Repentance Coop Bug - Huttsvicta Streams Repentance

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what is up you guys i am here with some victim we're doing a little co-op on repentance how you feeling dust miss 13 are you ready butts i'm ready are we gonna get rid of that stupid thing in the top right that's asking me to choose a character it's probably not it's probably best to not even worry about that there we go okay i'm on controller you guys repentance is already difficult enough we'll we'll see how this goes i think it's going to be really rough and i honestly i didn't even pick lazarus it just kind of woo just kind of picked lazarus for me well yeah this is our first co-op experience well i mean do you want to turn into lazarus ii as in like i i die and and get even more or you want this then i'll get the lazarus stuff that we mean well what i was gonna say is if you if you turn into lazarus a second plus you got polyphemus holy crap dude yeah but at the same time i got my last to back me up and you don't have anything um i'm gonna use my pill how to use my pill oh that's not it i got a pretty fly sorry about wasting our bomb i apologize it's all right we didn't need that bomb anyway so does it does the screen split can does it follow ow it follows you it follows me okay i think well actually it might split see if you can go to the to the right yeah that follows me a little bit i can't see like you know directly off screen but so what so what i see is what you see then dude the shot speed on those guys is intense i've not played with buttons today so i haven't in fact i haven't even played it in like two days outside of recording like today's video i uh i haven't been the the biggest fan of repentance as i think some people probably already know i got a library here this could be pretty pog oh yeah definitely um okay you want to re-roll that for me i mean monster manuel is not it's not terrible uh it has it been changed it hasn't been changed right familiar you can get multiple familiars and they last for the entire floor now um okay okay i yeah i mean i still i still think that uh yeah or satanic bible would be amazing it didn't give us anything what it just didn't give us anything does it give you a revenge maybe give you like revenge flight it really pops out when you take damage i bet it something like that well that's i mean i i could i could take it i guess we could see if we get a re-roll but i'll take it over nothing of course yeah and you should touch it just for a book touch chat how does the uh how does everything sound sound pretty good sounds sounds bueno is butts too loud too soft am i too loud too soft there's everything in perfect balance as it should be same question to you guys on my end team skull next to the host defensive 500 bits that's it we got that that heart in there so it's it's only 4-1 so and that and double deals just aren't worth it so we it's perfect you don't think devil is worth it ever i mean i guess the health is is more important yeah health is uh health is pretty is a pretty important factor at this point repentance i don't think only on my super broken run did i actually get like more than like three hp at any given time you're right right angela's pretty pog though with bethany all right who wants that's a i think it's a tears up i think yeah it's a tears up for sure um one person takes the tears up one person takes a soul heart okay i'll take the tears up because i'm at 1.15 shots per second okay what wait oh we get two items now okay hang on back let me let me back out what the heck double jump oh because we're playing co-op man uh well you want to take the hp then hey something's busted uh something ain't working right uh oh okay this is pretty [ __ ] pog run if you ask me i like it it's a bug it's a bug what the [ __ ] it's busted yeah yeah yeah yeah let's go well okay just the most broken run ever we got this cool oh you busted it i busted the bus oh he had a good thing going sorry white stasis thank you i wanted to i wanted to make sure that if that indeed was the uh it was still active so it was maybe ed finally did show up and he hacked the game in our like in our favor you know what repentance really it really isn't a whole lot of fun so let's make a bigger one yeah for sure uh to the left of here yep uh i think it was this button nope it's gotta be right here then all right that one's all you mr mr jumps oh i want to see you jump over it whoa buddy hey that's a decent amount of money yep that's not bad we share the money thank you very much jsr strikes thanks to the 400 bits why is for 23 and another thousand bits on top of that wonderful i'm a i'm a pilot okay are you the me brother uh do we want to hit the temperance machine while we got these these hearts uh yeah that's a pretty good idea i guess if i know how to do yep there we go well it doesn't matter who does it i guess it doesn't i don't suppose so that's good enough for me we've seen what happens with tiny planet and eye of the occult no now we go or do we want to get a basement too you know i'm actually i'd be comfortable going a little bit harder on than this since i have a sword um i'm down for all floors um if we are if we time it perfectly we could grab both items but i don't know how we're going to do that since i have like a maybe a 0.5 second delay we can do it i think we want to try yeah all right let's freaking do it brother because jacob and esau if you time it just right and obviously it's easier since they're both controlled with one um stick but you get both items dross though sweet hopping to celebrity content thank you you captain amazement too yep probably i'm lazarus by the way you guys i'm hutzerous i already have a speed down i don't know if that means that i should just go heavy on the speed down or if you want to take the speed down i think you should i think you should be like two steps ahead of me like one two that way so you get that way you know okay on three one wait wait wait wait wait wait wait like okay yeah yeah we're good we're good on three it's gonna okay let's go let's go one two three go how about that so it'll be one two three go all right that's okay you move on go okay yep yep one two three go almost i really like pinking shears i think i think that actually is i think we actually are pretty even yeah it's very cool and maybe i was subconsciously getting ahead of myself i don't know but pinking shares especially four room recharge picking shares that's a boss killer pinking shears is uh is a win unless it's been nerfed which it probably has since it's four probably yeah because it used to be a good item yeah you know we can't we can't have good items in this game it's a lot for you definitely yeah i'd take this whole heart you want the uh that shouldn't matter i say since you're the host um it's kind of like when i play jacob and esau i always give whatever thing like that is to jacob just in case you never know if there's a bug that's going to crop up or it's been nerfed says chat oh jesus um yeah sure do i remember how to use my active item no if i drop a bomb i'm really sorry oh and we have this tiny little what what what hit me dude my body's doing work when he hits the wall when he he jumps out he like does a little like cross spray ah i don't know who's well there goes our double deal apparently i lost a full soul heart for that well it's okay it's okay um hey hang on hang on last time you didn't leave i know i i wouldn't mind a tears up to be honest okay one my hand in hand let me move all right we're gonna go and go all right yep one two three go yo okay oh this is pog i don't know what i don't know what this is looks like glue or something uh that is uh it's a tier size up it really is not that big of a deal but okay one two three go oh oh we just we didn't even hit it even close to right on that time but it still worked yeah i i jumped the gun okay but it still worked so i think we're fine one two three go let's go you think we have to leave every time yeah you do okay sure for sure all right hang on i'm going to take this pill i repeat this invicta is going to take his pill insta-death i will judge you all based on if this is good or not thank you thank you dan ham for the 1000 bits okay it's got a it's got to be a good i've already gotten the worst ones out of the way so relax yeah dude we could actually if we get the trinket we could really farm the cardigan humanity uh this is tears up that is a health up i'm i'll go for the health up since i'm i just took a help down one two three go let's go bro yeah i'll get the tears up i'll get the health all right what hang on all right one two three go no i'm not i mean we don't really need the coin i like i'm willing to d6 this if you want oh yeah that sounds good i mean we could also just keep going and get infinite stuff and save the d6 for a cursed room or some [ __ ] but it's fine i mean that's fine with me it's too late now but one two three go oh that was a good one that was good yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah boneheart um that's a potential swallowing your trinket and you get three trinkets on the floor so i don't know do you think you're gonna take more damage than me or am i gonna take more damage than you uh i will probably take more damage than you then you're gonna have a higher chance of swallowing your yeah right yeah one two three go oh divorce let's go this is ridiculous you know you could touch the tick because you you might end up swallowing it but i wouldn't still recommend yeah maybe it's been buffed i don't know the trinket's gonna screw you up hang on i'll get i'll get this okay there we go okay one oh hang on you want the tears one uh yeah i could use the tears up actually all right stop swap swap one two three go damage nine tails there you go damage is multiplied for you i feel like you should just go heavy on it you know what i mean i can handle myself more speed though it's not that bad for me two three go that was good that was a good one this is just good practice if nothing else yeah yeah yeah i mean this isn't an exploit at all working i mean look it worked for us it's working as intended one two three go ahead and send it tweeted he's just gonna be like oh my god i'm unfollowing i'm unsubbing from these pieces of crap one two three go oh it's beautiful look how much fun this is here i actually need any movement speed all right one two three go oh that was perfect perfect uh crack jacks i'll take some more movement speed okay one two three go yeah can i drink it oh curved horn oh nice um how do i drop my stuff i think i maybe hold select dude drowsy pill oh wait that's not it jazzy pill is one of my favorite pills i gotta admit it it can literally nerf any boss any time activating the slow effect on it it's just it's dead i think i think you should take damage now i'm at 20 damage so all right one two three go now are we onto like a different item pool now i think we are we all know that's invicta doesn't take experimental treatment and that that has not changed all right so good luck but i always take it and plus this is a booster pack so you know pokemon cards one two three go i got plus plus plus plus plus but minus on fire rate and minus unlock you got spun already did i look at our item list dude oh my god beautiful it's beautiful right trigger drop stuff thank you guys okay can you pick up the can you pick up the card against humanity yep i'm gonna i'm gonna drop the two of the two of spades outside and then i'm gonna try to drop myself in there i'm gonna turn everything in there in the keys um i think ace of keys works differently i think it turns enemies enemies into keys or enemies into money oh it still does items it must do enemies and items [ __ ] okay let's see let's just let's take them all at different at different different times let's just see if they disappear yet like go again or no stay blur that's damage for you i'm in yep tears okay fire rate i don't know when you're gonna be capped on fire right but go for it uh as long as it keeps adding on nope you're cast i'm i'm stuck yeah i'll just take mine and then we'll go back oh i'll take i'll take growth hormones for show squeeze okay more fire rate for me yeah all right good who wants the soul hearts i'll take this actually no i think i'm full yeah i'm [ __ ] i'm full too too many uh too many health upgrades oh this is perfect uh we left the room right yeah now we can play repentance uh look out look at ah now we're gonna die screwed it's over thanks for watching everyone uh oh you need you need movement speed you can take both of them just take both of them more fire rate for me i suppose perfect i think i'm capped at five fire rates growth hormones no i'm kept at four or five i'm capped already look at my shot speed oh my god i'll take growth hormones in for uh yeah the money doesn't matter yeah i mean because i could get spun too you know all right i'm cactifier right you're captive fire right you know i don't think we need to go any harder honestly okay so we just take two more items and we're ready to go to the next floor sure hey all right my head this is how you play guys i can actually i should have played a different character now because i could use the unlock it's true true uh okay so you got a trinket you're good um i do i think yeah i think it's behind my active item right oh yeah i need to use the two of spades sorry very hidden down there there we go cool all right and we'll just uh head on down the next floor oh that's a pretty good floor hasn't been patched yet rip thank you aj heathen look at her hp yeah looks looks pretty good i like it yeah all right queen bee thank you so much for the five months insane over the hundred bits courtney murder down a bit java three months fobeo for two thank you guys um i think i swallowed the uh yeah i heard it i don't know what i had but i don't know what you had either tick um one two three go oh you got the gun on me there yeah i have panicked a little bit it's all right so grundle that was like not even worth it anymore it's it's nerfed i mean it could be still i had no i didn't have wait did i have curved corn are we gonna do the thing there's attended rock here yeah there is i got it we need to we need to conserve bombs too though remember oh shh well we don't need to conserve bombs until [ __ ] no this floor you're right yeah drowsy keep it rally here i'll take the card or i'll take the drowsy okay since you don't take pills even though if you know what they are well i mean if i know what the if i know what they are i'll take them come on now how do you feel about phd it's fine totally fine unless they changed it somehow i don't think so cheap man nine months but baby thank you for that thank you greg city and night time tommy and blue wing phoenix all for the subs and resubs i'm gonna be playing like poop you guys because i'm on a controller and i also have a little bit of delay so to be expected to be expected a little blub second we get a double wide room we should absolutely pop that card against humanity i agree um i think that you should just yeah you take the dead eye for sure okay oh mine just disappeared on me yeah it did hoopla probably still you uh even larger tears i'm gonna see the size of your tears right now underwhelming to be honest i could take this i guess okay you want that because it kind of almost looks like [ __ ] yeah i guess oh stick mata there you go little gish i mean yeah i'll take a follower too buck foot guarantees good pills debbie don't they all right i'll take the uh the bomb off great there's our bombs so let's just open up the uh open up the bombs right now or open up the mines right now oh man nice you're knocking me around high speed with the controller is not easy there's nothing simple about this hey look speed yeah if i didn't though what if you took it since you're already at max speed well there's a box of spiders here i'll handle that for you sir hey that's pretty good um i think that probably is better for me because with the tier delay down i don't even know if tear delay down is a thing anymore to be honest but i got a butt knife as well that's puff buddy that's p diddly he's a good dude i'll take him he's mine it's like it's like [ __ ] but like you know different puff buddy he's my he's my dude all right let's go get the uh let's go get the knife piece uh did you see the fire yes right there uh do we both have to jump into it you think probably not i think only one of us i'll do it since i i have more control than you do probably am i going to be the loss too no i'm just not the lost okay well then get behind me i guess yep i mean i can handle myself too like i mean you know i know i know i've only gotten one win in repentance but i mean you know i'm still halfway decent at the game i'm not saying you're bad i'm just saying you are the lost i am the lost [Music] peace i think that you have to take both night pieces now if i remember correctly even on jacob and esau if you split the knife pieces it's like you don't get it yep robbie's fixed sir dangerous thank you so much for the 25 gifted subs absolute nut all right give me that trinket give me that trinket early trinket place where it's at sweet sweet petrified poop you're just annihilating poops yeah spectral i think pupilla yeah public is spectral papilla there it is there is that how you're supposed to say it he's done it papilla i just say pupilla pupilo i don't know though i'm not a doctor [Music] you're not dr butts nope not yet i'll hang back i'm pretty sure we're gonna just destroy him anyway little boob yeah what the heck was that i don't think i'm doing anything i think you are just pulling all of the weight dark bomb has been nerfed i still like him though you know the random help that he pops out is still pretty decent and i don't think it matters we didn't go down sorry god might be i hate cluster bombs cluster bombs is not worth taking uh that i think that you don't have the same multiplier i think you should just take it no i do too much we both need to be doing ridiculous damage i'm doing 50.03 damage i don't know if we do need to both be oh gosh nike i got the whole cricket maybe you should take that you think i i probably should wait wait wait you're a spectral though it wouldn't proc i've got dead eye yo are you sure well before i thought that spectral it would just keep sailing through and it wouldn't proc until it landed on the ground i think and they probably patched it i don't freaking know lasers um i honestly want to see what my lasers do in this split okay but if you uh want to see what polyphemus does with lasers if it's a giant laser i know that they changed tech tech 1 and tech 2's size to represent the damage chad what do you think wait both of our damages went down um yours at 25 right now was it 50. mine was at 50. what that what happened did god was it god's flesh that does that because that's the only thing he took right [Laughter] that's a sizable that's a sizable laser okay dead eye oh you had dead eye procked and then you shot and you missed that's right good job good job butts that's his butt hut okay all right so welcome to thusmis 13 everyone our first repentance thusmus and we're taking advantage of all the breaks i'll take that [ __ ] too i want all the followers i want bff man what the heck is that i'm gonna do it i'm gonna [ __ ] use it it's clicker i see him do it again you won't lilith hey now i really want bff or bbf no okay bff shops are a must right now for bff i keep the d but i've got the d bro i'm totally fine with that we're good you can soft lock in the mirror it's an insta-loose if you break it well we didn't break it capricorn thanks to the seven and al raccoon for the 24 two years favorite streamer lots of love thanks mate all right sorry is that a good pill how do i how do i see my pills i don't see my pills at all i don't either is it just not going to tell me get to pick them up i get i guess not this is a drowsy pill charles is so good oh it's going to be really tricky to get through this button room nah we'll be fine if i can do it on jacob and esau then you and i can do it except secret room or was that the bitty bdb that was the minecart all right trueblue thank you thank god you didn't get turned into the lost you know flight with this flight would be better though honestly would it flight's super good for this so you can just bypass all the the bs oh we're gonna go this way then [Laughter] [Music] should i delete that tweet to ed so it doesn't come check it out writes off our streams forever are you ready yeah i suppose [Music] you know what i should have used the clicker so i could get different unlocks because i've already done isaac except for the final boss i don't know what the final boss is i don't suppose we can go back oh god i got wrecked all right start shooting if we stick together it doesn't matter what do you want fast a good thing we share keys oh yeah there was nowhere to go we need a bomb no we got this way shoot the poop i didn't run okay okay i lost a little bit i lost a little bit but we're back on all right we're okay oh it's close to the xl too good to know so we have two item rooms that we need to be finding here what was that huts if you guys missed that this is how you get to the uh the new final end boss final end boss whatever some creepy pasta [ __ ] i'll take the bling i'll take the blind item um why don't you just go take the blind item instead of trying to do this rigmarole one two three wait what happened to one through three go oh it's all right i'm just sitting there like one two three oh we gotta get that mom we have to otherwise the world will implode repentance i'll um the pills that your acid baby spits out okay i'm all over that hero my hero once again shop for uh bff um i don't even know what that is you know what that is oh god so this one if you whenever you kill enemies they do a tammy's head effect and like shoot out a bunch of tears sounds great one two three go find yourself on the wall i mean i don't think it really matters because the the delay between our voices and and we also have different movement speeds right now yeah it's a [ __ ] show to begin with oh tokyo drift around that corner um this is the story of a girl who cried a river cards or whatever and drown the whole world card reading a link to your future what i don't remember what hang on strength guard okay whatever the drowsy pill uh i still haven't so boss are you using mods no and yes boss pile the fire do it [Music] that was barely here okay that might be unbelievable with your damage output right now if you don't like yeah if you don't like the uh the charge wait what wait are you just letting go or is that just like it automatically rapid fires no this is me tapping oh okay what's your charge right in that sucker that's not terrible how do you feel about the shop nerfs obviously it sucks but chops were the most easily broken thing like ever i think they could have done something different other than kill shops i think they could have just nerfed restock i mean killed shops i mean taking away sometimes half the items i don't think kills it but i i see a lot more a lot more than just half the items a lot of times this is chaos this is absolute chaos um shielded tears for me for me for for you oh yeah yeah you've got you've got qriket's body that's right i just i think you have more going on in the screen than your lasers but you have piercings so i guess the laser might be better one two three go mommy did it gimpy um i guess it doesn't really matter no you you taking b fat on mushroom more damage uh i'm gonna have to reroll that why i can't i can i can take it before you re-roll it no i was talking about i'm talking about prayer card oh yeah yeah okay that's that's primed for a rear world we have a shop room that we haven't been in the challenge room uh we have the it might be locked because i'm not at full health yeah yeah how much hp oh yeah uh well oh wait you know what i bet if you grab this this half red heart over here where is it i bet if you grab those oh there we go i mean damn it strength that'll give you one heart sun car sun card will give you a full heal did i pull a sun card yeah or maybe i'm looking at your your strength um this but no it's not that button this button freaking dark bum what's my pill we could have bombed our way in oh son of a oh wow i think the door still locks if you try to bomb yourself in really i could be wrong but i think i saw a locked door at one point in time maybe i left and came back quarter i say we just take it yep what about these pills though i can't see the pills they won't even show me god dang it we knew that was a bad one too why doesn't it show me what my pills are wait a second what happened to my um my curved horn trinket i swallowed it you swallowed my curved horn yep so i have that permanently even though you took the item sure go supper good i say your fire rate i don't know we both have really good fire i guess oh my god um i you know historically it's been bad with the laser but i'm i'm willing to yeah i say i just take prop doses to be honest yeah yeah dirty touch yeah i think that's i think that we're good to call it yeah yeah yeah what is this shot speed oh good shot speed's not bad for me it's effective range has got hella nerfed way less damage yeah i'm sitting here at 18 6 9 i feel like it probably should have been like something upwards of 30 plus oh man this is great another curse of the excel right that's what the card thing does we can teleport gold to our item room immediately or a red to the boss room if we want to skip things i say item room the thing that you got um i i know that techx works with tech i wouldn't mind having a really cool thing though you take it hang on i don't even i don't think we should even risk trying to trying to duel that one and i fine fire in my lasers okay those are tiny but they do split look the split shot is working wait wait how do i just take damage what'd you get hit by i don't know you no i don't know what hit me just something random okay that was weird through blue thanks to the five bucks i'm not trying to miss anything you guys this is a lot going on right now very hectic splitty laser giblets look at how thin my circles are this is weird yeah why why are they so thin you have no girth thoughts okay well father thanks for 15 months 65 for marcel you're a nut 65 it's too much i'm going to cut you off train card get teleportation card please oh they they want us to go to the other thing have you seen the other thing i have not seen the other thing dogma i have not seen dogma have you beaten the uh the mother yet yes okay so i think you have dogma unlocked do you want to see it or is that something that you're not really like you want to do on your own i do not care chad said dogma balls banned oh that's just really good one two three go hell yeah i mean d hunt 100 no but and that's your feeling real spicy no absolutely not um i'll take that i don't think it affects my incubus so give me a tear delay down though yeah wonderful that's just that's just good on good right there um okay so we have to get a teleport card but we can get one wait no wait wait wait wait what floor are we on mausoleum that means that okay that ruined it then i don't think we can do it okay that seems fair let's go back to the start room and just see if he wouldn't mind just to see if there's a there's a special door our shop is right here hang on i don't think i have any benefit from using that doll razor okay you can't go dog anyway yeah well there's a uh it's a guaranteed teleportation card not to ruin it but there's a guaranteed one on the floor that we're looking for and we're just not on the floor though that we need to be on oh okay i'm pretty sure i mean we can go back and check the start room just to see if there is like a special door but okay i don't think there was oh suck god damn it what why did i get hit i don't know don't know what room we started on was it back over here i was back over here i think was it yeah i'm pretty sure fairly certain that there was no special door one of these wasn't it no no we teleported up there from the start yeah i was going to say we took the portal all right i forgot and it was over here and up maybe no it doesn't matter i don't think it's here let's just forget about it pretty sure there's that room that we were just in yeah you're probably right okay you want to do all the uh rooms where do you want to i was just going to see what's over here can it rock oh this is this is like all over the freaking place man uh yeah it's fine let me know if you've seen your red elf that dark bum doesn't take from me freaking at full red hearts it's so bad to have a dark bomb [Music] all right well there's another dead end here looking good how do you unlock dogma i i believe you just have to fight the witness these are he's a mother fight a mother and beater or it like the michael jackson song of your of old it just beat it open up your mouth and eat it have a banana have a whole bunch there's some red hearts right there you don't want them wait where's the boss uh in the oh i got a teleportation card it doesn't matter now but sure it doesn't matter now no we don't have the thing to do with the stuff it's on it's on the depths not mazzo and since it's mausoleum extra-large that means we ripped the second floor there's no more depths okay seems fair totally in our control you know i think that you should just not go all path at all if you want to do that okay but uh you know we messed it up something fresh i might go for a super bum there you go forgotten lullaby what does that do achievements bro uh it increases oh no you should get that to me because it increases the fire rate of all my followers and i think that inky bus might count as that does it i think it does look at that look at my charge rate yeah wow go to secret room there might be a forget me now oh god is that mini i know wait no that spore shot i think that's uh the mitosis whatever like you shoot multiple all over the place ah rip ah rip imagine if i had multiple circles coming out yo that's a boob it's not a boob that just switches places with the the thing that's lame it's poor man's flight i was a tiny familiar with little babies did we do it in a victory lap like dogma um i don't think that would count i'd have to imagine that doesn't count yeah i don't think that would count but i mean i'm willing to try i guess whoa okay here i go let's say we don't do that victory laps don't count that's my chat i mean that would be a little bit unfair to get on locks that way i mean it'd be pretty cool all right we go down the corpse [Music] some metal corpse is everything sped up nope synvect is just really fast this teleport to the boss right it's not red though it's blue i don't know why it's blue i don't i don't know oh this is a funny looking boss room though not a very active boss yep [Music] how do you feel about the new lasers uh i mean it's neat i guess to see something like like new animations but i don't think it was nothing necessary no it's definitely more lasery a hundred percent laser ish what the heck more like rot butt got him wait what rot's butt hut you gotta jump inside of them take them off from the inside oh and now we get some balls here's the head balls close your eyes shield your eyes kids like rot nut bot fly pretty good pretty good stuff we actually got a double deal uh pisces i'm just gonna go ahead and honestly i'm gonna take it i wanna get rid of my red health that's all i care about okay does he work by doubling my circles i don't think so please don't skip cut scenes at exo there you go uh it's submit this thing if he wants to cut the cutscenes then i can use your multi-dimensional baby ooh interesting i can't one early pog chan thanks to the resub my friend okay that should be interesting pretty nice little skip there [Music] i was gonna see if we could kill her before she did any moves but i mean we failed i don't think we're doing that much damage i don't think we're not doing that much damage yeah this would have been a pretty good dogma run [Laughter] yeah right oh okay what's the portal [Music] the portal was uh picked up a card or a thing from the shop isaac let me see it i did that give it to me now i mean we've already seen this ending so those people in chat right now they're like they'll be all right yeah you can watch all the episodes i put up on huts 2 or my main channel [Music] well since uh co-op is totally broken right now i think we should we should try to unlock some of the more annoying stuff like jacob nissa or keeper forgotten lost what do you want i like the keeper now i think the keeper changes were were awesome and also lost got a new item eternal d6 also like that but uh yeah if you want to do something like that i'm totally down this is on your save file so we can mess it up as much as you want yup that's fine with me john is the lost i love the lost he's one of my favorite characters hands down the eternal d6 you should still be in i think i'm pressing all of my buttons i got credit for lil lilith as well hang on is that what the dog was [Music] oh yeah yo okay you gotta one of us has to play keeper one of those we lost [Laughter] all right that seems fair uh i'll play keeper since uh i haven't played the new one yet yep yep you're like you like the lost right i'm like damn it um there we go yeah and um there you go the spread is much tighter on the triple shot okay so i have the eternal d6 it has a chance to reroll the item or eat the item kind of like um qriket penny does yeah yeah yeah yeah all right but we have to make sure our splits are perfect on these um yeah don't forget to use your thing i i always pop the thing in the beginning of the room but i'm sure you you know the strats yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah five subs for wolf father thank you so much my friend thank you greg city for the three gifted subs do you cast any esports again sure what esport would you like me to cast that's a good item mom's key would be pretty pog we do have one bomb and yeah if you split it we could get it that'd be really good for you too that all the extra money on the ground oh cause you had you lost uh one piece of health yeah that's okay you should re-roll the item room oh you're right you're right you're right um i don't think we even need to touch that at all i'm gonna just go ahead and press the right button which is the this one shoots not bad she's not bad but i have a d6 you know yeah and i've got i have to stay alive because i'm the keeper yep i agree uh yeah those guys are tough i feel like everything on the start floors is tough yeah um yeah i can get all the stuff oh very nice this is a good combo okay you want me to go back and get mom's key yes of course i probably should have just grabbed the bomb and then bombed it for you but i mean you know you were in the zone autozone does it matter you think who takes it i'll take it just in case yeah yeah yeah yeah we're both we're i'm getting i'm getting unlocked for both for both of the characters that are being played right now so i'm pretty happy about that we get free uh curse room assuming i don't take damage in the cursed room what do you think about that yeah that's fine you wanna maybe pop your penny now no okay if i take damage in here then i'm and then you'd have to walk through the door but that's a death for me i think and uh i just yeah forget about it that should have taken it cuz flight thanks chad what if i pick up your pennies i'm just going to wait for that to happen i mean i do that to myself sometimes or i accidentally pick it up too soon the fact that you're not getting soul hearts as uh flies is just kind of bs to me but that is a free bone heart i don't know what that's gonna do for you probably nothing i could re-roll it never mind i forgot that we have the break um i mean i wouldn't mind some movement speed either yeah i mean go for it all right range doesn't matter you want to just load yourself up first sure you take the first 10 i take the next 10 no matter what see what happens bring your friends in zone uh yeah okay i mean yeah range tears you know how many has it been how many is that uh three four you gotta be at least on like eight one ah tries to find that one you need that you take that one oh boy i can't wait to get the health upgrade yeah is that my ten all right now it's starting my ten now it's your turn one that doesn't matter that doesn't matter for three four this is pretty good for four it's pretty good for five that's pretty good for six oh mr growth hormones grows for seven that could be decent for eight that god gave me range nine nice and ten for a range okay uh let's see one two size ladies three four why do i need all this hp five six seven what stop give me hp game eight nine ten oh come on yo one yay get out of here [Laughter] negative one two three four i don't care about the box to be honest five awesome six oh and you get stand away on stability i'm the lost eight and uh go for spawn man i take some pills pretty good loss i think yeah sure nice almost bombed both of us he almost killed both of us very nice uh three three four oh goody i'll take it no i can't i can't risk a health down oh that's true i mean not that we're not gonna get health ops uh minus range plus everything else baby minus luck i guess any good trinket set drops yeah we get free chest openings i'll take that yeah that's what six seven i don't know you don't know because you just want to keep counting until you get a good item i mean that's gotta be nine that's gotta be ten no okay yeah you can have that i love samson's chain now actually as as flying lost is not good you probably should have taken that one are you a wizard [Music] why am i why is that are things gravitating towards me you picked up magneto you you joke oh yeah i did flavor cleaver is a thing that uh you can bust enemies in half so i have to re-roll this that's pretty metal you ready yep it might eat it all right it ate it no i got this though into a club how do i have yet to see [ __ ] in repentance i heard she's like even better than she was before is there no cap on the amount of spiders that she can spit out or like what's the what's good about it i don't know what i don't know what she does something different and something great ed said that she carried she carried him through [Music] uh what's our end point what's our goal here uh i want to unlock everything i can with keeper and lost at the same time um i just think that you need to pick an end point do we want to go dogma or do we want to go um witness witness witness you want to go mother yeah all right uh yeah then all floors it is i suppose allow me to go through the mirror we don't need to turn into the lost that way okay because i am the loss surprise surprise that magneto's gonna be annoying yeah you know it's not annoying though winning i just took damage i don't even know how i took damage as i said winning mayday what am i blowing up oh dude get rid of your freaking brown cap dude no i didn't have a brown cap yeah it causes poops to explode i'm blowing up over here i didn't know i had it ah we're gonna still lose this is like moving too fast um oh god angry fly could be pog you want to do a one through three or should i reroll just rolling all right triple shot um yeah triple triple your fire rate's going to go to [ __ ] though but i say it's worth the okay wait you only get one more oh what shouldn't it be a triple triple at least two more of course repentance of course sorry i was sorry we were almost having fun sorry i'm taking damage go shop you're taking you're taking damage yeah i don't know i'm getting ahead of every room i mean i guess well i mean that doesn't make sense for me no i we don't whoa for you it does because you drop money when yeah well no it's a it's a sometimes still top top tier for for you all right sizzy now going before it goes down keep running keep running keep running keep running i don't know if he's on you if he's on me um i i don't mind pop i like the wackiness if you want it i appreciate the wackiness um we could you you want to keep breaking it that's the point right yeah that's why we're here oh that's right you have to spend money to buy things fame's been nerfed but oh i know for seven cents i say it's still worth it i i have to re-roll it yeah you have to re-roll it that is just that's fine it's whatever all the ground to be honest lodestone that is are you doing 10 and then i'm doing 10 what are we doing no no it's whatever makes sense i kind of like the 1010 thing okay just for wackiness but if it's going to screw us over then oh yeah we need to reroll i'm going to look uh d7 okay i'm going to look up while you're where you're moving okay look up the items what the lodestone does do you remember it's magnetized tears it it you it hits an enemy and then that enemy becomes magnetized okay so this is a rippy roll [Music] hollow ground got a huge buff okay what are you at nine uh i think this is ten yeah oh well oh watch me get rid of that item and i get nothing probably it just means i get the first ten in the next round also curse rooms we should do that um oh come on give me a charge this is i forgot this is drought drought one or dross one cross i was like where's our fire well rip i suppose we could check secret room i don't know what do you think we might as well other patch in the game as we speak did somebody respond with that or i don't know they're like i can't believe these two are cheating on a game to get unlocks how's it cheating it's in the game if this was my save file i don't think i'd be doing it but then again i'm gonna like restart the whole thing and grind away all the unlocks and make a big hoopla out of it so whatever i'm on it even the audience doesn't want us to have fun dude lodestone is great a bugger feature are you late for something am i late for something yeah you're flying man am i you're like zoom zero zero dude i can't help it i'm moving i'm moving fast we got places to go i'm just hanging on for the ride right now shops i feel like it'd be nice that the shop said more than nothing at least you don't spend a key to get into it yep i'm still bummed about your triple triple not being a triple yeah apparently it's never been triple triple on triple so we were just complaining i thought it was always like triple shot was like two more shots so if you got like quadruple plus triple it really only adds five more or whatever because you picked up my going you picked up my other coin you don't need it oh i got the 10. this is me all right fine bumbo are you no no no no no no no what he's gonna take my coins what's the matter with you it's too late i'm too fast i said no like four times yeah as i was already like on it you said no no no i was just getting into it uh why i don't want that well i don't want it that's backwards oh you need a one last book touch right no no that was the last one i think i don't remember still touch it insane huts good job butts well did you know that just got a huge buff great oh look he took a coin wow it's almost like he does that normally yeah almost like it's almost as if someone said don't do that yeah i'm getting to a halt all right i didn't get my full 10. so we're starting back at zero okay you're starting over now yeah we started at zero now again yeah okay okay hey anything goes now that you stole one of my things uh reroll you think sure yo let's get it just another thing to blame hunts for oh starter deck yeah we take we take started start your deck start that see your room yeah it feels like it [Music] says i just magneto all the coins anyway so i don't know what you were complaining about bumbo for well now i have two different ways to lose all my coins we only needed one so wait didn't you just fight that boss why are you finding them juicy sag there's one here i'll i'll be your chauffeur here thank you this is a trash thing that i'm gonna go ahead and point that's another trash thing great job uh we can get a charge we can get a charge maybe not there were uh spiders in the curse room let's try it okay i didn't get my full 10. so until i got my full ten we restarted zero every boss you know you gotta think about that yo that's probably just you since you're you're card heavy yeah let's move out of here no you just go let's go wait why is it why is the moon car glowing because it's super moon you don't know about super moon no i don't i'm making that [ __ ] up what is what is it i think it's just normal nice probably because of tarot cloth uh yeah maybe i don't know what you think a double goes to the secret there's a secret inside of the secret moon urum room green uh you got you got the flying so didn't you know that there's a blood stain in the corner of the chest when it the mimic wow thanks mumbo really glad you're here well you got to be quicker than that i got you a dollar oh you dropped a troll bomb right next to me um oh does that does that come in handy for anybody probably for you it'd be really simple blocking but if you just place like one side yeah but you place big fan on like let's say your left side when you're fighting mom's heart you just stand on her right side and you you're invincible duct tape is unbelievably overpowered okay all right i'll go over here there you go yeah see look you're just fine you're doing just fine kiddo i had i had two coins dropped there dinkle dink a little bookworm action i don't mind that at all okay duct tape is uh throwing me off here you're lucky i didn't real [Laughter] i thought you were just gonna like plop it down and i was gonna re-roll the room ready yeah are you sure you're ready yeah nice so there's your bookworm right where did jordy get it uh you must have already gotten it huh oh nope we keep going try to get two items in this item room we could or we can get infinite items from the boss it hasn't really worked out the last two times though well it's cause you got bumbo monstro was yeah two three go big chubby and i got monstro accurate you forgot duct tape yeah i don't think sinbad really cares wait wait wait it's a it's a global d6 um oh for the books yeah i guess we could wait for the whole yeah we should definitely wait for the boss room okay if there'd be a active item in there you guys should hold on to monster manual let me let me get rid of my only survivability i mean i guess this doesn't really matter because i'm not gonna pick up any of my coins anyway but eraser yo [Laughter] i don't even know what that's gonna do um some of them have been disappearing though right here let's just check at the first room okay let's erase one of these suckers there you go nice good hit yep it's not the whole uh run though it's only this floor now and it's a reusable eraser what so every room or every floor you get the option of erasing one enemy from the floor if that makes sense it doesn't tough twins oh get freaking lit up dude holy water oh i call holy water my favorite item nice thanks for letting me get holy water i can't wait to use it it's going to come in handy a lot i think um yeah it's yours upgrade i remember i was still my turn to get the 10. yeah well you're too slow the stars are calling oh yo you just unlocked um the planetarium planetarium probably what was that i don't even have that what is that what are the planetariums yeah uh it's the special room that you can get and you can increase your chances of getting them by ignoring your item rooms completely without going inside of them and oh my god this guy this [ __ ] guy are you all right i'm fine you seem a little tilted right now gets all the unlocks tries to bomb me is it my turn i don't know so what are the planetariums it's really cool stuff you want triple triple quad no because it won't work so you take it rip my fire rate i'm a spider baby oh look at my little teeth you know what i'm gonna take this because i already have pop so my reflection just sounds even better look at that look at that look at that look at that everyone peace should i ace okay that's that's you i yeah i don't yeah oh wait it's not it's not revenge flies lost fly which is actually like really good and that's a that's a re-roll for me um is it my turn i like the pop honestly you want to attack again or i'll take the attack i like the like the noises too hey that's really good yes split shot no that's a loki's horn why is it hitting the wall though and splitting at the wall you must have split shot i shoot the other way wait i did take parasite didn't i shoot the other way and notice how it goes to the rocks on the sides no i think this is on your screen you don't see that nope he's a liar it's a madman you can't trust this guy as far as you can throw him uh so we want to go we want to hit the floor the uh four room now for sure oop that's not it nope right here ready you're ready yep yeah all right turn them up enter kiss my ass kiss my god hates you i guess that's my solution to everything oh wait wait there's something in the shop too we should check it doesn't really oh it does re-roll it whatever if you buy it it does i think wow thanks uh samson's chain appreciate it you've been able to oh boogers dude book you should let me at boogers this would have been a booger run oh soy milk i'm going for it oh crap i'm gonna do it i'm gonna do should i do it chat i think i should look at all my stupid [ __ ] bubbles my god i think i gotta have more that's a good one tiny bubbles baby [Laughter] hooray oh i'm invincible myself okay if you find shielded tears you better let me get on that oh that's another active item i don't know what that is it like scoops out one of your eyeballs like a peep eye and then it flies around the room it's garbage um i mean it's really good ed thanks for putting that in the game i'm gonna see if i get a charge we will all die one day prove it all right we're not gonna get the charge how did you still take damage well because there i couldn't see anything when the entire room started it's uh i'm gonna walk into the curse room okay well the secret room's back there so oh god let's just i don't know maybe we just leave that's why we should just like see rooms over here nice glad to have it happy to see it really yeah wow good job moon card hey that'll uh oh that's not my moon card [ __ ] i just picked up something else hey you picked up the ace of diamonds straight guard would you feel like the quarter should do something special with keeper you should like superpower them for a floor right wouldn't that be cool yeah like give them like super glowy eyes i don't know something all right what floor are we on right now we're on one sure yeah you're the one that wants to unlock so i'm trying to help you out here well we're i mean we're on the first that was the first mines yeah that's why i said first mines then you said yeah i don't know sure i did look oh i didn't see it on my screen look at all my followers bro on instagram but also look at how this is awesome this is something [ __ ] says he's horrified look at how good it's running too yep nice optimization i think little bubble noises that's what does it for me it does sound like you're just spitting bubbles yep cause i am what is that uh can i get like a field of fortune hey remember you you've got the plaster vlog oh yeah right right end flight and flight so i should be able to somewhat steamroll the mom thing but i don't know if i leave you behind it might get a little dicey that'll give you a recharge on yours yeah yeah well not that you know we last long enough in the room for that to matter but i'm he's stupid dragging my samson's chain not get his flight with the loss honestly now this is actually going to be kind of dicey one more but that's what i'm saying because i can just fly over all the puzzles and get to the door but you're going to be split across the screen you're not going to even be able to see how to dodge the mom ghost you know what i mean yeah zombie thanks to 21 months i appreciate you zombie zombie hey hey oh man i i just wish you would have given me boogers well it should have been faster i i'm just gonna save my reroll i feel like i'm gonna just take a rando cool yeah crash what 69 cents though you all hear this blasphemy hud's literally said that the sharp straw is trash yeah it is wow it's just balls wow let's see your to your list this doesn't have sharps driving on it what are we doing um freaking tokyo drift over here can't even pick up a goddamn card what was that are we doing the knife knife piece yes it doesn't really matter since it's on mines it's not like it locks us in can you guys hear everything okay is the game volume too loud because i did pump up the game volume a little bit there i like how i still jump into the mine car like it freaking matters like a chump if i get it twice though i'm dead so we need to keep that in mind you wanna hit that no i'm just gonna go through the door why why don't you hit it now so we don't have to we'll have to do it on the way back when it reset later i don't know it didn't do anything goodbye we think it's but here's the thing if i walk into this door right and i go across the entire map and mom's behind you you can't see that so you want me to just you want me to just blitz it sure all right i'll blitz it hopefully mom aggroes me instead [Music] little ghostly tail uh ooh you wat mate and firefly ninja thank you so much the subs repentance is coming to consoles i do believe that's more of a nicholas thing so if you want to complain to anybody hit nicholas up i got stuck in the freaking i'm blitzing i'm blitzing very nice mom was way off i'm going i'm going i'm going i'm going dude we smash this loss for the win baby you could die from one hit you don't have holy mantle i i think i do though in that room i think it's inherent it's not even an item on lost anymore it's just a thing that loss has which is good because you could d4 now i believe and not get rid of lost's uh holy mantle it did not show your aura oh there we go and maybe that's true i don't know wrong it's an item says voidian wrong if you want to uh never win an argument with anybody that you argue with in your entire life because you immediately set them off the second that you open your mouth start that way no matter what you say wrong wrong it doesn't show it on his items you gotta put a smiley face after it though i'll get hit my mantel is built into the lofts now and is not considered an item stormberg i i think that i might be able to open up the mausoleum door without taking any damage yo um uh oh uh um technically it's my turn isn't it well let's first count it off one two three go i ended up getting it anyways so that's that's pretty pogernauts we should have both of them know yo that's pretty good um i mean we could take do i have uh spun do you have spun i don't know probably better for me to take this higher chance of procking i'd say okay i already have the samsung's change so should i just take this freaking stompy yeah i could probably take the og too so our run doesn't end that's very true hey everybody i'm gonna probably take that too cookie i think it's just multicolored and they'd be fun for me yeah but but they do they do different things though i don't think it is well yeah they yeah the blue ones freeze the red ones burn but it's not like you get ipac it's not like um fruitcake is what i was trying to say extra shot i don't mind i don't mind that either to be honest actually okay it even gave me more fire rate i thought we were capped here uh ready yep d100 do you want to get rid of uh your your build no you want to keep it in your back pocket just in case no all right we can just go i mean i guess we could try to get another reroll if you really want to but i i'm fine with this going i think we're we're we're set again holly holy olive thanks for three months this is great not having to do uh the lost and the keeper for unlock wait don't jinx it dude don't change it because i could easily die what a time to be alive i can't see me i can't see garbage either [Laughter] i can't especially with curse of darkness it's just like the green is like yeah i'm lighting it up bro i got hit apparently yeah sure whatever nerd the new void portals very interesting they only show up here which is probably the best part about them where's the door where am i it doesn't matter just keep firing okay all right you see missiles do we care no porno boys more like dead boys 20 20. uh can i please have more bullets uh yes but first you can take the other lasers if you want no you just got rid of the devil deal i don't care uh all right i'll take mr puffy or whatever his name is all right one two three go i gotta oh it's a damage down that's right i forgot that it's a damage down it's a significant one yeah it's got nerfed uh of course it did um this is just a re-roll reroll all right nothing this is uh yeah cool i think it was smarter for us to just leave because of the spikes that that could just kill us really easy we're gonna backtrack to find an item room i mean you're free low health too i got two hits you got three hits right at least i have a chance of regenerating my health oh man the freezing too on my bubble shots is so good yep icicles are like really overpowered the only way i'm able to spot myself is because of my giant orange mane your giant ginger man [Music] thank you white foot for the one year in the mosh pit 12 month resub we're 55 away now oh is that pause does that pause the game yeah it's all right i mean it's if we're not leaving the room anyways and whatever no thank you clebel for the 10-month reset nine months in a row uh are we ready to fight mom or i am yeah i mean we can find since it's not cursed of darkness we could easily get an item room but it's cursed blind so true funny mom demolished i i believe that the negative is now a damage up so people have said wait why is there still an item there you want to take the polaroid too uh i already took the polaroid oh oh because it keeps refreshing remember oh yeah you could easily take dogma yeah i don't yeah i'm following uh directions i do not know where the shots are me neither yeah you did i'll bring bumbo over here i don't know where the coin is mumbo took it you regenerate it anyways okay [Laughter] this is madness the overlay is messed up oh you talking about the text yeah i don't know why that's been happening sorry i'm working on getting a new overlay so going on here bubbles that's what's going on the best part about it best part about this is the uh the fact that i've got my reflection well if you're wondering if any of you are watching this right now on youtube and wondering what the heck's going on i don't think they can see anything through the compression it's just gonna be a big old blur for them you can send uh visual complaints to hutsgaming visual complaints all right well then send textual complaints this infected i'm sure i'm sure uh he shot all these shots now we have to wait for this thing bomb through this bomb through nope you created this problem so it's not all right i'll get us out of it i don't even know that bomb went it didn't go on the door because i'm knocking around my own let me just moon card i've already used one moon card yeah so i mean unless you want to take no it's too late for dogma right so it's you know we need we don't need a teleport card why this was the right way to go oh my sweet jesus stop taking damage bro first time emperor hell yeah possibly better since we were like you know three quarters of the way there we could have just saved it but whatever yeah i wonder why we were waiting for so long i cannot see what's going on you don't need to deck x yes i want you to take that nine lights i should take nine lives i think yeah you i mean i have a respawn but not as the lost and i think you should take it you probably want to unlock the loss more so right i i don't care i gotta see tech with tech x are you gonna are you gonna do a countdown no i don't [ __ ] care anymore you know what that'll make my bubbles disappear if you want that and i mean that could be smart play right okay sure bot fly very good top notch he uh he shoots he shoots a little shielded tears and and at enemy projectiles they come at you oh he blocks them for you ent i'm gonna like piercing please for the love of god give that to me let's let's leave him come back just in case the pedestal got messed up almond milk i'm so on it what damage down even further but what was it more tears up oh my god i don't even know what's happening anymore it's it's supposed to be like soy milk but like different in some way i don't even know it's everything freezing uh all right we're ready yeah let's just okay let's just send it bro yep soy milk except it has random effects i think it gave me another damage down if you saw that i think my damage is higher than yours though technically no mine's down to four no oh my god i'm not sure what happened did i just not shoot in most of the rooms wait are you also not shooting tech i thought that tech worked with techx nope it's like they like backpedaled on that one it's just techx and afterward plus wasn't it like you got to shoot attack as well yep i think so huh is there something i'm missing then it was it was too fun i don't know why they would go backwards on something like that but it's all about item combos here we go let's mess them up get ready chat you're ready to not be able to see [ __ ] man if i just pick up my coins i only had uh shielded tears we can moon cart out if you want to and reset now i i cannot see myself in there so i mean i can just not shoot well no we need we need the h we need the vps we need the dps i just i literally cannot shoot you can't shoot why can't you shoot you can't see i cannot see myself right um do we want to try to go for like another teleport card in case things go south again no i will be hyper focused on where i am all right it's really hard for me to see too like i'm there's a high chance of me dying in this fight okay well try to keep bumbo away so i can at least pick up because i got hit twice and used my wooden nickel and uh i could have picked up both of them but i i couldn't all right i'll stay bottom right ish okay if you want to say bottom leftish i don't know who they're going after it's so hard to even comprehend dodging right now especially being on a controller this is madness okay i'm just there's no point in me throwing down the thread using the wooden nickel because oh no you lost your only mantle yeah i didn't even know where i was okay oh okay you're moving points i'm dead i'm dead wait we reset oh because of my nine lives nine lives yeah oh my god am i still what am i because i have blue baby uh ankh as well you're still the lost this is madness even with the game break how is this welcome to our kittens baby yeah save those coins for the next nine lives that's gonna probably proc ah don't forget your strength card for emergency help i would have i would have much preferred to actually kept tech one than tech x i you know they used to work together so and it was super overpowered but i suppose times have changed mumbo picked up my coin you have a strength as well remember i know oh my god i was on the right side i was i stayed on the right side i still took damage somehow i have no idea that you that you picked that bumbo so much [Laughter] like the magnum oh i have the yellow bubbles come out now move move no grab the damn coins dude [Music] this is madness i walked into her dude the guy can handle loss on a controller that's a fistula all right nothing but but perfection from here on out yeah here we go i i can't see you're on the side of the screen for me okay i hate this so much we do it oh my god i can't i mean i'm trying to like pay attention to where i am i have no idea because of my freaking uh guillotine that wasn't that was insane balls keeper sack and lost soul [Music] wow wow that was a balsa access chat thank you chat absolute madness well what do you think you want to keep going or do you want to switch it up ed says that's a well-known bug and i know sin knew but it was going to happen sorry ed not sorry thank you cookie brother 319 for the 10 gifted subs [Music] are we going for dogma do we want to do one more for dogma hey i mean if you're in i've never seen dogma so let me go to the bathroom first okay
Channel: Hutts 2
Views: 99,113
Rating: 4.9496064 out of 5
Keywords: hutts, gaming, channel, second, stream, streaming, twitch, Afterbirth, repentance, the binding of isaac repentance, easter eggs, greed mode, greedier mode, Rebirth, delirium, Let's play, lets play, lets play binding of isaac, fail, win, mods, brimstone, modding, beat the game, mother, dogma, beast, final, indie, best items, devil, angel, secret room, how to find secret room, keeper, secret, character, unlock
Id: mZHHEYknT5w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 92min 34sec (5554 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 02 2021
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