Losing My Religion | Dr. Matthew Stevenson | Burning Hearts

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open your Bibles to Luke the 24th chapter the 24th chapter of Luke's Gospel we've been under what my friend dr. Darris Daniel says a powerful theological reconstruction upon which the future of the church is hinged by reinvestigating who we are fundamentally as believers what we believe and how we live out what we believe this is so vitally important and because the doorway of every war in history is in the belief system what people believe why people came to believe what they believe and in this series a part of what we've learned is that more important than people not investigating information about God is the fact that they will put in accurate information as a priority because of a trusted teacher so rather than investigate individually what they do is they rely on the character of what they think about who taught it notwithstanding that you can be a good person and get it wrong and many of our forefathers and predecessors and those that introduced us to the gospel it does not mean that they were in sin or are not valuable or even malicious but there are certain things that we were taught that are corroding under the culture of a fastly advancing society so part of what I've been doing through this series is just call people back elder Torrey to the power of the word of God and to what it says I have also been charged to make sure that this people don't lose our trimble well you just tell somebody don't lose that trimble don't lose that Trimble God said through Jeremiah I'm looking for those that still tremble at my word and sometimes when you grow up around it and you hear so much of it you lose that trim bow but I want to Bri the people that still tremble at the word of the Lord and the word of God and what it says so at this point in our we're gonna navigate through a very powerful story and Luke's Gospel it's the 24th chapter xiii verse is where we're starting and I'd like to examine it in the english standard version that's ESV I like to establish it there and Luke 24 verse 13 says this that very day two of them were going to a village named Emmaus say Emmaus about seven miles from Jerusalem and they were talking with each other about all the things that had happened and while they were talking and discussing together Jesus himself drew near and went with them verse 16 is interesting it says but their eyes were kept from recognizing him verse 17 says and he said to them what is this conversation that you are holding which he with each other as you walk and they stood still looking sad then one of them named Cleopas answered him are you the only visitor in Jerusalem who does not know the things that have happened there in these days and he said to them what things and they said to him concerning Jesus of Nazareth a man who was a prophet mighty in deed and word before God and all the people and how our chief priests and rulers delivered him up to be condemned to death and crucified him but we had hoped that he was the one to redeem Israel yes and besides all this it is now the third day since these things happen moreover some women of our company amazed us they were at the tomb early in the morning and when they did not find his body they came back saying that they had seen a vision of angels who said that he was alive some of those who were with us went to the tomb and found it just as the women had said but they did not but him they did not see and he said to them o foolish ones and slow of heart to believe all that the prophets have spoken was it not necessary I just want you to scream the word necessary there'll be some preaching room there later was it not necessary that the Christ should suffer these things and enter into his glory and beginning with Moses and all the prophets he interpreted to them in all the Scriptures the things concerning himself so they drew near to the village to which they were going he acted as if he were going further with them but they urged him strongly saying stay with us for it is toward the evening and the day is now far spent so he went in to stay with them and when he was at the table with them he took the bread and blessed and broke it and gave it to them and their eyes were opened and they recognized him and he vanished from their sight they said to each other did not our hearts burn within us while he talked to us on the road while he opened the scriptures to us and the word of the Lord is blessed this morning for about thirty minutes we're going to talk about the subject of burning hearts we're going to talk about the subject of burning hearts I'd like to introduce you to Luke's Gospel as everyone know that the synoptic Gospels are accounts written from the immediate circle of Jesus Christ some of them include identical accounts others of them include different variations of the same accounts but it is important when trying to understand the Scriptures and trying to understand what's important to the writer you've got to understand the the nature of the skill and the intent of the writer and Luke authored both Luke's Gospel but he also authored the book of Acts and because by medical by profession he was a medical doctor there is a specificity by which he writes and he leaves out very little detail if you know anybody that's in a medical profession profession whether they are a nurse or whether they are a doctor they tend to be cold people and not necessarily about personality but by necessity because of their profession they detach sometimes from emotional sways to write the information as is to write the prescription as is to diagnose the challenge as is and so when we're looking at both looks Luke's Gospel and the book of Acts there is a very specific type of description in his stories where you find the punctuation it's different you'll find that the timestamps are different you'll find that there are emphases points placed there because Luke wrote as one that was shrewd I'm not trying to appeal to any storytelling or anything surrounding your reading I'm writing to you as is and the way Luke's Gospel is set up is that it highlights in the first chapters of it the ministries of both John the Baptist and Jesus as the answer to Israel concerning the fulfillment of the prophecies in the Old Testament and then in the middle of the book it goes more into the teachings of Jesus Christ but right before he goes into teachings Luke starts to contrast Moses to Jesus he essentially calls Jesus our new Moses because there was about to be a new Exodus say yes in the same way Moses led out the children of Israel God Jesus was about to lead out a new people this is why the book of Luke is one of the more mobile Gospels it is the Gospels as written on the road so you find that the parables and you find that the teachings in the Book of Luke are not just directly aimed to those that are following him it's also aimed to those that are in earshot part of what he teaches in the Book of Luke and through his parables was that his kingdom was a reverse kingdom you want the elite and you want the higher-ups and you want those that contribute to your class but in the Book of Luke he really emphasizes how imperative it is to reach for the poor and not only to reach for the poor but to reach for the outclass Luke teaches us really Jesus's social view and why his mission was to reach for those that people don't think need to be reached to as we warm up into the depth of Luke's Gospel one of the phenomena that we see is the commissioning up the 70 while he is teaching and preaching the twelve he sins seventy ahead of himself and most people think that the seventy were all male because it's just how people like to think but there was a bunch of women that were probably a pasta lized which is the Bible word for sent with the seventy once the seventy go out and they are preaching and they are teaching and they are doing what Jesus has catechized them to do but then the Bible says they return to Jesus and when they return his message and teaching style changes he essentially shows us through the Book of Luke you know enough in this way to go and do some things I've taught you how to confront evil how to heal the sick how to raise the dead and to reach for the poor but listen now that you return from your identity I now need to lean in to teach you how to sustain yourself when you go on those missions so now on the return of the seventy Jesus changes the tempo and he starts teaching them about prayer and not just the kind of prayer that gives you power but the kind of prayer that refused you after you've been on an assignment and not only does he start to teach them about prayer he now starts to teach them about the rules and the laws of provision just stay with me because after you've been on a mission for God and when you decide to go on an assignment for God if the devil cannot touch your obedience what he's gonna try to shake is your view on provision if God says go here and do this and you resolve within your heart that I'm going to do what God says to what hell says is oh yeah well how are you going to eat and how are you going to save and how are you going to invest so Jesus when he has them come back he starts to talk to them about why the only way to not have what you need is to disobey what you were told the caveat is as long as you are in obedience you will never lack provision and we were never taught that the key to provision is obedience but one of the ways you always have what you need I just want to know if there's anybody in here that did not go hungry this year I know that it's not ideal and you didn't hit the lottery but I believe I'm looking into the some face of some people elder Callahan but God always gave them bread he always gave them water so what you need to know is as we shift into this next season whatever God is about to call you to do your provision has already been made you are not working on provision of what you're doing is working on your obedience and the fruit of obedience is the provision of God put those hands together for supply now at the top of my chapter pay attention it will bless you but these are the controversies surrounding the death and the burial and the alleged resurrection of Jesus Christ keep in mind that when you and I read this Sergio we're reading in Reverse we are interpreting in Reverse we are researching with a Bible to be had but these events and these encounters have no Bible to rely upon I love your word these are snapshots of conversation and events and happenings as they occurred in the life of those that write the book and so at the top of Luke 24 you find that although when we read this we're reading this in the spirit of Easter and we're reading this with confidence in our Christianity but that is not the true temperature of this text the true temperature of this text is defeat just stay with me because we're looking at now 312 men plus 70 and more that were told that this guy that is arrived among us hallelujah born from a virgin has come to redeem Israel and he did but the problem was they were so glued to how they were taught it was going to be that when he allowed himself to be murdered it not only made them not secure in him it made them not secure in everything they had been taught from children you got to realize that as Jews particularly pre Messianic Jews a part of your daily education I was just going to come a day when a messiah will appear and He will avenge Israel against her adversaries so in Luke 24 it opens up with a grimness of grief almost a sadness and a sense of disappointment it'll make sense in a minute where we have been casting out Devils in vain and healing people in vain and if you were going to allow yourself to die why go through all the trouble of saving prostitutes if you were going to go and allow yourself to be murdered at the hands of sinners why go through all the trouble of turning that wine into water you allow you and your reputation to come under strain just to come at the conclude of a three-year academic award and now you have allowed yourself to succumb Jimmy to the demise of men that you profess you came to die for put yourself in the text these are teenage men now and you realize that there has been a scattering even the strong didn't survive this at the conclude of the story in the prior chapter Peter had just got done chastising his leader saying don't say that you're going to allow them to kill you I'm not gonna let this befall us so and Jesus rebuked him and then told them I have to die because if I don't allow myself to die then the rest of the plan cannot work out stay with me and then he tells Peter not only do you lack understanding concerning the plan you lack understanding concerning how the imposition of this planet is going to impact you in other words not only are you trying to challenge me about a plan that predates you you're also going to realize that this plan is going to reveal something about you that you don't even know is that because you Bowl now you cut off mal cos it's here now but as soon as I die because whenever you experience a loss of grief will bring up in you things that you were too busy to allow yourself to notice what was in here nothing teaches you yourself like a loss nothing shows you what you're capable of when you feel like things are outside of your hand and things that are outside of your control so unless you learn what level you are really on and so God says to Peter he says you're going to deny me and you not gonna even do it one time you're gonna do it three times and your only competition is going to be your righteous chicken if I had the time to preach I would preach the preaching rooster the one who beat Peter to the revelation of who Jesus was that's a free one and so God is showing us an actual event with contemporary application about what to do when the heart turns because of what's happening stay with me and so at the top of this the Bible said that something has happened now when the popular Apostles are nowhere to be found where those that were the primary figure has had God because you only know who is with you once the excitement is gone excitement is enough to interact everybody but you'll only know the difference between the followers and the fans when the smoke leaves and when the lights are off him this season God is not looking for people who can stay in it because it's exciting he's looking for people that's gonna follow them no matter how they feel and how it looks and how hard it gets excitement does not prove maturity it rules the ability to go to what sparklin but everything that sparkling is not real let's go and so now we see some things that help you realize why this segment of Scripture is important to you and I that have been the victim of and the students of a dogma that sets you up to just go with the motions anybody in here in a place in their life where they're like I'm just too old to be going with the motions come on talk to me what I really love you I really even love your people but I am sick and tired of feeling the same way every year I just don't want to go through the motions is there anybody in here it's like if I keep coming to church with the same results and the same experiences and I can predict the way this is going to go I would rather not be a part if I'm going to go through the motions and that's what religion is isn't it it is a practice of the motion right the heart is still hard it is the regulation of things you know to do right and you know to put on so that you look like you're good but inside there is a purr ocean as it were of the only thing that keeps you in this thing which is your heart I'm coming for you and so now when Luke 24 we've got an unfortunate scenario Brian and the unfortunate scenario is we are at the scene of the tomb and the tomb is empty immediately when you think about the empty tomb you Bantz but the recipients of this looked at the empty tomb and cried because there was a Facebook post that said watch them disciples now because Jesus said he was gonna be raised from the dead so what they're gonna do is pay people listen to me to steal his body so when the early apostles walked up to the empty tomb they didn't look at the empty tuna say this is the insignia of our faith they looked at it and say what are we going to do now he promised us that he would always be with us and now he's got the nerve to die on us leave us to ourself waiting on some invisible help and he's still ain't did what he said he was going to do restore the kingdom to Israel so because we're reading this in Reverse we shop over the empty tomb when they saw the empty tomb what they said was oh god they were right after like preaching now Oh God he was a liar all the time Oh God maybe we should have listened to the disciples of John who questioned if he was the one oh if we should have looked for another maybe he was a false prophet maybe he did cast out Devils is what happens when you looking at something that's empty that you don't think should be empty huh what comes up is questions that you didn't know you really had huh and we know by the Texan the Gospels that Jesus knew - his last day that they still did not believe him because at the end of his ministry he was asking people that did miracles who do you say that I am which means you can work for him and not know am i you can preach for him and not know about you can pray about it and not Norma and this is what religion wants to do is to make sure we say what we do not do and we preach what we do not believe and we put it on to make it work for you but we have no faith that it can work for us we sing about a God that delivers us but we opt out of our own deliverance processes because we think that what comes on me is for you but I'm exempt from what's coming out of my mouth but there is an alignment coming between what's coming out of your mouth and what you're living up to if you're gonna believe God to free them you got to take that same anointing and that same policy and that same word up and make it work for you we got an issue please be seated we got an issue because the empty tomb to the first century apostles was a sign of defeat admit it was over admit that they were right it means that the statistics were right and it also meant that the prophets lied pay attention because I'm going to allow this message to be shared abroad I'm going to allow somebody to pick it up who's not going to act questions I've always been intrigued about why Jesus did not immediately appear to the apostles huh and he allowed some women that were witness 7di to be the first recipients of the news of his resurrection it's because in the Old Covenant pay attention it'll bless you the women were not trained like the men were the men had to learn the law the women didn't have to learn the law the men had to recite the Torah huh the women didn't have to recite the Torah ha ha the men had to know the Penta took us and they had to know the Mishnah huh remember it was the women that came to Moses in the Old Testament and said what we've heard is that the law says huh that if our fathers died and they have no sons huh that their property has to go to the grave they said it to Moses but they did not understand it because the old company did not educate women but this is what the Bible said the daughters of the law for Hannah went to Moses and said listen I appreciate your law and I appreciate what you said huh but is it right that you say God who is rich in mercy huh punishes us because our daddy had no sons give us how inheritance and Moses said now I'm a man of the law I am the recipient of the law let me go and talk to the law giver to see if there is a caveat and a condition to the clause that was written on the law and so Moses were behind the tabernacle and the Bible said when he got to the door Paul was waiting on Moses right there and every other story they had to make offerings to get to God when Moses got to the door that Tabernacle God said hey I've been waiting on you huh and he said this the daughters of Zelophehad speak right give them their inheritance so women have always been much easier to convince than men women has always been the recipients of the faith that's why Jesus chose a woman and called other church please Wow and so you got a body of women who are around the empty tomb and while the disciples are crying over the empty tomb these women are at the empty tomb and all of a sudden the angels jump I want you to know that when you feel empty here comes the Angels when you're looking at something empty here comes the Angels so that you don't allow your heart to go in Reverse the Angels roll camera and take a snapshot with the angels that are there and so you've got this issue now where the Apostles Domini feel cheated because we're the ones that need the consolation and you've appeared to these women and expect us to believe them and so there is this conspiracy CNN is out there Beatty is out there Fox News is out there TMZ is out there missing body now false religion expose cult following put on blast and you got the smearing and you got the cheering and you got the laughing but all of a sudden there was a man by the name of Cleopas and I believe that Cleo was the selected one for what happened on Hemans cuz he was not popular can I preach like I want to don't you ever again get mad because it seemed like somebody is more popular than you brought you in something cuz people don't know you yet he's cultivating you don't be mad at Peter Cleopas huh don't be mad at John Cleopas up you're about to have an assignment where you're going to understand why it was necessary that you be obscure you're gonna understand that God was protecting your perspective to make sure that your popularity huh did not compromise your purity to make sure to the applause of mere huh was not the wine that you drank uh-huh I want to do something in you in private aha God's about to do something from a small man he's about to do something for the Pope and nobody knew who's he's about to do something for the Pope that don't have a following and don't have a crush never see nope this is walking pay attention and when he's walking the Bible said all of a sudden he's walking with an unnamed disciple now we had our text let's put to meet here and he's walking with this unnamed disciple and Jesus appears to them but verse 16 of our text says that they could not recognize him some translations say God closed their eyes other translation says they were unable to recognize him but pastor Josh help me understand you could eat breakfast lunch and dinner and supper eat your curds and whey and eat all of your food when one person for three years that stood in for your mother and your daddy and your family and your career but all in skew and they walk up on you you don't recognize who they are that's what religion does I'm about to hit you up we are suffering from the power of a familiarity the power of familiarity is a veil and what it does is it prevents you from seeing the power of God right when it's in your face they walked with him couldn't see him I study them puts him you got to be careful not to become common with the power of God because if you become common you're gonna miss out on it it's killing us it's killing us that familiarity is killing us it's in the way of God's power so Jesus walks up to them and says hey what y'all talking about here's something that's very interesting because now we're looking at us contemporary in this text as a generation who's been around them but still can't really see them and the Bible said that Jesus accent what you're talking about and now we see the real power of this that this is not an exciting time this is not for Peter Cottontail riding down the ha bunny trail there are no eggs and there is no outreach and there are no jellybeans ha ha our discouragement of God who feel like I gave everything I had to be left here embarrassed I gave away my life and my career I didn't get married ah I didn't pursue my degree only for you to leave me I'm mad I am offended now we got a real issue right here because this is the journey of our tax pay attention and lean in here disappointment puss offense will equal familiarity and familiarity will result in a loss of passion which is going to show up in the loss of the glimmer in your eye feel like preaching now I said disappointment plus offense is going to give birth to familiarity and once you get familiar your eyes are going to show it the Bible say that Jesus asked him what are you talking about and look what they did in verse 16 the Bible said that they had no glimmer and they sat there looking sad realize they would you are a sad person when you have a sad gospel when you go to a church that makes you sad I hear a gospel that makes you say huh something's going to happen well you're not going to be able to move preaching across Jesus action what happened and they didn't even respond huh because they were sitting there looking sad look at somebody say don't just stand there tell them do something so somebody else don't just stand there do something my brothers and sisters we are in a generation of people up that's wrestling with an uncommon sadness and what is showing up is uh there's an inability to finish anything every sign of discouragement they get sad huh every change in a relationship they get sad huh every change of plan they get sad but I believe God is about to show you something uh that's gonna lift the sadness so you can keep it movin up can I give you a word midway in this message huh God's about to give you the energy to keep it moving you can cry for 24 hours up but you will never again a year of your life for tears the devil is a liar my mourning is over my sadness is over there is a journey I've got to walk corner and I got time to cry if I stay here and cry somebody is going so sixteen says they said they're looking sad and they could not move because sadness immobilizes you sadness makes sure that you are not encouraged enough to pursue sadness make sure that you don't have the answers anymore then when we go into verse 18 look at the smart aleck response they looked at Jesus and they say are you the only person in Jerusalem that ain't heard what's happened listen listen listen because here's where the enemy wants you because of the way you were born and the way you were educated and because of everything around you the enemy wants to incarcerate you in what happened the enemy wants to make you stay in the prison of what just happened he wants you to die and what happened to be mad and what happened let your career go in what happened forfeit your future because of what happened be very careful about letting your passion go because something happened this is a war on the passions of the heart and many of your hearts are not passionate because you can't take your eyes off of what happened but passion has nothing to do with what happened and everything to do with what can happen when you are in the prison of what happened you're not gonna realize what's happening slap somebody say something's about to happen help me preach in here oh boy your sister said I know what but something is about to happen come on turn to your brother head encouraged never say yeah I heard what happened but get ready because something brand-new something astonishing something mind-blowing huh something remarkable huh something miraculous huh something supernatural huh something you're breaking something while shaking huh something psycho breaking huh something is about to happen huh snap do people say it's happening is happening is it come on help me si tell them it's happening is happening in the name of Jesus I release you from what happened hey homie to the son of God having leashes from what happened the power what happened the memory of what happened haven't you heard what happened when you come and you allow yourself to be in the prison of what happened you're going to be distracted about what's happening the caveat to that if I keep on preaching it's after all if you pay attention to what's happening you may realize that what you think happened did not actually happen at all god I love your word the real truth is they were trapped by their perspective because they did not allow God to work out his plan but when you see what's happening no berserk on what happened changes have a seat [Applause] verse 21 as Jesus continues its discussion they told them here's what happened Jesus who was a prophet be seated who did great miracles allowed himself to die that's what they thought happened he allowed himself hot on a base of my heart although he allowed himself to be killed that's what they thought happened but it actually did not happen at all they thought it happened because they were trapped by what happened past tense we had hoped KJ that he would restore the kingdom for Israel here is where we go in hermeneutical II here because when you think something has happened to you it determines where you place your hope hopelessness is frustration about what happened god I love your word when you think something has happened that justifies you not trying again then you don't use your hope to do what you should use your hope to do now the real truth is they really had hope but they had hoped in the wrong direction they had hoped and the way they wanted Jesus to come they had hope listen to me they had hate that the story would end up a different way but I challenge you today to have hope no matter what twists and turns come to the story after all I'm not just living for a story I ain't got nothing to prove to you all I know is that your God said it that settles it and even if he's got to change it up a little bit I'm okay and you can't have my hope because if you got my hope you got my heart and I've been fighting all three years to keep my heart double shut up this is not a hopeless people shut up mm singing mamas do have hope shut up devil ah the bubble of sons will have hope if you keep your hope you keep the heart we had hoped that this would end up a different way verse 21 of our text it's what you think happened God changes it and then verse 22 we find as I surmised before a part of Cleopas discussion with Jesus who he still don't know is Jesus because he is veiled by religion and familiarity a part of his complaints to Jesus was we believed him but he didn't tell us directly what happened he had the nerve to let the Angels talk to women now we read so fast past that because what you thought was a compliment Cleopas was saying I'm insulted they didn't give away nothing to follow him they didn't have to bear the shame and the ridicule of their fathers they didn't have to endure as it were the intense criticisms of a culture that was male heavier and rather than show up to Mia who's preaching and teaching and doing all of this you gonna show up to them watch me you got to be very very very very careful not a big man and who gets it before you I always know when the heart is bad when people start acting entitled ah it does not matter how long you've been uh how long you've known how long you've done there is a plan of God for your sequence and there is a plan of God for how you were after all why you palm Baria the bible said the last would be first so even if they bow before you [Music] [Applause] [Music] to give us the credit for it I love what Jesus says in verse 25 you foolish that is the biblical word Sergio Moro and you know what it means dull or familiar he says you dull it's so close on you and you can't even hear and you can't even see it the signs are all around you but because your heart is like a jungle and it's difficult for the word to navigate through the weeds in your heart what God has promised you is right here and you're so busy being hard-hearted that you can't celebrate that I did what I said I was going to do and if I did what I said I was going to do then whatever I say next I'm going to do that as well foolish once you become familiar you become dull you don't hear it the same way others do you don't experience it the same way the others do religion is a veil and its objective is to obscure you here is my message the second part of Jesus is rebuked of them was not only are you foolish or dull you're slow of heart your heart is not fast enough you've allowed your heart to decide its own tempo you have no leadership of it and I told you in Ezekiel my whole assignment was to give you a new heart and it wasn't just talking about bitterness and unforgiveness that is so but Ezekiel said it was a heart of stone meaning a heart after the law the law was written on stone and that became the culture and the conscious of Old Testament Israel I want everything fair cuz I don't want Liberty I want to be paid for everything I do I want to be complemented for every win I have I have a stony heart I am graceless in my view of people merciless in my judgments against people because right is right and wrong is wrong and isn't it interesting that we all feel that way when it comes to them but then when it comes to us because we've been able to conceal all wrong I'm gonna leave you and hide all wrong they're all wrong don't weigh as much as you're wrong cuz you act like you got it together but the Bible said when you got a stony heart God can't do nothing with it and we are a generation because of religion that's been trying to do everything with a stony heart and the Bible does not say change your heart the Bible does not say fix your heart it should take that Joker out you cannot obey me with the heart you got you were standing up a little while ago you can't even have one I won't for you with the old hard time if you going into a new season up you have got to have a new heart and in Ezekiel he said I'll put a new heart in ya I'm gonna give you a transplant top and a part of what that's gonna do heart is I'm gonna write my law on your heart I used to write it on rocks but now I'm writing the law on your heart and then you're gonna have the sensitivity to follow me cuz you're not following your conscience you're following your own why did Jesus call them slow of heart because they were mad at the events the teachings the experiences the miracles the deliverances of his entire time with them Jesus is not referencing how they feel because of this three-day period mind you this is the third day after Jesus is dead so Jesus is not rebuking them for three days of grief he's rebuking them for three years of unbelief if you have been listening to me then you will not feel like this if you have been paying attention to what I told you there you wouldn't be better because I was happening now I'm not mad cause you don't believe me now I'm mad cause you were listening there hi these are the days I prepared you for here's how he answers this Cyrus he says was it not necessary you're talking to grieving boys you see where you've been in your life if we are to apply the wisdom in this text Jimmy you have been in a necessary place now I know why you can't shout with me I'm gonna shout by myself because you think in order for it to be necessary it's got to be nice look at somebody say it's not nice it's necessary no it felt like hell but it was necessary yes I cried a whole lot but I tell you by God it was necessary and because I think it's necessary I wouldn't change anything I came out with prospective with a poetry throw your hands up and chain necessary it wasn't nice it was necessary whoa I got two more points can you help me preach real quick help me preach real quick I want you to look at somebody and tell him this see it did not happen to you it happened for you put it on until somebody say it did not happen to you it happened for you if you catch that in your spirit if you catch that in your spirit if you catch that in your spirit you'll be able to shout over the good and the bad over the happy end the Santa cuz God loves me too much so let it happen to me it's got to work for me what shall we then say to these things nay in all these things we are more than conquerors through Christ chit chat pool party hey the devil wants you to think it happened to me but if God's Word is true it really happened for ya now we get to how the contemporary application of those of us that profess to be the ecclesia of God verse 30 reveals the mystery of the church verse 30 says when he told them it was necessary that Jesus died it was to your benefit you about the scene a little while but because of your heart condition I've got to do something for you because the church has always been about the heart of a nation the heart of a city what's going on in America is heart disease the thing that governs us is heart less and the church is not in the condition to demonstrate what a real heart looks like it is a cruel spirit governing this culture it is a cool spirit that's killing our men it is a cruel spirit killing black sons and daughters around the world it's a heartlessness jesus shows us how to do heart surgery here is my message if you're in the church you should have a burning heart the challenge is we've gone from slow hearts to no heart at all many of you are shining and dancing with me but your passion is gone God you are a walking zombie all because of what you think happened to you you are the problem with the church a man and a woman or a boy or a girl that does not tend to that heart because Christianity stopped being about a law a long time ago now if you believe with your mouth heart and confess with your mouth and God has been trying to do a thing in the heart of the church for years and we won't let him come to the table here is my conclude verse 30 shows a change of events Jesus knows I ha I am the great physician I made you I know how you made how you're wired the diagnosis is you are a fool and you're slow of heart but I got a remedy for you let me do what I said I would do he goes to break bread with them he goes to the table after he breaks bread he goes to the table he blesses bread pastor Helen after he blesses bread I show you a mystery he breaks bread he does not break then bless he blesses so he can break if he bites you before he blesses you you'll die what he do is he saves you so he can deliver you he calls you so he can't confront you and many of us stopped at the blessing and we won't handle our breaking the reason this is offensive to you is because you thought there was a Last Supper Mark's Gospel says that what y'all called the last cut supper was the beginning of the New Testament John the Baptist was not a New Testament prophet Anna was not a New Testament prophet the New Testament didn't begin into the last table so now that we in this situation of offense and distortion and discouragement Jesus comes to the table because that's what the church is supposed to be and we're living in a generation they won't even ask him to the table he comes to the table that's step one then he finds bread he blesses he accepts he affirms he endorses he signs off on then he breaks it you're that bread knock laughter he breaks it he passes that's why your ministry and exploding you too arrogant to be broken that's why you look t-shirt ain't doing what you want it has nothing to do with who's not recognizing your tithe at recognizing the class and recognizing how many interviews you you won't allow him to break you and if I can't break you I can't trust you with the broken play with these toys sit here with these Legos similarities with fakeness because I'll never trust you with broken people if you won't stay broken before the church then mail is about coming to the table then it's about blessing everybody that comes then after we bless everybody that comes we have the opportunity to break them let's use this word to reduce you let's use this word to confront you to fix you to reorient teach you to deal with all of that and then we can pass you out once you've been broken the moral of the story is in 32 they went from being slow of heart - now having a burning heart but their passion was recovered because the Scriptures they had been reading were no longer locked did not our passion returned did not our energy returned did not the week of my heart burn when he opened the scriptures unto me the way to recover your passion is to go back to the Word of God with knowledge that you missed something it has nothing to do with being seen or heard of men and everything to do with going back to say I feel this but I want to know what you have to say about it was here all along and I missed it what God is trying to do for you has to do with your heart this church especially let me stay in my office y'all are so gifted I love it you're so wonderful you're so intelligent you-you-you don't realize who you are in history quite yet and you don't realize what God is using you to do and all of that is wonderful but I have one charge against you what's happening in the realm of your heart what's going on in there I realize that it's been a journey you know and you thought the outcome would be one way but you let that get to your heart I cannot do anything with a man woman boy girl preacher teacher Rita that refuses to protect their brokenness he doesn't like people that don't like being broken what he does is if you're broken he gets near and when he gets near he starts to assign broken people to you then you have a ministry as long as there is brokenness around you you've got something to do and something to say and something to know I warn you as Bob the Spirit of God don't you let what's happen harden your heart I warn you by the Spirit of God you will miss everything that's supposed to happen in the book of Acts everything that's supposed to happen through the epistles of Paul if you don't allow your heart to stay where he wants it remember when you couldn't wait to get in God's presence now in praise and worship has gone on you so distracted by the sin of the singer did you become the worship inspector but remember when you didn't know any better remember when you were just grateful to be saved and when they said the name Jesus it was your life's melody remember when as a real Christian you would actually share your faith remember when you would do things for people that didn't have the power to return it God is coming for the heart of America I've seen it it's going to be pretty rough he's going to do some things in our culture because he's reaching past degrees and past age and he's reaching past race and gender he's trying to get the heart of a people because if you don't keep your heart right you can't have real view of the father the last verse in conclusion of the Old Testament has something to do with hearts and fathers and sons I'm going to soon knew he lied to the Prophet who in my opinion was not the kindest guy I mean he was pretty brash but he said I'm gonna send you a great and terrible messenger and what he's going to do he's gonna turn your heart it's the same pattern Israel got bitter from Genesis to Malachi because it had not happened and the clothes halleluyah of the Old Testament he says I'm going to send elijah to help you keep your heart because you mad that it ain't happen 400 years of silence I have a message I'm working on mother Lizzie called The Silence of God what to do when I don't know what he's saying can you guard your heart when he's quiet can you protect your heart when you are uncertain of what he's saying mix is what he said insufficient for the season you're in now has your heart changed guard that heart this morning my assignment was to pray until there was a violent return of passion at you for everything you are and everything that God says your passion my passion has waned the journey takes it out of you I believe that if we go before the Lord and earnest though he can set that heart on fire again throw your hands our Father we repent for being familiar with who you are and what you've done we repent for acting like our call was not holy and we repent for I think like our callings were only effective when people could see us we appeared repent for being offended even with you realising that before we can forgive or reconcile with our brother and sister we've got to acknowledge not there's probably years of offense toward you father anything in us that we see anything in us that we don't see that's hard in our heart that's made us desensitizer that's caused there to be available to you and I your idea of my story against my idea of my story you were concerning my life against my will about my life your desire concerning my maturity versus my apprehension concerning my development father right here and right exactly like we did when we first believed we opened the door to our hard rock we say check out the vocabulary hey take out the iTunes app check out the parentals up check out the timelines up take out the deadlines take out the revenge' take out the bitterness I take out the feeder huh take out the apprehension up take out the laziness up take it out my god ha and use something in this chest cavity that's what we caught out before but this morning our hearts desire again it's don't send us until Arabia don't reveal my son to them they will be ducks you all appear at a contrite heart Nordic residence that heart that you won't despise and we may follow that there is our heart war huh a civil war in our heart shops we release some excruciating we've experienced some disappointment without motion because of what we thought would be up out of our process out of our journey today we can Oh God Oh God and we cast our crowd we cast our accomplishments our knowledge we cast our ideas of a life well spent a week at RIT is up failures before and we're asking give us a new heart Thomas not allowed seen enough Mitchell our sensitivity it's about something new this time is not about iniquity which about having the kind of heart that stable enough to be in strong learning to play stop this heaviness that you placed upon our shoulder huh has nothing to do with our deserving and nothing to do with a capable that that everything that she was is relayed to the world what you do with a life lay down huh how you check the Prophet harmony huh and you raise them up my father experienced in our hearts our little ride here right now before we pause into the future huh we play cold huh knowing that if we we won't help a car kill you break our heart shop with Debbie let's play in the midst of us will come over them and restore them maybe break my heart shop we won't fight into that way each other if we break our hearts up you'll send the Muslims in huh if you break my heart stop will Kim the wealthy here if you break our heart the famous will come running my god I'll show your face snarl a bear is here what are those not even able to steal user experience you wicked before you come on polluted really well future pachomius Walton keep the right part about the right horse I'll rather die without it hard to get me up I want to hear your declaration over Oh lift it up to him this is what he's been waiting for from all nations ups this is what he's been watching from this people a lot I'm gonna give you everything I've said about you when we are here the Lord says it's time for heart to heart each time ha - I wanna [Music] I don't want to be like the fight with I don't wanna be like a wolf at preaching this keep my heart ride that is odd that is our plan that is our plan that is hot ready huh ladies I swear I declare you blessed are the pure in heart [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] something's about to hit this place we're gonna let it go hear the word of the Lord there has been an aggressive but many of you don't even know it there has been an aggressive attack on your identity that's what the devil's been after he's been after your identity he's launched many of you into an identity crisis the churches and one by large I want you on the count of three I want you to lift up your voice until you feel a new heart come in you and the first thing that's going to go is the lies the enemy's trying to poach you into about your identity I command the power that's been operating in your heart to counsel you into a false identity along identity and antithesis and opposite identity to be broken come on I don't know about you but if you under this oil we have one priority from now to January 1 and that's keeping our heart right come on have you with me lift them hands come on where we shout out to Ghana the heart the heart makes up there try to do something come on walk Oh Chavo come on although I'll offer [Music] come on go to Spain what this is the generation of this see Kelly Hey seven moves Donatello please quietly is falling into the heel of the laws that SP that has up your heart that has not lifted his small hands of enemy nor sworn deceitfully wishes [Music] [Music] he is a hot picture well come on I know you used to say it I want you to believe it right through him he's on a heart picture I don't want my waters right let us just love my face right I don't want the right tells it that I want the right book I don't just walk the right relations our chimney fast and tonight now quieter like love and worship until I got it Wow let's kill five hoarders what one that's what he wants that's what he wants he doesn't want more activity he wants to live huh we don't want no service he lost the right horse you don't just want travels and cakes we want [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] you have you've been you've been in a war but it's not been a war of flesh and blood and it's not even been a people war [Music] you've been in a war about your heart it's your job it's your job it's your job it's your job it's your obligation to keep a heart dead parents [Music] [Music] when when was the last time you burned for him what was the last time you saw your minister your assignment as an offering of the heart and not just something other people needed from you go back to that place because then you'll be able to see him and you've all this father in the name of Jesus as the hands of your people are lifted our confidence is this that he that has begun a good work will be faithful the park owner with us this way you're gonna work on us so will you fit for the Masters use right you this morning at once again over all nations worship assembly and abroad you are the Potter we are the clay take us upon that wheel to a fit for your news we give you [Music] your grateful that he loves you too much to leave you how you are within slowly yes come on I said of your grateful that he loves you too much to leave you have done dizzle experience for prospecting is what protected I said he's respecting those until the goalie apart I said he's protected 2017 tried to killya 2018 judgment changes but 2019 was spent to break up now as you saw over in 420 swimming you are about to be hallelujah [Music] golly [Music]
Channel: All Nations Chicago
Views: 39,730
Rating: 4.8653464 out of 5
Id: SQ_T7m4tTp4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 78min 54sec (4734 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 25 2019
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