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oh it's to Satan oh no no not to Satan there's not to Satan not to Satan make it to go to Mom's foot not Satan huh why no why why why why why why why why who nice why why why why why why why why why why why why why Riptide Reaper hunter bits you got this dad here's some good luck bits eight months in a row a riptide Reaper welcome back ethers warned King asked a question I know this isn't a question of link yesterday use your affiliate link oh nice thank you so much my friend nice Amazon affiliate links playing mania mania shall today be the official honor a three million day I have to earn it I gotta earn it Ed's like [ __ ] no putz is gonna get three million percent stop him God's woo that's close already putz dies in the first floor not like this not like this you can Louise thanks for the bits gene/l Tesla yeah oh I'm hit im hit I'm going down Canton the party has started Vaseline toast for everybody get out of here with you Vaseline toasty gross lazy I've saw her around for months and Earl welcome back in Jade Jaguar 1:1 almost a year you guys I just I'm not feeling it today I just I don't feel a lost run I feel myself blowing it haven't do five more days more days Reno if I would have just done the dailies normally I probably would have had us unlocked already hey just realized one more month oh but baby is that when I get a shirt oh you know ask like you don't know you know you know don't even all right damage upgrade tears upgrade it's a good start it's a good start we get all the deals the devil for free as well so please brimstone for the love of hey soos give it to me now now so Arnold so it sounds if you didn't know just like that exactly like that in fact 100% like that seeker I'm probably better than tinted rock it could have been a small rock doll because they're setting me out pretty nasan Purdy lag could have been it probably was a small rock and I just blew my chance and now we're gonna lose froggy girl hundred bits here's hoping for dead cat yeah dead cat could call get five more from me win you make this yeah incentives dad likes incentives it was a small Rick how small pickle sized good jokes good jokes huts huts dad 582 piece of cancer well thank you so much the donation hi hello hey so don't get in my body please or the bodies the might with the people that I have that I love deal [Music] I shall openness I would like it BOM please diamonds nice stuff nice watch some shots you get out of your chi no I'm not reading that now reading that it's gone too far it's gone so far I might look like I'm worried I'm not worried I'm worried about fighting Satan that's what I'm really worried about Satan's not gonna be fun I'd rather fight Isaac I think even mom's heart even it lives is a difficult battle as the loss you can hit multiple times there if you can't finish mom off real quick you're in trouble mister you're a big trouble mister another tinted rug read it read it Attica what's that a cup Oh what is that alright hide over the rocks yeah I just got some of my eyeball I'm not crying I got some on my eye [Music] we're good I'm like not good though I said I think I still somewhat might have something in my eye oh that's pretty garbage I got those bombs I needed though Hey Oh angel do we go for it give me goat head though do we go for angel or devil I still say devil because we get him for free we get him for free so I think that we'd be able to stir something up pretty nasty more options I'd like more options here other than nine-volt I really wish I would have gone that before before I went into the boss room because then I wouldn't have had to take this stupid item stupid bunch of balls faith seven months in a row welcome back in dr. Smith prime sub what's up welcome I'm guessing that this is the other secret room the secret room yeah quarter yeah I guess I'll get nine-volt - then why not hopefully at some point I can dump off my my D for D for our NOx to be that is the question GG do do doop doop doop to do down down down down down dad I've to leave in five minutes well don't worry we'll be done by then five minutes will be an easy lost run simple stuff what's library was your library trackers never worked trackers doesn't like me well well you know waited out a couple months until there's another update for the tracker and something happens something always happens don't leave it be give it some space you know sometimes you just got to walk away sometimes you can't have the answer sometimes it doesn't want to know what it should or shouldn't do sometimes it just needs to think on its own come to its own conclusion there was a bedroom oh yeah I was in the library as a bedroom bedroom with no bombs Gigi neo fuel for months in a row t44 for months hey missing poster I get to respawn in the last good good though good though it's pretty good dad was mom teabag in two months and rolled welcome back mom she uh well I see when a man loves a woman wait up man you actually came out of my butt I'm your butt dad I thought I was a massive poop and then you popped out I was like ah [ __ ] I gotta raise this thing now ah [ __ ] get it evil ass but speaking of us yet three months and Earl welcome back evil ass bud huh you're gonna go with that evil ass but I I just you know both these items are about 10 cents each considering I get 5 cents for taking the bottom right one and I get like 2 to 5 cents for taking the top left I'll take this cuz then I can get into this key room with no I can't still takes keys son of a dick son of a dick son of a dick though I like that room I like isn't Lawrence I shouldn't need too many keys now that I'd pay to play right let's just chalk it up to that I can save all my keys for chests now because I have pay to play double key rooms just don't follow anyone's rules not even their own so keys for chests maybe fight the boss first though because she'll a yell but yeah Bostrom's her challenge rooms can be difficult and be difficult it's not a boss challenge room which I don't know if that makes it easier or not but yeah oh use my for use my for don't forget you have before oh that's my don't forget you have a force on I have a 4-run I think I fight the boss first I think I go there was I don't have a bomb I can't bomb somebody get a better chance for deal today I can't do it do it or no balls why I could go open up the chests first then try to find of a guy to bomb to get a 36% chance I have to [ __ ] left hand for GUP left hand for GUP we got the best prize that you could get out of a golden chest anyways by getting crickets head and we also have infamy which is like another really good thing to get from a golden chest fate is also another golden chests treasure but I don't I don't need it because I can fly already so maybe we turn everything into red chests let me go for nine lives oh my god there's a hold on hold on whoa whoa whoa wait wait you missed it you missed it there's a turkey in my yard there's a turkey there's a turkey right here turkey hype turkey for luck who's hungry oh my god there's dinner in your yard sharpens knife and fork [ __ ] turkey and my like I could reach out and slap that Turkey if I wanted to he's right there two of them seriously who's hungry turkey hype it's a sign of luck it's a sign of luck yeah Coker a prime sub because of the turkeys you like I love turkeys I will now sub to your channel see okay we don't we don't get rid of missing poster you guys I do think it would be a really really good idea though black ruin if all else fails I go be a good idea to go for red chests I really do but I just you know I well I didn't get a bomb either did I no no I didn't know D for the turkey into a chicken I think this is a worthwhile investment honestly is that weird that I put it down holy [ __ ] isn't it weird that I put that down but I was still holding the bomb above my head that make any sense oh no oh no shoot what do I Risa I can't rekt goat uh if you paid if it's a normal sub right not a prime sub you'll automatically do it and then you can share it whenever you'd like if it's a prime sub you will actually see you will lose your sub status you just have to go click the button again say yes please use memory prime let me use my Prime's what I meant to say not like this not like this not like this I don't like this no please I don't like those either not a fan of maggots I'd rather have your tears and maggots dog whales eight months in a row tears upgrade nice range not not terrible but tears definitely better I think we go devil I think we still go devil one month away for W for whales Haley added new hollow night update is live it's amazing there's another another another hollow night update della go for guppy guppy would be amazing good yeah yeah yesh Jewish Eggman just me [Music] but a little ooh beautiful little doodoo did little late a little bit a little bit little bit little now take a left hand I think I'd rather take the respawn for safety's sake one third copy write it down double 9lives yeah yeah yeah oh yeah oh yes you're going down [ __ ] look at the end up is the shop oh I forgot about the shop my bad look Oh sometimes like consumables can be turned into things junk attack 13 months ago get some hell yeah lucky number and then paying the shin doesn't forum reroll trinkets on the ground I don't think it does reroll the trinkets see now if I lose I'm just gonna like non-stop think about the Miss plays I could have had right there could have been garbage in it in the shop it could have been all consumables it could have been poop I mean a bunch of poo Gaber nine months in a row hi just started watching you and I saw an effing Turkey maybe that's was a sign for finally maybe it was a sing for that finally I'm a butt baby and referee asked a question find her Channel in February but I only saw last month leverage content prefer you without beard though and three million what are you going to do I don't even know panic die rollover retire just give up prefers me without the beard nobody have to say about that chat let's chat how many uh anything to say about someone preferring me without a beard will there be riots in the street find out after this commercial break shouldn't let that bomb blow up that dude blank rune or black ruin it's only one letter difference isn't that isn't that satisfying watching the and turn into a see link but they're both good really like beard is life I like bread personally Sam jail prime sob welcome and eyes Adia asked a question you keep that beard or I will riot blood in the streets use crickets penny on your hair to grow more crickets penny what are you smoking boy help call the doctor deaf keep the beard been rewatching started with sugar and this look is better on you Lily Lily Lily Lily Chantelle honestly I think one of her favorite things is when I have like the four o'clock shadow she's told me oh wow better funny game you're funny you're a funny game here silly [Music] you're it's not goofy piece of [ __ ] aren't you sack up sack up baby [Music] you gotta want it all right you got a sack up if you don't sack up then it's all for nothing cheer 100 kicks Chino out of B spots oh [ __ ] do we have a 300 300 going once going twice he's your d6 on Lenny that'd be mean I prefer Lenny with a beard sack up baby unlike Soul afraid espresso space Brighton right now the stakes are so high if this is a normal lost run I wouldn't even think twice about accidentally placing the president's face per item or price on the space bar button Jesus Christ but it's like because I'm panicking about it I'm so much more likely to press the spacebar button on accident another 580 - hey ho Pizza cancer thank you so much for that my friend Chino this is 145 paying the Shen's is 146 nah those be fine words it's sack up baby Boosh fits - Peters I peed on it it's my territory pan that sounds like I like pee [Music] small rock please although that is quite a lot better than two so hearts for me isn't it yeah it is yeah oh yeah girl girl oh you're already there get out of jail free card fight mega satan and we won't make it that far anyways another higher-fat good I'm really glad that I can use that hel what if we get nas and sable to be a Dark Judas nobody can this isn't for achievements for the loss we could dark Judas all flippin day Dork Julis you guys like 9,000 from Riptide how about this to top the B spot it's mine boys back boy another ancient recall just ancient recalled an ancient recall I'm sorry sir that items been recalled should we see if we earn the deal with the devil naturally probably probably should do that first vanilla Christ tots I had to stream you at work so I could see you in 3 million percent you got this dude dude it's a lost run though I just well how did I know this was gonna happen the Prophet foresaw this the profits AK EDIUS mishra half a time though basser it now at least smells like me hmm one pound of ham fifty in our bits oh my god dude it's getting bloody it's getting bloody back out now you still have a chance where's the top secure room where's a top secret room no it has to be over this play it has to be it's gotta be over here excuse me sir please don't do that it's gotta be right here like right here though for sure please tell me how to sub you fill your wall to the screen as hard as you can't no don't do that where the flip is the top secret room you guys does anyone know see here it can't it can't be there I just checked that spot it can't be there can't be there it has to be there has to be there has to be there Riptide 500 thank you so much nope still mine and Wyatt yes I have played it I don't know how I feel about it I don't know I don't know it's uh I don't know I played it it's like it was very difficult it was very fast moving way more than Gunjan and I kinda almost didn't like it but like I could see myself getting good at it I just I don't know man maybe we did get it anyways you guys it doesn't really matter and we're almost at the fire cap should I just blank her out or black her in this or should I go from my fire I cap because we're probably to hit the cap anyways you know especially if there's a like a pact or something in here two-thirds copy [Music] yeah lazy eye Sauron would rather the last daily be the law storekeeper I think it was the keeper I just wouldn't do it I almost didn't do the law so moonlight 250 kill them all dad burn them all ruin it brunette brunette ruin it called it ruin hacks the room could give me my cab to go yeah my route the rune did give me a catalyst of luck upgrade plus some range so better dude [ __ ] net me right in the balls oh girl I love when you net my balls dad stop please that's the lives you need to beat this runs is paying 500 bits exquisite purple prime sub and Wyatt 500 bits still played it better than I do Isaac I'm so bad at Isaac 582 again from piece of cancer black crew and I did it I did are you proud of me thank you so much for the another donation my friend where's my Joker card now this one please phone them up take bouche shuffle site CCC Scoob good what is better [Applause] please stop knitting your balls you'll never take me alive coppers an underground ball netting trafficking ring he's been busted in Minnesota local man huts completely responsible let's just get out of here safe you know see this is a per throw maybe neat neat Minnesota where who's ready for the snow there's no snow yet probably not gonna be snow until like December would you recommend buying Isaac no it's terrible game I hate it so much blood creature 9 months in a row holy crap it's been amazing ride with all this stuff that's been going on but I'm glad I'm here with you and Chad sorry I can't make it to all the streams because school sorry if some of my words and grammar are messed up love ya don't worry blood creature I just kind of like do like autocorrect on the go so you're good dude got you covered eeny Meeny Nene getting funky oh girl don't shoot at me I'm trying to blow up the TNT barrels wow that was unnecessary golden keys every floor really glad that I took that stupid pay to play then we'll save keys narf [Music] that's pretty good [Music] pretty cool it's pretty neato it's kind of late in the game for a Steam sale to really be that effective there's a live one more shop left and that's we get to the hot shop funny stuff did you laugh as hard as I did hush-hush shop narf intensifies ten bombs Wow can we get another forum maybe we're gonna need something bigger you guys six damage five fire rate isn't gonna be enough to kill a mom or a Satan without dying I'm telling you right here right now I think if that's the case and I'd take a hit of damage I just got a D 100 and see what happens well I got nine lives so I got a bunch of chances to try that before I really get rid of my holy mantle charge let's not jump too hard here Riptide one of its Canadian life I already have snow I'm ripped eyelid I'm so much cooler than everyone else you know that's pretty good too though it's pretty good too though what am i Joker card that dip that already annoyed gamer tier 2 sub hill yeah loving that tier 2 give me some loop-de-loop in the chat hey miss him look the loop attached ad nice dude bbbbb literally cooler I'm Riptide and I'm so funny with my puns oh that's what I'm talking about you can put a thumbs up on that too it's pretty nice dude pretty nice man spaghetti that's not a little glue it's your spaghetti out of my face umm disgusted Joker's by the starting room okay well see if we can get into the deal to devil with the dice charred and if not we'll come back and dice shard the item room maybe I get a blank card blank our Joker blank our dice yard any black card anything would be nice $20 from Seefeld heard this place was the best investment for my money kappa JK just wanted that big d spot you know it is an investment in your entertainment future think about that know the better i do that more likely I am to not die so does that is that that's going for you I load that guy up with boogers by the time he pops up he's gonna die real quick you got something on your face sir sir you got something on you he just that other guy dumped his booger on him too it's like a [ __ ] monthís you take it jerk bulgar is gonna be good kill him good killing the boss with that booger gosh I love boogers look at that look at that [ __ ] I'll take the hey soos attempted to take the the the thing just to get rid of my d100 because it's looking at me I'll evil like oh girl you looking at me I'll even lag alright Joker it is then I wish I could take the dese the die shard with the Joker into the devil room but I cannot do such a thing such a thing cannot be done look at me right in the booger all right who said it was through the starting room there it is let's uh oh let's just joke her then good no spins no spins deal good deal I wouldn't have minded ahead of Krampus here would not have mind that in the least bit but all right I say we keep the dice shard for a devil room for maximizing our guppy potential you know im mean girl maximize guppy potential head of Krampus would have been a plus you know it's it's pretty good I don't know a plus good but tiny mites 9 months in a row yeah I'm officially about baby hell yeah congratulations Hylian gamer six months in her I'll welcome back that's uh let's go then bombs bombs bombs bombs what bombs Oh take the ten bombs I forgot that was in me even a thing what if bombs ever done anything for me you guys you ever thought about starting a podcast um no not really should I would you recommend what would we talk about [Music] alright alright alright alright alright yes I love this room boobie three months in a row for something good what do you call someone with no body or no nose nobody knows you know you can't have a nose if you don't have a body silly right unless your body is strictly your torso if that's what you consider body but a body you don't have a body I imagine you're just a soul pulling around and you have a soul Mose can you have a serial Saul knows can you do you spit soul boogers questions we got to know I have to know the answer to this leave a report on my desk by noon tomorrow well this has been really bad so far it's been really bad thank you for that nice I was expecting at least two items if he sneeze without a nose at your release sneeze ba ba ba ba bum BA bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum I suppose I kind of came back with an L gist and play that guy I don't know you guys the Miss plays are gonna eat me alive at night so it's something better you could've done ba-baby shirts are still a thing yes absolutely Riptide Reaper another 100 pots I found a game on mobile called soul night yeah people have been trying to jam it up my butt for a while now forcefully I'm like hey stop it's almost like guns and that's what people say so it's a ripoff then I'll probably check it off I'll check it out I mean at some points right and then a label it like total ripoff of junjin oh my good lawsuit and then everyone to be like [ __ ] I gotta watch that video and then I'm like yeah views money because that's how I work that's how I roll [Music] you pay me $500 so I'll play it right now that was a joke please nobody give me $500 right now don't make this awkward oh oh oh she's the squirty-squirts I don't like the spinny squirts I don't like those I don't really like really know what I'm doing with them yet you ever went to France or thought about visiting the country I have been to France have been to Paris and I got snuffed out by a bunch of waiters and waitresses who didn't want to give me water because I was an American also some people came up to me at the Louvre and tried to steal my money and forced one of my friends to buy one of his bracelets in a threatening manner Blackstar gasps the question why can't you hear a pterodactyl go to the bathroom because the P is silent funny funny funny funny funny overthrowing prime sub welcome basically what I hear is like Paris sucks everybody hates Americans in Paris you're supposed to it's like a law or something I don't know so kind of kind of rubbed me the wrong way of France but I always hear that the countryside is different that people are a little bit more relaxed anus baguettes rifle tower I was gonna go up it but the line was like literally like looped back around like 17 times and it would have been like probably seven hours I probably closed down before I even got to go up the Eiffel Tower so those guys aggressive sometimes they were at some of those visiting Rome yeah in Rome I had a couple hands in my pockets like I was walking through a crowd else and you just like feel like so many like reach in there and like what the [ __ ] and then you look over and there's like nobody BuChE BuChE stuff crystal ball I like the crystal ball daga crystal ball is good great still about is good you like scheme yeah I like skiing like snowboarding probably better oh my god he still hit me I was over the rock [ __ ] hack yeah he's a hack [ __ ] [Music] all the seoul arts for nothing chicks for free burke can all pretty good the diamonds not really useful in my current situation piece of cancer 582 pairs is my city everyone hates everyone in paris yikes sounds like a friendly place I'd love to go here at 99 I can still get luck pennies there was no way I was gonna spend 99 cents in the shop unless there was a shop refresh but there wasn't so but there wasn't so fight me death I'll get him to well hire devil chance though have we already bombed a beggar bus bottom 90% chance is better than 72 huge growth I wish I could take bad into the mom fight with me / throw we / throw the item room we do know yeah yeah yeah yeah we / throw item room right [Music] I don't know what to do with the Joker card you guys do I use it now Tim Dogg 11 months in a row double ones Snake Eyes welcome back appreciate you my friend do I use the Joker now and take B because I think the perthro or the D the dice yard is really good take dim bulb dim bulb would never ever be active because I have a 9-volt take the Joker with you just Joker now and take huge growth per throw the item realm save it so that you can / through on the devil room that's what I'm saying / throw in the devil room could be the greatest thing for me but getting a joker card gives me a whole nother devil room so does it really matter take a teleport card well then I don't have the / throw anyways then I don't have the / throw anyways if I take a teleport card you I mean you can end up in the angel though you have the purse though oh yeah I mean I guess I could take it it's just it's never gonna be active unless I get a no charge item which is possible huge girth / throw the item and take the Joker / throw the item room current music is boring your face is boring goddamn everybody high fives I can't part all the item run but there's not really a good way to go you know do I take the die shard oh I take the Joker with me after this scone 22 months welcome back scone everybody say hello to our favorite pastry shrekt / throw the double room leprosy I think III think I died shard the item erm right now because leprosy is never gonna proc I don't ever get hit we take the Joker with us for an extra deal with the devil later take the Joker with you that's what I'm saying Stacy the ice shard won't be that good if there's nothing to change saps gone let's go ahead and uh oh that's all let's change this up and re-roll in here I think you're doing fingers okay I should have taken all the cards dump them into the item room then die sharted the miss plays the miss plays are gonna kill me or walking into a blood donation machine that might also kill me you need double card room scone says yo hope life is good scone hey yeah thanks oh nice hey Wow that was swell of you that was swelling 10 the third oh [ __ ] copy now give it to me put it in my mouth life is crazy but I'm just floating along how's the arm coming yeah buddy / through I won't even have used it there are lovers Incubus and succubus they're married when I'm not coming unless you take my wife no copy every role with my nan reroll bang nice that's cringe from scone is that how your arm is going it's going huts cringe oh no their marriage is a sham I mean they do sleep with a lot of other people but they both do it so maybe they're okay with that you know just they're swingers they're swingers they just stay together for the kids yeah which is they say you know sometimes admirable it depends on how the home life is and that's [ __ ] gobby-o I think I got to stick with the crystal ball here for the math bell oh that feels really good that feels really good you guys it's all it's all it's all falling into place it's falling into place it's crawling in my skin Gino where are the boot the boobs on that succubus that's sucky that's not succubus that's disgusting Chino you're gonna boil the succubus down to the sucky missus boobs shame shame shame shame shame shame everybody he's got to go in with me shame shame Wiener Hut shame emote hell yeah let's shame emote you guys we're so close to actually getting that other emote we have one more slot coming up I could make a hot Shamy mulch but I won't even I wouldn't even need to get Dom in on that shame shame shame yes essentially also Hut's shame hype he's like yeah I'm not gonna fight it cone of shame chai reroll I would love to oh gosh can't think of anything I'd like to do more than reroll myself right now it's not tak X so it's not worth it can't shame me I'm the independent mod that don't eat null approval on my Chi know what the hell is that thing that was a little chub fistula a 50/50 chub 50 job listed your mom's chub it's getting worse it's getting worse make it stop rear all for fun fists meet job what do Irish I fist me chub what's her name again sir fist match up Louis fist Michelle it's captain fist me chop do you what do you want buddy you want to come say hi and celebrate our first sure victory and our three million percent come on come on did you see the turkeys money are you calling up or not Hey look at me when I'm talking to you he's just sitting down there staring at me like a jackass buddy come here give me come on are you coming or not you dickbag and so I thought that's what I thought if he doesn't choose to come up himself he doesn't come up ever he doesn't do it if he doesn't decide to if I pick him up he's too proud he's got too much pride to let me pick him up [Music] relax dude no no no when I'm an x-axis you're seven months in real hell yeah take my money's love yeah and [ __ ] grammar thank you so much access to welcome back okay bye-bye a stupid jerk what a jerk all right let's go you know I feel like we should just fall clear now it was like we could find more Jokers we could find more smokers midnight talkers we can find a bunch of good stuff really that's the point there we totally should have tried to make it a boss rush with a teleport card but we kind of had a lot on our plate and I think we did just fine sugar what's up amnesia Sam things run cool I told you we could find tons of good [ __ ] you guys was I right or was that right it's up lovey I love star so much I cried about it last night that's totally normal range upgrade or another trinket pause my range right now it's okay I'll go with the range how's my range now way better Oh way better like way better dude it's Joker might as well just son of a dick son of a dick bad real bad it is normal don't judge me I'm not totally not doing that we got out that range that our tears can hit the enemies to spawn flies yep give me another joker please I like having one of those dig Oz that's pretty cool I guess no prominent curses on this floor [Music] okay Burke and all do I even need all the keys and bombs no like don't go over the curse room what do we really want right now um we don't need dark Judas anymore that's not really on the top of my list any good damage upgrade sites for piercing would be amazing touch this that's good that's what I'm talking about right there yeah buddy eleven damage pretty nice brimstone would still be really good brimstone with a copy is phenomenal mom's knife of guppy much less so I would not take mom's knife well you know I probably would because mom's knife just by itself it doesn't matter if you have Guffey or not mom's knife will just destroy with eleven damage it would possibly even do better so probably still would take it you know I mulled it over I worked it out I think I probably would nobody want that though Alfa tweet 12,000 bits oh they crap but tie for all you did for me tie for feel better about streaming I'm here to say so expect us here on their eagles P thank you so much Alva tweet good luck with your pursuit of becoming a master streamer thank you so much my friends we're putting glasses on dude roll me roll those waves [Music] let's do it let's do it hat time Gyarados used surf on my eyes thank you so much Alfa tweet hell yeah dude twelve thousand bits that's so many bits that's so many bits that's a lot of bits holy [ __ ] it's a pan room oh Jesus they set a trap Goodwin did no I was hoping for yeah I see duties unisex oh that I see here alpha is a chick butts oh yeah I mean I say that all the time I've had to say I apologize through the whole dude thing it's just a word that puck comes out of my mouth alpha tweet good luck milady is that better I could it it's dude or milady it's one of the other you have to pick one of the other I'm sorry alpha sweet good luck oh is it what was you and said well I own that hat good call okay I'm a chick Lal and rip all right never say that again m'lady it's too late I spent said though I call dirt girls dudette now CD dad I don't like dude that it doesn't roll off my tongue I'm like nice do that beat it it says sounds like dirt dirt a big director paired up derp derp derp derp derp daniel has subscribe thank you for the prom sub it's like yeah did I say that to Chantal I'm like a dude and she's like yeah that's fine make sense to me and goes with dude confirmed get some funny news I've just filled with amazing jokes and friendship derp derp I can't stop laughing I'm glad you appreciate it in the lady oh I know let's stop when will the nightmares go away gross agree with bagel face your beard is too attractive for that kind of language my beard is would you marry my beard if I cut it off send it to you in a little baggie [Music] stop worrying you nerd whirring I don't know if I'd call it worry I'm just so worried I'm so worried here we are we're going to saying you guys haven't even lots of single life yet oh it feels good feels good it feels nice please check questions Hut's hi dad how many daily runs out for the achievement this one Stacy says I would like to take this moment to ask to shame scone or to shame Chino um I don't know chinos probably done more to deserve a shame but we just shamed him so it's tough call really give me the good baby why not both a public group shaming [Music] views the guys am I cursed curse the blinds it doesn't I don't know if I really oh good good thing that we did we'd call everybody I probably would he use it right there anyways whatever I don't need you chat fully capable on my own I'm a man built the Eiffel Tower with sweat and brawn but didn't wait long enough to in line to go on it the line was way too long Oh flat penny doo-doo-doo-doo pump it Pump it for the three million pump - [ __ ] [Music] fight me Satan [Music] bring it on you naughty girl do dukka dukka dukka dukka can do introduced to the canoes you can do good too can do to do to do very long time boom aah hey ooh hey what [Music]
Channel: Hutts 2
Views: 193,432
Rating: 4.8966842 out of 5
Keywords: hutts, gaming, channel, second, stream, streaming, twitch, Afterbirth, afterbirth+, the binding of isaac afterbirth+, easter eggs, greed mode, greedier mode, Rebirth, delirium, Let's play, lets play, lets play binding of isaac, fail, win, mods, brimstone, modding, beat the game, indie, best items, devil, angel, secret room, how to find secret room, keeper, secret, character, unlock
Id: _lt_QcDm_jk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 60min 26sec (3626 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 28 2017
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