WHAT IF? Season 2 Episode 4 BREAKDOWN - MCU and Thanos EASTER EGGS You Missed!

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I made a choice for the better and I became Iron Man you mean Mr metal Mojo oh I see that sticking what if season 2 episode 4 was one of my all-time favorite episodes ever of Marvel TV it brilliantly fits into the cannon revisits the best MCU movie and is filled with Easter eggs references and little things you might have missed welcome back screen Crush I'm Ryan Ary I loved this episode it brilliantly recreated the energy of a Mad Max car chase it's a brilliant companion piece to Thor Ragnarok and it showcases the essence of Tony Stark's character better than any MCU film since Iron Man one it wasn't perfect I have some notes but I cannot wait to break this thing down for you get out of here you crazy kids go go go so the episode begins with a flashback to the finale of season 1 when the Watcher assembled the Guardians of the Multiverse to fight Infinity Ultron now at the time that lineup was composed of heroes and villains that were featured in that season except for this version of Gamora two years ago we reported that this was from an episode of the show they didn't have time time to complete so they just push the episode to season 2 and now we finally get to see it and ma'am was it worth the wait The Watcher says gora's path to becoming the hero of a story began in someone else's which is a really neat way to transition from Gamora being the protagonist we knew from the finale to Tony Stark being the protagonist of this episode then we go to the intro of the show which by the way we covered in our episode one breakdown watch that if you have time we had a lot of fun making it then we cut to Tony Stark in The Avengers guy to name n missile Through the Wormhole now this is a pretty perfect Recreation of the final moments of him in space now The Watcher calls this the ultimate Hero's play which is a play on what Steve Rogers said about Tony earlier that same day you're not the guy to make the sacrifice play to lay down on a wire and let the other guy crawl over you now this is all very very cool because back in 2012 there was a rumor that Tony Stark was going to end up in space at the end of that film and the rumors said that he would go off to join the Guardians of the Galaxy like he did in the comics so this may have actually been been something that Marvel was discussing behind the scenes and now we actually get to see it play out finally so the Wormhole actually closes with Tony Stark still inside of it which recreates this event from Thor Ragnarok when Thor was knocked around in the bifrost which is a particular kind of Wormhole by the way he ended up on SAR so the fact that the Tesseract and the bifrost both sent people to sakar really feeds into the theory that Odin used the Tessa's energy before he hid the Tesseract away on Earth the Tesseract was the jewel of Odin's treasure so then Tony lands in the Palace of The Grandmaster voiced once again by the great Jeff gold Bloom hey look who is this handsome Doug now remember when Thor landed on SAR and his powers were dampened and The Grandmaster called him Sparkles and here he tries to give tony his own demeaning nickname Mr metal Mojo man the one he settled on Mojo is actually an Easter egg to the X-Men now one of the best X-Men villains one that we really should be seeing in the MCU is this extra dimensional TV Mogul named Mojo who feeds off people who are like watching his TV programs he like craves high ratings and like The Grandmaster Mojo entertains people by making different superheroes fight each other they want Blood and Guts and love and hate they want entertainment hey person what are your New Year's resolutions I don't have any none nope I used to have a real problem with stress eating like I was constantly snacking all day and then I would always suck on breath mints it would give me headaches and all of this was just caused by stress so then I quit how'd you do that well I kicked my bad oral fixation Habits by using fume they're the sponsor of this 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thought after the snap was to get home to the woman he loved when I drift off it'll be like every night lately when I drink about you Tony tells grandmas that he's put his party days behind him which is mostly true in the comics Tony is a full-blown alcoholic which was explored in the brilliant story demon in a bottle in fact there's a demon in a bottle reference later in this episode when Tony uses this phrase to talk to Valkyrie about her drinking problem feel alive if only for a moment you know so you can forget whatever mistake has you chasing that demon in a bottle in the MCU we have seen Tony really lean into excess especially in Iron Man 2o Tony how do you go to the bathroom in the suit just like that and then he only has like a casual drink in the MC you afterwards now just like in Thor Ragnarok the car is filled with these like incredible designs that are either images or direct copies of the work of the legendary artist Jack Kirby Kirby created or co-created like most of Marvel's biggest Heroes and I love seeing his wacky Cosmic designs brought to life in the movies and TV shows and we saw a lot of these same characters in Thor Ragnarok like this guy in the helmet entering the arena nice helmet keeps my face pretty when they're in the grand Master's Booth the same one where he sits with Loki and Thor he says it's my birthday and remember His orgy yacht had a birthday setting on the console it's my birthday it's my birthday so what we're seeing here is the grand Masters games before he started up the contest of Champions when everybody was basically competing in a space NASCAR race no these are chariots all right I guess it is more like a chariot race like the ones they held in ancient Rome as depicted in classic films like Ben her but man I I just I love this sequence so much like this is the cosmic MCU meets the racing game Twisted Metal this makes me really want them to make like a Marvel cart like Mario Kart but like with Marvel characters and like these machines and different Cosmic settings like notice how valkyrie's little pod even has these two Wings on the side much like the winged helmet that Thor wears in the Gladiator Arena and Ragnarok they're sure to talk about Thor Ragnarok a lot has anybody ever told you that that's right Doug they did also return Mark mothers B's awesome score for this [Music] episode now I should note here that the guy voicing Tony is of course not Robert Downey Jr you can't afford me it is veteran voice actor Mick wingert who has voiced Tony Stark in various animated projects over the years and in what if season 1 I told you I don't want to join your super secret boy band now he may not sound exactly like Robert Downey Jr but he sure does constantly drop sarcastic comments just like Tony does all right ready to rock and roll I had to say that at least once not these Tabby yeah I didn't get a lot of his references because I am not a man in my 40s don't worry Doug I will explain those references to you as we go along and this is why we are the best of friends a thanks buddy and thank all of you for watching and supporting our Channel as we work to bring you these what if breakdowns on every single day as the episode launches we absolutely could not run this channel without all of you and if you would like to keep supporting us you could please check out our merch store at screencrush merch.com where we design the shirts ourselves every month we drop New Designs like this month we have this awesome rpdc t-shirt to commemorate the end of that franchise we also have our Frasier Beast shirt the Mando and grou as Elliot and ET and many many other designs that we have designed ourselves guys shopping our merch store is the absolute best way for you to directly support our Channel thank all of you for watching now back to the breakdown now I have watched this Chase sequence three times and every single time I keep noticing more little details like how this zoom into the cockpits of Valkyrie is so much like so many shots of Fury Road and the way they keep the camera low to the ground is an old camera trick that George Miller employed in the first Mad Max movie putting the camera closer to the ground creates the illusion of increased speed I feel the need the Need for Speed also notice these people in the crowd who are dressed like celestials now I'm not sure if this is because like they worship the celestials or if they're just more Jack Kirby inspired designs so the episode borrowed a lot of camera tricks from George Miller and other artists like how in the second race we get these constant tiny crash zooms every time Gamora is about to do something small even like pushing a button but they also added these incredible Creative Design Elements like a giant car that's essentially a big engine that sucks up all of the Dead cars in obliterates the racers now this is Pod racer God this was so much fun and even like this little moment where Valkyrie reverses up this tank tread that looks a lot like this vehicle from the Clone Wars afterwards they throw hamsters at her they used to throw food but now there's food shortages and they think it's just bad Optics it's considered un although I think the reason there might be a food shortage is because there are so many hamsters eating all the grain so in the movie The Champion is the Hulk but here it's a giant elephant that cord calls and maybe he's called called that because he's a big elephant like snu alpus on Sesame Street so much for staying for one drink oh you're doing the thing he's doing the thing so then Tony joins the fry and remember this is his Mark 7even armor the first armor that he had that he could actually summon to himself with his wristband and when he meets Cory he calls him Mount Rushmore because he's got a big Rocky Face I'm made of Rooks as you can see and man guys this this just really cemented how much I miss Tony Stark agent Romanov you miss me like the writers of this show must have had a blast riding for this character again we need a hero with this kind of confidence and Swagger who is constantly calling people like old pop culture names hold up there lady Grinch You're a Mean One Mr Grinch and then gamor shows up she is wearing the same battle armor that we saw her wearing in Avengers endgame in the flashback back in 2014 now she wore this just prior to being assigned to join Ronin and of course like we saw on Guardians of the Galaxy that's when she had a change of heart and she then decided to get away from Thanos now when we met her in that endgame flashback she was already pretty anti Thanos so you might be wondering what happened to her between 2012 and 2014 to make her want to turn against her dad I mean after all the person we see in this show is pretty much an acolyte of Thanos I am the daughter of Thanos the Mad Titan the one burdened to bring balance to this universe I think the event that made her want to turn against Thanos is when she found the map to vormir we saw in a flashback conversation in an endgame that she wanted to keep that map from her father maybe the prospect of actually dusting half the universe finally hit home for her and she didn't want everyone else in known existence to suffer the same kind of pain that she did when she was a little girl anyways notice that Tony is wearing a black sweater in this show instead of the black sabot t-shirt that he was wearing in the Avengers I think this is because Sharon Osborne is a ruthless business manager who probably wanted too much money to use the logo mom just wants to get paid what can you do pay me my money so because it's been a few days since the Battle of New York Gamora is on SAR to kill Tony Stark instead she gets chipped and the two of them were thrown into Hulk's love Suite that we saw on Ragnarok the red the white just pick a color then he name drops not hanging around to play Dr maro's Hunger Games that's for sure so Dr Moro is from the Marlin Brando movie where he plays a mad scientist who makes Freaks and clones and The Hunger Games actually is hey wait I got that one I understood that reference good buddy now after he and core get away he asked how The Grandmaster gained power did he gerrymander the districts gerrymandering is actually a process here on Earth in American politics where politicians redraw congressional districts to favor their own parties it's supposed to be illegal but it's more like frown def kind of like brown baging at a little league game Brandon get on the damn bag and man corg hits it out of the park with his response I should never have voted for him remember in Thor Ragnarok corg was the more politically conscious person on sakar I tried to start a revolution but didn't print enough pamphlets so hardly anyone turned up during the next fight corg does the same ground pound that Hulk did to Loki in The Avengers you know what in the MCU stop referencing that we're good come up with some new things please you're repeating yourself you're repeating yourself then Tony shocks Gamora with a similar device that the one Thor used on Loki when he betrayed him and Ragnarok and then he calls her Zena a reference to the '90s television series Zena Warrior Princess and then Tony gets this heart-to-heart monologue where he tells gamor that New York was not a game to him and of course there he means Phil Coulson and I love loved that he spins the episode trying to help her change Tony is like able to see things in people like when he saw the potential super superhero in Bruce Banner so you're saying that the Hulk saved my life saved it for what I guess we'll find out and with gamor he sees himself someone who is fighting to live up to their father's expectations instead of choosing their own path and following their own heart but I'm not my father you're not your father I made a choice Tony's entire Arc in the Marvel Cinematic Universe was always trying to make up for his past SS like he says later on he did things that hurt people and everything he does now is to make amends you really going to risk everything for a bunch of strangers on an alien junk Planet yeah that's what I do I'm Iron Man I love how this entire episode was grounded in that basic tenant of Tony Stark's character and I'm going to talk about that a little bit more later on corg says one time he used me as a paper weight and uh can you imagine how that felt just to have to sit on paper which is my Nemesis now this is a followup on his rock paper scissors joke from Ragnarok you don't need to be afraid unless you're made of scissors which is also referenced in the first episode this season but it's uncuttable paper cuz it's made of rock and they also mentioned somebody living on a farm upstate and we all know what that means yeah they probably took him out to the barn and shot him exact wow you know what that means yeah man I'm not stupid I know what that means okay and then we get some rock guitar for the classic Tony Stark building a new Iron Man suit Montage like his first suit this Montage begins with him rolling out blueprints he's got the goggles he's got the blowtorch except now he's using a bunch of scrap on an alien world instead of a bunch of scraps in a cave and and look Maybe I'm Wrong here but does The Grandmaster Tower have konu in it did an Egyptian bird God at one point travel to this world and compete in a chariot race I really think that might have happened and I want to see that episode yeah man that would be awesome right so when Tony presents his ultimatum to The Grandmaster he calls him hey Tech color dream codes which is of course named after the Andrew Le Weber musical Joseph and the technol dream coat and really that is a totally superficial reference to the Gody colars the grandmas wears Tony references are always just based on how people look and rarely does he bother to look beyond the surface menur candidate you're killing me there's a truce here you can drop like even when he says slap me and call me spartus like okay that's a reference to the movie Spartacus because I guess Ben her was just a little bit too on the nose and while I'm complaining I thought the fake slow-mo walk here was just a bit too much thank you for indulging me guys I've always wanted to walk very slowly this seems like one of those MCU moments where characters like they look cool but then the movie has to like make sure that we know they're not trying too hard to look cool you know like this stop so just a few fun things I noted during this final race I loved this continuous final shot of all the racers zooming further out into each cockpit and then there's this moment when they drive out of the math of a statue of a Celestial which seems like an homage to the Joel Schumacher Batman films where Gotham City was filled with these giant statues that they would drive the Batmobile onto during a Chase now during Tony's pep talk to gamor he talks about his well documented daddy issues I never say goodbye to my father now in our deeper meaning of Iron Man video I talked about how Tony's lifelong expectations of living up to his father led to him becoming kind of numb to the world he blindly followed anyone that told him that that's what his dad would have done you finally outdid yourself Tony you made your father proud and here's the thing Tony and gamor like never share a conversation in any movie like remember this where is Gamora yeah I'll do you one better who's Gamora I'll do you one better why is is Gora and they've lived their lives going down very similar paths so it was awesome to see them interact like this like this is what makes crossovers great remember that remember when the MCU used to actually just have characters from different franchises cross over with each other that was a lot of fun I wish there was a way to know you're in the good old days before you've actually left them Tony also says his dad was no atak his fch a reference to the wise fatherly figure from tequilla Mocking Bird and then Tony Stark turns his armored into a race car which is so so perfect perfect Autobots transform and roll out like we saw in Iron Man one that he had an affinity for classic cars even inspiring the color of his Mark III suit throw a little hot rod red in there and of course he drove a race car in Monaco before he was attacked by Ivan Veno the wheels of the car are even Arc reactors and just for a second just for a second I thought the car was going to levitate improving on the flying car's father Howard Stark couldn't get to work and Captain America first avenger and then after The Grandmaster tries to cheat he gets his melty stick used on himself I'm Ming you know quoting Wizard of Oz I'm Ming Ming and of course of course The Grandmaster is really into how this feels hey I like it and then Valkyrie is elected leader of sakar just like she was made leader of new Asgard in the main MCU timeline and then we get that incredible Cliffhanger Gamora delivers Tony Stark to Thanos who is still on his floating Rock chair that we saw on Avengers post credit scene anding Guardians one but Tony is used as a distraction as Gamora leaps above him with the melty stick and then stabs Thanos in the chest but and of course this is a call back to Thor using Stormbreaker and hitting Thanos in the chest with it instead of hitting him in the head you should have gone for the head so we're actually left not knowing if Thanos lives or dies which is one of the Hallmarks of Marvel what have stories in the comics they always end on these really fun nebulous Cliffhangers except because we saw Tony and gamor melting The Infinity Gauntlet last season like we know they survived how do we put a suit of armor around the world around the Galaxy well guys that's our breakdown of episode 4 let me know your thoughts down in the comments below or at me on Twitter and if it's your first time here hey welcome to the channel nice to see you please subscribe smash that Bell for alerts and for screen Crush I'm Ryan [Music] Ary [Music]
Channel: ScreenCrush
Views: 152,142
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: what if? season 2 episode 4 breakdown, screencrush, heavy spoilers, New rockstars, thanos, tony stark, what if? season 2, what if easter eggs, what if breakdown, gamora, mcu, tony stark vs thanos, what if? season 2 episode 4 easter eggs, thor, korg, mad max, what if?, marvel, the watcher, grandmaster, sakaar, what if ep 4 breakdown, what if episode 4 breakdown, what if season 2 episode 4
Id: o1zN6eF61_0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 37sec (1177 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 25 2023
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