Lolth-Sworn Drow meets an Owlbear | Baldur's Gate 3 | Ep. 2

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last time we made it to The Grove we met the Healer the Healer told us she might be able to help with the parasite in her head and then she gave us a thing to take if we felt like we were going crazy that would kill us I'm not I'm not getting rid of that um I'm not taking that I'm just gonna hold on to it and put it in someone's drink when no one's looking that'll be oh what if I can okay I probably don't want to do this because I don't know anything about the Druid healer but what if I frame her for murder just saying what if I frame her for murder is anyone looking at me I've got a book on the GIF and the mind players okay um I do not need to stop stop dancing stop just jump why do you have two of the same book I'm taking that one too ooh Soul coins oh actually I might need to read up on a soul coin Scroll of shocking grasp you just leave all this good stuff just sitting around I I'm not taking another book about the gift all right oh we have so much that we need to run off and do actually we have to look for halson I'm gonna take this plant we have to look for halson we have to also go find the gift that we were originally hanging out with because we haven't seen her since the Mind flayer ship crashed all we know is that she did run off after she got consciousness don't touch any of these giant wolf statues oh oh combined items so is this an Alchemy thing but no moon wait I carry weird room wait no I think I sold my weird runes I can still pocket a weird Rune I don't think this is exactly what this game wants from me okay Rune of the elk guys to put my hands on it something over there hold up what'd you see us we're traveling with a famed blade blade of Frontiers I feel safer already okay yeah I need to ask more about that um oh I guess Astorian tell me about yourself who wants to tell I'm a magistrate back in the city uh he does not want to chit chat okay there was a perception check though is there an order to this l oh Eagle bear elk okay oh wait so there might be a broken piece of slab Also let's talk to this dude I don't know what that means uh how does the blade of Frontiers end up chasing the devils in Hell tell me will how did you come to be the blade of the Frontiers to a Champion's life one merely answers its call so it was for me I was hunting near the club could when I heard it child crying out from a lone Farmstead I found him in the fields flanked by goblins his mother's corpse bled into the soil next to him I don't remember much of the battle but I remember drying the boy's tears after okay uh what act could be finer than saving a life I must have felt proud and he named you yeah can we get back to why you call yourself the blade of the Frontiers whatever became of the boy I wonder Goblin's pitiful Vermin easy to kill hardly worth getting worked up about warlock correct children never saved the cries never heard in the boy's tears I finally saw the suffering wrought by the villains of the Wild the Frontiers demanded a blade and so I heeded okay uh and before that oh yeah so he's a warlock and he's tracking down a devil or some kind so I'm guessing that's his Patron so he's fiend sworn then Baldur's Gate born and raised the only son of a single father he wanted one life for me I chose another we haven't spoken since I left the city the classic drama a staunch father and his rebellious son better heard from The Bard's lips than mine do we get a Bard companion uh how does the blade of the Frontiers end up chasing the Devils of hell those fires raged in Baldur's Gate before she escape to a furnace Earnest as my source told it and she was planning to return one of the archdevils are real Zone chaos incarnate a devil with pure fire for a heart I made my way to avernus to stop her she fled from her reach even climbed aboard the Mind flayer ship as it screeched through the hells I followed in close Pursuit [Music] might be taking the damage she might be doing is there any chance Carlock also has a worm uh who's the source of yours easy Journey to the hells from The Sword Coast how'd you manage it a powerful friend with a keen interest in privacy I'm sworn to say no more okay oh a powerful friend oh a powerful warlock Patron perhaps you know about bound souls and Frozen tongues I can only leave the rest to your imagination suffice to say I hunt monsters Devils included and I will do what I can to quench the coast of their flames oh he has a oh he has a stone eye I just thought he had a chromium the most vicious one in fact Alan amount just north of the Moon sea a reminder that sometimes blood must be shed and sacrifices must be made nah but that story is reserved for Lifetime friends and Karma days okay lean in and examine more closely tiny grooves spider across surface distant contacts cool he has a cell phone in his eye and sending Stone nothing so special I assure you quickens his jaw tenses will is keeping something from you a strange sensation courses through you and your companion's mind unfolds Secrets have revealed cool oh wait okay bean and planted the Mind player tadpole fate worse than death isn't it is the tadpole oh he's gonna hate me if I do this though I wanna know I'll get this information out of him either way but he's gonna hate me if I do this fine you can keep your secrets from now I'll get them one way or another okay we need to find this halced person that way uh they can hopefully fix no don't go there I really want to oh Druid notebook you gonna see me do this yay ancient notebook ink is faded and the page is starting to crumble it's not easy but some of the words can still be made out Cather gets finished the cost of Us the land Darkness has fallen corruption is everywhere chased by Shadows picking us off Druids and Harper's alike are wounded or safe I return searching for survivors lost I found his shade but a to rest and took his glaive blade infused with Shadow I've locked it away to serve as a reminder that even Victory can taste better I hear blade of shadow so I'm gonna find this oh blade of shadow you've gotten here I don't want any of that [Music] can I there we go oh now I can look at The Cauldron take it one step at a time Nettie come on oh this is how I make things that I've been ignoring for so long did I pick up some type of weird roots [Music] hmm okay if I were a blade of shadow where would I be oh I'm gaining nothing out of doing this I'm just curious what do you mean path is too far it's right there fine come on peoples okay we've talked to that's the woman I don't like what's that way servants quarters oh interwoven prayers and cantation snake across the side of the page written on otherwise other instructions on performing the right of thorns when the prayer is complete the thorns and bramble rise from the earth protecting the harm Enchanted oh investigate kaga Elder Circle Duff decree the natural order must be preserved no matter its form forces that would disrupt the natural order must be destroyed the emerald Enclave order Aid weary okay entered so she's going against her tenants investigate kaga determined to do this we should investigate yes we should I've been denied the ability to jump who are you what will the tieflings want next letting the hell child go is a mistake okay calm down are you a human filthy human um take a look at this oh I think I might be able to go this way though Maybe oh okay hold up trust no one simple you want to give this a [Music] I think he's got this I think he's got this he's got it I didn't even need the bonus oh my God I did not eat those bonuses oh Bloodstone anyone can squeeze blood from a stone if the edges are sharp enough the shadow Druids Doctrine [Music] um balance is a myth where any Clan shreds nature struggles Unity is a friction is a fiction men are mere flesh seek only to tame the Beast and raise Flora with the Thunder we are the rain we shatter mankind okay so she is not a true Druid it's what I'm gathering um uh the marks crisscrossing on the page look scribbled so much as slash kaga swamp docks tree meet me alone swamp dong swamp docs do I even know where the swamp is figure it out we won't take any of her stuff though because then she can prove we touch something okay let's see ourselves out foreign wait have I gone that way no this leads me outside the camp which isn't a terrible thing because I really did run straight into this camp and then got wrapped up in the whole Druid mess so we really haven't seen what all else is out here singing it's beautiful Sirens did there are sirens in d d right should I be concerned about this [Music] uh child do you want to get away from the water listen yeah you might want to step away it's so peaceful [Music] okay I'm gonna have to pass some type of check for this melody beckons you it vibrates with magic a heart piece charm oh uh yeah let's not do this okay let's let's not fall into the harpies lore I would prefer not to see a massive bird lady suddenly fades as the spell breaks you are free just pop the kid on the back of the head no no no it's just a bit of water I only want to listen Just a Little Closer [Music] everything's gonna be fine once I get there um can I not grab this child yes Eldritch blast is the best no one will ever be able to tell me otherwise no one can look me in the eyes and say something is better than Eldritch blast anything oh it's everything I love Eldritch blast okay we're thinking with portals historian there we go babes I'm proud of you you're doing what Loth intended I know you don't worship Loth but I do it's okay Shadow heart it's okay bibs I still believe in you I'm gonna grease these dude oh wait I'm about to grease myself let's oh cruel dude [ __ ] you how about that so anyway I just started Eldritch blasting disengage child disengage run away I'll be with you in a moment don't run into the harpy okay [Music] all right you did your best just push it push it to make me feel better push it real good [Music] I want to test that out so bad that I don't want to test that out in close quarters yes die [Music] okay that is obviously I have to that person has to not be aware of me for that to work okay [Music] shove for good measure get off my Cliff never mind I tried okay child go go be one with wherever you need to be that's not here babes can I make that Eldritch Blast from here I bet you Imma Try I love an Eldritch blast [Music] some dude was out there like you know what the world needs and Eldritch blast okay [Music] can I Eldritch blast you Hold Up Hold the hold up I love Eldridge blast okay I'm just gonna re-roll until she comes back to me and then I'm just gonna blast again I have blast once and I will blast again oh I forgot there was Grease I could have fell on my ass right there oh that sucks um I don't want to pull that how do I exit out of a movement okay can't sacred flame that can't jump can't shove I can Dash a little bit to the side here okay I'm like I'm putting myself in position to handle this I'm still gonna try that's okay that's what Eldritch blast is for but it just just to make it just make a cute character and enjoy life in the Grove you know just take it as slow as you want to take it it is an amazing game though do not let my hatred for heartbeats fool you they are gone they are gone um oh I'm playing as historian go back to your parents there's worse in the wild than heartbees stop sniveling they'll be back honestly since I'm playing as a story and this makes the most sense [Music] it's scared straight you know that kid's not coming out to the forest anytime soon still alive hey we did it it only took four tries it's having a blast I am actually I'm quite literally having a blast Eldritch blast if you will wait oh is that a barrel I thought it was a chest at first but I'll take a barrel no it is a chess [Music] noise but yes it is amazing make yourself a cute little character find someone to romance maybe help people if that's your Vibe if it's not totally chill enjoy life um okay there actually was nothing up here can I jump from here to there no I might have to jump down and then around all right hey oh check is that the Harpy's nest gotta get over there it is my right as the killer of harpies to raid their nests okay here we go this is how I get around to the Harpy's nest I hope they have eggs what if there's a baby Harpy and then I can kidnap it and raise it as my own let's go raise my wolves is not see no Malone I literally I tried to tell you guys all the time I did not watch a lot of movies growing up can I jump further if I Dash then jump or is that am I making that up [Music] what do you mean too far away I thought for a split second I saw I did it I did it I did it I'm taking that journal I'm taking that journal this is what those coffees were holding okay ring of color spray when light hits it this Center okay this is a level one illusion spell blind creatures up to ooh that's spicy I got a supply pack and and Bone oh there was a journal here though I'm sorry we followed mushribs instructions so far but something feels odd we encounter no creatures along the way only alien noises from all directions sleep evades us the muck on my boots has hardened into permanent feature hopefully we find blank lost more hair this morning I knew there was side effects of coming back I didn't expect it to be so blank I hear him laughing the laminations of humans okay droning like a chorus uh what is the purpose of this hellhole he speaks through walls and ceiling and floor is he the tomb is he blank legible Pages crudely drawn charcoal outline a bearded Devil's face its mouth a gape and a Silent Scream cool okay what's this Miriam I'm sorry it's been so long since I've written a lot has happened for some good news Maggie two fingers won't be bothering you anymore I paid her back in full I'm sorry she should never have got your name in the first place now for the bad news my love I'm not coming home for not for a while at least the money came from mercenary group probably the best I don't give their name and I agreed a couple of jobs and I swim Dale in return they pay me upfront because Gods it's so strange to write it because they needed a warlock they needed me took a deal uh the offered it's not going to say I had no choice because that would be a lie but I don't regret it I'm a new man I feel strong for the first time in my life aside from being awoke in the middle of the night by the smell of sulfur he likes to drop by to see how everything is going I have no complaints oh is this like his Patron or the person he took the job from if you don't reply this letter I understand oh he okay he got a patron that's what he's talking about here um if you don't want me to come back at home I understand as well I love you Miriam I want you to be happy okay so I could take this letter and find Miriam I assume let's pick it up okay um how did I get to the map again toggle group mode okay I just click here okay I can just fast travel back to no I can't I can fast travel here which was the okay I just put myself back in the beginning of the map which might not be a bad thing because why are you still crouching stop that because I really didn't check this area too well um how do I stop you from doing what you're doing [Music] foreign [Music] how do I unhide does it disengage no that worked that worked okay just click hide again disengaging worked but okay the monster hunter is becoming a monster I faced countless perils and conquered them all this will be no different I've always had a soft spot for The Confident ones they always disappoint their I love Shadow heart okay this is where I bought those dudes who are you and what are you holding you're the one who helped to the gate yes I am glad to have another sword we might need it oh you're just a random person oh it's savlor I heard what happened thank you for protecting the child oh no The Druids it's not just goblins we have to fear so we can risk violence here or face it for certain on the road quite the choice isn't it best of luck with that has nothing to do with me actually I agreed to help because they promised me treasure um I'm gonna figure this out no The Druids are too powerful we can't stand against them all let me find halsen without her twisting things I believe The Druids might see sense okay I need to find halsin um no a low sword but I'd be lying if I said I hadn't considered it but The Druids would Slaughter us we'd have to get close to Korger within Striking Distance I can't manage that but they've already let you pass once I am kind of sneaky um you're taking a risk for us I'll figure this out see that you're rewarded I'm still hoping I don't wanna be swayed from this map oh actually if not leaders need to make tough decisions we do what we must I was gonna say I don't want to murder her but also clear path pass those goblins I literally found that note that basically confirmed that kaga calga whatever her name is is not like a true druid can I climb these for any particular reason so maybe I should get rid of her but also I want to have halson used to think that goblins would kill us the second we set foot outside but after hearing what you did at the gate well I still think they'll kill us is she a romantic ocean fight no that attitude fight and win uh first blade drawn will you I don't see many soldiers fight and win ralliam where's optimism and then there's stupid hun plenty of us fell to monsters already I don't see the rest of us lasting long out there if you're so sure we will why not put a little gold on the line I do like gold um you have an odd sense of humor this isn't really funny how are you going to take my gold if you're dead I am kind of the wagering tired excellent and since I want to leave a debt unpaid that means we're destined to meet in borders gate looking forward to it is she a romance option because she's hot I best see you in borders gate she has to at least be a one-night option you cannot tell me otherwise okay I've made a potential new girlfriend now I just have to what is this use The Climb oh I saw you training their children he was so gentle that's not how I was taught me the heads nor Hearts Shadow heart I wouldn't quite say that I learned the lesson after all and came to resent your tutor I bet I taught them to fight not to hate can I put that butterfly in my pocket and eat it okay let's hop skip our way around someone's arguing oh wait there are fun since the abduction [Laughter] think of the stories you'll be able to tell okay we're saving people overhead oh crap oh no soul you can't die please sir I fell in a vine I don't think he's conscious can you hear us Ed oh not not just closer okay humans but you feel nothing in response your lipid power is beyond reach until you rest oh oh can I not pull a bonus from Shadow heart this guy's good as dead oopsie daisies apparently I'm inspired by something yeah yeah let's go call me Dr drow hurt badly an oil bear got him deep if there's anything you can do I'm watching you too a familiar squirming chance in you oh useless your mind's in twine Andrew Rick and Brenna new recruits yours to Shepherd protect them she is a true soul mind oh wait hey I saw this necklace on one of the cultists in the mind ship Edwin Ed please he's with the absolute now yo oh that's what the dude was talking about Edwin our brother the journalist chosen that's not his name but do you have orders for us we were reporting to Edwin so they're in League with the goblins who are now also serving something called the absolute that's what the guy was trying to tell us when he was writing his little book caught up explain this absolute to me what are you are you testing us the absolute deceive them she's going to rip down the old world order start the new one then we'll be the ones with the power well you will firstly tristle you don't need me to explain that a true Soul like you has been chosen by the absolute you speak with her voice and when the time comes the true Souls You Will Rule oh I like these two all Zeal and no brains control yourself um I definitely want to go along with this lie so let's not do that have you guys seen my dude halson I don't know any Druids you're not helpful um why are you out here the Wilderness is dangerous I need to find the Beast and Avenger brother no not them they don't need to find the Beast I'll find the owl Beast you guys don't do that you have to learn you have more to learn of our faith I like this one true soul I I only repeated what I thought I knew you know nothing still has a great deal to teach me I'm loving this cult thing um why are you guys even out here no that all too well man but the absolute sent us here we're looking for fugitives survivors from that ship that crashed farther west of here I'm a Survivor of that crash looks like you found me these fugitives tell me more we don't know what they look like but anyone who survived that crash is bound to be injured that's enough to get us started the absolute wants them found at any cost huh well go home and just leave it it's dead I suppose he'd want us to go on find a way to honor his sacrifice don't go after that owl bear don't guide us I love that it was so easy to lie to them what did they mean also how do I get out of this bush they're clearly devoted to the absolute whatever that is strange power resonates with us to you I'm hearing growling something called craves oh am I gonna rip his head off experience strengthen you force your mind to shut you cannot be influenced okay I obviously should not let this tadpole influence me I really want to though wisdom check really I can't pull from Shadow heart suck I guess I'm embracing this tadpole today yeah oh no use compulsion takes over your actions are no longer your own I don't know I don't want an extra tadpole I already have one don't you stick that in your pocket okay abandon their hosts as soon as they need to vile parasites okay maybe this is a good thing because now I have a sample that's outside my head that I can give to someone and they can test it no level three warlock I gained a spell slot yay oh my God I have to stare at all of these calm emotions humanoids can't be Charmed or frightened cloud of daggers I love that it's still Madness in the humanoid enemy making them attack the creature closest to them other than you even if it's Allied that could be tricky create a Darkness shrub that heavily obscure and blinds creatures within that could be fun creatures cannot make ranged attacks enthrall oh make it look at you hold person hold them still they can't move after react attacks from ooh are always Critical Hits invisibility Mirror Image create duplicates of yourself be helpful surround by silver miss you teleport to an unoccupied space deal damage to a creature each turn the type of damage changes to the last type the creature suffered we can foe they deal half damage okay shatter damage is all nearby creatures and objects creatures made of inorganic materials such as Stone have a disadvantage on their saving throw that sounds fun okay I like cloud of daggers I like shatter oh I want more attack stuff okay this is an eight die that's a four I'm gonna try it oh I get a pack Boon your Patron bestows a gift upon you for your loyal service oh look at me go gain a service of a familiar a face spirit that takes the form of your choosing I can have an animal pack to the blade you can summon a pack weapon or bind the one you are wielding making it magical pack of the Tome a grimoire called The Book of Shadows which allows you to cast guidance at vicious mockery and Thorn whip I do like some vicious mockery um wheel their spell casting ability modifier instead of strength of decks I do like the path of the Tome but I kind of want a little animal I'll do path to tell them wait find familiar imp yeah I'll do path of the Tome seems more helpful the path of the Tome all right Shadow heart what are we working with babes okay she's got some trickery domain oh she gets mirror image that's helpful pass Without a Trace call forth a veil of Shadows and silence that gives you all nearby companions on stealth checks okay we've unlocked a level two in one spell slots a to blindness calm emotions okay she picked up a lot of the abilities that I did not pick up so that's helpful to me so as Boulders get taken over your life a little interesting times just just a tiny bit not in like a obsessive way hey I found a cave I wonder if there's an owl bear in there not in like an obsessive way I could quit whenever I want you know I could quit whenever I feel like it I just don't feel like it that's a wooden spoon oh it's an open coffin that's wild oh hold up let me do something really quick I have no help Frontiers let's hope will lives up to his name we'll need all the help we can get okay I thought she would want to oh okay she does want to talk about something can I say they were eye-catching we've been through quite a lot with likely more to come care to narrow it down a little oh on our stowaway thinking about it won't help we know what to do so let's do it find a way to rid ourselves of these things personally I think finding this hell sin is our best bet I do too uh what will you do if we manage to remove them I suppose we'd go our separate ways not a slight on your company of course Perhaps Perhaps not if we do survive we'll have Separate Lives to return to I need to get to build there's someone waiting for me there oh someone I have to reach okay as soon as possible friend oh we're really we're really crying right now I'm gonna do it say it's a very personal very private acquaintance fine I must admit you've been a surprise and not an unpleasant one Kindred Spirits are few and far between for me besides you saved my life aboard the nautiloid how can I do anything but sing your Praises oh look at her I love it when people love me okay seeing some of your past playthroughs great gamer oh thank you this just requires a little bit more forethought than what I'm used to doing okay Astorian has nothing he really cares to talk to me about let's find us an owl bear um literally everyone's in bad Health right now but I'm okay with that the skeleton and a dead guy I got heavy rocks in case I want to toss those at someone [Music] oh okay I can climb down this way where's the health the health is my um you need something oh I didn't actually mean to click on this guy my health is right here the 20 out of 24. it's a stinking cave hardly a place of honor whoa what do you mean I have we have our Canna fails ancient Tome detailing House Saloon came into being along with her sister Char the silver the radiant Saloon and the dark Lauren Shar complemented each other and brought in orderly distinction between light and dark and the universe I'll take that book and sell it oh okay I do like the Scrolls of detect thoughts I do love incense I should not pick that up and take that with me that does not belong to me this thing won't yield its contents easily okay Saloon seal hey can I Eldritch blast it now gotta find another way in it is 20 24 low it goes away very quickly especially if you're fighting like you saw me fighting the harpies if I have like three people attacking me in one goal go magical to accept the moon maiden's blessing and share her Bounty prayer sheet with the same symbol as the one on the chest okay I understand what needs to be done here can I read that please speaks of the conflicts between the goddesses Saloon and Char after Saloon ignited the Sun and Broad life sustaining light warmth to the universe okay and this Darkness sister didn't like that that's mine now I really am becoming a book hoarder again but I stopped doing after Skyrim no no this way okay um how do I use how do I utilize this [Music] oh acolyte her gift to Silver sin is inspired okay oh because I did something that's in line with my character I'm an acolyte okay of course he's a charlatan all right that makes sense or even destroy it if possible shush there could be something useful in there this rubbish isn't offering to saluna at best it's worthless at worst who knows could be cursed okay so she do not trifle with that Moon witch or her trinkets only trouble will follow why do you care so much what's that I wasn't even concerned you were concerned should have stayed quiet you want the truth daughter of Darkness okay she follows the sister first of the night Saloon is Twin and foe now that you have the truth please don't make a big fuss about it Heavens forbid we're all entitled to our secrets um I'll decide whether or not to make a fuss about it I'm literally a drow a loft sworn drow I could care less who she worships okay you could have told me how long were you gonna keep why I don't care who you worship I didn't think you'd react so pragmatically perhaps I should have told you Cena I was gonna say I literally worshiped this like chaotic spider goddess I could care less what you do um now the truth now tell me more talk to me later we've got more pressing matters to see to right now okay I'm I'm still gonna check this box though um ooh oh these things are so cursed oh no oh no oh no oh no look at me I'm not getting cursed today people I'm not getting cursed today what would have happened if I had failed that though just for curiosity's sake okay I want to put on this shiny necklace yeah and give me that ring too um on a melee head possibly in yes I want a cooler looking armor set so I'm gonna have to figure that out also I need to get these guys armor let's level up hysterian discover the clothes yet I've changed my outfit once if that's what you mean I have not discovered clothes though oh Arcane trickster was his subclass acid splash bone Chill from healing until your next turn have you unarmored yet aren't I just naked when I do that um poisons spray what's the difference between acid Splash okay that's a throw that's a spray Ray Frost not by much hurry up and discover goofy hats no shocking grasp okay blade Ward uh from bludgeoning friends I already do friends I don't need him to do friends dancing lights would probably be helpful only affects one target at a time minor illusion true strike oh he does kind of need some help on his attack rolls sometimes okay charm person blind creatures up to a combined disguise self oh add a wizard spell of your choice oh because he's an Arcane Trickster burning hands is really fun what's oh Greece I didn't know that was a spell magic Missile oh wait I can get him a familiar that would be my friend Thunder Wave I think I might do Thunder Wave I'll try it we'll see what it's about the Ben's uh version you're playing delks decks or delks magic Missile does sound fun I like that I like storm magic I really can't explain why I have an obsession with storm magic I just love storm Magic um I'm gonna let you do cloud of daggers because I didn't do Cloud daggers oh I get to I get to choose your let's do you on path of the blade yeah yeah I'll make you my squishy Warlock I just need to change some stuff around with you do you have yeah you do have a weapon okay okay well that was success before you see it face looming of the darkness what's this something weak something tender won't even have to chew you before I feed you to my son soft meat ah actually owls a giant owl would be way more scary than a regular bear oh there's still half a spear Lodge in your head yeah it's a splinter well I've got a bigger threats than you with worse just allow me to leave no thread here let me go or watch your Cub die wait I have an increase on intimidation [Music] people suck I don't like threatening animals oh I would have been fine either way I would have been so fine either way you're small weak killing you would be a waste of time you can go but you make one wrong step and I'll rip you to shreds okay baby doll you guys look really cute I have no desire to fight the owl bear I I don't Honestly though like I was saying an owl that size is so much scarier than a regular bear owls are such [ __ ] like I love an owl but they are literally the cats of flight okay that leads back into we're not doing that we're not doing that I'm gonna let that nice owl bear and its child seems simple enough go on its way could I have won that fights looks one in particular but I don't like attacking animals I don't like attacking Slimmer pickings out in this wilderness all right let's see where we can go we're still on the hunt for Houston owls are necessary evil owls are such interesting creatures the amount of Rage that are in those tiny little bodies what was the blade of frontier's toughest Kill ah it was a great scrap a hungry minor tour with a hankering for human flesh an ax-bearing Mountain of Fire she was oh you're not gonna bite me are you coming to I told you to go oh okay uh here it is caller we're good okay you see a name etched into the leather scratch okay maybe do you know my name interesting the Predator wouldn't catch still you should go my friend is injured he needs rest oh can I have scratch can I take care of scratch can scratch come home with me and then we'll return home oh scratch prove the man is dead what happened we were attacked cackling furry things on two legs and their smell it was strange rotten evil you know the creatures he describes Knowles you can travel with me I won't leave him I actually had never been in my own Camp so I don't wanna this seems so mean if it comes to that I may scratch I love you I don't want to loot his owner's body okay I do have some semblance of being a good person is that a hyena his eyes roll back in its head equal parts Bliss and Agony she'd eaten feasted and yet looking into her eyes you can see it wasn't enough still hungry come see my flesh becomes new flesh oh no you hear what comes next before you see it the sharp snapping of Bones and a Yelp of pain as her body starts twists with cold realization the end of One Life start of another does she get a face hugger like a vicious monstrous humanoids can spawn from the corpses of dying hyenas oh I need I need to go first oh rough rough okay oh I am inspired because I read a book I'm inspired because I was reading let's go always read your books kids you might be inspired to roll for another initiative you land a swift strike against tuscal Yelps then go still I'm sorry baby from her eyes the null within her dies too stillborn oh I love hyenas foreign no no where are you going this is my time get rid of both of those finding my way okay it's that one and the one on the cliff the brake fluid for it get out of here okay I still have that one that I can't get to should let me heal at least someone okay I delicious that is okay a dull moment places okay we've surpassed this bit without getting the other Knolls involved okay so I can the football join us actually I want to keep going because I want to kill the other ones you why did I stand in that hmm why did I stand in that oh yeah I was going up it's going up let's see what we have here oh okay this puts me in an awkward position because I have the low ground okay I do not have that advantage foreign okay see the fury nice Miss it's okay Starion you're doing your best okay what exactly is the soul number thing that's right come on over here let's oh I love this one can't stay idle thank you okay making moves time to press ahead making moves and making grooves um just gotta get Shadow heart in the right position okay okay okay are boys doing fine what no my Facebook I cannot heal him okay yeah okay let's see what happens that's fun with me I can pick him up how dare you concentrate thank you [Music] no crap okay [Music] it's probably going to knock a Starion down again yeah yeah yeah the only way out is wait you know what yeah I need to okay we've got him folks he's okay just a little bit worse for winter I a hundred percent need to rest somewhere a Starion I'll see what I can learn time to pack it in for the day I think get yourself over here okay how do I rest and what does rusting actually do do I leave where I currently am or can I like rest in one spot and then when I'm done resting I come back to exactly where I am how does this work okay come back where you are how do I do that I know I have camping supplies right side of the control bar let me just ah okay short rest you can do little campfire icon okay apparently we're gonna go rest because I have already had to revive someone try not to do that again okay you can take a long rest and fully hear your party also manage party members Advanced relationships with companion store items and eventually change your character and recruit more followers all right what now okay so there's just like regular clothes too right that's what was just said that's a discussion and need something is so Bruce oh man he's so [ __ ] up okay May the darkness protect you oh you too the wound on my hand it never quite heals and sometimes it causes terrible pain to rip through me it's my burden though from Lady Shaw I can feel her influence somehow okay uh so you knew more than what you were letting on before I cannot say not with what I can recall but even then it would not be for me to question her will lady Shaw has her reasons okay then uh what causes it to hurt manage living with that thing difficult to say sometimes I wonder if it's supposed to be guiding me punishing me testing me but perhaps it's none of those perhaps it's completely random I'd like to hope there's more to it than that some meaning that lady Shah will reveal to me when the time is right until then all I can do is endure uh is there anything I can do I don't think so but you're sweet to ask just be patient the next time you see me wince or cry out it'll pass quickly enough it always does pain is sacred to followers of Lady show pain will give way to loss and then to the Peace of her internal Darkness [Music] you can tolerate a great deal of suffering so long as it has meaning that is very true at least you know she has her fave I can't say anything I worship a spider lady I'm sure you do but please try to understand that it's not something I can just talk about freely ah persuasion you should trust me we're in the same boat no problems with Shaw worshipers if that's what's concerns you that's actually true I really don't care perhaps there's potential in you let's see how you handle this I am indeed a disciple of Shah Mistress of the night and Lady of loss I assume you've heard of her not really honestly your faith is your own concern I won't judge one way or the other she doesn't sound very appealing once again some of these options were not written for a drow I've heard star worship is vilified by many forbidden outright parts curious most are afraid of my lady I think I did well by joining you most agreeable company it sounds like we had a very similar childhood you grew up worshiping the lady of death I grew up worshiping a spider God I want to get to know you more yeah you already know my biggest secrets what more can you ask you got any more secrets she took me in when no one else would without her I wouldn't be alive she's my mother she nurtures me cares for me he loves me don't believe the lies the saloonites tell I wasn't going to anyway but besides tadpoles what is there interesting about you besides Char and tackles besides my life's calling in the greatest problem I've ever faced yes well I like night orchids and can't swim is that the sort of thing you meant you won't cross the jumping rocks it's a deal okay anything else I can't I mean I literally can't there's certain things I can't remember right now Secrets must be preserved Above All Else all who worship her know this can we teach her to swim voluntarily so that I can serve Shah without compromising her if I manage to return to Baldur's Gate and fulfill Charles Mission then my memories will be restored okay yeah I would love to know more about this it is an active face not to be undertaken lightly shall will reward me when I succeed I'm worried this is building up just like her God not being as cool as she thinks she she is uh I want to talk about all that's happened to us fine what's on your mind how am I holding up I don't think I've ever had a confidant quite like you oh and if I have I can't remember them yeah I want to know why her journey was so important she had to erase her own memories also can we teach her to swim because that is just an accident waiting to happen do you not want to chat with me you have nothing better to say okay what's going on with Will well man well met okay nothing for you either my fellow Warlock I'm guessing he is a warlock of the fiend okay um do I have somewhere to sleep [Music] oh hey Invasion plans for the sword Coast why do I have this map of the sword code sprawled the deeper Forest uh frigid spine of the world topography ancient ink consistent trade between the Mortal hands okay sure I have gruel do I have dried salami and sausage um am I trying to reach 40 between some spells so that's blue rust okay you don't sleep well flitting between Dreams and Nightmares maybe you wake up because you know something is wrong yeah who's creeping on me you just get lucky what were you doing no no it's not what it looks like I swear I I wasn't going to hurt you I I just needed well blood do you see him for what he really is a vampire a slave to Sanguine hunger I mean the teeth kind of gave something away melee attack oh pick up a steak and lunge at him how long since you've killed someone I've never killed anyone well not the food I feed on animals balls deer cobals whatever I can get why don't you cook it a squirrel what if I have to fight I feel so weak if I just had a little blood I I could think clearer fight better please why didn't you just pick someone else sir oh I don't know it I feel like he's being honest about this what if he's just hungry at best I was sure he'd say no more likely you'd Rama steak through my ribs no I needed you to trust me and you can trust me uh you tried to bite me in my sleep because we don't have a choice not if we're going to save ourselves from these worms I need you alive you need me strong please only be a taste I swear I'll be well you'll be fine and everything can go back to normal yeah that's what's getting me he could have just asked but no he crept up on us in the middle of the night uh I'm not too bothered by this you should have just said something though yeah I'll kill you ah of course I shall be gentle as a babe that doesn't make me feel better make ourselves comfortable shall we could go hunting I think he just said he's too weak to go hunting oh it's like a shot of ice into your neck a quick sharp pain that Fades to throbbing numbness your breath catches I wonder how Shadow heart and Will are gonna feel about this yeah let's not okay it's literally impossible for me to fail this this get off you were way past your supply of course that that was amazing yeah don't get your panties in a Twist look at what you did to my neck I'm just finally clear I feel strong I feel happy okay his card's down stake him in the heart uh shouldn't take long so many people need killing now if you'll excuse me you're invigorating but I need something more filling this is a gift you really I won't forget it you watch as he stalks towards friendship stronger more confident ready to hunt okay [Music] the way we sleep kills me it looks like we're meditating oh God [Music] hope you're keeping well friend sorry about what happened to your friend friend I stayed with him until I knew he was gone I'll never forget him but I'm glad to have met you dead Squatch that that the puppy a Starion I swear if you try to eat my dog I will Vlad the Impaler your ass I love you I love you so much I swear if you touch that dog good morning you will never know peace I I apparently feel a little bit woozy I'm like Covered In Like A Red Mist how do you think I feel be grateful I'm not a true vampire then a bite from them and you might wake up as a vampire spawn like my good self all of a vampire's hunger but few of their powers hey you can stay in the sun because you're not a true vampire any other drawbacks I should know of oh no I should be Cinders in this light I hadn't seen the Sun for 200 years before we crashed here someone or something wants me alive they've changed the rules standing in the sun interest waiting through a river wandering into homes without an invitation they're all perfectly mundane activities now oh so he can't do any of the classic stuff we can figure those out in time interesting supposed to walk in The Sun Cross run you know this absolute wouldn't it be a fun twist at the absolute was the narrator uh uh if I can help why don't you just ask figure them out quickly what's causing this the Mind players parasite that's my theory but who knows I'm just glad you're being sensible about these Revelations I was worried people might turn up with torches and pitchforks although there's still time hunting with vampires never thought I'd see the day very well but I'm keeping an eye on you and no Wise Cracks about having us for supper will doesn't look like he tastes good I just better not work in the night to find fangs at my throat that's how I feel I trust him for now are quite the opposite I'm here in the spirit of openness and honesty to work together as a team maybe we could get him to wear a bell this way in a nighttime prowling there now we're all friends again shall we go there's a long day ahead of us they're fun uh let's see how everyone else feels about this well met oh never mind will have will has no opinions will has very little personality at this point is there anything in here Drake die oh oh colors and fabrics let's leave that for now I'll mess with that later shows blessings upon you Charles blessings upon you okay let's get on out of here and get upon our day so Starion which of us would you rather feed on if you have free reign will no question he's strong fast and righteous I'm salivating already I know I want something I could have died in that pod back on the nautiloid you could have died spending Precious Moments trying to free me but you did it anyway I owe you my life yeah I'm trying to say that you've earned my trust in a way very few ever have friends I want that to mean something I want you to know more about me at least from what I can remember I wish to serve her as a dark justicier scarcely a greater way to fully dedicate yourself to Lady Shaw safe perhaps if you become the head of her church to become a duck just this year is to become the night singer's Sword Art her Implement with which she will cast down the unbelievers and win the final battle to restore her perfect endless Darkness okay Ronnie I ever wanted I prayed it was my calling but mother forbid me from seeking to prove myself worthy of the rank she said I was not ready not my mother mother I should add the Mother Superior head of Lady Shaw's Enclave in Baldur's Gate sometimes I wonder if she would ever deem me ready I owe her everything and I only wish to serve yet she can prove inscrutable okay I have to learn more about the Secret order uh do you think she'd ever relent and make you a jerk I want to say just a car but I guess it is just to see her I don't understand why be so secretive about such an ambition doc justicies are hated by many judged to be ruthless fanatics even the few who would accept a follower of Lady Shah would likely bulk at a Justice here in their midst but there's a simpler answer to your question simply forgot about the desire I had until I saw some things that reminded me now can't get it out of my mind am I right to be concerned that she might be manipulated into this like I know she's religious and she has been for a while apparently I I feel like I just need to know more about this I don't know perhaps if I succeed in my mission and reach Builders gate hope has little place amongst lady Shaw's children it's an illusion a destruction for this I hope my time will yet come the side eye my drow has right now thank you for sharing um okay I'm gonna keep an eye on that and learn a bit more about that because I get it she's religious my character's technically religious we're both acolytes I I am a little bit concerned as to what that would entail for her yeah I'm I really dude I'm anemic right now because of you this is giving me the same feeling I had when I first started Skyrim years ago that I don't know that wondrous feeling of I can go and do whatever I want whatever killed those nose might be nearby careful yeah like my character is also kind of a religious elid in some ways with all the spider sacrifices I'm sure I'd be okay with or sacrifices two spiders actually but I don't know I feel like what also bothers me about this is the fact that she has no memory so there's really nothing to base build a few giant bats in my day her thoughts off of but never hunted a vampire just to remind you I made a sport it won't count but if you want a true vampire I'm happy to recommend everyone nothing we need to worry about how about a dragon would that worry you I'll give it a bloody good fight that's for sure I'm getting out of whatever this is in this area built a world and invited you in it feels less like a game and more like living and breathing it it really does okay I am inside whatever yellow bubble this is I wonder if that house is also inside that house is also kind of inside that yellow bubble okay hold up dead toll collector what come back huh nothing abuse babes that was so off from where I thought we were going [Music] okay let's see it's also not hold up let me look at this map really quickly okay this map does not show Quest markers the way I thought it would actually it does oh hunt for Carlock I forgot I'd sold him I do that I forgot I said I'd help with that uh Carlock come out come out wherever you are perhaps in the house yeah because I'm saving when I get up to this point so maybe oh that follows me everywhere oh can I just okay I can't make that that's not helpful but exactly oh wait wait wait wait wait wait wait everyone get away from this really quickly all of you all of you all of you what am I to do come here nope nope nope nope nope that's that's not what I wanted still breathing despite everything come here [Music] I'm ready flammable flammable okay look at me using my big brain uh how big is this map it it seems pretty chunky I haven't gotten a full look at it just yet I'm a little bit concerned that I'm missing things actually oh someone's left a trap out for us oh wait I don't have tools to disarm can I just throw us can I throw something at it all right okay no no stop walking towards it come here you fools uh uh no no [Laughter] I respect that I got played right there I thought I was being smart in a way I was really smart I was just standing in the wrong place you know you can have good ideas and bad executions you can have really good ideas and a bad execution okay I know how to get rid of the fire Barrel now I just need to get rid of the fire barrel and then throw the dagger from a distance oh I totally missed that how is the rat diet going it may soon come to an end if you don't shut your mouth I got I got plenty of Bones okay we got strats we got them there's more traps no the big thing would have taken care okay yeah they're trying to make their way over find missing shipment who are you oh get over here and help why if we don't deal with them knows none of us are getting out of here alive one of us is getting out of here richer I don't fight for free I do need money oh dang you asterian oh five for free money's useless to that man thank you you're a fairly bought and paid for let's go let's take them okay where are they coming from that might be worth a look oh I'm totally gonna ah there they are [Music] okay okay okay okay okay [Music] oh that's a fun one I have to get them close though respond I can't see anything oh they're doing good on like these big radius status attacks okay I just need you guys to stay together stay cute Stay Together okay yes everyone group up I can so make this work if you guys stay together Shadow the souls okay [Music] uh dang it I was hoping that would just kill it okay I don't think I can land this where I am right now I wish I could see feel that [Music] okay that's good for a Starion with his little vampire bite um I'm a little bit worried about what the play out is going to be of this though okay [Music] okay noise [Music] rugin no you're actually being helpful don't die don't die yeah okay uh okay let's see and ability checks might as well go for the classic concentrate this guy's self okay let's get up there where am I at e this okay readjust all right okay I cannot make it up there with those guys can I smooth will though okay I can make him jump okay can I bite someone again doesn't look like it uh ah come on that would have been good okay they got a story and nice one I like this rugin guy okay but that the dude you you're missing big time okay um okay can I even see this guy in order to land this hit this is my time not really okay I meant some move I didn't mean to do that okay maybe rugin can take care of this [Applause] okay yes step down where I can see you nice one rugen um Ollie Roo where's where's rugen I thank the gods that's over wish you'd been with us when the beasts attacked on the road might have been more survivors I don't suppose you saw any of my crew alive out there um all I saw was blood and guts I guess that's a no resin Road's more dangerous than ever you're the first friendly face we've seen since Elder guard Elder guards are where you headed we're Bound for Boulder's Gate got some cargo to deliver everyone's going to Ballers stop to make along the way and where's that joaquin's rest it's just up the road I'll be enjoying a moga Vale right now if those beasts hadn't jumped as listen you look like you know how to handle yourself how much you're paying you should meet my associates we've got our own drinking spot by The Tavern Invitation Only tell the fellow on the door little serpent long shadow he'll take good care of you sounds like an inner window I'll remember that it's fine we'd be dead if they hadn't shown up a little Hospitality won't do any harm okay but if I need to know I need to know what's up yeah let me see them thought shame we lost so many agents the chest is all that matters Cyrus did have our hides if we lost it now is there a summit to secure that can be thanked I didn't think anyone would find it we'll take the chest back to The Hideout I owe you a drink lots of drinks I could go get the chest later too what is in the chat since when does a mule know what it carries oh so you're useless okay oh I still think I can swing this I I'm one off roll again I'm inspired I'm so inspired I was reading earlier yes always read your books kids or your magical tomes you pick up off a dead body inspired inspired inspirational you bloody idiot if Cyrus doesn't get that chest she'll have us all killed you saved my life I'm grateful for that saris will be too but I need to deliver the cargo this is the point when you walk away oh when I stop asking and start cutting this is your employer's mess but we can profit let's sell it you know you want to I love being a drows let's sell it I feel like it's like the stepping stone of my behavior I like the way you think didn't expect to turn this horror show to my advantage but why not let's do it I just sold yours damn things sealed tighter than a Duke's purse strings so there's no point in trying to open it I'll figure it out no offense in Baldur's Gate we'll take it off your hands nobody will be the wiser don't try to cut me out of the deal though the black network has eyes and Blades everywhere oh so this would have been one of the criminal connections I could have leveraged and there's a hunter in make sure to drop by our hideout friend look at me and who says bribery and it won't get you anyway anywhere so a vampire spawn and a monster hunter in the same group well that we're not going to have trouble after all excuse me my besties I'm totally gonna open this box I just want to survive same as you hey buckle I'm a little bit light-headed because of you undo this oh okay we're about to get Swifty in here let's go if I just rolled a little bit higher I get a [ __ ] four a second time what kind of luck is that that I roll two fours I'll do it third third time's the charm if I get another four it just means I was not supposed to be touching this box this should do it Open Says Me what's in this box oh that whole can hold Friends or Foe oh I should totally take this holy water this is mine now this this is all mine now that looks evil I hope it is um okay um I need to go back to civilization for a multitude of reasons one of them being I have no health whatsoever can I just not fast travel home do I have to use these little swirly magics I gotta do that I'm going to get us to The Grove I love this game I love all the dumb things I can get away with I can't wait to trap someone in that bottle [Music] it's so fun being slightly morally unaligned okay let's get let's get home [Music]
Channel: Cynthetic
Views: 11,370
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: baldurs gate 3, larian studios, baldurs gate, baldurs, gate, baldurs gate 3 gameplay, baldurs gate 3 classes, gameplay, classes, races, baldurs gate 3 beginners guide, balders gate 3, baulders gate 3, boulders gate 3, rpg, rpg 2023, upcoming rpg baldurs gate, crpg, baldurs gate 3 lets play, lets play baldurs gate 3, walkthrough baldurs gate 3, baldurs gate 3 playthrough, lets play part 1, full gameplay baldurs gate 3, lets play, Warlock, Drow, Lolth, Lolth Sworn, baldurs gate 3 tips
Id: RGJs7Aff2Jk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 114min 45sec (6885 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 16 2023
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