WHAT IF? Season 2 Episode 5 BREAKDOWN - Ending Explained and MCU EASTER EGGS You Missed!

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why wasn't I debriefed on this because we didn't debrief you on Bigfoot either wait what welcome to screen Crush I'm Colton Ogburn and these are all the Easter eggs references and little things you might have missed in season 2 episode 5 of what if and man was this episode a lot of fun we got the return of Captain Peggy Carter but not just any Captain Carter the same Captain Carter from what if season 1 the captain Carter that went toe-to-toe with infinity Ultron alongside the Guardians of the Multiverse and a little later we'll explain that ending in the exact Marvel Comics Universe Peggy has found herself in so we open with the Battle of New York which in the mainline MCU took place in the first Avengers movie only in this universe we've got Peggy Carter in the place of Captain America on this alternate Avengers team are some ogs like black widow Hawkeye Iron Man and Thor but taking the place of Hulk in this six hero lineup is none other than the WASP who was actually supposed to be in this first Avengers movie but but Kevin feige asked Jos Sweden to replace the was character with black widow here we got a great call back to Steve Rogers instructing The Avengers on how to battle the chitauri and then we even got this awesome Recreation of the scene where cat boosted Black Widow into the air with his shield let's go for a ride I like it now catching back up with the Watcher we can see him repairing the broken shards in the Nexus of all realities from when Infinity Ultron broke the barrier in the season 1 finale Al oh no I found you in these shards of glass we can see Loki Thanos The Collector Doctor Strange Tony Stark and Ant-Man here we see a flashback to the what if season 1 Premiere when we first met this variant of Peggy Carter and then we see the lineup of the Guardians of the Multiverse when they assembled to battle Infinity Ultron now here in Washington DC we see black widow jogging and then she is picked up by Peggy in a car this is a recreation of this scene in Captain America the Winter Soldier when it is Natasha who is picking up Steve Rogers from his jog hey fellas either want you know where the Smithsonian is I'm here to pick up a fossil we see Captain Carter and black widow go on a mission on a boat just like in the opening of Captain America and the Winter Soldier when Black Widow and Captain America embarked on a mission on a boat only this time they are in search of the Hydra stomper Steve hey man in our box do you got any New Year's resolutions no none no none I mean I used to have this real problem with stress eating but then I quit oh how well I kick my bad oral fixation Habits by using fume they're the sponsor of this video oh is that a vape it's not a vape it's not electronic and it's not filled with pods with potentially harmful chemicals instead it has these plant-based cores that are infused with natural flavors to create natural flavored air I recently started sparkling grapefruit it even freshens my breath smells 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fm.com and use code screen Crush to save an additional 10% off your order today now back to what I was saying so in the first episode of what if season 1 we got a Steve Rogers who never got the super soldier serum but Howard Stark Tony Stark's dad made Steve Rogers an iron manlike suit called the Hydra stomper Stark made me some new dancing shoes what do you think okay so in the season 1 finale of what if when Peggy is taken by The Watcher to come help fight Infinity Ultron we see her taken from this mission on the boat so the stuff we're seeing here with Peggy and Black Widow in the car that is prior to the mission that we see her go on in the season 1 finale and prior to her being taken of course by The Watcher and at the end of the season 1 finale we see Peggy return to the exact moment in time she was taken from too fast don't tell me he was your type we then go on to see the exact same scene pan out that we saw in this episode of season 2 same dialogue in everything Black Widow showing Peggy the storage container holding not only the Hydra stomper but Steve Rogers oh Steve so in case I lost you in between this scene and this scene Peggy went with the Watcher to fight Infinity Ultron so we find out that all these years later Steve Rogers is still alive and it's cool to know that even in a universe where Steve Rogers didn't become Captain America and get frozen in ice he was still destined to find his way to the Future now here we see Peggy having it out with Nick Fury over him not being completely honest with her a very similar fight we have seen take place between Steve Rogers and Nick Fury which you didn't feel obliged to share I'm not obliged to do anything in this alternate universe where Steve Rogers didn't get trapped in the ice we learned that he and Bucky formed a two-man Army where they traveled the globe taking down Hydra bases and guys that is a wh if Episode I need to see when Fury reveals that Steve and the Hydra stomper are accused of terrorism Black Widow chimes in that it could be the Red Room manipulating his mind what if the Red Room was in control the Red Room is the Black Widow program that Natasha was under that we saw a lot of in the Black Widow movie they manipulated the minds of their soldiers and made them obedient to their every command Steve Rogers that you loved died in 1953 that thing it's not human here we learn that Bucky Barnes has gone on to become Shield's Mr secretary which in the mainline MCU is the Hydra sympathizer Alexander Pierce here we also see the onscreen Council from Winter Soldier and then in comes Brock rumo and his Hydra Lackey who we met in Winter Soldier and who popped up again in Avengers endgame Brock also went on to become the Marvel Comics villain crossbones in Captain America's Civil War I think I look pretty good things considered so when Steve attacks Shield headquarters and we see Bucky step in front of the guns aimed at Steve we hear Bucky say he would be stupid enough to do the same for me and we of course know that in Another Universe Steve did do this for Bucky in the main MCU it's Bucky Barnes who found himself under Russian mind control and who needed his best friend to step in and save him here we see Steve and Peggy busting through multiple ceilings just like how in Winter Soldier we saw Steve Rogers busting through lots of walls pursuing Bucky tell him I'm in Pursuit when we see Steve Begin to freef Fall it reminded me a lot of when roie was hit by visions beam and he began to freef fall in Captain America Civil War luckily for Steve though he was caught before hitting the ground unlike roie who went boom you looking for this Nat and Peggy takes Steve to St Kilda which is apparently a very isolated island in Scotland I'm guessing this is one of black widow's planned hiding spots for in case she ever found herself on the Run just like we saw in her movie after she was on the Run following the events of Civil War now while it was the ice and the super soldier serum that kept Steve Rogers young in the main MCU we learned that in this universe it was apparently the Hydra stomper suit next we got a reference to Avengers Age of Ultron when Peggy says she doesn't want to let Tony and Bruce play Mad scientists to fix Steve this is fitting because in Avengers Age of Ultron Steve was very hesitant about leaving Bruce and Tony alone to meddle with things and rightfully so because it gave us Ultron I'm sorry I know you mean well you just didn't think it through next we learn that Peggy Carter has likely had a list of her own things that she needed to catch up on after missing so much time just like Steve Rogers had in Winter Soldier I figure that's the case because it sounds like she recently became a Star Wars fan with her reference to Carbonite best case scenario he winds up stuck in some prison frozen in carbonite wow so that's how you spend your Saturday nights Star Wars by the way was also on Steve Rogers list in this universe we learned that Natasha has already killed the leader of the Red Room Dr kov whereas in the mainline MCU he's still alive post Civil War when Steve comes to we hear him say I owe you that date this is a call back not only to Steve Rogers owing Peggy Carter a date in the main MCU but this Peggy Carter owing this Steve Rogers a date in their Universe you owe me a dance lesson yes Saturday night and here we can see the same type of jet that black widow flew in the first Avengers movie agent romanof you miss me next we hear mention of a sovian military base this is of course prior to what happened into sovia in Avengers Age of rron where the country is ultimately destroyed and apparently Hawkeye likes dad rock me too look at this photograph in sovia we see that they have assembled their very own Doom toown or as I like to call it Boom Town special milk delivery so during the Cold War era the US military built these fake towns in Nevada to see how bad nuclear attack would affect the population we had a great look at one of these towns in Indiana Jones in the Crystal Skull well that can't be good now here we heard mention of the multiversal space squid that Captain Carter fought in the season 1 premiere of what if I feel like I'm in a horror movie and we once fought a giant space squid I love this line here about Steve and Peggy having time something that in every Universe they seem to never have enough of we have a little time that's a fuss we can also hear in this scene the music Steve and Peggy dance too at the end of Avengers endgame faster cars computers even the news moves fast now here we can see the widows using widow bites something that we've actually seen Black Widow use many times before in the MCU such as here in Captain America's Civil War here we can see the Red Room high in the sky just like we saw in the Black Widow movie and then enters black widow's adoptive mother Molina I don't want to fight in front of my mom mom ish now we first met Melena in the Black Widow solo film but in that movie She betrays the Red Room and helps her daughters bring it down but in this universe she's still loyal to the Red Room I was proud of you you were a very successful killing machine but then you became an Avenger here we see Peggy called Margaret you are Captain Margaret Carter which is actually her legal name Peggy's just a nickname next we learned that they made a movie about Captain Carter that was actually a musical this is a call back to Rogers the musical that we saw in Hawkeye and on this billboard here in Spider-Man no way home here the widows are jumping into action looking a lot like the side profile shot we got of the Avengers and Avengers Age of Ultron now when Steve seemingly goes to sacrifice himself to fly into the Red Room ship and destroy it I got real Iron Giant Vibes Superman and that actually wasn't the only time I got Iron Giant Vibes in this episode when Steve and the Hydra stomper would lose control their eyes would turn red just like when the Iron Giant would lose control of his mind and go into kill mode and then as the episode wraps up we think we're getting a tease for another Peggy Carter sequel where she'll go looking for Steve but instead we see her portal into another Universe by the Scarlet witch so there's a lot to break down here The Watcher is supposed to know all yet even he is caught off guard see all I observe all I know what the hell is this the Watcher being caught off guard could be a sign that reality as he knows it is changing perhaps a clue at something being a foot in the Marvel Multiverse and teasing what's to come next with the Multiverse Saga and the god at the End of Time Loki and here's another thing we don't want to overlook how the hell did Wanda the charlet witch teleport Peggy to another Universe I mean in Multiverse of Madness Wanda had to consult the dark hole just to transfer her Essence via dream walking to another reality where she possessed her own variant body and for her to physically travel to another Universe she needed the powers of America Chavez so I'm wondering if in this universe Wanda succeeded in taking America's Powers because it would appear here that Wanda does have the ability to create multiversal portals now I'm not saying necessarily L that she killed America and took her powers I wouldn't be surprised if she had this power all along and just didn't know it seeing as how in Wanda Vision she was able to conjure into existence replicas of her children that existed in another universe so this could be a hint that Wanda is actually even more powerful than she knew okay so now let's talk about where the hell Peggy went and why Nick Fury is talking like this that is she the one who can save our Queen this is a medeval universe in the comics it's called Universe 398 a reality that was altered by a character called Morgan Le Fay a dark sorceress from the Marvel Comics in this universe there was a reality warp that changed everyone and everything to a mideval setting which changed the way that everyone spoke and how everyone dressed it's a lot like how Wanda's hex affected everyone in Wanda Vision don't shoot I'm just a messenger now this hex cast by Morgan made all the Avengers believe that they were part of the Queen's guard and he here in this scene we hear Fury mention their Queen the one who can save our Queen in the comics this card is known as the Queen's Vengeance and the queen they're serving is Morgan le now in these Comics The Scarlet Witch was locked away in a dungeon because her powers were able to cancel out Morgans but it would appear that in this reality Wanda is also working for the queen or maybe she's playing some 3D chess and she's actually trying to overthrow the queen and reset their reality after all we do hear her say that Captain Carter might be able to help them save their world in the comics from her dungeon Wanda attempts to contact any Avenger she can to help and she is able to break through Morgan's spell and snap Captain America out of his trance so in this universe it could be that Captain Carter is once again taking the place of Captain America and coming to save the day so this is almost certainly teasing an upcoming episode of this season and I am so excited to see what they do with the medieval Avengers storyline in this show Oh and before we go I just want to say that that I love how this Peggy is aware of the Watcher and starts calling out for him nice touch Watcher Watcher and you know now that I'm thinking about it it actually makes sense that the Watcher wouldn't recognize this universe because like in the comics it's likely that this universe has been manipulated via hex into an unrecognizable Medieval Era so there are all the Easter eggs I caught for this episode let me know if I missed any down in the comments below or you can add me on Twitter if it's your first time here be sure to subscribe smash that Bell for alerts for screen Crush I'm Colton [Music] 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Channel: ScreenCrush
Views: 127,374
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: what if? season 2 episode 5 breakdown, screencrush, heavy spoilers, New rockstars, captain carter, What if season 2, what if breakdown, what if easter eggs, avengers, mcu, what if ending explained, what if?, hydra stomper, steve rogers, the watcher, queen morgan le fay, colton ogburn, what if episode 5
Id: -9KRtOIST2o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 45sec (945 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 26 2023
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