Lolth-Sworn Warlock meets Raphael | Baldur's Gate 3 | Ep. 3

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okay I need to talk to this dude because he sucked my blood and I have been bloodletting bloodless for the past few hours there you are I was just thinking about you where are you a delicious moment we shared the other night you mean when you snuck up on me in the middle of the night Savor the memory it won't happen again the very same I had this condition for two centuries but you're my first in all these years I've only ever fed on beef thinking creatures he's obsessed now you were delectable and now I can't help but wonder how the others taste okay yeah I may have caused an issue I think I caused a domino effect by allowing that to happen is open to the ideas I was hurt them and I'll kill you uh you're looking at other necks I I am hurt don't worry there's enough of me to go around I'm a man of tremendous appetites I don't think they'd volunteer of course you never know any less curious sneak up on them in the middle of the night I will for example very palatable like her which is boring I have no idea how do you think our little Enigma would taste sounds like it's time for a blood orgy up who said that not me um oh absinthe you know what I would say shadow heart would taste like absinthe oh that sounds very appealing I can imagine it now uh this is all theoretical correct absolutely Amir thought experiment so in the spirit of theoretical questions if you had to take a bite from one of them who would it be Shadow heart Will's kind of boring oh or him I wonder I wonder how a vampire would taste probably not that good because they don't have running blood of their own right uh I would buy Shadow heart a fine fine although the more I think on it the hungrier I used to go find something I can actually get my teeth into okay have fun there's nothing that tasty lurking out in the woods but I'll make do dreams goodbye I trust him not to bite anyone he knows he doesn't have any friends vampires would taste like old jerky you know what you might be correct because technically everything in there is dead there's like there's nothing fresh ill well met see will is so boring leave I need to go find new friends also scratch baby cakes where are you going let's go see Shadow heart and then we'll take a little nap and we will continue on with my plan Darkness protect you I think we're good I talked to Shadow heart the most we definitely have progressed our friendship with her quicker which I think is kind of natural since she's the first person you find um yeah let's just do this let's get a full rest for those of you that weren't here my plan is to go to the nautiloid crash and basically start from the beginning but go in a different direction what did I do last time oh I convinced those idiots to leave me with that important chest that was my favorite Choice I've ever made they were like yeah just bring it to the tavern and we'll split the cost hell no I'm taking everything oh what's wrong there's something I've been wanting to share with you it's now's a good time oh yeah of course you're voluntarily telling me about yourself are you feeling unwell is it the tadpole I kind of like this one it's quippy I feel like I can share this with you sorry I felt that way before making sure it's a little bit louder for you guys difficult to put into words it might be easier to just show you oh tadpole the connection just trusting us on my mind I still have to worry about her becoming a religious psycho but I'll worry about that later okay let's just let's just do it she's already given us permission we have consent let's go I don't remember how it started only how it ended I was fleeing okay oh she was a baby I mean of course everyone was a baby at some point but I didn't expect to see Baby Shadow heart is this how she ended up joining her Shadow called the shower she asked my name can't remember what I said I can't remember anything before those woods all I know is she saved my life um okay that wolf doesn't seem violent against you though with Lady Sharp it hurts that's all I remember yeah I'm concerned oh I failed a religion check I'm concerned about her because the fact that she's lost her memory but she's like so gung-ho to join this religious cult I'm like uh babes there's some missing pieces here um yeah let's not do this one because I'm not quite sure about that whole situation that there were some missing pieces to that normally I'd agree but with you getting easier by the moment um it's a chance to connect oh I can't help but feel you and I might have missed a chance to connect truly connect this is a romance thing I haven't found all the companions yet I don't want to lock someone in I want to flirt with everyone first except for will he's he's bores me um thank you babes for the heads up let's hit this okay oh investigate kagas all the way over there I wanted to because here's the overgrown ruins so I should probably head through the crash not a Lloyd and make a right actually I can leave I can go from here I can just head out of the village okay let me check something else really quick that's not it okay question how do I pull the camera all the way back like leave my characters where they are but like take a look at my entire surroundings what buttons are those because there's like a bunch of stuff I feel like I'm missing because I can't see the entirety of what's going on around me is it oh my God thank you oh can I just go okay camera distance gotcha gotcha gotcha thank you that was very helpful now I just have to get my character back here okay and then how do I bring myself back to my character okay maybe gotcha okay now we're hitting oh sorry was right yellow is a toad twice as ugly dangerous leave it for the Goblins I haven't seen you in forever in response to the prisoners White get rid of them you ran off without me okay I totally saved your little encampment unless you're not with them dude just walk away you weirdos under elf my ass Rend will I did I completely bypassed this woman I left her to her own devices demise now enough gorking gets me down up say please never okay then stay I got a full party be careful I bite um can you take oh can you oh you totally can thank you historian oh hasn't yet scrambled all your senses but the longer we wait the more it consumes my people possess the cure for this infection I must find a crash you will join me careful she obviously sees your kindness as weakness don't let her take advantage I mean we do need to find whatever this is it is many things jury a training grounds a shelter give Yankee protocol is clear when infected with a gay tadpole we must report to a Gusto for purification how often does this happen to y'all you know you could say thank you you may as well suggest a wyvern bow to worms The Cure I offer will suffice as thanks a story and you can totally bite her in the middle of the night you are full up dismiss your weakest Warrior um okay I need to send someone back to camp technically my weakest Warrior Warrior is a Starion but he's funny Thomas and Wilhelm go home are you sure the blade stands at the ready I know I love having you hear my warlock brother but go home and just when things were warming up I don't want to miss out on anything a starian has to say you have made an ally from Crest clear few no such Fortune call me Lazelle I'll trust your judgment and I won't trust her not until I've gotten the measure of her you were sharp tongue elf would that your mind proved it's equal I suppose the funny details are lost on a creature like you come the horned ones mentioned a camp one there this zoru a scene get Yankee a crush must be near we will ask this zoru where he has seen my kin why do you have my iron flask give me that I don't really know what's in that decorated with a grinning face this cold iron flask is sealed with a brass stopper ooh investigate yeah I picked this up out of that box I convinced those people to leave with me I haven't quite figured out what it does oh yeah I definitely need to use Shadow heart when I do guidance among the decorative elements scene engraving this is a powerful magical item capable of trapping and holding a creature the sealed stopper suggests it is inhabited I'ma hold on to that for a rainy day in case I need to throw it at someone we'll see it's kind of like a Pokeball I guess I just hope if I do have to use it oh where am I oh I did make it to the top of this Cliff wait what's this oh okay that's just a railing it's broke railing hold up let's do this for her let's see what she's working with because I really don't know what class she is fighter level two oh extra action okay that is very helpful can I not just oh add class this Advanced feature allows you to build a powerful combination of classes oh so she's already a fighter can you imagine if I made her a bard let's see she makes the most sense to me as a barbarian she just she's very crass yeah she seems like she would be very tanky so maybe I should make her a fighter and a barbarian a monk character she could be cool as a martial artist but Barbarian just makes the most sense to me yeah oh it's a chapel not another step hear me who are you boss got company up here what's this thing trying to creep around us and loot the Crypt not happening maybe is it the ship you're after don't matter either way it's ours all of it we can totally fight for this by the way oh I'm playing as damn it I don't want to play as Liesel can I not oh no I have to do this that no I don't no I don't no I don't no I don't know oh oh are you still she's still in conversation okay I can win this yeah I don't trust her to do a persuasion or a Bart or a deception role um maybe this is its own type of intimidation though I'll roll for it let's pull from Shadow heart perfect 20s across the board who will uh in that case come on you lot no point in getting killed second worm gets the cheese and all um second worm gets the cheese it's the cheese no nobody's getting any damn cheese now move it that's actually true second mouse or rat does get the cheese in hides over their loot let's move let's see what's in here Oh I thought that just said dragon egg I hate mushrooms so much I completely ignored the fact that said mushroom can someone get me out of this thank you oh okay so we need to crumble that rock can I just knock time at all the elements have left the plaque unreadable okay let's take a more of a look around before I go with the immediate answer which is just to knock that down can I slip I cannot slip through there maybe if I lit that on fire oh I don't actually want to move that uh Shadow heart can I borrow you for a second okay that's not it maybe it's a magic mushroom no no okay there's a door here we go more of the chances I can make a story and open this book The guy I just made leave um it's me let me in there we go oh I told him that wasn't safe out there get inside and I'll rustle up some bandages uh choose your way through oh astorians inspired we're totally gonna get jumped you're dead I can't see anything so I'm not anything right now oh how much health you got eh really that was my fun one you made me miss knock him over because I can oh my Spidey poo H goodbye random dude oh you had a key oh that's the key to the front door okay this looks seems simple enough what is this oh I just blow it out okay he's dead I can see in the dark fairly well so I'm not super concerned oh wait we can grab cheese dried sausage more cheese long abandoned no more worship who are those prayers for normally the patron God is obvious not here yeah I was gonna say ancient indecipherable text covers the plaque a dead tone whoever worshiped here must be long gone we'll figure it out oh taking this it's always good to have stuff to sell okay there's a plaque where's what's this open oh wait there's a why is there a lever who's that oh really I don't think you're in line of sight yeah I don't think you can get past the rest of us hold up oh that didn't help oh we'll let them do whatever attack they're doing back off don't run away okay let's get out of the doorway let's go eh I could totally make the soldiers blast never mind let's see oh I don't okay oh I did not nope nope okay you know what I'm just gonna sit here over the best on the move oh I don't want to do that just yet until I really know what I'm working with when it comes to that these guys probably could have been helpful but now we're just we're in the middle of this we're just in it now okay rude oh cool I can do that too let up what do you mean Miss breath wait I will ascend okay Reckless attack oh no I can't do it from that angle okay can I run up and lacerate no my path be true yeah that's not gonna work oh God I'm ensnared he's raging maybe I should let lizelle rage there's still some blood it's okay historian you were trying your best nothing will stand in my way yeah not that one not I need to move that because that looks like a health potion and that is not a health potion that's not even remotely what that is black yellow what do you mean missed victory okay I also have to say you better not be saved yeah I saw that coming let's try to survive hmm probably could have found a way around them besides killing them but this will work as well uh no I have not played D before say from lazarray by dying exactly okay let me find my bottle and move it as far away from my quick items as possible yeah I don't want to accidentally pop that iron flask because I don't know what's in that iron flask oh you guys got leathers basic poison Alchemist fire okay cool it's like a little Molotov gorgeous staff simple robe Journey she liked to read sure that mattered more when she was alive uh break it there's a lever on this side as well oh book a final breath what's this I'm just taking everything oh can I please get out of the way yeah this side has a lever but I'm not quite sure I want to touch the lever oh were you guys staying in here oh that is not what I wanted where'd that box go okay um oh I do like books hey historian I found you a book what's hiding here um I don't really want Dusty clothes possibly head out of here from this direction I don't want to leave but I do want to see where that might possibly go okay I cannot jump from there okay I got a folding screen got a single piece of gold out of that yeah I guess we're going to head this way all right this room definitely looks like it could be booby trapped oh my God there's so many different books I'm becoming a hoarder again my Skyrim Tendencies have already returned you do not recognize the language on the plaque all right uh uh drowning internal rot beaver which is a short obituaries are these the okay so I see Saloon so these are gods they served oh it's a it's another lever with a skull on it that definitely won't get me killed I got no idea I have zero clue oh can I turn lights on anywhere like more lights than what we have here no that's not it unless there's nothing in here besides this door dank Crypt fun chest okay I want to be careful about what I touched obviously not it's a dank Crypt oh it's another one of those necklaces I'm totally gonna sell did I save save them do we need a thin remember to save command with this type of game oh does anyone want to torch not me I can see in the dark sucks for the rest of you though on death and Resurrection all right rebound by osepa scholar excommunicated from the church of denier okay what is the value of Life power to topic of war in a series critical consideration between the pages surely or so it would seem at first glance aside from the Mrs of the mindui eye settlement often clouded our assessment it is clear that across all spinning planes each and every life does indeed have quantifiable value and it is simply not all equally valuable already know the destruction of our material form is not the end anything of our souls are more free from Death transcending okay fun I don't look like something moved in this distance okay that's a heavy door that's also a heavy door all right something in here is booby trapped I just okay not all of you can just fail your perception checks I don't like how that clearly says button I'm just gonna lights oh God we're all failing this perception check oh that's absolutely a trap I don't want to touch it something vent why do we need a vent oh the sarcophagus itself is also trapped oh Steph Curry as a trough uh okay this place interesting I swear if any of you touched that okay can we just break this okay oh no I can just do this I should do this as a Starion me you stay where you are oh we're fine I do even need all those bonuses didn't even eat them oh did I make it outside oh did I make it back to the beach I did okay want to go back in though I'm not done in here let's let's just stand on it do as I say wary of he may be talented but only a good Yankee's safest can cleanse an embedded tadpole okay uh is the only path to occur you look so unusual get the Anki or rare in these parts I probably shouldn't say that I'm in under Fey I think I'm rare in these parts entirely I was as devoted to my studies as I was to my training each crash contains a safest purification device so I learned from the writings in the khalir library the library was the gift from vlakif herself that we may gain total understanding my character looks so unimpressed books are valuable or as are those who write them total understanding absolute nonsense I will not Brook your ignorance countless Scholars roam the astral sea and Beyond observing the ways of our lessons exploring planes so distant order turns to chaos and cold fires rage I know what you can barely fathom that you cannot bear it makes it no less true okay uh let's keep going oh it's a trident that seems fun Soul coined what much uh the dead ones obviously okay can I make everyone stand on these traps individually no I can't even make you walk on them okay what if I tripped this what if dang it I have a lot on my mind well in it okay we're gonna have to figure out what that room does let's do this as a starian oh I'm still not a starian am I what now yeah he's fine okay into subscribe but no sign of a struggle oh I'm so subversive about their words that they commanded protection foreign just really quickly just in case no traps please it's totally gonna be trapped oh you know what I need to keep an eye out for things that may or may not be mimics I wonder uh Shadow heart bibs pray to turn all Undead that can see you do we have anything to raise the undead Saloon prayer sheets Saloon and char Saloon right shocking grasp okay something's growling at me stop me yet juggle I didn't think anyone worshiped the Scribe of the Dead oh foreign he's got a really cool statue is he holding something of value moving ahead wait no no hats okay there's an extra part of this tomb also I hate how I'm walking all of a sudden and I don't quite know why oh there's another button something over there oh okay angry angry little scribes of the Dead something just won't come okay come the darkness can be to our advantage okay that only works in my immediate vicinity there's blood in the air let's move I'm Fury oh triple a creature's jumping distance that'll be helpful for later it's worth the cost okay let's turn someone inside out oh I'm over encumbered thank you I was like why am I having this problem it's it's all the books it's all my books I don't even like reading yet I'm carrying nothing but books what's good what are friends good for if not carrying your burdens okay don't give up oh cool okay concentration okay let's chill oh really thank you historian I really don't want to waste that on you for agents early if you don't attack an enemy or take damage each turn let's try this okay put you right where I want you to be to get this guy sometimes the only way um that's not gonna help me out here okay wait what'd it say about Undead oh can't have chest trauma that makes sense I don't I think I'm just gonna have to hold on hold up okay okay that was concentration don't don't run from lizelle don't run from her she wants to be your friend don't run stop running like this to maneuver them oh come on right there all right feels easy these days not enough movement but can I get one of you time to press ahead can't give up not now full damn you oh okay all right well we're almost done yep come on down here foreign can I Eldridge blast you over this banister or no no time for mercy okay even after death that did not go terribly um let me do a little bit oh I can't right now that's fine oh nothing gets a story in later oh speak with the Dead that's fun silk land from a spider oh scroll a false life I like these options what's in these vases oh there's already a zombie in there or I guess an undead I guess it's not a zombie possibly I don't want to fight this guy so he has spoken and so thou stand us before me right as always what a curious way to awaken ah now I have a question for me what is the worth of a single mortal's life his name is Withers quite the question what's the reason for it so he has spoken what here are you talking about a little spooked by the crawling out of the Tomb bit what are you we we know what he is honey uh peaceful Undead interesting why are you attacking me who's he an Arbiter of certain matters wilt thou answer my question again what is the worth of a single mortal life it's worth more than the other we're all equal that depends on the person's Deeds uh life's only value is as currency doesn't matter to me otherwise each life is an infinite value in marriage sacrificing everything for only life that matters is mine depends on the Mortal how many options are there I am Loft sworn I am I gotta stay true to my faith I want to see what he says I am satisfied God stay true to my faith we have met and I Know Thy face we will see each other again at the proper time and place farewell wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait come back nothing more as if I were not here I must attend this place after so many years away we will see each other again soon I'm a little bit worried about that as soon as rather vague win you seem so certain of that how mechanics of Fate would be difficult to explain to one such as thyself regardless it will occur okay please don't be mad about my loft sworn answer um I'm quite invested in my faith oh there's a soul coin in here realize sir I'll have you know I quite enjoy reading if that helps which where are you going are you heading out the side door that's a great question I'm not sure how long it's been for you okay where where exactly am I oh okay hold up find out okay I thought you were gonna get hit by that well we made a new acquaintance I wouldn't call him a friend but also he didn't try to kill me but he could always come back and try to kill me it's really up in the air right now he seemed cool though I don't know if he liked my loft sworn answer to his question imagine all the ways to die to a ladder honestly where have you been I've needed one of these forever I imagine that would be an interesting way for someone like uh lizel to go dang it I keep falling to these roots this time I'm Gonna Knock Down away you will not even see it I wanna can I see down there everything underneath here something underneath here I'm a little bit afraid to like break down this because I don't want to make him angry he seems like a bro okay I need a clear shot at what I'm doing too late I've already made my choices oh wait I've already been here except I killed everyone on my way in okay let me do one last check in the booby trapped room it's this way can I go yeah it seems like the dang Crypt is more of his home than anything so hopefully he won't be too mad I'm gonna borrow a Starion for this and make him be the one to undo the Trap okay this shouldn't be too bad roll again that's right I inspired him by doing something Shady earlier okay yeah yeah the [ __ ] man the [ __ ] Walker definitely seemed a lot more friendly than lizelle ooh deaths promise when the spear misses a Target the wielder's next attack roll against the target is a true strike oh this is all mine now okay fun um I have proficiencies with daggers no this is a this is not a dagger this is a lance when the spear it's a spear do I have proficiencies with Spears about to find out I don't think so I think probably the most efficiency would be Shadow heart with this okay let me see that little map okay I'm missing a massive chunk right in here and then that's where I the dead mind flayer was okay okay let's go back through the Mind flayer ship oh what is this little thing where does this go to approach the sigil on the stone magic Glitters and swirls vomit erratically as a malfunctioning it looks slightly dangerous touch it got shocked oh a hand oh anyone this is a companion um who are you slap the hand away uh let's see let's do some warlock charisma whatever you're doing is working wonders now a quick little pull should do the trick come on new friend foreign you can't be a warlock because the annoying guy is a warlock hello I'm Gail of waterdeep apologies I'll be better at this hi uh at introductions or something else a passing Adventures I certainly hope so not Magic no you don't I in a manner of speaking you're on the North Lloyd as well oh you were there oh I mean he's a companion so obviously he has the brain parasite too uh never mind the nautiloid how'd you get stuck in that stone I don't know what transpired exactly but the ship broke into pieces and I suddenly found myself in free fall so I was plummeting to certain death a spider glimmer quite near where I estimated my body to impact with less than Savory propulsion recognizing this glimmer to be magical in nature I reached out to it with a weaving of words and found myself on the other side as it were okay how about you how did you survive the fall well my cutscene glitched and I landed perfectly upright um and landed it safely saved the day uh I really don't know fair enough even so I have the unfortunate suspicion your Survivor is still very much in Jeopardy back on the ship you two were on the receiving end of a rather unwelcome Insurgent in the ocular region were you not uh yeah wouldn't have phrase did more repel yeah couldn't have phrased it worse no you sugar coating it is there the uncerty we speak of this parasite are you aware that after a period of excruciating gestation it will turn us into mind flayers yes it's a process known as ceramorphosis and let me assure you it is to be avoided okay how do we do that to be a cleric by any chance do you a doctor surgeon uncannily adroit with a knitting needle oh I'm not getting lobotomized I seem to know enough about our condition to realize it's beyond most cleric's skills most no doubt but I find myself hoping to be in the presence of the few you don't happen to be one of them warlock my Patron offers me many gifts with the tapple extraction is not one of them I cannot cure us he looks like a young Kurt Russell I'm just nodding along I know who Kurt Russell is I have not seen him younger warlocks are proficient with Spears Talmer you're you're answering the big questions here thank you very much I did need to know that yeah we've established few enough can we're most certainly going to need a Healer and soon too how about we lend each other a helping hand once more and look for a Healer together this guy's been the most friendly so far even outside of shadowheart he's like let's just do it together okay you know what oh yes plenty of company already okay he's a wizard new Lane Camp and Embark upon a succulent slow cook to be consumed upon your return Andy Cooks sir you can stay as long as you want you can stay forever he cooks he's nice probably not gonna stab me in the back until like act two or three he can stay as long as he wants and one of the more attractive members of the party I'm looking to you Liesel um okay so let's head to the opposite side of the nautiloid crash then feels okay man I love historian he did you know pull a knife on me in the first couple of seconds but as a drow I see that as a sign of friendship all right oh I'm always stepping in that same thing of Fire it's my favorite pastime I kid you not I do it every time I pass through here so you know about these parasites hold up I don't think I can get over there from okay I need to Loop this way I need to hug the left side foreign yeah you know what I don't know what the temperature is like in this place it could be cold I'm being helpful imagine that can I jump up there probably not it looks a bit too I can soup jump yeah okay let's go this way um okay oh it's got this okay some some part of this crashed up no this crash into this Heller my my what's manner of place is this a path to Redemption all erodes to damnation not to say for your journey is just beginning the words to a lullaby perhaps the mouse smiled brightly it outfoxed the cat then down came the claw and and that love was that they do know how to write them in Cormier don't they well met I am Raphael very much At Your Service it's nice to meet you I got no idea who you are oh am I talking to the mouse or the cat neither the fox rather hiding in a word a silent Observer about to break the silence of course what I have to say merits some privacy as well as some more let's call it refinement this quaint little scene is decidedly too middle of nowhere for my tastes come okay Fancy Pants Mr demon I just got kidnapped oh this is fancy am I in hell yeah middle of somewhere nice to Corky be more specific about somewhere yeah oh you know what it is nice Decor I will compliment first the house of oh I love that machine go on partake enjoy yourself after all it might just be your last nope that's how the FAE gets you you don't eat their food um getting tired of your games where these theatrics leading somewhere yeah these or do we have a purpose here are you not entertained well far be it from me to disappoint what's better than a devil you don't know the devil you do oh a devil you do am I a friend potentially an adversary conceivably but a savior that's for certain interesting stop making me attack this guy I want to hang out um why would you want to help me yeah why do you want to help because my compassion is boundless I stride among the needy giving Comfort where I can and your entire need one skull two tenants and no solution in sight I could fix it all like that okay what's the price though you're mad if you'll think I'll make a deal with the devil uh hold hold your horses here I would totally do this um I do need to think about this I want to know what the terms of this agreement are I already grew up in a cold I already have a fey Patron I cannot be owing someone else a debt make up your mind before you're counting down with tentacles try to cure yourself shop around beg borrow and steal exhaust every possibility until none are and when hope has been whittled down to the very marrow of despair that's when you'll come knocking on my door he's a very good salesman hope such a he's reminding me a lot of Lord sanguine uh from Skyrim uh I want to make a deal how how would I find you if per se I wanted to make a deal I'll be around watching you squirm like a tadpole through a nice juicy brain all those pretty little symptoms sundering skin dissolving guts they haven't manifested yet have they one might say you're a paragon of luck I'll be there when it runs out man he really do be like someone collecting loans he's like a tax collector and I hate it all right Raphael I'll be catching you on the flip side oh this gives divination oh okay I need to give that probably a Shadows why were they here Harper interesting devils and demons are at war with each other interesting why oh I can make things pink holding on to that well we made a new acquaintance I did not mean to click on you literally just when I think I've got a grasp on our dilemma a devil shows up no matter we've dealt with every other Oddity thrown at us lately we can handle this one too yeah what asked for this Raphael he knows our secret he claims he can help what do you make of him he probably could help but he's full of it use your shared connection to read her thoughts um help I'm we shouldn't trust him doesn't mean I'm not gonna go back and do it what is up with me rolling ones today ah I feel you out of my head sorry do that again and I'll leave you to bleed out in this Wilderness understand and watch out for Raphael he's better at getting into people's heads than you are you ass he probably is my apologies I was just taking a peek bloody devil drilling after us well this gets better and better shop around he said and he might be right we've had no luck so far I mean we also have just started looking across that bridge when we get there we don't know what we're walking into that bridge will collapse under us the devil has a plan he's playing with us I know it's kind of interesting taunting his slaves with hope when he knew the game was rigged you're a warlock you understand how dangerous the wrong deal can be true I made good deals though can handle him oh can we because you've got it all figured out I'm sure yes I do with the Paras I don't know why and what they have planned for us and of course you know why we're interesting enough that a devil pardon a cambian would proposition us because if you don't know that you may as well sign over your soul now I literally can't have a web wear trampton but until we know what's going on this Raphael has us exactly where he wants us I already got two standing contracts impress us slaying his infernal kin above hell's fires did you not next to a dragon the devil's a gnat when I am kithrak I will take my queen vlackath his head as a trophy a good luck with that you know yeah what does that mean there are no dragons at our disposal right now I did kind of find him rather impressive he did have a really nice house the riders that chase the nautiloid they are the commissars and enforcers of my queen vlakis will bestows no greater honor to wield a kithrak silver sword is my destiny I will earn my Queen's favor and I will conquer every layer of hell should she command it and why are these Knights chasing the mindflower ship the gay are my kinds of mortal enemy It's Not Unusual for the kith rack to give Chase penetrate the health this is unusual but I'm not one to question the wisdom of my queen I can see but to the horizon okay so did that one mind player do something because then that first cut scene I found it a little bit odd that the one mind player who gave everyone the worms all the other mind players were already lying on the ground as if they were unconscious or dead already so I'm wondering what that one mind flayer did okay let's keep going the goal is to look around some more darker parts of the map for right now which there's The Rock would it make people mad in that one argument starians like you can't handle the truth we are being played right now really impressed by the wings though that is actually true aren't you worried your kind will punish you for consorting with us my name is Elk Chucky and my kin will understand my need for sermons they will help you but only if I ask ah she's so difficult okay I oh that's where my owl bear was okay so where exactly am I heading now Bloodstone I'm gonna have to throw most of this onto my friends I'm taking that because I can sell it oh hey do I know you guys discussion told them to run the idiots you better turn north here or you'll end up like them oh we saw them when we were protecting the Glade right I thought you was busy with the foul bloods in elson's Grove have somewhere else to be left as quickly as I could I thought you were busy leading your crew it seems like some of them might have died is that on you you and me both gonna find the wizard who gave us the contract that got my people killed left out all the important bits like beware Treasures beneath a pile of goblins Dale was that you what was the contract he's off your crew dead there's a wizard in Boulder's gay little pig gobloods for a relic supposedly buried around these parts but gold in any use if you're too cold to spend it what if I get to this first let's say I want that gold where would I find that Relic called the night so it's supposed to be hidden under the temple where the Goblins jumped us I give you a map of the temple and wish you a happy funeral but my mate Brian kept hold of it like his own sodja goblins made sure to the Fatal chunk oh I've got is the contract can show you where we turn back if you feel like dying yes please you're The Druids leader oh yeah as soon as he heard we had a contract to find that night song Relic it was more eager than a Hounds in heat when the Goblins jumped us most of my Crews garbage just like I'd sort them to didn't yeah he stayed behind um maybe I'll get the Relic and save the druid it's glad to be rid of the bloody thing Happy Hunting all right have fun my dudes we're wasting time tempers are rising it's clear not everything you find is at your disposal aren't you leaving oh disarmed traps Scroll of dark vision Greece okay I'll readjust in a moment don't really want that how do I just take it's one thing I guess just pick them individually oh uh animal skin this childlike portrait a bit stick figures a goblin with Sparks in its hands a square humanoid figure that seemed to be an elf each of them were wearing a simple crown odd I'll take it okay let's readjust you can have all of my hyena ears I have way too many of those who picked up my other Soul coin that's mine I definitely need to go and sell a bunch of the stuff that I just keep with me all right let's go to town literally Vermin on the rooftops where control C ah okay do you think you can search for you later I know they do not it is my responsibility to cleanse myself they pursued the notoroid perhaps they were trying to free you a vain notion I am one of many and will not be a burden to my queen let's see it's got to be a better way can I jump over the side here let's do this yes this is the better way to go oh is it though but to find out so you and Lazelle nothing please don't remind me but keep your guard up with her okay how would you punish someone who wronged you wrong me home okay murder no theft killing is good it calls the weak what else okay got at least three goblins okay got a teleportation point in here that's amazing your sour face is tiring Shadow Heart by all means leave if I am so distasteful I don't know which way I want to go first if it's all the same someone on this roof as well you guys sound so gross feed if you must a Starion and I'll drive a state through your heart I do so very light spicy food oh still working sorry and get down dude tied Shadow heart such a grim name for such a beautiful flower could you not stare so blatantly in my neck when you say that please oh but do you keep calling her flower she'll love that um okay lump the enlightened wait I'm Fair why do you guys have names I'm I wanna see what happens oh Lord I would get clobbered okay get please get down oh hold up hold up we got someone coming our way oh okay all right it's someone on patrol come on come on come on tread carefully still breathing despite everything foreign oh come on stop missing foreign great okay everyone get out of the acid and back down I wanted I want to try talking to these guys we're just gonna Jam we're just gonna do that really quickly foreign tastes like pork and what surprises this brothers look here I have eyed yet another prize fortune favors our bellies oh no stranger be your friend or food the Mark is her measure shows the brand of the absolute oh the little sigil thing um I am one of the chosen disciples let's go foreign that other person thought we were a chosen disciple so an orc shouldn't be that hard to deceive how regrettable that your meat must go unsaved food not food friend drow friend not food um let's let's not that sounds like a backhanded compliment um you don't bear brand of your own I've no use for the absolute or any God I follow two masters only gluttony and greed then why'd you ask about the absolutes understand my appetites they say my Hunger for gold and the rest saved my Hunger for meat okay we check brand good deal no talk um forget to go forget the Goblins you could be fighting for me you could be fighting for me I am by all accounts a student of higher common ocean I love extortion okay um after you fight for me I'll pay you in flesh of the Fallen you'll have your fill oh my deception checks are higher oh God what if he wants money well this is a deception you know it's flat out saying right here I'm not gonna pay this man a 20. oh thank God oh okay that that works motion I'm so smart aching belly we have a DIY tasty kibble that's a cute little nickname one blow and the ground will quip with my family name use it when the need arises and never a moment before watch me hold on to this until the very end well spoken indeed Ogle kill everyone around okay um I kind of do want to know now that we're officially friends okay yeah yeah he reminds me of the Gourmet from Tokyo Ghoul bye Dusty okay well that worked oh a sickle tarnish locket intricate illustration of a stone tower the words strength and unity are inscribed across the top I'm sure this belongs to someone oh hey everyone needs rope I really don't need the sickle all right we're still on sneaky sneaky time because there's still people here's somewhere all to see sight lines correct that's still what alt is I don't know how I forgot in the last couple of seconds but I did we don't need any of that foreign I don't know if that's better than the bow some of my other people are carrying okay yes how do I see you from the proper angle okay what a day could you please get down no this shouldn't count okay you've spoiled us good it's like they say no fighting skew in a pig what does it know he's cooked oh there'll be no skewing Happening Here let me pass don't want any trouble curious I almost had the exact same thought when I saw you supposed to be a threat gotta set on you all right almost makes me like you almost I'm gonna enjoy pulling off your skin when we're done oh you guys are so annoying okay okay we don't need to sneak anymore yeah not enough movement that's annoying talk to me hold up nope okay what should I do uh okay oh where where are you going oh there's more than what I thought so dead I was gonna say how did you shoot through the house okay concentration and snared oh hold up foreign let's see I don't exactly know if I can gain any advantage here by going around hmm game for surface children not the surface children okay okay I can't I can get on this roof which is helpful foreign oh I definitely hear things happening in the distance okay oh I love a little flourish all right awaits my faith will protect me um oh bonus on saving throws death foreign man I wish this would land okay ah perfect hit through that window space okay all right on your feet all right okay at least she's up there stop hitting him why can't I do anything another step forward that'll work for now okay perfect I was able to bait them into attacking Lazelle so that was helpful okay she should be fine for right now um I essentially need to my way get in there okay I'm hoping by being close to this one I'll bait him into attacking me let's go okay thank you what is your health at seven okay oh how'd you miss from that close stop stop running that's fine I won't give in foreign man I hate that I got caught up in that fight looks like you need a little help could have been worse I guess technically um let's open up this sigil portal perfect okay and then I honestly need to get back to the Grove this ink pot man I really do just be putting the most amount of stuff I can find in my pocket you want this Idol of saloon there are certain things I want to hold on to in case I can really sell them to someone else like someone who actually really wants them they have this bottle and this rock yeah I really do just be keeping the most ridiculous stuff in my pockets I don't really need this potion of animal speaking I do that naturally okay Sylvanas be with you reporting problem because she keeps everything I I really do kind of have a problem because I don't want to get rid of certain things because what if I can sell them to someone who really wants them like what if there's some poor worshiper of saloon out there that's like man I really wish I had an idol I'd give 300 gold for it I'd be like I got you okay let's chit chat with our newest person this is not me this is me see horny mentality you're not wrong and I've accepted that spare me a moment if you please I've something important to discuss with you okay we've been traveling together for a while now we really haven't that I've shared something with you I've known you for like an hour and a half quiet but needs must when the devil drives I have no choice but to speak you see I have this condition very different from the parasite we share but just as deadly okay what kind of conditions the specifics are rather personal but suffice it to say that it is a malady I've learned to live with and not without some effort what it comes down to is this every so often I need to get my hands on a powerful magical item absorb the weave inside oh consume raw Magic okay what kind of items are we talking about exactly yeah what happens if you don't consume artifacts I'll spare you the finer details but simple biological deterioration muscle spasms disorientation a slight ringing in the ears and for too long been days since I last consumed an artifact since before we were abducted I got a bunch of random items in my pocket imperative that I find and consume strands of weave at the earliest possible juncture what do you suggest we find the artifacts I feel to see why why you need me to help you with this I'd be happy to help yeah where do we find artifacts done the finding fact you have one in your possession you know for yourself how hard one such an item was and it will be no easier when even more are required to assuage my Hunger uh which item is it there's some that I want to hold on to and you also can't have Shadow Hearts Rock she's really possessive over that uh for a wizard I barely know if I lose a valuable artifact no thanks that sounds terrible I see no upside in this for me um I want to keep him around at least for a little while splendid bit of boldness will serve us well as luck would have it you're already primed to give me exactly what I need which item is it though I can't just help now bear with me which item is it mommy Morty I will consume the magic inside was a powerful artifact will be rendered no more than a trinket but it will save my life even if only temporarily you seem like kind of a kill Joy why am I gonna you know what which item is it oh I get to choose okay um you can you can have the guidance one you know what no you're not getting my spear you can have this this thing this that thing right there that's it thank you he's not getting my spear that's mine not hit the spot I can feel it work the magic it's like a lullaby that sings to sleep the demon inside but what if I give him the weird bottle I have no less dangerous and no less bound to wake up again to continue its ravages such as the nature of all monsters I got this weird Le in my pocket you're free to eat that sounds unpleasant to say the least how do I know the real monster is in you perhaps now you'll tell me what all of this is an aid of grateful as I am the course of our camaraderie is much better served by not taking that particular detour not just yet okay sincerely though I understand I ask a lot from you with few answers in return Yes but in time all will be told okay it's a very expensive one obtained it in Water Deep nothing there comes cheap okay so I need to be stockpiling a bunch of useless magical items that I can just feed this man I scratch how are you sugar plum I must pet the puppy it is mandatory so cute even an under elf is happy and I don't know what my braid's doing it's just happy all right let's go see what my other friends are doing I've known people who are hungry for Gail same stuff why he doesn't I'm sure all will be revealed in time but I don't like it a waste of perfectly good treasure you know what a Starion and I are kind of the same person simple just find a vampire that will drink your blood and turn you into a vampire spawn the obedient in theory the next step is to drink their blood once you've done that you're free and the true vampire okay in theory so you have to drink Cazador is that what they call them free and a true vampire capable of creating my own coven yes although I had settled for just killing the bastard I wouldn't be a true vampire but I'd be free of him I'm down to make you a true vampire and kill Cazador why do you insist on exhuming the past okay I was a slave a vampire spawn kept by the Tsar family perhaps I still am I was never able to resist their commands but they won't ever control me again what do you think of the deal if I keep the tadpole I risk transforming into a grotesque monster if I lose the tadpole casadore has control of me and I return to the Shadows Grim either way so why not sell what's left of my soul to a devil better he has it than casual we'll figure this out for you buddy I hope there's an option to make him a true vampire and find this Cazador guy I do kind of understand the appeal I have traded my soul twice now apparently we do we I don't want to lie we really don't have better options right now you're familiar with the phrase better the devil you know I know Cazador and I'll take anything that saves me from that so about you already apologized what more do you want unless you're looking for another nibble no no maybe later I need to know how we'll feed you in the future that's a good question no innocence you have my word only villains that we need to kill anyway after all you know what I am now I can fight with all my weapons teeth included that's true his bite attack is fairly helpful I happen to drain the occasional Bandit during a fight what's the harm they're just as dead would letting him do that animals only know don't eat animals eat eat Bandits I'm starting to feel a little peckish already eat Bandits he twirled his hair twirled his hair kicking his feet okay other new friend positively voracious well let him suck up all the magic he needs as long as he doesn't snack on a gift Yankee silver sword can I feed him a get the Yankee silver sword I expect I am your first never heard of your kind until my capture I know of githyanki but never met one have I crossed paths with get the Yankee before you know what I really haven't established a clear back story for my drow of course you haven't they would have cut you from navel to Nick you are no less alien to me than I am to you I know of your kind but I do not often encounter them because we're just too cool for you knows of yours looks like a mistake oh so now we're getting personal in the face of regarding really oh really thanks for noticing as if you're upturned bat snout is any better better is an opinion but mine is certainly more economical disciplined dignified oh God I don't understand much beyond your comprehension more to the point I know the cure for our condition it is imperative we locate a crash who will to observe more and question less all right what happens if we we already know what happens if we don't find a cure yes in great detail starts with a fever and memory then you start to hallucinate your hair falls out and you bleed from every orifice not my hair change form your jaw will split to allow room for four great tentacles all skin will turn to gore and be shed to reveal new flesh underneath then you have ceased to a trick and a mind flayer is born okay I am most sad about the hair part look how luscious this is try to suppress your Rising Panic that's not going to happen we will find a cure steel may your actions express the same metal we must find my kind and be rid of the parasite it's as simple as that the first symptoms should have long since that is what puzzles me on to um you're worried we haven't changed that's good news actually we don't really know what's going on if you did it no further thought but a nominees lead to surprises bird surprises besides what hasn't happened May yet come to pass okay I'm out where's Shadow heart Shadow heart and historian historian I keep wanting to call him a story and I'm going to call him whatever I want to call him they're my favorite so Gail just consumes magical items like I do wine we truly are a group apart nevertheless as quirks go that's a new one for me want to talk about all that's happened is there anything new with you what's on your mind how am I holding up I don't think I've ever had a confidant quite like you okay we've already talked about this event we're her best friend can't remember them after all what I shared with you about my past about being saved from the wolf that is not something I would normally even dream of sharing yeah I'm still concerned about her backstory there's just some stuff missing there all right let's end of in the day oh why do you always want to talk at night time I mean I know the obvious reasons but there you are my friends no you cannot snack on me are you drunk I have drunk not alcohol of course a bear he took a little a bear what I took all of his we all know how much historian likes bears no need to drink humanoid blood then as long as you're leaving mine alone you're comparing plonk to Vintage wine you can make Merry with either but they're not the same but kazador fed me rats and bugs and when you're used to drinking from a sewer even plonk is a marked improvement he's so dramatic um not delicious it was exactly as appetizing as you'd think still that was the past I'll never have to grovel for him again true you can start over you can be better than what he made you maybe not you're grabbable for the Mind players that we keep if you keep using the tadpole you sound very sure uh I don't intend to grovel before anyone the Mind flayers gave us power but left us to our own devices what have they had planned for us they failed and now I'm left with this gift strength to take my own freedom I'm not afraid to use it I don't know I think we ended up exactly where they wanted us to okay does anyone else have any more late night thoughts they want to thunk with me first okay bedtime historians stay away from me once again with the dead man pose okay let's get on out of here I want to go back to the village and fully explore it now that the Goblins are gone my org friends are gone oh yeah I'm supposed to be looking for Carlock foreign Village anyway they meditate wait is that true do I not sleep I feel like that's a lie in Lord truth maybe I wasn't meant to be a drow I like sleep too much wait what does a seller here somewhere yeah I'll find it you best believe I'll find it extracts root of three oh I clearly found this wooden hatch this was not as well hit as y'all thought it was maybe I wasn't meant to be an elf I like sleep too much oh okay I'll take that foreign that's a good collection a bunch of different mushrooms anything of use okay all kinds of ingredients oh a poison resistance okay blacksmith gout um let's see occupation large wood splinter in the hand Tim mcchild that swallowed a bottle cork let's see minor burns on the face and hands okay not seen anything out of order oh can I move this I just pocketed that whole painting foreign could you guys stop failing the perception check I want to know what's going on that might be worth a look this that should work oh secret tunnel okay we don't need any of that really where am I oh okay we got caskets okay summon from the lower planes A is for a Zeus and other gods whoa hi ow that was right in my face okay could you guys stop waking people up so that they can also roll initiative okay yeah this is just rude let's see let's see let's see let's go oh hey it's a dirt Mound I can't do anything with that right now spawned okay that took him out fairly quickly oh wait I'm not close enough hold up oh dang it okay they stay but to keep going shatter Ed my path be true okay foreign okay this works out fine yeah I probably shouldn't bite the undead yeah I was gonna say they have nothing to offer me yeah let's end this I want to see what this does a dull moment foreign oh can't be healed path is interrupted taste my Fury crap yeah I was kind of hoping that would do something oh you guys are waking someone else up you guys suck I honestly just need to get Lazelle up here on the move thank you yeah she's about to lose rage anyway fading fast I must heal okay not a disadvantage to do that fight what how do you miss someone who's right in front of you Lazelle foreign oh come on we're on to a completely different levels yeah this is pointless where okay I was right here yeah I know historian basically I should just use him for sneak attacks I if it wasn't for the fact that Gail is really boring to not Gail will is really boring to hang out with I'd replace a Starion with Will but he he's voice lines are so fun but Will's really boring at least for right now I pretty much grab all of my characters to try to knock this guy out it's always that okay not enough action blazelle okay hungry for the slaughter how important give me some Eldritch blast or maybe the shatter will help them okay shatter love to see it all right sugar plum all right we're good we are good okay I'm just gonna put everyone back into stealth mode okay we're just going to avoid this fight um oh okay hold up what yeah let's examine the mirror before I go and pick weird things okay let's pop some guidance from Shadow heart here that I should get a plus four from oh come on now okay the mirror is magical but what magic to what purpose you have no idea speak your name I am getting to that and I'm getting there I do not know this name step forward and declare yourself an ally okay and open or I'll smash you to pieces bad luck be damned um let's see I have no idea who this is oh failed a history check um I'm gonna go for one they least expect depends on the day awesome ointment oh I did read a journal sorry if you could see anything in me what would it be the ones I love um look for whatever spell Remy of the worm in my head my enemy's suffering oh it's a is it a door I just fumbled my way through that well-guarded Laboratory hiding down here okay well when in doubt lie oh hey research notes oh wait let's see if I can find that read read read read okay raise the dead failed gone too long body decomposed reanimation failed came back as a ghoul had to kill it again speak with the dead failed answers were unhelpful clone failed needs living tissue reanimation plus clone failed had to kill both the ghouls Resurrection failed why magical curse true Resurrection I've reached a limit of my skills and resources the book offers help dare I accept oh we're reanimating people sounds like a plan I really got no one I would like to bring back to life but I will definitely give it a little look I don't need to be sneaking anymore uh Merchant arrives departs the next day passes through will observe raid some soldiers as before talents folk Smoke on the horizon raid question mark tracking Travelers and people in the village okay let's see what this is uh medals and recipes for medal of War but more than anything the book is concerned with reanimating dead flesh okay so we got ourselves an alchemist here oh basilisk oil where's that at that sounds like a poison oh turn a petrified creature back to its organic form oh let's not cast any spells I don't quite understand quite yet let's see okay I've read that no I haven't read this and once again I'm just putting things in my pocket something about me and books I will carry them everywhere oh yes this is okay that's about the metals oh that kind of looks like the gaping dragon interesting okay we got a candle we got a hyena head I'm gonna light One Singular candle it helps nothing all right maybe the laboratory will like me more if I light all the candles oh lost candle cool this is totally meant for me hail Loft let's go cautious can I don't like these don't you do it you're so oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God I'm going up here heart thank you for nothing I do not want that ink pot but I will read this book I will glance and oh wait I've read this book oh the evil eye thank you nighthags named for their ability to hunt Immortals dreams slowly devouring the vital Essence until the victim's Soul can be trapped in a hag's bag they're known for being petty selfish Beggars Seahawks known for devouring the victim's whole Seahawks can terrorize and kill the single look they wreak a fish are incapable of making a proper cup of tea that part's just Petty green hags they're beautiful they are powerful speak not a word against them okay so did a Green hag own this place that's what I'm hearing oh an antidote oh okay I'm hearing a squeaking off in the distance that I don't like oh my God so many different Scrolls open open the vase okay I guess better late than never in touching this door foreign I should be able to make that with a flick of the wrist oh okay I guess I can lock pick an iron gate wait Astorian this is your job seeing the potion tables for the and the Alchemy stuff I just have not tried it yet step carefully I had not tried my hand at it yet oh you go can I disarm the gargoyle okay okay Instagram oh that's some Indiana Jones stuff right there hold up okay now can I have the book got a necromancy book well there was there was a boulder there definitely was a boulder at one point oh that Boulder I do not miss that Boulder that was not a nice boulder okay let's look at this pretty book I shoved it in my pocket I really do need some type of like pocket maintenance does anyone oh there it is it looks a different color than I thought it was I'm totally gonna read this what's it do the book is locked tight with no visible Keyhole only an oval recess in the cover's mouth oh stick your fist in you try to examine the book but the longer you stare the more those piercing amethyst eyes draw you in cursed book how obvious whoever opens it deserves the Fate that befores them Lisa you're such a stick in the mud don't you take a closer look I'll observe from back here that looks terribly heavy why didn't you let me carry it for you no thank you though bestie drop the Tome no can I take it home with I can just take it home with me right I'm not destroying it it's mine how do I open it though the book is locked tight with no visible Keyhole only an oval recess in the cover's mouth okay you try to examine the book but the longer you stare the more those piercing amethyst eyes draw you in I'll have to try that next okay um oh so this knows this ah ah thank you thank you guys that makes so much more sense okay I wonder if Gail would like to see this book you know he's a wizard I think Wizards like reading do they I don't actually know okay well I have the scary book I just gotta figure out how to open the scary book I'll bother Gail about it maybe he would like to see the scary book what is that I keep hearing a bird but the bird sounds menacing oh there's a well okay I've already checked little Timmy stuck in the wild Moss the wild looks unremarkable throw a coin in the wild investigate peer into the well Something's Gonna grab me something is going to grab me dry Stones line the wall to something gleams blight climb down the coin disappears into the darkness Landing with a soft clink okay okay so it's not that far down I'm climbing in the well touch the webs ite I am little Timmy and I am now I don't like that I don't like that I guess now is a good time to share for the new people that despite being a follower of Loth I am indeed an arachnophobe that's all that's also a cool backstory for your character fearing the thing you worship thank you I feel like it's the most honest portrayal of who I am as a person would I follow a spider God for power yes would I like it probably not fine no no no can I can I can we can we oh we cannot talk we cannot nope nope nope nope nope okay nope nope okay where are you guys going where are you oh I hate all of you that's not what I wanted you to do burn the spider burn its soul be better at burning spider what are you oh sorry Daria since when is that they are normal oh this place is gonna suck this place is gonna suck why can y'all teleport why time to strike this is not fun and or groovy yeah I was gonna say I don't know if that creature really has hamstrings but I'll take it critical is it right there it's right there my friend ill okay okay as far as I need other bugs I would vote them off the planet just okay I've had this conversation with Chad before make a lot of frogs I would be okay with there being more frogs in the world than bugs just make more frogs get rid of bugs more frogs stop webbing my toes stay away from me frogs are much better than bugs yes we'll just Mass produce frogs person who is breeding an army of frogs was going to wreck a local ecosystem I forgot where though I'm okay with that you know if it means we get rid of the spiders won't work everywhere my living is killing bugs Pest Control most spiders are actually beneficial they seriously freak people out I will never get over this okay I understand they mean a lot to the ecosystem I I'm aware of the benefits they have by existing the question is does sin really care I gotta say the cards are not in the spider's favor immune to a simple toxin oh come on oh wait that won't work ecosystem is just going to have to make that sacrifice exactly it will adjust it will adjust it will take many years but it will adjust green spiders don't have even have a desirable body shape they're just so gross to look at I just can't support their existence this one spider is determined it's going to live probably chipping away at it though hamstring shot oh my God can we please get rid of you you really suck foreign yeah come up here please most of my party can't get to you let's see I am dead [ __ ] hold up okay please die from this why is it so hard to hit a spider with a fireball riddle me this oh my path is interrupted oh I'm my hand you guys are determined you're not gonna die okay please come closer hmm okay nice one a Starion oh come on Fury I am death can I bite you okay Victory awaits foreign oh really you died right there what are we standing in you will not take me progress can I get no your body is in my way I literally cannot see Shadow heart this is all that ends not as bad as they could have all right thank you ahead open up oh oh I can't walk on the webs that makes sense but it's really annoying hold up hold up hold up I'm carrying an antidote somewhere carrying several antidotes actually foreign yeah this is my least favorite place ever no no no no no you stay where I tell you to stay until I know what's going on this is my definition of hell like if hell was a place to me this would be it yeah I was gonna say this is definitely this oh holy thank you why was I in here why did I why did why did I do this why didn't why am I here oh I want that okay foreign go away bruh I'm out I'm out I'm out I'm out I'm out I am outer Rooney I am out oh okay the the giant spider can keep whatever the giant spider is hiding I have no desire to question the giant spider this definitely goes to the book if it's in the book's mouth okay I'm gone I'm gone like the wind bullseye I am not staying in the spider cave anymore I might go back in the future at some point try to kill the giant spider but it is not a desire I have oh I forgot the rest of the team isn't with me I left them okay simple fix simple fix I go back to my team I didn't even think about the fact that I took him away from the group okay giant spider is protecting it can keep it actually I think I grabbed what the giant spider was protecting the book is locked tight with no visible Keyhole only an oval recess in the cover's mouth let me shove The Rock in there you try to examine the book but the longer you stare the more the more the piercing amethyst eyes draw you in oh might as well see what this does okay this could potentially just kill me on the spot but I worked hard to get this Emerald Sapphire amethyst it's clearly an amethyst this totally isn't gonna Evil Dead me open the book okay a story and just wanted it for himself I don't care if he disapproves I'm just battered for having opened it suddenly you capable of anything filling mountains darkening Suns conversing with the Dead cool shift gently before your eyes words slip into your mind onto your lips forming words you don't understand thing is trying to reply oh saving throw ask your Patron to guard your mind yeah can I get some help here please the symbols move aggressively probing your mental defenses Trin is there to defend you but there's only so much they can do whoa saving throw no I am enslaved in this book I'm inspired I am an inspired child of law perfect I am inspired give it to me the world around you is gone only hear those voices claws moving in the shadows they pull at you dragging you closer I want to know if I can get away with this am I still inspired though am I still inspired thank you I I still I'm still inspired I still got two points of inspiration here I am really tempting Fate on this one please don't I don't think you can go higher than a 20. branding your mind with strange runes time Rewritten fate undone your future thrumming with power don't make me save again come on the ball closed you've seen too much what profane knowledge is now seared inside of you we did it never have known we were at the Evil Dead book what exactly will this do to our mind I got no idea cool it's my book now I can now speak with the dead I love that you know what did I have to go to a spider Camp yes did I kill the spiders not really did I still get my book yep still gotta go back to the blighted Village at some point because there's still like parts of it that I haven't seen yet could you stop stop crouching we don't need to hide we're at home okie dokie well Withers we meet again as particular I mean you showed up at my Camp I guess that is predictable never thou has to meet uh what what okay what what do you do amending of the threads smell or any of our competits perish I will cleave soul to body once more okay and look very don't be nice be nice oh what's the cost though a matter of course okay with pain for that type of service what if I don't okay can you help me change my class cool I mean no one's dead I'm okay with this not this one no this one and this one a less worthy still what are you reading writing the balance Beyond mortal Realms there doth exist an amalgamation of spirits akin to thine own and snared by the treacherous Cult of the absolute failed in its name okay they bear great discontentment with their destiny I might summon the worthiest among them to lend Aid to thy undertaking this dude is so cool well these here leads to be joining me willingly you think I can trust these cultists I I have no place to be judgy of cultists okay we grew up in a cult we sold our soul to a cult I got no room to judge cool I would like to talk about these hearings oh I can just recruit them suspicion always haunts the guilty mind that's actually true services are all that I can profit what thou Wilt do with them is for thee to undertake like Withers he can stay as long as he wants as long as he keeps bringing me back from the dead any moves he moves with the variation of a young man okay hello my love okay we end with scratchies obviously we must end with scratchies it is important to start and end every day of your journey with scratchies goodbye sweetie pie okay I'm satisfied with what we've gotten done we got Gail we found lizelle I'm still looking for halson I'm still looking for that one demon that will is after I know where they are on the map but I haven't really gone back and looked there um we made friends with a bunch of orgs that was cool we now have a shiny horn to call them whenever I want and I learned necromancy it's been a good day it has been quite the good day I did have to fight some spiders to do it but that's okay laughs foreign
Channel: Cynthetic
Views: 17,190
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Keywords: larian studios, balders gate 3, baldurs gate 3 beginners guide, lets play, baldurs gate 3, baldurs gate, baldurs gate 3 gameplay, baldurs gate 3 classes, gameplay, classes, rpg, rpg 2023, upcoming rpg baldurs gate, baldurs gate 3 lets play, lets play baldurs gate 3, walkthrough baldurs gate 3, baldurs gate 3 playthrough, lets play part 1, full gameplay baldurs gate 3, Warlock, Drow, Lolth, Lolth Sworn, Girl plays Baldur's Gate 3, Girl plays dnd, D&D, Necomancy of Thay
Id: -HlMfT-a374
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 181min 51sec (10911 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 20 2023
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