First Stream, First WIN - Slay The Spire [The Silent]

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is that it it's a thousand I'm gonna wait till it updates totally but all right just just one still says 999 okay it doesn't even say it doesn't say it oh I'm in the middle of a run do I continue that run yes here we go hello again remove a card from my deck lame max HP plus 7 lame lose max HP s-- transform 2 cards lose your starting relic obtained random boss relic let's transform 2 cards here which one to be not excited about probably the 2 strikes slice and predator this predator deal 15 damage draw two more cards next turn it's like last-ditch effort if we're thinking about it as the silence mr. bones gets it a sub 2 taters the potato a thousand it says a thousand specifically so here goes aspire crew unite there's gonna be so many people that are not here they're gonna be pissed about not being here you know I mean for those who don't know this game it's a card building game you go through fights and fights and fights and every time you win a fight you get to add a card to your deck every time you lose if let me die you start over with a brand new deck that's the same for every character I mean like if character has its own starting bed and then there's a tax there's things that give you thing called block that only lasts one turn and then there's powers and and other skills that you can use to poison enemies or make yourself stronger give yourselves strength and I'm just gonna jump into it pretend that you guys know a little bit and if you don't you'll pick it up real quick back up to a thousand subs by the way you know what the shitty part about this as though we hit a thousand subs by next stream will be back down in 907 sum them up and get back up so what am i eating all these chips for I don't know I'm it's pretty easy game to get the hang up hard to master I'd agree with that I still make blatant mistakes but [Music] what's your opinion I like this game a lot its addicting [Music] there's so much spicy power at the bottom of this that does it [Music] while you were gone I got an apartment nice generic name that's exciting good thing I can sub for free with my parents Amazon Prime I need to go wash my hands and cry a little bit I'll be right back [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] ah I'm sorry I disappeared so suddenly but I'm not doing ok mouth wise ah Wow thank you guys for getting me to a thousand subs again this but this is real I try to minimize combat as the silent in the first zone minimize combat maximize question marks rest spaces and chests and possibly shops to build a deck because there's no healing yourself so if you take on bosses and you lose your health you're gonna die glad you're back what did i just miss i just ate the rest of this Pocky ghost pepper chip probably a third of the bag left since we started the night oh I did it because you guys donated so much flippin money oh also got me back to a thousand subs which is awesome lovie you know the stream title commands and [ __ ] maybe one of you guys already did it maybe you already did it now I'm just say the spy okay you did it it's spots on it right now awesome thank you okay so here's the deal we have a couple of special cards right now one being survivor gained eight block discard a card block is good for one turn only I'm thinking discarding a card actually can be very good you can have bad cards you can have cursed cards so having a card that'll discard a card is kind of nice if you can get rid of some [ __ ] it's 12 HP over here this guy's gonna do five damage to me I need to block it thirty-two health on this acid slime he's gonna do something strategic we don't know but it's not gonna necessarily hurt me but it might weaken me although this is true first act is the best place to take on elites second and third act elites escalate difficulty and would advise avoiding them I always die though first round if I do that I don't know I've never made it past the third round though third level actually I did I did beat it as the the first guy I'm still trying to figure out the silence it's very difficult new tattoo happy dance sharing the celebration via sub thank you symbol ish send me a tweet of the picture of the TAT unless it's like on someplace that I shouldn't be looking alright we can go ahead and weaken this guy but like it's not that big of a deal since I'm gonna depend v anyways I mean you know what to defend it that's the thing I shouldn't have defended because we were gonna kill him anyways but I didn't have another strike so all in all it didn't matter Chino the spire God he not saying I think I do is right all I meant was Jesse he weakened me so I did 25% less damage not saying anything I do is right but I do it because that's what I think maybe will do me good at this point I'm [Music] I always take away too much damage when I don't have a good deck but I do have a good deck and everything's much better looking don't worry about it so energy energy here we only have three energy that means that we can only use three energy worth of cards every card is a cost in the upper left that is the energy costs we'd like to just kill us to block that tenth damage coming in after every time you kill something to get gold you potentially get a potion one of three can be held and you get to add a card to your deck escape plan draw one card if the card is a skill game three block and one can be have very many skills dagger throw deal 9 damage is a lot deal one card discard one card is our draw one card rather poison stab 5 damage apply 3 poison I'm thinking dagger throw or poison stab poison stab is good 3 poison it deals 3 damage then it goes down to 2 then it goes down to 1 so you have any potential addition of 6 damage on top of that number 3 poison stab is good so I feel like with the silent you can go heavy on poison you can also go heavy on your discard game so like you get cards that'll like for every card that's been discarded this turn you get the deal 7 damage and that's super good it's like a broken build I am like freezing I'm gonna go get a coat [Music] I do with my blanket too so maybe we'll do both at some point this game is very good it is good it's just really intensity kind of to like pay attention to what's going on and I found through a few games now so I have dabbled but I haven't even locked everything for this character yet so pulling a spire hey man if I keep playing this over and over maybe we'll get to the point where we do some pulling the spire do I want to block all the damage kind of want to get a poison stab off take one damage block Ted he doesn't love him get that poison off when I can don't need to block anything because he's not gonna attack me for anything so I think that dealing 15 damage drawing two more cards the next turn to be the best they do here he's gonna be dead anyway there is twitch integration says CDM I don't know if I'm good enough for that and I don't even know how to set that up he's got 10 he needs to take let's see here eviscerate costs one less for each card discarded this turn deal six damage three times that's 18 damage and if we had if we were really really strong in our discard game eviscerate would be a guarantee but I'm thinking flying me gain extra energy in the next turn after dealing eight damage skewer could be good but it uses all of your all of your energy up and do I ever have a single round where I have a bunch of excess energy and don't need to block that really it's easy to set take five minutes you can h mu and I'll walk you through it if you like I think we just reintroduced the game now we just play through one round without the twitch integration I'm not ready for that no way no how [Music] I'm thinking flying me as a starter skewer could be super good I suppose there's no reason there's no need to block if you can kill somebody I say flying first time playing slightest fire milk [Music] I mean whenever I'm here for you bro maybe milk for that mouth and stomach I did drink some milk when I went upstairs um I don't need any of those things I could have him remove one of my strikes or blocks to just kind of get rid of the boring cards and make more way for the interesting cards but I've done that before and actually went really well did I do it right now ma ma get appreciate that it's cheaper than the shop it is cheeping the shop light on Randy Curtis if anything removed but what would I have him removed oh you know maybe I should save up my money for the next shop free peace pipe you cannot remove cards from your deck at breast sight so there we go we don't worry about removing cards although I do want to use my rest stops to upgrade let's see here as you walk into the room you hear a gurgling and the grinding noises of metals before you is a slime like creature that ate too much scrap for its own good from the center of the creature you see glints of strange light perhaps something magical it looks like you could maybe get some treasure if you just reach decided it's opening however the acid and sharp objects may hurt ouch all you find is corroded metal and bits of burning pain however you're still convinced as a relic loose for hp-35 or saying find a relic oh all you find is corroded metal and a bit of burning pain whose 5hp success we've yet first time you lose HP draw three cards yes [Music] toque upgrade would we upgrades 20 damaged instead of 15 damaged on the predator a free 8 damage slice it's pretty good but I usually at this point in time I will upgrade neutralized because getting the ability to do a two-week that lasts to 2 turns it's actually really good for zero I was trying to figure out how to do the bits thing I'm so happy to finally catch you honest REMS again also its mama there we go now it's capitalized the appropriate way mama G and the letter G 3 times thank you mama appreciated 200 bits now slice or stab Y neutralize apply week times 2 you can kind of like if someone's plate blocking or doing something you can take that turn to weaken them for the next turn it's not worth it if it hasn't paid out by the third yes predator everything I would ever pick predator I birthday did a cup I'm just I'm curious to know what you guys think but dad stop sticking your hand in there and where I usually spam opinions at this point but I don't know this game 20 damage is so good though over 15 on a Predator card which I probably won't use all that often because I'll be too busy blocking and [ __ ] so there upgrade neutralize or slice 8 damage for free is really good I think slice well screw you guys I think neutralize all right Chino says boss Chino says boss and there's a fire right after in case we need to heal so you know what you know it's try it out I think century is not so bad we're doomed what do they do what do they buff themself with centuries I think they maybe give me confusion cards I'm gonna poison with AIDS [ __ ] but they're gonna block it with their artifacts so let's maybe just get it out of the way have one of them block one actually you know what flying knee may be better getting extra energy in the next turn and I want to block all of that damage coming in aim for one at the end to take out first through you have more manageable damage to block against aim for wannabe 8:8 damage [Music] right he did not get affected by that this is gonna hurt 10 damage to all enemies is it worth it these my explosive potion well maybe this is why I don't do champions off the bat Chino god damn it I'm gonna lose in the first goal and we're screwed I can actually play locked aesthetic damage coming in [Music] strike focus on one enemy I could have poisoned one enemy seven damaged I could get rid of people and go blocking eight every turn instead of sixteen every other turn you can block eight but not 16 a tabata see I got nothing but days that's what this strategic does though so we're still taking damage focus one guy pretty much did [Music] we have four you can use everything so instead of trying to block that eight damage we just kill him but we still block [Music] I figured I wouldn't waste the poison damage I would hit one guy with the poison damage comeback from later that worked out quite well [Music] you're done Yasu bracelets regular enemy combats are no longer encountered in question mark brooms obtain a random potion exhaust outmaneuver I think outmaneuver here all-out attack deal 10 damage to all enemies discard one card at random discard one card at random actually sounds really good all-out attack I thought all attack did something differently there's 10 damage to all enemies for one price it's a lot but outmaneuver is really good though how come eyes Plus is good just cause 0 then it's just like a random potion might be super good might be nothing I do alchemist getting potions can save you yes but getting potions could save you if you're not good enough to save yourself it's a random potion yeah I'll attack got buffed yesterday technically it did something different yesterday you did something different yesterday I swear to God I'm not gonna try to backseat you too hard but in tougher fights I'll lend my experience all an attack is better now it used to be one less draw updated today that's how I'm saying it is but a lot of the potions are good yeah it also gets exhausted take out maneuver or all-out this one I've had really good experiences with it doesn't help you currently and can leave you open to really getting messed up if you don't have enough cards to really get an attack or a defense artifact potion it is a lot but the potions are good that sucks then all right everyone I'm dying I'm gonna go to bed good night now it's off maybe go for alchemist plus you guys are pushing hard this one [Music] I'll try it I'll try it I'll trust with you all are saying maybe go for alkalis plus right now cost is zero it's still exhausts but for poison would be pretty sick to that woods [Music] whenever you have no cards in your hand draw a card that's really good that could really come in handy too if we go for a strong discard a strong discard run now Chino would probably tell me to go for the boss fight yeah I would go question mark roam all day all day every day three question marks hopefully get some cards maybe some upgrades question mark question mark groom status fire nope this is actually uh Isaac in Zelda mod equestrian mark question mark because it jozu bracelet isn't it sometimes okay to fight people here though kunai every time you play three attacks in a single turn gain one dexterity it's like fighting a boss without having to fight a boss I got an artifact anyways make your way down a long corridor you see a banana a donut in a box floating about no upon closer inspection they are tied two strings coming from holes in the ceiling there's a quite cackling from above you as you approach the objects what do you do I want to go for relic I can remove cards at a rest site the old 21 HP would actually be really good too because I am low lower than I'd like to be [Music] Relic go banana go box go banana full-hp normally I get the box every time but normally sucks a huge one if you get it remove it ASAP unplayable at the end of your turn lose one HP for each card in your hand go all out box happy flower yeah buddy every three turns gain one energy come down you got the peace-pipe man ah [ __ ] ah balls you got me good man you got me good I don't even have two blocks well this is gonna blow Sparky game gifted a sub to Polly Merck I appreciate that you guys are still getting subs even after the fact that we've hit a thousand regret for not taking the doughnut next turn aimed some energy [Music] this guy's gonna make himself more powerful so I need to go here friend sooner I feel like I probably killed him hate damage cuz this guy he armored up and if I that's 13 damage this is gonna do 11 so he's not gonna die officially so it's to be smart about this do 6 on him and after that it's not gonna matter [Music] where's my Alchemist a sub for me can I love you hit both of them this turn to eliminate their curl [ __ ] dude though five damage that's tumbler 9 forget about the Elevens [Music] I could weaken one guy though no let's just go for it finish him up and then survive well it's so much energy log though oh that's right we gain cards because of the top that's such a good item I love that especially man we need to go for a high high high energy runs because the problem with outmaneuver and the high kick and stuff is that you get so much energy that you can't actually spend all your cards but with the top more energy you just keep funneling cards out of your hand it's glorious this predator I really don't like it I don't like any to cost cards I don't like them top is great [Music] health is not where I want to be them so we I'd have to remove a card or heal ourselves not so good I'm thinking piercing wall here piercing whale that can really get you out of a sticky situation seven damaged one week it's eight damaged one card could be good let's forget that I have top so I end my turn with extra energy and see that cards are coming and I cry maybe out numeral show up later I'm sure it will maybe at a shop or something do the whale whale thinking whale losing six strength just means that everybody loses essentially six damage for one turn this upgraded whale do six damage for two turns because that would be extremely powerful sucker punch if you can get rid of an attack card wael is good for multi-hit enemies wail on him the obscure it gets up here to eight still gonna do it find loot you've come across a dead adventurer on the floor he was shot in the me multiple times his pants had been stolen also it looks as though he's been gouged and trampled by a horned beast though its possessions are still intact you're in no mind to find out what happened here it can summon an elites I wouldn't I might be able to get stuff for free though you're at low health you gotta want it don't know why they steal his pants [Music] do it do it no balls I'm lady wasn't gonna hurt didn't get a single flippin block you're it's my regret just in time 26 can I kill him no 6 block regrets really not good [Music] I can't finish him off you're kidding me you're no his poisons gonna finish him off good good though barely barely enemy loses X strength apply X week exhaust malaise I'm thinking prepared I'm thinking prepared especially since we have curses I kind of need to heal up sucks at the curse counts itself as a card malaise I've never used this card ever what are you playing it's a card deck building game it's a roguelike though malaise is cool but prepared all the way prepared malaise is a permanent damage down permanence loses ex strength permanently malaise is flipping insane making enemies lose perma strength is super helpful prep is generally better I'm try what you guys want but I have a feeling I'm gonna die the first round by doing this I'd like to talk but I need health I can't fight the boss in 28 it like will not happen this is why I do not fight any of the champions in the first round I warned y'all I warned y'all now we're [ __ ] [Music] toke it up you mean that malaise off the bat girl can you make it innate regrets killing me here two more cards the next round sounds nice but three dommage [Music] I don't know if he actually cast any buffs on me so the artifact they could probably save that [Music] Liuzza's X strength is that three damage times six yeah so if I malaise him that means zero damage yes good [Music] the ladies right now it's so powerful I'm shattered I'm always right wait like that [ __ ] too damaged get out of here oh he was gonna do a buff there I probably should've popped my agent I don't know if a burning car is actually above though [Music] 1 times 2 is just one block flying me excellent the next turn vernazza said it's not a diva [Music] Wow really killing me smalls [Music] of course it takes it from my HP and not like flipping shield dick chinos babying Hutt's confirms I'm still learning this is pool I'm gaining health was it necessary to use that I don't know maybe not I could have saved it because we're gonna be full health in the next round anyways [Music] what I really want is that card that applies poison at every turn - it's good [Music] please win me a silent run I've never won as the silent completely I have won as the other guy [Music] it's your shitty burns out of my face burn plus holy cow it's not what it was see doesn't matter if I use defends if I have the ability to use defense our shows not even bother [Music] you can only stream for another 18 minutes and you have to end it right away stream for exactly 4:20 all right that's all the way in for us [Music] these burdens are really fun I'm having a good time with them it's great she's not health nice though dude [Music] No I really want that apply poison damage to everybody card [Music] then you upgrade it to three poisoned damage and everybody just keeps getting more and more and more and more damaged as time goes on it's a beautiful thing [Music] noxious fumes that's the one noxious fumes plus is what I've made it the farthest arms yikes yikes man ah oh you better die real quick let's see here eight eleven if I explode him he dies next round I'm gonna win anyway if it's not [Music] burn burn burn burn burn burn a home like god I was almost right six damage that's it and then I take 8 plus 18 I could wail up which would knock that down to zero and I would only take eight next rounds he was six plus two that'd be a be down to one hell I'll have two strikes oh I do i oh [ __ ] whatever you play a skill deal three damage to random enemy this turn your next skill is played twice deal 13 damage to all enemies and exhaust I don't like any of these things kind of thing in Wraith form every single time we block will deal three damage three damage three damage if we just sat there poison enemies blocked it up stopped all the damage from coming in eventually everyone would die but it takes an entire turn for me to be able to do that third one is the best I don't think any exhaust would be the best this turn your next skill is played twice why what what skill of my wanting to play it twice right because I spend one to play that I could do a double survivor but I'd need two cards to exhaust Alchemy's I could get that twice Malee's I suppose I could I could if I'm lucky enough burst the malays first Plus is very strong light game double potions I can have to open potion slots ever 30 damage plus times to draw for I don't even know what you're saying discarded on empty hand bursts malaise doesn't work because it uses all the energy in the first one okay well then that's [ __ ] that was the only reason that would want to take burst is to burst malaise and if it doesn't work it doesn't work that means the only thing I'm lazing is piercing whale or alkalis or or a block double x cards works now siz Paulie it's been it's been patched I highly recommend I die dice is Chino third card is good only once per combat but that's 13 damage to all enemies for a single energy Chino says die die die it's been it's been patched I could burst malaise then I've never I've never taken die die die here's the thing though I I have a way of doing things and I've gotten really far and I've done really really well now I'm reaching out of my comfort zone and I'm taking a certain amount of cards that I've never taken before if I keep taking cards I've never taken before there's no control group and I'm not gonna know which card who's responsible for burying me it's been so long hello sis and keeper six months in a row what is up hope of coin gained energy at the start of each comment you can no longer gain gold no start of each combat you can no longer obtain potions I would generally take so zoo and be excited about it but the fact that I have a car that specifically gives me potions I'd be an idiot mini house is stupid mini house is the equivalent of like you can have one Oreo now or two Oreos later and we're taking one Oreo now ectoplasm is best here gold how many things have I bought at a shop that have been amazing tons of stuff I'm salty about the fact that we have tawny house defend Plus oh go on energy potion over an artifact maybe how many just card cards do we have we need to be strong in our discard game game we only have one discard card because this one if this is free eight damage if we have the ability to discard and we currently do not we need jack-of-all-trades plus big-time gold is very important unless you already have a lot +5 HP is always nice max HP is like never really fazed me in any way shape or form so zu would be good but it would completely remove the effectiveness of Alchemist which we spent a lot of time getting and then upgrading a lot of effort rather I'm almost thinking dodge and roll I'm not liking any of these options dodge and roll pluses decent how sick having lots of HP is when you only have like 40 I'm thinking uh I wish we had a strong discard game but there's no game there's no guarantee that we're gonna have that later on and I'm almost thinking draw one card er8 damages a lot but skip isn't options squirrely Prime's up but it's up I don't ever take dodging roll maybe I should just take dodging roll should I continue watching you or play enter the gungeon see now that's just not a fair question when everyone says like should I continue watching you or go watch someone else or go play a game I mean you know what I would like to say quick slash is great I'd go slash or skip I like the idea of drawing cards in case I really don't have like a way to handle that situation and because of that steak energy potions like if I don't if I need a block and I don't have a block I can attack them with that and then draw a card and cross my fingers at the block now this is the point in time when I would go max rest points to upgrade my cards try to sneak in a shop if at all possible minimize boss fights they sound good but there's so much better as the other character then as the silence they're just not good as a sound so what do we do here we go Bing Bing no Bing question mark question mark shop question mark fire question mark question mark this guy fire question mark question mark question mark guy fire [Music] we have jozu so question marks are super good super good but yeah upgrading cards is what I would like to have gaining cards and upgrading them or transfer transforming them this guy's going to put a buff on me that anytime I use anything other than an attack card he hits me right in the jig I don't like that kind of thing leave my dick alone that means I can't block without gaining a dazed card [Music] blaze and laser taser al-khansa Asia jerk I'm a jerk because I don't number him that guy's name he's still does 16 damage I think I got to do this that's [ __ ] that's a load of balls die die die 13 damage one enemy better than six goodbye it's gonna hurt but shows at our jerks this is the chosen he's a huge ass look at how many days I got oh I can't carry many portions up [ __ ] me that's my bad was completely my bed poison would be nice predator might be nicer and how about no predator flying knee poison stabs [Music] just I don't like ever ever ever ever ever losing health is this guy I need to get that card please I don't need any of this other [ __ ] play it if you got it I guess what I really need is that ability that causes yikes your energy to roll over that might be the best thing that's ever existed Leeloo usually be little loop [ __ ] days man hurt me ice cream is so good [Music] we just kill them off in the apartment fail me at Neapolitan flavored a little bit sucking done you done we dead to me crippling poison it's so good besides the fact that it costs to who were you thinking me star l+ yeah six and six is super good prepared is good but prepared plus would be better I think Dodger all plus that's what I'm thinking it's already upgraded though crippling poison five poison five week is good but twenty-five percent less damage of the tax number ones is CDM I'm here I swear to Sparky just go to bed man and what time does the stream Isaac Tuesday Thursdays 3 p.m. Central sometimes in the weekend or off days maybe but maybe not [Music] it's hexa doll I don't think you guys have a real confident opinions on this one so I'm just gonna go ahead and select the edge and role I think we need a few more blocks in her repertoire [Music] in front of you sits an altar off' to a forgotten God top the altar sits an ornate female statue with arms outstretched I wish I had to go she calls out to you demanding sacrifice [ __ ] sucks man I really wish I had that golden idol remember the question marks are good because you have the Zhu Zhu Zhu Zhu bracelet Zhu Zhu five max that's so much health [Music] gremlin is madly shuffling cards in a table the monster seems to be harmless one I like the gremlin 12 cards match them up match them to keep them five tries no do-overs all you ready let's start or I'm gonna need y'all's help which one numbers 1 through 12 go you only lose 12 and you have fires coming yes but I wanted to use the fires to upgrade all of my cards Chino you and I are not on the same page I'm doing ok though we're doing ok 3 okay let's go with the first one here Spock out at first 7 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Squad is a member of the FBI confirmed [Music] Wraith forum is a boss card that I gave up who's next I see smelly platypus is for and CDM says three did that one five from Tyler so four and five for jack-of-all-trades is not the one that he needed that's I said the wrong the wrong way Bane neutralized injury [ __ ] that [Music] free card free card and a free rate form whenever you play a skill deal three damage we have skill skill skill skill skill skill skill so that's good because that allows us to be able to just focus on blocking and still do damage but as I said it takes a whole turn to do that so shot times Oh [Music] whenever you would receive five or less unblocked attack reduce its damage to one oh really good excuse me whenever you obtain a curse increase your max HP does that work right now for the curses that I already have cuz I've got two of them no I didn't take the last one I had one of them I'm thinking Tori here Tori draw three cards could be amazing but we don't need that necessarily with the unceasing top we're gonna have an unlimited supply of cards essentially [Music] card removal service for regret Batory man we can't oak it all we can peace pipe it we peace pipe it's Tory's so good master of strategy win it's a spooky game we peace pipe the curse we're avoiding that we're avoiding fighting people anyways is entire around get Torian peace pipe it's a good idea campfire for health fell we're gonna see like three campfires or more yon ah end of your turn retained at the one card this no no I don't think that one this one upgraded it's pretty good but it story that good it's what I would do all my money goodbye so long farewell thanks for all the fish so so long farewell thanks for all the fish choose to bracelet oh no an odd creature with a hunched back sprouting several tentacles is scrounging through a pile of trash and debris in front of you as you approach she shuffles towards you in a non-threatening manner no loss hungry feeding a LOF lose the juzu bracelet gain a new special relic lose Centennial puzzle for some you lose HP draw three cards [Music] Neela's gift is nice [Music] give the puzzle [Music] bye-bye puzzle give puzzle math puzzles okay the extra cards I find are extremely helpful but I don't know what this guy's gonna give me so juzu could prevent you from getting surprised enemies I know I know holding the relic out towards him lost scratches it snatches it out of your hand with his tentacles dislocated it says jaw and slurps down your offer in one quick golf gulp he gives you a large toothy grin as more tentacles appear from behind his cloak these ones brandishing an impossibly neat looking box he pushes it towards you until you take it triples the chance of receiving rare cards as monster rewards that sounds awesome [Music] alright first things first I think we took away our regrets I could wait on it but it's just gonna slowly eat away the rest of my health we might lose more help than we really gained from a fire and we only have two more flights to go well no we have zero flights to go until a nice fire heal then say hi to learn for me we'll do five months in a row for Big Momma chunker I appreciate the name sky in the city you notice a wall covered in them writing ancients [Music] upgrade all strikes and defends that's awesome okay we don't need to remove a card because we just did that we are yes okay fine good all right I like that that's a lot I saw the first option of removing a card for free and I was like no i could have upgraded something hell yeah we're fine this is good good news for me before allows you an elaborate shrine to an ancient spirit gained 100 gold or become cursed and gained two fitty you know I've definitely done this before right you get another regret but that was only when my discard game was tiny chests 30 gold 10% more likely to find treasure in question mark groans I'm totally cool with me to gain more [ __ ] it's I'm thinking we got a rest here what could i smith though like what's what are my options here deal 5 damage for every skill played that be so [ __ ] good that would be pretty good 2x plus 1 it's talking to cut it 5 damage for every single time we play a skill so that means that we block block block 15 block 15 damage in a single turn when do you get that 30 a 30 point swing like never I'm thinking about doing instead of healing I got a tiny chest and I can put in my tiny house that's so true where's my synergies rathe is expensive it is but if you crank it out the rest of the time you can focus on blocking where are we going you only have one more fight and then we'll heal then before the final boss maybe they're also going to be gaining decks while you are blocking am i why am i gaining dexterity while i block have a thing every time you play three attacks in a single turn gain ones dexterity but this doesn't count as an attack too bad it is not innate true wraith doesn't activate kunai right exactly wraith with me and flower it's fine I'm gonna do it if I die I die I could have like you know preventing myself from dying I could just heal myself here and if I have the ability to upgrade the card after this last battle [Music] that's it at my trap card kunai with chain didn't didn't didn't didn't did do I want to get jaxxed gained two strength for free you guys do jacks you know his trade Jack's right isn't there another question mark ability that you give jacks for something else upgrade at both fires kappa pass don't forget to update rate form later if I'm dead then I need to heal myself but get Jax is good the last unknown five five six double butt Club thank you so much my friend welcome back Jax is nice plus the drug dealer don't get it you can but it cost life so it's a waste draw until then you can give it to the addict the drug addict what do I get when I give it to the drug addict [Music] I don't have a clear yes or no do you guys take this or do you not I feel like it's better used as the other character but a rare relic I'm gonna go strong on my question mark game so high chance of running into that bastard right I always get blood vial take it no I'm just saying I'm going heavy on my question marks take it and just don't use it if I can if I can manage life yes I can't heal regularly no I feel like I should save my money though if you survive the boss it sucks drugs are great the next one's gonna be a drug dealer are the drug addicts good thing I saved my money huh whenever you apply poison apply one additional poison I don't really have time any poisons didn't to your turn retain one card outmaneuver could be pretty good it's on sale as well steal 5 damage for free add X random colorless cards into your hand and exhaust I can't afford that non boss chest now also contained cards I'm like I might run into a lot of chests swift strike I'd get out maneuver to be honest that's I'm kind of thinking that we have got some we got some big hitters here that we're gonna need some extra extra juice for predator being one of them Wraith form if we could afford those things that'd be good plus extra extra energy is gonna be really really good because we have the fact we have the unceasing top you know and it's super cheap I would like this mummified hand that would be good but maybe a regen potion so cheap we still have any curses we got rid of it that's it need the energy in here these guys yeah by well-laid plans I'm not sure I'm really gonna have any cards though to save well well laid plans would be super nice given the fact that like if I have the ability to give myself extra to extra stuff in the next turn but I also have Wraith form in my hand at the same time and I got to choose between one of the other I could just save Wraith form when when I do have I could just continually save Wraith form until I have enough stuff to use it and it's free it's a zero maybe save malaise as well and if plus it's 69 cents I like that idea it cost zero but it does take up your car son of a dick son of penis that's all my money I didn't have to find anybody I could have just given it to him I told you I'm going strong in my question mark game goddamn it I'm gonna still do this the start of each combat at a random call this card into your hand that doesn't necessarily help me at all cheaper than Jax but it give me a rare relic I'll just [ __ ] sucks guess I'm healing free shuffle your cards into your shuffle your discard pile into your draw pile sweet [Music] [Music] I don't damage them I'm not going to damage them that's the problem here I can block all day long but they're just gonna lay it on thick I don't have any money [ __ ] it let him lay it on thick how about that they're not gonna steal anything that they can't hurt me more rare relics he gives are so so anyway die energy + malaise well why would I why would I malaise them to make them do seven damage each fro delicious thank you so much this six months in a row welcome back hate these bastards but you have no gold you also have energy potions at a card that gives you potions you'll be worthless if you don't use them thinking I should damage them all yeah but I still think I need to defend him and I'll save die die die [Music] I need to get those defense back I think and then immediately burn it good oh good so you'd use an energy potion to die die die probably energy is safer bosses or elites it's too late for that where were you five seconds ago squad [Music] I wouldn't it's too late even my potion Cardon I'm ready for it six block eight blocks Leeloo a block a block a block a block this blows man 15 can I kill him yeah [Music] he's not gonna attack next round doesn't even [ __ ] matter what about seven energy Malays still would have taken damage so he's gonna block which means I want to pour it on thick poisons not gonna really do anything out maneuver next round to finish him off would probably be smart the flying kicked to gain more energy with the predator to give myself more cards to use it that more energy to finish him off hard to retain none I think we handled this really really well got our explosive potion back should I use Wraith for right now do I even have enough to kill him I don't have enough to kill him without using my Wraith form which I actually have to do now I think I have it fair enough check that [ __ ] out you want to know how its Dillon boy Bane isn't not is not good because we don't have poison game prepared better I guess like sweep be pretty ok by two weeks 12 blocks because we have high energy gain right now prepared or skip like soup could come in handy legsweep is poppin man Joe go to bed you're fine it's 1:20 in the morning let's just hurry up and die shall we what we're gonna do here we're gonna upgrade Wraith form three energy next turn though fourteen two cards draw two cards we be at a positive a net positive four cards I'm just saying I gotta go with this it really should be an age at that point in time I was hoping I was gonna get her out the back she was an attack from your draw pile and place it into your hands held what happened here that's an attack that I need Wraith forms of power you dick [Music] save that I guess or something else kind of want to just get rid of its owner I have to pull it off later [Music] it's a good little startup look we're not pleased with the cards that I have something about doing a quick slash as well and then a Dodge and roll so I could guarantee six-block in the next turn without you wasting entering any energy at all got to get the Malays man now it doesn't matter if I [ __ ] oh I got a discard that now good oh good I should have done that too energy I can malaise him twice garbage [Music] music is loud you know it does seem like the sounds are a little loud 18 damage good at X random called his cards into your hand exhaust we [ __ ] did don't use that now did a little do did a little do did a little doo doo doo doo doo doo I mean we could just use it and just say [ __ ] it a little easy [ __ ] it your goes for trying you guys take out the minions first or you focus on the collector I think I think the minions are gonna do too much damage to us his Hut's dead we could have had such as a better start there check out the minions maybe I want even two more [Music] and four locks but to vulnerable [Music] upgrade all of your cards for the rest of combat exhaust yes please all of your cards for all of them in my entire deck yes is that correct can we can we agree upon this that it is correct use it now then [Music] we're screwed but [Music] no block oh good I didn't want a block I did not want to block good cube Lex Huebel ex-prime cell welcome my friend a path saved you [Music] welcome 27 damaged a little ooh beautiful babe with her save outmanoeuvre sir I would also use the explosive pot it really gained me anything at this point in time Swift card draw three cards only that currently your deal 5 damage by blocking and we need to keep blocking Caleb Richardson prime sub what's up Caleb welcome we're kind of getting smooshed on right now [Music] he was a lot worse before his nerve you are by out three each is just that's a little much for me [Music] so he sees everything well howdy I might as well just use it all don't you think [Music] two week is good [Music] oh yeah burn in hell my lights back card [Music] man [ __ ] that ability 23 all Malays though I got a block Malaysia he does - for damage which would be 19 damage which would leave me at a total of nine damage [Music] [Music] just block as much as possible block as much as possible [Music] save my Malays for next turn maybe alt maneuver into Malays next turn [Music] it's still it's not going to it's not going to help me survive if I knock him down five damage he is still going to murder me I'd survive her outmaneuver dodge and roll I'll try it I'll see what happens [Music] transmutation plus might have been the right answer there this holy [ __ ] did that kind of almost push me along to where I am now [Music] six Malays [Music] what could I bring up as an attack to kind of weaken him [Music] this one does a random attack [ __ ] that I thought I got to pick balls what does more here defending a little bit before me malaise i malaise him he's gonna do it's minus 7 of that of that damage which is still what the 24 and a 24 kills me kills me we're screwed [Music] there it is [Music] [Music] [Music] Oh 24 damage to damage 24 - 24 to allow Shadow Lord goodnight doyoung I almost want to save that the fan card but I don't what I do I will [Music] one damaged because of Tory all right I don't need the nine block it doesn't matter but it's free he's he doesn't know what he's doing I think two more cards next turn and outmaneuver and then maybe just transmutate just like [ __ ] off you know what I mean Lulu I could slice him again but maybe we'll get something good out of this maybe doesn't [ __ ] matter if I get another Carl colorless card save it hots it doesn't hurt save this doesn't exhaust doesn't it matter does apply more damage might use it though this will do five damage as well if I use it I just wanted it really cards to retain Oh visit does that shorten the amount of cards I draw if I retain those we still draw the same amount seems like we still draw the same amounts [Music] trip bus is good though [Music] the didn't content didn't choose an attack from your drop I'll why they held that choose for me last time then that's not what I signed up for game I think we have to defend as much as possible here secret weapon and die die die I can't choose it tells me I can choose and then it chooses for me the rest of the cards were in the graveyard well this time okay maybe that was the same last time but [Music] he's doing great playthrough is so fun um um I'm trying here I'm thinking block block block block block block block block block and then transmutate maybe a gain some stuff for the next one kind of what I'm thinking that's seven fourteen twenty five that's good I'm not gonna be able to kill anybody right now nine 18 plus a poison gaining energy is is great but I just want to try my hand here see what I can do damn okay yeah which is a five choose an exhaust up to five cards in your hand exhaust I don't gain anything from exhausting add two random colors cards and grand exhausts yeah reduce the cost of cards in your hand to one this turn does not help that could definitely help in the future though you can choose zero and deal 5 damage [Music] yes [Music] oh right I need something that like stabs them back when they do damage to me he's at 77 damage look at that I haven't even been focusing on the collector in any way shape or form okay that sucks enlightenment is really not gonna help me out here 14 damaged I've got a block [Music] when one defend does that I don't need two of them [Music] hentai dude five months in a row welcome back hi hello I would like to draw a card definitely 15 15 15 15 I almost want to focus on the collector at this point in time but maybe that's not the smartest thing to do don't need to defend if I just kill him six damage for poison ibly but wasted though so maybe 11 damage me and then poison this [ __ ] alright [Music] pop 1 defend and then just damage the collector defend poison stab flying me we're doing okay I was worried about him beefing this guy up at this point in time good instincts good call shy enlightenment so I can predator I'm already gonna be able to predator that's pretty good I could just finish him off he's at 10 this says 820 I don't want to waste the 20 but he's also got 10 block so I will I will we need that and this we could continue to pull cards if I just wasted my enlightenment I don't think that's necessary though wasted to energy though oh he's he had a vulnerability takes more damage and that doesn't automatically apply to my numbers I need you to do the math that's okay that's okay we're still doing okay these are things that I just don't think about cuz I haven't played the game enough so I'm cool with that use enlightenment four-top use it let's go hots enlightenment could be so flippin good though if we start getting things like Wraith form then we already use Wraith form or is it still floating around we used it already it's done so yeah there's not really anything that costs two besides a predator so I guess it's fine now that we think about it I'd like to weaken more nine damage would be good but more and more more and more weak for the future [ __ ] you [ __ ] you ah I can save it I can save it it's fine it's going down to the club all right you did [ __ ] my god it was all about that clutch play when he was about to kill me like 17 rounds ago and Venom whenever an attack deals unblocked damage apply one poison [ __ ] good tools the trade at the start of your turn draw one card and discard one turn really really good when you have curses but we don't burst this turn your next scale is played twice I think an attack deals unblocked damage apply one poison would be pretty sick but Nolan says burst super-proud huts that was anxiety and venom with your deck kappa because we don't have a strong multiple attack thing you know this is true but we got to decide at some point where are we gonna go I would say burst try to upgrade in venom next skill is played twice if what we say is true and we can Wraith form twice maybe even dodge and roll twice malaise it twice no that's power malaise twice is what I meant did we permanently get jack-of-all-trades we did out maneuver twice envenom could be good too though if we upgraded it and it applied to poisons for every time we attacked them we just stick some poison in there burst seems strong we'll do it he's a very difficult boss I'm so happy he trusted us plus you have great instincts man you're doing fantastic you make many choices I'm gonna suggest before I type them I put a lot of hours in and it feels so good to see the collector go down collectors are huge something special as we subscribe for five months wait you're back yeah dude runic pyramid specimen enemy dies transfer any poison it has to a random enemy it's probably not gonna be too health while not too strong in the poison add five cards to your deck I'm thinking runic pyramid runic pyramid super good it is super good it's super good specimen would be so [ __ ] good if he went strong and on the poison then we wouldn't have to worry about poisoning an enemy when they are about to die because I'm always concerned about that you're like I want to kill him but I kind of like poison somebody else so I don't waste the poison all right tries to skip them let's get them all or he might be good more cards yeah I'm definitely doing the same thing that I was doing before I think we we skip boss fights we go heavy on the the rest zones which would mean we go probably skip a shop 113 is not enough to do much anyways blank blank blank blank blank blank boink boink blank blank blank blank blank white white it's the path that I'm seeing slight concerns but time eater time eater seems silent always gets time eater what's the time here if you can pull this off dot dot dot mayonnaise is my favorite card is mayonnaise an instrument poof you're saying time meter is in draw one less card each turn hopefully we can pull an energy pot for Malays with them time eater is the boss never fought him don't know what he does time eaters the boss and it's cruel the answer to winning is the same as asking Patrick for Krusty Krab I'm fighting my first Nile right now and getting my ass beat these guys suck yeah but like by the 10th time you fight them you'll be jumping back flips over and like me it ain't no thang splooge you're thinking it's a thing and you're like how will I ever make this not a thing it ain't no thing [Music] I'm gonna go off on the set path that I made I'm gonna die before we get to the boss let's be honest but if I don't Lock this [ __ ] retain my Wraith form did we permanently get transmutation when did that happen is it the first car we got in that one weird thing I can't block everybody so we do this instead seems like a waste but thirty through a bunch of damage but kill splode her before he blows up yeah I know [Music] for damage which is actually gonna only be to damage so I'm kind of thinking we focus more on striking this guy though it's going to [ __ ] everything up I'm fining up oh we don't have to save any cards anymore it doesn't matter because we don't ever get rid of cards ha right Wow to a weak hurt myself by shooting this guy but I think it's worth it since this guy's gonna die too weak is too much for me on him I should have used Wraith form first cuz I knew I was gonna use it there is it first you doing minth I weakened him did he block it did he have a artifact must've you late damaged kill them you don't either block [Music] dey's where'd that come from from that guy mother [Music] you stop putting days in my [ __ ] Malaysia [Music] when I do one damage then defend n Malays predator instead poison stab him hurt myself for five freaking Thorn men made big play mistakes his chin L I got stupid cocky I'm thinking we just honestly have to wait for Wraith form to take that guy out and we focus our strength here in this [ __ ] just block that guy I don't have to worry about taking any damage at all then malays him a later time when he's trying to buff up his spikes and let me predator this piece of [ __ ] it doesn't matter that we draw one less card every turn because we have things that allow us to draw more and more cards we're gonna have a full deck before we know it and that's gonna be excellent because we are high on the energy on the energy plays this guy's pissing me right off 11 damage you're joking me I guess I could let that exhaust itself but whatever [Music] five damage do I seriously not have anything that will kill him other than this which will end up hurting myself [Music] won't matter if I block once all right now we just play skill at your skill at your skill until that dude dies block block block block block nothing but block if I hurt him I get hurt done poison stab would kill nuts oh yeah you're right the poison that would be applied but if killed him absolutely I'm so noodling what if I should malaise them - five then dumped in an Internet incent dinner and don't just do it should have bursted it oops burst survivor zama Savannah I'm gonna make it I'm gonna burst transmutate I don't have enough room in my deck to burst transmutate I don't have enough room in my deck killing me smalls I [Music] can't attack him right now because every time I do I take seven damage although my block seven damage then it really doesn't matter and we go ahead and we do a poison stab on his ass unless there's something that I could do more damage with not really he did just spam skills and I'll attack him yeah it worked out really well six damage to all enemies twice sounds really good draw cards until you have eight in hand expertise Plus Wow if we ever did like really really high on the energy we got rid of all of our cards and then we just drew back to eight would be pretty good and more skills in our hands sounds pretty nice poison or dagger so no expertise plus cuz expertise plus sounds like it could be amazing although we're in the we're in the realm of having too many cards but if we get the cards that are cheap with the energy necessary to spend it beggar spray you were low on group damage tanker spray is amazing I'm not I'm not denying that your deck is kind of thick you already keep previous cards would be stronger the other way around I agree but start of each Kombat game one strength really not that amazing but could help Holly ornamented tomb can be seen on the other side of the floating path upon reaching the tomb you notice a slide for gold coins with a scratched out inscription above it lose all gold gain a relic that path that I chose out for myself does not pass any shops whatsoever so I say we go for it the only time we're gonna hit a shop is if that question marks that question mark of that question mark is a shop it's a set relic sis rally is it a good one I'm thinking about doing it I'm not hitting up a shop it's one week first turn [Music] with no shop I would go for it the second that I hit a shop in a question mark the omen to be pissed be [ __ ] pissed one week permanent or one week was in one week for one turn so like enemies just don't do that much damage right off the bat but masks can be nice it's all choice isn't it [Music] no no no na na na or blocker [Music] I weakened him but he's still doing the same a lot of damage yeah sure [Music] I thought I'd just subbed for four months just yesterday says dude nein well if you do it when you're like just about to roll over and then you roll over you can go Bam Bam so welcome back dude name I'm thinking of discarding a card hopefully finding maybe something I can use to give myself some free [ __ ] but I want to Malee's him but I could save the malaise for a time that he is not attacking if I was to discard something would it be just a normal strike the dagger spray because there's only one enemy we focus on blocking now this isn't gonna get any better either good night dark ditto we have horrible sub get slow [Music] what's with that Sonic if I'm Stein about let's please no please no what for focused DPS before he gets strong at the end of its turn gains three strength so you're saying Malays him now he does get strength each turn which is annoying that discards coming back so strength doesn't mean he takes less damage though [Music] to some block but try and focus damage [Music] burns me to piece-of-shit bursts malaise [Music] it's only gonna be a six down but defense strike why'd he go down to five and not was it was at nine I took down six I feel like that should have done more did it work then it used the one no what happened I was gonna say burst whale then defend I mean I burned me see if I [ __ ] care I actually care a lot please don't do that I need rate form now I think [Music] risk it take the damage and go [Music] no not Swift I meant to do the block potion oh my [ __ ] I miss fine we get to keep them but still good night spark my hand is foon [Music] like that [ __ ] kick him right in the dick where it hurts [Music] can't believe it's 2:00 in the morning [Music] I just absolutely need to use that 100% 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 15 we block block block as it does damage don't need a whale yet let the drawn of the card but I'd also like to do 16 damage you kill him uh-uh-uh another dagger spray we don't need to retain four cards let's just yeah no we don't need to retain cards at all we have the thing that retains all cards jeez head upwards hopping from one floating shape to another you slip you begin to fall that doesn't this doesn't give you very good choices here while in free fall you consider your options oh good Lou's strike No would lose well-laid plans we don't need it look it goodbye we literally just talked about how we didn't need it how many curses burst plus it's obvious isn't it burst plus burst plus Millais plus one it seems good overall we're buying ourselves one less damage for one character which over the course of the whole run they might attack us say tops six times we've saved ourselves six damage or we could burst which would make Malays do three times as much and burst you know we can save anything at any point in time so we can make sure that we use burst with Malays all the time more potential gains there Chea bones as you slowly make your way up the twisting pathway you constantly find yourself losing your ways the walls and ground seem to inexplicably ship before your eyes the constant whispering voices in the back your head aren't playing aren't helping things I there once again not good not good to madness nine HP at the ran a random card in your hand cost zero for the rest of combat exhaust become cursed heal H HP 9 HP I think madness the problem is let's say that a use that I mean I would just burn up all my zero cost anyways but whatever [Music] my HP is not nice buddy I mean it's a shop and guess what the [ __ ] we know a goddamn shop what could we have bought for 120 how much caltrops whenever you were attacked deal three damage gain four block for free another outmanoeuvre would have been really nice [Music] not that bad not that big of a deal left to right pen nib every tenth attack you play deals double damage [Music] [Music] the egg or spray would be nice but would ultimately hurt me four six and we have literally zero blog we have zero blog madness could be good madness could make my rate form zero low low chance here we could draw three more card to try to get to block in burst + madness [Music] [ __ ] that's gonna be too much damage to take but it's zero zero cost for the rest of combats we can hold off on that it's only gonna get worse [Music] [Music] how come I weakened in attack still 25% less damage six damage went to six damage shouldn't that be at for damage or five at least [Music] [Music] defend will play twice [Music] does that mean okay twelve plus six is eighteen acceptable for seven damage each for fourteen damage each I mean yeah oops it does twice each which means there's more [ __ ] ah Jesus math screw you math never done anything for me don't dag your spray it's too late that guy's gonna be dead though just you know nice die boy with me staring at him new we're looking at 14:23 damage we're looking at 18 block I need Wraith form active now right about now block block can't kill him not yet but the Tori Tori is best girl right Tori so that's that's not that bad it's 5 or less but if we're we're using up all of our defense so we're gonna have literally nothing I don't see this coming in handy anytime soon nor do I see this though I'm not using it [Music] dhanananda an Internet no no no no no [Music] [Music] quick slash the bastard and we skill it out watch me whip whip now watch me skill skill okay I want to use these though I kind of want to use transmutation as long as we can continue to block and they don't be too big of dicks it'll be okay like this maybe next time but they're not attacking use a transmutation this is not really gonna help us out too much no really I wish I could discard some strikes right about now some discard ability you just use my piercing wail is it ever gonna come in more handy if they're both attacking at the same time yeah but is that gonna happen [Music] I don't know why I like Tory so much it's helping it really does one damage is nothing five damages a lot adds up you just start using all this [ __ ] but I need that for when they're actually attacking me am I really gonna use Malee's appropriately at any point in time no I'm not striking you guys as you said defend and then strike yes but I might need the defends later if it's if it's equal if it's fair play right now I should just let it go I think not not push too hard zero cost defense though I could but I could also do that next term if I need to just malaise [Music] Oh poison [Music] we're gonna be filled up and we're gonna have nothing to do but attack boat attack this is where we can start blocking and attacking [Music] sixteen damage is good I kind of want to transmute eight defend strike last boy defend which will do five damage fifteen damage we will then take back nine of that which will do a hell of a lot on my face now that'll block that completely so that'll be nothing and then we could predator to finish them off but then we're also taking seven more damage on top of that what if we just transmutate it hope we got some good defend predator malaise [Music] it's pretty good pressure off the bat [Music] about sort of malaise we transmit eight [Music] scale off [Music] because those were gonna be a couple skills that we're gonna be able to do for free five damage each ended up working out for me okay endless agony sounds like it could be really good for me drawing cards could also be really good but I'm thinking endless agony and then we just kind of like hold off well we don't ever discard them and then have the ability to re pull them back in unless I used endless agony as my discard option caltrops caltrops you think caltrops for sure this game takes a bit to understand caltrops though time eater will punish you for playing more cards backflips not bad either though caltrops though caltrops and smith it at the next fire you guys seem pretty sure about that this blows what are we thinking focusing on this little bastard because he's gonna mess everything up [Music] can outmaneuver I could burst outmaneuver you become the thorny [ __ ] boots mind blast the [ __ ] this guy mind blast this guy goodnight those of you who are going to bed I want to get rid of him immediately but this guy's gonna cause like lots of pain and it's 40 doesn't ever go away he's barricaded in please no the big one I do spear a guardian because he is a pain this guy's just gonna load up my deck though with a bunch of [ __ ] that's gonna clog me and those cards don't go away right maybe die die die die die die he's never gonna get better than it is right now you don't have a way to block this so that means it's gonna be 8 damage at the end of this but probably worth it at this point sucks it on a block you're absolutely [ __ ] right we don't have block no block exists who to slice up though [Music] I want to burst out maneuver and then just [ __ ] I don't know man three causes Tori though yeah five and three it's gonna be only two damage caltrops is there something that I need to do something that you need to have cuz when she leaves your ass she's probably gonna leave with half just sayin did flying need be a good thing [Music] die die die now finish him off and then outmaneuver sixteen damage it could have killed him if I had one more I can kill him next round we're good you have pen nib hmmm is pretty special [Music] maybe I can be free be free I could have bursted it done and I don't know done I know just really don't want to have to even touch him diced I want to touch him I think I'm not gonna touch him mojo magic' spry himself what is up so I really need to waste anything no that hurt my boys mojo magics what is up I don't want to attack them I just don't want to touch them I'm just gonna wait till I can continue blocking and just wait for my Wraith form to come back up you take one damage from him now what do you mean one damage instead of three you're saying so I should just go but I need to just I need to block first and then I can go I'm gonna hold off there now I can block and go nuts in his face you mean what I want that's not what I wanted dick burst it's too late for that burst is free what skill am I gonna play nothing bursts and defends and then go attack them it's probably the right move yeah could draw two cards as well I don't know if I want to attack them twice for seven that seems like it's not enough three poison damage would be nice though I think first survivor discard attack cards I don't need that much block right five it does do five to my shield though might poison [Music] thanks to the welcome going well thank you happy to finally be part of the buds Club hell yeah [Music] but do this I take five more where's the flipping card that I need dude Wraith form hit me up where's my Wraith form oh never mind [Music] slice adrenaline could be really good slice 4:8 slice plus is good but adrenaline adrenaline what's adrenaline plus I need the extra and what we're heavy on the the gaining [ __ ] stuff gaining energy gain - energy free madness five damage on enemies or he'll say we save we save an upgrade potential for this fire we heal now I think I need to heal they should add seeds to slay the spire I would heal so now I'm thinking we want to be a full-hp for the final boss which we probably won't be with these next couple of fights [Music] dant dant dinner ninth internet internet dodge and roll I'm going to dodge and roll stab a [ __ ] and flying Needham [Music] ten damage to all enemies we're probably gonna need to make room here vulnerable we'll wait elite strike more [Music] [Music] whoa Wow [Music] that's just unacceptable [Music] I have no idea what's dil roll over and die apparently defend defend defend outmaneuver [Music] that's 16 right there that's almost all my defends try and save energy potion Oh [Music] No she no dishes kids have come back for revenge for the years of beating up their Pappy not excited about this we poison one of those [ __ ] so we knock them down through their shield [Music] [Music] yeah it's something to be said about like hey maybe saving that it did six damage Tory block block block right four times a bajillion percent maybe even transportation died I died them now it'd be a good time kill this [ __ ] before he shields up [Music] should should have tripped him hey shoulda coulda woulda maybe possibly trip to one of them it's too late now I have to use both strikes trip would have been nice but a cat would have gotten him in two cards instead of three and it'll still get him in one card now I guess still pretty worth but kill them too quickly these guys gonna shields up he's gonna come right back [Music] pen nib pen nib 420 damage I'm gonna say this guy cuz then I could potentially kill him in one go with uh with the skill prepare first what would I what would i discard so proud of you and your run this game is brutal see if he can't get a stronger attack [Music] caltrops damn so cloves the poisons gonna take them so I strike them and poison them and kill them [Music] home for dag spray Nene Nene okay you don't have enough to take them out [Music] so that means that this guy is gonna come back immediately [Music] survivor caltrops [Music] that's what I'm thinking survivor caltrops malaise is just not good if I don't have that much energy both come back sadly [Music] do they come back at half health or full health I think I need I need to keep my piercing whale then they're both coming back [Music] we can make sure that predator only costs one big spray piercing whale pop pred madness first why don't I save until I only have predator left and then make sure it's guaranteed I use it why would I madness first why I don't understand squat dagger spray piercing whale strike then madness then I can use predator for free right okay I'm just making sure I'm not missing something [Music] one of them by oh this is going well well enough to win dag spray again where's my where's my upgraded cards man I'm almost looking dagger throw here because the ability to draw a card is good but I never ever won a discard a card and nine damage is better than eight damage but eight damage on multiple enemies what's the final boss look like does he have multiple enemies with him does he have minions wood it's been one card last play a my way [Music] just him you know like when you don't have any blocks and we're like [ __ ] what the hell they do will be dagger throw and hopefully get it a block and a draw but [Music] how about will late plaids though likes that seem good that it's 2:30 in the [ __ ] morning I need to get done with this I need that win or die make it not ragging on you anything you made a very smart choice and glad to see you're thinking that way you would honestly skip yeah I kind of forgot that skip was an option I don't like any of these 3:30 for me Heights no room to complain [Music] look at mighty furs look at my teeth here's the question did we guaranteed get him on a formal A's or do we wait till we can malaise with something else we get the malaise out of the way maybe what does he do strategic fight maybe I want to lower him down immediately it's a tough call man I should have saved whoa whoa whoa whoa I should have saved mine blast for my pen nib oh [ __ ] man I should have pen nib the [ __ ] out of that that would have done 50 damage 50 I would do it now to be honest he powers up overtime so that would be a good move [Music] he gained strength is that what he does what it dick rah-rah what he said yeah [Music] murder him I'm gonna wait for my weekend of go away for me to die em right we wasted our pendulum whatever that was what was that I missed it I don't want to weaken him until I really need to weaken him it's free damage but it's gonna be a while before we can shuffle our deck go nuts save die die die down down down and out and out of that [Music] really don't need this man need offends on me now madness you're not helping me out for the rest of combat bells so what if they get something good let's go nuts save die die die we can add rounds not makes him weaker you're saying I should neutralize him for five rounds that sounds smart because we really are he's already weakened we're not wasting any of the week just use neutralized it doesn't matter if you keep it true now what [Music] [Music] do dodo dodo dodo dodo should I go ahead and use my die die die you got the metal clip relic might make it ears bleed heed this thing like ah strongest flips I've ever seen I don't even know what to do right now die die diam isn't matter East one enemy he's not gonna go anywhere it could do more damage when I'm not weakened but that's gonna be a while so to suck it just do it just go he's got so much he'll fill do Shh Donna's strength potion and want to use it I just don't want to be weak anymore [Music] building up your decks as you attack them in the early turns which is good oh that's forgot about that Priya taxi game 1 Dex [Music] save it for time eater flying Neum in the face [Music] outmaneuver or adrenaline [Music] two cards then they get another attack so I can get some more decks I can burst out maneuver technically just get balls full of energy adrenaline next turn [Music] I wanted to attack them again but it didn't happen I don't need to do anything I don't need to block a waste of my blocks Superstock on energy I no [ __ ] ice cream my malaise is already gone it's not like I can burst it what do we think burst outmanoeuvre it's just gonna be it's gonna be too much it's gonna be too much [Music] I want ice cream [Music] which ones that I just use should I have caltrops wear decal chops go where the hell did I go it just goes on me could I have bursted my caltrops rip it was a smart play actually burst outmaneuver I mean I could save it Alan who didn't go anywhere how manoeuvres coming back first maybe saved for a time that I actually really really need to use it can't burst powers skill which power are we talking about caltrops is a power right I got I got nothing new you guys built up here to defend myself when he really grows much much much much much stronger I gotta kill him now and I'm not doing that everything's gonna be shuffled back in so I say we just burst now dodge and roll [ __ ] no man doesn't need a ladder [Music] or just dump off our defense because we're gonna have a full deck in like five seconds yes this Chino what burst his booty get rid of some defenses didn't necessarily want to have to defend twice but [Music] that's good enough we need some defenses this guy now got positive attack more weak [Music] rathe me now do a little man you like literally just come up here like five seconds ago you're a needy little bastard you know that [Music] first dodge and roll again [Music] it's pretty handy just don't want to pop it too quickly though but save it for the next round [Music] and our pen nib is up [Music] this dude should get a little buffing becoming elite could be an elite right now first then two skills 265 damage then strike 420 that's total 45 burst then two skills strike 420 damage as well and then let's do it in defense get rid of one of these things too many that's good did you like that buddy [Music] that's a that's not good any better [Music] [Music] seven times five will pierce in that whale they will pass in that one [Music] a lot 15 [Music] that's gonna give me only one in an out maneuver so we can really go ham on him next turn [Music] I'm done or not done I'm done dining out on that fine time ya body my zero zero predator [ __ ] yeah [Music] pen nibs at 6:00 can we get it up - yeah and doesn't match he's dead Oh sift potion better than weak I think draw three cards is gonna be huge for us [Music] hey buddy no no I'd keep the weakness strength is permanent right we could just give it to ourselves in the beginning [Music] what are you doing getting rid of strength and taking a swift yeah this is nice buddy but like I don't know where you're trying to go there's nowhere to go up there isn't this just to know where to go [Music] help me somebody sent help keep our current potions strength is permanent what is your plan what is your exit strategy excuse me [Music] current potions are best results I'm thinking three dexterity three decks because we block block block block block plus every time we block we do damage Oh glass eight damaged twice Lord by - that's six damage twice and then it you know no last day can be Opie with Penman yeah but a lot of things could be Opie with pen nib we already have a six times you know six twice and this is only gonna be a one-off eight damaged twice odds of getting Penta dot on it immediately dexterity over the course of this super long fight gaining three extra shield every time we shield up code stack up a lot better than glass knife which is gonna stack down the long fight right [Music] glass tag can be ope no footwork it's for Borg plus two plus me Dad okay what do we think full health or sixty good enough explore our options here that could be amazing that could be okay he'll full he'll footwork is really good guessing keel huh full health will be necessary an extra 13 mil we're not getting our max 21 see what happens before we start I gotta go pee [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] did Letty beat him I was hoping Lanie would do it for me let's just go for a 24 hour stream huh this will be at 12 when's the next 12 hours stream how about everyday how about that is my life how about get on my level you scrub I just grab the controller I clearly don't know what I'm doing oh let's go [Music] Oh gonna replay 12 cards your turn is ended and time eater gains 12 strength tends to attack for 5 damage three different times that's a [ __ ] card to get off the bat but I'll take it no I don't want to take it that was garbage stupid time eater [Music] strength right strength potion immediately am I wrong about that don't block zulay rip we tried Tori will take it that's true do it maximize your malaise but also don't wait forever to pop it pop strength pot immediately yeah I'm just making sure I'm not wrong about that say a weekend potion from when he's gonna hurt us bad and we don't have it on him already keep an eye on the card counter on him it ends our turn on the 12th card played all right slice and dice Adrenaline's probably not necessary right at the bat but [Music] pen nib whoo [ __ ] you buddy save adrenaline for malaise [Music] that one had to hurt ah accompany your attacks are [ __ ] okay he needs to be he needs to be weakened now it needs to be weakened now help [Music] I should I should burst malays no I should defend she defend up got a lot of block my heart is pounding sis Chino oh no he doesn't this is a love tap bursts add malaise [Music] so just keeps defending and striking huh poisoning [Music] weak potion is good now to squat but Chino says no it's a love tap [Music] it's not pulling nugget I'm thinking defend defend poison that's what I'm thinking okay I don't think I'm wrong about that maybe even defend defend die but I could save die for a pen nib what's at the late-night streams total accident week potion defense strike poison so I'm not totally sold in the week potion if he's gonna be crushing us later on 21 coming in hot we can block 22 of its without needing to weak him yeah there's no need to weaken recovered seven okay I need the thing that it that hurts him every time he tries to hurt me [ __ ] there it is man [Music] I really really think that Wraith form is worth having here but don't really have a good way of you know we could dodge and roll Wraith form dodge and roll maybe weakness potion you think Wraith and outmaneuver but I gotta block some of that you want to make your last cards wholesome before he ends your turn [Music] I'm thinking Wraith and dodge and roll man or burst dodge and roll outmaneuver save the Wraith it's a belt he said save your burst they'll for the malaise just [Music] you know the spire doesn't end boys happy birthday to the cup is the cup broken bill or is that your happy birthday that's currently in it Wraith burst ad block maybe I can't do everything [Music] one thing in Wraith Dodge [Music] rathe just seems like the mistake to do this on a thing that he's gonna do 26 damage but I don't have any other blocks we could prepared get rid of a strike hope for uh for a dodge to come through for us or maybe even our malaise energy potion [Music] 26 is a big blow [Music] rathe bursts dodge outmaneuver with an energy potion we're at seven cards played if we play three now we can only play two next turn if you play five now we're done we finish it up we prepared the strikeout we get our Malays and then we burst Malays dodge roll out maneuver if we use our potion we could probably crank it out right now all in favor of that prepare our strike now we're cooking with fire [Music] one missplay guys and we're debt were done wise keep flashing on me we just stop doing that prepare strike go from there I [Music] I don't want to say that I'm right but Oh goodbye that did not count as a card played you douche I want to save the energy potion we burst energy potion malaise energy potion all in favor wait no no no burst energy potion dodge and roll then malaise we need we need to we need to somehow absorb this blow a little bit this is gonna hurt a lot adrenalin potion burst malaise yeah I know adrenaline doesn't make a lot of sense adrenaline potion burst da general malaise I would burst adrenaline energy potion in malaise what about dodge and roll belt dude blocking 18 of this 26 and then knocking it down even more with the malaise a will hurt a little but it's worth it will reduce a lot of damage will it's one more damage per attack one more damage per attack is worth taking a potential 18 damage that's eight that we'd have to go either to attack is 18 more times for that to be worth it No am I wrong you're forgetting that he gets weakened as well loses extract apply X week burst adrenaline [Music] energy potion malaise oh my goodness okay bursts it's gonna whoa whoa we burst nine adrenaline ten eleven malaise once cut there's no double Malaysian at that point in time burst Malay burst energy potion Malays [Music] we have to forget about adrenaline for right now it's gonna cut her malaise in half you can't double adrenaline his Chi no I thought we said that that was patched didn't happen in the last one why still here though putz looks like he just escaped a furious murderer it works but I mean cuz of the counter the game keeps like it's like is gonna crash on me glitching out man I'm like Airy FK am I am I not wrong about that we need to we cannot adrenalin before me malaise [Music] yeah because we dropped another card into the the deck just the the the step of getting rid of our strike cost us a play so burst energy potion plays adrenaline burst energy potion relates Jesus Christ so one two three four I don't understand this is Sarah Connor you me neither me neither [Music] not even a little bit adrenaline burst energy potion malaise [Music] - twelve strengths suck on my dick I still hurt though how much damage did that deal zero times three aw so sad we just we just Wow rathe form madness first no jack-of-all-trades first see what it gives us seems pretty okay [Music] wait till we can burst that bandage 8hp could be really good this might be a good time to though to outmaneuver attack them a little bit the next turn will definitely have enough to Wraith form and potentially block but Wraith now so we do damage with skills [Music] use the dark magician but woody who what [Music] ha ha ha ha ha ha and is full definitely outmaneuver maybe even get a dodge and roll out of the way I'm drooling on myself drool on me drop some madness what if it hits my bandage though there's not even a 2-car deal in here dagger spray it seems pretty legit [Music] more madness well that sucks I should a pen nib did I still can't I still can peg knit it it's a zero so it doesn't [ __ ] matter so we just we save it up cards that already cost zero can't be reduced okay that's good name - dexterity more weak I'm maybe we should hold off on the weak no just add to it [ __ ] it it's at seven we need to kind of plan this accordingly [Music] I don't know does it really matter anymore start stabbing them in the dick we're eventually gonna you know redo all this stuff we're gonna be reshuffling through in a couple of seconds so I say we just use up all of our [ __ ] maybe even do a piercing wail oh that was it right there that was actually perfect it didn't matter [Music] caltrops 13 dams come in we're already blocking 12 that was pretty acceptable pen nibs at five flying me absolutely do not use piercing whale until we need it that's right it's exhaust it's exhausting all right what is gonna do though negative effect on me I don't like that [Music] [Music] predator will be a good one to pen nib as well 16 or 18 codes next turn [Music] I mean he ain't doing [ __ ] so stab him kick him and put her in his bud it's almost not even worth it to use any of these right now [Music] weakens well that's not nice [Music] what are we saving burst for save burst for outmaneuvering and dodging and rolling [Music] otherwise I could burst my bandage up right now and heal for AIDS just block [Music] use up all my block [Music] first bandage and a defend seems smart that's what I was thinking I just like say things and then I wait for you guys to say no because of the counters at 11:00 and I'm like oh [ __ ] [Music] 26 damage 24 damage dagger spray yeah just bandage defends I'm already blocking them it's fine now we attack 26 I think is better he's gaining strength bail which is not nice is he gaining strength every time I attack him no just every time he time warps and block is good [Music] that's time warp zero [Music] I could die die die now it's not getting any better or worse and gain a dicksterity for hugging my third attack wait for my pen nib on this one but it's okay worth I mean it was just sitting there anyways right my plan was to save it for my pen nib and then we didn't even use it on the pen nib so what are we even doing would you stop blocking [ __ ] you're being a dick [Music] don't like in your dick [Music] just block or do nothing need to save the blocks to some extent don't attacked is do nothing 32 cards Jesus living 32 cards Jesus rip attack cards do nothing shooters waited for his block to go away I just figured everything cycling through anyways [Music] [Music] I sum up I guess he's about to heal to half hell so all that damage is about to be healed right now he is about to this one or the last one malaise is gone - what happened to that [Music] no last turn on in [ __ ] know that [Music] that's all this energy what am I doing with it nothing got a kill fast now we're good to attack all right well I got I got nothing do I could you know defend I could use up my defense and that would do five five five five damage but the only Hill for 28 this is good kick his ass seabass is it worth it you guys think to use up my defense just to do five damage each do two more to reset his counter yeah [Music] 45 block man can you imagine if I had barricade man I need that 45 block right now oh I need to piercing whale I can block 30 with to defense and get a pen nib dagger spray off piercing whale is what we saved it for life what if I just defended and survived I don't know you're right you're good what do i drop what do I get rid of what discard it's the least useful thing here free good instincts seems good but they may be prepared we're almost using everything else up drawing a card sounds pretty good but this is also drawing a card we need a tack stuff that's defense sly semitic I went well [Music] pen nib every tenth attack does double damage so when it's at nine that's some we're gonna hit him hard itens even our dude all my dexterity oh it's been so good neutralize the smell ooh that smell him dooba dooba dooba - don't put on film can't you smell that smell defending good instincts make sure to neutralize I was thinking about maybe save my neutralize to get another dexterity but I think we're probably okay [Music] flying Neum or predator to more cards next turn energy cards energy cards energy cards cards gives us options energy allows us to use the rest of stuff that we have more more effectively pumping in cards thinking so we still have a weakness potion to rat ate on the counter by the way [Music] 6x3 piercing whale would knock that down to zero and then we strike dodge and roll and strike or that's 18 this is 14 block we take a one-er via kunai our Tori take a wonder we dagger spray for free try to use four cards up [Music] dodge roll strike strike flying me well then triple damage four decks I will triple damage regardless if I do dodge strike strike me that'll hit the top of the timer plus so we'll get one dexterity and an extra energy next round whale then triple damage four decks I think I think I got it we're only gonna take a one-er from Tori sounds good all right I'm doing it [Music] but it does up his attack immediately so it was eight so we didn't take a one-er we took an eider it's pissing me right off [Music] didn't need to block because he's blocking now you dick tax of zero still deal him caltrops damage daggers spray we could potentially try to save dagger spray for a pen nib but draw a card poisonous strike [Music] bagger spray weakness potion now no it doesn't matter defense [Music] smash damage before he blocks burst outmanoeuvre 16 times 3 burst defend defend [Music] I'm calling it now we're still doing damage when we're using skills weakness burst defend defends I'm just calling it now I'm not even asking I'm not even asking pen nib I could pendant slice him in the dick but it's gonna go to his shields but then we're not knocking off his shields when we do this big time we're doing 25 damage right there and then we kill him that's it that's done I don't even need to use the potion first slice and kill me 56 health left that's the best run I think I've ever had in my entire life achievement unlocked kill the time [ __ ] [Music] roof roof birth is this the heart of the spire the source of this evil it's the first time I ever played in my life this game is so easy you prepare your daggers cue the song we are the champions no time for losers cause we are the champions the heart squirms and bleeds but it is ultimately still pounding are your muddiest attacks not enough I have a weakness potion use it you ask yourself have I been here before and you feel that you have dealt a total of 1440 to damage to the heart a total of 3 trillion that's true that's 3 billion that's a million that's it that's a billion damage has been dealt by all who have challenged it the heart pulses louder and louder as your consciousness victory question mark dead yeah I'm dead as soon as this comes out of early access I got to do that all over again yeah that's all I wanted I wanted those unlocks what I got cloak and dagger gained six blocks add one ship to your hand it could be handy if I need to have free cards ship steal additional three damaged ship discard your hand add one ship to your hand for each card discarded storm of Steel so go for a ship heavy [ __ ] heavy run alright thank you guys so much for sticking with me I'm going to bed and I'm gonna sleep and tell forever it's like I said thanks for coming out you guys thanks for the stream today was done
Channel: Hutts 2
Views: 32,453
Rating: 4.856874 out of 5
Keywords: twitch, games, slay the spire, the silent, characters, enemies, cards, deck building, rogue like, rogue, rogue lite, best cards, victory, bosses, chest, shop, event, upgrade, early access
Id: 9WOwOI_qg_0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 199min 10sec (11950 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 24 2018
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