Losing Teeth (Animated Story-Time)

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[Music] ha losing teeth it's the process we all go through when growing up we're born without any then we grow our first set and then eventually our bodies decides hey you're not good enough and so they replace them with bigger ones it's something that happens to everybody it doesn't discriminate there's a lot of differences however in how people lose their teeth the way I see it people is their teeth in one of two ways naturally or accidentally or sometimes on purpose with violent force the people who purposely remove their teeth can often do it in really creative ways such as oh that looks easy let me just put my remote control helicopter and tie my tooth to it and see what happens I never experienced anything like that mostly because I was too scared to make it happen but regardless I do have a handful of stories to tell I remember the feeling of losing a tooth and it would be so exciting obviously it was painful from time to time especially when eating but it was always worth it in the end because you know what came later the tooth fairy starring Dwayne the rock Johnson most people can't fully remember how and when they lost their first tooth but luckily I remember mine quite vividly my family and I just arrived home from our holiday to the Gold Coast and this was around the same point in time where I got my pet bird max there's a link in the description that will take you to that video I was just minding my own business and then I nudged my tooth slightly and it just fell out in my hand like what keep in mind this was my first time this ever happened to me so I could have reacted in terror like I imagine a lot of kids would but instead my eyes lit up with joy I ran around the house jumping up and down screaming excitement this was the beginning of me starting to look like Phil Alou I can't even begin to explain why but having the southern gap in my teeth it filled me up with so much pride I would eat lollipops with my teeth clenched and the lollipop stick was poking through where my tooth used to be yeah yep I thought I was cool for doing this in fact I feel like losing a tooth is one of the biggest accomplishments a kid can show off at school I'm not kidding literally every hit I knew at this age had to announce it to everybody like nothing else mattered oh god take a look at this I lost my title the weekend look so sick oh well I'm sure you don't have a good story I lost mine at the pool and it's still at the bottom of the pool I do not believe that for a second because I see all your teeth in your mouth children children have a look at my mouth I lost two and a half make that three yeah I was one of those kids too but that'll change one day in second grade I lost my first front tooth I would have been around seven years old at this time the night before the school week started little me was attempting to eat dinner with my very very loose tooth I struggled a lot because at this point it was beginning to cause a bit of pain i sat there with my barely touched food in front of me and all of a sudden my mum had this brilliant idea well if you're not going to eat your dinner we'll just have to rip out your tooth now get into the bathroom gulp the pain I felt in that moment was indescribable tears were streaming constantly down my face there was a never-ending unbearable ache from the roof of my mouth and blood oh my god lots of blood looking back at it now though I was probably over exaggerating not a little a lot okay let's get this tooth out for you [Music] but it did hurt trust me please the next day I made it my goal to avoid talking to avoid opening my mouth in general actually so that no one would notice this massive hole in my mouth this didn't last long though someone tickled me and my hideous smile was on display for everyone he'll and do you know what the worst luck ever is losing your front teeth at the same time and do you know what is even worse luck losing both front teeth at the same time during school photo time that is a big wolf okay smile please Jess I said smile something that I thought was really cool at the time was that my best friend and I would lose our teeth at the exact same time which is kind of creepy thinking about it now and not just losing any random teeth we would lose the same teeth at the same time one of us would rock up to school and be like there were also those cool kids that would lose their teeth on purpose during class just to get out of it sometimes I desperately wanted to be that kid during primary school but that time never came until high school except unfortunately it happened during my lunch break my friend asked me if I wanted a lolly Oh candy whatever you want to call it and I was like sure why not why would I turn this off a down haha it was a big mistake this type of lolly was super chewy enough for a few chews it had enough power to rip out one of my back teeth that wasn't even loose in the first place as I was chewing away I hit something hard I took a look at it and all I saw was a massive amount of blood gushing out of my mouth my friend saw all the blood and she was out of there instantly honestly I don't blame her it would have been quite disturbing all of this occurred from a harmless lolly sorry to change the topic so suddenly but is it just me or does the Tooth Fairy not get nearly enough credit compared to Santa Claus and the Easter Bunny at least a fairy supposedly flies into your house takes the tooth from under your pillow don't ask how they manage that and then leaves you money where's the magical backstory that every kid knows about where's the fun songs or the traditional celebrations all the Tooth Fairy gets is this embarrassment that I referenced earlier whenever any conversation about the Tooth Fairy came up during school there was always one question that would be discussed every time so how much money do you guys get from the Tooth Fairy oh yeah I get $5 I get $20 no big deal well I get $2 wait it's the Tooth Fairy ripping me off other than the stories I've already spoken about the remaining teeth I have lost have pretty boring stories to go with them I have never had any sort of fear with going to the dentist either I know it can sometimes be interpreted as a big scary place where your teeth are drilled into and ripped apart but nothing ever gave me that impression I guess the reason behind that could be that I was never really into sweet foods to begin with and therefore I wasn't concerned about cavities I've learned my lesson that lollies are evil oh yeah I lost one tooth the garlic bread once the list hey guys thank you so much for watching this video I just want to let you guys know that the first ever piece of jelly Jess merch has been made and guess what it's free head on over to my Twitter follow me there and retweet this post and you'll be in the running to win good luck everyone
Channel: Jelly Jess
Views: 2,415,293
Rating: 4.8814235 out of 5
Keywords: JellyJess, jelly, jess, animation, animated, storytime, story-time, story, moment, cartoon, embarrassing, childhood, stories, funny, animation community, animation squad, theodd1sout, somethingelseYT, jaidenanimations, illymation, timtom, itsalexclark, cypherden, theamaazing, animated story-time, losing teeth, losing tooth, tooth fairy, blood, dentist, missing teeth, candy, lollies, bleeding, scary
Id: y6w-uf-WPDU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 3sec (483 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 26 2019
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