Lost to Witness - Doing the Impossible! - Antibirth

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what is up everybody my name is hudson welcome back to anti-birth and what might be the hardest lost run i've ever had to do starting with yeah buddy kane's other eye i just couldn't be more excited did killburn make it so that the holy mantle is not deformable nope restart i had to test curse of the unknown i can't see my health that does not count as me just holding restart i don't i don't do that i'm not a cheater okay i had to test something for science reasons do you know how important science is pretty important you guys haven't noticed i've no microphone in front of my face i've got all this room he says rum weird why does he say room like that why does he say why did he say room room this is my favorite rum i drink it while i'm in this room nice double bomb drop there but yeah so if you notice that the audio is different the video is different so there's something blah blah blah blah blah feel free to be super open about what is good what is bad i'd like to think i've got pretty thick skin but do know that we are trying our best me and the editor and we're working with him to try to find the best audio video settings to make these videos the best so it's uh you know darkest before dawn oh god i can do it watch me watch me do two bads can make a good that sounded like the dumbest thing i've ever said too bad i'm constantly changing up my stuff because i strive to have the best oh oh my goodness the best stuff ever why was bob's brain in like 20 frames a second there too i should just hold restart i should hold restart until xl4 why is my game lagging bob's brain is that heavy whole game crashes no one expected anyone to have the the bob's brain so no nobody optimized it like holy [ __ ] someone took it no stop i'm the only ghost this town ain't big enough for the two of us i'm missing you wanna do something but make your move the town was not big enough for both of us you're right you're right i'll go i'll find a different town how's this town that's funny that's a funny joke that you made their game everyone's laughing you can see the happiness in my eyes ooh bomb tinted rock small rock risks must be taken what a risk all right kane's other eye and bob's brain i don't think it can get worse than that so item room it's only up from here [Music] just kill me does not even book where i'm in rebirth either literally just a pointless book enough tinted rocks will yield me small rock eventually satan's bob will go well this is fun oh good oh keys keys did we ever get a key we didn't get a key i was never offered a key you guys are getting keys apparently if i skip item rooms too which we totally should have no we shouldn't skip biter rooms you get a planetarium higher chance i'm gonna die in the second floor if i don't get something super cool oh yeah that's cool dynamite eye shadow there bud another tinted rock no keys if i don't get a key by the end of the floor i'm quitting you know what i don't know how big my balls are i'm skipping this item room because we're gonna get a planetarium on the next floor really would like a bomb for this fight that would have been really nice to have or a damage upgrade or anything at all a pat on the back an affirming look kind words from a stranger a lingering glance from someone on the bus suck a nut jesus juice what have we got oh sacked egg we're going hard on a sack egg also a little ghosty buddy you and me let's uh get our [ __ ] hot and on let's get some oh yeah i was told about uh free cookies how did you perish oh yeah uh tons of meth you know he looks he kind of looks like a meth ghost not gonna lie whatever happened to him it was not good oh wow just gonna run my knife into people and hope that i live oh okay phil ah oh hey oh uh-huh okay that guy was explosive [Music] eraser who shall we erase i didn't think spiders was a bad choice last time honestly i'll erase those flies erase the spoopy boys i'm dead i'm dead i'm dead i'm dying i'm dying i'm dying i'm dying oh i want to go for it that's not what i wanted nine vibes go oh i've literally picked up like 500 soul hearts oh that's a tough choice if i could have both of them i would i'm gonna have to go with monstro's lung being a little bit more op there are other tier upgrades why do i do my obama hand when i'm explaining how the game is gonna go nice top secret oh we were already in the top secret room doug cause i got the pill what's that hunts is on the pill is he impregnated with stupidness that's super easy to do with the fly follow me ah easy there fella can't really get it close to him surrounded by tears stop i did it anyways yo damage now give me fire rate yeah that's good i mean i have to survive long enough to take advantage of it but it's a start again with the obama hand what are you doing down to the mines might just go ahead and pop my eraser i missed i missed how did i miss because they're on a [ __ ] minecart and it's hard to hit i panicked because he was about to smack me in the face well like he never panicked in a [ __ ] isaac game liar abel i've had this the streak of the worst anti-birth item rooms i could imagine what you got i don't even have keys what do you got i don't have health it's just me and the dead boys ghost baby rotten baby and headless baby yeah we're all dead inside coincidentally on the outside too oh golden key cause i've got the golden tickets give me [ __ ] crickets head you [ __ ] you just have to sing to the game and abuse it a little bit now that fire rate i'm sitting at 43 here look at this damage no oh god oh wow how did i dodge that oh my god got him oh health oh good oh saved i i can't say no i'm thinking it could be good i'm thinking it could be good it'll draw them away from me i could use the oculus rift shots to suck away tears and people i just hope it doesn't have to go through my face that was cool okay it's like almost a guaranteed oculus somewhere like when there's a tinted rock in a room with free bombs there you go whatever secret room is over here yo okay all right all right you got punk black market would just be like the coolest thing ever pretty fly pretty good nine lives go guppy would be just sexy hot right now that's super cool see what i mean this can be good oh wait a second it takes me the same ah one um [Music] it has to be a no i have to say no oh electric penny charges for picking up pennies this would go really nice with my active item if i had one oh my god how did he even shoot me i'm way over here not cool bro i gotta go in and get that bomb no stop they're cherry-picking it back away sir what the heck it hit his thing but didn't do a thing what the heck there it is yo yeah deal with the devil what you got oh boy flight oh uh oh did you guys just see that i went into the deal with the devil here this is where the mausoleum door was and then i left the devil room and it took place of the mausoleum door so i can no longer go into oh there it is it's like well now we go super pride like super dead [Music] oh my god oh horrible red chests yo hey steve um magic skin generates one item from the current room's item pool consumes one r container or two soul hearts and turns them into a broken heart which permanently decreases the max health limit i can use that as the lost after 12 uses isaac dies instantly the loss can use this item infinitely yo should i use it here that's a yeah that's pretty good at least i got charges for my pennies i'll be able to get more and more items assuming i don't die in the next five minutes i'm probably gonna die in the next five minutes we covered this already we're all dead trash my god oh my god but damn yo let's go buy that battery magic skin is like super cool man guppy this is super cool i just get to place an item down in whatever realm i want i should be doing the thing where i don't have any bombs i could buy a bomb trash the machine get five or six charges or none free fly shot speed down speed up or all the way around siren a krampus fight would yield me oh my god what the heck oh my goodness krampus fight would yield the other item trash trash trash trash should we get trinket maybe i have a good trinket never mind ah that's a good trinket too though no this one just gives me charges dark bum is not very helpful guppy you might be the run this might be the run second try technically like fifth try whatever let's call it second video i'm gonna take dark bum he's technically dead right demons i'm not sure demons are alive small rock now's the time magic skin what say you a damage up plus concussive bro my flies are doing 28 damage dude i could still easily die in the witness fight one laser could do me in guillotine is tough guillotine is tough but better fire rate and more protection from tears i'm gonna say no to it i think it's too tough right now tiny tomah follows me around is also an orbital so you know we really want out there on the ends you think i could play this guy and have him give me money back you think this guy could just take all of my money our goal right now is to get so powerful that we can just sweep through the witness i almost said the fitness fight it is kind of a fitness it's like a finger fitness fight magic skin no that's not good small rock one of these days this is the mom fight oh we got stamped out last time gonna full clear to maximize skin charges i wish i had a cursed room to pop these in wafer you don't even help a nice blue shine though skin me small rock me curse room and get a devil room deal i don't know what that does with the lost this item does not affect the lost as i'll take it to get rid of it from the item pool and skin me yeah body fire rate upgrade bomb fight yo that's how you do it money equals power i'll take this oh i missed i totally i totally whipped oh god oh my [ __ ] oculus flies you need to go now flies go now go down oh we're good we're good we made it guppy was the the the key piece there i'll be skinning that curse room oh poison okay wow skin okay your mind's in the right place game honestly when there's not a bunch of tears in the room oculus rift has been awesome to suck up all the enemies and do the damage it's been great it holds them down for the flies to get there forum that's pretty important i could just go ahead and reroll my skin stuff other one nice just in enough damage to one shot the witness i'm not asking for much here game oh that's pretty good sort of used for going for the keyboard maybe [Music] rerollable forum go hey it's in it's in the bag give me that juicy sack yes what do you got rod got nothing more like rod butt yeah i nailed it this time i don't even need that but i'm happy you gave it to me 23 fire are you kidding me give me that lump of coal would you ah last floor you guys it's just a march to the finish line kidding me boy oh yeah look at that look at that last couple skins oh yeah i'm gonna hard pass on that and now for the golden chests ooh lodestone magnetizing tears oh yeah 120 volts good 10 bombs ooh cricket's body let's just smash this get the flies in there oh yeah flies front center flies front center flies front center bay bay no more what a phenomenal run what a phenomenal run lost souls appeared in the basement and mega mush i don't even know if i've seen that i haven't item causes isaac become humongous for a short duration while huge isaac is invincible and can crush objects doors and enemies a 12-room recharge item lost soul item gives you a familiar version of the lost character which dies instantly upon hit if the familiar survives an entire floor you get a random reward awesome stuff you guys i did not expect that we'd be finished with the loss so so quickly i hope you guys enjoyed watching that as much as i enjoyed playing it and as always i will see you in the next one see you guys [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you
Channel: Hutts
Views: 214,320
Rating: 4.9698019 out of 5
Keywords: Hutts, Gaming, Channel, Rebirth, easter egg, the binding of isaac antibirth, antibirth, dlc, new, best, new items, new bosses, how to, unlocks, fail, win, mods, synergies, synergy, custom, modding of isaac
Id: AnjUSRG-s0s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 40sec (1000 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 23 2020
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