Losing My Religion | Dr. Matthew Stevenson | Safe Place

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all right I'm going to read this scripture I'm going to talk it through because I don't feel like hollering and then we'll prophesy to some of you all right this is going to be first samuel first samuel how many of you have been getting delivered from losing my religion you change now sin is still sin okay some of y'all been losing your religion and just turning up amen amen amen we just have grace praise the Lord First Samuel the eighteenth chapter and I actually want to read this in the message version and the reason I'm not going to preach this is because I actually want to kind I want to prophesy this to you and this morning what we learned is that when you get revelation you have to put it in the right what wineskin you have to put it in the right structure and first time you're 18 in the message version verse 1 by the time David had finished reporting to Saul Jonathan was deeply impressed with David and an immediate bond was forged between them he became totally committed to David from that point on he would be David's number-one advocate and friend say advocate now the opposite of an advocate is an adversary hello the opposite of an advocate is an adversary okay you're gonna understand why that's important in a minute Saul received David into his own household that day no more to return to the home of his father Jonathan out of his deep love for David made a covenant with him he formalized it with solemn gifts number one his own royal robe his weapons armor sward bow and belt whatever Saul gave David to do he did it and did it well so well that Saul put him in charge of his military operations everybody both the people in general and Saul's servants approved and at Meijer David's leadership now you may not see while one has to do with the other but I'm gonna walk you through it okay here is the prophetic word to you now act like I just pointed you about in a service and receive it God is concerned about your safe places now I'll preach something exciting watch now but I want to sober you up about having safe places and being a safe place no body grows in a dangerous environment and every heart in the world is looking for safety you may call it something else you may describe it as something else but people are in dire need of safety and this is so important because as we preach through this whole losing my religion stuff a part of what it's called for is for people to disrobe but it's difficult to be transparent where there is no trust you have to appoint and find safe places you have to learn to be one there are people who will demand that you'd be transparent and they not be [Applause] there are people who will demand honesty and they not be and the way deliverance works say yes the way destiny works say yes and even the way decision-making works is in the context of safe places everybody here knows what it feels like to feel unsafe the caveat to that is this you may feel unsafe because of your environment or you may feel unsafe because of your own bondage because it may be supply a resource around you that if you're not holding your inner man you won't be able to recognize that God has sent you what you prayed for but your old bondage won't allow people in the works stronghold is a word that means preventing people from coming in and preventing people from going out and a stronghold is very cerebral it's internal in the Bible days it used to be literal walls in these days it's emotional walls conversational walls relational walls and so one of the things that I've learned is that if you're going to number one pursue deliverance because I do not think you should be fighting for more things than your freedom so when it comes to like personal freedom you have to do it in a safe place now here is the harsh truth all y'all know this but I'm gonna just say it to Buster white elephant in the room everybody's not safe and some people will start off safe and can't handle a life change of yours and they now become hazardous because they envy your life change you need I feel a chill there's a couple of elements that I want to lift for you and I'm being practical about this because you need to work on this study this decide about this before you cross over into the next year because the harsh truth is a lot of what you've achieved from the beginning of your life - now maybe because you've not felt safe or because your relational scenery and your relational setting is always changing now sometimes it's because of people but you have to be willing to explore the common denominator in every relationship you in which is you and sometimes there is a such thing as non compatible you have to know what personalities you just don't do well with now one of the scriptures and I am an aspiring theologian one of the scriptures I don't like is the one that says follow peace with all men I can deal with the holiness without which no man but that followed peace with all men because what that means is irrespective of your personality my obligation is to be at peace with it which means I no longer here we go mr. and mrs. control I don't exert my energy trying to change you to make you work for me following peace is I understand how you are and I adopt to protect my peace you say man I Mahalo because no matter how hard you try you ain't changing no man and no matter how hard you try you ain't changing a woman people can't change people until we until an individual has decided that they're going to change they will not change okay here's what this safe place theme does what I love the highlight of this in the first part is advocacy advocacy in a safe place I hope you're quiet as you're listening what that means is that even when and while you're wrong I'm advocating for you I will tell you you are out of order you file you you disrespectful heifer I'll say that to you but I will never come an agreement with your enemies against you I know you want me to turn and their observations of you may be true but you're not going to find me agreeing with your critic because I'm an advocate so yes and I can be an advocate and not agree when you are emotionally immature not notice word is working on some of y'all when you are emotionally immature you only find safety in agreement which translates to the more you agree with me the more I trust you I don't trust people that agree with me all the time because if you agree with me all the time can I take this deeper even without this I no longer want to be around you it doesn't make me an enemy not dismissal from this dynamic does not make me an enemy it means I'm a distant advocate can I give you a word from God prophesied to your neighbor say in the name of Jesus I give you permission to distance yourself if you are in a fragile emotional space if you're going through your the last thing you need to be doing is talking to people that you don't look over your shoulder with them this season you got to know what everybody in your circle is saying about you and if you don't know they shouldn't be in the circle safe places I'm talking about safe places advocacy is not agreement we're going to disagree I think healthy relationships whatever they are disagreement is like a vitamin if you disagree right I know this is born here if you disagree right it should strengthen the relationship if you disagree and every disagreement justifies you walking away you are dysfunctional it means that you cannot healthily handle basic human interaction I like your shoes I don't want yours let's go eat okay this night it's now like your shoes now I got this exactly why you like them I know my spiritual said listen you have to be delivered from the relational cynicism that makes you translate all disagreement as disloyalty I am an advocate I advocate for my friends do not go like this but I'm just in a mood to say I advocate for my leader I'm different from him I have a different calling and a different view and a different approach you will never find me in Denny's or face book on any other phone ever sit don't want to see this I'm a la old-school you know I'm of the persuasion I'm one of them sons I'm like Noah's sons so I'm one of them guys I don't care what's back there that's my father and in 2020 oh god I'm here I'm gonna tell somebody I refer to me as dr. Stevenson don't Punk me don't dad me if not the token Saturdays it's a puzzle thank you when you are born from a leader you cease to represent yourself I know you don't like this which means you have to apply your leaders honor is on you at all times it's like a uniform so you gotta watch where you go where you you bring that Authority especially ordained [Applause] I'm timeout safe places safety okay um here's verse three and four I'm gonna take my time just under you'll like it there is a cuss word LaRon elder Griffin in here that folk always avoid coven it now hear them rats Shelton in a basement once jonathan made the decision watch me because David success determine his need for safety do not think that because you're successful that you don't need a safe place as a matter of fact the more successful you get the more safety you need as me because when the light come on here comes the books so the more money you make the more position you get you got to question why you allowed you is around you because of his love for David I notice a real preachy he made a covenant a decision now here is how a company works if you have ever this feels good to me if you have ever gone into covenant with two parties you went wrong covenant is always a three-fold issue the nature of the flesh is truce breaking covenant breaking so if I make a covenant I'm in covenant with my leader my church my friend's mom whatever my mentor I'm asking and inviting the Holy Ghost to guard the relationship any relationship unless it's professional because I do believe in business relationships there are some people you work with that you got to turn off when you leave that office I believe in professional relationships lord have mercy today I believe in colleagues I don't think you got to be in covenant with colleagues when you enter into covenant you're asking the Holy Ghost to empower you to live up to it now listen unless we're dealing with business relationships and partnerships you ought not be in any relationship that you can't invite the Holy Ghost in [Applause] profit oh god they don't want this that you all not be in any relationship yet the Holy Ghost has no welcome in - if you are making an agreement an arrangement in a relationship and you're asking the helper to stay out of it the power you have to stay in it is your flesh and pulse it ain't no good thing so covenant is a binding arrangement empowered by a spirit the opposite of that is a soul time which means there are real demons whose job is to bind you do certain relationships some of you many of you never look of victims of severe soul ties and because you don't know what love is this is the closest thing you've ever felt to it so as no and drumroll please also times asexual in deliverance Jordan when we're dealing with unmarried people and they have a hatred or resentment of their marital status the first thing we got to get them to do I had to do it I don't know if she had to do it she was the happiest single woman I ever met in my life she was so happy singing I was mad it eret ated me I'm not gonna be desperate for me don't you see generally the most powerful soul time a person can have is with who they've married in their head some of you are single naturally but you are very married mentally you've crafted a man crafted a woman up there and when you meet real people you compare them to the dude or the girl up here and an opposing put or are Obama here so now a potential romantic interest is bumping up against your ideas and you're controlling them using the lady or the guy on your head as the template for who they should be so then when you find out that this is actually a person and this is not who's in your head you're not gonna be satisfied because you're already in love say covenant so when you decide that you're going to be in covenant relationship you got to invite an axe the holy ghost to help you and the Holy Spirit I know we only use him for tongues but he'll help you to become a safe place the Holy Ghost will teach you the power of tone he will teach you how and when to react if to react if to respond he will teach you when to breathe when to not be so reactive to everything I used to struggle my wife was talking about this yesterday with me because I had a thing now Aktau gotten therapy my counselor told me to express myself but there was a time where that wasn't always good and I used to tell my wife all the time I just want to tell these people what I really feel no and she used to be like when I tell you suppression up to what no you cannot say that like that you know we had a rule where I couldn't send an email unless she read it so if I wanted to cut you out electronically I would send it before she was at home and make sure she didn't see it but my team got smart they'll put her around so they only talk to me about certain stuff and they normally see her in a minute some of you don't even have the emotional bandwidth for the honesty you're demanding everybody can't stand alive we have to lie to you to get along with you and leave you at this level cuz last time we were honest you translated it into hate you translated it into disloyalty say safe places and it's unsafe if there is no honesty practically speaking so we know what I do is give me the permission I'm willing everything I say I'm willing to be wrong I'll tell my wife hey prove me wrong about this even with your discerning tail when I know I'm picking up on something all that master profit word and knowledge goes over here and I become a humble person and what I do is I say baby prove me wrong is this me make me make this not make sense but you got to be emotionally secure to even offer that somebody that's insecure will hear somebody saying oh you off you're in your flesh you bitter because that's one of the things that hides real strong in y'all some people can't handle you saying that's a little bitterness because then what's gonna happen you stop responding to the text messages stop coming around you slowly just find you a whole new group and then a watch-night parting gave you a whole new set of friends every year sell me I've got a whole buncha list sorry cut off again he made a covenant with him here is how he demonstrated it somebody who's this oh I was arguing yesterday with us a real son of mine that I'm mad with I don't like him right now I love him but we were talking and he said I love you know he said what you mean we got history I said but you don't have behavior see what y'all gotta understand is love is behavioral I'm not to put myself in timeout I said love it's action or the problem with you is you only take verbal love but when love shows up in behavior you don't know how to recognize it or some of y'all are loving people verbally and not behaviorally now loving you don't mean I got to do what you want me to do and if you make me feel like that's the contingency I now decide you are unsafe [Applause] here is how he formalized it look at verse 3 or 4 this is very important this is very very very important if you're going to be a safe place I'm going to say this for shock value but I don't want you to take this literally okay because they'll have me all over the news you know all that if you want to appoint somebody in your life as a safe place or if you want to be a safe place somebody's got to take it off the first thing Jonathan gave David was his own role he was willing watch me to use his symbolic neck this to show that I have nothing to hide in safety you initiate transparency by giving it so when you want somebody to open up about an area of life or a struggle or battle because we I've taught y'all before we connect that pain okay when you connect it that level what you do is you take off you just say whatever the devil is saying about you just come out now I said yeah I'm stupid sometimes and whatever your thought is however wrong it is you got to do that first and what that does is it's immediately disarming you immediately put your guard down you tell somebody sometimes I think I'm a lunatic what that does is the person says oh so you don't want to use me to get close to this person or you don't want to use me just because you bought that transparency creates the growth process of trust can i deepen this but Trust is progressive there are certain people that I trust to love it I'm probably going to trust more it's don't make people or don't allow people to force you to hurry up and trust them and don't use the stuff I teach as weapons against people because you want them to trust you see the puzzle said you got a devil they probably do but I'm not gonna decide your trust progress oh this is meat we live by faith but we trust by proof that's a part of safety let me grow in my trust so he disrobed now after he disrobe here is my scar here is my issue here is my thing what I often ask people around me is if you are having the worst season of your life where do I found you the crack house the whole house the dope house where you gonna be while you're sober army with your trigger so that when you lose sobriety I have already known I know him this way he bout to be somewhere over there smoking this now the thought of that scary and I'ma tell you why the church is so full of condemnation that the brutal truth is the church is unsafe [Applause] [Music] we don't want to talk about the dysfunctional doctrine we have that if we're preaching holiness our church has to be small no it's just unsafe it's stupid to think broken people don't want the gospel it just makes Christians feel better the real truth is people can sense safety so if they come in looking like their life and you immediately charge them as if they have no future that heart registers unsafe god quality is real but y'all are unsafe what they preaching this probably is real buddy y'all probably unsafe if the church felt more safe all that would be growing that make sense to you so he gave him his role he disrobe this is my thing this is my weakness now here's the deal if you don't know your weakness you are full of pride if you got to sit down you're my like what is what are my weakness you too wonderful took belong to anybody you got to have a weakness and the more anointed you are you want to have a whole lot of I know I'm crazy you try walking around hearing voices all day I know what's wrong with me a lot of pressure after you gave him his role he gave him his weapons Jonathan gave David weapons in a safe place what happens is people arm you for your fight I'll give you weapons my weapons this is what worked for me this is what works for me do this I'll make this a part here's what I'm teaching you if they're going to be a friend they should join your fight and not necessarily against people but you'll fight for your freedom you'll fight for your life your fight for your sanity for some of you you'll fight for your stability God will never I want to put this over here God is not going to assign people to you that's gonna that's when keeping it real goes wrong you my friend you are assigned to help free me let me have a moment but don't watch me live like my pass now let me put a big caveat in safety everybody deserves a moment I have a strict no judgment policy if I not there people call me for his I never said that too but I decided my rule is no judge meant you could have a pipe in your mouth right before you preach if you my friend I'm gonna laugh wait till you get done and I'm gonna tell you April you probably shouldn't do that people don't everybody can't handle your humanity that way if you are a judgmental I love your word critical harsh real person that's immediate reaction to everything is to judge what you don't understand you're not safe you're not safe you don't have a budget for a fresh world a season of depression you can't afford me everybody now here it is right y'all you need that one person dr. Ross you probably got a lot of them that you can pick up the phone and costs for like 20 minutes you look at our Gilardi carnal I'm to tell you to if that makes you not like me that mean I'm not your leader no mo I'm sorry now I'm not saying every day but you need that one-frame profit is Erica that you can say for 10 minutes don't judge me and speak in tongues I have the gift of tongues I really do and you know who this is so bad when prophetic people Custis feel different there is a energy behind it it's like God and I mix them up words that don't even go together I'm sorry [Music] you need one somebody in your life that's not gonna judge you at least one if you got three breasts but you didn't lose want somebody that can hear you say the words think the worst feel the worst and still see the best in you place I need somewhere to run when I'm fighting my humanity battle season disturbs your spirit you can get out my life seriously because when you have safe places ie Jonathan and David I'm your advocate and I give you my robe and my weapons armor and swore now here's the final point this is what I was getting to in verse 5 it talks about how saw now started to trust David with more responsibility and then it goes on to talk about how David started to excel and all of his skills if Bible interpretation is correct verse 1 2 3 and 4 have to equal verse 5 what it means is that because he had a safe place he could excel in life he became better at what he did he became known for a thing because he had safety now there's a verse that I found yesterday about David that said he was a hole the only thing y'all know about him is Bathsheba I found something the other day that said David had many sons by all his concubines I'm like my god so the real biblical truth is y'all don't know how many sons David had and God loved him y'all don't like that and how to use them you don't like that see we got to come out of this paradigm get the more perfect I get the more useful I am no you're only pretending like the perfect cuz you ain't got a safe place well people have safe places tell you the imperfection somebody in here with a safe place of light y'all I got the victory Monday through Friday Saturday night coming and I want a blunt and I want I don't smoke anything sure but you if you do and you trying to get out any smoker why am I going here any person that's been delivered from the bondage of nicotine will tell you it's difficult to do by yourself it's hard so you need to put that weakness somewhere who's not going to judge you you're my safe place not my Holy Ghost yours not your job to convict me [Applause] there's some good groceries but you ought to be able to put now listen here is how you know when somebody Rashida is going to be unsafe they'll in they lean in with all of their victories so the first couple of conversations they only talk about what they do well how God's blessing an oil and riches in favor and mercy like life has not happened they are a victorious zombie like God gave me a breakthrough this morning yesterday David came at 8:00 with me and I'm just experiencing a new shift in the blue moon my new judgment is you're nuts and I will never show you anything wrong with me because it's too much stuff right with you husbands need safe places there's certain things lord have mercy Jesus when I tell you I'm in here y'all I want no word now I know it's okay let me operate on you there's certain things that husbands are uncomfortable with talking to their wives about when it deals with your esteem your confidence if you're battling in your manhood you feel weak because you don't have a job or something has gone wrong in your life and you're not as achieved that's not something you want to go home and necessarily tell your wife I mean there should be a song where y'all can talk about anything but it feels better putting that in the hands of a man the same way forgive the graphic I'm just out here today you men don't want to know about the severity of your craps when that activity has gone on in my house I don't like being at home I leave I distance myself am I telling the truth if she do like this on my new I have no time hi god bless you uh I'm telling the honest-to-god truth but a woman will empathize they will find the altruism the ability to sympathize with where you are so there are certain things that don't belong on your spouse now you ought to have the type of marriage we all can talk about anything right no secrets but there's certain things that are heard better handled better and monitored better by see if if men have real meant for safe places you you not not to walk around no brother time I'll God call you the full-time ministry and you broke [Applause] because what is this I got you back riot what does everybody want to walk it's not everybody season to come out there child you're in design one t-shirt seriously this thing is an idea it is not a strategy and this thing is a product but it's not a business when people do that you know what my immediate thought is you have no friends skip the package you're slow and all that no you know you have no friends and nobody's telling you the truth about how you showing up come on that's a that's a safe place the point is in verse five he excelled he got promoted he was able to be his best self cuz he had safety yet safety if you are somebody that is in any position of authority you're an executive at your job a manager a supervisor you have to have a mandatory stress plan part of what that means is and I'm telling you I notice a y'all like this I want some deep you need to write I will develop these said habits for my stress and I will especially if you're working on it I will commit to doing these and I will be held accountable to doing this you need a stress management plan because here's the bad news your stressors are going to change in every season of your life this is why I highly recommend therapy therapy is not just about something wrong with you it's about your pressures your your pressures what they do it is your life pressures your transitional pressures are your progress or your pace pressures that gives you that room to get that stuff out does that make sense to you now there is a such thing as pastoral counseling where from a shepherding z-- perspective somebody can use the Bible or the principles of the word of God to be direct you and then there is mental health some of you need to go from said hey [Music] and refer you to be Amen cuz with as anointed as any pastor is they cannot diagnose you what they're gonna do is listen actively to where you are and give you wisdom but they're not going to necessarily treat the problems that make sense you maybe you know maybe you don't you are starving for safe places like your heart is desperate to grow now some of you have them so don't leave out of here and you know cut yourself with a hot Fork don't do that but if this has given you some context make it a conversation yo and don't be appalled ask people do not feel safe to you is this safe are we building safe to you have suspicions do you think I want something to you what is this you have to have that for your mental health I know it sounds funny but many of you are suffering from brain damage slowly because you don't have enough wisdom around you everything around you as a fool just finally everywhere and it proved it prohibits you from growing so David was able to Excel because he has safe places then the opposite has got to be true if you do not have safe places not cheerleaders not people that lie not people that have the same views if you don't have safe places you're going to regress you're going to slowly start going backwards and you start realizing that you're picking up stuff you put now you acting like your old self you start craving the past you start comparing your new I mean your husband or your wife two old people in your mind it's because you don't have safe places the warning to you is this don't you go into destiny and ministry and responsibility without putting some safety around you the relationships I've got to be like a helmet and a seatbelt I need some safety and some people in places where I can just be is this ministering to anybody okay so you see I could really preach that I'm giving you a responsibility to find some safe places some real safe places and stop shutting people out if a complan happen your one display and I hate that these people gave y'all this introvert/extrovert stuff I hate it cuz y'all are using it to explain extreme character dysfunction and to justify your unwillingness to grow up you know I'm an introvert so Oh got it you one of those all can't go you need safety another warning Ross or we gon start playing something they can't be safe if they want to sleep with you I know dummy I know all nations okay what gym today I'm very serious you catch them licking their lips wrong too many times [Applause] repeat after me suffice [Applause] [Music] seriously lakeil and Hill women are God daughters nieces stepchildren if a man comes in your life and your safe place sister girls start acting threatened by the fact that you're dating somebody is in love with somebody I know you don't like that there is a way for them to disagree and not feel personally impacted that you got a man now if you're dating and Li you got the two times Tsugumi oh you with him yes oh you're out again or you're going out again many of you know what it is to be in a friendship that feels like a marriage it's weird we don't have to go out together every day we don't have to check it if they say that I've been waiting on your phone call when you do that and no judgment but be honest with yourself with the less have gone on in you and you stand at the fall/winter phone to call you that's not friendship [Music] you know wait like have you ever seen a single white female in a movie and here's what it is listen it may listen to my wisdom it may not necessarily be driven by lust but it can be inordinate and the term board is inordinate affection what it means is you feel for me a little stronger than what you should I have the right to have a girlfriend say a man so even if your brothers start looking at you crazy because you or a major violation why am I saying this Vicky will you pray for me please just start to stir yourself how are y'all walking around dating your friends exes since you know what that meant he was eyeing him I heard a whole y'all yeah solid baby no friends exes excuse what a conversation going I knew he was gonna be together I always wanted to moving in I did I'm safe you're not safe now now the principle I'm will pray for you guys see that that's period of heaviness we shout aloud to come a little back jugs so y'all sit there like a lion God and said Jesus is not rocking my weary land I don't have a say played you got there long as I got King Jesus diamond don't you I don't believe unless there is romantic interests that as a male your only safe place is women now for some of us that feels very familiar because it's like my mom listen to me she nurtured me and it's okay if it's platonic but you got to put some men somewhere and the opposite is true you know what I don't like women oh like women how in the world did you go to the toilet see pal and decide you don't like women you is one there are only there are certain women that's always wrong dudes they just all got a bunch and then they start to change seriously you can be a woman that thinks masculine Lee and the adverse is also true but if you have safety and you have safe environments relationally speaking you should be becoming a better everything you our final warning is this ok if they gossip to you whatever you don't know keeping it real what if they gossip to you your necks [Music] there are people that I was in relationship with that I'm no longer relationship with that I would never out what was entrusted to me the discontinuing of that relationship does not justify me now defaming you because we're not friends but we still brothers I can't you and I are you to me love you even I like it so many of us are use our you know relationship separation so now everything you know and that's it I telling the truth no that's a form of emotional and psychological immaturity the word of the Lord to use grow let's go alright now let me pray for you cuz I know y'all like bobble you gonna have to do something between now watch night cuz uh you need some safe places now if there are people around you again don't use this as the as the weapon talk Hey we good one of my rules are three primary people in my immediate friendship circle none of them live in Chicago one of my rules is that we're friends the way I approach friendship is I am an intercessor and I don't want to have to be forced to be prophetic so what that looks like is maybe I'll pick up on something or maybe I won't but in the event that I don't what can I pray for the reason that's a powerful friendship tool oh I hear that y'all need in I was telling my only intercessory relationships friendships who are part of the rule as we pray for each other which means I gotta know what's wrong with you and I'm not praying for you against them don't find the Jezebel in the Witch and abandon abandon just give it just chill them all no I'm praying for you or how you handle that stuff how you live through that stuff how you won't through they man this is what we talked about earlier is important you need emotional resilience the ability to get back up at the ability to get back up I leaned in through prayer let me put and if you're wise and you know prayer well when you start praying for a person you also start to learn them it's called learning them by the spirit so as you pray if you've never like um it's hard to describe have you ever gone to pray for somebody and ended up playing stuff that you didn't intend to pray so it's like you walk up to somebody by Father I bless you I thank you for surely and you know and that's the worst name in the work don't know it's that sorry sorry Jesus Christ shallowly oh sorry I'm a prophesy to you if you hear surely [Music] I was given an example in it let's just say Jane Doe I just cuz my gift is it works against me sometime father thank you for Jane Doe I thank you for a week for what she's going through Lord begin to do things in her mind begin to show her that you've got a purpose so now what you've done is legally watch me because there is an illegal way to hack into people's trust what you've done now is legally started to learn this person by who made them which is the Holy Ghost and I'm gonna help you understand why that's so important the people around you will not just I don't want to make these repute based relationships right so the people around you should also be telling you the things you're good at that you don't know in your blind spots there is both good and bad blind spots sometimes have a negative connotation but there's things you're great at that you don't really realize particularly the things that you've been doing all your life so like the things that are you have natural things that you're born with and you need to know that you need to understand that do you want to know why money follows joy joy does not follow money that makes sense that means if you get fulfilled happy you do what you're naturally good at and you find a place of joy money's coming soon money never really comes to things that make you miserable your headdress and you sitting there I'm ticked off you got the braid hair you like snatch and hit and REITs all out and stuff you're not gonna excel at that cuz when revenues is get out this chair they go put a Yelp out on you tell me man you could take this out P Lord but you need safe places safe places don't seduce you say places don't let Satan sift you safe places can disagree with you but safe places are safe places I need a place to fall if we go fall like if something happens if you experience a sickness or death or just an unexpected tragedy where you go fall on yourself that's a bad habit to have because what happens is if you do that for long enough where you're gonna end up is deception because you're the only voice you believe the only voice you trust the only rationale you've never been taught to see things differently so please find your safe places and if you in here and you wanted in relation to Rudy's Rudy booze repent to your safe places for not allowing them to be there because a lot of your mister missus independent if you're gonna be in our life let me in all Lord Jesus it's really quiet in here amen like somebody do you have a safe place it'll take your deliverance to the next level it'll take your discipline to the next level you need some of y'all are really manifested I just saw y'all twitchin it's okay but find you some safe places and learn how to speak up for yourself don't don't play emotional mind games with people if you want me to be there be there you leaders find safe places that are not people you lead when I tell you the chilly winds don't blow it so quiet in here as a leader you need safe places preferably that understand the stresses of leadership and preferably those that don't have to follow you the next day because if you do too much of that they know you've compromised the relationship and everybody's not mature enough to handle more than one kind of relationship does it make sense you need safe places you also need to be a safe place so it means like if people come to you sometime they need to be disarmed by saying this stays with us even if you just have to get that out there just put that there to disarm them I thought there's a pastoral council one-on-one and then start to provoke them through guided conversation and active listening but you have to have a safe place the devil loves people who ain't got them here cuz I'll be shouting and no bill I'm about to get you when you get home so as you turn on myself as me anybody especially anybody ever dance depressed before I'm you did it just today I said didn't a some of you anybody anybody ever danced high as a kite I mean no roach hi [Music] don't know if boom some we are too young to know what Topsy is glory to come nature chisa it's about time blood came out I was done I would cuz I like to wait I mean you roll in the blood this is too real for y'all and you licking and then what the devil tell y'all where's the fire is don't take the spit out so you start doing the light elected y'all laughing I know why cuz ya'll then shift it to brownies you ain't gotta roll no no edibles go hit to God you can eat them that there's no nation that know us in here you being Church the whole time this Achuar I know it's the munchies that's what Eddie this is not little every Sunday now seriously and we're going to have pastor David we're going to have to have a real theological forum about this issue of marijuana and I'm telling you why a smart sinner will fight you it comes from the earth and now that is legal we're gonna have to have Bible to buck whatever we believe if it's right or if it's not right and you cannot Oh God you cannot keep fighting people saying your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost that's the only thing you got you need some more scripture because if that's the case there were smoke offerings in the temple so a smart the center will tell you I'm not the temple that's why I plus three times a day I lift it up do it all under the glory of God the only to stop think as soon as a stupid some of them are smart sin don't mean dumb and some would argue praise the name of the Lord the sugar is more dangerous than marijuana another will deliver some silica today y'all fulla puddin Rudi's penny candy swedish fish hallelujah amen good snacks praise the name of the Lord some y'all got a purse for a gummy worm right now charlie choose insulin I walk downstairs and I saw a whole cemetery full of sunflower seeds I'm like y'all was sittin in this church packing some policy and spitting the cells out you just trifling please bring your support bag and it's safe places I'm not to pray for you and then you're gonna pray for somebody we're done I wanted to take the town in a really latest foundation because the truth is if you're going into any new journey you have to fix your safe places so 2020 is gonna be a journey for you being a father is a new journey being a husband is a journey being a wife and a mom these are all different journeys even being a student is a you know what stresses me out Jared I could not stand when I was in my collegiate stuff and working on school and non educated people were telling me how to handle educational stress so like oh it's not that big of a deal I mean what do you mean but they don't understand they have no experience so if you're going into even a how many of you are going back to school in 2020 okay I love that go here all nations it's a bad girl if you're going into some academic stress you might need some academic safety so some people that can help you stay accountable to how you're living up under the stresses of it so spend some time thinking florally through this okay and come out the old testament so god don't have you in no wilderness you are not in a season of a cave that was for Israel not you all right as isolation and alienation but you need safe places all right amen try and see what I want to do first all right let me pray for you you know what I hate when people say all hearts and mind clear no it's not me it's not holy spirit we submit this issue to you every heart every mind every journey every calling every destiny in this room Lord you know that our hearts are starving for safety the thing you called us to do the thing you want us to do more of even the thing that you called out us out of us the thing that you want us to discontinue we need safety I'm asking father that we would have a relationship revival a revival of real authentic relationship send people with no motive send people with no agenda send people with no preconceived notion of who how and where we are send the hell I'm also asking that you would send those as baptized with the spirit of counsel those that walk in a spirit of wisdom those that we can run ideas by and those that we can run plan by and get creative a push back to improve us may every David in this room find a Jonathan and may every Jonathan in this room find a David your people have been through success stress and they need a place to disrobe give them this this year father highlight this in their hearts before the year turns show them who's around them highlight people that they should connect with and then finally my God give them the courage and the bravery to disconnect from the toxic help them to see that it is not wicked to dismiss themselves from unhealthy relationships in the name of Jesus give us safe places thank you that you all are shield in our bucket and we're believing you for new relationships in our lives if you receive that put those hands together for the Lord
Channel: All Nations Chicago
Views: 27,042
Rating: 4.8875504 out of 5
Id: FUNwB2xq8Gg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 63min 58sec (3838 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 07 2020
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