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Lol that moment when they only had 7 bags of insulation... I think we've all been in a similar situation of driving super far to get something only to have it not be as expected. Wow, though! Almost ready for drywall! Unfortunately I wouldn't be surprised at all if they're not able to move in by July... that's construction for ya

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/unknown021 📅︎︎ Apr 27 2021 🗫︎ replies
[Music] we're trenton alley and after a whirlwind year of building oh my god our goal is to move in in july of course there's a couple bumps in the road yesterday it snowed between 10 and 12 inches but we're doing everything possible to keep moving forward hopefully we didn't just drive two trucks two hours for eight bags of insulation and stay sane in the process it's happening subscribe and come along today brandon just ran into that telephone pole as desperate times call for desperate measures today we're gonna be legendary status [Music] what's up guys good morning we've got some crazy stuff going on i know in the last video you guys saw that spring had arrived and i needed to shave my beard and that it was just ready for it to be warm weather and pretty much 80 percent of the snow was gone well yesterday it snowed between 10 and 12 inches we have a fresh foot of snow outside on top of our nicely dried dirt the mud was almost gone in most places i could walk around without getting mud on my boots i could walk in the dry dirt now there's a foot of snow and it'll probably melt within the next couple days and then we'll have mud again for another week which is fine we knew what we were getting into by moving up here the other problem that we're having as you guys probably saw in some of our most recent videos everything that's in a shortage lines up with when we need it insulation is the new toilet paper there's a shortage of insulation insulation is the new toilet paper is what the people at home depot keep telling me all of the installation in all of the home depots and all the lows and all of the other places where you can buy insulation in local areas is completely gone but i did find one home depot and they have 31 bags of insulation now if my calculations are correct we need like 42 but 31 will get us really close and it will give us something to do at least for the next couple days the only problem is that this home depot is like two hours away so we're going to be going on a little bit of a road trip today [Music] so i know a lot of you guys are probably thinking like why are you guys going to such great extents to go and get this insulation right now why don't you wait until it's in stock in places that are nearby and really it's because we're at this place where we've finished our four-way inspection and the next inspection that we have is insulation now there are some other things i guess that we could be doing like the roof or siding or stairs on the deck or that's probably about it and with the current conditions we can't really do the roof and the siding we can't put on until we do the exterior insulation which i've ordered and it's still not going to be here for another week and a half so we have to get this insulation and start putting it on the interior walls once we get that done and we get our air barrier put up which has already arrived then we can actually call for an insulation inspection then we can move on to sheetrock the other thing that we're kind of waiting on right now is today we were supposed to have a spray foam truck or a spray foam company come up and give us a bid and i text the guy yesterday and i said hey man uh we got like a foot of snow yesterday so it's really up to you you can come today if you want or you can come next week and he said i think i'll just hold off until next week so the weather is supposed to clear up after this snowstorm he should be able to come up give us a bid let us know if he can get his equipment up to our house so that we can get the ceiling and the basement walls spray foamed because that will be a huge you know chunk of progress as well i mean i don't know about you but i'm not mad this is like this is a really fun road trip day where we get to just kind of hang out listen to podcasts play with the dogs that we have both of them in the back seat and it's a gorgeous day there's no one on the roads because of the weather and it hasn't been snowing for the past couple hours so the roads are in decent condition now so as long as we go slow we're fine and it's kind of like a fun driving day [Music] all right we're rolling up to home depot number one we're basically just meeting at this home depot and we're going to meet brandon here because i don't know if i made this clear but there's 31 bags of insulation and each bag is like the size of the front seats of our truck and so brandon is probably going to hold about 12 to maybe 14 bags and then we're going to try and hold 17 bags or something like that basically both of our trucks are going to be extremely loaded down with insulation and one thing i'm extremely glad about is that this insulation is waterproof [Music] it wouldn't be a real road trip without stopping at one of our favorite mexican drive-throughs it's really funny because this is like feels like authentic mexican food but it's not it's american mexican food but it's really good so you can't hate on it i got the burrito de jamon con crema uh i got a ham breakfast burrito with sour cream it is my absolute favorite thing to get from any bettos betos bertos albertos gualbertos those are all the same restaurant under different names it's kind of like california they have the same type of thing in california they're just these like little taco burrito shops they're usually super authentic delicious homemade tortillas with you know you can get basically anything inside the burrito i get ham with sour cream it's delicious we've got about a two hour drive now we're gonna hit the road hopefully it stops raining and look who just showed up he just backed into that brandon just ran into that telephone pole oh my goodness that's not a company truck better for you what'd you get breakfast burrito nice which one ah why yeah the ham is where it's at the ham is where it's at bro i love when my friends do stupid stuff like accidentally backing into a telephone pole like that or a light pole because then i can give them crap about it for months and months and it's something that you would definitely do and i've probably already done it to that exact same light pole [Applause] [Music] all right it took a long journey through the snow and the ice and the wind and now it's actually pretty nice weather where we're at right now and we made it to home depot we're here to pick up a billion bags of insulation and we're gonna try to fit them into the bed of both of our trucks tie them down securely hopefully we'll be back on the road before too long [Music] i'm actually really nervous because we paid for 31 of these and i really don't know if we're going to be able to put 31 between our two trucks we're gonna do our best really one depends on how it's packaged two uh just it depends on how well we can tie it down i think it's this all the way down here at the end [Music] we've been having this issue recently where we order a certain number online and it says it's in stock at home depot and then brandon goes to pick it up and only half of those bags of insulation are actually there so i called this home depot a couple days ago and said hey we just placed an order for 31 bags do you actually have 31 bags and they went and checked and they're like yeah we do we have them all right here and i was like great could you just package them up or set them aside and we'll come pick them up thursday morning and they're like totally no problem and now that we're here we have what 10 bags i think there's only eight eight bags are here right now so hopefully we didn't just drive two trucks two hours for eight bags of insulation seven bags great we'll see okay really good news we found all of the insulation bags which is incredible the bad news is they are not packaged the way we anticipated them to be bundled tightly together we're gonna get a little creative and figure out how to get all these bags in these two trucks because we are definitely not making this trip again it doesn't really matter we got all the time in the world to play insulation tetris and i was never really good at that game but today we're going to be legendary status we're going to get as many of these insulation bats in both of our trucks as we can and i just hope we can get thirty-one [Music] oh man [Music] six nine 12 13 14. and we ordered 31. okay except for the one on the second shelf and they left one up top and one down low you know i love home depot but they're working hard it's okay they got a lot going on getting under my skin a little bit [Music] so we've got all 31 bags we've got them all loaded into the trucks brandon's is totally strapped down and hopefully it's not going anywhere now we just need to strap down our truck make sure that's not going anywhere and enjoy our two-hour journey back to the house what do you think secure or not secure we'll find out well it looks like it's working out we have uh i think we have 31 of them here we're gonna throw a pallet on the back of brandon's truck a pallet on the back of my truck tie him down and uh i guess we're gonna hit the road mission success well part one successful we got here we got all of the bags we've loaded and strapped them down we have to see if this journey home uh will work hopefully it'll be very smooth and uneventful look at brandon's truck what a mess now we just have a two hour journey at you know 70 to 80 miles an hour the whole time and hopefully we don't lose any insulation everything makes it to our location intact no problems because brandon has to go home in about two and a half hours and it's a two-hour drive so if we have even 20 minutes of complications it's going to be a big problem [Music] well unbelievably amazingly we have had zero casualties it's been a totally eventless uneventful ride now we just have to do some slow speed muddy mucky nasty stuff oh my god well we made it we've got about 20 maybe 30 minutes to spare we got to get all these bats unloaded and put up into the house before brandon has to leave for the day got our work cut out for us [Music] oh boy good job greg [Music] holy cow what do you think it's a lot of insulation dude i know what a day huh yeah it was great very productive honestly four plus hours of driving half of a ham burrito and uh a day that could have been better but it could have been a lot worse i'm actually like really happy about the the sun and the temperature and the fact that it's like just barely snowing outside it is getting really muddy because the snow's starting to melt again but as soon as the snow's gone the mud will be gone and we are hoping that that happens sooner rather than later i'm just really excited to get brandon here tomorrow morning so that we can start insulating this baby i know it's going to make a huge difference like by the time these 31 bats are in the house the majority of the walls in the house will be insulated the majority of the exterior walls we might need like maybe three or four more bags which should hopefully be easy to find somewhere around but that's going to make a huge difference with how often the furnace runs how warm it stays like how it sounds and feels and then the spray foam guys coming on like next wednesday or something and it's happening things are moving we're doing it dude we're doing it we're building this freaking house can you even believe it i can't also frank is chasing some prey some prey into the forest anyway i hope you guys enjoyed coming along on our little road trip today we'll see you guys bright and early [Music] so it's been about a year now that we've been drinking athletic greens every day this really helps us have a well-rounded diet and athletic greens is the sponsor of today's video athletic greens gives our bodies the nutrients it needs to thrive it's the most complete formula out there packed with 75 vitamins minerals and whole food sourced ingredients it's basically a quick little shot of nutritional insurance early in the morning where i know it's going to help me get the nutrients that i need so if you guys are interested in trying athletic greens i highly recommend it i love this stuff and if you guys click the link in our description you guys will get their immunity bundle that comes with a one year supply of vitamin d3 and k2 and five travel packs so check them out thanks again to athletic greens for sponsoring today's video we're gonna get ready and get to work [Music] [Music] is we are knocking it out me and brandon have gotten started early this morning i basically finished the entire installation on the walls of the bathroom and underneath this window brandon is knocking out the kitchen right now got to do this other section of this wall and like the basement section of the 16-inch on center walls is almost done yeah i'm really really excited and we're gonna go upstairs do all those 16 inch on center walls all the way up to the beam and then we just have all the 12 inch on center walls which will probably be the death of me because every single piece has to be cut lengthways in order to fit in between the studs we can do it and it's going to be a nightmare can't be any worse than plumbing plumbing is a pain in the butt this is you know what i'm not gonna complain [Music] when i'm next [Music] it was supposed to stop snowing like yesterday and the weather updated and now it's going to continue to snow all day today which is lovely and i'm just going to bundle up let these guys out for a little bit of exercise and then hopefully by the time i get back most of the house might even be insulated are you ready are you ready okay let's go yeah if there is something we need it's a leap of faith a step away from the comfort zone and be a little afraid to take a look around you how far can you see how far do you think you can run it's still so crazy to me to think about how this is where we live this is our backyard it's quiet there's no one around it's freezing but it's really beautiful and i honestly never thought i'd live in this type of climate by choice i'm a warm weather person for sure but it's really made me appreciate the beauty of the snow and the winter and the cold the beauty of a hot fire in the wood stove and some hot chocolate at the end of the day and i know i'm gonna appreciate the summer whenever it decides to show up it's a beautiful world out there just don't pass on the dare if you have a will and a moment to spare it's a beautiful world out there it's a beautiful world out there [Music] these guys have been making some serious progress in here it looks incredible [Applause] [Music] i don't know if it's because we have music playing today maybe the fact that i wasn't in here this morning distracting these guys they have gotten so much done it looks so good this is my fun work i would prefer to get it over as quick as possible it's uh not necessarily hard work just like a little sweaty but really dirty yeah and like the dirt and the dust that keeps happening not a fan of that but it's coming along really quickly i've got most of this back well done we got most of that front wall done oh the basement level is done except for the the really tall walls it's coming together you know trent is annoyed about how actually dirty it is when he's wearing safety glasses and [Music] a gloves [Music] [Music] oh i feel like i'm gonna have to throw these clothes away when i'm done with this yeah so many particles and so much dust and ugh all over the place definitely taking a trip to grandma's laundromat i am really glad we literally have our whole bedroom minus the ceiling insulated the bathroom in the bedroom are fully insulated pretty cool and in fact the majority of the basement is insulated the only thing that we have left to do insulation as far as the external walls go is that tall wall and the stairs this tall wall and that tall wall so it is about twice as much work as what we've already done today and it's going to be like on the scaffolding and a huge nightmare but let's go see how many bags of insulation we have i think we have a lot we have 12. we had 31. oh wow so it's not going to be enough that means we've used about 19 bags and we already had about a quarter of the basement or the the main floor insulated when we started so that was probably five bags so i'd say we're about 17 bags short now i did check the internet oh and it did say that one of the home depots in the valley had 17 bags but this is also the home depot that we've placed pretty substantial orders at and then shown up and there was zero bags so i don't know whether to trust them or not all i do know is we got about half of it done and i'm really itchy i'm really excited i know you don't want to hear this trent but it might make your life so much easier and so much less itchy if you shave your beard my beard is the only thing protecting me right now my beard doesn't protect my eyes and my eyes are like the itchiest part yeah we have a couple hours left we're gonna power through and get as much done as we can [Music] do oh my god no i can't take my mask off because there's a billion particles floating around in the air well we got a lot done we did this entire wall we did all underneath the stairs we did half of that gable end wall everything down here and everything upstairs on that side of the house that's amazing so literally all we have left is the rest of this wall above the stairs and then the second and third half of the gable end wall here but it is friday saturday sunday and uh brandon and i are completely exhausted and we hate insulation more than web stiffeners for sure oh yeah i would more than like stuff absolutely oh my gosh yeah this is this maybe we just hate everything maybe we're super negative but this actually sucks like full proper sucks super bad it looks awesome though and i'm gonna be really happy once we get it done and we get the air barrier put up and we don't ever have to deal with it ever again and until then you're just going to complain absolutely [Music] thank you very much oh yeah quite absolutely it was quite today oh i just need to shake out my clothes and go shower like right now yeah i second that i cannot imagine doing this first of all in the summer time when it's hot you don't want to wear pants and long sleeves or a hat or anything like let me get 10 times worse plus today i've learned what it would be like to do a physical labor job with asthma yeah like that respirator just like it makes it so you can't fully breathe and at like 8 000 feet of elevation with a respirator and like moving around and like doing stuff actively i was just like starving for oxygen pretty much all day yeah it's like so rough anyway i know we said we were going to stop complaining but i'm gonna go inside and we're gonna take a shower [Music] this is trent's favorite part of the day right here what sit on the couch and eat cookies yeah it's friday i'm gonna eat some cookies how do you feel now that you took a shower i feel like a new man i bet i feel like a million bucks i'm glad that we're like three quarters of the way done i think maybe two or three more days of like itchy nasty insulation days and we should be completely done well we have to do insulation on the outside but it'll be very very different and i don't think it'll be nearly as difficult so i don't know if you guys enjoyed coming along on our little road trip when we went and got the insulation and then watching brandon and i get the insulation put in we're making huge progress and i bet with the insulation that's in there right now the furnace is gonna run like half as much as it did already and next week the spray foam guys come in like things are things are happening our goal is to move in in july let us know if you think that's reasonable it's only april we have plenty of time yeah most people that know what they're talking about have kind of laughed at us but the people that don't know are like you can do it so whoever you are if you're a person that knows or you're not a person that knows give us a little bit of confidence and let us know whether you think we can do it or not we hope you guys enjoyed coming along on this adventure today if you did make sure you show us by giving us a big thumbs up on today's video consider subscribing to our channel if you haven't already thanks again to athletic greens for sponsoring today's video click the link in our description to check them out and we'll see you guys on the next one [Music] adios it can be a bit frightening something you don't know you need a little enlightening
Channel: Trent & Allie
Views: 280,858
Rating: 4.9724498 out of 5
Keywords: van life, vanlife, trent and allie, eamon and bec, trent and allie van, homesteading, red poppy ranch, tiny home, tiny house, off grid, wild wonderful off grid, tiny house tour, do it yourself, diy, life uncontained, building, building a house, framing, framing a house, cabin build, building our own home, snow in the mountains, building our own house, off grid living, inspection, building inspection, insulation, construction, desperate times call for desperate measures, desperate
Id: 1G8qgsClOJo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 21sec (1761 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 26 2021
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