LIVE: What's the Deal with the Amazon Pedals?

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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh there's no device selected we should have done a test all right i'm just going to let it roll uh you should have audio now if you're out there [Music] yeah we have audio sound on perfect yay we got it should we start this over or keep it rolling i just we're going to keep it rolling okay [Applause] once it's confirmed that we have audio working for him we got audio okay um welcome i mean technically we're only two minutes behind people yeah it's totally fine it's totally fine okay so i'm here i want you to hear that first part anyway yeah we didn't want to hear we messed up a bunch of stuff total redo we did and it's fine so i'm here today with nick he's on the drums he has a lot of opinions um addison is the moderator a healthy amount of opinions healthy yeah hey josh so you know we we got to get we got to go guys yeah thanks thanks for reminding us strict budget of time today we're talking about these amazon basic pedals so yeah these pedals um here's a boost let's do the top down of the desk here um yeah there's a lot of there's a lot of pedals here they dropped some stuff we're gonna talk about where they came from what they are all that good stuff but first a disclaimer the disclaimer is we at jhs are in no way endorsing amazon these are just products like anyone can buy them it's a part of petal history now so therefore i will talk about it because i love this stuff i like the aspects of how they're made where they come from how does it compare to things in the 60s 70s and 80s it's like the social sociology of petals is really exciting is that does that make sense it makes sense yeah contextually the sentence is amazing contextually you know there's a lot of opinions of amazon we're not here to talk about that there's a lot of opinions about everything we don't really talk about that stuff so we're talking about the pedals um we're not even going to talk about if they're good like i don't really care so we're going to talk about other stuff that's more interesting um we're going to share some thoughts we might talk about if we like come on we can do that yeah sure we'll jam a little bit on um yeah i do want to say this and we're going to go the beautiful thing about what we're gonna do today is we're gonna exemplify how education doesn't have to take sides so there are some heated heated comments uh when we posted up on our instagram about this um it got pretty wild i'm gonna show you one of them um we're at 246 i mean 42 it's like hundreds of things going on around comments like this so jhs is better than this endorsing amazon products is endorsing oppressive big business and worker exploitation embarrassed for you and i just said i'll be sure to talk about it so i am and i just said i'd never endorsed amazon education has the ability to not choose sides we're going to talk about these in an educational format that's the beauty of this and i'm pretty excited are you guys excited i'm excited all right let's talk about them uh let's do the table top down and what we have here is you order there's a lot of youtube videos on this there's some really good ones um it seems like everybody and their mother posted a video about this last week while we were in salt lake city um they come in a mailer like literally the pedal like i can turn the foot switch on wait i didn't i don't think i realized there's actually no box inside of it well they came in a box well right right but in the mid yeah so that's it's packaging yeah it says mini tuner pedal for guitar and bass it's for bass too sure for bass um and amazon basics so this is the so what is asics [Applause] amazon basics that's clever that's clever um so let's let's talk about this yeah i mean it's a manila envelope with some bubble wrap on the inside and you can like you can like easily tell touch the pet you could probably like yeah you know set the settings in there you could leave it in there and just jab it could be a protective covering yeah yeah what do you think what do you think guys i mean um i'm still kind of caught off guard by the fact that it's so okay so i get this straight that came in a box yeah because we ordered all of them oh it's not so they were i don't know maybe i would wonder all right let's open it up come in let's do it oh this is a show first i've never opened anything in a mailer just throw a trash on the floor so we have uh the bubbled interior here let's go top down for some maximum clarity here a little bit wider maximum clarity um here's the oh plastic wrap in here manual i love the manual size it's so small so can i get a can i get a focus probably yeah that works mini tuner yeah important safety instructions what are the safety instructions when using electrical products basic precautions should be followed did they do they say what those are no um here's a question intended for tuning guitar base intended for private use only not intended for commercial use what does that mean can a pedal electrocute you yeah not not like most most air pillows are nine volts but look you know yeah that could zap you you can die in a lot of different ways and to be clear electrocution doesn't always kill people i've been electrocuted twice anyway that's how this comes uh let's open it up here there's the tuner it says tuner the yeah it has two buttons um i've been using this boss tuner but let's switch it out cool [Music] okay will it tune let's tune that guitar and see how see how well yeah let's go today by the way i'm playing a uh really nice callings and i have the two rock cooked up here let's go top down ce [Music] yeah yeah it tuned wow okay so good job um so so let's talk about let's see should we hit our first point yeah why why is amazon making these why are they making why do we think so well i here's my here's my hot take and then we'll open the floor yeah yeah i think it is a sign that guitar is doing really well interesting yeah so i want to show everybody you know amazon basics so i have some pictures here this is a photo of the amazon basics kind of thing some other promo photos we have a coat hanger a mouse towels headphones camera tripod and knives and like a block a backpack a dumbbell knives in a backpack you could put them in the backpack um hdmi cables and batteries so that's the basics the basis so amazon is saying about guitar that guitar is a basic i think this is amazing it's an essential part of living the market research here shows us that guitar i love this because for years in in the recent past guitar is dying it's dwindling nobody's playing guitar no this is like amazon basics has made a pedal line yeah it's like i understand there's like nuanced i get it i get there's some we'll talk about this stuff but yeah at the heart of this amazon basics has made guitar pedals right it it feels very similar to when like a big celebrity makes a youtube channel and it feels like they're the ones that discovered youtube and you're like yo people have been doing youtube for a long time it's like forever oh youtube's cool we should do that like amazon was like oh people like these weird boxes that they plug their guitars into we should make some of those yeah so yeah this is an interesting thought somebody posted pandemic has resulted in more guitarists being at home more time to play and revise your gear amazon wants in that was kind of my my perspective or that was like amazon once into a market that exists why not totally that that seems very very like a logical train of thought yep yeah for me i mean i own a pedal company and i this is a look at how healthy the industry is yeah like so my perspective is going to be man i have 40 employees and amazon just put out some basic pedals like we have a shot at careers making pedals and providing jobs yeah yeah so i see it completely in that way um so what do addison we all are allowed to our separate opinions because like yeah you know it's civil what do you feel how do you feel about this yeah are there any reservations i i can understand the reservations because obviously we've talked a lot about them in the room and things my thoughts are like it goes immediately well first to the three series i'm not trying to like you know plug our stuff i'm just saying we just released uh we just need a shameless plug we just released more affordable pedals because we want to reach uh you know the maybe the kid who's mowing the lawn saving his money um so that same thought could apply here like i think about the 12 year old kid who isn't even mowing lawns yet but he's like oh i saved up my allowance i can buy a tube screamer or a clone on amazon yeah so that's that's kind of like that's my i don't know really kind of wide big view uh of things that's that's my initial my initial thought so i i mean i say why not yeah i mean that might be controversial but no i i i see the i see the controversy in it but there is an element that's like while i might not buy these there i think there is something to the fact that like yeah a kid mowing his lawn or her lawn yep can like at the end of the week go pick up a delay pedal yeah and because what's that going to do for that yeah and then i play guitar make music right and while and while we're all over here you know being like oh man these pedals are dumb they're probably writing better music than we are you know and so there's an element that's like well while i like it kind of feels like i see the lameness of it for sure like i think that they're i think everybody feels like oh man like the pedal industry is like rock right and amazon is not rock and roll like it's the opposite of rock it's like hotel jazz like and i don't mean jazz like everyone chill out i don't mean like actual jazz i mean the jazz that that's like like music in a grocery store yeah that like you know no offense to people i feel like i'm probably going to piss somebody off but you know what i'm saying like there's some people it feels like oh no guitar pedals are no longer special they've been commoditized by the man it feels in some ways like maybe you could draw a parallel to like when tony hawk pro skater came out yeah and then it was like oh skateboarding's popular and then everybody's buying a skateboard now walmart is selling skateboards what like this thing that was very counter cultural became pop culture but how many kids bought skateboards and became like legendary skateboarders from walmart because like their first board was a walmart board but like yeah like most of us we started we started from the bottom now or here but like a lot of people that these might be their entry level pedals you know yeah and i don't think that that it hurts the market for like dude if a kid buys a delay pedal and then from amazon and then practices his butt off and he realizes wait you can get tap tempo where like you can tap the tempo on it he's gonna like go buy like a strymon thing or he's gonna you know what i mean like yeah i think it's like an entry level that yep it's a gateway yeah my my first guitar i've told this i i heard pearl jam 10 bag my mom for guitar she goes to sam's club while she was buying groceries and she bought my guitar it's a syn sonic it's from walmart sam i mean i started all of this nonsense like my whole life can be summarized to this tipping point of my mom buying me a walmart guitar i remember being like eight and nine years old not playing yet and walking into walmart there was the first act stuff i believe was there at the time it was like my goodness i want that so seeing that as a kid like again you know it also reminds me of uh this this line of pedals in the in the 99 i think is when they were released this is a best buy blister pack yeah and i remember i bought i remember buying the tremolo in the in best buy and that was the avenue before amazon amazon i remember right they just sold books and it was like the lamest thing ever like buy a kindle and stare at it like you know amazon wasn't a thing i just remember not that kendall i mean kennels are great you know what i'm saying um but this was the same camp yeah and these were way more expensive um yeah i i think it just i think it's just what feels weird is i think when you're in the middle of like history repeating itself it's really easy to forget like history's repeating itself because there for the last like i don't know like 50 30 plus years or whatever there has been a cheap option that was sold by someone that we that wasn't cool this is not new but amazon is loud yeah amazon is very loud i think huge yeah yeah yeah yeah so that's why we're seeing these responses right people wait a minute what am i what this is ridiculous you know yeah let's look at some comments so there's a fantastic gear page thread which i can't believe i'm saying that shout out i mean yeah it's it's great because i've been spending more time over there because it's helping me yeah hey guys and gals it's making me like there is a diversity that i really want to embrace in customers and like understand like i am so weird and specific and i'm dumb in so many ways and i want to see how other people think and so this has been really helpful but there's some rather funny responses um and some like mic drops over there to this which i want to pull a few up uh one so we'll start here um it's revealed these are made by nux let me jump over to another slide so we're getting ahead of ourselves let's let's not do that yet so the thing to go over here would be if my slide would move the slide's just sitting there y'all hey josh's computer i just want to remind you we have to be out of here by 5 p.m so if you could work that would be great technical difficulties it's fine it's fun hey here we go personally i like to play rage against the machine rips in my bedroom with my amazon basic pedals it's my own little way of sticking it to the man i i like that yeah that's i mean if you're going to get an amazon pedal you should at least you know yeah play bulls on parade the machine someone just asked will they chug yeah we'll check and we'll find it of course walmart counters to create a product line of mainstream guitar effects pedals they're all navy blue with the yellow astric logo the navy blue product similar in concept to the all-white color scheme of the ghs3 series effects pedals amazon reinvents the chinese clone pedal based upon cells data during the covet 19 quarantine i think there's so much truth to his last statement that covet 19 boom like the the sales boom of guitars there's wall street journal articles on fender having their biggest years we've had our biggest year yeah they saw that guitar is alive and they're like amazon basics towels knives backpacks pedals pedals yeah it feels weird because it i feel like i for some reason i feel like our industry is in this like corner of the global consciousness that i don't think that most people see and then i think one of the reasons why there is so much like response to this is it kind of feels like this it feels like someone opened the door to like our secret clubhouse and they're like oh you guys are hanging out in here like can we join and we're like go away go away this is like our club okay doors open to our club okay is this damaging to our industry we're all making we're all providing for our families i think with this uh so my answer my final answer to this i've thought a lot about this in the same the same frame of mind i own a kansas city american-made pedal company we're assembling making everything here 40 jobs living wages i care so much about my employees and the future of our company and our industry but i have zero concerns unless you're making a forty dollar pedal if you're making a forty dollar pedal you're screwed but the only people who are making forty dollar pedals are the people who are making forty dollar pedals for amazon and they're doing better and they're doing even better i think that that's where i land on this do you think it's like like we talked about this earlier off camera but do you think that there's like an image in people's head of like a mad scientist dude who's just like in his basement trying to like hand building 40 pedals because the reality is it's like there's not a single person who has a guitar pedal company who's hand building pedals for 40 dollars it's impossible i mean you see the comments we're gonna do a live on this one day soon but it's like the comment is like someone sees one of our morning glory or like philippe's pedal or something and they're like i could build it for 29 bucks it's like yeah yeah yeah but an enclosure or switch parts like i remember buying stuff like that to build pedals on my own i don't think i could get no the way this works is economy of scale and that's like with the three series for us in the states living wage taking care you know of the things we take care of 100 bucks is like we barely make any money so we need to sell a ton therefore these can be made really cheap in a few ways let's go ahead and cover that how are these so yeah the prices are like 30 to 40 bucks i believe um first off the mailer you saw the mailer that these come in well these are actually made by this company nux these are some these are some photos i took with my new 50 millimeter macro lens real saucy not a switcher let's see here you know sometimes there we go yeah so this is the brand nux i remember seeing these at nam it's a chinese oem manufacturer notice that beautiful dirty solder joint there the pedal still works but like you know they didn't clean the board this is this is what you get with 30 dollar pedals right being fair on all sides yeah yeah i'm an optimist but that's nasty yeah so that was the first thing i noticed it's okay to say that yeah people say i'm not negative i'm not even being negative about this it's just like there you go it could be cleaner yeah but it still works yeah will it work in a year i don't know i'm i'm seeing a lot i feel like this is an important thing to say somebody just said i understand the issues that you know opinions differing things like that about certain things around um these pedals but these pedals are not stopping me from buying the you know this person said black arts uh yeah nobody how is amazon grabbing our hearts and minds and hands and binding us right to buying these pedals that is crazy i think i think something that maybe people are forgetting too is that like if the person i think people are concerned about smaller companies being in competition with amazon but the reality is that smaller companies are selling boutique pedals at higher price points and people who are buying pedals at higher price points are not interested in amazon 100 and that's not to say that like if you're if you're like a kid watching this and you're like well i'm excited about the amazon pedal because i can go buy it right now yup do it who cares like go make some cool music yes what we're talking about is that like the the the crowd that's gonna drop like 300 on like a you know triple stage overdrive with like you know fancy custom like eq settings or whatever or even a plain one like that's expensive yeah like it's just it's appealing to like a different market and that market is valid like that group of the group of people that these pedals are probably going to appeal to is valid and it's important we don't get to choose the mark like that's the free market yeah and i think like the difference between like us and amazon too is that it's like amazon's also like not providing an experience like they're not making a youtube channel and doing live videos yeah there's an element to that as well you're gonna email them and ask what to stack to get hendrix tones yeah no and like if you look at like a like a b-tronics pedal like yeah you bought that because behind you this is the modern wall anything back here you're like you bought it because you're like it sounds cool but also it looks rad and was made with like some artistic intent like yeah like this i mean multi-hundred dollar ceramic pedals it's a totally different user experience right right totally and yeah all right all right so let's get in i'm gonna show this real quick yep cool so the basic pack top down here basic packaging was this this is the amazon basics drive now one of the reasons that these are more affordable is i showed you they're made by nux here now the same exact pedal by the nux brand it just has it has a cardboard box with a little bit better user experience i find it funny there's red crinkle paper no comment and uh that's the same pedal so if i zoom in because i can they just that's oem that is by definition you know like straight up private label oem we'll get into that in a second this is more expensive it has a little bit of a user experience the box is different there is a customer service for nux is a brand they're at ram i think i talked to one of the guys once they probably have an instagram i bet they have social medias like sure they are a brand yeah they're they're trying amazon is just this other world so yeah there's a reason why it feels like robots made it i think we should jam on it i got i'm feeling a little bit angsty from all just this like the heated like all the heated like conversations that we're having right now i'm so just so i'm offended at my own thoughts i just like let's get it out of here can we name this song yeah can we call it e minor amazon oh man i wish we had a base six like a base six a six string oh we don't we don't let's work this out like emotionally yeah d okay i'm just can i just like start a beat that feels like you feel okay this is the overdrive which is the tube screamer and the delay if you look top down here [Music] [Applause] so [Music] addison you just change it up however you want [Music] so [Music] yeah that felt good i think this slide costs more than the overdrive it probably does um but it had a user experience hey yeah where's that from josh i don't remember there's a story i need to have it made it's from port wine bottles from australia when i had a store i was it's a long story i just wanted to shout out the brand never break that slide yeah i'll lose them it'll be crushed anyway so yeah all right all right talk to us about oem josh i feel like that's the next important piece here let's let's talk about this so oem stands for original equipment manufacturing got it okay it is also a term called private label which sounds like a great clothing line i mean it does sound like a great clothing so wikipedia let's go to wikipedia i don't think there's anything wrong with that for most people so wikipedia an original equipment manufacturer is a company that produces parts and equipment that may be marketed by another manufacturer one example is foxconn a taiwanese electronics company that manufactures parts and equipment for other companies such as apple dell google and nintendo so one company called foxconn actually it's openly known they make stuff for apple google nintendo do that's oem now you don't buy an apple product and see foxconn just like you don't buy the amazon basic and see nux on the outside we do see it on the inside also private label definition products of those manufactured by one company for sell under another company's brand name private label goods are available in a wide range of industries from food to cosmetics private label brands managed solely by a retailer for sale in a specific chain of stores are called store brands so what's your favorite store brand nick my favorite store brand yeah let's just food anything like target walgreens amazon basics is a store brand okay but let's talk about other store brands that society doesn't have a big problem with let's like contrast this you mean like you mean like target like has archer farms or whatever yeah like they have like cheese and it's like amazon's brand or amazon is amazon selling cheese now amazon basically yes amazon basically cheddar foods there you go yeah do they yeah they do yeah yeah yeah they do well so like i guess like is the point that you're getting at here is it's like target doesn't have a cheese factory that's like targets cheese and there's a target employee you mean the like when i buy a gallon of milk they don't like milk it's not like the target has a dairy like that's target's dairy okay right is that what we're saying i think the source so amazon isn't manufacturing these yeah there's not an am there's not a factory that says you know like bezos petals and it's like with amazon on it and it's like you know they're not employees of amazon all right addison yes a store brand a store brand what do you like what's your favorite private label first thing that comes to mind kroger kroger they make excellent but it's probably not them making it no somebody else making it what is the food what's the thing it's actually a drink uh shout out to my wife it is called uh it's called flavored water water with a hint of the doctor so it's like they're not making that no no way but you can't find it anywhere else so maybe they are like trader joe's yeah exactly yeah yeah i would say my family we eat a lot of trader joe's stuff and like so that private label someone's making it right i don't know where they are i don't know who they are in this case we know nux is making these yeah that's all that's going on and they're cheaper because they have no experience and now let's talk about the history of oem so let's go over to the private label table uh-oh i just want to look at the private label table all right the way we're going to do this is i'm going to pick a couple things then we'll move over to the top down cam all right we're just we're getting this right we want this live experience to be valuable let's start with the first ever oems that i'm aware of okay this works shenai was an offshoot of tysco um and they had a lot of cool stuff they invented the univibe the super fuzz made it for unibox all this stuff this is the shinai companion but let's be clear here that's the front that's the back you could buy the shinai companion as the tempo nothing it had no name which is called the tempo well it had the fy2 because it's the same that's not the original knobs and it does bother me i'm fine you could also buy it as the kimbara i think kimbara or the avora so that's the companion this is 1966 i believe still working on some of this history they also um shinai before shinnai was called honey and the honey um baby crying fuzz which we know as a unibox super fuzz because this was the most sold this is what pete pete thompson played the univox so it was better but right really it's the same as the other thing there was the shaftsberry duo fuzz um when nikki and i were in london last time geography dropped madison we there's an inside joke there there's shaftsbury was a shop on that street ross morris is a catalog they wanted it too so and then there was crown so this has gone on since the late 60s absolutely for sure and i'll pull out some more things back over to the whatever i call this table private label table what do you think i just think about this i mean it it's interesting because it yeah it it's kind of like how disney has actually been remaking the same movie like actually forever i didn't realize this until i was on disney plus the other day and i was like wait they've been doing this like forever like people are pissed off at the new reboots they've been rebooting their movies like since the beginning since the beginning but it's like people have been oeming pedals like since the dawn of time literally all right this is one of my favorites all these amazon pills are in the way y'all it's a metaphor so before electro harmonix existed circa 1967 mike matthews got into pedals because a guy was making guild fuzz pedals and stopped and mike took it over he never made a guitar pedal and he made the foxy lady there is a an older version of this but when he started electro harmonix in 1969 he released the big muff triangle which gets its name for the triangle knobs and guild still wanted pedals so what did mike do he made the triangle big moth and called it the guild foxy lady same exact circuit nothing different different printing wow yeah mike matthews this is michael this is electro harmonic this is the lard the [Music] they're they're like the biggest pedal company in the world next to boss right right like yeah and they've been that way forever okay 70s my favorite tome bender is the 1974 to be specific uh september 13th you know because that matters well across town jim marshall of marshall amps is under a contract and he cannot produce any any side hustle because he can't distribute under his own name he basically licensed his own name away from himself and he wanted it on the fuzz thing and he wanted to make amps so he starts park park sound exact same amps called park a jtm45 just had park on it and he wanted a tone bender so same exact pedal and also carlsbro across london wanted the same exact buzz pedal these are all made by color sound in the same exact factory same exact hands same exact parts same years no difference same pedal why why not that was i mean yeah there were different markets okay they i i mean yeah it's a great question if someone's selling fuzz pedals and doing well they have a customer base this is mom and pop shop land right you want to carry a fuss pedal you don't make fuzz pedals like carl's bro doesn't make pedals park sound doesn't make them whoever tempo was or univox didn't even want to make gear they were just a brand that needed products so these original private labels developed to to distribute more products and expand their companies throughout more of the market right so nowadays we grow our market through instagram and facebook and you know getting in all the dealers across the world well back in this day if you're in london how do i expand my market share and grow my company and do better you make more pedals where do you sell them other stores so i need to put the names on the yeah so that makes sense so it's like it feels like it's it's really like a a form of pre-internet marketing you know so it's like i think i think maybe what some people are missing is like they're thinking about amazon but really like we should just be talking about nux like yeah they're making more pedals like yeah i don't know i don't know anything i don't i don't know anything about nuts i don't know nothing but it's like their business is just doing good like do you know what i'm saying like i feel like what what's interesting about this oem process is that you we hyper focus on the copy yep the copy of the original pedal but we're not really thinking like well color sound was actually just killing it like they are like in the sense that like they're just expanding their brand it was a strategic move these are very popular because of the black keys um the ibanez standard fuzz very expensive well guess what it could have been called the bruno fuzz machine just exactly the same thing and ibanez didn't even make these these are made by maxon another great example is this ibanez is not a company they were a brand and maxon made the ibanez pills that's why you see exact same max on ibanez pedals that's that's mind-blowing to me i mean that's a huge that's huge i didn't realize that so i've been as like maxon's the one ibanez started it's literally not a company it's a brand within a business interesting and it started with guitar lutheran manufacturing and they just wanted to make pedals because they had distribution so maxon designed the tubes ibanez did not invent the tube streamer the engineer was a maxon engineer wow wow that's mind-blowing you know what else is mind-blowing we only have 19 minutes left on our stream quickly one of my favorites four different ultra metals axtron that name alone series 10 columbus polaris this may be my most prized quadra collection of similar pedals does this stuff drive you crazy josh that you just discovered this stuff all day long i'm answering a question you're ready for a bomb a bomb tc electronics needed pedals so they just had t-rex put their printing on current t-rex pedals whoa in the 90s this is tc been happening forever this is tc this is the exact pedal these are this entire line the vintage series is simply t-rex pedals they're fantastic wow this is a nice rat copy hey loco box made these for elektra same thing and then there's stuff like the gaiatone zoombox well if you look inside of this vox distortion it's the exact circuit board with a funky case wow yeah so i'll stop there but over to the table let's glance at the glory of the table some wild stuff there these are all the same yeah it's it's a thing what the other thing that comes to mind is like you just pointed out that that's a rat it's kind of funny that like these are also just relabeled circuits too or like they're re-packed yeah yeah you know like there's that rabbit hole it's a very original wrap yes it's but that's the topology should we jam on one of these let's do this distortion yeah i i like to think about renaming these a little yeah so you know the delay here what if it was called the prime delay you ever ordered something from prime and it doesn't show up on time yep what could we name the distortion i think it's like a brown sound thing like the brown box distortion stuff comes you see i'm hey oh okay i think i can see where you're going with that yeah i didn't earlier when we were talking about it but i do now all right somebody said delivery delay oh that's like oh that's our boy 60 cycle hum shout out oh 60 cycle he did a great video on these i believe yeah if you're uh his name's watching as a human being go watch ryan's video let's do this we need something oh there you go let's you want to acdc this sure i mean egd is the way of the way of rock i mean i know what to do nick just lock it in right now [Music] one two three four [Music] i don't think they played a hollow body like this well no i don't know [Music] [Music] ah [Music] man that that really got the energy out it really did oh good let's do another jam you wanna do another jam yeah let's just do it we got it we gotta knucks makes a claw i think this is funny i'm excited i don't see i here's what i need to happen nux if you're watching i don't know you might watch get amazon to make the clone i just an amazon clock come on yes the ammo climb the ammo clock we're getting there it needs to be workshop but i mean this is a clone buy your clone in bulk i haven't played this so let's see let's see how i feel about it i'm going to play the uh nux let's remove the distortion and what do we want here let's let's compress first clon second which is a nux it's not an amazon but hey here's to the future yes right right right because in amazon clone yeah i just something so thrilling about that to me i have problems um all right let me see here guys i just have to say my wife's giving me mixed notes right now it makes me so proud giving you mixed notes she said hey bump this hey drop that oh wow that is right man come on beck shout out girl proverbs 31 right that's right five people understand that joke four of them are in the room oh so that's a roster it's silver yeah it's a ross compressor that's definitely compressing let's let's uh let's turn the clone on i'm sorry it's it's not it's the horseman right isn't it like wait can can you hold up the box with the image on it too yeah i mean can you show me it really quick because i can't see the there we go oh he's rocking out yeah the irony is that that is not uh a horseman that's a that's a fawn or a nerd so it's i'm just saying i'm just saying like as if we're going to be like mythologically accurate a sportsman isn't even a centaur a horseman is just a guy that rides a horse that could go deep though if it's not an exact replica of the circuit maybe that come on maybe that is like the joke is it's like the wrong do you think there's a joke is there an experience on the depth of a joke here maybe yeah i mean or we're overthinking everything let's lock into this tempo yeah i have no let's let's just take it from the top in g and g all right so one two three start on the one and slit it right out we're gonna hear the sustain [Music] four i think this is a guns n roses song against my will it's like a really slow paradigm city [Music] so double time i don't know what that'll do [Music] [Music] wow thank you thanks for the not live audience [Applause] what else here here's the thing we're having a good time we really are this is like 120 bucks for a good time you know also there's a coco brand that apparently sorry i'm just confused the switcher to death sorry there's a coco coco brand so amazon basics there's also the nux of this and then there's coco just someone's probably making that point who wait which came first uh chicken are they nooks is the nuxes this is the private label oem manufacturer okay okay i there's a looper there's there's i don't know where do we go from here i wanted to say our last point yep how should we now live it's definitely made me think about um what i'm gonna have for dinner i i think about you know generations from now will anybody give a crap about this no i don't know is it damaging does it it's amazon i mean they already okay but where do you give a crap about it look at all this on the table yeah yeah no i care about this immensely i think it's fascinating yeah but in the sense of like is the world burning because of this no okay no no what do you think i mean con is anyone there's a varying opinion in the room i welcome i mean i want to learn i want to hear the viewpoints i don't know if it's just like that i just don't care so much like i just think that there's a part of you that's just like yeah someone's gonna buy people they're gonna sell like a metric butt ton of these and like some kid's gonna buy it and write like some sweet like you know awesome riffs and make some cool music and the people that oh my god and the people that tuner doesn't fully mute oh no really it doesn't okay so there's an amazon space there we go yep there's a hidden i mean yeah like as far as quality and stuff the foot switches feel a little bit weird and they say amazon on it and that makes me feel weird yeah but like yeah that's not going to matter to the people that buy them and the people that care aren't going to buy these pedals and a lot of people are going to just keep buying what they've always been buying it's very true uh addison yeah just the final heartfelt commentary on the state of where you are now at 4 52 central standard time well two thoughts i meant what i said three minutes ago when i wasn't gonna uh get too hung up on this because i want to know what dinner is tonight so it's not affecting me that bad however i will say i am excited for the kid who is 12 years old and can go my goodness i can buy a tube screamer and a clone because at the end of the day they're going to make music with cool sounds i sincerely hope tons of kids get these for christmas yes like yeah i just i that is absolutely how i feel i understand people don't agree with that i love all the opinions i get excited for the future guitar with something so accessible this is a really cool comment richard hi smith says for a beginner it's unreal compared to what i could afford as a 14 year old i don't know how old you are now but even i'm 28 so 14 years ago think about that there's no way i was the first i had we're working on an episode for this but it's like the zoom 505 is so freaking complicated yeah the two the sound tank tube screamer that broke constantly like these are a huge step up huge right i just look at it as a gateway for people to end up buying more pedals from different companies later yeah like it's like a stepping stone here's a knucks business card i mean there's an experience just you know nux is a company info cherub some deep diver might want to check out cherub technology uh this rabbit hole may go further than nux effects they might be making other stuff and that would be really funny uh yeah i want to draw attention here to a very interesting thing that i noticed um this oh yeah this is i know how crazy i am with what i'm about to say i understand that this is probably hard for people this i believe i i'm i'm just gonna say that i very much think what percentage 98 38 this is the first ever mass manufactured morning glory clone they called it it's nux they call it the morning star overdrive and if you hold the foot switch down it toggles the shine control which bright cut oh wow okay that's actually pretty smart okay again i think there's like 60 bucks if it breaks you're up to you know it's a different experience right i just i'm i'm further just saying like i don't care this is a different experience i'm not i'm not gonna be the chef who's concerned about in and out when i'm making a gourmet burger wow that's freaking deep that's so deep and i don't like it and the sound isn't working we have five minutes do we want to i think we should jam for a little bit on the morning glory put the morning glory clone on there absolutely so for sure the morning glory clone compressor delay with a call a very expensive callings and a two rock so this is like this is a bizarro world yeah okay here we go guys let's see man that is crunchy [Music] you know i might get into this and be like oh it's actually not a morning glory but you know morning star light overdrive with a bright control imitation's the most sincere form of flattering are you flattered josh do you feel flattered yeah it is cool it is cool to know that people in different markets are wanting that sound that it's become such a staple of sorts i wish they had a reverb for this amazon reverb that'd be awesome yeah okay all right let's do a jam uh let's see d c [Music] um [Music] we're close we're almost doing the same thing [Music] yeah that's great um i feel good about this episode i think that you know oem is an important part of history it always will be we don't have to choose sides we gave our opinions your opinions are super valuable i'm interested in the comments to read what you have to say and yeah maybe we can take this opportunity as our little i like what you said nick we have lived almost in this like little private bubble yeah world i think it's a good eye-opening thing to see number one that our industry is doing really good guitar is thriving um and we have no choice but to welcome amazon in we're not gonna stop amazon yep so true so what do we do with it well i i think we just keep on trucking but before we leave i have an order of business that we need to address address we are going to be doing a three series giveaway and the way that we are doing it is it's going to be on instagram just instagram only keeping it simple basically all you need to do is do a video of you playing with one of our three series pedals include the name of the pedal that you're using and tag somebody that you want to nominate for this giveaway we're going to be doing it all the way up until black friday so you have plenty of time to do it but get those nominations in so that we can pick winners we're going to announce the winners probably around black friday and you don't have to nominate someone to enter we want to share your videos so all these videos we are going to share them and put them on our instagram page just use the hashtag whatsyour3 series the three is the number three just so that you know that um yeah again you don't have to nominate someone for the giveaway if you don't want to you can just post a video and we'll share it but um yeah maybe think of somebody who you think is worthy to get a three series pedal we're gonna be doing seven winners one for each pedal so go to instagram make a video we can't wait to see it we're gonna share a bunch of them super exciting also check out nick's channel next time oh yeah next to a shameless plug go for it so [Music] uh yeah so i have a youtube channel called knicks tapes where i kind of think of it like the frasier version of this like if this was cheers like it's like you know that's good that's frasier yeah so i i write my own music and share process on how i record and make music videos and i'm working on all kinds of cool stuff right now uh yeah and if you missed it last week i did an episode about pedals for synthesizers yeah on this channel that's right you're in a lot of places at one time you know how do you do that you know i just every night i just it's really about visualizing and then actualizing all right that's deep check out the jhs for shirts latest episodes there's a onesie on here um there's all kinds of stuff we're adding to the product pages you can go to record time section if you ever just need to know what kind of weird music we like um we have listed every single record time so you can find some fun stuff it's mainly 90s music that you might hate but that's fine and uh yeah there's articles as well so if you can't watch videos we have taken every episode and made a really nice article where you can like read it you know it's not disturbing people then if you really like history and all the weird stuff like if you enjoyed the private label table and and that kind of thing i do that at patreon all the time here's long form talks like history of ross pedals and custom uh how to collect pedals is a recent one we just dropped one called yeah pedal errors the errors of pedals i just have to say if i may have to like literally do the book on that yes something i've worked on for about two years i am nerdy like you i love this crap so uh if you are into this kind of thing definitely go check out patreon it's it's awesome we also just got back from a very long trip a very long trip yeah we filmed some really cool stuff for patreon yeah and it's like a on the road oh yeah yeah we did a really fun experiment it was very cool that's it everyone thanks for watching thanks for being here go have fun on your guitar buy whatever gear you can buy whatever you can afford have fun with it um keep guitar fun that's all i got for today bye [Music] you
Channel: JHS Pedals
Views: 296,923
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: JHS, JHS Pedals, The JHS Show, Guitar Pedals, Guitar Effects, Guitar Gear, Guitar Pedal Demo, Music History, synth, synth guitar pedals, synth effects, Nick Loux, Nix Tapes, overdrive pedal, chorus pedal, distortion pedal, boss pedals, compressor pedal, univibe, delay pedal, octave fuzz, reverb pedal, reverb, eq pedal, boost pedal, behringer, Josh Scott, Amazon, Amazon Basics, Amazon Guitar Pedals, Amazon Basics Pedals
Id: 9o7g-74cip4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 63min 26sec (3806 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 04 2020
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