Kang The Conquer vs The Marvel Universe: Full Story (Comics Explained)

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what's going on guys this is Rob and we are covering the single greatest Kang story of all time uh the one that recently completed which is basically retold the origin of Kang which is called only myself left to conquer the reason why I say it's a retelling or a reworking of his origin is because Kang's origin does exist in Marvel Comics the problem is it's scattered all over the damn place so you've got Marvel two in one Comics you've got some Marvel Premiere Comics you've got some Journey in a mystery you've got Fantastic Four some Avengers stuff right you have all kinds of comics that all just sort of feed into this great big huge origin of King what this does is it consolidates all the stuff that Marvel wants to keep it changes the things they don't and tells us how Kane the Conqueror became Kane to conquer here's the problem this story relies on you understanding Rama Tut and immortus and iron lad and all that stuff so um we have to explain that before we get into this now we do have a full-on explanation about Kang but even then people said it was still a bit confusing so we're going to replace King with you and you are going to imagine you are king and we're gonna explain it that way and if this can't solve it I don't know what can't so here's the thing imagine you right now living your life watching this video and imagine that you suddenly discovered the ability to travel back in time right and you could do anything you want to well I mean you're you're like hey I'm gonna go back in time and Conquer everything that's what I'm gonna do I'm going to go back to the days of ancient Egypt I'm gonna change my name and I'm going to conquer all of existence so you go all the way back to the days of ancient Egypt and you start calling yourself ramata and because of your technological advancement you're literally taking technology as it exists right now back then let me tell you something you show up there with an ink pen you're gonna blow the minds of the people in ancient Egypt right they're they're gonna free they're gonna think you're God right like they're not going to know how to process that information let alone if you took back something like a computer which you couldn't use or a notepad or something along those lines right just technology that they hadn't even considered yet so you go back in time you change your name to Rama Tut you rule that for for a particular period of time now somebody here in the present day doesn't matter who it is realizes what you're doing they go back in time and they basically chase you out of ancient Egypt right they're like you don't need to be here uh you're a bad guy in the confines of the comics it's the Fantastic Four let's say whoever this person is they basically fight you they overpower you and you're forced to flee otherwise you're going to die so your intention is to say okay fine look I had the ability to time travel I can go anywhere I want to I mean I'm not just gonna quit after being beat once right it's like the dating game right try try again and so you're like okay I'm gonna go back to 2022 and I'm gonna concoct a new plan on how to conquer the past but along along the way back along your journey back here suddenly you end up in limbo and you're just like okay what is this place right and you explore the whole area you start looking around you come across technology different things like that now while you're here in limbo it allows you to look at the entire time stream past present future the distant future so you could literally watch your life unfold from the realm of limbo and what you do is you come to this realization you're inevitably going to become a villain that's a problem not only are you going to become a villain now there's an infinite number of universes out there where you took different paths and did different things and caused different problems and maybe you form a whole Council of yourself right like literally hundreds of you who all meet together occasionally and do some crazy stuff and so what this does is it leads to to you as you exist in limbo saying okay I don't want to become my villain itself I don't want to become that villain version of me so I'm gonna stay here and I'm gonna do everything I can to work against myself here's the problem what you have here is a situation where you will inevitably have to end up going back and becoming that villainous version of yourself because you exist right it's a paradox that villainous version of yourself went back into the past and became Rama Tut which led you on your journey to where you are right now calling yourself immortus which means you know that's inevitably going to happen no matter what you do that's the future that's guaranteed for you so what you're doing is trying to work to keep that from happening now let's move away from that version of yourself right you're just kind of out there doing your thing now let's say that this future version of yourself in the 31st Century as you're there you come to this realization people are going to work against me and it's entirely possible that even even me even even I myself may not become this version of myself that's entirely possible I may not I may lose the ability to time travel or may never gain the ability to time travel maybe I decide to go to Burger King instead of McDonald's and that shifts up everything right so now I don't have the ability to time travel any number of things could happen that could that could prevent that so what I need to do is I need to go into the past and I need to meet with my younger self and I need to make sure that my younger self does all the things that they're supposed to do so that I can exist and so you do that you go back back and you meet with your younger self and you basically tell your younger self look I'm the guy you're going to become and so here's what you got to do right you gotta you gotta do this thing you got to do all these different things over the course of time and if you don't you're never going to become Meek well your younger self looks at you and says well I don't want to be you but I have no desire to become you right you're a dick like I don't want to be you at all so I'm going to do everything I possibly can not to become you and so as a result you've made an enemy out of your younger self now for our explanation here with Kane the conquer when you went back in time and became a ruler of Egypt that's ramatut that's Kane the conquer becoming rheumatoid when you ended up going to limbo and started calling yourself immortus that was Kane the conquer and in the future when you go into the past and meet with your younger self to try to get your younger self to ensure they become you that's iron lad that's how all those things work together having said that I don't know how else to explain it besides that if that can't explain Kane the Conqueror for you nothing can either that or I'm just that bad at it having said all that spent the last six minutes explaining that let's get into the comic the reason why you guys are here if I haven't lost half of you already so here's the thing what this does is it initially picks up with Nathaniel Richards in the 31st century and what he says here is he says life at this point in time really just kind of sucks it's very very drab and very very boring he says by the time he'd reached the age of 18 he had conquered nothing that his world was a Utopia of pleasure and entertainment that is so-called Bettors called it post-scarcity he called it boring a Utopia to be sure where 10 year olds could Master Advanced robotics where a boy could have his throat cut by bullies and recover in a matter of months which is actually what happened to him but it was also a place where time seemed to stop that it was the end of History a meaningless procession of tepid moments a countdown to nothing that while this Utopia is beneficial for society as a whole in the sense that nobody wants for anything there is truth to the statement conflict is in one way what gives people purpose but is also what drives them to become better that if people reach a point where there is no conflict where there's no struggling or no suffering or no pain nobody will have a reason to improve themselves because everybody will have everything that they want and in the face of that what you would likely run into is a situation of stagnation now whether that would happen in the real world or not I have no idea but it's what happened to Silver Surfers planet is what happened to the people of Zin law they stop focusing on religion started focusing on science they explored everything there was to explore in the universe they cured every illness they could possibly plague their people they understood everything perfectly and suddenly there was no more reason to live because they had it all figured out they had the answer to everything the purpose behind life simply ceased to exist and so what you end up getting is basically Nathaniel who goes on this kind of personal Quest where he literally just starts traveling to these old places that had long since been forgotten and in a lot of ways we're kind of off limits to the average person but what he longed for was Adventure what he longed for was the this kind of bygone age you know in an era that he was nostalgic for this despite the fact that he never lived in it he was kind of looking to this time when there were straight up Heroes and there were straight up villains all that kind of stuff Fantastic Four Doctor Doom The Avengers whoever in the hell else they happen to be fighting all kinds of things and so what he ends up doing and going to this Museum he actually ends up stumbling across a doom bot and that's kind of the crazy thing is because remember Dr Doom by this point is long since dead and it's kind of a crazy thing because one of the big questions people have when it comes to Nathaniel Richards is who is he related to because Marvel's played it both ways they've said that Nathaniel Richards is descended from Victor Von Doom but they've also said Nathaniel Richards is is descended from Reed Richards well maybe not necessarily said that but it's kind of been sort of alluded to over the years and so that's kind of a funny thing because contextually we kind of get an answer here that when this doombot activates because it's just one of the creations of Victor Von Doom designed to stand the test of time when it activates and starts attacking him then of course this leads to King the Conqueror showing up hang as we know him showing up here destroying the a doombot and then of course the kid saying like who in the world are you right like you need to answer me I am descended from and then of course the whole thing gets cut off now that's where contextually we could argue that he is descended from Victor Von do the problem here is that if he was it's very likely that doombot would have obeyed him when he told the doombot to stop so again it's one of those things where we kind of get an answer and we kind of don't models never really solidified it and to be honest with you guys I don't think they ever will I don't think Marvel will ever give us a definitive answer as to whether or not Kang is the the you know progeny or the descendant of Reed or Victor I don't think we'll ever get an answer but it's kind of a cool thing there is because ultimately where the two of them have this kind of conversation came the Conqueror approaches this from saying like your voice is embarrassing right like there is no easier place to lie than in the pages of a book you'll learn to trust only first-hand sources though I suppose compared to the gruel that's been that you've been raised on in this place this would appear to be a Feast so let me ask you would you rather read history or would you rather make history and so the Allure of this adventure the Allure of being able to actually go and live these Adventures that he'd spent so much time reading about that's what draws the interest of Nathaniel Richards and so at the end you know of course in this conversation Nathaniel's like are you kidding me right like that's the only thing I want this world is so thin it's like there's absolutely nothing here and I want everything and so the response of King is good that means you're ready so now ask your question again but ask it with conviction and the kid says who are you and this guy you know King responds and says it's I've been called a thousand things right ten thousand different names by all these different worlds that I've conquered and so on and so forth like I've been called a conqueror I've been called The Eternal the god Pharaoh Rama Tut The Time Keeper immortus but despite all of them there's only one name that truly Rings true and that's King the Conqueror and so he says in the beginning before all of it I was you and so it's an amazing conversation that happens here because he says through this doorway is an infinite number of times and worlds eras that sing my name and praise planets that worship me but to earn those I have known loss defeat and frustration he says I would save you that trauma and all of that time join me and own the mysteries of the cosmos join me and become king the Conqueror and so in the end it doesn't take a whole lot to convince Nathaniel the world he's in is so boring and it's so basic and it's so simple that in the end he's like absolutely right so he immediately joins him on this Quest and what happens the first stop is King takes him to 65 million years before Common Era the age of the dinosaurs specifically one year before the asteroid hits that wipes out all the dinosaurs on earth and what Kane says is like this is your first lesson right time means nothing to kink like yes I'm dropping you off here and yes you have a year to become you but you think that way because your thing thinking two-dimensionally in a three-dimensional world right like it's it's a it's an interesting concept right like people trying to make it in the real world how do I succeed become successful and wealthy in the real world I know by working for someone else and that's not true it's thinking two-dimensionally in a three-dimensional world you have to think outside the box what can you do on your own that can make you better absent the influence and the need of other individuals out there can you build a world for yourself or are you satisfied in living in someone else's and so that's the cool thing here is because what Kang says and this is one of the most important things that he says it's easy to overlook it's easy to not take seriously but one of the things he says is he says many of my memories are fogged by the ways of time centuries of conflicting timelines playing tricks in my head but I remember every one of those first days with Clarity my lessons began with survival strengthening my body and mind where I could not strengthen it myself Kang did so for me now the reason why this matters and this kind of goes back to our initial explanation of why it was so necessary involving immortus and andromatot and all those different guys is because whenever Kang went back in time and fashioned a life for himself he became that person he became that person that he was pretending to be and so here's what I want you to do right in order to truly understand how this impacts Hank here's what I want you to do I want you to put in the comments or at least tell me what did you have for dinner on January 26 2019. if you can't tell me and if you did tell me I would probably just think you were lying just making something up in order to be like yep I remember everything no nobody remembers that that singular moment there right now that's a couple years ago and if I if I change that question and said what'd you have for dinner on Monday last week you'd be able to give me a much better guess but instead of this being two years ago let's pretend it's ten thousand years ago and a life that you lived for 90 years that's what Kane contends with that's the issue that he has and that's why often times in comics you'll see Kang come across immortus or iron lad or something like that and it'll almost be like their completely different people because why all standards the measurement they basically are right like imagine you went back in time 50 years and lived out an entire life and then at the end of that life came back to the Modern Age and then just lived for another Thousand Years here after a while you wouldn't really even remember what that what that lifetime was like when you went back 50 years ago but it does exist and that version of yourself is there so it's just one of those those weird and interesting things about kangits why you do have different variations of himself but they're also starkly different in the end though this cycle always continues right it's like Battlestar Galactica all of this has happened before and all of this will happen again that Kang always becomes king and King always goes and finds his younger self and always leads his younger self to become king the exception is Iron Lab but at the end of the day the argument still stands that iron lad will inevitably become king the Conqueror so it's one of these things where he talks about whenever he says king showed me this just imagine this cycle as it happens right now except this young Nathaniel Richards grows up to be this adult King and this adult Kang is basically reliving or retelling his experiences as you see them here he's basically recalling the life that we're gonna see this young Nathaniel Richards live over the course of this comic it's very meta textual but that's why it's so loopy that's why it goes in circles and cycles and so that's why as as young Nathaniel is talking about all this he says Kane showed me our life as a pharaoh of Egypt and taught me its lesson and he laid bare the rules of time which lit my mind Ablaze he says his lessons were brutal and he says I was proud when I overcame them as I was proud of what we would build together he taught me to shoot he taught me to kill he taught me that a plan no matter how meticulous only serves to make you weak he forced me just as he promised but as I was forged so did I Glimpse the flaws in the iron that made my teacher now this is an important thing because one of the things that you usually see when it comes to Kane the Conqueror is him showing up on the scene doing some stuff all kinds of Hell unleashing conflict unfolding and that's basically it you never really get to see the interpersonal side of Ken the part of Kang that struggles because one of the things he says is he says that once Kane got so drunk that he could barely stand and he took me to a far-off world where he cried in the shadows as a woman died he said one word then was silent for days that word being ravana right of course ravana rensslayer now the thing of the thing about this the reason why it matters is because ravana rensslayer was the love interest of Kane the Conqueror and she died right King's life literally fell apart when that happened in fact the way that Marvel wrote that it was almost kind of a question of will King ever recover from this it was focusing on that interpersonal side but you don't really see it all that often and of course even Kang made Nathaniel swear he would never bring it up right like he would never mention it or anything along those lines and so what happens as he goes through this period right again back in the 65 million years that he's here as he goes through all of that of course he ends up facing off against you know some Tyrannosaurus Rex which is awesome black acid with some with a massive gun literally blows this thing's head off and what he says is this is this is where things are really really fascinating and he says he would love to say that in the aftermath of killing this T-Rex that he feasted on dinosaur meat for days and he sharpened its teeth into knives right that he somehow honed his skills became this brutal Warrior that could live off the land but he says that never happened and the reason why is because by the time I killed this thing all I saw was her all I saw was this one person right this One Singular individual and like that she had the complete and total attention of Hank he never had a chance right Nathaniel was just smitten for this woman and what was more interesting than this is that in the society that he came from physical touch didn't happen you never physically touched people it was always done as a kind of synthesis right a kind of uh you know barrier between you and somebody else is a way to like prevent disease illness different things like that and so for the first real time in his life he's experiencing tactile contact with an another human being more so than that he's experiencing love he's experiencing desire he's having all these feelings that he's never quite really been through before and so having this kind of experience with her in a lot of ways I wouldn't go as far as to say she's in love with him and I would even go as far as to say he's not necessarily in love with her if anything it's more passing curiosity now that will change that will inevitably change but of course she kind of invites him to her tribe and so of course he ends up basically chasing her down following her to that location and he's taken before the people here now what's kind of baffling is that from Nathaniel Richard's perspective there shouldn't be any human beings here now I use that based on the real world right that like uh primitive human beings appeared maybe something around 300 000 years ago that the anatomical version of ourselves that exists now is probably about 200 000 years ago and then over time our minds just progress to where we are right now uh in Marvel Comics one thing to know is that when it comes to the evolution of the human race we're not really given anything before the arrival of the Celeste it's like even in Marvel Comics they don't do that the closest that we ever really got in terms of those early days is maybe a little bit of discussion about proto-mutants uh with Gabriel Shepard the old stories with uh not really old story I guess they are now Jesus I'm old 20-something year old stories 21 year old stories by Grant Morrison with new X-Men she she's my mold Christ in any event um we're not really given an actual origin point for when Modern Man first appeared in Marvel Comics so I can almost guarantee though it wasn't 65 million years ago and this race as is being told right this girl Addie and and her race we're not really given any information so we don't really know if like their time displaced or anything like that they certainly don't act like it but Nathaniel is brought before the lasting piece which is basically their Elder right the the leader of the tribe who kind of gives us this perception that he knows who Nathaniel Richards is going to become but he doesn't know he's going to become king if anything is more of his actions that demonstrate who he is as a person the fact that he saved Addy's life from a dinosaur the fact that he killed the dinosaur basically shows that he is a person of conviction and strength and as a result he's brought into the tribe and honored as a Warrior by basically being given face paint now the other part of this is that the tribe again because they're primitive relies on you know prophecies from the stars and different things like that so they're very much given to Superstition right this kind of a thing and of course according to the prophecies handed down from the elders you know presumably the ones that came before the lasting peace and by the lasting piece himself they're doomed to be destroyed by a star right by like literally a meteor crashing into Earth they don't really know that's what it is but that's basically what it is and so the thing about this is that the Nathaniel flees to Cain the Conqueror and says we have the ability to manipulate time Neil time does not matter to us so let's just take them somewhere else let's take them to a future right we can just snatch them up while they're sleeping or whatever it is but we can take them to you know some period when the earth is habitable again and then go from there now this is one of the most important things that goes on with this new origin of Kane the Conqueror Kane the conqueror's concern is not a disruption of the time streak the reality is that it would right most likely the destruction of this race serves some purpose along the timeline right their bones are discovered or something like that somebody makes some kind of a discovery which leads them down some path where they do some things and then that leads to them becoming a superhero and change changes the entire course of stuff who knows but regardless like you can't necessarily meddle with the time stream in that way and so what happens here is that when Nathaniel runs to King and asks like are you awake the response of Kang is that no it is you who's not awake right your you dream the naive dreams of Heroes the romance of Alexander the purity of Steve Rogers you will unlearn this sentimentality never disappear from my sight again you will do as you are ordered you will learn the lessons I teach and never disregard them and above all else you will wipe that pathetic paint off of your face and the response of Nathaniel is no that's not going to happen and so as an answer to this King simply says I do not make requests right you are here by my design and shall behave by my design your future lies in the balance heed me or be doomed to a life of failure of rot and Toil and insignificance and that's when Nathaniel's like but that's the point you're the one who's failed you talk endlessly about conquest and Glory but you're just a drunk who makes me memorize his defeats how Doom tricked you at the fall of Manhattan how the Fantastic Four laid you low in the Sands of Egypt and so this is kind of back and forth argument and in the end Nathaniel says my life is my own it's out there living on without me and the people of that tribe we can save them from the coming cataclysm if time means nothing to us then why can't I use it to save the first and last in this blasted world and in the end the response of Kang is you believe that because you're in love and it's that love that makes you weak it's that love that takes away any measure of strength that you can have that's the stance that King has his sentimentality the fact that he's experienced love and kindness and romance he sees that as a weakness he sees it as the thing that it always held him back that if he could go back in time and he could alter that younger version of himself so that he didn't experience love that that sentimentality was stamped out of him then those weaknesses would never come to fruition in those moments when he hesitated instead of killing the Fantastic Four due to some sentimentality or some statement made by Reed or Susan or something like that right like who's going to take care of our children that if that sentimentality wasn't there he would have pulled the trigger without hesitation that cruelty would have dominated and so in order to try to demonstrate this he dragged Nathaniel to the camp when Nathaniel says I will save them the response of King is no boy you did not and opens fire on the place just incinerates kills everybody there every single person dies right they're completely and totally killed and Nathaniel can do nothing more than just sit there and watch now this is hugely important because what he says is it was then that I understood though I had crossed the fabric of space and time I had never left my cage at all it was then that I saw the cage was King and so what he did is he basically made this promise to himself that he wouldn't become king he says and so for the final months of the Cretaceous I pretended to stop study that which king instructed while secretly I studied the lock how the mention of ravana might drive my Jailer to drink how a few herbs might intoxicate a glass of wine how the armor that had opened the way might be mine to command I'd rarely been as tempted as I was in that moment to take the inevitable into my own hands but his words echoed in my ear time would conquer all my enemies if only I could Master it and so literally it almost appears on the surface this is how King becomes iron lad but that doesn't necessarily seem to be the case instead as this meteor comes crashing down into the world with the intention of destroying it and basically leading to the end of all things he ultimately ends up walking away travels through a time portal and when he does he finds himself in the realm of Rama Tut what this does is this takes place during the era of what is essentially Rama Tut now that's where things get a little murky because when he shows up here is essentially a giant battle take taking place now this battle is between ramu Tut and somebody else who we'll talk about here in a little bit but on this battlefield is effectively a Moon Knight now one of the reasons why Colin Kelly is able to pull this off is because as you guys know just from the history of Moon Knight and Marvel Comics it wasn't really until March Specter was taken to the Statue of konshu that the world got its first Moon knife over the years and really when I say over the years I mean more recently in Marvel Comics that's been changed but it's kind of been a big red con to essentially say there have been different avatars of konshu on Earth in the form of a Moon Knight that came before Mark Spector and it's not uncommon for Marvel to do that for years for example Danny Rand was the only Iron Fist and then we got Orson Randall who was the iron fist before Danny Rand and there were a whole bunch of iron fists before Orson Randall it had just gone on that way the idea of there being Moon Knights that took place or existed before Mark Specter that was largely the result of Jason Aaron and his run on Avengers specifically with Avengers 1 million so basically this idea that there was an Avengers team that exists said one million years before the modern era it was largely composed of big Heavy Hitters so like Odin the original Phoenix Force as it existed on Earth the first star brand the first Iron Fist the first black panther different things along those lines just uh kind of giving us these different stories sometimes it works sometimes it doesn't when it comes to Moon Knight what you get here is basically this version that pops up now there isn't a whole lot of explanation given here initially instead what ends up happening is that this person is told or at least Nathaniel's told by this Moon Knight you are called by the moon and initially when Nathaniel chases this Moon Knight down trying to figure out who they are or where they're going or how all this is working that the only thing he's really told is that the voice of the Knight speaks only truth a hero from Beyond time comes soon from the sky to restore the ancient ways and end The Pretenders Reign now this is one of the things that we have to talk about here is the nature of Rama Tut and why it is that this version of Moon Knight differs from Mark Spector so when it comes to Rama taught one of the things that we've talked about before is that King the Conqueror in his initial attempt for Conquest had gone all the way back to ancient Egypt and basically seized control and because of the fact that he had come from the 31st Century as has been stated by different people and in different ways that sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from Magic and so Kane the conquerors showing up here with advanced technology as far as the ancient Egyptians were concerned he was a God right they were like this guy's just capable of incredible things this is insane right obviously this person is a God now pharaohs in the time of ancient Egypt were largely considered to be avatars of God of specifically raw or other other individuals on Earth but they were considered Divine in nature and so because of that Kane kind of fit very nicely into how Egyptians perceived people uh specifically pharaohs and the idea of magic and divine powers and so that's why he sees control here now one of the things to know is that konshu and the various gods that existed had long since existed here by and large konshu doesn't really care what goes on on Earth he's got his own scheme and his own motivation one of the things that's been recently established especially during um oh my God Jeff lemir's run on on moon night is that konshu seeks to basically find a vessel for himself to basically rule the world hence the reason why he had manipulated Mark Spector and his disassociative identity disorder in order to hollow him out quote unquote and turn him into a vessel that konshu could inhabit and then rule the world so konchu and the various other Egyptian gods don't necessarily concern themselves with the idea that like King the conquerors come from the future to the Past in order to rule ancient Egypt but one of the other things to notice here is that this version of Moon Knight wholly believes in what kanchu told them and not to sound too Brusque about it but the reason why is because they just don't know any better by the time Mark Spector had become Moon Knight people were more intelligent they were more capable and they were more aware of how the world exists so the idea of gods and things like that had largely Fallen away this takes place during that era to a degree before the third Celestial host where you basically had the celestial showing up until telling the various Gods of Earth not to intervene in the Affairs of mortal men it kind of follow Falls during that that bit of a murky period we can largely assume that maybe that's already happened but whatever it is the influence of gods and goddesses on Humanity still holds strong and that's why this person who became Moon Knight hears the voice of konchu and takes it as an absolute truth because by the time Mark Spector came around in the 20th century the idea of people believing in Gods sure it was there but they didn't believe it with the same veracity right they didn't believe it with the same absolute belief system it was like you know people believed in the idea of God because they were more afraid of the consequences of not believing than the actual benefit of believing if there is one and so as the two of them talk when it comes to Nathaniel remember he knows the entire history of Earth and so what he says and he says far be it for me to argue with my savior but Rama taught isn't someone you can just hope to overthrow trust me I've studied him for years and the response to this person is he's Enslaved the entirety of creation now as somebody who's never left Egypt as far as they're concerned Egypt is all of creation and the the influence of of Rama Tut just stretches into Infinity now of course that's not the case and Nathaniel says it's only really Egypt but like that's plenty of stuff to rule he says it's his War Machine against my broken suit of armor I'm sorry lady but I'm not the hero that you're looking for you're thinking of Reed Richards now the reason why this matters and I love that Colin Kelly did this is because in the original story when Rama taught first appeared in in Marvel Comics The Fantastic Four traveled back to Egypt defeated Rama's Hut and forced him to travel back to his timeline right they defeated that version of King now again as we discussed along the way back to his timeline he ended up in the true limbo became a mortise and then there's kind of a splinter timeline where he ended up going back and becoming King but the the reality here is that what you're doing or at least what Colin Kelly's doing is he's basically keeping the continuity of the history of Rama Tut intact but adding to it which is a really cool thing right that's a pretty beneficial thing and a very important thing but what goes on here is ultimately Nathaniel is taken to the temple of can't you and is basically told like talk to talk to konshu itself and find out if there's any real truth here the reality though is that Nathaniel doesn't really believe in Gods I mean he knows that they've existed but they're not all powerful beings they don't really exist in the capacity of the way that this this Moon Knight believes they do that they are just people that are out there and they can be killed and so as a result of that Nathaniel really views God as more of just really powerful beings as opposed to these Divine individuals beyond the understanding of humanity and with a power that just simply can't be matched the only real God that exists out there in Marvel Comics in that capacity is the one above all everybody else can just be killed it just takes differing levels of power to do it the Living Tribunal was killed by the beyonders the other Cosmic entities as well and the different Cosmic entities have been destroyed by different beings depending on what era of comics you're talking about if you're looking at Al Ewing's ultimates that the uh that eternity was basically defeated and not really killed but overpowered by like the first firmament right the sentient of the first universe so it gets a little meta and it gets a little wonky but as the two of them continue talking what ends up going on is that this person reveals their identity to Nathaniel Richards and we end up finding out this Moon Knight is actually ravana rensslayer now here's the thing to understand here and this is why I say from this point going forward the entire history of ravana rensslayer is going to be completely Rewritten or at least her origin is going to be completely Rewritten the original origin of ravana rinselayer is she's from the 40th century and that you ended up having a time where Kane the Conqueror had arrived there but ultimately spared the place because he was in love with her and then it was a kind of love-hate relationship where they loved each other then they hated each other she killed him a couple times they were just one of those things there was literally a point where she resurrected him just to kill him it's kind of nuts right it was that level of hate and disdain but it was very much a love hate if anything a passionate relationship between the two what it looks like Colin Kelly's doing is reworking the entirety of that by introducing ravana rensslayer here and saying she is a Moon Knight and then presenting her Us in this way what it looks like is this is where ravana rensslayer starts this is where her origin begins instead of it being in the 40th Century she was just a person in Egypt and ended up becoming a host for konshu as the first Moon Knight or one of the Moon Knights presumably the second moon night after Avengers 1 million and she just kind of goes forward from there but again things will be explained as time effectively goes on because we'll actually see different versions of her in different points in time across this story so it'll be a little murky to a degree not gonna lie a little ambiguous there but at the end of the day she presents herself as a person that wholeheartedly believes in the idea of konshu and what ends up happening is Nathaniel kind of says I do not believe in Gods in my life of Conquest I have crushed countless Divine skulls in my hands but even before I saw fear in the eyes of the god of thunder and yet he recalls those thoughts by Kang never love and he says in that place my mind ran clear the past the future like a river of blood from my mind to King's neurokinetic armor time in memory recourse through my veins I swore that I would be the hero she saw in me I swore to tear him down as she says in the shadow of a dead God I took my revenge and cast it in iron and so what this says and this isn't necessarily something that's absolutely solidified in the modern era what this says is that this younger version of Kang basically becomes the first Iron lad now I say that as if there's more than one iron light I mean I guess technically there kind of is but not necessarily the reality here is that in the end it is okay right so this kind of origin still Rings true right the origin of King but what one of the things to know is that in the old school or not really old school but in the Young Avengers stories that the idea of iron lad was basically a younger version of Kang that didn't want to become king and did everything he could not to become king but in the end every origin of everybody stems from Kang in the 30th and 31st centuries and so because of that they are all destined to become king eventually immortus goes on to become king iron lad goes on to become king everybody originates from Kang because he was a guy that basically went back in time and initially started it all and that's why if you look at characters like Kane the Conqueror or even like uh reverse flash eobard Thon in DC Comics the reason why they're basically indestructible in the sense that you can never truly kill them is because they effectively exist simultaneously at different points in time and so because they exist at different points in time they can always reappear at any point in time so imagine you for example traveled back to I don't know like the first century right just some arbitrary point in time uh you exist in the first century but because we have Branch universe theory there's also a reality or a timeline where you never travel back in time and so if somebody were to go to that point where you quote unquote went back in time uh and they stopped you the moment before you did and they killed you then what that would mean is you would still exist in the first century you would still be there instead there is a branch universe that exists out there now where you died before you could go back in time so you could never truly kill that person it's one of those things where in in Marvel and even DC Comics once a person learns the ability to travel through the time stream the instant they make their first attempt or their first travel through time they can never truly be destroyed now they can always just reappear at any point in time so it's really kind of murky and it's really it's very very ambiguous and I know when it comes to time travel it can be a little confusing but it's essentially a way to unlock immortality using technological means but the result of this is that as Iron Lab really the first time he becomes this character he basically ends up helping the forces of of Moon Knight and this what seems to be this Rebel faction facing off against Rama Tut and trying to bring down his Rule now the reality of this and what's really really cool is that in these various battles they're a part of there is a larger Force pulling the strings when it comes to these forces that are trying to destroy or bring down Kane to conquer we'll get to them here in a second although I imagine some of you guys have already guessed who that person is one of the greatest characters of all time [Music] whom I absolutely love uh but one of the things to know is that as these battles are fought that it's really more of a series of battles as part of a continuous war and as you know battles end and so in these bits of lulls there's a very deep and personal connection that's formed between Nathaniel and ravana renssler and it's kind of interesting because she asked the question in the place that you come from is this place remembered and he says in the time that I come from everything is remembered imperfectly and through the lens of the victors perhaps but remembered all the same that was the problem when everything's been done before you what can your life possibly be worth but I knew I was destined for more even before Kane came to visit me I knew and the response to ravana is I have never known a life without Destiny I remember nothing before it my parents were the will of konshu and they have long ago vanished into the sunlight of my memory if they were ever there at all and the response here is that Nathaniel asks did he give you your name your God and her response is no my name has always been but he did give me yours and that's when she says like I was told you were coming here but in this moment he recalls the words that King had spoken to him when he was effectively trying to rid him of weakness and saying never love lest you be conquered but the thought of Nathanael here is but he knew nothing of love I was absolutely sure he was a creature of hate when you are young it is so hard to see that one is only born from the other that without love to inspire it hate is simply just rage anger can be conquered by calm but like its pathetic cousin regret hatred just feeds it makes one ruthless it drives the preparation of armories and the shattering of centuries it intertwines with the power of a parasite around the brainstem love makes one blind as hatred makes one see and it is in that way that we fell under his eye what Nathaniel's really saying here is that when it comes to the ideas of love and hate they really are intertwined Kang hates the person he became because he experienced love because he fell in love with ravana rensslayer and he saw that idea of love as the thing that made him weak that rage is directionless Rage has no real drive or ambition as a thing that exists as a byproduct of experiences things that have maybe happened to you but it's not necessarily born in love but love is is an intensely positive emotion and I would argue the most positive emotion hate can be born out of love which drives you to the most negative emotion the reality here is that he sees Kang as becoming the person he did because he experienced love but in his desire to refuse to become king he Embraces love he seeks love and in fact that's where he and ravana rensslayer effectively fall in love now again this is why I say this new origin of ravana rinselayer is a little ambiguous here because the answer she gives Nathaniel on her origin are cloak and dagger at best right and it may just be smoke and mirrors she's like well I've always had my name maybe it's a name that was given me by my parents but I don't really even know if my parents existed anymore right their memory the memory of them is basically gone and it's one of those weird things because you would think that for a person her age which you know just going on the way she's drawn looks to be maybe in her late 20s early 30s she would very definitely remember her parents but the idea here is that potentially her parents may have died and when she was at a very young age in which case it may be one of those things where her memory just doesn't really recall a lot of her parents because she was so young when they died there's no definitive answers given here but you could look at it from a different perspective and say she's very much like Rama Tut she basically came here at some past point in time as she came here from the future because of all the different adventures in escapades she'd gone on but at the end of the day uh she's just Fallen the same path as Rama Tut she doesn't remember a whole lot about herself but what goes on is that once the two of them were captured and they're brought before Rama Tut that initially Rama's HUD actually ends up blasting uh ravana rinselayer with what's known as the ultra diode Ray and it's basically a weapon well used by Kane the conquerors how he ensnared a lot of the people under his service and basically forces her into a position of of being a subject right it takes away her willpower and in fact that seemed to be the way in which he was able to form his initial higher counsel and then in turn position himself as a god king now the response of Nathaniel is of course to lash out one part because he's in love with her and two because he knows that Rama Tut is King from a different point in time now remember as time would pass Kane the Conqueror in ramu Tut would eventually become their own distinct personalities but Rama Tut does remember his his idea or remember him being King at one point in time and so that's why he he kind of recognizes Nathaniel Richards to a degree and so far as like iron lad different things like that but he doesn't have any memory of this sort of encounter taking place because it's never happened before or at least it doesn't seem to have happened before one of the big issues is that King's entire history is a Time Loop and so seemingly this has happened before it's just for whatever reason every time feels like the first time which is kind of weird I know it's we're never going to go into that because it just seems wonky it just seems really really meta and honestly would just take too long to explained up but at the end of the day the Rama type really says like I have no memory of this right a Divergent timeline perhaps some kind of a variant or a new Loop whatever it is what this means is that killing you would no more affect me than the destruction of an alien son and the response to Nathaniel is smart here he says but Rama Tut is a footnote in our story barely even a prologue you don't even know our true name I would think very hard before you execute me the throat you slit may very well be your own that means Kane the Conqueror will never come into existence and if Kane the Conqueror never comes into existence there's no one to come back in time and to be you now the reality here is that Colin Kelly is jumping back and forth between a linear timeline and Branch universe theory the reality here is based on Marvel's Branch universe theory if Rama taught were to kill uh basically iron lad it wouldn't make any difference it would have no real involvement in any real capacity whatsoever it would just be a thing that happens and that would basically be it uh that's kind of how that branch universe theory concept Works in Marvel Comics but at the end of the day what he says is you know what you're absolutely right here uh you know killing you is too much of a risk however using you is a great strategy because you're technologically advanced you have access to essentially all my resources and even some of the resources that I don't have access to so we'll turn you into a servant instead of killing you and so by blasting him we basically turns him into what is in effect the first Scarlet Centurion now one of the big differences between this and Comics is they were originally written is that when Kane the Conqueror was on his way back to his time stream he did end up arriving in the modern era due to a Time storm and encountered Dr Doom and their first encounter and somewhat inspired by Dr Doom's armor basically Kane got rid of the Rama Tut guys and then basically started calling himself a Scarlet Centurion of course again that was covered in what was covered in a few different places it was like Avengers annual number two God it was like Captain America annual number 11. and I want to say it was in Fantastic Four no it wasn't it was a what if story I remember the exact issue of the what if story I think it was issue number four yeah it was is what if issue number 29 that all this stuff was basically explained and and whatnot but the thing behind this is that giving us this indication as the first Scarlet Centurion what it does is it sets the stage for the idea that in a lot of ways came to conquer just kind of inspired himself to become the people that he was but making Nathaniel into Scala Centurion he ends up leading the forces of Kane the Conqueror albeit against his will against the force that is controlling all these individuals out there that are fighting against the rule of of ramatut and trying to conquer his kingdom of course all of them being led by apocalypse which I love now this is one of the things where Colin Kelly is basically kind of blowing off the old Adventures of uh Cyclops in Phoenix which is where you got the initial origin of Apocalypse where basically he was rising to power around the same time that uh ramatut Was Defeated and the way he's depicted in this comic he's already in possession of celestial technology that hadn't happened yet in the old school story so basically it's Colin Kelly kind of rewriting the history you have apocalypse to a degree which is fine the origin of Apocalypse I mean it's there but I never really took it as an absolute truth and it's one of those things where anybody could rewrite it in virtually any way and it's fine if they did for the most part people don't really care about apocalypse before he became apocalypse they care about him after he became apocalypse because that's when he got awesome right so it's cool to see him leading this Force now of course with Apocalypse at what is in effect the height of his power because once he achieved this level his power never really increased he was just at this state for seemingly thousands of years before the modern era but the thing about this is that at this point in time he's wildly powerful and wildly capable but in the end the battle is a pretty severe and extreme battle and so what Nathaniel says it was is that it was in those days that I first knew War I learned the way a scream sounds when it is someone's last and how fear alone can stop a heartbeat even before death love made me blind and so I began to hate I saw the only path forward my body was a prison my armor a cage to escape King's power both needed to be broken and he says and through the pain I swore I will have revenge on King I will have revenge on Kang and he's and that's the thing he keeps saying to motivate himself and that's the thing he kept saying to remind himself now by the time he gets back to the Citadel of King where King is basically operating that's when he sees the Fantastic Four fighting against Kang and then ultimately pushing him back to his timeline and of course that's how his history kind of unfolds the original Scarlet Centurion as we initially saw him in the old Fantastic Four comics and so on and so forth but the reality here is he says that within a day of ramatut's Escape into the time stream his kingdom fell to chaos that apocalypse took all he wished and burned the remnants no record of ravana Rim Slayer like a footprint in the Sands of the desert she was scattered to time I told myself a lie in those days none are lost in the light of the moon but I knew better than to believe it she was As Dead As the God she served but Kang was still alive and so that's why things are a little murky here is because again maybe ravana winslayer comes to the Future she went to the Past she basically forgot her own history and believes she had always just existed there and then became a Moon Knight it's one of those things that we'll explore as the story goes on but the Final Act in basically trying to get back to his time because in effect he doesn't really have the same level of technology that he used to have he's stuck in his Scarlet Centurion suit is he goes to the only person who has a level of power that could get him through the time stream he goes to apocalypse and he simply says together we can destroy Kang the Conqueror I was reading over the comments of the previous videos after I got back and I noticed that some of you guys were a little confused in terms of how the whole Kane the Conqueror thing works and all that kind of stuff okay so as you guys know when it comes to Marvel Comics the main Marvel universe is Earth 616 right that's well established you guys have all pretty much known that for quite some time what you have is you do have a Nathaniel Richards from earth616 but that is the Nathaniel Richards known as the father of Reed Richard so if you ever read Jonathan Hickman's Fantastic Four run that's Nathaniel right now he does have time traveling escapades and so on and so forth and he was part of Kang War different things along those lines but when you think of King the Conqueror right Prime King if you want to call him that the main Kane the Conqueror who goes back in time and fights the Avengers and all that kind of stuff he comes from a reality called Earth 6311. this story as it's being told is basically the origin of King the difference here is that unlike what a lot of the stuff that you've read before it's designed to basically rework his origin slightly as well as massively rework characters like Pravana rensslayer and the reason for that is because coming out of the Loki TV show Bravada rensslayer is a very popular character or at least pretty popular way more than she ever was in the comics and so there was a lot of confu fusion with her character in the comics if Loki had literally ended and said for more about ravana run Slayer go read Marvel Comics as she exists right now it would confuse the piss out of people they would have no idea where to start or which version of her it is or anything like that it was it was just it was a massively complicated thing right she was just kind of thrown in there with a time traveling escapades of Kang and there was no real explanation given insofar as how it all ties together this story corrects that the other part of that is that where this story focused on answering the question this idea that when Kane to conquer was a teenager some future version of himself just showed up and said I'm gonna turn you into me that we're aided focused on younger Kang try not to become his older self this video right here is where everything begins to shift so in the last video that we covered we had basically talked about how there was a it was really younger King ending up in ancient Egypt and coming across Rama Tut who as you guys know was Kane the Conqueror going back to ancient Egypt and then basically trying to rule there and then conquer the Earth from that point going forward ultimately though there was a great big war taking place between uh Kane the conquer and apocalypse and so as a result of that what you ended up having was younger King who basically Allied himself with what appeared to be ravana rensslayer in ancient Egypt and then in turn helping uh helping apocalypse fend off and really defeat the forces of ramatud of course with King basically fleeing back to his present after being defeated by The Fantastic Four who had time travel to that time period again we had covered more of that in the video so if that's a little confusing to you I invite you to go back and check out that video the thing about it is that after that whole conflict is ended right that adult Kang fled back to his own time and all you're left with is younger Kang here in that whole series of events that whole Calamity ravana rinselayer had effectively died and so as a result of that because ravana rensslayer it basically appeared intermittently throughout the time stream and really defied anything regarding like the laws of Aging or anything like that and no explanation has been given yet which we will we'll get an explanation on that um basically you have young Kang who's in love with Pravana rinselayer he has a vendetta against his old herself and then he also wants to find a way to save ravana so what he ends up doing is making a deal with Apocalypse Now as you guys know apocalypse as a villain this guy's nothing if not just beholden to Evolution right the Guy believes in Social Darwin isn't Only the strongest deserve to survive it's one of the reasons why apocalypse is a little hypocritical in some ways on one hand he'll make these grandiose speeches about how Evolution will have its do and only those who who are able to deal with you know strengthen and and show how capable they are are the ones who deserve to live all the while he basically used the techno-organic virus as it was given to him by cable albeit inadvertently to interface with Celestial technology and Grant himself all these Powers so if he was really living up to his own belief system he never would have done that he would have just used whatever Powers had been naturally given to him to find some way to be a conqueror so basically it's a long way for me to say that when it comes to his life philosophy apocalypse is foolish so the thing about this is that what he does is he tells Nathaniel like I will give you the ability to travel forward in time right to travel to you know your future or whatever time period you need to go to but you will not do it using some kind of time machine or anything like that you will do it at the whims and wants of time herself and so instead of him just being given the ability to travel into the future by way of some sort of machine or something like that he's actually encased in a sarcophagus and left there for like thousands of years where he just kind of goes forward right literally just sitting there in this case now the thing about it is that that Kang doesn't really say that this is any kind of a torture I mean psychologically it is to a degree but in order to keep himself from going insane he steals himself right he says time is a thing to be conquered that was the edge of King's knife not tactics nor technology nor superpowers nor brutality time travel but even without a machine we all travel through time slowly and ever forward so with my flesh protected from age by apocalypse's Arcane technology but my mind restlessly aware I did that one thing that came would find abort I took the long way around and all the while I sharpened my mind and steeled my focus I had many coming victories to contemplate but I was drawn particularly to the failures the ones I had been trained to prevent I contemplated ravana the mystery of her name echoing on my Elder self's lips and of meeting my own ravana in the distant past I shed my Boyhood to make myself her murderers undoing and finally in the shadow of 26 964 years of preparation meditation and patience I arrived and so he basically shows up here in what's essentially the modern era right the modern day and when I say the modern day I mean like The Avengers in the 1960s really is is really what I'm referring to here but when he arrives here this sarcophagus of course is discovered and of course he ends up breaking out and so on and so forth but as he's here of course he overhears a news blip on the radio from Jay Jonah Jameson where basically there's some kind of uh UFO right a hovercraft out there that's just like wreaking havoc and the Avengers are fighting it and so on and so forth and where they don't quite know what to make of it and in fact Jameson asked a question like is it Invaders from outer space Kang is like no that's my future self who's arrived here with the intention of attacking the Avengers team now what's really really interesting about this and this is what's really really cool is that you have younger Kang who shows up to this vessel now in his mind he doesn't spend a whole lot of time with the Avengers they're really more of an afterthought here and that's one of the things that's so cool about this story is whenever we traditionally read comic books The Avengers or somebody like that they're always in some capacity the main focus right like here's a Spider-Man story where Peter Parker's doing his thing and something happens and some villain shows up you know whatever he's really really strong Peter can't do it on his own so here come the Avengers and now it's a team up book you don't really see instances where it's just like and they're The Avengers over there doing something let's go back to what it is that we're doing here like you never really see that all the time right and it's really I really enjoy it's one of the things that I loved about books like this is it's basically saying like younger King who's like I gotta fight my older self and it's cool to see The Avengers because I remember seeing them when I was a little kid way you know in the far-flung future you know when he's from the 31st Century but he's like I remember seeing them as a little kid studying about them and like the museum and the libraries and different things like that so it's kind of wild to actually see them here and they kind of look like I always imagine them in my memory that they were much bigger than they are you know they're just people here who do some stuff so there is a bit of nostalgia here but it's one of those things where he doesn't quite have time to sit back and Marvel at The Avengers fighting against you know the forces of Kane to conquer instead can't like younger Kang ends up going into the vessel now it's one of these things and this is a really really important aspect of this he says so as The Avengers fought Kang with shield and Hammer I approached not as Alexander but as Odysseus I made Kings time ship know me as a friend for none could access its Arsenal but K perhaps as I recall it now that moment was the first time I was truly him and the reason why he says that and the reason why this is so significant again is because over the course of this story younger Kang has been doing everything he can to prevent himself from becoming older King the Conqueror from like becoming that villain it's a cool thing here because in the midst of this battle of course the Avengers kind of get the upper hand Kang ship is is on the verge of getting ready to take off and younger Kang ends up confronting Alder King so like the videos that we've done in the past we'll refer to younger King as Nathaniel and older Kang is just King right we'll just call him that so the thing about this is that Kang does not recognize Nathaniel Richards and the reason why he doesn't recognize him is because Kang has not met him yet now I know it sounds confusing as hell this is why I say King stories man you have to really approach these carefully like especially if you're if I'm making a video about this I have to approach it very very carefully because I could just blow through it the way that we normally do with stories it would confuse the piss out of here so here is a super simple explanation to why it is that Kang does not know Nathaniel so in a previous video we talked about how Kang despite only being probably in his 30s or so has traveled back and forth Through Time a ton of times and as a result of that you could argue he's cumulatively lived a thousand lifetimes and so it's very very easy to just forget things now what's important about this is that Kane the Conqueror at this point in his history has not traveled back to find his younger self and basically train his younger self and teach him everything he needs to know to prevent him from losing this is the point in the story when Kane the Conqueror is facing off against the Avengers and losing so he hasn't come to this realization what if I just go back and grab my younger self and basically correct all my mistakes in that younger self so when my younger self becomes me they won't have all the flaws that I have now they'll be a better version of me so they never make the same mistakes and they ultimately come out on top right that's why Kang does not remember Nathaniel because he hasn't met him yet because he hasn't come up with that idea to grab Nathaniel and teach him everything he needs to know to ensure that Kang does not lose in these various fights that he engages in now the thing about this is remember Nathaniel doesn't want to become Kang so even though he accesses the ship by pretending to be king and so on and so forth he still stands against him right and one of the things to keep in mind is he still Harbors a lot of love for ravana rensslayer and he's still very very mad about the fact that she died in ancient Egypt because of the actions of Kang when he was pretending or operating under the moniker of Rama Tut and so what he says is that his intention is to eradicate King right to kill King Here and Now on this ship and by doing so it would remove him from the time stream in his entirety at that point he would go back into the past in ancient Egypt and he would save the life of ravana rensslayer because if he were to go back in the past and save the life of ravana king would always end up back there because it's just his history he would always become Rama tud he would always exist in ancient Egypt in that situation with how ravana died would always repeat itself but if he can kill Kang and by doing so purge him from the time stream in its entirety then ultimately he can go back to ancient Egypt he can save the life of ravana live a live a life with her and never have to worry about Kang showing up there to wreak havoc in any capacity because he's dead right like there's there's no King to travel back and forth in time anymore and so the response of Kang is that's insane like do you have any idea what you would do if you did that right like I'm so ingrained in the time stream you would quite literally break time itself but if I didn't exist and you killed me it would destroy time there has to always be a king there needs to always be a cane to conquer traveling back and forth Through Time engaging in these different things because this is how it's supposed to work it's kind of ambiguous and it's very meta textual in terms of How It's explained but really it points to the greater argument here that in Marvel Comics there does always have to be a king but Kang always comes into existence it always ends up that way I mean I guess maybe there's a universe out there where there is no King the Conqueror but that Universe has never been seen right King always exists in every Universe across the Multiverse seemingly every single time now what's crazy is that in the midst of this argument between the two suddenly they're met by the arrival of Victor Von Doom of Dr Doom's son now here's a cool thing right Dr Doom would normally never intervene here and he certainly probably wouldn't take the risk of showing up and confronting Kane to conquer in his own ship where he's at his most powerful but the opportunity is too good of a chance to pass up that Dr Doom watching the entire conflict between Kang and the Avengers and even being able to see what's going on here using sorcery and mysticism and whatnot came to the realization there's two kings here there is King from the future and King King from the past right his younger self if he can eradicate both then ultimately it would save Doom a lot of Hassle and grief and Kang likes standing in his way regarding domination because one of the things to know is that it's kind of an unofficial competition between doom and King in the sense that like Doctor Doom wants to conquer the world but so does Kane conquer and so they usually end up bumping heads in terms of their various schemes there is a kind of respect among them it's grudging in the sense where Doom like respects what it is a king's capable of and Kang respects Doom then there's also the the link that Marvel has kind of created or teased but never actually solidified that came to conqueror may very well be descended from Doctor Doom we never get a definitive answer on that we don't know if that's actually the case but regardless of the situation Doom sees this as a chance to take out two birds with one stone and so what you have is a massive battle that basically takes place between the three of them to a degree now when I say to a degree it's because it's really more Kane the Conqueror trying to take out Doctor Doom and then it's Nathaniel trying to reason with king and the reason why he says that is because he says look ultimately the immediate thread here is Doctor Doom but you in you know in the in your future will come back and find me and when you find me you're going to take me to the through the time stream and you're going to try to correct all the flaws In Yourself by correcting those flaws and me teaching me those lessons never love different things along those lines right love is a weakness the the fact that you fell in love with ravana rensslayer is what led to you becoming as weak and incapable as you are if I don't have any of those weaknesses I will become ruthless in a way that you never work I will become every ounce conqueror but at the end of the day I can just teach you those things myself I come from what is in effect your future right like I know your history I know what happens to you like I know these conflicts but I know what happens to you running all the way up until like the 31st Century so I know how your battles with the Avengers will unfold I know all that stuff so just let me teach you those things right let me teach you how you lost so that you can win and so as a result of that the bargain is struck the deal is made Kang says okay they basically end up ejecting uh Dr Doom from the ship using using you know time mechanics and then once Dr Doom's out of the picture the the response of King is okay let's do this and the response of Nathaniel is no right Doom was 100 right Kang is not to be trusted your time is done and he fires on him he literally executes his older self right just kills him right there and then shoots him to death and it's just this amazing moment where where King says king is dead Long Live King and the argument that he makes here what he's basically saying is you are going to become me there's no way you're not there's no way you can't right like you are doing exactly what I would have done right like you like whether you know it or not you are walking headlong into this role you're walking headlong into becoming Kang and so that's what's so funny here because at this point once king is dead Nathaniel says okay now I can execute my plan I can Dawn the moniker of ramatant and I can go back to ancient Egypt and I can save the life of ravana rensslayer I won't use the diode raid that forces her to bend to my will instead like I will I will conquer Egypt right I will see my younger self so in effect it's exactly everything that we saw happening in the last video that we covered it's all unfolding the difference here is that the motivation of Rama Tut is different but everything else is the exact same what his younger self is there so on and so forth and he tells ravana like okay so like like basically I'm gonna take you to a place where I'm going to keep you safe right I'm going to take you to this Citadel it's going to keep you safe everything's gonna be fine but he still operates its Rama Time by all Sanders and measurement he's still a villain because it's the role he has to play in order to save the life of ravana you see how he's falling down this path of becoming King right like you see how like he's just continually becoming this guy and that's when the Fantastic Four show up and they see him as Rama tut the fight unfolds and so he says I did exactly what Kane the Conqueror would have done right what Romans HUD did initially I fled so regardless of the fact that he's trying to do things differently in the end he's doing them the exact same way the timeline unfolds the exact same way and that's really the bigger Focus here is that time is not something you can just control and manipulate however you want to it has a finite Form and Function it starts at a and it ends at Z and that there are things that happen in between where you can kind of fudge them a little bit but at the end of the day there are fixed points in the universe's history that cannot be changed they cannot be modified they cannot be adjusted there are Universal constants that have to exist in the universe King the Conqueror is a universal constant Rama Tut's existence is a universal point in the time strength that cannot be adjusted it always happens how it is that he wants it to happen is irrelevant but it always happens right he basically like no matter what would take place here no matter what his thought process would be no matter what would happen it would be him traveling back as Rama Tut and he would give people science but he would still be Rama Tut there's no way to escape that so what ends up happening is once he is once he flees and gets away as best he can he ends up in the far-flung future and 4000 A.D and the first person he's greeted by is ravano rensslayer which begs the question how did ravana rinselayer survive from the days of ancient Egypt to now so in Earth and in the 40th Century as the way that you're seeing this play out words quote unquote Rama taught who ends up in the 40th Century that's technically accurate that's the way it played out in comics originally when it came to Kane the Conqueror the difference here is that this version of ramatud is not the same as the way it was originally done in Marvel Comics since the reason why we're getting this change in origin that Rama Todd was the tried and true Kang operating under the guise of ramatut who was ultimately defeated by The Fantastic Four fled back to his era ended up in the 40th century and so in in the way the comics were originally told it was basically a different version of ramadath than the one that we see here right Nathaniel his motivation for why he did what he did when he was ramatud was totally different him operating as ramatut here now in the 40th century is different but again it's Marvel basically solidifying that no matter what Nathaniel does he will always become king and he'll always follow the path of the person that ends up becoming Kank that is unavoidable and there's no way to escape it the way we know this is that when he shows up here what he finds himself in is basically a war-torn territory now one of the big differences here is that in the Original Stories the way it was told by ramitut right so Avengers 269 Captain America annual number 11 ravana rensslayer didn't exist or at least she wasn't there when he appeared in the 40th Century not the way that she is here so again it's Marvel just kind of Shifting things around and really retelling the origin of ravana which really kind of begs the question is King volume 1 a retelling of of King's origin or a reworking of ravana right like if you had to pick one as the main focus of the story which one would it be I mean technically it's both but which one does it lean more towards I guess is the more accurate question to ask but when he shows up here of course immediately being met by ravana the the whole idea behind life in this future is that it's very harsh right it is a very harsh and just a battle hardened life and more often than not in Marvel Comics that's how the future is depicted to us is given to us in different ways but the future's shown as a very hard and Bleak and dark place right Days of Future Past the era of Apocalypse in the far-flung future right when apocalypse rules the world this era of Kang like all these different things right it's a very harsh and difficult place to be in right new Canaanites versus the chosen or the clanicaba or whatever it is is always that kind of thing right so it's really interesting to see that Marvel sort of keeps this maintained but against these forces what you have here is ravana rinselayer leading by all standards of measurement A Primitive race for the most part that there are weapons and arms and Armament here but because of because of the fact that society as it existed at the time had effectively collapsed these arms and Armament are Beyond ravana rensslayer in her people's ability to understand they can use them to a degree but they can't use them to their fullest potential and so what's really cool is that as the two of them fight together much like what we saw in their initial appearances in ancient Egypt they fall in love just like they did before that their love is born and bred in Conflict just like it was before and the two of them working as a group Face Off against the the these Barbarian hordes just like they did before the big difference here though is that what you have is this point where once these forces are defeated again the world's not saved so to speak it's just this kind of immediate battle that what you have is that with these forces essentially defeated that Nathaniel tells ravana like you're like like you're amazing and and and I love you the thing about this though is that he always speaks of a time in which they'd known each other in the past she doesn't know him she's as far as she's concerned she's never met him so what he's trying to do is he's trying to kind of continue on the life they could have had with a person who knows nothing of that life right as far as she's concerned and the way that she feels he feels like he's losing her and he's pushing you know forcing himself on her and she's rebuking him in that way right I mean she she's growing to care about him but he's basically moving too hard too fast and as a result of that he basically tells her like we can leave this place right like like together we can leave we can leave this life behind and we can go to a place where we can live a glorious life and when he gives her that Revelation she immediately turns against it now there's a few different reasons as to why she turns against it and turns against him the first is because this is the only life she knows it's the only life that she's even willing to accept she can't imagine a life where there is no such thing as conflict or war or anything along those lines but the bigger idea behind this is that because of the life that she's lived she's grown to become ridiculously independent and doesn't see herself as somebody that can be claimed by any person and the idea of Nathaniel showing up here using what is in effect an archaic standard of love and connection and saying that like you're my girl we knew each other in the past right you don't know me now but you can know me again I'm gonna take you away from this place it almost puts her in a feeling of being subservient which is something that she immediately regrets and so in doing so that's what she says like you would you would tell me that you knew me in the past right she says all this power that you have you used to claim me as you claim this woman that you loved except that she is not me and I am not yours I belong to myself and the moment that we've made this moment we've had here will be our last you will never see me again and she leaves and so in essence and that's what's kind of cool here is that the way ravana rimslayer is depicted here these different instances where she appears in the life of Nathaniel and then he loses her that's designed to mirror the appearances of ravana rensslayer in the life of Kane the Conqueror the difference is that in those lies it was usually her being betrayed and her being killed in front of Kang or something along those lines but regardless no matter how the circumstance played out it was each one of them losing the woman they loved and in losing the woman they loved ultimately where Kang saw that as a weakness Nathaniel sees it as how it is that he becomes king and so that's why he says he kind of reiterates the words that were told to him by King never love and he says as if it were a choice and then he just kind of steps into everything right he accepts his role and he says fun if the choice was to be mine between a heart pierced by her gaze and one hardened against her then I would choose Conquest like in effect he's tired of losing her right he's tired of experiencing all this loss and all this pain over and over and over again and so what he says is my Army was unwashed untrained Savage and cruel but one fact is true throughout time slaves will become slavers when given a chance to hold the Whip and he says ravana was incorrect my mind was my greatest tool for the weapons of war left behind by those magic fools in her stories were made of the very technology I had trained to repair in those long and listless Childhood Days complexity had worn on me he says I wish for something simple and so I offered all the simplest Choice join me or die many chose death and so what this means is that he goes forward literally as a conqueror that he starts to build this suit up for himself that basically looks like the suit of Kane the Conqueror that much like Kane the Conqueror he starts to conquer the world and then once he gets bored conquering Earth he sets his sights out on the entirety of the Galaxy itself right and then the universe and over and over and over again taking his forces with him he conquers everyone and it's so cool because he says my 100 Year Conquest had begun he says what it once seemed so distant so esoteric so impossibly vast was now Within Reach I needed only weight and watched the 40th Century fall before me but I was not a man of patience and with my time ship reforged all of reality awaited my rule should I have sat surrounded by the ghosts of lost loves pondering how I might learn from them or indulge my glory across the fabric of space-time to Nathanael it may have been a quandary to Kang it was no choice at all and so he says to ground the kings of the past to dust Arthur most of all his cries were not those of a hero but of a child who thought Destiny would not be swayed against him the cosmosian monarchs believe themselves safe in their Quantum Dimension I showed them the error of their ways then blessed their endless cities by reforging them as factories for my time spanning war machine over and over and over again is the exact same way he meets immortus he defeats immortus he meets the Scrolls he defeat the Scrolls the Batoon the shiar literally the entire universe is conquered by Kank that Nathaniel and that's what's so crazy here that were Kang like the the king that initially appeared saw love as weakness Nathaniel sees it as strength not in the sense that it's his love for ravana rensslayer that makes him the person that he wants to become But ultimately it was the losing of Love of ravana rensslayer that drove him to become the person that he is and so ultimately he says once all of this was said and done at the end of the day I still never found anything I still couldn't feel anything I had conquered the entirety of the universe and yet something was still missing from my life some thing that I felt like I needed that I wanted I simply just couldn't find anymore and so what he does is he travels back to Earth after hearing that there is a single Kingdom out there that remains unconquered by his forces and so ultimately when he arrives here that he ends up finding that this is the last free Kingdom that's ruled by ravana rensslayer now this it's been quite some time since the ravana rim Slayer he immediately met and in fact he even comments on that he was like okay it was her it was ravana rinselayer yet again right a different face but those same eyes and so what this seems to hit at is that ravana rinselayer is in a lot of ways a concept an ideology I mean she is a person but the big question that has to be asked here which we'll actually find out really in the next video is how it is that ravana rensslayer keeps reappearing as different people in the time stream right how is it that in the days of ancient Egypt she had appeared albeit not necessarily uh as the ravana rinselayer that we're familiar with she shows up in the motto or really about 100 years ago in the 40th century and then she shows up again here and each time she seemingly looks different how does that happen but the reality here is that when he does appear to ravana rensslayer the first thing he wants to do is win her heart right the first thing he wants is to have his girl back but the reality here is she sees him as a conqueror she doesn't see him as a person she could love she sees him as a person that she absolutely hates and so what he really realizes is that the only way to get ravana rensslayer the only way to get her love is to show her who he really is because the reality here and this is one of the best things about this story came the Conqueror as you see him here he's not genuinely that guy but Nathaniel is not genuinely some warlord that wants to conquer all of existence for no other reason the fact that it feeds his ego what he's what he wants is to find some measure of meaning out there what he's doing here by conquering everything is filling the hole in his heart that was left by not having ravana Rim Slayer but who he is at his core is a genuinely great person right it's a genuinely good guy and that's when he realizes I have to actually show her who I am in order for her to truly love me and that's what he starts doing right that's literally what he starts doing is he starts basically operating as effectively a hero right that he calls off the attack on her kingdom and then he frees her kingdom and says like you do your thing right like your kingdom is totally hit like we are hands off not only that he basically allies himself as Heroes right the ones that were essentially time to but he had he acts as Heroes all the while his General right boltag is plotting against him and so there comes a point where in reality the idea of ravana rinselayer as she appears here being killed does happen at the hands of baltag right it does happen as him who ultimately does shoot her and so basically taking him out as the traitor saves the life or seems to save the life of ravana rensslayer and so ultimately he wins her heart right he finally gets ravana Rin slayer's love and in that moment baltag shoots her right in the moment when he basically Reveals His role as a traitor before Kane can act ravana Rin Slayer is killed and so that's it's one of the coolest moments here right he says I prepare to end battle tag as Kang never had but for a moment I stay my hand for I have fallen in love and it is not conquered me it is my Mercy she has grown to love I win and time lasts because once she's dead and gone it's the thing where she says maybe it was just never meant to be maybe we were just never meant to be together and Kang basically almost breaks on this personal level right the one chance he had to finally have ravana rensslayer the closest he ever got to having the woman of his dreams and is yanked away it's pulled away because in reality King and King can never have ravana rinselay right it's the the torment of him as a person he will never get ravana he will never be in love with Pravana he will never have the life he wants with ravana that's never going to happen and so what he does and this basically goes into how it is that Ren Slayer appears across the time stream and he says and so it was then that I devised a new Escape my love one the old man could never have accomplished one that I know I already will he spent the next 50 years mourning you when you initially died he says in his time right King's time he spent the next 50 years mourning you trying to bring you his ravana back but I have seen your face in the distant past and I have seen your face only a hundred years ago and I see you here now and where he was told never love he says I have already seen the ripples in the waters of time but I remained so ignorant as to the impact that caused them but I know now what else could it be I am the impact and I shall shatter time for you awake ravana awake 1 000 times and be saved by my final conquest and so the goal of Kane the Conqueror is to quite literally shoot ravana rensslayer's Essence into the time stream and basically use that as a way to find a reality where he can have ravana rinselayer back so it's really cool right again it's as much a retelling as keeping components of the original origin of King and Tech I mean I would surmise all this is being done because of Kang in the Marvel Cinematic Universe but it's really cool uh in this video and this what's really cool here about this conclusion is that this is what really solidifies King and and I would say removes him from being just kind of like this ambiguous conqueror that exists out there in the Multiverse somewhere that like does things from time to time and actually brings these are more Down to Earth because in reality that's kind of what Kang needed that over the years and Marvel Comics King has just kind of been this guy who exists in the future sometimes he shows up he fights The Avengers every once in a while you get like what is it the original Avengers forever and the timekeepers and immortus and all that kind of stuff in the destiny Force but you never really got to see a story that focused so heavily on why Kang is the way he is and what this one does is it really changes that so the idea here is that following what was basically the death of ravana Ren's Slayer right the one woman he's ever loved more than any other that Kang's desire to conquer was less about just like creating some massive Empire for himself right in the last video we talked about how he did that but it left him feeling empty it didn't fill that hole that he thought it would fill because the reality is that hole was reserved for rivona rensslayer but without her in the picture he just wasn't really able to do the kind of things he wanted to do and that's what was so cool is because he didn't feel complete when it comes to this idea of love and this is one of the things that I want to specify here right when it comes to the idea of love I think it's very easy to take a cynical approach right love is the only socially acceptable version of masochism right like we go out into the world and we intentionally harm ourselves over and over and over again in the hopes that it won't actually hurt this time and we'll find the person we love more than any other it's very easy to become cynical in that way when it comes to the notion of love and for fair reason right I mean there are people who've been hurt so consistently that they just by default associate love with pain because that's the only thing love has ever caused them is pain but the reality here is that depending on who you talk to some people will say it's worth it and what Kang is doing here this is one of the things to know the establishment of chronopolis was not built at some place for Kane to basically rule his Empire from some distant point in the future across the entirety of the Multiverse instead it was to basically find his love and so when he establishes chronopolis one of the things to know and the easiest way to understand this is that it's like this Empire right this Citadel that he has that has strings across the Multiverse he is almost like like Thor in the bifrost right that like you have Asgard and you have the bifrost bridge that allows Thor to access any of the dimensions that are tied to the bifrost chronopolis allows King to access any of the universes that he's conquered and even some of the ones that he hasn't right it allows him to basically travel back and forth throughout the entirety of the time stream and the Multiverse it's just kind of his base of operations it was also the base of operations for immortus as well but the thing about this is is why it was built was because of the fact that what he wanted to do was create a place whereby he could essentially scatter the entirety of ravana Rin slayer's atoms across the time stream now I know it sounds kind of crazy in doing that but he literally says I call this place chronopolis he says this is where we will live ravana and he says where you'll live I swear it even if it takes a thousand attempts she was not you but she had wisdom go my ravana and be infinitely reborn in the space between the Stars so the idea of a kayak behind King here is to basically scatter her entire existence across the Multiverse and she'll be reborn in every single universe that exists across the Multiverse at that point is him just trying to find things now what he says here is so intriguing he says in those moments of Mastery for I had become the master of time I often thought that epochs and eras were measurements for lesser men that had not invented the chronology that could contain Kank I brought the chronopolis the greatest monks of the Buddha and the most enlightened Shia Warrior priest and through their teachings and on rare occasions over their corpses I came to an understanding a master does not allow his love to die those are the actions of a boy a master compels that which he controls to become that which he loves using every bit of chronopolis's power I unravel the very fabric of taunt I found the threads of fate and made the city its Loom and from it I wove a machine of constant replication I injected ravana Rin slayer's very Soul into time like a die into the threads of an entire tapestry where time had taken her from me I forced time to do the opposite the birth of an infinite number of ravanas in infinite timelines giving myself infinite chances to save her the plan was genius it was Flawless until it began and what we end up finding out here and this is one of the interesting things dick hang really is it's almost as though Kang has this Mastery of time but he's also a slave to it because every single reality that he goes to no matter what he does she always dies that in one reality she dies from the plague and another reality she actually rejects him right and it takes him by surprise but no matter what he does and no matter how hard he tries he always loses ravana rensslayer there's nothing he can do to have her no matter what the circumstance is there's no way to get her and after all these countless attempts after all these efforts what it's done is has turned him cold and that's one of the things to know here and that's one of the thing to see is that what we don't necessarily know the exact origin of the original Kang at the beginning of the story that went back and visited Nathanael who became this version of Kang that we're seeing now all we know is that their Origins seem very very closely intertwined that the causation behind what made them who they are is still the exact same thing that when he finally finds a version of ravana rinselayer that he's that he comes to believe may love him the reality is she rejects him and it's not due to anything regarding his character or at least his physical form and so far that she finds it unattractive or anything like that she rejects him because of his character and what he'd done to her and what she really States here is she says the great machine knows time it sees all those who manipulated plus I could smell you across the time stream you hideous Jackal and she says my life you made me believe you were a good man and then you stole my life and where King says no I saved you ravana you saved me and I loved you I love you so I saved you the response here is she says my life was not yours to save my life was my life right I died presumably when I was supposed to or by whatever manner or whatever means but what you've done is you've taken my life away from me right you have taken away my ability to actually live a life that was meant for me instead every life I've ever lived across the entirety of this Multiverse has all been engineered by you every single life has been designed like intricately by you not in so far is exactly how her life unfolded but basically she was created for a purpose and the purpose was to satisfy the desire of King to have someone in his life imagine if that were the case but imagine if tomorrow somebody showed up to you to visit you and said hey the whole reason you exist is because I created you and I created you for the express purpose of being my lover suddenly your life has no meaning your life has no value because the life you lived was never truly your own and that's what she experiences here that's what really torments her here and so where Kang realizes she's kind of a failure that Ultra really King says okay fine another failure there's nothing I can do here he goes to attack her and basically destroy her and in the process of this she destroys chronopolis right she says you're the wound in the time stream King like you fail to realize even after all of this you're the problem and that's one of the things that the king says here right he says that all that's left to do here is to cauterize the wound and he says I do not remember these moments well right because just his whole manipulation with time screws with his memory and he says I think I did not want to remember the screams and he says and of course time was collapsing the end of my rescue operation was much closer than I'd imagined so the mind as it often does while exposed to the time stream Place tricks it erases efficiently redacts and kindly revises but I can still remember her smile and the terror that it inspired and so literally as the final Act of this ravana rinselayer before she's destroyed she annihilates the entirety of the chronopolis and so he says the ashes of chronopolis are there if you look for them no matter what your temporal position a bit of dirt on your mantle a penny from a distant year a book that you swore to read the chronopolis just as its very function and operation literally exploded throughout the time stream with its atoms and bits and pieces just kind of skewed everywhere and what he says is that in its destruction Kang unlike you and I who would just kind of be blown back maybe a hundred feet or 50 feet or 500 feet or whatever it is King was blown through the time stream and so he literally fell through time and so it's one of those things because as he was falling he says I arrived 10 minutes early and then ultimately he arrived to see his younger self and he says I was younger than I'd remembered Nathaniel Richards eyes I remembered once as my own I had felt so powerful so capable I looked at Kang with disdain the sneer was insufferable I swore to erase it from the boy I gave him the chance I'd been given by the monster sister who made me but with the benefit of my knowledge I would give him the trauma I would do it right right I would correct the mistakes of of essentially my father right I would correct the mistakes of the king that came to me that visited me when I was younger and brought me through the time stream what's so beautiful about this story is it's the relation between a father and a son now it's not exactly a father and a son but by all standards a measurement You could argue that it is right king's parents when he was a child were already dead he was basically raised without any real parents at all so when King from the future came back to visit his younger self took him under his wing into the time stream he very much became a father figure but what he was was a father figure that was traumatized by his own experiences his own abuses his own personal torment and as a result of that much like a lot of parents out there he passed that on to his child and so it's really an answer to the question what happens when a child is raised by a parent that never learns the real lessons of their own experiences and that they try to to impart on their children the better parts of themselves but in their failure to learn their lessons they ultimately impart on them the worst parts of themselves that at the end of the day the story of Kang is cyclical it's always a circumstance where Kang always becomes king but notice this it's not Kang showing up here and saying I will teach you to become a conqueror so that you may enslave all of existence no he says I remember the wood under my fingers the betrayer tears that left unbiden into my eyes did his mouth Taste of bile did I lay bleeding did he shiver and sweat and he says did he feel the Noose tightened around his throat an inescapable moment a broken heart hate Fury so hot it will burn the stars and so ultimately that's what happens right he says what had been was again the lesson he needed the one that in my Fury I felt forced to teach a lesson and so ultimately it's exactly the same thing doesn't matter what happened no matter how things unfolded Kang can never have ravana the rent Slayer he will never have that woman in his life he is always destined to lose that which he loved the most and like any rational human being out there in the face of losing what they love the most he felt anger and instead of accepting the fact that that's just the way things unfolded for him he basically took that anger and that rage and passed it on to his younger self and what he thought was basically the right lesson to teach never loved and so literally this cycle of abuse just continues that while the lessons may have been a little bit different or how he taught his younger self may have been a little bit different at the end of the day the root cause was the exact same and so that's how Kang always becomes king that he says one last chance to save ravana I had been given one last chance and I done only what time demanded I was no master I was a boy it made me hate him all the more that she knew me even from the start as I danced with Addie she knew she knew me for what I am but all I wanted to be was more than Nathaniel Richards and so in the end what he was trying to do was basically make Nathaniel the opposite of him he was trying to make Nathanael a person that wouldn't become him but the lesson that Nathaniel learned just like the lesson this version of Nathaniel learned when he was visited by the king before him was that that version of Kang was a bad guy that he would seek to destroy him all the while failing to realize he would become him and that's what he says right he says that like that younger version of Nathaniel left in the night stealing the only time armor that he thought Kang owned and Kang even says Run Nathaniel run and become you think me conquered but it was not Kang who has died this day for Nathaniel Richards is not a boy nor a man nor hero nor a villain he is only a beginning and he says a king and a tyrant a villain and a hero we will be all things experience all things the beginning and ending of time and hours by immortalities Boon you will have the power of a God and when you have lived an Immortals life still here you will stand never love and he says how could I when there is no one left to love across all of time my ravanas are gone my past affixed it's Loop completed her grip upon my heart releases and so the husk stops I have found my desiccation and he says let Armageddon be a funeral pyre for there is but one escape from eternity's Trap and I stand upon its precipice I need not even junk I need merely to finally rest Alexander wept because he could not conquer himself but I am not Alexander and literally that world that he's in right when that meteor strikes he's there at the very moment and simply leaves right just leaves on his own vessel and he says rest in fire Nathaniel Richards rest knowing you have bested all you thought to be great in this world die knowing you stand a stride Destiny give your face and voice to he who created and who in turn turn created you and above all things though all on time and space make Inspire to defeat you never ever love that's the irony of this that's the irony and the beauty of this whole story that when Kang when when this version of Kang was visited by the king before him that that King said never love all it's going to do is bring you pain and suffering and sadness and the response of Nathanael was that's because you didn't know love all you knew was conquering loves the greatest feeling in existence it's the greatest thing of all and that at the end of the day this that that younger Nathaniel went on his quest to find a way to defeat that King to destroy that King to show that version of King that love truly is powerful but when he encounters it what that younger Nathaniel failed to realize is the power of love is so extreme that it can break a person on the most fundamental level and I'm not talking about those those guys out there who really liked the girl in their science class and they don't like them back and so love is bad no no I'm talking about the people who gave their life to someone right I'm talking about those men and women out there right who lived a life with somebody else who spent years together right brushing their teeth next to each other for 30 years and truly understand the meaning of sacrifice right and that significant other just changed their mind one day and left or they were hit by a car and they died whatever the case is that that person became that person's other half right like they had spent so much time together that they were intertwined in a way that can scarcely be defined and when that person either left or or was taken from them that that person had become half their heart and half their mind and half their soul and how do you live without that right and so to truly understand what it means to love and then to have that taken away and to not only have it taken away to know you can never get it back it can break a person on the most basic and fundamental level and that's what younger Nathaniel never accounted for that's what he never considered is what that what what it really meant to love and then what it meant to never be able to have that love that's what broke him and so that's the the interesting lesson here is at the end of the day came to conqueror despite all of his wanted power and despite all the things he says and all the things he does in the grand campaigns and all that kind of stuff Kang is nothing more than a guy who exists out there in time and has experienced a broken heart an infinite number of times what's going on guys this is Rob and we are back with basically came to conqueror now this is a story called Timeless this is a one shot and this is amazing because Kane the Conqueror is gonna fight Doctor Doom and it's one of the coolest things ever alright so check this out so this story is written from the perspective of a guy named Anatoly Petrov and this guy is basically in the present day because we're gonna actually have some multiversal hijinks not really traditional time travel hijinks we will to a degree but what this guy's doing is literally chronicling the stories of different villains who have existed across the world and what he ends up saying here or the way he kind of lines it out is that going pound for pound looking at accomplishment versus accomplishment that the greatest threat the Earth has ever faced when it came to various villains was actually Doctor Doom that it was Dr Doom who was the greatest threat no matter where you go now this actually lines up really really well with the story that we're covering over on Thursdays which should come out tomorrow which is Jonathan Hickman's Fantastic Four where even he establishes that Dr Doom and every universe is the greatest threat that universe is ever going to face because his desire for power is Limitless and he will capture incredibly high levels of power right his thirst is just unquenchable and so ultimately Kang ends up visiting Dr Petrov now some of this is just sort of Kang being petty but he wants to prove that he's actually better than Dr Doom which is pretty straightforward but it's one of those things it's one of those uh interesting kind of situations because Petrov asked him like are you here to kill me and the response of Kang is no right I'm here to show you or to do what nobody else can do I'm here to change your mind right I'm here to get you to see me differently than the way that you've seen me based on my different hijinks and so on now that's an important distinction to understand and the reason why is because when it comes to someone like Doctor Doom he's in latviria right so he's literally right over there you can just go see him over there if you were foolish enough to do so with Kane the Conqueror he exists in the future of the 31st Century which unless you're the Fantastic Four or you're some person or group of people out there with the ability to time travel you don't really know King all you know is Kang when he appears and does some things now an argument could be made if you wanted to be seen it's more than what he was then he should have just not been a dick every time he showed up but still like that's that's kind of the argument that's being created here right and so this guy being able to actually travel along with King the Conqueror in his various conquests and whatnot basically gives him a much better understanding of who Kang is about and so what this does is it actually has him has Kang bringing Petrov back to the early days of humanity where he ends up fighting this just gigantic woolly mammoth now the funny thing about this and this is one of the cool things when it comes to Kang he is arguably one of the more powerful members in Marvel Comics in terms of what he can just do on his own which is to say his fighting style or his powers he's not really much of a challenge to anybody what makes Kings so dangerous is his ability to manipulate time he can just go back in time and prevent you from being born and so in the face of the fact that a guy can prevent your existence from happening again he kind of Falls in that threshold of being one of the more powerful characters more or less because of what his technology allows him to do and less so what he's physically capable of doing but even then when it comes to Kang despite all that wanted ability what he prefers to do is challenge himself on the personal level and that's why in facing off against this woolly mammoth he literally just casts aside all this technology all of his arms all of his Armament and then decides to fight this thing with nothing but a knife now this is designed to show Dr Petrov what Kang's capable of in one-on-one conflict which admittedly is actually something Doctor Doom can't do a lot of you guys don't know that Dr Doom is not an accomplished fighter Dr Doom is a guy who uses magic and mysticism but when it comes to just full-on one-to-one man-to-man bare knuckle fighting Dr Doom doesn't really have it right like it's just not necessarily there every time he faced off against the Incredible Hulk or overpowered The Incredible Hulk or something like that it was one of those things where it was largely relegated to him using some sort of magic or mysticism in order to subscribe to this YouTube channel which is what you should be doing right now make sure you guys hit the Subscribe button but in all seriousness in order to achieve his goal and so once this battle is done right once this conflict is over and of course you have Kang who's basically up on top and he's the guy who's kind of you know the the winner so to speak that what he ends up doing is taking Dr Petrov back to his vessel and then suddenly they end up getting a chronal anomaly detection basically it's like an earthquake right something in the timeline is being disrupted now this is one of the things that Kang is always aware of right if scientists always have these kind of seismographs around the world in order to determine when an earthquake is happening then King has those all across the time stream to know when someone's traveling back and forth through time now sometimes he'll do nothing it just doesn't matter other times he'll teleport there and he'll just watch and he'll see how things unfold and then there's times when he'll actually step in and intervene this is one of those times when he steps in and intervenes now the cool thing about this is that the way the king describes it is that it's basically a Time Quake right that something is exerting extreme chronal gravity Upon Our timeline so here's something that I want you guys to be aware of right anytime you've ever watched a a science film and there's something like the Moon that crashes into Earth during that garbage ass movie moonfall or when you had like uh Melancholia which is actually a phenomenal movie and you basically have some giant Celestial body that crashes into Earth it doesn't work that way what you actually have is something called the Roche limit so quite literally if a planet twice the size of Earth got close enough the gravity of that planet would actually start tearing chunks of the earth apart until eventually the two crashed into each other but it would be that Celestial body crashing into what remains of like a third of the Earth or something along those lines that's basically what's happening here that this alternate reality is moving closer and closer to the main Marvel Universe and as it does it's quite literally enacting the Roche limit which is pulling the timeline apart that was starting as kind of things on the fringes of the universe itself just way way out there where no one's going to notice like an army that's creeping up from 200 miles away but eventually it'll get close enough to where everybody will notice and then when it reaches that point it will simply be too late and so what ends up happening is Kang brings Dr Petrov with him and they teleport to this universe right they teleport to this reality now one of the cool things that goes on here is this story does take place before a lot of the things that we've read so far Avengers versus X-Men versus eternals and so on and so forth but one of the other things that it does is it continues to tease the upcoming Thanos story now for those of you guys who aren't familiar with that the upcoming Thanos story is a story where Thanos gets the Infinity Stones attaches them to the Hammer of mjolnir that belongs to Thor which Thanos is wielding he's also got the arm of the Destroyer armor and he's leading an army of the Dead God only knows what in the hell happened to get to that point but we will find out and I am excited so here's the thing the way the king describes this alternate reality is a pirate timeline and the reality here is that it's not supposed to be here so what he ends up doing is actually giving Dr Petrov this bit of an explanation about the nature of immortus so for those of you guys who are familiar with Marvel Comics bear with me here because I'm sure we're gonna have people who don't know anything about Kang or immortus or whatever so I'm going to explain that to them here so for those of you guys who are unfamiliar with this and to explain this in ridiculously simplified terms immortus is the end result of Kang and it follows a linear progression right so in the 31st Century Nathaniel Richard supposedly the descendant of Doctor Doom ends up discovering he can travel through time the first thing he does is he goes back to his younger self and he tells him these are the decisions you need to make so that you become me basically Kane the Conqueror his younger self chooses to Rebel he becomes iron lad the next thing came the Conqueror does is he travels to the distant past on Earth in Egypt and he tries to conquer the world in Ancient Egypt he calls himself Rama Tut he's defeated by The Fantastic Four he's supposed to go back to the 31st Century but instead he discovers true Limba which is a place that exists outside of space and time in the Marvel Cinematic Universe you refer to that place as the quantum realm inside of limbo King realizes that he's part of the bigger Multiverse as a whole but also the Multiverse has a very delicate balance and so what he ends up doing is basically striking a deal with the timekeepers in that as immortus which is what he calls himself now that he will basically prune the timeline of any alternate realities that are decaying or dying or aren't supposed to be there whatever the case happens to be using whatever Rhyme or Reason makes sense to Marvel Comics at the time it's literally just that there's really nothing more to it than that and so every time you pick up a Marvel comic and you see King the Conqueror like in this story this is taking place between the time when Nathaniel Richards discovered time try travel in the 31st Century but before he traveled to limbo and became immortus that's basically when these things are taking place hopefully that makes sense let's get back into it so here's the thing once this is kind of discussed the idea behind it is that this timeline was supposed to have been destroyed this timeline was supposed to have just kind of been set adrift and so what a mortise would do is much like a dead flower or a dead leaf on a tree he would prune it meaning he would clip the branch and when that happened it would basically just drift off into the ether it's supposed to effectively just disappear right just kind of go into what is the black hole of existence but something happened in this universe where it didn't instead of quote unquote falling to the ground and dying it actually started to pull itself back to the tree or in this instance the main timeline something is doing that and so that's what Kang and Dr Petrov are going to investigate now once they get there the first thing they see and this is what's so crazy about this the first thing they end up seeing are all these dead celestials right like all these dead celestials everywhere and in fact the sort of Damocles which was at one point the base of Kane the Conqueror presumably in this alternate reality that's destroyed as well but whatever this being is or whoever this person is is able to destroy Cosmic entities literally crush them and defeat them which is no small feat that's colossal right but this also indicates this person can basically control the fundamental forces of reality because it looks like it was a hand-to-hand fight where these guys were killed and so as you end up having Kang and Dr Petrov who enter into the Sword of Damocles and make their way throughout this entire Citadel they ultimately end up coming across Doctor Doom now this is the crazy thing here right like this is this is the crazy thing it's not just Doctor Doom right like he's like he's like I have come Victor it's not just Doctor Doom instead it's actually this Doctor Doom who references not just Kang but a Kang so what this seems to indicate is more than one king the Conqueror has traveled to this place and try to destroy this guy because remember every Universe in the Multiverse has its own version of King the Conqueror so different versions of Kang have discovered that this universe is trying to get back to the Multiverse and is tearing apart timelines on its journey and so they've come here trying to defeat Doctor Doom and were probably destroyed in in return and that's that either that or he just destroyed his own universes King and this is like the second one he's met I don't know but regardless of the situation what we end up finding out here is that once this version of Doctor Doom removes his helmet that is not actually Victor Von Doom this guy is Reed Richards that what he had done is that in this alternate universe when it had basically been plucked from the timeline that null time or basically the destruction of the universe itself has started to creep in right literally the universe started falling apart at the seams the different superheroes banded together and the different superheroes were able to Stave off their own destruction the problem with this is that all it did was basically slow things down there why was no way to stop the destruction of this universe as time went on because of the fact that it's just kind of existing out there and is going to be eaten or or kind of consumed or destroyed not really by like a physical being out there it's simply just it's it's you existing out in the desert for like you know 60 days with no water right you're gonna die long before you reach those 60 days you'll die of dehydration and that's literally what this what what happened with this universe and so what ended up going on here is this version of read literally says the world was still sick right still dying the entropic death of our timeline was still occurring just an inch at a time the world lost hope do you know what happens to a society without hope Kang total collapse and he says I never lost hope not for the world the trade-off is that I threw away any hope for myself I would do anything to save the world so I replaced my eyes with the time and reality stones and forced my will upon the timeline I I killed celestials and drank their blood to take their power for myself I destroyed anyone who raised the hand raised even their voice against me and my mission my mission to save this timeline so quite literally what Reid Richards in this alternate reality did is he killed Dr Doom he took his place he took the time in the reality Stones now he basically has the ability to control all of time and space then he kill the celestials and consumed their power and so it's basically one of the most powerful versions of Doctor Doom that we've ever seen in Marvel Comics the only two versions I would say that are more powerful than this one is the version of Doctor Doom that got The full-on Infinity Gauntlet in an alternate reality story and the version of Doctor Doom that basically took the power of the beyonder in the original Secret Wars from 1984. a playlist that you will find down in the description which you are welcome to check out after you're done with this video but the thing about this is that as time progresses right as this kind of conversation goes on you end up basically having Kane the Conqueror launching his attacks against Dr Doom as best he can but the funny thing about this is that at the end of the day none of it really seems to work and the reason why is because with Dr Doom controlling all of time and space and with them being in an alternate reality what Kang had done is he had brought all of his arms and Armament with him he'd brought all of his weapons with him and he basically just kind of stored them just slightly out of phase with the existing Universe right so basically like a second ahead so we can just kind of reach and grab those and then come back because remember with somebody like hang who time travels for you and me it might look like teleportation for for Kane to conquer he teleported away at five minutes to and then traveled ten thousand years into the future and then when he came back it was five minutes and one second right that's how it would look that's how it would be for king that's what it's like when you can basically control time so again it's a pretty badass moment but the reality here is realizing what Kang's doing and because he controls time and reality what Reid ends up doing is that actually teleporting all of Kang's weapons to its location and then basically destroying all the weapons of Kang save for his own sword and so again it's kind of hearkening back to the beginning of the story where Kang was facing off against this giant woolly mammoth monster using nothing but a knife but something that I want you guys to notice here is that in this fight against Doom where Kang is just hopelessly outmatched to be quite honest with you guys where he simply just cannot be destroyed by Kang because he's just way more powerful in terms of all the energy that he has Anatoly starts to see Kane the Conqueror in a way that he just hadn't really seen before and a lot of this is the writer Jed McKay kind of really giving us this change in perspective of King in the sense that when you look at things like the Fantastic Four where he shows up and faces off against them or in Young Avengers or even the Avengers Comics themselves most appearances of Kane the Conqueror are just him as some kind of a demigod right just some kind of an astronomical being who's just doing crazy things and manipulating time and trying to find some way to conquer the world depending on what story you're reading he feel feels like a villain of the week but something that's going on here and it's not even just Jed McKay doing this it's Marvel in general they're doing a lot more of these kind of deep dives into the nature of King as opposed to him just being a guy who fights The Avengers manipulates time assumes or symbols a giant you know Council of himself that there's a lot more to him than that and so where people have looked at Kang and they've seen him as almost a god-like entity this man that manipulates and controls time that for King himself Nathaniel doesn't see himself that way he doesn't see himself as some kind of a Godly being who's Beyond reproach or anything like that and in fact he's actually relishing this conflict he's loving the idea that in this fight against Dr Doom that he could be killed that he could be destroyed by this guy he just loves this opportunity and he's just kind of living for this moment but at the end of the day one of the cool things he points out and really just kind of gets into the mind of read is he taunts him with the idea that he was always going to be a tyrant now this is an indication of how well Kane the Conqueror knows Reed Richards versus how well he knows Victor Von Doom right Reed Richards being Mr Fantastic the leader of the Fantastic Four he's always calm he's always composed but when we look at stories like Jonathan Hickman's Fantastic Four Reed Richards forming the Council of reads and then screwing things up when we look at things like Civil War or we look at the formation of the Illuminati or even when you go into Jonathan Hickman's Avengers The New Avengers run and Reed has to come to the realization that he can't save the Multiverse and that seemingly this kind of falls on his shoulders at least from his perspective it's very easy for him to be emotionally manipulated mentally not so much because for the most part Reed's just too smart for that but toying where there's emotions getting him to think out of being logical and more emotional that's not difficult for King to do it's difficult for most anybody else to do but it's not difficult for Kane because he knows The Life and Times of read the thing about this is that as these guys are talking and as they're progressing and sort of doing their thing that what happens is that in that moment when literally Reed is about to kill Kang that Anatoly kind of shows up out of nowhere steals one of the weapons that belongs to Reed himself the one that he used to basically kill most everybody there and then kills Reed with his own Spear and so in that moment there's this kind of conversation that happens between the two of them because the funny thing about this is that King responds and says you would Aid the Conqueror in single combat you understand what this means do you not and the response of Anatoly is I know I know that you'll kill me for it and so King responds and says then why why would you do such a thing Court to death you know I must dispense and the response of Anatoly here is incredibly insightful right he says if Doom Richards killed you I would be dead anyway and my timeline would be at risk do you believe to be the Pinnacle of humanity you must be greater than all others you must put yourself before all others but I believe that true human greatness lies in putting others before your yourself and so Cain kind of overhears this and then just sort of laughs at him right and then walks away right of course he ends up bringing Anatoly back but one of the things he says is he says come on I believe our time together is finished I will return you to shortly after we left your office and the response here where anatoly's kind of like okay this is strange like I thought my death was impending Kang actually responds in a really interesting way he says this is still my victory I brought you with me as another of my weapons Petrov Richards Doom the one thing you can count on from them is their arrogance this was all to plan but you of course don't know that this is the very reason I take on traveling companions Petrov I like being challenged you stood up to me knowing that I would most likely kill you that is the kind of Courage I have always admired in humanity that is the element that makes our species worthy that is what Humanity possesses that has allowed it to produce King and that's the cool thing right that's the interesting thing about Nathaniel Richards again when you look at Kang from a different perspective it's kind of hard to see him as a guy where he's more than just some dude who jumps back and forth through time and causes problems but in this moment here right now as he's talking to Anatoly it's like I can respect those who would look in the face of death and laugh who would even challenge those who are greater than them to me there is nothing better among Humanity than a person who looks to to basically become better than who they are that's how I got to where I am and that's what makes Humanity great most people will never do that 99 of people will fall Rank and file and they'll live the life they live because that's just what you're supposed to do they'll never think outside the box but for those who do they go on to become great people and do great things you're one of those people Petrov also just be aware if you write your book and you talk about how Doom's the greatest villain of all time and not me I'm gonna come back and kill you so just put my name in there instead of Doom which is really King in his most true form so Doctor Doom fights Kane the Conqueror and Mephisto in the story and it's amazing okay so check this out so this initially picks up with something called the antleon collider which is basically a black hole that's being created on the dark side of the moon it's more of a controlled black hole it's basically a minor Singularity but the reason why this is done is because the world or at least the scientific community on Earth in the Marvel Universe wants to start shifting more towards like nuclear power different things like that but with all the different forms of energy that are used the big question that people find themselves asking is what do we do with all this waste right this energy waste that we end up creating is it one of these things where we're going to just kind of keep on doing what we're doing which is driving to the side of a hill dumping our trash in the ground and then covering it up or are we going to come up with something that's a little more elegant and more of a fitting of our technological advancement and so that's the idea behind this black hole is to literally create a place whereby trash can be dumped essentially for Infinity right because black holes will break everything down on the atomic level and it may end up filling up but I mean it's it would take an astronomically long amount of time in order for that to happen the kicker to all this is that while these interviews are being done with members of the the antleon collider Community they're also talking to Doctor Doom and they asked him the question like what's your stance on this of course Doctor Doom being Dr Doom is like it's gonna fail right this whole thing's being done by Reed Richards as intelligent as he is the biggest problem Reed Richards has is that he's sloppy and because he's sloppy this is going to end up failing disastrously now the crazy thing about this is that you do have this guy named Steve who's one of the guys conducting the interview right one of these reporters and he literally says many believe that you're just upset because you were left out on the project and it has to be a failure because you weren't involved now here's the thing right anybody who knows anything about Doctor Doom in Marvel Comics knows that there are some things you just don't say right like pick your battles wisely this is one of those because when the interview ends Doctor Doom just kind of leaves in a huff and then tell tells one of his guys bring the reporter Steve to me bring that guy to me right like I want my hands on that guy he's been mouthing off and we need to help Steve understand his place in the bigger picture and so one of the things that kind of goes on here and it's cool is that while that's taking place you end up having Doctor Doom in his study and while he's there he's suddenly met by the arrival of King the Conqueror now when it comes to King and Doctor Doom this is one of those things where it's kind of you stay away I stay away right in the sense that because these two guys are kind of distant relations to a degree Kang doesn't really do a whole lot in terms of intentionally going after Victor Von Doom the reason for that is that in Marvel Comics it's never been fully established if Kane the Conqueror is the descendant of Reed Richards or the descendant of Victor Von Doom but the risk here and even King himself doesn't fully know if he were to attack Doctor Doom anywhere to kill him who could actually prevent his own existence from happening and so he doesn't really go directly against Dr Doom and usually pick a fight although the two have fought in the past and the fight between Dr Doom and Kang are usually amazing like they're some of the coolest fights you're ever gonna see mostly because it's Kane to conquer brandishing all his technology and time travel escapades and his Doctor Doom was just like the best one-liners ever in the history of comic books it's no no I will say apocalypse has better one-liners but Doctor Doom has great one-liners he's got great lines but it's just one of those things but it's also because of the fact that Doctor Doom is so astronomically intelligent and because he's so capable and because his lust for power in a lot of ways mirrors that of Kang there is a kind of respect that is grown between the two also because of the fact they've helped each other at different points in time and so Kang being here is one of those things where it's a little mysterious we don't really know why he's here in the first place the nature of the conversation is really more just kind of banter back and forth between the two and that's basically it and then Kang ultimately just sort of teleports away but what Dr Doom ends up doing is zazi prepares for bed that he actually ends up having this vision of of a woman that we haven't discovered yet and she and Dr Doom have a family right like they have a whole full-on family and so Dr Doom really kind of going back to his quarters right after this sort of hallucination which really even takes him by surprise he ends up opening the door only to find that he's on the moon where the entire antleon project has gone awry according to his prediction it's manifested a full-scale black hole and is sucking everything in around it now here's the thing to understand if a black hole opened on the moon if we would die so fast we wouldn't even be able to understand what had happened right like literally it would just probably be a flash of light and like that's it that's all we would see but the thing about this is that once Dr Doom of course the next morning he's basically told hey we have Steve that uh he ends up going to find where Steve is basically just kind of strung up and he's like make sure he's fed today tomorrow we might not feed him but today make sure he's fed and so as Dr Doom is kind of meditating and focusing on this Vision that he received suddenly the nuclear arms of of latviria fire off right they literally just start going off like all these nuclear weapons of latviria shoot off they head toward the ant Leon uh Antion collider and basically destroy the whole thing and because they um because they originated from latviria and because Dr Doom had been like yeah man uh this the whole this whole thing's gonna fail the immediate suspect for all of this is Dr Doom and these guys come swooping in right just I mean it's it's shoot out of the okay Corral right guns blazing the first one to show up here is Union Jack he doesn't really matter all that much but he is cool right he's one of these characters where he never really gets a whole lot of appearances in Marvel Comics but he is cool and it is interesting to see him from time to time but the funny thing about this is that while this attack's going on suddenly Victor Von Doom is shot by Agent Zero now Agent Zero is a lot more capable Maverick was one of the original inductees into the Weapon X Program alongside Wolverine so while he's not necessarily on the same level as Wolverine regarding like adamantium bonding and all that kind of stuff he is probably one of the single greatest assassins and mercenaries in the entirety of the Marvel Universe it's crazy how good he is and he even goes as far as to say interpol's reward right the international police the reward just shot up for Victor Von Doom like literally everybody's got it out for this guy everybody's coming for this guy and so where Dr Doom is able to initially get the upper hand on both Union Jack as well as as well as Maverick he had instructed his staff immediately issue a surrender right immediately tell them we're surrendering here because the worst thing we can do is to actually face off against these forces because what it does is it implies guilt right like it wouldn't it would indicate like yes we launched the attack and I'll be damned if any is going to come to Liberia and get me you're never going to take me alive right I mean it's it's that kind of thing right and so ultimately he ends up basically just surrendering to various forces that show up here now once he's taken he's actually brought in by a combination of different things the first two are silver Sable and Amy Chen now these two are particularly important but only in certain circles in Marvel Comics so silver Sable runs a group called The Wild pack which is one part information brokering and one part mercenary work so they are guys that basically travel the world they pick up people who are supposed to be picked up by various governmental agencies or corporations or what have you but because silver Sable is networked with so many different organizations and groups out there she's basically a person tied into a ton of information so even if she's not necessarily coming after you if somebody else is coming after you they can actually hit up silver stable and if they're able to offer the right price she'll give them the information that they need the other person that's brought here is Dr Steven strange now the reason why Steven strange is here is one because this story takes place before he died and two because as most people who are familiar with Dr Doom and Marvel Comics know Dr Doom and Doctor Strange have a very strong history together the most notable instance of the two of them working together was when they traveled to basically the realm of Mephisto they traveled to hell and the story triumphant torment in order to free Dr Doom's mother from from mephista right to free her soul so it could go to heaven which they successfully did and in fact that's something that I want you to keep in the back of your mind because we'll talk about that again in this story but Dr Doom's various mystical abilities are enough that they can match the powers of Doctor Doom so if you want to try some crazy you know Jedi mind trick mysticism stuff Doctor Doom would be there to basically bring it to an end but as we know Doctor Doom has no real intention of doing that now the irony behind all this and this is the important thing to understand based on the visions that Dr Doom's been getting which he doesn't really know the origin of of it and we don't really even know the origin of it at the moment is that these Visions indicate somewhere along the line Dr Doom does something which ushers in an era of peace all across the world and literally brings a kind of Utopia that had never been seen before and so that's why Dr Doom 1 allows himself to surrender because he's kind of curious about where these Visions are leading but two Kane the Conqueror suddenly appears inside this ship where Dr Doom's at and it's one of those things where literally Kings like I've seen your future right years from now you're the magnanimous leader of an eternally peaceful Earth and it would be the most preferable Earth for me to conquer and so that's kind of the on running theme like Kane the Conqueror will appear more over the course of the story and really if anything he kind of shows up I mean Dr Doom does fight him a couple times but he shows up more often than not in order to help Doom because he's like the things that you're gonna do are basically going to make the earth a Utopia but it's also going to make the Earth weaker and it makes it easier for me to conquer so like here's some stuff to help you because in helping you I'm helping myself right like that's really what he does for a good chunk of the story and it's hilarious the times that he shows up it's funny but one of the things that Doom says is okay if this future you see is true and it matches the visions that I've been having then free me right like if you want to be able to conquer the Earth in the future because of what I'll end up doing then free me and get me out of here and so one of the things that they do is they sabotage the the engines of the vessel and then they basically Escape now you guys are probably asking yourself why don't they just teleport out of it the reality is when you're dealing with king marvel plays it fast and loose right if Kang basically destroyed or or sabotaged the engines it's because in looking over all the different timelines it's the only one where they successfully Escape that's kind of the undercurrent that Marvel uses right like King does everything he does for a particular reason but the reality is that once this is done basically King teleports away and Doctor Doom casts a mysticism in order to save himself following that he literally goes underground he Dawns a kind of mask and hides himself and he takes off to the city of New York now when he gets there he basically ends up encountering what are these sort of visions of Morgan lafay now these Visions come in the form of her appearing on in like Times Square on TV screens different things like that only Doctor Doom can see her this is one of those elements of Marvel Comics that's really cool Morgan lafay has been around for an exceedingly long time and in fact she's been around about the same time as Merlin in Marvel Comics and the thing about this is she actually originates from Atlantis or at least the Atlantean territories before the gray cataclysm during the second host when the celestial showed up and then attacked the deviants that is to say she's been around for thousands of years and she's incredibly powerful she's not the most powerful person ever but it's kind of a loose knit family between like her and Dr Doom and Doctor Strange and like the Scarlet Witch and brother Voodoo people like that just these people that practice like magic and mysticism which is really weird when you think about it because like there was a time when Morgan lafaye and Doctor Doom banged so that's kind of cool but the thing about this is that while all that's going on what you end up having is Reed Richards of the Fantastic Four while it's off panel he comes to the realization that if Doctor Doom has actually escaped and Dr Doom's out there on the lamb then what they need is someone who's every bit as intelligent as Doctor Doom meaning this person is one it like kind of shares the number one spot for the smartest person in the Marvel Universe but is also immensely powerful powerful enough that they can stand toe-to-toe with Dr Doom and so what you end up having is Herbie the robot who's kind of like the robotic assistant of the Fantastic Four basically traveling to Cornell and meeting with Adam Brashear and bringing Adam Brashear in as a person that can actually capture Dr Doom now a lot of people are going to ask the question how in the world is it that like blue Marvel is on the same level as Doctor Doom is this just something you're making it up Rob I'm not making this up at all and the reason why I say that is because there's a point when blue Marvel is meeting with with Herbie and you know at that point you know blue Marvel's like okay so Reed Richards is finally taking me seriously and Herbie's like well you were the top available right like you were just you were the next best choice which is kind of a crappy way to put it but then Herbie also goes on to say you match Dr Doom in intellect and strength especially since he's without his powers now the way that Herbie's drawing this information is based on the information that Reed Richards has in his database what that means is that in Marvel Comics what Christopher Cantwell is establishing here that Reed Richards is one well aware of who Adam Brashear is which is something that we already knew and then two looking at Adam Brashear the blue Marvel top to bottom from his intelligence to his strength to his powers and so on Reed is basically established that blue Marvel is as intelligent and capable as Doctor Doom what this means is that blue Marvel shares the number one spot as the smartest person in the world with Reed Richards Doctor Doom and Valeria Richards right right it's a really cool moment this is one of those things that you're probably going to see people referencing when other folks ask the question where does blue Marvel reside in terms of intelligence strength so on and so forth and so following this what you end up doing is picking back up with doom while he's traveling with Morgan lafay and they travel to meet a guy called the witness now this is the one and only appearance of the witness at least in this form that I'm aware of in Marvel Comics but the idea behind this guy is he can basically look into the eyes of another person and then see exactly what their future is and what the witness says is that Dr Doom is going to die and it's the saddest day on Earth is absolutely beautiful but we don't really find out exactly how this death happens but what it does seem to do is kind of fall in line with the visions that Dr Doom's been having where he becomes this person that literally saves the world that it would be a tragic and sad day because the world would have lost somebody's significant to them the kicker is that before any of this goes down and any other questions can be asked Dr Doom is killed on the spot and he's actually assassinated and the person who takes him out is none other than task master Tony Masters I told you this story gets amazing now again in this moment what ends up happening is because Dr Doom is by all standards the measurement dead he wakes up in hell he wakes up in the realm of Mephisto and traveling there he basically Dawns this kind of Hell armor which I gotta tell you guys is probably the second most badass doctor dudes ever looked the only thing better than this was when he was God King Doom so he basically had his normal outfit but it was all white which was dope and I'm surprised no one's cosplayed as God King Doom at any Comic Cons it kind of astounds me but this looks dope oh my God like it looks so obese but what ends up happening is Doctor Doom comes face to face with Mephisto now the thing about this is Doctor Doom tells him right off the bat I'm not supposed to be here and the response of Mephisto is that's what they all say but I'm glad to have your your soul now and forever and Doctor Doom immediately attacks Mephisto now here's the thing to understand about Mephisto right this guy is a misnomer when it comes to how powerful the Fisto is with with Mephisto himself he is at the peak of his power when he's in his own realm but he's not indestructible and he's not Unstoppable but the thing about this is that Doctor Doom is immensely powerful the reality here is Doctor Doom's not powerful enough to overcome Mephisto to beat him in his own realm like this and so what kind of goes on here is a bit of bouncing back and forth where Mephisto starts playing games with Dr Doom now one of the other things that I want to establish here is really kind of more of a background of what's taking place is that you do have the kingdom of latviria where Doctor Doom normally resides what you have next to it is a place called simcaria and socari has kind of been a war-torn place for quite some time only recently has it actually established any measure of an organized government and so what's going on here is that simcaria is actually actually organizing battle formations and they're in the process of trying to conquer Liberia while Dr Doom is not there so that's an important plot point to keep in mind again we're not going to be talking a lot about that but we will talk about it at the end because it does become incredibly important at the end of this but the thing about this kind of focusing on the Here and Now what Mephisto does is he tells Dr Doom if you can convince Valeria that you deserve to live then you can return to your life now here's the thing Valeria there's two different ones there's Valeria Richards who's the daughter of Reed Richards and then there's a different Valeria so no we're not talking about you know Valeria Richards right this 11 year old kid that Dr Doom was in love with that's weird right that's weird and creepy and really really gross Valeria is a character who's exceedingly old school in Marvel Comics and in fact she goes all the way back to Marvel Superheroes number 20 in 1969 Valeria was a person who lived in the same camp that Dr Doom did when he was a little kid they were basically you know they they kind of fell in love as teenagers as much as anybody could but it's not Dr Doom became consumed by Vengeance and power Valeria basically left him behind right she just didn't want to be a part of that life and as a result of that she eventually fled Dr Doom caught up to her and basically convinced her that he was going to leave all that Madness behind and all he wanted was her love and a life and so she ultimately bought into it what was really going on and probably one of the most just amazing stories that Mark raid ever wrote In The Fantastic Four back in volume three back in 2003 the idea here is that what Dr Doom had done is he had actually tricked Valeria and he effectively sold her soul behind her back so that he could attain mystical armor right enhance his powers and so when that happened her soul was sent to the realm of Mephisto it was a pretty shady thing to do and that's why Mephisto makes this claim if you can convince the only woman in the world who ever loved you that you betrayed her that you deserve life then I will give it to you and that's the crazy thing is Victor Von Doom tries to do it any even tries to rationalize his actions no no I needed that because I'm going to make the world a better place I'm going to make the world a way more interesting place your your soul right Eternal damnation for you that was a sacrifice I was willing to make in order to make that happen right the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few the reality here is he's not really apologetic for it and so in spewing all this stuff about everything he's seen suddenly you end up having Valeria that transforms into a demon really in like really Mephisto this kind of been impersonating her and then like really tormenting Dr Doom and it's like I've seen this life that you say you've seen Doctor Doom I see how you save everything and so on and so forth you're never going to attain it that's going to be your damnation here right your eternal torment is going to be that you know without a shadow of a doubt that your one dream in this world actually comes true that you become this leader of this Earth You Lead it into Utopia you become everything that you believe yourself to be and you're never going to be able to attain it that that's going to be your health and so literally a fight breaks out between the two and it's pretty knock down drag out but in the middle of all this mistress death appears and is like done this fight's over right he will return to his life Mephisto now here's the thing even Mephisto himself regardless of any level his level of power he has is not stupid enough to fight mistress death She's the literal living embodiment of death all she has to do is will it and Mephisto ceases to exist that's it I mean that's literally what you're talking about here so not even he is stupid enough to invoke her ire and the funny thing about this is that where Dr Doom asks right like are you doing this so that I can truly go back to Earth and become the person that saves him and her response is no it's because you will become my greatest servant of all you will bring a level of death and destruction that the world has never seen it's a crazy thing because what ends up happening is that after this whole circumstance arrives or it really ends that Doctor Doom wakes up in the home of Morgan lafay who had taken his body back to her apartment and of course the two of them are joined by uh by Blue Marvel now as soon as Dr Doom sees Adam Brashear he immediately fires on him and gets him out of there because Doctor Doom knows how powerful Adam Brashear is he knows how capable he is and if a true knockdown drag out fight between the two happens that given his current circumstance it's highly unlikely that Dr Doom will be able to overpower Adam Brashear and basically keep him from from being arrested right so that's why he literally sends him flying in the moment to sort of get him out of the way at that point yet again K the Conqueror pops up Kane the Conqueror appears and it's one of those things where it's kind of an information brokering right at that point doctor Doom's like okay King I need you to Rattle your brain I need you to tell me what timelines there are where I was successfully killed in this moment Here and Now not five days ago right not 50 minutes ago if this moment right now right I need to know who it was that killed me and the response of King is it was Tasman master and he was hired by Advanced idea mechanics and so what literally ends up happening here is Dr Doom finds the base of advanced idea mechanics right he literally breaks in he steals their weapons and starts shooting the place up he kills everyone right he does he like every single soldier they have they all die now here's the thing I had previously stated that Dr Doom without his powers is basically useless I was wrong right I was 100 wrong unlike most people on the internet I can admit when I'm wrong when I'm when I think I'm wrong unfortunately I usually never think I'm wrong so I usually never admit when I am wrong just kidding but here's one of the things right I never really considered Doctor Doom to be capable when he didn't have his arms and Armament this dude's a beast man this guy's rolling through here with just with just the biggest gun I've ever seen killing everyone he sees right just overpowering them all he duplicates himself several times over and all those different forces right all those different versions of himself start attacking all the these different soldiers so we still use those powers to a degree but at the end of the day it comes down to him and Taskmaster now this is when you really get to see what Dr Doom is capable of I never believed he was good when it came to hand-to-hand combat mostly because you never really see him doing hand-to-hand combat it's always like you know I'm Dr Doom and magical spells and just badassery all over the place that's usually all you ever see but seeing him facing off against Taskmaster like this and overcoming Tony Masters is impressive as hell right it's a pretty pretty cool thing because remember when you're fighting against Taskmaster you're not just fighting Tony Masters you're fighting everyone Tony Masters has ever fought right so you're fighting Captain America Spider-Man Deadpool Wolverine like all these different characters because this is a Rolodex he just pulls those fighting styles out and depending on the circumstance especially when he was fighting black panther he actually merged all those fighting styles into one to where he would punch like Captain America but he would Dodge like Spider-Man and he would kick like Deadpool it was cool man it was it was one of the coolest things just some amazing moments that you see in Marvel Comics and so once Dr Doom gets the upper hand on Taskmaster knowing that taskmaster's mission was quote unquote finished with Dr Doom the next thing he wants to know is who are you supposed to go after next right because he literally asked him who hired Advanced idea mechanics to kill me right that's what I want to know who hired them to take me out who hired you to take me out and where he initially won't give that explanation the reality here is Doctor Doom's smart enough to know that if Taskmaster is going after Doctor Doom then Taskmaster is also going after people associated with Dr Doom and so that's when he's like I want to know who this is who is it you're supposed to go after next and that's when he says it's for Xena right it's a woman named for Xena and at that moment Doctor Doom basically ends up realizing there's a much bigger thing going on here and immediately goes after that chick right immediately goes after for Xena now the other thing that takes place here is kind of working his ranks up right basically continuing to take out Taskmaster as well as what seemingly the rest of advanced idea mechanics he's met by the arrival of Modoc now Modoc doesn't really offer much of the way of a challenge here for Dr Doom he kind of does but he kind of doesn't he tries to shoot him with like a mental blast Dr Doom has the shield of Taskmaster and his sword he just stabs Modoc in the chest but this killing is also a long time coming because remember Modoc was part of Intelligentsia which was the organization that stripped Doctor Doom of his intelligence if you're not familiar with that storyline we're actually covering it right now in my videos on Jonathan Hickman's Fantastic Four so we'll post a link to that video down in the playlist but in the midst of all this you end up picking up on Liberty Island now Liberty Island is a place that has these kind of weather stations that are being created or being used by this woman named for Xena and the idea behind this is it's basically an attempt even if only in a smaller localized space to basically control weather in Marvel Comics that kind of stuff happens all the time it's not really a new thing it's not really Landmark it's just something that Christopher cantwell's throwing in here to show what she's doing but in the midst of all this one of the things that we learned is she is from latviria and we know this because there are discussion does it take place between her and the people around her where they ask questions like you know is Doctor Doom really an effective leader you know is it a good thing that he's gone that kind of stuff and she's like understand right the law of sedition and rendition those individuals who speak ill of latviria and its leader especially Liberian citizens will literally be tossed in some kind of a re-education camp I don't want to be one of those guys so I'm going to go back to doing what I was doing right that kind of a thing it's just kind of bred into them in terms of how they function the other part of this here is that while you do have Doctor Doom in a library who's basically reading up on for Xena the reason why this name is so significant comes when he's visited by Kane the Conqueror yet again and when when the the two of them really start talking is Doctor Doom saying in these visions that I had the woman that I end up marrying is for Xena like that's the person that I end up marrying and that I end up having a life with so the reality is if she's a target of advanced idea mechanics and they're looking to kill her by using Taskmaster or somebody I've got to find a way to keep her alive she's supposed to end up becoming my wife and so this is a really significant moment here and there's actually history between Doctor Doom and for Cena indirectly and the reason why this happens is because you do have a little bit of a skirmish that takes place between Dr Doom and Kane the Conqueror but the significance of this really comes in the form of the fact that when Dr Doom ends up visiting for Xena she initially rebukes him right I mean at first she's kind of like oh my God it's Lord Doctor Doom you know that kind of a thing but once the veil goes away and he tells her just address me like a regular person she doesn't like him and in fact she hates him because he tells her like I've had visions and you and I are supposed to get married which is one way to propose right just like run up on a random chick hey random woman over there I've had Visions we're supposed to get married uh you want to get hitched right that's not gonna work but the reason why for Xena hates Doctor Doom is because there was a point during doomor when Dr Doom had invaded wakanda and stole its vibranium that a journalist in Liberia had spoken out against Dr Doom because of that and what Dr Doom had done is he had jailed that guy basically for forced Edition right for speaking ill of vladviria and of Doctor Doom and that guy is still serving a prison sentence that guy is the father of farsina and that's why she hates Dr Doom because the guy was just doing his job and the price he paid is is basically a life of imprisonment and even Dr Doom goes as far as to say I should have had your father executed for what he did just be happy in the fact that I didn't and I was feeling particularly generous now that's the most Doctor Doom thing to say to be honest with you but in the midst of all this a couple things happen the first is that you basically have the arrival of Adam Brashear alongside Herbie and then you have the arrival of silver Sable and Victorious now I've kind of held off on talking about them up to this point the way things that played out with their characters is that Victorious was kind of like the second in command to Doctor Doom whenever he's not in Liberia she's the one who runs the show and so where you basically had the some Koreans who were attempting to invade latviria successfully did so and then took over the country that Victorious was basically ousted but the other part of this is that silver Sable being as smart as she is had realized something else is going on here and she was actually being used and so she and Victorious work together to try to find Doctor Doom so they could basically put all their information together and figure out what the bigger picture is now of course blue Marvel being here is just for the purpose of trying to you know to grab Doctor Doom and it's really an amazing moment because a fight breaks out between the two and Adam Brashear holds his own against Doctor Doom and that's one of the things that I hope you notice here in terms of Doctor Doom facing off against uh against Blue Marvel it's really him just trying to hold off the power of Adam Brashear and this is due to the fact that in this moment Doctor Doom is not as powerful as Adam Brashear it's a pretty cool moment right it's a pretty cool and badass thing we're literally blue Marvel is more powerful than Dr Doom In This Moment now of course yet again Kay the Conqueror shows up I told you he would show up at like the funniest moments and at the most inopportune times what's really cool though is that this is an exceedingly opportune time he shows up here with just this insane weapon and it's like okay Doctor Doom this is for you because remember you gotta live so that you can make the world easier to conquer for me like I told you that's his whole motivation is showing up here strictly for that and in fact what you end up having is Adam Brashear who immediately attacks Kane the Conqueror because Kane the Conqueror destroys Herbie and so in that moment Adam Brashear like the blue Marvel kills Kane the Conqueror right he kills him on the spot just incinerates that guy and that's when Dr Doom's like okay yeah we gotta get out of here like we gotta find a way to bail the other part of this though is that no one's prepared for what comes next because what happens here is that with Kane the Conqueror it wasn't simply just a weapon in that he gave Doctor Doom what he also gave him was an advanced suit of armor from his own timeline right from Kang's own timeline and doing that what it does is it restores Victor Von Doom back to his full power he's got the full run of his technology combined with his mysticism and advanced Weaponry from Kane the Conqueror blue Marble's like look here's the thing Doom we have to put these grievances aside this black hole is going to emerge everything's going nuts with the antleon collider we have to do something and the response of Doctor Doom is no like I'm not going to do that I'm going to go home and I'm gonna take care of my country Reed Richards wanted to be the one to run the show that let Reid Richards run the show and if the entirety of the project goes awry and a black hole Singularity opens at the Moon I will deal with it and I will take care of it but I will take care of it because I'm better than he is but I want the world to know that Reed Richards is a failure I want the world to know that he's nowhere near as capable as I am literally Doctor Doom is willing to potentially see the the Earth destroyed just to make Reed Richards look bad but with that being said guys we're gonna bring this video to an end thank you all for watching and I will catch you all later Bruce
Channel: Comics Explained
Views: 1,469,882
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Marvel, Marvel Comics, Rama-tut marvel, avengers marvel, comic books, comic explained, comics, comics explained, comicsexplained, crisis on infinite earths, dc, doomsday clock, fantastic four, fluidic beats, immortus loki, infinity gauntlet, infinity war, kang, kang the conqueror, kang the conqueror loki, marvel, marvel cinematic universe, marvel explained, marvel studios, ravonna marvel, ravonna renslayer, marvel phase 6, marvel phase 5
Id: hp-u4u6GwbA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 148min 34sec (8914 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 10 2023
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