Unlocking Tainted Lost! - Hutts Streams Repentance

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what's up youtube we are back here on repentance and i just i'm feeling it i'm feeling a uh lost the mother i i honestly think though that like playing those ridiculous characters like lost probably gonna have some pretty dope uh unlocks right greed mode hasn't been changed for lost so i wouldn't be unlocking anything that'd be silly we got prayer card that's a good joke so here is a new thing the eternal d6 has a chance to reroll the item and also has a chance to just make the item disappear that's just not that good thousand bits from seal mari thank you so much silmari i appreciate that and hello alt lost is hard i think alt keeper is actually pretty cool i remember correctly blue plus dark blue dark blue dark blue has he ever been alone in a crowded room alt lost is absolute hell suckers welcome to the jungle ultrapolion is basically mei like overwatch mate oh you mean may like balls may modded circle mate like bethany is kind of may-ish maybe it's pretty dope though that's pretty good mod what do you think secret room is there or top secret room is over there secret can't be there oh it looks gross 1500 first of all eloren for fourteen been binge watching on youtube repentance content keep it coming hell yeah and then not a cat monster 1500 bits thank you for that with a heat with the words yeet oh i'm not sure why i'm not using my active item i should be almost got hit there a couple times that would have been bad alt lilith is a vibe is a vibe huh this is weak i need some damage upgrades please whoa easy there fella sometimes you think you like you think you're okay just by strafing but that's often not the case let's go ahead there too damage give me damage give me damage give me damage i want damage could i get a damage what was in our um our item room i feel like maybe going there's a higher chance for dps here in the boss pool dingle is harder than sister vis silmar get to the sub to manga bros awesome stuff uh backstabber right this is pointless this gives me nothing at least baxter is a thing three months for crazy appreciate that we haven't gone out past this guy right yeah we've done anything tangent loss is insane not a strong start not a strong start not very impressed tainted loss is so good no more hp ups and other rubbish what he called the b sides tainted ed said specifically officially called tainted i could just get him to get enough like a lot of uh leeches out give a max spawn not yet and then ace of diamonds the mall that might be max spawn there anymore keep them coming bro come on dude you got more i believe in you i think he spits into more when i kill him just one more painted gets no holy mantle game break you guys are so easy to use the word break so quick to use it these corny dips kind of tough some high speed corn did we attempt to do alt path on the lost and we we died i feel like i've been here before but maybe that was a sin i've not played tainted lilith no i haven't done anything with lilith so far but i haven't done anything with most characters so tinted upon very strong you could also just wait until i unlocked them and then i could see fun idea hey hearts i know you didn't ask but here's everything spoilers oh man this would have been a good room for oh it can fall in water [ __ ] this has been a good one for uh the ace of diamonds it's a tough freaking rum died with laz rags [Music] 200 bits i'm sad i didn't get the game key but one fair and square i'll stick my money they won fair and square i don't know some of those people definitely cheated skipping half the map i should not have picked that up i was standing on top of it my bad we're going to fight through that double wide run you guys on the other side as well right now that's john drost too good coach punch let's charge key freaking wormwood i'm so done with them kind of a tough boss i don't want to fight him twice that's for damn sure try to convince him to jump into that blue fire i thought it was gonna work i don't even know what hit me bleach that's tough yes to the guppy and no it's a choice lost as a choice now i think maybe at some point in time i knew that but fred forgotten winter dog hype this is good though it blocks uh tears as well can't you just like give me things for free if i earn them as a lost ed can i just have it big place where's the uh where's our item room right out the freaking start branch oh how's my favorite branch doing how many potential charges lost i would just take tractor beam dps plus some pretty unique effects on it i think it's pretty good justice it's pretty good now give me like split shot stuff like that broken modem we know it's good now it's still like a little weird how like the tears will randomly stop and you can still walk into them before they disappear but we'll go dogma if i get strong enough otherwise we'll fight mother and probably die if we're being honest type of branch a rattling branch uru threatened bugs bunk down in the valley the rat and by the bug down in that valley all mother is a rigged fight it's gonna be really really really really really really tough to do as a loss it's kind of like you had to be so powerful you just annihilated immediately spent all my money on these bits and also true they did skip everything lockdown's not my favorite they unnerfed shops i still had a shop that had minimal items in it so i don't know what the uh on nerf really is supposed to mean but still don't seem like they're good let's do a judgment drop here judgment well that's not gonna help i guess it did still two and a half percent fine fine fine and then pop the strength card for the damage he increased the chance for normal shops perfection i'm uh fast enough so i'm gonna re-roll i'll save that one for later and open up this let's do it before we forget 50 50 to get normal shop or less than i think we just go right over right we get our item room yet gotta watch out for those guys they double charge there's so many curses on hard mode they just throw curses at you yeah a tractor beam was my item room right not the best i should probably just head back and re-roll re-roll the boss yeah i'm going you say four horsemen fighting hell are harder than the final final boss or horseman fight in hell what's the four horsemen fight you mean like the four horsemen before the final boss um maybe this would be super good if we got libra yeah i guess back to name was last floor didn't get an item room bruh stop scone sounds if you walk into the white fire as the lost we just die stop butts yo get hit to activate gulp yeah i don't know if they patched that kind of stuff i would really hope that they would have on the lost but who knows let's just trash and we'll take that where we roll this let's button first triple shot that's good yeah we got a focused triple shot yo crackpot prime sub what's up i like it i like it three more keys to give away it's like scones favorite level because it's full of pups i almost got hit there holy crap this might be the place to sit you got flushed get dunked on when you see the item kind of glitch out that like that that's broken modem giving us double items can't walk into those spike rocks they'll hurt us even if you have flight don't you love it last room gives you a freaking golden key i guess i'll still get it for the other side right but i don't need it unless we get some golden chests as possible golden bomb as well true i'm not sure how and when i need to use that but well there we go uh that's on the edge for me re-roll it potentially remove it or just take it is that the one that shoots the sacred heart shot seraphim sacred heart tier deals 10 damage what if i save my reroll for the other side i don't know take it take it take it roll it roll it roll it bad item pool crooked penny very similar to that item rip rip that's not what we wanted do we have any more freaking trinkets dude let's get some more money let's go to the shop i guess we'll probably have the money by the time we get back golden bomb is the machine here if i break the machine ooh okay that'll give us some money if i break the machine here 322 see if it's at 318 on the other side very curious i think i did go curse from that was the first room off the start right is it smart for me to head back right now and actually go to the crawl space because i think there's no limit to how many times you can cross over right [Music] i don't think there's a limit [Music] yeah seems good to me because then we no we're not wasting charges that way i think it's actually one up from here roger that if you die you can't go back through 318 on our machine um what if i bought the battery instead it's probably worth it we're gonna get more money too with our coin tiers internal d6 scales with luck oh god it looks horrible give me more money you had 10 luck with perfection we could pick it back up right [Music] so many trinkets bowsers [Music] yeah if it does scale with luck can can someone confirm eternal d6 skills with luck fine though but he does not say anything about luck it does according to platinum god eternal d6 chance to delete the item scales with your luck stat at plus 10 luck the chance goes all the way down to five percent we still don't know though that's old anti-birth or if that's yeah see five percent yeah i'm gonna have to say that it's probably not the same i guess i said we're at nine luck not ten so it's something higher than five but still should be almost zero i was a politician it'd be like negative that's luck that's poop hot [ __ ] in my eyeballs [Music] we re-roll the knife piece hitting somebody's gonna take me serious huh it's no [Music] just unlocked planetariums [Music] why don't you cool it mister where's our boss from i forgot [Music] found it try to farm money just by shooting his ads but all right the best idea is a really fragile character it's pretty good six damage man look at me [Music] do we buy this stuff um that's pretty good we can wait on it though don't forget yeah i don't know he's over there scratch on the ground like she's like trying to kick up some of the carpet to make a bed he's silly head machine was at 3 18. yep for sure destroy the mirror deflects i'm ready to go right i think so just watch your video on the secret challenge limo get her a blanket she's trying to root her bed's upstairs and she never uses it when i bring it down so i was like well i'll just leave it upstairs because she will use it during the day i could maybe even get that guy to pay out if i get enough money think about it i think about it yeah no i lug her bed all the way down here and then she just doesn't use it now it's like she's looking for it gonna deal with the devil huh broken modem procs like every 10 seconds and by every 10 seconds i mean like every one second oh do you need help keeps digging at the floor it's so funny how does the giveaway work we'll play a game of marbles hey that's what i'm talking about i'm a dick addicted to you meth we'll do a marbles round i'll tell you when to join it you just have to type something into the chat where is my guppy i would really like some guppy can i get some gu e please put that guppy in my mouth does it tell me there's a chest on oh there is up here i didn't see it are you okay what's wrong she's like where's my bed i go get her a blanket bathroom huts no i don't think it's bathroom it's a different look for that i'm gonna get our blanket there you go i got you a bed it's like no no no it's not i don't it doesn't smell right this doesn't smell like me doggo cam who's that my brother's dog we dog sat her before ah there we go now she's happy can i have her you have to ask my brother i'm guessing he's going to say no god these guys are tough oh oh damaged we're doing well in the damage oh that's just a death button just push the death button i'm gonna one day lose a a run a lost run by touching a spiked chest and i'll be very upset sugar oh boy that's helpful oh that's probably better 100 chance of getting something but the two-room recharge this is spin down dice it it takes it and it'll it'll turn down for what essentially 609 now what's 608 608 is freezer baby [Music] we have a 72 chance of getting a deal to double and we should absolutely i'm assuming that all the deal with the devil items are pretty closely related in number we should get this thing charged up if we can icicle babies pretty good in my opinion [Music] so yes it took the item that was 609 and it turned it into item id 608 that's how uh ed knew what was gonna be rerolled remember i was like can you give me guppy and he's like um maybe you guys don't remember that ed came into the stream and uh was telling me he's like if you re-roll that then it'll get this okay blank card per throw is just maybe just the best because it's a four-room recharge right or unless blank card's been nerfed forum recharge blank card two of diamonds too though but i don't think he can break the shop as easily you have 50 cents uh oh blank card does not work with the ruins got it that's what you guys are saying i'm like what are you all complaining about what are y'all being a loppity about there in the chat clear roon i don't even know how to get the clear moon okay we'll keep the spin down but i'll buy the battery and then we'll go to the devil deal and then we'll come back by the nine volt which will give me another charge oh boy icicle baby for the wind icicle freaking baby dude dude brett kidding me right now and i still my baby tainted lost yeah that'd be super cool but we'd have to get a really really strong run you know i complained that one time we had rocks in this room i think i prefer the rocks is he a place to hide from that [ __ ] oh [Music] gideon is such an interesting boss the fact that you don't have to shoot him as a wave based i was surprised dad put it in there be honest it's just so different than anything that's already in the game unexpected oh that was some high flying rocks that's trash getting is a cool boss concept yeah yeah um i do like my maw of the void i know it's been nerfed a little bit but i still think it's just top does nine volts still give extra charge when picked up though um i don't know but we could see what spin down will give me i'm not a cheater you're a cheater 3.99 what's 3.98 god's flesh okay never mind um and then that is dark matter which is 259 let's go 258 258 is missing no i think i'll take maul the void please oh i have a perth road too i could have perth road but by the way it's very good and then this i might just not even care about looking and just go okay i should have cared about looking missing those a big now it's up clock [Music] full charge probably reroll the blank card and then we'll just take the cracker jacks oh good it re-rolled the cracker jacks i could look this [ __ ] up it's just gonna take me 75 years cartridge i don't think that even activates per throw it well now i'm going to definitely save the per throw for like a brother bobby deal with the devil right i think we're good believe your gulp pill was that a gulp pill i mean i'm not going to leave with it so nor do i care about gulping this drinking that does nothing coin beggar there were a lot of beggars can i do anything with the beggars uh yeah i know i could maybe get the coin beggar to pay out but i don't have a battery we'll see it gives me a mapping then i'll be happy we got three more keys to give away still so next stream will be on tuesday most likely where's our higher chances for batteries to drop from just random [ __ ] one last item i have to worry about i suppose blow the blood machines yoho blow the man down i'm not really concerned about it to be honest you know they're all the items are numbered yeah they all have an id i think spin down dices i think i would have rather had a random dice that was able to re-roll between item pools and not the spin down thing it adds too much onto the whole like hey being able to break the game and be having to look [ __ ] up because now i'm like it's stupid to not look up what i could read roll into and you could even go like what are the next three things i could reroll into how do i get godhead what's the number of godhead eight six seven five three oh nine six six six god head you've lost your damn mind god head is 331 what's above it what's 332. i got coins for shooting turrets no laz rag so if we see laz rags with a spin down just any time in the future that's good to know idiot [Music] uh giveaway how would i do a giveaway hmm scientists have been working on an idea of how to give away things on stream for years i froze this soul heart i froze the soul heart and then broke the soul heart ice baby i mean i don't need it as the lost but still that's kind of a dick move don't you think that is just gonna be a yeah we're gonna go on that one so who wants to go to dogma triple knife baby triple knife probably would still die the dogma but it's worth going for i'd say [Music] ding ding ding ding tractor beam just does nothing now dr sage who wants to look up bleach uh 270 what's 269 godhead holy [ __ ] headless baby 268 rotten baby if we could get a double going i would take it sad tractor noises all bets are off though if i can pull off a devil from you son of a [ __ ] all this to save one bomb boom boom boom boom i mean now is epic mine's two um we could totally go in there probably tough twins you don't have to do the minecart just yet might be able to increase our deal with the double chance though if we if we keep going that's better oh i see what's going on here pilar looks like we're going to be able to pull off a rotten baby but what's 267 just the heck of it robo baby rotten baby with 14 damage flies sounds pretty nice to me what happens if you reroll id one it probably would just reset to the top wouldn't it what is id1 breakfast remember to drop a trinket for the key sad onion is one what hit me oh [ __ ] a i know things were in the fire totally possible that i just blow this whole run before the time even comes always seems happier yeah spin toothpicks for sacred heart oh [ __ ] really so like let's say that like quad shot was on the question mark pedestal is that now removed from my pool is that how pools work i don't know if that's how pools even work anymore i said choo choo [ __ ] there's no train going on we're trying to get one started oh we don't really need the knife now that i think about it what if we just left it's kind of it's kind of well we could probably just cruise through it though it's kind of risky would be nice to have though unnecessary i think we still do get a shield but i don't know we don't have an aura around us so it's possible that we don't but i just don't know [Applause] gg easy there could have been more [ __ ] though like sometimes they have the poops with the eternal flies that you can walk into we would have had to stop we would have to dodge the mom dodger once she's in front of you now you have to dodge it for the whole rest of time that's a chance to get bombs back upon using bombs let's fight the boss double knife and by the way i mean i got triple knife already so i guess quad knife and i guess we could double up one item settingly now that we have the the spin down right because let's say that we get one higher than mom's knife we could just roll it back to mom's knife and get another mom's knife if you find blood bag use the spin down because that'll turn into brimstone bro blood bag the brimstone you could farm uh brimstone so easily with the spin down dice ed i feel like he didn't think this item through i'm not sure why they exploded right when i walked in because i knew you were in trouble when i walked in game on me now took me to places i've never been okay what whatever box three roll what does that re-roll into didn't get a deal with the devil though ed could make it spin it down for like 1-10 ids and have it not be extremely predictable and consistent i just like the idea of a chaotic d6 but is if blood bags use holy mantle iv bag you mean turns into jesus juice 8 27 jesus juice what's the 196 squeezy um jesus juice is better damage is better than fire right on the knife to some degree don't trust chat huts that is that my second jesus juice so we confirm that it doesn't just take him out of the pools or anything like that throw the bomb not that way [Music] that doesn't affect me that's a damage up more tough twins really i don't know why i dropped a bomb i accidentally did that i fingered it sweet dude so if we want to go to depths too i believe we got to get off the train now to go to dogma it's probably like we're probably not strong enough to dogma but i'd be stupid if i didn't try right and if i die it's just faster of a giveaway we clean up our our shop did we do everything we needed to do there i hear dogma balls one more time one more time chat shot speed up so close to being a re-roll that thing cracked key huts at least uh tainted lost okay we'll hit up our item room here we'll drop our trinket there um i could just take it because tears isn't bad uh what's that called dolly mr dolly 370 let's look at 369 is continuum 368 epiphora 367 okay let's just take it you missed what if it takes away the item that you rerolled like you have a box you re-roll it box gone i have no idea what that means like if you re-roll it then it takes away that item from the item pool filigree there's no angel there could be an angel in the top secret room technically i get a freaking item room though somebody tell me what that's a reference [Music] from somebody knows it jurassic park well done steam sale steamy 64. 63 is the battery battery could be good but 62. [Music] charm of the vampire yeah i said we just take it [Music] potench dripping with potence bff knife well let's look it up hang on whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa bff 247 246. blue map 245 2020 2020 is a is a damage down but with the knife would probably be worth it 1500 for tarna thank you so much my friends i've been watching you on youtube for about four years happy to be able to finally send you something thank you thank you thank you bff's freezer baby two away from 2020 2020 is good go for it you already have triple what does 2020 do with the triple though it would it give me like it would give me four knives probably the negative damage multiplier unlike the inner nine mutant spider item double shot item does not give a tears down effectively give me a double no it doesn't say it on this one on this website it doesn't tell me the thing minus 25 damage but it's it's so like let's say that you have 10 damage and then you minus 25 so you're down to 75 damage but you have two knives that you can hit him with you're up to you know 15. so 20 20 was done dirty take bff you're [ __ ] ffff doesn't affect rotten baby though if you hit both it's 1.5 times damage right only thing that was i was hesitating on was the fact that it would increase the spread of my knives acid baby you're just not that good though get more gulp pills 491 we're almost done though 490 is eden's soul is there a battery first oh by battery buddy even better conjoined i think i want conjoined conjoined is a damage down as well goodbye to spin down dice let's before we forget let's drop our our trinkets um so eden soul and then we go to the devil room [Music] we can't take the perthro with us though as well because we need to get the uh the teleport card did we see that did we see a tinted skull somewhere the infinity two re-rolls from acid baby [Music] to 90 89 infinity i don't think i've unlocked the d infinity no i have i'm not deciding by it's just got reskinned item gives you a random dice active effect no i don't like that under bits sup butts coming over from youtube good luck repentance is so difficult yeah we're crushing it though skulls on the left side down charge the soul huts one thing at a time one thing at a time it would be really nice to be able to take that per throw with me as well but oh well i define this battery but he's gonna give up before he gets to 12 charges but i don't even know does he ever pay out [Music] what if i double charge it oh he's doing it you're doing a great job does it make more sense for me to go into my curse room to pop this because then we could just have at it with the d infinity or another d infinity sorry the uh the spin down d infinity is not random anymore d infinity is not random [Music] so what is the infinity then the infinity is buffed wiki acts as any dice item and can be cycled through by pressing the drop key i think that the spin down has a little bit more potential for us don't you think you can take perthro how do i take the perthro go in and then come back out i don't know that would work the cursed room pool is the same as the devil run pool correct if we're spin downing them anyways it doesn't matter but i mean i'd like to maybe start with some potential no bull takes you back to the starting room just take it before you leave i don't think that we're on the same page chat using soul in the curse room i think i have to i think that that was it's the only thing that makes sense to me i don't think we're speaking the same language here d infinity works as the spin down i don't know that double charge it i don't think it's gonna work um how many guppy pieces have we touched we have guppies air ball look those look them both up first gimpy 225 224 is cricket's body i don't think cricket's body would work you're the lost yeah yeah it just just based off of the dead cat and how the dead cat works we should just have it 224 223. 223 is pyromaniac um yeah no that seems worth it there's bombs there's bomb attacks the infinity does not work as spin down body works perthro gimpy why would i do that i'm gonna go pyro power could help with ultra war could help with a lot of stuff item room spin down does i got it the knives do split oh you're saying cricket's body works you think cricket's body better than pyro it doesn't stop the foots from stomping like we're fighting mom chargebomb new meta does does mom's knife actually work with the body pyro is the play yeah why are people telling me to per throw gimpy just so i use my perthro at some point in time why don't we take the really good thing that we know that's there doesn't block the foot stomps yeah right but it does block bomb damage i think it's probably worth having like how many times could have have i died from a troll bomb going off love your beard hutsy boy thank you [Music] eckies what's up all right let's see if we can pull off another item somewhere fire for safety yup yup yup [Music] there was not a coin beggar but there was a bomb beggar sitting next to a tnt barrel wants you to blow him up [Music] how do you know it's going to be pyro because i've played this game so much that i'm just basically jesus not necessarily but basically on paper kind of the same somebody out there is like i'm here to spoil your fun nah that's not true he's not jesus he's not he he was vagina hey there another per throw what the hell am i going to use that on use ventricle razor you get techx full card can't use the perthro on the goddamn deal with the devil chat goodness gracious like we're two different worlds here um well that was unexpected but hey we could uh per throw that i i could take it but we're gonna we're only gonna get like one more um floors worth of items what are those called jumper cables fit 520 519 is little delirium 18 bunny in a box but in a box is pretty strong i might just per throw that though battery room too this is true i think i'm going to per throw that but in a box pretty strong but um not generally for bosses in between rooms you get some really crazy uh babies quince that's a new one quince every time an enemy dies a random familiar spawns where it was killed for the rest of the room it can be really powerful in the final fight if i killed the super ultra horseman and then it spawned some sort of like familiar that did contact damage and then the boss came up like and it was just sitting on the contact but it's that's godly it's really powerful i like the quince [Music] that's google's for two hours stream lol that's what i'm saying this item is kind of a pain but at the same time you know it's cool to be able to have control maybe check id just because 661 660 is card reading 659 is drop tropic truck tropicamide let's per throw it take it for new content i mean a familiar spawns where the enemy died it's very straightforward you have bff though i'm gonna cry says frankster it sounds so cool you're gonna be okay i can get this guy to pay out now if i really wanted to i guess it's possible that he just doesn't pay out but if you give me another item it could be super cool take it for the content what if i went harder and and got good things and then use those good things to get my unlocks on one of the hardest unlocks that we have at the moment what if what if we did that no content smb super fan 189 188 is ice cube small chance for your tears to freeze enemies in place um i'm not just trinket that's not even that's a trinket id it's able you [ __ ] liar trinket id 27 guppy's hairball it could re-roll twice to get a second hairball we wouldn't turn into guppy but second hairball could be pretty good it blocked shots unlock console geez pyro with that barrel i do have pyro you're not wrong whatever you want huts smb is an all stats up too but it's not like a crazy amount of damage um i don't think we're gonna have enough to do any more than that smb is good what we're really going to have trouble with yeah i don't know i think we're really gonna have trouble with um getting hit with projectiles double hair ball is gonna be pretty strong i think [Music] [ __ ] pog what i thought that you could not double up on guppy items i could have sworn you couldn't double up on guppy items 182 is sacred heart i wouldn't have the ability to do that bro what okay i'm in got my fool you couldn't before 100 percent nope this is a good run i'm glad that we're uh glad that we have the ability to do the thing with the stuff i i can take the negative for a damage up but i immediately deposit it in the door and i lose the damage up we just tested that so um lusty blood i think is just going to be a no-brainer it's going to be a winner here but let's you know just for the sake of the argument let's look up everything the robes for the damage would be obviously a good one too how stupid would i feel though if i had a charge and i missed something like really great 215 robes turns into goat head don't care lusty blood 411 looks up 410 is evil eye the razer blade 126 125 is sacred [ __ ] heart no bobby bobby bomb it says sacred heart right next to it i don't know why it does that oh because it gives you a 4.125 range upgrade i was like uh i think lasty blood you need razor razor take the razor [Laughter] chat take the razor busty lud oh hey there's a battery over here i don't even know about that a little guy that one guy i wouldn't worry about that little guy uh we had a good drink it didn't we or no it's just the poop okay bomb beggar bro temperance huts why are people yelling at me key piece all right we're good to go we're ready to go perthro you guys are just screaming like literally everybody is giving me so much [ __ ] right now for just every little thing that i'm doing and none of you guys have any idea what you're talking about leave your trinket you mean the tricky that i left in the item room that one stop yelling at me sorry coley you're good she's like this guy's literally insane she just thinks i'm screaming at nothing just like wide-eyed like my family left me at this psychopath's house i'm not trying to be rude you guys but come on everyone's yelling at me right now booster pack i can't see it so nothing i can do hello uh i will take that trinket good thing i've got a bomb very nice top quality trinkets happy to have it really good [ __ ] dude ace of clubs tarsky huts ah she's like i'm trying to [ __ ] nap what about tower towers not bad it's just not that good either final boss that's not going to do that much i'm thinking about taking the strength card because that damage upgrade could go a long ways he's actually charged for once and not just sparkling yup he forgot a charged key damn it chat well we can't have nice chats endless nameless though yeah and this nameless could give me like if i use my strength card on dogma i could give me another strength card for the final final boss but then i'm you know what if i need it for the final final boss i guess it could help me use things in the meantime i don't know i don't know much to axe like notched ass 147 146 is prayer card 145 is guppy's head so if it weren't guppy already that would have been pretty cool but 144 just make sure his bum friend ain't worth trying you guys have such a hard on for the donation machine the bomb beggar i could get him to pay out with an item that'd be cool but donation machine be looking cute though looking kind of thick there should be an item room down here does cows protect against those spike rocks i have no idea i guess this has more potential than the poop excited about the fact that i've got nine lives left to right chat anyway more left [Music] headless baby wasn't there something we could oh freaking conjoined god damn it minus damage headless baby was 269 i think we just maybe saw headless baby before five knives i guess rotten baby was after headless we could've had a second rotten baby i said re-roll first wow that one person just for you you're so special and you were very right and everyone should listen to you for everything else that they ever do in their life got it i got you bro i know that's exactly what you wanted to hear so there it is it's been said you're not gonna get an opportunity like that again gasps charge key huts you can tell the dice room i guess no harm reroll everything you give me a golden chest i guess can you even reroll dad's note i have no idea that's there's potential if i got to the final boss and we were charged up we could use it for a stats no no upgrade no no no i guess i could check this out released it from its cage what's this did the item in the store re-roll items don't re-roll on a three that's a four that you're thinking of three is only consumables i suppose i could have had the bomb bagger pay out a bunch of money and then rerolled that but their gulp pill i think there might have been butter so you know with the butter break been fixed here goes i don't see us using spin down anywhere but is it worth checking anything technically get a golden chest that would drop an item i don't know if the dialogue stops after i've seen the dialogue x amount of times oh there's my uh oh yeah someone's having this freaking strength card that's right tainted loss though even if i lose the dogma don't need a win for tainted yeah i don't believe you do give me some items come on come on never named hundred bits i got [ __ ] on by a bird today isn't that supposed to be good luck [Music] if i was that bird i'd [ __ ] on you too to be honest [Music] ready to turn the voiceover back on or is it eternally off i don't know chat no idea super soy milk spiders wow why isn't i still spread with tractor beam i guess they don't work together be nice that the spread was tight look at that got all them because of marbles suppose we could just we could use them dies go for an ultra secret room you missed a charged bomb band free arcade great watch me not use it could get a planetarium i don't think i have planetariums on a lock though i'm not sure you can still find them through the red doors [Music] there we go now we're talking blow up the blood banks for what reason all right i mean i have no choice but to go at this one but because we have the ability to what is that one called meat 26 what's 25 magic mush is 12. breakfast is 25 we know that one 24. is dessert 23 dinner 22 lunch 21 compass change baby could pay out that's true the battery baby you give me an item i'm gonna pop these we're at what 26 or something like that got to get down to like was it 15 was magic mush magic mush would be a huge play if we could do it don't waste your charges magic mosh will tell you big place i think he said 12 did i there's no way he's going to last that long what if he pays out the item that gives me battery charges never say never chat nine volt doesn't work with dim bulb it seems oh i i've got nine volt so i will never get the empty right right oh that's a fire oh i i don't get hurt by fires from pyro magic marsh is 12. well here it goes bethany with tear detonator is pretty busted especially when done in with co-op and soy milk interesting let's maybe just finish off the floors finish off the rooms rather blood bag turns into brimstone i had a analogist i think about it challenge room for charges we looking at the same map you have enough health to play the machines as the lost paid out with charged baby first baby 372 371. first of the tower baby no it wouldn't proc it wouldn't proc why not waste all of your lives on the blood machine that sounds like a really good idea nine lives just saying you guys are literally insane you give me so much [ __ ] about the like the tiny little decisions i make about like maybe this would give me a little bit more damage and you guys are like [ __ ] all your health jam your fist into your [ __ ] that could be fun you bring up a good point thanks chat i'd watch that i don't feel comfortable see how far you can put this needle in your eye hole items please i missed some stuff never name sorry charge bombs totally sound like a thing ed would add though like a bomb that actually explodes and hurts you if you try to pick it up and you have just spot a tiny pixel on the side as a warning also jam your fist into your [ __ ] that'd be fun well i mean if you insist says never named mom um i need you to pick me up thinking of needles will you get vaccinated i already had the first half the amount of uh misinformation going on about the vaccines is [ __ ] staggering didn't you know your balls fall off if you get a vaccine sounds like the most [ __ ] right wing [ __ ] i've ever heard item please turn into an alligator you're gonna turn into a frog which is we know we're all gay all right box or a bottle of pills 102 no 101 halo i can see your halo a low 869 damage [Music] nice i love how chat's actually like in a serious debate right now about like the frog genitalia thing perfect they're distracted they're fighting amongst themselves i can be at peace now all it took was frog genitalia duct tape engineer two months welcome back friendo appreciate it that's why i had a lot in them [Music] wow [Music] frogs are all gay trust me nick knows because next [ __ ] them all look out the split shots pull up you missed a double charged crackle a cracked black bone soul heart key bomb my god was that worth the time it took you to type that well you read it so yeah maxine is a trick to replace humans with androids that sounds dope i want to be a robot sign me up twice i developed glass bones and paper skin every morning i break my legs and every afternoon break my arms at night i lie awake and agony until my heart attack puts me to sleep that's pretty [ __ ] metal dude [Music] made it yo tainty boy he's got a cobweb on his head range is not bad actually lipstick is 31. if we get down to 12 30 is mom's heels 29 is underwears uh we're stuck at range huh range range or range uh uh wish me luck hudsluck i need to look now underwear gives flies oh [ __ ] i forgot about that that's luck what happens if you sneak behind the couch and go back to your room nothing let's do it do i took damage already i don't have zero idea how to dodge that laser attack [Applause] to ask me it's just not possible of jesus yo yo yo yo yo for the laser just go slow i'm doing it in the cutscenes we've seen them [Music] someone's like i haven't seen them remember how we're guppy and it works with the knife now remember how broken modem is so broken yeah nine volts cop blocked the uh the trinket there this might be kind of difficult to fight the final boss with with range issues quick head scratch so much damage in the flies i'm surprised these guys can take that much heat [Music] hmm whoa that was close so we had nowhere to go to dodge in that last one he's charged for stats now i got nine volt you guys just said that i'm gonna be close enough i think for the flies to proc nice didn't have to do the stupid uh other attack the laser [Music] he's done it ladies and gentlemen the sky above cracked open and a white bean that's a tough fight that is tougher smiting the mother of harlots first try by the way as the beast descended down into the lake of fire isaac ascended towards the guppy saved my ass so hard there he could see echoes of his past guppies saved me so badly his mother mourning the loss of her son he saw his father leaving them without turning to say goodbye he saw his mother sleeping nine lives responding the same room for that fight right right he heard the late night fights they had that kept him up at night and the guilt he felt for what he believed he was causing he felt the pain in his stomach during those sleepless nights and saw his shadow in the closet waiting for him as he rose he felt his fears drop from his body his shame his worry pulled from his being as he became lighter his ascent became faster happy that we have to do that again his one true companion alive and well he saw his mother and father together one true companion each other he felt his mother kissing him from the head after he had said his prayers not trying to make me cry yet when someone was watching over him he saw his own birth and the faces of his parents filled with joy and optimism and then he saw nothing are you sure this is how you want this story to end isaac you're the one writing it it doesn't have to end this way here how about we tell it a different way maybe a happy ending okay daddy good are you getting sleepy isaac was a superhero okay so then how did his parents giant dangle donger hungry souls appear in the basement what does hungry soul do hungry soul each time an enemy dies a friendly red soul appears will hunt down other enemies dealing contact damage which scales with your tear damage dang wow after five seconds the red soul explodes damn all right you guys let's do one last giveaway and then we're gonna call it huh how about it who's ready for more marbles we still have cdm on the keys or uh somebody else taking over edm is still here going strong champ let's do this thing three keys right three mountain mingle not yet you guys can't enter just yet all right now you can enter exclamation point play no rules on this bill thank you so much for 10 gifted subs that's amazing also opposite well if i missed that sub that you give to the jrkstv bill how's it going bill 10 flippin subs just like that since i haven't been keeping up with glasses and everything like that let's put them on for now i see my name's his clock three keys confirmed by cdm let's do this exclamation point play you guys we're giving away isaac so it's got the base game which is rebirth it's got all the dlc and repentance sir so i was told given to me by nicholas so thank you again to nicholas sponsoring this giveaway i suppose we would say look at that guy the mace guy's back maybe they also have a special one block nerd what was that thing that just bomb effect exclamation point play then all the marbles race to the finish line the person that gets to the finish line first wins the isaac plus all dlc and clinton repents key cdm will be whispering that key to you so pay attention am i in did you type exclamation point play then yes you're in i'm not going to go around to each one of these and find your your ass the hell was that noise who's putting noises on their [ __ ] now who did it who did it 556 can we hit 600 and then we'll start it's your mom just check for me please just just please just me just check all right let's check i didn't see it i want i ran through all of them i didn't i you might not have joined more for me sucker i'm there i know that i'm there i'm freaking red weird autumn thanks to the prime sub i appreciate it all right five four three two one i'm starting to now i'm not even waiting for 600. y'all are lazy how many people are just sitting there sideways like playing this [ __ ] on their phone they're like i can't bring up chat let's do this here we go i'm bumping away marbles so down the outside up through the middle somebody's already up through where'd they go they got caught oh man somebody's in a huge lead commanding lead calm tits very nice very nice name very very of the good for twitch calm twits going through the wang janglers came out on top just like the name implies [Music] keeping it calm oh calm tits got too calm [Music] i'm still coming out first though my name is cookie monster looks like uh you're competing for first [Music] zz top somehow pulled ahead [Music] through zz top in a close second zx cv bnm in a third place nope we got background demon that's fired out of the whole column tits still taking that lead spot palm tits against background deem at the moment going into the spinner you could get spin you're gonna get spun backwards which is really the play calm tits dove in head first but whoever gets spun backwards it's gonna be oh right there minecraft oh you you missed it oh you got a couple extra ones dr make oh my god just abs oh never mind never mind nope dead tv tango that was a a past winner elemental also just got screwed over so squishy is in so so cushy little sneak attack little sneak attack move there cdm just jumped off look at everyone just jumping off look at how many people are dying right here it's like a shower fall it's like it's a freaking i'm gonna get a shower and marbles right now i'm alive i'm alive i'm alive i made it yeah fox out and luca thank you so much the prime sub you guys three keys were given away we just gave one away to soquishi so quishy cdm will be talking to you in your whispers so answer that if you don't answer or if you want it to be re-rolled then we will do this all over again until we find a winner that wants it axl you better hurry up the wall is coming oh well don't hurry up like that nope hold on let's do rusty remnant i've never done this one before won't let me at cdm anymore says clock [Music] exclamation mark play now now's the time [Music] you stop making kissy faces at me you're making me uncomfortable a little corkscrew action going on here looks like fun into the great pokeball of pain a gentle spinner we have any heat pins where's the danger these heat pins nope normal pins more normal pins more normal pins pump up the beats eat pins at the end oh man you're gonna make it all the way to the end just to get thrown off [Music] i go through the poke ball [Music] what song is this it's a good one it's edge of the world by karma fields 500 people then i'm sending it [Music] 500 people exclamation point plays all you got to type you can do this on mobile or anything type it into the chat exclamation point [Music] play winning a binding of isaac plus all dlc steam key [Music] i tried it on a potato i wouldn't work cuts you should just call them what they are android phones we don't need to call them potatoes all right five four three two one go it has to be a sweet potato [Music] that's a good plinko one people actually plinko sir bentz and lux for all unspoken voices also in a close second third second third sir bent got bent off at the uh the pins my name is cookie monster back in it angry about the last time unspoken voices also up in front and then everybody [ __ ] else unspoken voices is looking good looking very good [Music] not a very good dismount from unspoken voices getting caught up oh google stir just i don't i don't even know what to say i'm embarrassed for you dot a call [Music] bell view up to the the corkscrews oh that looks super cool a call coming out great dismount fun time also in it bellevue into the pokeball pain first oh we got people that just shot at the bottom unspoken voices back in it quickity clackety a couple extra in there waffle smacker typhoon igot [Music] waffle smacker coming out keys to the cat oh keys the guy got caught up gaming fish no waffle smacker back in it shadow wolf in a close second lucky shale not so lucky today waffle smacker and shadow wolf came from the shadows waffle smackers still somehow pulled out first again [Music] it got caught up in the on the pins though dio over heaven chan the man's the only one going top top route right now getting those free boosts soaking up those boosts the dio versus shan the man [Music] can the man's got to do this though and then pyro fish is gonna be uh boosting to the finish and the man you better hurry up and the man's gonna jump it chan the man jumped it chan the man is going through heat pins some are other cosibi passing ocb's got it in the bag it's all cosibi it's always been chan the man taking a second place let's let's watch the heat pins oh tofu duck goodbye so many people just going going to the moon goodbye marble space program i was first there for a bit this fun time yep i saw you [Music] green kibble [Music] some people getting boosted up and then landing right back on to the map [Music] marlo malo made it dollo court i don't know what you did wrong oh you're still stuck in the little swirly thing what are you doing [Music] there we go there we go [Music] go cb check your whispers mandala cart oh no [Music] back in it dollar court yo [Music] and done and when when when why don't i just become a full-time marvel streamer we just have like giveaways every single week banned for being last [Music] let's do let's end with a fun one [Music] where's the one i was looking for [Music] i was looking for portal purgatory last key i think win win win win win [Music] portal purgatory guys go into a portal you pop out a random one and people are just gonna be firing through the portals until someone finally finds the right portal and it'll eat them i think from here and it goes and then you gotta try to do or all the way into here this is gonna be an absolute [ __ ] show and you know what i think it's only right to watch it from the bucket we're gonna watch from the bucket [Music] maybe like side bucket shot like this let's be a good shot this is a fun one i want to see a lot of people joining [Music] i miss your bits midwesterner i'm sorry thanks for 100 bits flashbacks to being in first and needed right at the end [Music] i'm like hungry right now i'm like looking at these meatballs i'm like i bet you they're not that bad sorry coley i didn't mean to wake you up look at her she's all frazzled like uh yeah that was my treat bag [Music] so yeah static shocked on everything now stream deck gotta reset there we go all right let's do this i'm ready start it see if anyone can uh nail the bucket all right everyone's going through the plinko right now but that looks dope from here cool like an hourglass let's do it it has begun save a lot going for it missed i fired not missed main kitty missing oh look at that blue cat blue cat pulls it off i have no idea how you did that that might have been a hop skip and a bounce most everybody else is just dying though miserably there's pain there's pain everywhere look at this look at all the pain my name is cookie monster just lift the ball absolute madness cdm i saw you take a a slip done ah hell's quick gg blue cat gg boost boost must been the boost oh probably is the boost second place pain got second
Channel: Hutts 2
Views: 110,343
Rating: 4.8952537 out of 5
Keywords: hutts, gaming, channel, second, stream, streaming, twitch, Afterbirth, repentance, the binding of isaac repentance, easter eggs, greed mode, greedier mode, Rebirth, delirium, Let's play, lets play, lets play binding of isaac, fail, win, mods, brimstone, modding, beat the game, mother, dogma, beast, final, indie, best items, devil, angel, secret room, how to find secret room, keeper, secret, character, unlock
Id: eFNp2FWsL8U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 120min 22sec (7222 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 05 2021
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