ANWA Baltimore Building Dedication Service | Apostle Matthew Stevenson | "I Can't Come Down"

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thank you for your sovereignty in this season thank you that there is nothing the forces of hell can do about your throne thank you this morning that your throne is established in Baltimore your throne is established in Maryland your throne is established in the DMV bless you more that from your throne exudes justice righteousness grace mercy and power we acknowledge your supreme rule we thank you Lord that because you are on the draw word this movie with great force in this building in this city in the name of Jesus and even before we engage your word we just arrest every contradicting statement all demonic council the advisement of Hale going on in this area in this region and we promise on the heavens open and the word of the Lord moves with free course today now transitional people out of the past into the future and the glorious name of Jesus to Christ amen amen look at some real quick and say in case you haven't heard God has exalted the devil is defeated and we got the victory do it again God has exalted the devil is defeated and we've got the victory come on I do like you got the Holy Ghost God is exalted the devil is defeated and I've still got the victory if I put those hands together and give the Lord some praise all over this building [Music] hallelujah before you take your seats I know you but I hope you've been doing it all week but let's take some time real quick to honor the immense sacrifice the immense labor the the sleepless nights of the early mornings man and woman of God come on our nation's you are a love on there we love you in with me we just believe that the best is yet to come go ahead take your seats all over the building hey All Nations it's good to be here and I'm so excited to be here my body is tired but my spirit is wide awake and I have so much from the Lord to say we just came out of conference two and I know they were sick but she don't miss nothing and so I heard that Issachar was powerful [Music] I wasn't there but I felt like this was a different one that a statement was made in the spirit about the coming days and so I'm excited I'm certain that all of the speakers brought their grace and the thing that they are and the thing that they do into the room and I'm so happy that you supported it and I'm excited to see what's about to be born from me amen so I love and I also want to say this as a Corinne is a very easy person to underestimate but I want to want to caution you about that and I'm talking to you as if everybody here is all nations there is a reservoir of a very rich counsel of God it comes out comically but it is of the Lord and I just really want to challenge especially you men of God you husbands those of you that have never had the privilege of being escorted into manhood to not dishonor what he has to say it's an interesting thing I want you to hear this we believe that when you turn 18 you get a license when you get married you get a license and a ring manhood is one of the only areas that we just kind of appear in and we bastardize the institution of manhood because we don't wait for divine escorts and if you've never been privileged enough to have another man journey with you in your manhood if you have access to that tap into it and if you do that we'll really see a major turnaround in the family the challenge with a lot of our women and our daughters is that they are mothering their men and they start the relationships off with a discipleship tone and then they get upset when their sons can't be there covering and so I want to really caution you about tapping into the rivers that are in him a secondary caveat to that is at some time when a river is available you don't wait for it to find you very often I hear people saying well I got access to it I just didn't want to be a bother trust me every real leader will let you know if you irritating them if you have access to them then take advantage of the access one of the most powerful things a leader can give you beyond their impartation is their phone number and if you have access to a meeting if you have access to a phone number and if cellular technology still works do not go into rejection I don't know why I'm here but don't go into rejection old fence because folk don't call you when your green button still works particularly those of you that have iPhones and the name of the Lord is worthy but those hands together for pastor Corey stiff will you love you sir I don't I don't want to be up here real long I want to scream a little bit at you I have a word from the Lord normally my dominant strength the thing that I do mainly when I'm in places is after we preach we flow a lot in prophecy and all of this the word of knowledge is that probably the dominant thing that flows in me but last night I was arrested about moving in the word of wisdom today this is something that I feel like is important and and it's easy in prophesying and administering prophetically to give you the secrets of your heart what I feel like I'm supposed to do today is moving a lot of prophetic warnings and I felt it because whenever you're dealing with the future the Bible says that one of the things wisdom does is warn and we live in a generation that has no appetite for wisdom they're so hungry for information that they've developed a degradation for wisdom and one of the wisdom is not good advice and you don't get it the older you get I know a lot of old fools so wisdom does not come just because you get older wisdom is a spirit and the Bible says that God that Moses laid hands on Joshua to transfer wisdom what I since is supposed to happen this morning is there supposed to be a new access point to the wisdom of God and here's why if you don't have wisdom you'll ruin wealth if you don't have wisdom you will sabotage relationships if you don't have wisdom it doesn't matter what more God gives you you'll ruin it all so there is a place before expansion that everybody has to go and it has to be for the wisdom of God and what I know about the Lord is that any man that's ever asked God for wisdom it's so provoked God that God not only gave them wisdom he gave them what they did not and this is an intercessory house it is a prayer house I feel like you need to start to pray for the right things now you may say there's no such thing as praying for the wrong things but that's not biblical Paul talked about praying amiss you can pray a lot of stuff that's not getting answered because it's not God we're God's will but what I feel like God's gonna do is answer the prayers for wisdom today so there's gonna be probably a lot of warnings that come out of the spirit and warnings are not always about danger sometimes when we hear warn and we think death but God can issue warnings about a lot of said I don't know about you but had I adhere to wisdom I would probably have a lot more money in my accounts right now how do you know wisdom will spare you from marrying an airhead one of the things that wisdom will do is show you who people law before they know I'm not scared of you I say wisdom will show you who people are before they aren't aware sometimes even in romantic relationships people are not trying to deceive you they're just in denial themselves but if you have an appetite for wisdom you can recognize the counterfeit before they realize that they are one and a person can have good intent toward you and still not be honest you need wisdom all right thank you for all two of you to clap your hands me and my the six chapters where we're going this morning Nehemiah chapter six and I'm gonna be reading this in the New Living Translation Nehemiah is 6 chapter and I think I want to give you verses 1 through 14 now I read it it's in the New Living Translation if you have it say I have it if you don't have it say wait on me okay the I have is tell the widow means to hurry up please thank you and I bet you those are people who use androids Nehemiah 6:1 says sanballat Tobiah Hashem the Arab and the rest of our enemies found out that I had finished rebuilding the wall and that no gaps remained though we had not yet up set up the doors in the gates so Sanballat and Geshem sent a message asking me to meet them at one of the villages in the plain of ah no but I realized they were plotting to harm me so I replied by sending this message to them I am engaged in a great work and I cannot come down I want you look at somebody say I can't come down I just came why should I stop working to come and meet with you four times they sent the same message and each time I gave the same reply the fifth time Sanballat servant came with an open letter in his hand and this is what it said there is a rumor among the surrounding nations and Gershom tells me it is true that you and the Jews are planning to repel and that is why you are building the wall according to his reports you plan to be their king he also reports that you have appointed prophets in Jerusalem to proclaim about you look there is a king in Judah you can be very sure that this report will get back to the king so I suggest that you come and talk it over with me verse eight says I replied there is no truth in any part of your story your making up the whole thing they were trying to intimidate us imagining that they could discourage us and stop the work so I continued the work with even greater determination later I went to shamaya to visit shamaya the son of Daliah and the grandson of mehta Bell who was confined to his home and he said let us meet together interesting stuff here inside the temple of God and locked the doors shut your enemies are coming kill you tonight but I replied should someone in my position run from danger should someone in my position enter the temple to save his life no I won't do it I realize that God had not spoken to him but that he had uttered this prophecy against me because Tobias and Sanballat had hired him they were hoping to intimidate me and make me sin then they would be able to accuse and discredit me final verse remember oh my God all the evil things that Tobiah and Sanballat have done and remember Noah daya the Prophet and all the prophets like her that have tried to intimidate me father help me to preach this in the name of Jesus amen come on stop three people say I can't calm down I can't calm down come on open your mouth just tell them that I want you to make that decree I know you want me to and I know you're excited about the possibilities of it but keep on looking cuz I just can not come the book of Nehemiah is a very important book to anybody that understands the power of a standard and what it means when God calls a man or a woman or people to do something that nobody else wants to do the opening of our chapter is a very powerful fundament about responsibility and we are in a season where there are men and women and churches whole movements are coming under new responsibilities I want you to hear the wisdom in this because this is not a responsibility that we're assuming we're not volunteering for it we are available for it and the way that head heaven promotes is by adding responsibility we've been in like a talent show era where people want to do things that they're good at to be seen but in the same token we've been those that have not managed responsibility very well I praise God that one of the things I learned first when I met God was how to be responsible and there are different biblical terms for responsibility and one of them is stewardship for example when Jesus teaches that if you be faithful over much I'll make you what ruler over many now subconsciously when we hear principles like that what we think is that if I'm faithful to what I have and don't now God will give me some more houses or you'll give me a yacht or you'll give me something to brag about but being a ruler is not about being rich it's about having expanded responsibility and when you notice that people are flaky or inconsistent or disloyal you will also notice it those very same people don't do well in responsibility and we are in a time in the body of Christ where the Lord is cleaning men and cleaning women and cleaning houses not because he wants to show off but because he's looking for people that can handle divine responsibility when people don't handle responsibilities disaster claims whole cities I mean if you look at any real problem in America any city around the world every danger zone is a place where somebody either did not adhere to or abandon some form of responsibility if you look at your family and some of the dysfunctions that may or may not be there in the children and the men in the women in the marriages what you're going to find out is somebody may have positioned themselves awkwardly around responsibility let me broaden this so you can see this any man that grows up without hearing consecutive affirmations about who they are and where they're going will end up making it up pay attention and if they end up making it up they develop a competitive nature whether it's true or not that teaches them to make enemies of who they should be partnering with and because of that they don't do well in friendship and they don't do well in marriage it's because somebody didn't take the responsibility to beat the devil to identifying the unique nature that is in that man now you don't realize why that's important but here's why if you live all of your life with thoughts statistics facts about who you're not what you did that's what the accuser does and you don't have a superior statement to come back the forces of Hell in your inner man then what's gonna happen is you're gonna gravitate to what you hear the most so then one of the responsibilities of any head whether it's of a church or of a family is to put their word where the devil wants to put his and what that's going to do is cause your esteem to strengthen and where your esteem is strong deception ain't welcome any area of low self-esteem in your life it's going to be the welcome mat for the forces of deception so we preach for esteem we start churches for esteem remarried for it and the reason why that's bad is the devil loves the lonely so if there is a hole in how you see yourself and how you see your future that hole is now the welcomed place of a deceptive agenda to entrap you and it would it all begins with somebody being willing to take response it's a revelation of divine responsibility and in God you don't make up your own responsibility you know people have been prophesying me into government for years and so my resolve is okay if you want me to do that it's gonna have to be when I'm done with your people because I'm not gonna be able to deal with them and deal with them at the same time so let's talk about Washington after I retire but here's what I know most people not gonna vote for me one of the things I'm gonna move for I think we should tax for vacation I think if you gonna have sex you ought to be able to ma'am I'm talking to you you ought to be able to make a certain amount of money to afford your sexual behavior that's where all of the debts are going if I charge you okay if you're Christian Buddhist Muslim whatever you are I will put a tax on sex you know why because it will teach people that you should not be freaking around beyond your level of responsibility sex is expensive and it costs more than a condom and more than a hotel room across you yourself if you are responsible you shouldn't be in fornication ever see that's how powerful responsibility is oh yeah I know you want me to turn the plow it's a very powerful thing when you have irresponsible interactions with people and then want to force the rest of the world to make up for your lack of responsibility it's why we got where we are so I know I ain't got y'all vote but it's okay and so me and my me and my six opens up with this powerful response or resistance to responsibility the reason this is about responsibility is me and Maya never had the intentions to be king he was not standing up one day and just said hey I saw up a life coach thing and read a book I think I'll be king he was a cup bearer and whenever heaven is looking for men to make responsible he looks at people that pour water this is why most people who are preaching and teaching in the pulpits of America came bus a grape and a fruit fight they want mics but they don't know how to wear man tools cuz they don't know how to mop and sweep I know you don't like that but there is a servant vacancy missing because everybody wants to be seen and in heaven when you want to be seen you get shifted because you can't handle responsibility and God okay don't yell yet God is looking for people that serve well to trust him with responsibility one of the things John John that everybody always ask us about our got all these weird people with tattoos on their face and all these men and they'd rocking around switching and the women look all crazy and I love it I think that's a that's not a way to insult me you know why a part of my major theological fundament is this God trusts us with broken people he's not sending us broken people the first lesson you learn in church is hypocrisy you walk in the door and they qualify you with their welcome sign or how to look like us even though you're not really one of us yet the only thing we do differently it says come where you are with what you got what's wrong with you and we'll figure out the rest at the cross we'd be mass them so that brace can restore them and I considered a massive responsibility so we got to start digging deeper into this issue of responsibility and because the way you graduate in God you'll know when you've been promoted promoted not about who's inviting you or who's signing your book you'll know when you've been promoted by how much more overwhelmed you feel one of the signs of divine promotion is God calls you to do more than what he called you to do before it's like assignment after assignment prophecy after prophecy mandate after mandate if you only dealing with one mandate you didn't handle something well what happens is when you pass one test and you pass one season god he doesn't take away he adds to what he calls you to do by unlocking other stuff in you and increasing your responsibility that's why the anointing is necessary that's why I authority is necessary he's looking for people to stand well under responsibility nehemiah was in the position of servanthood and god looked over every volunteer and found a servant he looked over those that were looking to be seen and looking to be sought out and wanted to make a name for themselves I found somebody that just poured water and found somebody that was ok with waiting with tables that that that didn't care who got the credit and who got the glory and God did something to the servant before I go to expostulate this let me warn you number one if you want to see the power of God the favor of God the force of God in your life serve oh it's quite I said sir don't rub shoulders serve but the funky business part up here's the thing you want us to lay hands on you to give you what we suffered for when the easiest way to impartation is to serve what you want to see if it rests on somebody get under it and serve it and it will become mmm we become afraid to teach serve until because people are afraid to be taken advantage of and all of that ejection and abandonment and fear and all of that stuff it's making you miss out when I first started our church all nations will be 15 years this year I remember I remember people would try to serve me and I'm like I'm able body that's for them older people that debt you know I care my own Bible wholly about caring my men so let me get my own Bible I can wipe my own face doc and the Lord just ties me one day a man of God came to open my car door and I'm like move boy I get my own truck and the Holy Ghost rebuked me he said you just stop what I was doing in him he just iced me he said this has nothing to do with you but in his serving you I'm freeing him you just got in the way of me being able to teach him how to be free by abasing himself so I had to repent and let them pour the water let them bring the mints don't want to get in the way of whatever God's trying to teach you whatever character he's trying to create in you I just want to move and let God do in you what he's doing even if doing it for me it's how he's doing it for you this was Nehemiah something else happened because of his servanthood stay with me it'll bless you in a minute servanthood which is the positioning for divine responsibility opened his heart for something more powerful than desire desire is a very tricky thing because a lot of them can be positive but some of them can be the door of your greatest deceptions you know people always say I'm praying and believing God and the Bible said he'll give you the desires of your heart and there was a time when I used to brag about that but then it got scary because I realized that my heart was not consistent there were some days in my heart warning in and some days in my heart and there was some days just depending upon how the day work so I started getting scared you gonna give me the size of my heart how am I gonna get out but then I realize that it takes scripture to interpret scripture and the Bible says that if I delight myself see we go to the second part but you gotta attach it to the purse I got a delight myself in him is what makes me happy my heart is in your hands hey come on look at somebody say he's what I want he's what I want come on tell somebody he's what I want he's what I want I like to have you but it's okay if you leave cuz he's what I want I prefer this city but it's okay cuz he's what I want this job is my ideal but it ain't my dad because he is something deeper than desire happened in him and it's a curse word what what took place in him and it's something we don't preach and teach enough about the Bible said that as Nehemiah serve a bird and that's the literal biblical word came upon him and there's a difference between people who serve skillfully and those who serve under a burden now to give you understanding about what the term burden means it literally means a weight that overwhelms your physical ability when you are burdened by something it's not about feeling bad it's about not being able to move because of the burden it was a term that Bible writers use to describe what would have come upon oxen when oxen would go and they would move and plow they would put a bird and yoke around their neck so that they couldn't get away from their master or one away from their team so when people now say they have a burden and they move and they say they have a burden and they run and they say they have a burden and they're not stable now you ain't got a burden you're just emotional there is something about a burden that makes the thing you feel bigger than what you see and makes the thing you feel bigger than what's going on around you and you don't know servanthood until you know serving a [Music] burden now there's demonic burdens Jesus said in the book of Matthew when he's giving out his woes woe unto you who burden the people you don't lift one finger and make them do all the work that's a demonic burden we're leaders require you to do what they don't do and and leaders have standard for you that they exempt themselves from but there was another form of a burden that comes upon you to achieve a thing that nobody else is done don't fool yourself we know there are certain anointings and certain assignments that literally is a once-in-a-generation assignment if you don't believe me as Kathryn Kuhlman with as pretty as you are and what is nice is your prep rep resist you ain't huh consider there are certain Kairos our lives that'll raise and set back into the future to begin to give you resources that don't come from your current day we need men with a body I'm not impressed by your desire sleep because something came on you that you could move under you don't know the power of a burden if you've never driven past a homeless person and try to get it out your mind you don't know the power of a burden if you've never walked past a gangbanger or a drug dealer and felt something grip you up and carried him to work power we are so busy being distracted by our talents and not paying attention to a burden but there is no root in your talent no trustworthiness in your talent what you need to do is accurately discern under a burden and not be the instrument to break through see God burdens you what the thing he's called you to break open come on Zion if there is a burden on you the next person next thing you don't have the same burden you may be burdened about sex trafficking this person may be burdened about drug dealer but the reason that is your burden is because it's what you were born for I've got some more in this texture but all of your life you've been in practice you've been in the dressing room I'm here to prophesy to ninety nine of you in here you are about to see why you were born happy birthday you are about to run into the purposes of God as on the mind of God before you enter your mother's belly and you're gonna tap the burden of God pour your exist such me am i got this burden that he could not delegate he could not give it to somebody else there was something on him I one of the things that God is teaching me is that everything can't be delegated most of it should but you have to stay under the thing that's weightier on you there's certain organizational functions that I can assign to a secretary I can assign to an armor bearer there's certain things that the strength of God is on me to do myself and Nehemiah got under this burden and he started to bill he started to be burdened by the things that were now pay attention now if you see the [Music] people do so Nehemiah walk past this place and they saw death and he saw destiny they saw the rubbish but he saw the riches he was able to perceive the purposes of God in the middle of what looks like disaster and because of it he started to build pay attention now we have a lot of emphasis a lot of emphases and I praise God for it on gathering we want to gather I got a gathering anointing you got a gathering the anointing gather them here gather them there gather them everywhere gather them online gather them on the trains gather them in the hotels gather them in the retreat centers gather them and just gather just your scan let's just come together and gather I'll get a flyer and gather I'll get a graphic and glad there I'll get a logo and gather I'll get a website let's just gather but you know what my problem is there's so much emphasis on gathering that nobody's growing what was gathered and there is more emphasis in the Bible I feel you're kicking I don't care there's more emphasis in the Bible on growing then there is gathering don't you realize that gathering is not a sign of the anointing which is gather stripper's gather gang-bangers gather if you twerk on the corner they gonna gather there you gather around addiction you gather around malfunction so let's stop putting emphasis on people that can gather it start paying attention to the ones that know how to grow it I'm working in here we are going from gatherers for those that can grow the things that were gathering why does it matter if you can have 20 infants in one room it's not just the gathering it's about the growth of the gathering and people that can gathers a thing and stay there until what was gathered was grown and I love the fact that Nehemiah was not a gatherer that was beneath him he graduated from being a gatherer to being a grower he moved into something that enabled him to change the quality of what was gathered together and so we come to me and Meyer six he opens up this treatise by saying listen once and ballot and when to buy heard that I was done because here's a real victory we have by the time they start trying to attack you I could run but I'm not it's already too late look if somebody says already too late it's already too late you see you understand I'm in obedience now power so because I'm in obedience I'm safe from you if you were gonna stop me it should have been when I was in concept when I was in seed for me it's true late now you own a rat race trying to get me out of here because I'm sorry [Music] now listen he says he says when they heard that we were finished building now listen I'm trying to give you some wisdom because the appearance of the fight is a sign that you've finished sometimes we think that we can't finish because of the fight but the fight comes to distract you about the frats that you already finish if you hadn't finished nothing they wouldn't be fighting yet if you hadn't finished I'm already finished yes we missed that when we were reading this before sit down hill but we were reading it before we thought that they were fighting him because of what he was about to do they thought that we read the scripture real fast and we thought the resistance was because of what was coming but this was not resistance this was retaliation which means that I'm not fighting you because I don't know what you're about to do the devil has no clue about what God's got planned for you but what he does have is a record of all you've done already even though you're not a millionaire yet you're not as miserable as you used to be in your house yet you don't live in your car no more and the devil is mad right now because the same God that did that is about to do this and the same God that said that is the one who's saying this the fight oh yeah if you ever need to be encouraged during an attack look back and see what you just finished if you ever need perspective about what the devil is mad at your pizza look back and see what you just finished it's the finishing that creates the fighter not the fight that creates the finish now here's what this is important when the fight starts very often the fight drains us of our energy and distracts our focus because we're trying to protect what we just finished watch me but if it's finished ain't no need to try to protect it pay attention to the principle Nehemiah was building and finished and now a message comes and Nehemiah says we finished the only thing we had to do now is set up doors in the gate the wall is done what I'm working on now and the wall was the defense but the door was the plaintiff access so he says I created this wall now I've got to put a door in this wall to make sure that those who are not back here can come in it's not just starting the defense you've also got to create the point of access what you build is protected what the devil is nervous about is who else is gonna come back there he wants to make sure that you're so distracted by what we're saying what we're doing that nobody else joins you we can't kill you because the wall is done but what we can make sure is that we limit and restrict your influence because they're the greater the chances are that you're gonna have an army that's behind a wall and if I want to continue this agenda of destruction I gotta make sure that they're more people paying attention to me they're paying attention to you so here's what they did nehemiah confesses Sanballat Tobiah sent me this word and he identified i want you to pay attention to this a plot by sending a message to them i'm gonna teach you something and he watched them these people that were nervous about what was being built wanted to meet I'm gonna sit again these people that were nervous about what was being built wanted to actually meet see they're not mad cuz they don't like you they're mad cuz they actually had hope to be a part I'm talking to you they're angry cuz they want close intimacy but while you were building the wall you was learning the difference of who is and who ain't if you want to fight me why do you want to meet me the real truth is not that you hate me is that you wanted a future with me and I didn't mind you and behind you Sonia Maya's response was I appreciate your sentiment it's actually very flattering but I'm so engaged in building this wall but I cannot come back and meeting with you watch me watch me meeting with you requires a loss of my height in order to go ground-level with y'all I've got to abandon this wall now the way you read this is like they were all on the same level Nehemiah was busy in the heights looking here he had built something up that had left ground-level a long time ago so by the time the message back to him it had to come from a low life oh you don't want to hear this it had to go up to reach him he was which is why he class Li gracefully respectfully decline and he did not decline cuz he didn't like them he didn't decline cuz he did want to go down come on look at somebody I can't go down I can't go down come on to somebody else I can't go down I can't go down there's no hard feelings I just got to stay relationships down their conversations down there people that are down there marriage can't be down there down there emotions can't be down there down there somebody said oh hi oh hi oh hi I let my behalf to like goddess move it come on look at somebody say go ha ha [Music] anything that tada has increased drawing capacity anything lifted high has a satellited situation where their words can go out a bit further and so after nehemiah declines them look at what they did they said the same message four times may be hidden here when I say I said come back I said I said they said the exact same message with the exact same strategy now this sounds simple but it's powerful I'm teaching you the science of spiritual warfare and it is this as long as you are fighting an opponent with limited information you can win the problem is when we are in spiritual warfare we subconsciously theologically and doctrinally put God and the devil on the same plane so I have to fight the devil like he's omniscient and fight the devil like he's everywhere all the time and fight the devil like he knows all that God knows what the devil is limited in what he knows all he does is play Clues in categories and he watches your reactions and your responses and your reactions and your responses teach him in warfare how to attack you next this is why it is important to respond well this is not about what you do and how you do it this is about being calculated and methodical and giving God a right response and God can do more with a right response and he can do with your rebellion and Paul can do more for the right response and he can do in your fear respond well and the war will now when he finally gives word to what they're saying they said there's a rumor out there's a rumor out because when you're building pay attention the most effective way to try to stall advancement is a rumor here's why what you built has been built on the power of integrity if I want to break integrity I've got falsify something to find an enroll not into what you've built but into who built it cuz the real truth is I'm not fighting the wall I'm fighting the one who did it before I beat it so in order to make sure that I'm effective in this I've got to send some type of slander now I would encourage you with this look at somebody say neighbor please realize slander is a good sign well I did hear you I said just about in a Hiba please understand that slander is a good sign I know you don't feel that right now cuz you matter and you like me so you like to slap people I still like to fight pray for me I speak in tongues but you can get these hands and I'm still trying to work on my temper until I read in the Gospels where Jesus said blessed are you when men shall matter of evil around you let's see you when they lie against you and woe unto you when everybody speaks well of you you ought to be more afraid of flattery then you are a slander you ought to be more afraid of lying compliments then you are honest enemies I appreciate for you telling the truth about not liking me I'm afraid of they told you they don't like me and laugh slant is a good sound slammed is a good side there's a good now at the end of this slander here comes manipulation if you don't come talk to me I'm gonna do something that we don't know what you go this is the scripture study he says I suggest that before this gets to the King I I suggest that you come talk to me now what he's trying to do is course the wheel you don't have a choice in this you're you coming into my realm I want to pull you from this wall into my word I want the privilege of saying that I got the wall builded by me and the wall builder in my brand and the wall builder in my world because if I get the wall builder with me it heightens my value so come over here talk like you see me come over here don't act like y'all hear me I want to buy your credibility to change my own status but when you don't come down you like no I'm giving you the privilege who are you I never met you in your life in your life did you hear do you know can I go a little further verse eight the reason why Nehemiah was not distracted is because he understood an integral man woman church boy girl an Integra woman easily identifies lives so I looked at it and people who get led away by lies are liars themselves if a lie can entice you it's because you got deception in you when you are filled with truth you identify lies when you hear it if you can't identify a lie on sight is because you're used to believing them anyway looks at verse 8 and 9 it says this is my only reply you're making this whole thing up there's no truth in any part of your story but I want you to see but verse 9 is more important you're trying to get me to stop the work verse 9 says they were using the rumour to intimidate they were trying they were afraid of my size so they wanted to make me theirs and they were trying to intimidate us here's where I'm going with this through discouragement I had been casting out Devils all of my ministry literally I was violently tossed right after I learned the gifts of the Spirit I was thrown against my will into a Ministry of deliverance in spiritual warfare and one of the first things I learned was rejection abandonment I learned about the occult all 34 branches I learned about witchcraft I learned about all of that stuff but you know what nobody taught me the danger of discouragement discouragement is one of those things that seems like everybody has it but I've been studying Robert the power and the assignment of discouragement and the reason why it's so dangerous is because we think it's normal that we don't pay attention to what it's doing to us discouragement is what Goliath did when he started taunting the Hebrew literally means to discourage and when you look into what that means is the Bible say he taunted Israel until look at this phrase until they no spirit left so he said stuff and aim stuff to drain them why it wasn't about something that had happened it was about something that was about to happen and when you are under the assignment of discouragement it's not aimed at your yesterday it's not aimed at your achievements it's not aimed at your resume its aim at your possibilities and it's aimed at your potential when the devil gets you discouraged he bankrupts you of courage bankruptcy of faith he knows that in order to get you to not make a new step I've got to discourage you and I'm going to drain you of the mental and the psychological now most of us can handle a headache but we cannot handle the psychological war that comes with just being discouraged you know and you'll know when you're dealing with it because you start looking at your life overlooking all of your wins and studying all your losses you look at your ministry and see that all of this is going right but I just can't get over these two things that are going wrong that is what the strategy of discouragement is I want you to study what you don't have I want you to study well what they didn't do I want you to study who they not and I want you to take your eyes off of the faithfulness of God because if you study all of your past victories you'll have faith for a new one but if you study your losses I'm working in here and study your defeats then I can get you to be bankrupt and you cannot be bankrupt and breathe discouragement discouragement it's a real weapon not a mouth but discouragement is different because discouragement only takes a seed let me put this in you and once the source of it leaves you the seed is still working on you if when your boy it sounds like this you just like your daddy and what happens is that word it may be small through your humanity if it's bigger and you start to think that everything you do wrong proves that right it's the system of discouragement that wants to wait until nobody's looking and work on your confidence and work on your will you can shout in here but I got you at home you can dance in here but wait till you go to sleep I'm gonna stress you out you can show them tithes and offerings and say that little decree I'm gonna get all up in your mind about all the money wasted and all the student loans you owe it's the power of discouragement but something is bigger than discouragement I got it in my belly this morning it's called the wisdom of God the wisdom of the future your level of discouragement is only as strong as your level of distraction when you are focused it's hard to be discouraged and my life every time discouragement has come it was God's Way of showing me where there was a breach in the focus if you have the right focus and the right fundament and the right premise that it's difficult for discouragement to find their way in there but check your whole life if the last book didn't do what you wanted to do you're not gonna try new it if the last company didn't work the way you wanted to is gonna be harder to get you to do it again and that's the enemy's go let's get you discouraged so that you do nothing now drain you of spirit train you and will drain you of creativity imagination and necessary risks sometimes you need to get a bad book so you can know how to write a good one sometimes you need to buy a stupid building so you can gain experience it's excruciating but it's necessary stop thinking is because it's hard is from hell something's from that are hard from heaven to educate you on where you're about to go next gets real deep now verse 10 after they got together I'm a land on the play I'm almost done let's discourage you intimidate you switch sizes when it didn't work all the way they brought him in the church because here's the truth in corporate America even at family reunions we develop a hardness or resistance against criticism you know when you pick up a few pounds and you go to a barbecue you always got that messy auntie that's not all girl I want you you got ain't built it's looking at you I sho want some grandkids are you under pressure like lady please would you leave me alone you know so you kind of develop a palate for healthy banter and criticism you don't expect that when you are in the temple where people just is broken just just in need of the same blood that came in for the same thing as you the devil's new strategy was if we can't discourage them out here tell me Amaya let's go to the temple and lock the doors and and we'll meet with them and act like I'm trying to save your life I'm gonna create as it were a refugee camp for you come and be with us and we gonna trap ourselves in this temple and the Bible says that when they invited me and Maya to that temple he told them this if you don't come with me they'll kill you if you have the fear of man then what happens to you in God's house is enough to make you lose your mind but when you remember who called you to the wall when you remember when you were serving that water near Maya that you didn't make this up this was a burden that came out of nowhere then you're more afraid of him than you are there and so you didn't get in it for him so you don't walk away because of them I'm syan God told me to stay now here is my real message Sanballat and Tobiah were subcontractors I'm a said again Sanballat and Tobiah were consultants employees they worked for a more powerful spirit that don't get as much attention in this verse as she should we all love talking about Jessie Jessie you know that's why I called it jazzy jazzy she did some right she had the nation under you know jazzy Jessie that's when we want to bind somebody as Jezebel I wanna chop somebody and some operating over a city or nation is Jezebel one we want to run for something but nobody talks about nor die ya know your diet was so dangerous she didn't have to see much she used her money to get people to say what she wanted to say you never even see when no Adalia confronted me in my is she just sent people who needed money because the bible said is Sanballat and Tobiah world hired by noah died to say what she wanted to say and the reason she hired him was because had she shown up she wouldn't have been a match for nehemiah but she sent two men to go and represent her here's what the Bible says in verse 11 cuz they wanted to intimidate him that wasn't a goal to make him sin when discouragement turns into Swiss intimidation intimidation grows into discouragement discouragement turns into sin because when you are discouraged now you got to find stuff in your flesh to medicate how you feel about where yet you see how that works it starts with intimidation it grows into discouragement and it manifests as sin in your flesh because I've got to find something to help me not think about where I am and not think about what's not working so whether it's sex or chocolate or weed I gotta find something to to to to pull me out of myself watch me into a realm of sorcery and fantasy to give me an unreal reality because that's what a high is higher simply I'm going to temporarily kidnap you from your pain and your wounds and I'll let you stay up here with me but like every lawyer does when the high is over oh yeah I know I'm missing your high tor you got an appointment right now in the name of Jesus may the five God come to your taste buds but he not the taste out your mouth I believe God is trying to pour you off of the rollercoaster of back and forth this you're not thinking about it don't mean it's not there and when you have an addiction what it helps you do is that think about it life is good I don't feel this betrayal I don't feel this fear I don't feel [Music] and there's a cycle cuz now you're gonna spend the rest of your life trying to get back up there to a false wall where nothing exists and then you fall again he wanted to bring me and my into the realm of sin because if you are in sin the way you build is not gonna be good you're gonna Beall with your lower nature and bill with your life this is what I believe in righteousness there is a richness when you're walking in holiness your intelligence is open but when you're walking listen back and forth in two worlds what's gonna one of the things you're gonna cause is there's gonna be a breach in your smartness she said it's not just about what's going on with heaven in hell it's also about the quality and the depth of your thinking it's hard to think clearly condemned so if you're trying to get over what you did last night and who you did it with and what you did and you tell let yes the law I think you forgive me I think you forgive me it's hard to get formulas up here and ideas up here and innovation up there so the devil loves condemnation because it blocks your clarity here's how Nehemiah now again we're warfare people Jim this is one of the warfare prayers I've never paid attention to Oh God all Nehemiah said concerning sanballat Tobiah and the witch that hired him was this Lord remember them I want you to see that when you are on a wall even your warfare is different I don't have to bind you it would mean that you were a threat to me I don't have to lose angels around you I could do it myself I don't need anything supernatural to come against what you're doing it's beneath me remember them that settled the whole issue blow you away with all of the warfare out there I never saw this first Lord remember them remember them because apparently they're doing what they're doing because they feel forgotten remember them remember them get them some business help them to not be so bored take their obsession out of them remember them that's the last we hear about nor die that's the last we you know what's the moral of the story when you have been assigned by God to erect a thing build a thing construct a thing you must give everything you are into what God called you to do if you stop because you're criticized if you stop because you are assessed one of the things I'd grieve - Tiffany is an amazing woman of God pashya Lana's amazing woman god I grieve for women ministers because I know how women treat them and I know a part of what they do is they humanize you and some of them will submit to you because they want to be you it's not that they want to be taught by you they envy your marriage they envy your image and so if I can't be honest that was drawing to me me to you as my own insecurities and I'll act like I'm gonna learn from you when the truth is I really want to be you and you cannot learn from somebody whose identity you idolatrous I know you want me to turn my pies you want to learn from me you have to be you people ask me all the time apostle and when you have insecurities it impresses you can I have your mantle no I'm still using it never watch the slip kind of in the middle of something right here and the number two I don't know you enough to entrust my assignment to you Jim Nehemiah was so busy at that wall he didn't give energy to texting them emailing them there were no press releases there were no emergency meetings dude this was mr. warfare what are you gonna do what are you gonna say I'm gonna stay up here I can't come now if I come down I go into a terrain that I'm not used to I've been so happy these last ten years I forgot what the ground feel like so if I leave from up here to go down there I'll lose my battle advantage well what do we say to know a daya Lord we remember them you know what kills me Michele about the next verse verse 15 says so on October the 2nd the wall was finished I mean what a way to close the story Lord remember knowing dire and on October the 2nd I purpose I that by this fall everything that has been in progress everything that has been in the way everything and attractor large in the second heaven is about to be released release release [Music] [Music] if you refuse to come down by October it'll be over it will all be finished I don't know who that was for what you're working on come on go to ten people come on that's a number of divine order come on go to ten people tell them by October come on decree that October your business is flourishing your house has paid off your children are save your marriage is restored up you'll be in the right sitting you'll be in the right leadership don't be no bankruptcy creditors turned around October October brother is getting out [Music] I feel arrested by this thing now because they wanted you to fall don't send you miracles in the fall already better what's been on the way history ready to manifest manifest and everything under the earth concerning you is about to be alive [Laughter] [Music] [Laughter] as a sign [Music] that what I say is true [Music] you mark my words by October there will be a discussion with the bank they finance this place and you all not spin what you've agreed to spin on this property by October it will almost be paid off I pop a sire here [Music] [Music] whoa whoa whoa you were beyond to the next I'm telling you what I know maybe focus on what's next God is breaking the neck of no attire and the neck of Sanballat he's surrendered souls of the wicked fret not thyself because of evildoers neither be thou envious because of the workers of iniquity though they sued carts don't come down don't come down in your efforts don't come down in your prayer don't come down in your energy don't come down at your concert you have to stay up you only lose if you come down you can't lose because of the threat you can't lose because of a curse there's a scripture I think it's a book of Ecclesiastes you know when when stuff happens it throws you into the presence of God and you start remembering and rehearsing things you knew but didn't need his description of Ecclesiastes says like a curse without cause we'll never land on its intended victim it says like a fluttering Sparrow wing what that means is a curse has tried to cast upon you don't have the ability to fly or land it's a handicap pigeon it's not coming on you it's a broke pigeon it's not landing on you because it cannot fly it's weightless so stay out just give out your system and pray for your mama your daddy hold this against you or remember them and I'm going to throw myself into what you called me to do lift your hands in this building I just I want you to this past weekend when I was with these preachers the Lord spoke something to me and I felt an anointing come on me for it I feel it in this room a lot of you have felt stuck without knowledge of what's next because of a quit that you don't realize is there and in my life whenever I've gone through anything hard it wasn't because it was going to kill me it was because the Lord wanted to confront the temptation to quit for some of you temptation is not sentence or money or drugs it's a if this happens I'm doing that it's an option to quit and with the Lord once of you he's requiring he'll quit he's requiring it because he wants to know if you're in this for the long and if you keep threatening him god I'll do this as long as I'll submit to this unless as long as you keep putting out in his face he's not giving you what he's got people are like well where the miracles where the sighs I don't think listen Brigid I don't think God likes looking at people's sick and diseased what I think is he don't trust quitters to work miracles so everybody that wants power wants it with the condition that things have to be perfect and things have to be right and I obey you just keep my kids I'll obey you if I don't have to do it single I'll obey you if you help get rid of them and God is like if there are conditions around your surrender it is not surrender it is compliance but I can't do nothing with that I want to quit all the way and when you lose your right to quit God gives you everything he's ever dreamed about you and baby listen if you think your dreams are big if you think your goals are big if you think your plans are big wait till you see what God is thinking he's been planning this stuff from before the from that he was thinking about you before he created the ocean that plan is big but it's hiding beyond you quit in the name of Jesus I want you to literally think about the thing all the beings that often comes up in your heart that makes you quit who is it what do they say what do they do is your cookies at your career is it God if you don't deliver me as fast or about all what all of them all of that all of the excuses right now God wants emptied out of your life all of the conditions all of the caveats all of the plan B listen level of surrender is necessary for this next ascent come on Lord I'll holla baby if you heal me but what if I don't what if I don't come on when Daniel was asking God to deliver him from the fire he was believing God to pull them out he said even if God doesn't do it I know it's not because he's not able you got to create a plan for your complete obedience in the name of Jesus father I'm asking for angels in this room right now to to come out with examining and with magnifying glasses upon the hearts of men and help them to see what would the quick that's in them the quick that's hiding in their personality and the quit that's hiding in their gift and the quit that's hiding gonna quit out of them kill the quit in them and cause it to surface and come to the top show them that this last it's for this next assignment to show them that you allowed what you allow around them to allow to quit in them to surface they thought it was gone they thought it was over but when the pressure came on the quick got louder and I'm asking you that you would call your fire upon every quitter deliver them from quitting just like you delivered them from drugs and sex and seeing you can deliver them from the power of a quit in the name of Jesus the addiction of quitting the temptation to quit the distraction to quit those that were forced to be quitters and groom to be quitters because their groomers and their parents and their gatekeepers I walked away prematurely and it coded them to quit when things got hard it pogram them to quit when things got tougher pull it out from the roots and give them a focus on the future and a focus to what you're saying and a focus to what you're doing in Jesus name come on y'all I will not quit come on settle till you believe it said until you believe well come on let that thing hit your belly saya come on come on come on make that your declaration make that your status get assert that I will not quit come on put it in your room put it in your office I will not you
Channel: All Nations Worship Assembly - Baltimore
Views: 18,266
Rating: 4.9816093 out of 5
Id: tTa9_P_S5oE
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Length: 76min 44sec (4604 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 02 2019
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