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you don't know the the heart the heart I I have beating in my [Music] CH hey welcome back to screen Crush I'm Ryan Ary and this is all of the Easter eggs references and little things you might have missed in season 2 episode 3 of Loki and guys I think this episode revealed everything why he who remains founded the TVA why he wanted to die and this showed us once and for all the origin of Kang the Conqueror now I'm going to explain how in just a bit and first I want to thank each and every one of you for watching us and supporting our merch store where we design the shirts ourselves in honor of Loki we have merch like Doug is Loki the Mis minutes Dolly clock the usual variant lineup shirt with history's worst offending Time Travelers the variant hoodie with our logo and this new one the extra creepy Miss minutes let me be your girl pinup shirt now shopping our merch store is the best way for you to support our Channel thank all of you for watching and let's break this baby down Natalie Holt's brilliant score begins this episode with a rag timey era rendition of the Marvel Studios theme oh and in the first episode I said that secret invasion was not in the new intro but it is Fury is right here and then we go to some poor tenament housing just west of Chicago in 1868 now notice that when Ren Slayer arrives she is at the sacred timeline that is a very important detail that you'll need to remember for later on so I feel like I should give a small bit of background on who Ren Slayer is both in the comics and to catch you up on the show don't worry this will be brief in the comics raona Rin Slayer is a princess from the far future Kang falls in love with her but she dies tragically in his arms but he kept her in a state of suspended animation to revive her later and years later she was revived while Kang was presumed dead look they just keep missing each other in fact that Dynamic defines their relationship they can never be together there's actually a brilliant comic where Kang sends his younger self back in time so he can create the events that will turn him into Kang the Conqueror so in prehistoric times young Kang met Rona and loses her and then in different timelines he keeps meeting reincarnation of her and they always die or leave him this is because it turned out that in the future Kang had sent her temporal Aura back through history to try and create one version of her just one that could be with Kang so this thematically ties in so well with the TVA and with Loki Loki is a character who is always destined to repeat the same actions in mythology Loki stories always repeat in Loops he causes Ragnarok which causes The Rebirth of Asgard which causes Ragnarok you get the idea that sort of thing is called an Ora Boris an endless loop of events that caus themselves to happen in scientific terms it's called retro causality yes science now we have theorized before that this season is a giant Ora Boris Loop and that we've already seen the end of the season in the first episode but now I'm convinced that it goes even deeper than that and that Kang himself is in an Ora Boris Loop that I'm going to talk about at the end of the video I am so into this season of Loki because I love time travel stories and last season was great but it wasn't really like a time travel story in the traditional sense because like every time somebody went back in time and changed an event they just prune that timeline but now because we're dealing with he who remains in his temp pad we are getting to see real cause and effect time travel liking Back to the Future and I think that we'll look back on these two seasons and see them both as a kind of Ora Boris Loop that Kang set up just to ensure his own Survival kind of like John Connor and Terminator hey what are you even talking about I've never heard of any of these movies you've never seen Back to the Future No Terminator uh-uh T2 what is that like a vitamin no dude D dude you're in a video store but why 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now when the timekeepers are revealed to be robots it did not shake her religious Faith she had a very pragmatic response whoever created this place is in danger I need to find them so season 1 ends with mis minutes acting on orders from he who remains to deliver data to ravona Ren Slayer that will set her on a path in this episode a path she thinks is to help a variant of he who remains so she has brought a TVA manual with her and just flagging here that they are putting a lot of emphasis on this manual during the season OB gives Exposition about it it's a detailed index of every mechanical classification and maintenance routine in each sector on each device and inside every computer program with a TVA Casey kind of freaks out about it you R the TVA guide book you've read it read it I practically memorized it and it's even featured in the end credits and now we see that the manual is the key it is the gray Sports Almanac of the MCU what's that it was the book dude the book in Back to the Future to that Marty McFly took into the past that allowed Biff Tannon to create a timeline where the villain won so the same thing is happening here this manual going to the Past sets up a chain of events that will shape the Multiverse Saga and create Kang the Conqueror which again I'm going to talk about why this is the most important moment in the Multiverse Saga a little later in the video yeah my boy can micro hook I sure can man thank you Miss minutes explains it was his plan meant to protect all of time so one way to look at this is that all of this could be a safeguard that he who remains put in place in case he died like sending this manual to this timeline is a way of getting a variant of himself who can fix the loom and save the TVA to blend in better Miss minutes makes herself black and white even changing the look of her eyes to look like an old timey Warner Brothers boss go short and then we see a young variant of Kang what's H there in there well it's actually very interesting he is pouring wax into cylinders to create candles but what's cool about this is that candles also used to be alarm clocks you would put a nail into the candle and when it burned to a certain point the nail would fall and wake you up so even at this young age Victor time family had already had a propensity toward working with instruments of time and then we go from Young Victor to the control screen that only he can access and there's a few interesting details here first notice that the machine is called a Perpetual sequencer now Perpetual means going on and on forever without stopping I mean the thing is though nothing is Perpetual everything eventually falls into Decay this inevitable decline toward chaos is called entropy and later when Victor timely introduces his device he says that it can reverse the effects of entropy in other words it is a Perpetual machine like the temporal loon but a Perpetual machine also powers itself and here's the thing I really do think that this season is going to be about how the destruction of the TVA created the birth of the TVA like the Norse Ragnarok that I talked about a little bit ago the end creates the beginning which means that it never ends so the TVA like Asgardian myth is Perpetual also notice that there is a box at the bottom that reads A1 with these other numbered sequences leading off from it last episode we saw the ronus temp pad was called called time entity 221a the TVA workers would assign these designations a because the TVA itself is designated A1 or the beginning and center of all things in the Stream of time then later we see on this same display that ravona is in a branching timeline that is designated X like the X-Men no buddy I I doubt it but whatever sure X-Men are in the timeline oh and when are we getting the X-Men but like here's a real detail Loki and Mobius arrive and did you notice this any ma figure arises from here Loki says this right when they arrive at the window where Victor timely lived as a child he was probably inside reading the TVA manual at that very moment and then they arrive at the Chicago World's Fair in 1893 now world's fairs were these events held in cities every year across the planet that were supposed to Showcase culture and emerging technology from around the world the Stark Expo in Iron Man 2 was at the site of the New York Worlds Fair from 1964 and this fair is interesting for a few reasons Mobius calls it the White City because they covered the buildings in this white material and the fair was also held for the celebration of the 400th anniversary of Columbus accidentally finding America notice there's buildings around that house exhibitions from all over the world from Asia the middle east Europe and in the middle in the distance you can see a statue of the Colossus of the Republic or the golden lady also note that this is a branched timeline and no longer the sacred timeline that's going to be important for later but mobus also name drops a couple of important names here Edison HH Holmes now both of these men are similar to he who remains in some way HH Holmes is a serial killer and a con man like how Kang is a serial killer and like he who remains con variant into believing in the timekeepers and Edison is obviously Thomas Edison the famous inventor who has been accused of historians by stealing patents and ideas from others and his assistants similar to how Victor timley got his ideas from the TVA guide book but claims that they all came from him this fair was also a major exhibition of electricity with Edison and George Westinghouse Vine for the right to power the event there's actually a pretty pretty good movie about that with Benedict Cumberbatch called the current War anyways this is why so many of these people including the guy who is credited as Robert Baron very cute it's why they're vying to own the latest electrical machines and throughout the fair notice these small attentions to detail like this woman who's wearing a votes for women [Music] sashad and how the ghost clock newspaper headline is actually an artist rendering of Miss minutes and also the posters we see throughout the episode are from the same World's Fair then as Mobius and Loki ENT the fair we get this Iris lens closing shot which in the old days was actually accomplished by closing the iris on a lens to signify usually the end of a movie kind of weird they did it here and then they just cut back to Mobius but I guess it does show a passage of time this is also the kind of in camera effect that actually existed in 1893 one year after the kinetoscope was invented Mobius forces Loki to go to a crackerjack booth and Cracker Jacks made their first debut at this exact World's Fair Loki says tastes like and remember last season he told us that as Guardians don't really have much in the way of candy you have candy on ascard yeah grapes Nots I wonder you're so better now most of the flags in the Pavilion are standard European flags but this one is a huge Easter egg that leads to a certain lavian Monarch this is your mom in the Norway Pavilion they take a moment to look at statues of Odin Thor and balder why they include Baler one even heard of him actually balder was one of Thor's other brothers in mythology and he was his best friend in the comics the statue is actually an accurate depiction of his look in the comics also balder the bra was nearly in Thor 1 2 and 3 they were concept art for all three of those movies and he was very nearly in the Multiverse of Madness as a member of the Illuminati and as you can see from this concept art he was going to be played by Daniel Craig before he backed out moments like this are important because it reminds us that Loki still has a lot of unresolved issues with his brother and father he may want to save lives but he's still the Forgotten adopted son that wants to prove himself now how that plays out down the line is going to be very exciting the sign for entertainment in the German beer hul also mentions a Ferdinand Lang maybe an ancestor of Scot Lang it's all connected right guys and then we get to the main event the introduction of Victor timley AKA a variant of he who remains I got a theory about this guy that I'm going to talk about later which really explains how the Multiverse Saga is going to end and I just think this introduction is perfect so in the comics Victor timley is not a variant of Kang the Conqueror he is Kang the Conqueror after the Avengers defeated him he decides to time travel back to the early 20th century and pose as an inventor named Victor timley and the name itself is an Easter egg because Marvel Comics were originally called timely Comics he then founded the town of timely Wisconsin and the MCU version of Victor makes his home in Wisconsin as well now Victor timley went on to have a huge influence on the creation of superheroes in the comics his lab assistant was Phineas Horton who created the original Android Human Torch in the comics and we actually saw Horton's prototype in the MCU at the World's Fair exhibition in First Avenger the thing is though guys in the comics Horton got this Tech from Kang so Kang ended up creating the first Marvel superhero creating a kind of Ora Boris Loop where his defeat at the hands of superheroes led to him helping to create superheroes and we are seeing something similar play out here which I'll talk about a bit later on and then we get the scene from the Ant-Man Quantum Mania post credits and like just look at the fear on Loki's face the only time I remember seeing Loki this afraid was when the Hulk showed up in Ragnarok I have to get off this planet funny enough though that was actually not the original post-credit scene for Ant-Man 3 the original ending would have seen Scott and hope trapped in the quantum realm and then and the post credits Cassie was going to look for them and stumble across a program for the Young Avengers protocol wow that is that's like way better I know but apparently they didn't want to end two straight movies with people stuck in the quantum realm so Victor timley has made a baby temporal Loom but in the middle of his con job he utters a line that would actually come to Define all Kang variants he's talking about time and says we can shape it now this has always been Kang's goal in the comics to become the master of time one thing we see in this scene that is pretty rare in the MCU is oldfashioned period racism the Heckler calls him boy a very derogatory insult that people would use against grown black men and notice how that when he reveals himself it there is a gasp probably because they did not expect to see a black man on a stage making a presentation of an invention even this moment more than you might think is a black guy challenging the intelligence of a white man and the crowd at this time that is shocking he says that the loom takes electricity and and Gathering it into fine threads of power and this is essentially how he who remains created the sacred timeline by taking a few timelines and weaving them together into one concentrated Multiverse like the strands of a rope he says laugh it off as pure science fiction and in the normal timeline the term science fiction wasn't coined until the 1920s although this decade did see the publication of War of the Worlds and The Time Machine novels that were partially inspired by symposiums of scientific discovery like this one after the presentation ravona introduces herself and noticed that he is immediately taken with her laying the foundation for their romantic connection that they have in the comics but K can never truly share power like he tells this guy I don't do Partners Loki bumps into this guy who is either Dr just like Abraham Lincoln for the fair or this kind of thing is just a style at the time now I loved how when Loki makes him disappear though he does it in a way that is keeping with the period using flash pods and smoke bombs like a magician would later outside we see that he swap places with an Alpine hog that we saw earlier cuz he is a husky man exactly outside we find out that timley was actually grunning a con which actually makes Loki like him more you're a confidence trickster what's that mean well the term con man is actually short for confidence man somebody who gains your trust then takes your money wait what was that what that b-roll what was that sting yeah script says sting b-roll no shoot that should say the stink Boll can we take that back to it [Music] again well the term con man is actually short for confidence man someone who gains your trust and then takes your money now this is all great because in the comics Victor timley was essentially a con game being run by Kang the Conqueror he used this identity to hide in the 20th century for years undetected posing as his son and grandson and putting back doors in superhero cybernetics that he could exploit years in the future now during the ensuing foot chase Victor hides out in an Egyptian temple fitting since Kang's first time traveling trip took him to Egypt where he became the Pharaoh ramut saw variant of this guy in the quantum Mania post credit scene and then they enter a ferris wheel another kind of Ora Boris Loop where it constantly moves round and around always ending up where it started remember when he who remains was in the Loki finale he basically said that they were we're in a Time Loop kill me and destroy all this and you don't just have one dble you have an infinite amount he even told Sylvie as if he or variants of him had seen her before in his past Sylvia and Loki fight over killing a Kang variant repeating their confrontation in the finale of season 1 I also want to point out that this Ferris wheel seems like an homage to the brilliant Carol Reed movie the third man which also connects a ferris wheel to the metaphor of a Time piece in that film Wells has an iconic monologue where he talks about how human Innovation requires war and suffering to push Humanity forward but in Switzerland they had Brotherly Love they had 500 years of democracy and peace and what did that produce the cuckoo clock also in that scene he draws in the condensation similar to Mobius drawing in dust in episode one now that scene in the third man is also about two former allies who are debating the moral philosophy of the post-war world just like how Loki and Sylvie are having their own moral argument about killing Victor the thief of all free will this push and pull between Free Will and determinism Define season 1 so everything is written there's no such thing as free will well I mean you know it's an oversimplification and I think this season is going to show that in the MCU there has never been free will afterwards Miss minute turns into a Kaiju ghost looks a lot like the ghost in the game Pac-Man Another World's Fair Easter egg because this game actually debuted at this World's Fair wow is that true no then mobia shows up with a tandem bike and Loki refuses to get on and I think this is just a small bit of foreshadowing that this season will end with Loki and Mobius riding a jet ski Victor's Hideout is the same room where he made candles as a child appropriate that raona first made contact with him by pushing the manual through a window and now they leave together by exiting through that same window raona T through the bathroom window he calls Miss menet marless just like a variant of him will'll call ravona quite tomor and then she went on to describe herself I am a fully conscious and sentient artificial intelligence and and this really connects some dots for me remember in season one when she explained herself to Loki are you recording or are you alive uh sort of both see now that kind of makes sense now look guys there's a lot of crucial reveals in this scene about Victor and Miss minutes that all prove the theory that I'm going to talk about later on so if it seems like sometimes I skip over some Easter eggs it's not because I miss them it's because I'm just saving a few things for later now when raona talks about Loki she says he switches sides it's a Well documented behavioral trait which refers to how Loki went back and forth betraying his brother and Thor of the Dark World Ragnarok and his multiple double crosses on Mobius in season 1 the three of them Bor the SS Heron probably named after Kate Heron who directed every episode of Loki season 1 and became the central creative Force after Michael Waldren left to right Dr Strange this is a cool tribute because for six episodes she steered the ship of the show then they go to Victor's lab which has a couple very cool Easter eggs there are of course the clocks on the wall showing his obsession with measuring and keeping time the drawing on the chalkboard looks like some kind of temporal portal or Rift it could also even be an early concept of a black hole which Loki season 1 showed us were gateways into the Multiverse but actually black holes were not discovered until 1964 which is so wild really yeah it was that late it's crazy right also check out the designs of these ceiling buttresses they look exactly like the circular pattern of the windows and he who remains Palace and then Victor unveils his Masterpiece the culmination of my life's work what's that well I think that is a crude prototype version of Kang's probability drive that we saw in Quantum Mania the device that not only allows him to travel through time but also through space and across the Multiverse and then we get to the best stuff in this episode Miss minutes gets creepy why didn't you allow me a real body and by the way this scene inspired us to make this parody pinup shirt with Miss menet asking if she can be your girl she tells him so you gave me autonomy to write my own program and here is where I think that we all need to understand this is what an actual AI would do like it would make choices based on its own decision to improve or rewrite itself the kind of AI that everybody's freaking out about is not actual artificial intelligence it is a very sophisticated search engine and language model but still our society's AI phobia makes her crush on Victor even creepier your girl like I love I just I love this scene so much I love how weird it is how over the top I love seeing Marvel make weird choices that pay off Miss minutes ends up making the same mistake as raona saying that if I had a body we could be together just like how raona suggested a partnership oh okay can I I got a joke okay so look so there's this two muffins not now Doug we're doing a breakdown and then raona shows up with a steampunk prototype pruning Rod pretty incredible that he could build one of those things from the TVA guide book designs but he doesn't even seem to know what it does that it sends people to the end of time kind of similar to another big gun in the MCU started working on the Prototype after you sent the Destroyer even I don't know what it does so that's what it does mobus storms in saying I mean is this the Free Will that you were looking for because remember her last words to him that she was going to go off and find the guy in charge in other words in search of free will then she and Mobius have a heated argument about Free Will chaos and Destiny similar to the conversation that Loki and Sylvie just had in the last episode it's going to happen is it really because that sounds a lot like the future's already been written and we both know that it hasn't not any more except Loki and raona were the ones advocating for control while Mobius and Sylvie were advocating just a bit of chaos raona says I'm the only one who can bring stability to the TVA because that's what I've been doing thanklessly for eons and in the comics she did something similar when Kang was presumed dead or in suspended animation I can't remember which one she actually ran his Capital City chronopoulos while posing as him similar to how MCU Rona ran the TVA while she served fake rulers the timekeepers Sylvie finds them ready to kill vict but he ultimately sways her I can make my own choices I'm not the man you think I am when Sylvie looks at him here I think that what she sees is another variant like herself someone who was misjudged for a crime that they didn't even know that they had committed and then her own words kind of take on a double meaning friend Slayer set him on a path that he wasn't meant for it's a really nice scene really good piece of writing and then Sylvie finally has a chance to get her revenge on raona for arresting her when she was a child but raona has learned a valuable lesson when you hate someone you carry that hate with you forgiveness is the gift you give yourself so she opts for a little Poetic Justice giving ravona a seat at the end of time next to the rotting corpse of he who remains she brings back Miss minutes who teases us with this spicy detail it was foolish of him to make an enemy out of someone who knows all his Secrets I know really big one I can tell you but it's going to make you real angry I want to hear your theories on what that secret is down in the comments but first let's get to that big theory of mine finally you've been micro hooking this thing all the way through the video right so here's the theory Victor timley is not a variant of he who remains he is he who remains we just watched the origin of how Kang the Conqueror was born okay so what's the big deal the big deal is in this detail when Rona drops off the book she's on the sacred timeline but 30 years later we see that it is now a branched timeline her dropping off the book is the Nexus event that creates this new timeline and I think that every variant of Kang was created starting at this point on this Branch timeline this is wild in other words Kang was never supposed to exist and as long as there was a TVA policing the sacred timeline he could never exist the Minutemen would have shown up after Rona dropped off the book to prune the entire timeline so he who remains had to die to create all this chaos and branching timelines we're all going to die so then the TVA would allow this timeline to Branch this Branch created him and all the other Kang variants that Branch off of him no no no he who remains said there is a scientist in the future he lied this guy is an absolute con artist who fooled like thousands or millions of variants into believing that animatronics were Immortal gods and this is exactly what Victor timley does in this episode look let me explain all of the clues that I glossed over throughout the video [Music] first let's look at all the ways that Victor timley is exactly like he who remains in King the Conqueror Because by the way I totally think that the Kang from Quantum Mania is like the in betweene person here Victor becomes Kang and then Kang becomes like he who remains and that is why Kang the Conqueror actually shows Janet the sacred timeline in Ant-Man and the WASP Quantum Mania okay for instance there's things like the scene in the ferris wheel when Loki holds Victor in place with telekinesis just like Kang will do years and years later but this is where he learns that trick from Loki and during his presentation he touts that the temporal Loom can bring order out of chaos exactly what he who remains created the temporal Loom to do and exactly what Kang the Conqueror told Janet he was trying to do I saw their chaos spreading across realities like I mentioned before Victor is a con man and so is he who remains Miss minut says you're pretty singular yourself at least you will be because eventually this guy will become the last variant of himself that is still alive the buttresses in his lab look like the windows in his Palace windows that also mimic the swirling light of a black hole symbolizing interestes to the Multiverse his lab is also filled with faceless mannequins that bear a striking resemblance to Kang soldiers in Quantum Mania now there's also the chalkboard film with formulas just like the one that heu remains had in his Palace now last season we pointed out that his Palace was repaired with gold to fill in the cracks this is a Japanese practice called kugi and it's meant to take something broken and make it more valuable but here we see the palace falling apart which makes me believe that this has all happened before this is not the first time the palace has fallen apart after timeline started to split up he who remains even told Sylvie that this would happen you plunge your blade in my chest and an infinite amount of me start another multiversal war and I just end up right back here anyways in fact his interest in eastern art is kind of prevalent in this episode when we see these Chinese characters in his Hideout also on a pillar of gold now there are other dialogue hens throughout the episode he says it's like the story of my of myself that I always imagined because he who remains was the one who imagined the story for his past SL future self he also says that the guide book was delivered to his home by a Divine hand his own hand because he who remains ruled all of time and only Kang would ever refer to himself as [Music] Divine plus all of this kind of happens in the comics Kang creates himself by sending his younger self into the past so his younger self can grow up to be Kang the Conqueror so one day he can send his younger self back into the past and it's a big loop like that we've been here before we're going in circles King's existence is an orborous Loop just like the one we're seeing in this show also Sylvia and Loki are fighting for his life at the beginning of his path just like they fight about killing him at the end of his life so when he told her it's because he remembered meeting her for the first time on a ferris wheel which is yet another ever repeating Loop and even if he does manage to escape by slipping out one side of the maze what happens he comes right back in the other side it's aing nightmare World think about what this means he who remains had to create a branching timeline to ensure his own future but creating this branching timeline created the Multiverse of war and all the other Kang variants so he had to abruptly stop the timeline from branching thereby wiping out all of his variants now this also would have destroyed his own timeline this means that he should not exist Kang should have been pruned when that happened to make sure he wasn't pruned he hid outside of time at the end of the universe where all the other relics from pruned universes go so he who remains can actually never leave his Palace if he did he would probably ceas to exist no wonder this guy seemed to long for death the only hope is the sweet relief of death but I also think that this episode foreshadowed how this season is going to end potential spoilers are ahead I think I'm going to be right about a lot of this like I thought it was strange that they chose to show the three of them hiding out in a Lifeboat and then it occurred to me that the palace at the end of time is essentially a Lifeboat for he who remains Miss minut also points out that when he created her she was just some AI for him to play chess with and then he gave her autonomy so she could grow and evolve I think that Rona Ren Slayer and Kang probably will fall in love but he won't be able to trust her because she is so power hungry and I think this season's going to end with Victor or future Victor saving the TVA by hard rebooting it this includes a reboot of Mis minutes wiping everybody's memories and undoing all of the late additions like the statues of the timekeepers the TVA will be just as it was when Kang or the Council of kangs ruled over it this will also necessitate Mis minutes kind of starting from scratch so when she talks about when you first built me I was a simple AI to play chess with that was because Victor was slowly teaching her to be intelligent again so then this whole process will start again and Victor timley will become Kang and he will win the Multiverse of war in King Dynasty and then take control of the TVA and then set Sylvie on the path that will kill him create the mul and allow his variant timeline to exist so it can all start again it never ends but here's what's really messed up in Loki's finale he says I've gone through every every scenario this is the only way but it is not the only option he could just not create himself by not slipping the book through the window and then the Multiverse would be safe but Kang's ego would never allow him to do [Music] that Fu you the question is though how are the Avengers going to break the cycle in Kang Dynasty or Secret Wars I think the Loki the agent of mischief and chaos is going to do something that has never been done before something that breaks the plan he will break free and mourn The Avengers or let the TVA be destroyed something that causes pure unfettered chaos in the Multiverse that will change the cycle of what has come before I'm about to end this man's whole career and just a reminder everybody go to nordvpn.com screencrush or click the link in the description to get four bonus months for free and a huge discount click our link and get your computer protected today what did you think of the episode what did you think about Kang's origin let me know your thoughts down in the comments below or at me on Twitter and if it's your first time here please subscribe smash that Bell for alerts for screen Crush I'm Ryan [Music] ery
Channel: ScreenCrush
Views: 472,230
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: loki episode 3 breakdown, screencrush, heavy spoilers, New rockstars, loki epsiode 3 breakdown, loki seaosn 2 episode 3 breakdown, loki new rockstars, loki screencrush, marvel, johnathan majors, kang, kang origin, macu, marvel cinematic universe, kang origin explained, loki epsidoe 3 explaied, what Is happening In loki
Id: Ou965J5khaw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 50sec (1910 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 20 2023
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