Losing My Religion | Dr. Matthew Stevenson | New Wine

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how many of you have been getting messed up man by this series losing my religion just mess up how many of you realize that you are religious I was studying some things yesterday I'm like man I'm so bad lord have mercy and it's like the more you study and the more you study there is a fresh visitation of God through the Word of God that starts to undo doctrinal bondage in your life and if you engage the Scriptures the way you should the end result should be that you are a better wife that you are a better husband you are a better friend if you study the Word of God and you don't show up differently in how you engage people something is wrong the Word of God should liberate you praise the name of the Lord and so I've been getting freed up and I don't know about you but I have fallen so in love with the Word of God this year I mean just seeing what it does in the heart and in the life or in your life my reactions have changed responses have changed and if you're like me many of you particularly those of you that are discerning people you have a problem in your meditation so what that means is that somebody can do something to you Monday and Thursday you still thinking about it and you're trying to get it out your head it just Reaper hearses and replay and then even if you say you forgive them out your mouth by time you see them again you got to bind the devil so you won't still offer them in the middle of church but the Word of God will constrain you it will hold you and so I love God's Word this is the last Sunday in this series and we're going into something else for 2020 but I want to give you what the Lord gave me we're going to Luke's Gospel the fifth chapter Luke's Gospel chapter 5 and I'm going to do my best to preach through this because I actually want to prophesy but I'm going to do my best to make it through this Luke 5 in the Living Bible I've been spoiling y'all with the message version but I'm going to give you something a little bit more holy today right good I heard there's a ghetto version Cyrus is that true somebody told me there is literally a version of the Scriptures what's the name of it gzt generation Z translation I'm definitely buying that today and and I will be preaching from it very soon it's an Instagram well I'm finding the sponsors of gzt and tell them I'm I'm a scholar so I work with them to develop their whole version because all nations will probably be the church the preachers from it legit Luke 5 and I want to start at verse 21 Luke 5:21 in the Living Bible who does this fellow think he is the Pharisees and teachers of the law exclaimed among themselves this is blasphemy who but God can forgive sins jesus knew what they were thinking and he replied why's it blasphemy I the Messiah have the authority on earth to forgive sins but talk is cheap anybody could say that so I'll prove it to you by healing this man then turning to the paralyzed man he commanded pick up your stretcher and go on home for you are healed and immediately as everyone watched the man jumped to his feet picked up his mat and went home praising God everyone present was gripped with all fear and they praised God remarking over and over again we have seen strange things today later on as Jesus left from the town he saw a tax collector with the usual reputation for cheating sitting at a tax collection booth this man's name Candice wasn't Levi or Matthew jesus said to him come and be one of my disciples so Levi left everything that's how you know he called you for real sprang up and went with him soon Levi held a reception in his home with Jesus as the guest of honor many of Levi's fellow tax collectors and other guests were there but the Pharisees and the teachers of the law complained bitterly to Jesus's disciples about is eating with such notorious sinners jesus answered them it is the sick who need a doctor not those in good health my purpose is to invite sinners to turn from their sins not to spend my time with those who think themselves already good enough their next complaint was that Jesus's disciples were feasting instead of fasting my god John the Baptist's disciples are constantly going without food and praying they declared and so the disciples of the Pharisees as well why are yours wining and dining jesus acts do happy men fans do wedding guests go hungry while celebrating with the groom but the time will come when the bridegroom will be killed and they won't eat here's my point then Jesus used this illustration nobody tears off a piece of a new garment to make a patch for an old one and not only will the new garment be ruined but the old garment will look worse with a new patch on it and no one puts a new wine into old wineskins for the new wine burst the old skins ruining the skins and spilling the wine new wine must be put into new wineskins but no one after drinking the old wine seems to want the fresh and the new the old ways are best they say father help me to preach this in Jesus name Amen we're talking for about 15 to 20 minutes about the new wine the new wine I've often said that the parable is one of the most powerful teaching formats of Jesus because what it does is it helps those of us that have been acclimated and educated on earth to understand difficult heavenly concepts the concepts that operate in heaven or from the kingdom of heaven are not the same as the concepts that operate on earth for example on earth if you want to be the greatest you've got to bully and grind and hustle and and move at your own rhythm and route and pace in the kingdom of heaven however the higher you want to go the lower you have to go and so Jesus often use is parabolic teaching to get us acclimated to heaven wisdom say yes wisdom that is not normative and wisdom that is not common and probably at a later point in the year I need to actually go through all of the parables of Jesus because what they do is they teach us what kingdom reality is about for example Jesus says often the kingdom of heaven is like unto a pearl or a man in a field or he compares it and contrasted to several earthly things that we have relationship with and what I love about this particular parable is that it stars it this with the setting of Jesus is selection of somebody unqualified and when you're dealing with anything religious you're dealing with anything traditional one of the things that you're going to notice is it always try to unqualified or disqualify who God calls qualifying is something you cannot do you can't study enough to do it you can't fast enough to do it you can't pray enough to do it even the things that the Lord uses you to do you'll never be qualified to do it and you're only a candidate to do it because he called you but it doesn't mean that you were qualified to begin with if you really receive that then what will happen is as you make mistake and as you grow and as you mature the enemy's power in your conscious will be weakened when you realize that when I do good when I do bad when I'm moving fast or when I'm moving slow my actions cannot qualify me whatever the Lord wants out of my life is not gonna be born from anything I know and anything I did and any of that so it's the qualification discussion that's in the earth right now and if you pay attention to the way things are going a lot of the major discussions that's going on in America is controversy around who God calls and and why God calls God calls when he calls them but there are certain people that I believe that literally have been raised from the dead for fragile moments in the world and fragile moments in history it would show up now as Jesus is calling a tax collector a literal criminal somebody who makes a career of deception and somebody who makes a career over misleading who lives with self-interest at his core and not only does Jesus walk up to him and calls him but he calls him in front of other people let me prophesy to you you are about to walk into a season of a different calling let me explain something to you you have one purpose but you have different assignments and your assignments are a reflection of your purpose your purpose is the premise for your assignments but you're going to have different assignments ask me why assignments are season based when the season changes so does the assignment and many of you struggle to understand your purpose when what you really need to do is discern your assignment if you discern the assignment you'll get closer and closer to understanding why you were born say I hear you now what I love is Jesus's involvement in this environment and verse 30 calls and notorious sinners and those that were disreputable and now we have a conversation between the Pharisees and the teachers of the law about why Jesus invests himself in dirty stories and dirty environments and dirty places and when you have a religious mentality what it does is it suggests that you have to pour yourself away from contaminated environments but the real truth is your calling is going to be expressed in something that is unclean consider this if your calling can only be made manifest around the clean then you do not need you anointing to be effective if your call can only demonstrate itself in righteous environments or religious environments and you do not even need authority to be effective when you are clean you don't need a thority power warfare binding loosing your faith to manifest but when you are on territory that does not belong on our side then you need an endorsement come on then you need some authority and then you need power that is not your own and so Jesus shows that the way he manifests life is to immediately find the darkness around him to immediately find where Satan has claimed around him now I love the fact that the concept of fasting comes up because we're about to go into the top of the year and when you go into the top of the year in our tradition everybody's on the 21-day they go on the fast a clear date spirit man and these you know but fasting is a spiritual weapon that does not make you more righteous either you are righteous or you're not all gone and there are people in here there's about three of you in the room that still like the my fast the my prey the better God sees me but you have to realize it as we talk about spiritual disciplines it does not position you differently but cross what's the final thing that gave you a seat before God so when you fast I'm not to make you mad fasting is for you [Music] [Applause] you don't like that God doesn't look at you as an upper passing I think I'll hear an answer right now he is so perfect that you cannot offer him to make him move faster what fasting does is inflict more flesh your soul and your wheel to position you the right way but it does not move God now I wanted to I wanted to hit that because there are people who believe like this scripture that the more spiritual disciplines I do the better standing I had before gone but fasting and praying and studying does not make you better it makes you disciplined it makes you crucified it makes you accountable now the real point of this is that they went into a conflict about what spirituality was are you more spiritual when you do this are you less spiritual when you don't do this and the Bible says they told Jesus why do you come and your disciples come eating and drinking and the disciples of John and the Pharisees do not and Jesus answers them and says fasting is a byproduct of what's gone absent what what is not here so while I'm here they don't have to fast but when I'm gone then they will fast the landing point of this scenario is here Jesus checked in the entire three years of his ministry every paradigm that was rooted in the law paradigm that basically means the context by which you understand information and they probably could have dealt with him if he was not so consistently checking paradigms why do you see this this way why do you interpret this this way why do you approach this this way wherever you see a stagnation in your life you are probably in need of a paradigm change what that means is that the way you approach a thing has got to shift now that's not going to make you mad but this next one is wine in the Word of God is [Applause] [Music] forgive me if you got if you're going to be an accurate biblical interpreter you've got to understand the weapon of symbolism and symbolism is one of it's one of the teaching methods of the whole of the Word of God the prophets prophesied in them the New Testament apostles were wrote in them comparative and contrast in symbolism nothing is more rich in the Bible in symbolism like why nothing not water not rain not snow nothing is used more consistently from Genesis to Revelation like the phrase wine for example the Bible says do not destroy the cluster the group the support because in them you find new wines a new wine and it also gives Jesus's blood as the New Testament contrasts to wine there is a line of Wrath there is a wine of judgment in the book of Ecclesiastes it compares wine to joy and the hearts being filled ok it acts the second chapter the Bible says when the Holy Ghost fell out that one of the things they accused him of was being under the influence of a new one and I love this particular parable because it shows the danger of putting anything new in a old paradigm why is a symbol of the Holy Ghost because it ferments and the difference between the difference between new and old wine is an old wine has stopped fermenting but a new wife is still continually going stronger this is what the first miracle in the Bible was a miracle of water - a new wine and he brought that at the wedding as the first symbol of the first mystery of the church which is at the wedding at Cana now what this purple is teaching is I can preach the kingdom demonstrate the kingdom reveal the kingdom give you pictures about the kingdom but if you put all of that information in an old paradigm what's going to happen is the new information is going to break the old paradigm and then the new information is going to flood out and you're going to waste the new information because of the old structure there is danger I don't have the time to preach mundos there is danger and asking God to do a new thing in an old life revelation is your most important weapon but the thing that supports revelation is the structure that the discipline how you build your life for example if and when the Lord gives you instruction that is always everything God says is revelatory but if he gives you revelation and you don't adapt to accommodate that revelation you waste the revelation because you've now put new wine in an old skin and it does matter how you carry what God is telling you to do we're about to go into two weeks of prophetic instruction God is talking very loud through prayer very loud in services and all of that new can become entertaining but that new information should not be your focus it should be your old structures how does a new me show up in people that are old in environments that think oh it's a paradigm shift what do I do we when the Lord gives me a new standard and my friends are okay with theirs Phil chill [Applause] [Music] what do I do with my conviction separate me from the crowd around me and then the crowd around me if they do not like my conviction they try to convince me out of it how do I handle that new wine what do I put in it you got to realize that structure is the foundation of Revelation if God is giving you some new information some new wisdom then your reaction is I need to change the bottle that's carrying this information so that I don't dishonor God by wasting the wine snap somebody say don't waste the wine don't waste the wine wave your hand to me if you've got some new instruction from the Lord this year now that's almost a hundred percent of the room I can guarantee you there are some stubborn structures emotionally relationally financially that you did nothing about to accommodate the revelation here's how we approach it we think that revelation does the job revelation is the opportunity to cooperate with what God wants to do if you don't do anything about what he's pouring into the type of life if revelation is information then then then then or if wine is revelation then your life is the bottle your marriage is the bottle your career is the bottle so the danger of that though many of you the devil's attacking I'm going through it's been a one heck of a year I'm gonna say something different what it was was a bottle breaking a wineskin breaking God did and said and decreed the knew and you were too busy praising God for what he said that you did not adjust so you could carry it well Jesus spent three years of his life trying to get them to carry some new wine the worst part of this though is that the Bible says you can have an appetite for the old but conclude of the parable is those who have gotten accustomed to drinking old wine don't even want a new wine cuz in their mind here is where your warning is they think the oldest back when you get to the place where you think that what God did is better than what he wants to do when you get to the place that what God say is stronger than what he say ye then what you're going to do is live a life here is where the attack is a plateau a life of stagnation you don't want this a life of moving at your own pace and a life of moving without the favor of God because revelation is what welcomes the favor of God so many of you may or may not need a new word I'll give it to eleven what you need is some different structure if your destiny is on the line then your stewardship is your discipline I steward my destiny by what I do with my days do I give your word in the name of Jesus I give you permission to dismiss everybody that's race to your time every relationship American in here every conversation you are only to invest and that that is moving youthful see yourself it's time for the new line [Applause] beloved there are people whose whole assignment is to waste your time their whole purpose is to come and make you invest over and over again with no return and that is a personal issue of boundary for you because if you continue to give and you do not have any parameters around your gear what's going to happen is when you're empty when you're depleted and when you don't have anymore now you're crying out to God feel me up guys I did but you continue to endlessly give stuff without living up to what I call you to do it's a discipline issue if God is giving you revelation I don't know why I'm going here but I'll say it I'll try to preach it this is different if the Lord gives you a prophetic word for example and he tells you I want to do this I'm going to do this and you do not change your diligence in terms of researching the word many people make the mistake of taking all prophecy at face value I don't know if anybody's judging prophecy no more we so busy given time ain't nobody listening to see if it's God and you know in this you know this church has an unauthorized prophetic union the unrecognized prophets that call each other and train each other then prophesy the folks whose soul I got to watch so God give you a prophetic word and you don't investigate its meaning it's time steps its interpretation or its applications and then you get disappointed when it does not happen God's job is the wine your job is the bottle if you're calling me to this I need to shift in that listen that means that what every prophetic word there's a character adjustment if God says I'm making you this your reaction is let me start adjusting how I am until I become that you don't get a word about bingo right and then wait till somebody finds you that like what you're gonna worry about bingo right and then you first start working on your mouth they don't want this you worked on your budget come on you start looking a little more you adjust your behavior to live up to the revelation I know this is now real preachy but we're not in deficit of Revelation we're in deficit of structure how we're going to hold this thing all nations worship assembly has been in a year-long paradigm shift and quite frankly very many people do not like it particularly those that knew it when it was this small they say the old is better so when you start changing stuff pouring out new policy pouring out new protocol I notice gonna make you mad but raising up new people those have got the taste of the old sailor they could pray but they ain't this one implemented that works and they compare the new to the old but if you ever want to kill anything that God is too ain't compare it to something he used to do compared to what he did before and I feel you clicking in this church but I declared the day the new is upon you and it's either gonna happen through you always want to happen to you the old is not better you have to convince yourself of that
Channel: All Nations Chicago
Views: 16,166
Rating: 4.9054651 out of 5
Id: 2pCbL7GNUmU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 42sec (1662 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 07 2020
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