DAREDEVIL Born Again CANCELLED - Why Marvel TV Is BROKEN and How the MCU Can Fix It

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oh would not mind seeing Daredevil again historically we've been light in that [Music] department hey welcome back screen Crush I'm Ryan AR and you've probably already heard the news Marvel is scrapping Daredevil born again and they're starting fresh we need to take the whole line back to formula back to formula back to formula but hang on I'm going to explain why this is actually a good thing right but I thought you like Daredevil oh dude I love Daredevil so I'm really excited to see Marvel take a step back and do this show right now a little later I'm going to bring in two Marvel experts screen Crush editor and Chief Matt singer and YouTuber Whitney van landingham so they can make sense of all this but first let me explain what the hell is actually going on here and why the Daredevil show is probably going to be awful and a little later I want to talk about what I hope Marvel does with this because this could potentially remake the Marvel Cinematic Universe in the most exciting way possible so we all know that Marvel has been great in making movies for more than a decade what you may not know is how unconventionally this studio operates now normally a studio hires a screenwriter then finds a director to shoot the script the director is then given the artistic license to create this story but at Marvel a central creative Force Kevin feige oversees Deputy producers who each manage a different franchise hiring screenwriters and directors to oversee these projects now the directors do have some artistic license as long as they hit certain benchmarks that are already set for the franchise as a whole or what do you mean well like how Ragnarok had to end with the asgardians on the run and then they were running into thanos's ship but Tao atiti was allowed to in his own flourishes and style piss off ghost now what's interesting about Marvel's approach is it's rare for a studio to have such a Hands-On approach with its franchises and Marvel was actually running more like a traditional TV show okay then how do you run a TV show well typically a TV show has a producer usually the show's Creator and headwriter called the showrunner this person is the main creative force behind the show like the director of a film some showrunners have become famous for a very distinct style Aaron sorin Dan Harmon Terry mat tace Vince Gilligan these writers all have their own fans the way directors like Christopher Nolan or Steven Spielberg have their fans Now TV directors have a much smaller role in the creative process executing the vision of the showrunner so over the years Marvel actually evolved to work more like a giant TV show but according to the Hollywood Reporter and the new book the re of Marvel Studios Marvel stumbled when they began to make shows for Disney plus sorry give me just one second hey what are you what are you doing on your phone anyways oh sorry man this is Dungeon Hunter 6 they're the sponsor of this video or R Dungeon Hunter 6 glad you asked this 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that one show they decide if they want to make more shows but Marvel just skipped this process just greenlighting shows without pilot scripts they also broke with the traditional TV format hiring writers to script the series but then handing creative control over to the director for most of their shows this resulted in a story that felt more like a long movie that was just cut up into sections that's why when you watch secret Invasion some episodes are only 30 minutes long others are 45 minutes and some of them just seem to stop in the middle of the story for no reason okay so why why did Marvel change their TV format like that well dude because they're Marvel they've been so Innovative with everything else they thought they could just reinvent TV on the fly like how Marvel movies have a very improvisational let's fix and imp post attitude but you cannot just fix it and post with the TV show when you're creating 6 to 8 hours of programming the production schedule is insane so when the studio bosses started to tweak the shows it caused all these post- production problems and re-shoot that led to splits with the creative talent I mean some Reports say secret Invasion reshot basically the entire show and we see this creative tension behind the scenes on Marvel shows like on moonnight when the show Creator and writer Jeremy Slater quit and Muhammad daab took over and this might explain why so much of moonight felt like a sliced up movie with plot points repeating themselves over and over again how many times can they search for an artifact that's going to lead them to the new place you know but secret invasion is when the Marvel method really broke down The Hollywood Reporter piece is damning now Marvel hired a TV Legend Kyle Brad street who was a veteran of the excellent series Mr Robot he worked on writing the series for an entire year before Marvel replaced him with Brian Tucker because they wanted to take the series in a new presumably Lamer Direction no offense to Mr Tucker I don't think any of this is his fault so then Ali Saleem and another guy named Thomas bakuza were then brought on as directors and then according to th's article the creative process collapsed Last Summer according to the article what happened next debilitated the Productions as factions became entrenched and leaders VI for Supremacy during secret invasions pre-production in London a Marvel Insider was quoted as saying it was weeks of people not getting along and it erupted so by September of 2022 a good portion of the team had just been replaced and the Marvel executive overseeing the show Chris Gary is now expected to leave the studio when his contract expires this year and by the way we covered extensively what happened behind the seeds of secret invasion in this video where we talked about the Russian invasion of Ukraine and how it set everything back a lot of things went wrong for this show I'm not pointing fingers at any single creative force and this brings us to Daredevil and how Marvel is finally fixing this problem the writer and actor strike this year paused the production of Daredevil born again that's the 16 episode Daredevil series that was supposed to launch next year this pause gave Marvel time to re-evaluate what they'd shot so far and they decided that basically the show sucked according to th Daredevil didn't even appear in costume until episode 4 and they weren't happy with the tone of the series which was light-hearted and not dark like its Netflix predecessor and I should say that for years now Marvel Studios has been under immense pressure from Disney to make as much content as possible cranking out more hours of programming in Phase 4 than phases 1 through three combined and the TV shows have slowly been getting worse there were the Rewritten endings of Hawkeye and Falcon the Winter Soldier the uneven storytelling of moonnight and the sorry y'all we ran out of time CGI on shehawk and M Marvel but secret Invasion broke a lot of fans I think fan enthusiasm for Loki has been dampened by how terrible that show was fans feel burned and now Marvel is finally back on track to make it right and the thing is guys Loki deserves a massive amount of fan enthusiasm just a few episodes in and the show's great that's why we created this Loki inspired merch at our merch store screencrush merch.com now we designed these shirts ourselves there's the variant hoodie with the screen Crush variant logo the usual variant T-shirt with film and TV's most offending Time Travelers Miss minutes Dolly clock Doug as Loki and many more shopping our merch store is the best way you can directly support our Channel and what we do here so as always big thanks for watching and check out the link below so now going forward Marvel has decided to adopt a traditional TV structure they're going to commission TV pilot scripts hire showrunners write show Bibles lock in scripts before they shoot them and then they'll have Executives who are full-time TV Executives instead of having Executives split time between movies and TV shows Marvel producer Brad wbom told th we need Executives that are dedicated to this medium that are going to focus on streaming focus on television because they are two different forms so from now on Marvel isn't just going to shoot a show and see what works they're sticking to a real schedule which should give us more moments like this and God help us no more moments like this give me your gun God damn it it's also revamping its development process showrunners will write pilots and show Bibles the days of Marvel shooting an entire series from shehawk to secret Invasion then looking at what's working and what's not are done now a little later I want to tell you how I think Marvel should implement this new plan but first I want to hear for the Marvel Brain Trust screen Crush editor-in Chief Matt singer and YouTuber Whitney van landingham so that's what's happened now to understand what's going to happen and where we go from here I I have to talk to screen Crush editor-in-chief Matt singer and Whitney van landingham the co-host of the brand new Guardians of the paly podcast and also you can find her on the Whitney Vision YouTube channel so you know we've all read this piece from The Hollywood Reporter I was not surprised by it um Matt I'm curious you know for you you've reviewed all of these Marvel shows you've been with them every single step of the way for you when did this flaw and structure become a parent that they weren't doing traditional TV they were doing large movies cut up into pieces I I feel like the first couple of shows went well enough that you were you were sort of going yeah this they they they kind of have this figured out and then after the first few shows I I I don't really know what changed at that point but it did start to feel like something did change and when you read this article I know my reaction was just a lot of like oh that makes sense because it felt like all the complaints like if I went back and looked at all the things I was saying about a lot of these shows like uh moonight and secret Invasion and and all of these different things like where I was saying all of these things about how the the tone would be all over the place or the story would be kind of choppy you know or like all those sorts of things then you would read the this article and how people are quitting or being fired behind the scenes there's power struggles behind the scenes and people deci what kind of or they would all this and then they go the EDI and decide it wasn't Andy to fix it withoot or or re-editing or something and then you look back at what you saw and you go well that all checks out that like I didn't know any of these details but in hindsight none of them were surprising after you read that piece it sort of made sense of a lot of the issues that I was having watching these shows in real time week to week and the book that's out now this is called the the of Marvel Studio it's a great read we had the co-authors here on the channel last week talking about it they also talked about how Marvel you know they they exactly what's in this article they pushed away traditional TV structure and they did according to this they looked at certain projects and decided Hawkeye would be a better show than a movie which I thought was kind of puzzling because Hawkeye was the first time I watched one of these shows and I thought this doesn't seem episodic this just seems like something they've cut up into pieces Whitney how about you I mean you've covered um Marvel extensively during this entire TV what was there a point for you when you were like this feels wrong honestly W division was just such a banger straight out of the gate and I like rode that high for a while so like even through Hawkeye where like I did also feel like stuff was a little disjointed it did really feel like okay this should have I guess been like a 4our movie instead of just like a an entire TV series um and I I think that I gave a lot of benefit of the doubt especially to the earlier ones Falcon and the Winter Soldier I kind of fell off that one also felt like it should have been a movie to me I know I know I'm I'm one of the very few people where like on the list Falcon the Winter Soldier is not towards the top for me it it was uneven I I agree that there were there were certain decisions that were made and maybe Matt that goes back to what you were saying about different creative voices coming in but I think that one had a pretty steady hand at the wheel from what I remember that makes sense I just I yeah it didn't it didn't connect with me as much especially because W division was just so good um but I I obviously like took like a hard pivot with secret Invasion cuz like I could kind of deal with all of it up until then because in every show there were really great episodes and there was like really cool stuff that was revealed and really cool plot lines that I truly enjoyed and thought did add to the overall MCU so none of them were like a waste of time for me I thought that they were all you know it's a it's a TV show not the best TV show I've ever seen for some of them but secret Invasion man that just like messed me up I had no idea why it was so dissatisfying and the only parts that I felt were like truly amazing were just the scenes between Fury and Vara cuz those were like absolutely incredible but everything else was just so disjointed so dissatisfying the Maria Hill thing was ridiculous uh I yeah I I just that show really made me like fall off the Marvel TV show lag in we did a video a while back and I think it made a lot of fans fall off because if you look at like Loki breakdown views on YouTube channels not that's the best metric but YouTube views are a good metric of fan enthusiasm eventually the views picked up but nowhere near where they were I actually saw your Tweet about that and then I started looking at people's numbers and I was like oh this is weird it was scary it picked back up we're fine everybody we're fine if you're concerned at home we're fine we're doing all right but like I thought we would have this much after two days you know but again I think this I think Loki is so good that the fans will come back for it that's a different conversation for me around moonight is when IED to go this is getting repetitive like every episode's the same thing Ms Marvel at least had its episodes where there were Co problems and the budget was obviously less and some villain but every episode was a different episode yeah whereas like secret Invasion especially was one where the whole show seemed like it was that cut up movie and it really just really sucked Matt if secret invasion was this Tipping Point do you do you think that secret invasion was their Tipping Point because it's interesting to hear they were continuing on with their devil up to this point I mean I I don't know I I guess it sounded to me I don't know that this was explicitly stated in that article but it what it read to me like was you know we had these strikes one of which is still going on and as a result you know like Marvel had some time on its hands to like everything got paused and so they were able to look at what they had shot so I don't know if it had as much to do with secret invasion as it had to do with the timing of we've had to stop shooting everything we're shooting let's take a look at what what we've got cuz there's nothing else we can do and when they looked at it they realized uh this isn't apparently this isn't working who could imagine that a TV show called Daredevil that doesn't apparently according to this article doesn't have an appearance in costume of Daredevil uh for the first three or four episodes I can't imagine why that wouldn't work what a shocker what do those episodes look like I want to know I want to know what this show actually looks like apparently according to this article a light-hearted legal drama which is so weird and there was um you know the showrunner of Daredevil uh Steven denight I believe uh said that the reason that he thought he tweeted this they changed the name to Born Again was so Disney could claim that it was a different show and not pay royalties to the original people so maybe that's partially responsible for the change in tone but Marvel's usually so good at giving fans what they want know we're at least making that attempt so it's very it was a very strange pivot to me the other behind the scenes things I've heard about Daredevil and this is what's strange about this right when we talk about Marvel and we talk about here's this this overall Story the rumors I've heard take them for what they are the rumors are uh Wilson Fisk running for mayor and the platform he's running on is anti-vigilante anti- Daredevil anti-s Spider-Man there's all this like these guys in the streets maybe there's some kind of mini sovia incident that happens in New York hell that sounds great you can bring the Punisher into that like that premise alone sounds fantastic to me but there you have the influence of Marvel Studios but again we go back to what this article talked about which is the hiring of the showrunners the vision the message it seemed like they were more interested in okay so here's the parameters just go make a show um and now they're going to have to adapt to this traditional storytelling for television Whitney do you think that's going to fit like are we going to be able to get the Marvel that we've that we like like w division within the structure man I hope so because that's the thing that is just so bizarre is that they were just switching off like creative Direction just kind of passing it along and learning that like because of the strikes obviously I don't think for a second that Marvel or Disney did this because they felt they found it in their hearts to do the right thing it's absolutely because of the strike but like they were just they weren't even having showrunners be on a through line through some of these projects and that just sucks I mean you have to let people's Creative Visions flourish in those situations you can't just pass it off to a bunch of different people and expect it to be cohesive so I'm very excited that they looked at it and were like oh no and then redid the started making attempts to redo it because that is absolutely what needs to happen it's interesting they did a Midstream cuz Marvel will do that but they'll do it after they' W photography you know they'll be like let's fix it in post let's do it later let's do it I can't believe Marvel has a ah we'll fix it in post like most YouTubers do that but not like not Disney come on ever since Thor the Dark World they've had that policy you know it's like oh we'll go back and yeah gee what a great job fixing that one in post too you know yeah Jesus um Matt have you when do you think I know we talked a little bit about like um the slow kind of when things started to feel disjointed is there a point for you when you recognize like oh gee Marvel TV bad like Marvel Disney plus not working uh when did they lose you I mean I I don't know I mean some of the shows have had a um you know problems but they've also had good moments um I I I did I did think secret invasion was easily the worst one that they've done where where even with the other shows even when there was episodes that I would get frustrated with or parts that I was frustrated with it didn't feel like homework to to tune in to watch them whereas with secret Invasion that was the kind of thing where I really was I was struggling uh if we if we weren't doing these kind of things I I I probably would have found something else to do than watch after the first couple of episodes but I mean I think again it it it's the sort of situation where you you were you were your Spider Sense was tingling so to speak as you watching these things and you're going what is going on here something is off something is not right even if in a lot of cases you know there are good performan interesting you know interesting elements to all of these shows great actors you know like I think of a show like moonnight where I'm such a big Oscar Isaac fan I loved what he was doing um but then I watched the show and when it was all done I sat there and went like you have this great actor in this very interesting character was this really like the best use of his time and this property and this concept you know this character with multiple personalities and all of those sorts of elements he doesn't know who he is and what was the show ultimately it was just like a big chase scene for you know pointless McGuffin it's like um if ever like a character needed like a TV show um and not you know one story chopped up as as people are going from one place to another chasing after something um I kind of felt like that was it and yeah again that's another element of that article that when you read it it makes sense this idea that they really weren't making them like TV shows they were making them like long movies um which I mean I suppose in some situations that could work and like we said the early Marvel shows were a lot of fun they kind of came barreling out of the gate where you were like wow they figured this out just just as well as they did making movies talk extensively oh go ahead no I was just going to say I you know it's it's it's it it really is curious how the wheels really fell off pretty quickly after those first couple of shows where all of a sudden every every new series you were like the first episode would come and you're like okay that was kind of got some potential and then the second episode would come out and you'd go okay and then the next episode and by the third or fourth episode you go well they only got like three episodes left to figure this out out and it's not really coming together you know what I mean that and that became kind of the way I would approach a lot of these shows it would be like you'd be very excited the premise is great all the people you want to see are in it and then it's like week after week it was just like a increasingly uh frustrating you know when are we going to get to the fireworks Factory kind of vibe where you kept waiting for everything to come together and some of these shows are like six epodes it's not a lot of time especially in TV to get your act together and but what we talk about these shows the shows that think we can universally I would guess praise the most are W Division and Loki and both of them have a traditional TV structure where every episode is different now Loki you know you are on this like mad cap Chase to find he who remains but there's an episode on L menus there is an episode where they find Sylvia in the story like every episode does have its own thing there's an episode at the end of time um whereas everything else like you said moonight just seemed like this long thing that was cut up and it makes people feel disconnected from The Narrative and why should I have to wait a week it also makes people just want to binge it which is the opposite of what Disney plus wanted when they switched to this episode by episode model um Whitney what is it you want to see Marvel TV do now like is it a season two for a certain character is it just like take a long break are you dying to see Agatha and iron heart like what is it you're as a fan looking forward to the most here I do really want to see Agatha like so bad I but that also is because of that W division hi cuz kathern Han was just so amazing in that so of course I want to see that followup but also at this point I'm a little scared CU I don't want it to be bad and a bunch of other you know it just secret Invasion really is like the part where I'm just like please God I can't sit through another one of those like you know like Matt was just saying every other show has like redeemable qualities but I just could not get behind secret Invasion so if they can do Agatha correctly I want to see that so bad I also think that it's just really smart of them to hold off on iron heart until that one is made well too because of the success of you know wakanda forever and all that like they want to keep that momentum going finished filming last year and now it's being pushed to next year yeah typically Studios don't sit on a winter for two years you know what I mean like I'm not I've heard good things I've heard secondhand information from cast members that they really like it but what are they going to say you know yeah um I just I'm look I and then you look it up wakanda forever when I look at that movie I think the worst thing about it was that they shoehorned this character in for a spin-off like it felt like a back door pilot for Riri Williams um Matt what about you like is there anything in particular you like super excited to see as like a comic book fan critic I don't know I guess I'm most curious now after reading that article about seeing if anything changes when these shows come out is it going to feel are they going to feel different or is it going to continue in the in the trajectory that it's been on you know um I mean I was sort of curious about what this daredevil show is going to look like I I mean it's funny how when you described Ryan what the show originally what they shot which they're now mostly discarding what it was going to be because it's nothing like the Daredevil Born Again comic which is a great comic which I would have loved to have seen uh you know the TV version of that so yeah I mean that's to me the main issue is like what's going to what what are we going to see now when these shows that they've shot or they're working on now when they come out are they going to feel more like Loki and W division are they going to feel more like a a you know a standard episodic television series or is it going to kind of continue in the same vein as your secret invasions or your moon Knights or your Miz Marvel's although I thought that one was probably the best of those shows so you know M Marvel had some it had some good stuff in it yeah it had some good stuff and I also just think that manan's like enthusiasm for it was so contagious and so palpable that it was like impossible for me not to like her just because of like both her character and who she was and how excited she was in all the interviews about it she was adorable back to secret Invasion the one thing we know from that is throwing money at something does not fix it uh it seemed like that core got rotten pretty quick um looking forward like looking back at Daredevil I think we were all looking for that 16 episodes Born Again they're taking the Netflix thing it's a perfect cast we all love Daredevil how do you how it's just the the idea that they're going to go back to showrunners and pilot scripts makes so much sense because apparently they didn't do that with Daredevil how do you have three episodes without D and then and then just Greenlight that like yeah that sounds good to me sounds their homework on this it seems just it was compartmentalized and that they didn't they just had to go go go and we talked a lot about this last week and uh at our secret Invasion kind of what the hell happened video Disney's pumped the brakes like once Iger came back in uh they realized like Hey we're really hurting the brand on Marvel and to a certain extent Star Wars so I'm glad they've done that um as a fan I I kind of get the impression from other fans just based on what I've read on social media and stuff fans seem okay with it we'd rather wait a little longer than to get a stinker um I don't know though if the brand is permanently damaged after secret Invasion or not at least the Disney plus brand do you guys think there's a for a future for Marvel TV should they even keep doing this or should they do things like werewolf By Night Matt what do you think where's their strength for success in this I mean I would be shocked if they uh if they decided to stop making TV shows alt together I do think we've already kind of seen uh definitely that they've kind of slowed down the the output of stuff um yeah I mean it's It's tricky because the serialized nature of comic books is perfect for television like in a way it's kind of remarkable that they figured out how to be so successful making movies when Comics were always more adaptable at least structurally to TV I mean one of the you could say it as a positive or negative but one of the things Marvel did when they made movies was they kind of turned movies into television at least the kind of episodic every film leads into the next film kind of structure of it all so I I don't see why Marvel can't make good shows and they've proven they can they've made a couple of good shows so to me it's it's yeah I think it's less about abandoning television as it is maybe slowing the amount of stuff in general not maybe not just in TV but TV and movies and taking a a close look at what they're making how they're making it and maybe also like who it's about you know like not that I don't love seeing these random characters um getting their own shows I mean for me some of the that's some of the most fun because I love the weird strange quirky characters of Marvel um but maybe not all of them need their own 10 episode television series perhaps maybe and maybe the audience doesn't necessarily want that you know what I mean I think we've proven that as far as fatigue it has like I think phase four of the MCU had more hours of programming than Phase 1 through three combined so it's interesting Whitney we talk about oh my God there's only six episodes how do you get to know this story in six episodes but on the flip side of that there's ah do I have to watch 10 episodes of shehawk to understand the next Avengers movie where do you think that line lives like do you think that we're better off with longer Seasons that maybe affect the movies less so they don't feel like homework or should we stick to Shorter content I mean I just really think that It ultimately depends on the quality because if it's a quality show I don't mind doing the homework CU then it doesn't feel like homework but obviously it is a huge problem if they're going to continue on which it sounds like they're not it sounds like they're going to try I hope that they try I hope that they succeed but if they had just continued pumping out these like it's almost like they're just feeding comic books into like a manufactured system and just is just keep popping out instead of taking time to like handcraft that you know and really put time into it and really put love into it cuz you can feel it you can just feel the difference and I do think that we need kind of a break because it is ites it is starting to feel like homework because there's just so much and you don't want to have to spend hours and hours and hours of your life just to be able to see the Marvels when it comes out in theaters you know like you you might not want that but I do think that you would want it if the content was good so I'm torn I just don't want them to do it with any more shitty shows but as long as they really do fix the process in that case I'm down going back to 2021 nobody was saying oh God another Marvel maybe because we'd had a year without anything yeah but 2021 we had off top of my head I think five shows counting what if we had three movies uh black Widow is even a hybrid release and we were down for it and looking back I mean Matt I know you didn't like the eternals we've had discussions about that but it's leagues better than secret Invasion and as much as people might not like Hawkeye uh it's a lot better than secret yeah I apologize for what I said about the eternals before I knew that secret invasion was the way it was exactly and this year I don't I don't apologize I have I don't take back anything uh I don't see what I don't see what one has to do with the other no no they they don't directly infect the other but like when you're talking about a slope of quality I think that they definitely I thought they had hit a low point with um a lot of stuff that like from 20 like thr the dark world but boy they proved me wrong so Matt Whitney thank you very both very much for joining me their socials are below Matt is also the author of the upcoming Cisco and Ebert biography opposable thumbs can't wait to read it thanks guys now we're all excited about Marvel TV raising their bar of Excellence and movie Producers focusing on movies means that the quality of the film should rise as well but I want to see these two sides of Marvel seamlessly integrated like they were at the start of phase 2 you see very briefly Marvel Studios film and television Studios were coordinated by the Marvel creative committee very long story short this system fell apart because of internal Marvel politics but the height of this for me was when the show Agents of Shield ended on a cliffhanger that was resolved 2 days later when the Winter Soldier was released and then to see the epilogue of the Winter Soldier you had to watch the next episode of Agents of Shield it's got to be some sort of activation signal to Hydra members within Shield so coordination like that is really difficult on a Network TV schedule but they pulled it off and I would think that they would be able to do this more often with the streaming service because they have not promised advertisers to sell ad time on any of these shows so what I want to see for the Daredevil show is a full coordination with the next Spider-Man film like I said rumor has it that the show would have shown Wilson fist running for mayor railing against Vigilantes like Spider-Man and we are dying to see Spider-Man and Daredevil will team up this time in costume I'm a really good lawyer so I would love to see this new Daredevil series lead to a mayoral election and a gang war that is resolved in the next Spider-Man film they already tease that the next Spider-Man movie would be more street level and maybe violence breaks out across the city so Peter is desperate so he turns to the darker more powerful Venom symbient since he doesn't have Tony Stark's armor to rely on anymore and that symbia then imitates the darker heroes from the Daredevil show like him and The Punisher like this is just a taste of the the kind of crossover potential that Marvel has and they have barely scratched the surface well let me know what do you think Marvel will do next what kind of TV shows do you want to see what TV show do you want to see get a season 2 let me know in the comments below or at me on Twitter and if it's your first time here please subscribe smash that Bell for alerts for screen Crush I'm Ryan [Music] Ary [Music]
Channel: ScreenCrush
Views: 164,333
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: daredevil born again, screencrush, heavy spoilers, New rockstars, daredevil cancelled, daredevil born agian, daredevil born again comic, daredevil born again trailer, daredevil born again announcement, daredevil born again theme, daredevil born again first look, daredevil born again punisher, daredevil born again teaser, daredevil born again d23, daredevil born again news, daredevil born again spider man, daredevil born again set photos, daredevil born agian trailer
Id: QG_hwYJvduU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 29sec (2069 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 16 2023
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