this shift there must be a divine insistence on the Elijah generation the Millennials we're going after something that will change the world and they're not breaking with our fathers like they did in the 60s we're carrying their parts were carrying their towards food you know the story gets that mental where is the Lord God of Elijah let that be the truck where listen Neil Johnson a prophet he saw Billy Graham's passing and he saw in heaven CT stud I mean a TL Osborn and Billy Graham and he saw and he said he saw those two anointings come together miraculous signs and wonders with the integrity of Billy Graham and that mantle will begin to fall on various individuals and the anointing will be beyond anything that's ever been seen you could say I don't know about that I neither do I but I'm gonna believe it and I'm gonna proclaim the things I've seen and that's what I said I've seen stadiums filled with John the Baptist why shouldn't I believe that another stage is coming why shouldn't I believe it was John if that was this girl why couldn't I see 4:18 look for a ticket I can see folks were in the scroll our generation are being written in the history books today is part of the passage he gets the mantle he goes to a lot to Jericho situation of the city's Pleasant but the water is bad in the land isn't fruitful and he said bring me a new bowl and when I read that in Hawaii it exploded in my spirit and I said and it was like audible and it was bring me a new bowl and I knew it wasn't the John the Baptist but I knew I received an assignment that stadiums will be filled with the manifestation of Jesus with nameless faceless brothers and sisters doing this stuff bring me a new ball I've set my face it's one of the first times publicly we just launched this video bring me a new bow years ago I was in Pasadena ahead dream from this story I heard the audible voice of God go pour the salt of your purity out on it I didn't know what it meant but I woke up said what does that mean I'll do it went to a prayer meeting asked the lady asked the people nobody prays anything unless you know it's God immediately a woman begins to prayed she said God changed the name of Devil's Gate Dam it's the early water source of Pasadena and named after his satanic Majesty instantly I knew what it does that there is a curse on the waters that flow down to Los Angeles from that early water source and I was to go pour salt in the stream i trespassed with intercessors and i poured salt in the stream and we prayed that the rivers of revival would flow down and bring fruitfulness to Los Angeles and to Pasadena with Ward Sultan to that extreme we're in a seven-year drought very very deep drought in the 80s I went a week later with a hundred foot geyser coming out of that damn it was a huge it they called it the miracle March it broke the drought in just a couple of weeks it was the miracle March out of that the revival that John or not and Carol they brought it to us in Pasadena the city was restored I believe it wasn't just that I believe was a prophetic picture of the days will come where cities would have bowls that would heal the waters and the evangelism host cities would be transformed it was two years the name hadn't changed intercessor when she came back to see the Lord told me that it's got the name of the the name of Devil's Gate will be changed and it was changed India Indian name a week later we read the news and it says all agree that Devil's Gate is not the best name for this area but but the Indian name haha Magna which means flowing river and fruitful Valley it is time for salt to go into the bowls of America it's time for the soccer stadiums to be filmed but Jesus the Evangelist stand with me can I have somebody up there I'm just sharing my story can you can you inject yourself into the story of your own life right come on lift your hands and say God show me my scroll you might have a glimpse my god I need more of the scroll it's all I can see right now it's all I can see God it's all 1971 Jesus revolution the Jesus Movement when the Beatles said in 1966 the Beatles are more famous than Jesus it's Jesus a 1971 on the front page of Time magazine don't tell me he won't come again don't tell me lonny frisbees and annoying things of power those guy that young man who had deep problems in his soul but loose the power of God in the vineyard and in the Calvary chapel's they rewrote it they wrote him out of her history but but we had a dream recently that frisbees were flying up and down the coast of California and that heard the voice of the Lord in the dream he was a friend of the Holy Spirit even the Calvary chapel's are now talking about Lonnie frisbee why he advances he would go into Baptist churches 35 people all hold hands and instantly they would be baptized in the Holy Spirit whole crowds of 500 would be slain in the spirit folks had a dream of a hey Allen said we have to have eyes to see the treasures in broken vessels don't write off broken vessels because of the broken of the evangelists are coming from a broken generation we got a father and mother but they are coming come on Lord I don't know what to do right now father I pray spirit of avenges only the glory can produce from the 20th of February to the 23rd we're going to Orlando I'm believing God Todd white will loo cementum science and wonders and believe it all the old defenses I just had a dream of Mario marilla's and he was growing his hair again and writing a book on the nasara the evangelist there period don't look at me to see God I'm stepping out of this stay here business come on brother sister I am stepping out enough to stay here missus I want this more than anything I want to see a manifestation of Jesus in my life my Lucia grace of fasting as a spirit leads [Music] I want Mora cirilla to come and prophesy to a young generation benny hinn prophesy to a new generation folks we cannot let doctrine divide us we've got to unite around Jesus the evangelists the preaching of the gospel brothers and sisters I'm gonna give an altar call right now how many to say today I want to begin to pray Lord the harvest and bhalo labors how many you could say Lord here am i Lord send me stir in me and advances in the 60s there was an emblem of black power they hold up their black gloves but I've seen a new emblem when I first got this AG ball the word I was at the ramp Hamilton Alabama and it said if you if you're gonna pray lord of the harvest and you're saying here am I send me I want you to take your shoes off and lay him at the altar suddenly kids were throwing shoes from the back hurling them on the stage running forward they left their shoes on the stage and I knew this a moment how beautiful are the feet of them that bring goodness how shall they hear unless there's a preacher how shall they preach unless they're at followed how shall they go unless you summon praise Lord larvae today if you're saying I'm gonna pray this I want you to take your shoes off God will remember this hold it before God and say Lord out of Toronto loosed a fire of evangelism signs and wonders and miracles take your shoes off that you say here my lord and a Brailler the harvest [Music] father I prayed for 60,000 evangelist to come from all over the world to the Jordan God in Orlando Palooza sending anointing to shift something lose Billy Graham's mental at this hour stadiums I didn't realizing he would have thousands and cities praying for his his breakthrough states prayer and evangelism for mighty breakthroughs come Holy Spirit's unite the prayer movement and the evangelism movement calls [Music] [Music] people are pressing in give me a double portion of Randy clerks I don't really even know what that means but I just know that's the prophetic timeline I will not let you go god I pray that for some young men and women to dedicate their lives to the pursuit of the scroll no other scrolls will make you happy I gotta know the scroll that's written in my life so I can say here I come [Music] mental men men and women manically right come Holy Spirit don't love to me I want you to get the hand of God I don't know what right now get ahold of God get ahold of God [Music] last week ahead of vision shook me I saw the aesthetic the huge Hispanic revival that's coming I was travailing in intersession in the vision calm Holy Spirit released the Hispanic evangelist come on fire on the Spanish defenders the Asian evangelists open-air preachings coming back to the church [Music] [Applause] [Music] just begin to pray in the spirit we lose something in the atmosphere over Canada over America Europe in the nations of the earth everywhere I go young evangelist are trying to go into stadiums why there is a mass dream being dreams it's a mass dream Jesus is dreaming the dreams oh that you would bless me indeed extend my boundaries lay your hand upon me go anoint Elisha I don't know if they--if Daniel or any of those guys here but I'd like to evangelist Randy can you come just loosen up venture I want you to believe we don't we're not waiting for a stadium next year I believe it can be loose right now yes come give me some of these evangelists I'll legitimate in the brain for Daniel kolenda he'll listen when we went to Azusa we were dreaming about this shift [Music] David Kim was with me had a dream and we saw Daniel kolenda preaching in the Coliseum and there was a whirlwind on the field and they were jumping into the whirlwind and being healed of incurable diseases we knew at that moment that Daniel is the priest but we believed was just the beginning come on lift your hands put new photos in your minds photos of hope photos of mass movement photos of souls the ending of abortions sex trafficking under who is able to do exceeding abundantly beyond all that we can think for imagine under here who's able to exceeding abundant able to abundantly beyond all the weaker [Music] in the name of Jesus I bless these that have come they'll sacrifice their life on the altar for a revival God you said you were going to stir up and activate your gifts upon them and I believe God right now that there's gonna be a release I bless them I pray that there'd be in a double full portion come upon them for their countries for their cities in the name of Jesus open heaven father release your fire release your power let it come now let there be a revelation your gifts of Revelation relieves that release and then the gift of faith in Jesus being that man take it right now in Jesus name in Jesus in Jesus you I bless you in Jesus name take take take these sacrifices and pour your fire upon them in the name of Jesus in the name of Jesus in the name of Jesus more Lord more time we bless what you're doing we bless what you're doing God we bless what you're doing God release your glory release your glory when the angels come release your door release gifts fire and power in the name of Jesus in the name of Jesus in the name of Jesus more God more Lord Lord Lord [Music] clowny who just spoke in San Diego he said he felt like what happened in Argentina was beginning to happen in California mark I believe we can receive an impartation of a man who's seen stadiums of mass hallelujah leave your hands oh we believe this morning is coming and you impartation through every person here and we believe that this coming a new generation of preachers that will see signs and wonders no we receive it we're gonna see me right now we receive the fire we received a revival we received and our reporter is coming naked naked naked naked [Applause] Oh to the young the young generation we have many students many young evangelist they don't service even to you this morning this world what it was for you receive the mm for sure this is a secret even in the name of Jesus thank you don't thank you thank you thank you for your presence thank you for your presence hallelujah hallelujah keep writing keep writing is given to you there is more that's why you came because [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] stop [Music] ha [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] you know I believe that there are moments in life and moments in the kingdom of God where something significant is happening because of the timing in God's economy and I believe this is one of those moments right now and the picture that came into my mind as I was standing here was that moment when Jesus stood up and he read the scroll from Isaiah the Spirit of the Lord is upon me it was the right it was the right moment and he accepted that upon himself and he said this moment the scripture is fulfilled in your ears Lew I love what you said we're gonna put ourselves into the storyline right now lift your hands with me right now and I want you to shout this out with all of your heart say the Spirit of the Lord is upon me come on shout it out the Spirit of the Lord is upon me for he has anointed me to preach the gospel to the poor he has sent me to proclaim freedom for the prisoners recovery of sight for the blind to set the oppressed free to preach the year of the Lord's favor now receive that in Jesus and what I thank you that this is that moment right now but the Spirit of the Lord rests upon every one of your men and your women your prophets your evangelists your pastors your apostles your teachers Lord call us up send us out fill us with your spirit in the mighty name of Jesus and lord I thank you from this moment there's a shift in every life right now in Jesus name a shift right now be a move the police moveable in Jesus name the incurable is curable in Jesus same dreams and visions will be fulfilled in Jesus say you will go now from prophecy to prophecy into a season of fulfillment to fulfillment in the mighty name of Jesus [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Lou Engle
Views: 3,204
Rating: 4.9487181 out of 5
Keywords: The Jesus fast, pray ekballo, fasting, lou engle, the send, Prayer, Jesus movement, evangelism, cfan
Id: 0t1XVm3VeP0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 89min 14sec (5354 seconds)
Published: Thu May 09 2019
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