I Don't Like the Dentist

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my first memory as a child is being strapped down with belts to a chair while a dentist rips out all my teeth as I scream bloody murder against my will that's not true but ever since I was little I've had a really intense fear of the dentist I'm not sure why I mean yeah going to the dentist is a bit freaky but even as an adult I understand the fact that I'm not in any danger and the dentist is just trying to pick out bits of plaque I've built up over the past six months if anything I should be scared of how much they charge even though I know this my body still shakes uncontrollably when they do anything more than floss my teeth which is still kind of scary because they're always so aggressive about it every memory I have of going to the dentist while I was a kid is filled with me just bawling my eyes out during the entire process and then getting a little toy from their toy machine because I was quote so good I mean you're not fooling anyone even I knew that was just a loadable no I still want it when I was in sixth grade my parents decided to finally slap some braces on my mouth my teeth were pretty straight but I had an overbite so I just looked like a nice horse my mom made an appointment with the orthodontist to talk about the process and while there he told me I've still got five baby teeth and I'll need to pull them out before I get braces for common-sense purposes so they sent me out and I basically had a month to pull out all five teeth before they were gonna have to rip them out for me which I did not like the idea of the imagery of them sticking a needle in my mouth filled both my motivation and intense overwhelming fear and I wiggled those five baby boys every single day since that meeting a few of them weren't even wiggling yet so it was gonna be a race against the clock into a fight by the end of the month I managed to pull out three teeth on my own a PB but it wasn't enough which meant my mom was gonna have to schedule that dreaded nightmare appointment where they were gonna shove needles down my throat I was in the living room and could hear her make the call which made my stomach sink and I felt petrified that doomsday was going to be my reality in a few days I could hear them preparing all 100 needles and barbed wire over the phone that little reality check was enough to fear charge me into new power levels because maybe and now - after she confirmed the appointment with the orthodontist I'd ripped out the last two of my teeth the conversation where my mom had to cancel the extraction appointment two hours after she booked it was the biggest feeling of relief I've ever had she also ended up paying me 75 bucks because she said I just saved her like 500 for yanking the teeth out myself and not having to pay the dentist to do it Wow the Tooth Fairy been scamming me for years what a happy ending to the story Jayden went on to never have anything scary done to her teeth she continued to live a happy life only needing to go to the dentist for cleanings and no freaking mouth procedures for the rest of her days she got her horse teeth fixed and the rest is history so last year in June I had to get my wisdom teeth taken out my wisdom teeth had been growing in and shoving their aggressiveness into the sweet harmony of my existing teeth for a few years my mom intended to get them removed when I turned 18 but I think she forgot and I thought I could get away with it but there was starting to get really painful and annoying one was coming in sideways which made my gums get in the way while I ate which made me only chew food on the left side of my mouth for like a whole year I'd had enough and figured I just needed to get it over with and have them ripped out I scheduled an appointment to get them removed on June 11th and braced for impact the rest of the week before the extraction they wanted to have a meeting with me to discuss the process of what they're doing and how they're doing it they put on one of those 90s informational videos and everything seemed fine until we got to the part where it was talking about sedation in the video they said that some sort of gas is used to induce conscious sedation the kind that makes you really loopy and not remember anything but then the nurse piped in and said we don't do that here and let the video continue so what I'm just gonna be fully conscious while you needle and drill and probe my mouth answer the question after the video I said huh so is there a way it can be at least semi unconscious for this the nurse prescribed me medication called valium that'll help calm me down which was relieving to hear all I wanted was to not be conscious I picked it up in the day came I'm excited to not be conscious my roommate and I got into the car to take me to the appointment and that's when it really sunk in this medication isn't doing anything for me and I am extremely conscious do you have any chloroform apparently valium supposed to relax you enough so that you're awake but don't really care what's happening but by the time the dentist was calling me back to the chair my nerves were still going haywire proof of consciousness I desperately asked the dentist if I could take another one because one pill wasn't doing enough for me but she said I'll be fine okay they laid me back in the chair put that mouth opener thing in my mouth put sunglasses on me so I don't hurt my sensitive little eyes and put the first needle into my mouth and that's what I couldn't hold it anymore fear was overwhelming me the entire day but that was the moment it really got me tears pursed down my face that I was trying desperately not to make that annoying noise when you're trying not to cry too hard but you need to breathe but you breathe too much I kept apologizing because I knew physically I was fine there wasn't any pain I couldn't tolerate they hadn't really done anything yet and I was being irrational but just the idea that I was awake and present was so intense and I couldn't handle it I didn't do that but I wanted to I was able to compose myself after a few minutes and they kept going but the sounds of them sawing my tooth in half and yanking it out of my gums and God knows what else probably just playing tic-tac-toe with needles in there for the heck of it was horrifying I'm not scared of much and I'm relatively reasonable for the most part so it was really surprising and eye-opening to feel genuine uncontrollable fear like my head told me things were okay but my body was freaking out and then my head was like dude chill and then my body was like all-in-all everything went well and I was able to go home after they finished up a few hours later since I wasn't drugged up and just super numb I didn't have much recovery to deal with other than swelling and I kind of just chilled for the rest of the day watching YouTube videos the dentist even told me I can eat normal food and wasn't restricted to just soup as long as I was careful I ordered a smoothie bowl to my house and when I opened the door to take it from the guy I didn't realize until afterwards I had blood dripping out of my mouth so luckily he didn't call the police I was trying with a hundred percent focused to not bite my tongue because I couldn't feel it at all in my mouth and was that high risk for just biting a chunk of it off without knowing the smooth Ebola had sliced strawberries on top and you don't realize how much sliced strawberries resembled the texture and sound of biting into a tongue until you don't know where your tongue is in your mouth and also can't feel anything is that my tongue hmm if I had to get my wisdom teeth out again I highly doubt I'd be this freaked out about it the hardest part was just not knowing what was going to happen and not being able to brace for it but afterwards it was like so isn't too bad but also thank the holy merciful gods that I don't need to do that again so I've got an update I think I've just been going to I'm not great dentist I originally went to them for a retainer and they're like this is the place that did my wisdom teeth by the way so I went to them for a new retainer and they're like oh we can straighten your teeth a bit first with Invisalign and I was like oh alright sure my teeth are already pretty straight because of the braces but I was like sure whatever they said it'll be done in six months six months passed and none of my teeth align right when I bite down anymore and it's extremely uncomfortable then they're like let's file your teeth down to line up again in ten minutes of teeth shaving later they're like it's not working let's get more Invisalign and I was like um and when I mentioned being unsure about things now they were like it's normal for Invisalign to last for two years and I was like two years this is the first time I'm hearing anything about two years also I didn't even have braces for two years when my teeth are actually janked so yeah I'm not going there anymore follow your dreams kids
Channel: Jaiden Animations
Views: 22,478,512
Rating: 4.9522371 out of 5
Keywords: jaiden, animations, jaidenanimation, jaidenanimations
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 38sec (518 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 29 2019
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