Thousand Dollar Pedals

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today i'm making all the wrongs right i talk too much about cheap pedals so we're going to talk about really really really expensive pedals are they worth it let's see [Music] [Applause] [Music] behind every expensive pedal you see is a reason that reason might make sense it might be completely insane and it might just be dumb so today i'm gonna go through some very expensive pedals some of these have sold for upwards and over one thousand dollars oh my god a thousand dollars we're gonna decide is it worth it you're gonna help with that decision and we're gonna look at things like is it because it's rare is it height is it actually hard to make is it worth that in general uh we're gonna try to get to the bottom of it with each petal and to do this i have hand selected a hand crafted board of professional pedal enthusiasts i'm going to let them introduce themselves right now my name is t-bone drexel and i play pedals that nobody can replicate secret parts germanium nos is kind of what i live for my name's addison i'm on staff here at dhs um what's up my name's traxton sinclair i'm a lawyer to the doctors and i have a really cool alternative country ban i play in it's called knight riders and i'm also extremely wealthy first up is a pedal from 2021 it is the boss tb2w that stands for the tone bender 2 was a craft edition this is an official collaboration between boss japan and solo sound london the tone bender basically is the second produced pedal ever made from 1965 it has a huge history boss collaborated with them on this it's a brilliant pedal it's everything classic about a good tone bender germanium transistors it's the real circuit of an mk2 but boss does their thing they put it in the amazing enclosure they add a buffer through a switch it has 7 volt 9 volt 12 volt operation they've made the transistors they have a quality control over that it's phenomenal but it's about three four thousand units something like that so it's really really rare in the sense that boss released it from the beginning in a limited quantity and uh i think that might be why this is so expensive we've seen them go for like fifteen hundred dollars tops they're coming down a little bit so why is it rare is it just that it's hard to get is it because it's a special circuit knowing a nav is it hype on this i don't think it's necessarily hype although i think that its rarity has caused a little bit of hype but it is rare that is a fact and i think that overrides the comment that it's all hype it's a really good pedal it's really unique it's really special um and it's very but i'm gonna play it and then we'll let our panel tell you what they think [Music] hmm [Music] that was a jam it sounded expensive and it should i think all the gems today are gonna have a flavor and essence of uh of expense you know i think that that's just what we're doing now that was interesting because like i said earlier the tone bender in this case the walls of tombender it cleans up really well so i set the last paul up where the bridge pickup was at full volume but i started on the neck pickup with the volume almost off and so i had a clean tone at the beginning i went down to the bridge pickup and had a distorted tone i think that's pretty cool and fairly unique to this tome bender but all that aside uh panel tell them what you think it's all right i've never been a boss fan when you make a lot of stuff you're gonna have issues you know a lot of the guys that build for me we go way back 20 30 years back there we were on harmony central together uh there was some form like private forum stuff if i want to tell them the deal is you know i'm gonna pay i'm gonna pay some real people that live in america and we're gonna build it right we're not gonna deal with like buffers i've never needed a buffer it's bullcrap is it worth it i mean yes and no but there are more affordable options in the world if you don't have that kind of money i think it's cool because it's collectible but as far as getting that sound goes you could get something brand new like the morgan mark ii for i don't know 219 bucks new probably even cheaper used the javelina from way huge uh you can get these used on reverb for again 150 bucks it's going to get you that sound mass-produced though yeah well this one's mass-produced as well but keeley's awesome they make really good stuff this one will do the mark ii sound thing too it's a unique take on it if you want something a little bit different these are 150 bucks new so you can get them even cheaper used if you want to so i mean i think it's a cool pedal but honestly there's other options out there you don't have to spend as much money on them keeley was cool but you know he sold out he sold out about five six years ago oh i didn't know that yeah he makes too much stuff got it i mean i think when it comes to like the purity of tone you gotta put your money where your tone is i mean i think this waza thing is pretty great i mean my dad gave me this really lame like original vox mark 2 tone bender and it's like fine but i mean come on you know that's worth a lot of money right i got a replica of that yeah that's pretty cool i've got like three of these uh these waza uh tone bender mark ii like reboot deals man and like i've got to treat my tone with respect and so i'm taking gold tip cables straight into my dumbbell with uh with hemp cone speakers i mean like why go cheap and be a creep when you can spend money and sound like honey i'm also extremely wealthy i don't know if i mentioned that next up is a petal from henley on thames oxfordshire england it's from the late 90s a brand called love tone i have the box let's uh pull it out of the box here there's a box within the box uh pretty unique like a supportive box system so it's like two boxes you ever noticed that nick there's like is you like that yeah it is cool so let's hey little buddy oh so cozy here's what i love when a petal is cozy in the box brought you some warm milk here it is ring stinger it's a ring modulator distortion pedal okay this company is really eccentric it's a wild pedal all right that's the start but let's let's ask the question why is it so expensive well i think it's because they didn't make many of these it's really rare and i think that it's unique so there's like rarity because they didn't make many and rare because there aren't really options for these types of ring modulators i don't think it's hyped i mean how you gonna hype this nobody like you know what i'm saying i think it's just what it is it's a crazy pedal i've seen him sell for about 2 000 recently let's jam on it and then we'll let our panel do what they think [Music] [Applause] [Music] that's a cool jam uh talking heads merges with the grateful dead and it's produced by ricko kasich yeah i plugged in an expression pedal to the cv which moved this you heard it you saw it there's nothing to talk about let's go to the panel uh tell us what you think uh my first problem out of the gate honestly it's made in england and nothing's been good since probably that the first sis first faces you know 72 maybe 68 i don't know i buy american i shop american and i i want to hear american and when i heard that ring mod i'm not up for that and honestly ring mod i i don't even know what it is it sounds useless to me t-bone knows tone and i didn't like that tone and uh if i was gonna make it i'd call up somebody i'd have it made with nos parts it's really about the magic you know i didn't feel it well i'm with you the ring mod sound isn't really my sound although i thought that jam was pretty cool i thought we sounded pretty good you were kind of mean about it but whatever uh if you don't have a bunch of money for one of these things you could get a cheaper option from boss they've got the big old md 500 here uh it's got a ring mod setting which is super super killer it's got a ton of other options too all for less money than like i don't know you could probably get two or three of these for the price of one of the yeah jack of all trades master and none yeah i don't know if i agree with that uh this is flama's option and uh they've also got a ring mod setting on this this is like i don't know 30 40 that's like three cups of coffee so you could go buy one of these and put it on your pedal board and save a ton of money you could buy i don't know like a thousand more cups of coffee if you bought one of these instead of a ring where's that made i think it's made in china probably yeah yeah it says made in china i don't need to say anything there it's still good you can go with these cheaper options or you can just go straight to the bank and get the real thing but honestly i'll i have to say it ring modulation for me is not like it sounds like one of those weird sounds someone from like radiohead my poor friends listen to radiohead i don't really i'm too rich to listen to radiohead but like if i were to get one i would get this one mostly because i have a lot of money and i need to spend it next up from around 2010 is the electro harmonics deluxe memory man with tap tempo there's two editions of this there is an edition that has less delay time it's kind of a green color this is the blue one so the blue one has more delay time and that means it has more bucky brigade chips to achieve such delay time they put them in series so it creates a bigger delay effect those are the mn305s a very rare chipset this has gone for around a thousand dollars it's a memory man it's a bucket brigade delay is it magic no but it's amazing but so are lots of other delay pedals so on this one it's not it's not even necessarily that rare like you can go on reverb they probably made a thousand thousands several thousands i don't know i'm assuming they made several of a thousands of these i think there's some hype here um i mean a diamond memory lane two even a cub that we've made or a normal panther they're all gonna sound pretty similar and honestly the deluxe memory boy that they make it's a great delay as well i don't know it's a thousand dollars i like the pedal don't get me wrong but uh that's kind of my take on it i think it's probably height let's jam on it and then uh we'll let panel be the judges [Music] [Applause] [Music] hmm [Music] that song you know what it did for me is it put me in a place and the place was like if i was ashton kutcher but i was cast on friday night lights the tv series season three because two and four trash and i had a dream and that was the soundtrack to my slash ashton kutcher's dream on season three friday night lights episode six it's about 28 minutes into the show so not before it ends but you know it's rapping but there's always that extra scene panel what do you think i like remember man i think it is the classic delay but this new this new stuff it ain't the same if i want a memory and i want a silver box screen print i want the vintage you know it's it's ride fast or get off the horse it's die or just leave i don't even know there's so many sayings i can say i don't even know what to say because i don't like this new pedal howard davis and bob meyer needs to have breathed on the chips and i tell you something about the chips they're not the same these new chips they're not the panasonic ogs they're not the mn305s they're lying to us you know some conspiracies they are real and this is one of them it's a totally different wafer structure and i think that the tap tempo they say it's not in the signal path it's in the path you're hearing the digital they're lying to you it's all pack allies you know that this one has the same mn3005 chips nice one we're talking about there's no way they survived this many years no i i can prove it to you okay well is this one worth it i actually own one i didn't pay a thousand dollars for it but i kind of think it's worth it i love it if you don't though you don't have that kind of money there's a couple options i've pulled from our shelves here to show you one of them is the new universal audio starlight the memory man setting on this is incredible it has tap tempo doesn't have chips in it like you're complaining about but it is amazing this may be the best digital uh emulation of a deluxe memory man that i've ever heard a cheaper option little hack for you the fourth mode on the diamond memory lane junior is really stellar it's not quite the same but it's really really close to give you that deluxe memory man flavor if you want to you can get one of the new deluxe memory man tap tempo uh 1100 millisecond versions they have the x5 chips i believe yeah where's that chip made probably china yeah that speaks or so i don't know i know a ton of people that have taken their old mn3005 deluxe mirror men's off their board and they put these new ones on there just because the other ones are you know so high in value but they sound really really close if not identical especially in a mix so there's lots of options out there if you're practical like me and uh you don't have a lot of money like these two i like did like this pedal until i found out that this noob likes it and so um i'm probably gonna just get rid of it because i have a lot of money next up is a fuzz pedal from around 1968. uh it's not just a fuzz it's an octave fuzz so it's the type of fuzz that folds over the waveform sounds like robots it's an mpeg scrambler i have the box an original box again not a reproductive i've seen people reproduce have you seen you guys seen the reproduction boxes these people trying to pull the wool over the eyes or whatever the saying is i'm not going to stand for it real box right here you can usually tell a real box because there's mold and you can take that mold stop it get some help there it is i'm gonna open it up there you go this is it interesting facts let's go let's go to fact time with josh this is one of the first if not the first gooped circuit ever if you open this up there's a black cube there were other octave buzzers i mean this isn't hard to do but they blacked it in a big epoxy cube so take that klon 1968 oh wait there's some stuff in here what's this nick addison have you seen warranty card handwriting you guys seen this you want to look anybody anybody want to study this no what's this you guys see this yeah this isn't it are you not excited hey i'm sorry that i love something and you don't like it okay i said it was okay oh you said you didn't like it oh well so what if i don't like it is that like the end of the world or something it's really expensive they're like two thousand dollars i think it's because it's a collector's item can you get octave fuzz yeah all the time like we make one for 179. you can buy active fuzz pedals for like 40 on amazon it's because it has the box the warranty card it's because it's rare it's because it's history that's my take on this let's jam and you be the judge and then the panel will be the judge and we'll just all be really judgy like nick so [Music] that jam you know it's like hendrix had lived to play for gary newman panel what's the deal why why is it worth it is it worth how expensive it is your turn i like the scrambler i have original one it's beat up you know i gigged a lot with it when i lived up up in the northwest but honestly there ain't there nothing that sounds like that but we keep going through this but you can't replicate magic the scrambler has some magic there's a reason they gooped it i think that when you goop this circuit you know there's some ties back from ampeg and you if you go far enough you end up at roswell we don't know the magic we we're not sure what's going on there and you'll hear people these idiots say hey any octave fuzz whatever i i don't think so and uh i've only found one guy that can make one just go on the gear page you'll see guitar effects pedals and then if you look close a lot of people don't because they're ignorant you look down it's uh secret effects pedals his name on there is pcb niner and if you get a hold of him he's made me a couple scramblers that they're right up there in my real one i've never heard anybody replicate his a little off like there's some high frequency resonance there's some artifacts you know but at the end of the day i think for most people down at the bar they're not gonna hear it i know it but i still feel good about it i think it's that magic and you can't replicate it if you're one of those people down at the bar and you're like i don't need that two thousand dollar octa fuss pedal there's tons of other things again for the practical person out there like myself if you don't have a lot of money then uh you could do something like the french toast used on reverb or any other used marketplace this is a fox tone machine style octa fuzz this is really cool it's gonna give you that sound maybe a little bit different again but that's okay uh something like the tysco fuzz is really cool uh we did an episode on this uh last year go check it out we did some really cool jams with this this totally nails that octave fuzz sound and then shameless plug jhs makes the supreme which is a really cool replica of an octave fuzz uh circuit from uh 1972. if you're trying to actually sound good you bypass the sheep cheap tone and just get the real thing man like why are we even i'm we're the only like i don't i don't even know why we're debating look at this what color is that what is this child's god i don't want a toy i want the sauce yeah when i'm playing my gigs i not only want to sound good but i want to feel superior in every possible way my name's trax and i have a lot of money next up is honestly a pedal i'm sick and tired of talking about i mean it's decline you knew it was coming everyone and their grandmother and their great-grandmother said oh expensive thousand dollar pedals oh the clone these have sold for like six thousand i can't even believe that six thousand what can you buy everybody in the room six thousand dollars go a car a car a toyota corolla a good car that's a quality car you could buy a boat where i'm from you could buy a really nice double wide on like four acres you could hunt on that land your entire life raise your children eat from the land recently i purchased a new cabin big enough for the whole family but you buy this i don't understand it and to further this i'm gonna use it as a clean boost i hate this pedal as a clean boost i've never said i hated anything well i didn't know but other than that i hate this used as a clean boost do you know why that's a lot of clean boosts i can make a clean boost in like 10 seconds with a transistor you can buy one right now you can walk down the street to some nice house they have a clean boost people buy six thousand dollar pedals and they don't even turn the gain up and then they complain about the secret diode it's like not even a thing when the game's it's maddening it's totally maddening i need to play the pedal but here's the deal why is it so expensive hype it's absolutely hype but time out come down josh from your throne of frustration it's beautiful my god look at it look at this it is a work of art in my opinion iconography i love it the thing i like the colors it's not gold it is the perfect gold and even when you change the gold there's three hues of gold over there they're all perfect how can you have four three four hues of perfect gold it's like four times perfect it is a beautiful oxblood knobs he didn't go black he had ox blood made the bat goes on with fat screws and there's like a thing it is a gorgeous pedal but i hate it i love i love this pedal but i hate it i'm going to play it as a clean boost just because i hate that are you sure you can get a double wide for six thousand dollars have you seen where i grew up [Music] [Music] hey [Music] [Music] me [Music] it was the weirdest thing it's like when i turned it on it boosted the signal you know what else boosts the signal let's put them on the screen an mxr microamp akili katana a joyo whatever the crap boost they're making there's like a million boosts in this room literally there are 100 there's got to be a hundred boosts in the room that are all like fifty dollars if you have a clone and you use it as a boost i'm making the choice to still love you panel take it from here for me with a pedal there never been an overdrive till 95. it is the overdrive it's gooped it's got the diodes that are perfect i mean bill finnegan he knows how to make a pedal and you know i read it left and right it's the d9 they got the same forward voltage drop now they're secret but i've never seen any diode that has like the front threshold or the slope it's not the same there's nothing like it and then you hear these people talking about if you use it as a boost whatever you can't even hear yeah you hear it you feel it it's in the circuit yeah clone it make the schematic but you're not thinking about the geometrical electrical forces inside of a pcb you got ground plates forward voltages you got your 9 volt your 18 boat your tc44 charge pump it's special sauce amen am i in church are you a preacher because i feel like i'm in church right now charge your tone bro well there's a couple other options because cons are outrageously expensive right now there probably aren't any other options for the record uh the diodes don't really kick in until like nine ten o'clock on the game knob so the way you heard it in the jam today right here whatever whatever whatever okay but wampler tumnus amazing and it's tiny it's tiny i agree the clone looks beautiful sell out waffler used to make good stuff when he made it at home he still makes great stuff what are you talking about go buy a tumnus you could also get something from way huge called the conspiracy theory it's a brilliant name look at that look the color the knob color you understand it's a clone clone clones are made in boston not california amen amen amen all right well you could get this made in china from amazon oh my gosh man you are a harbinger of lies amazon jeff bezos your mama didn't raise you out since 40 years of america not mars all right well if you live in america and you want to buy one of these for 40 you can do that because you live in america uh the last option here another great option and again really flexible because it doesn't just have a clone in it it's got other things it's a multi-effects like drive pedal from boss it's the od 200. there is no way no no way you can't bro you cannot there's no one in a motorcycle yes you can there's one in here there is an anger in me that is not quenched bro this is like ridiculous are you saying that these cheap imitation knockoffs can replicate this one that i don't know why they can't or this other one that i have or this other one that i have or this other one that i have you get all these listen i heard john mayer uses these and mayor if mayor has it i have it okay i've never been able to get a real one hey listen when you become a lawyer to doctors you call you like hoarding all the time i'm a hard-working man i work nine to five blue-collar life and listen i ain't got money you're hoarding all these can i can i get one bro this as a clean boost though it works you don't hear the diodes it works i don't know it i honestly don't like either one of y'all at this point i hope you get fired this next pedal is uh really impressive it is the chase bliss preamp mk2 automaton and it was a collaboration of design with benson chris benson up in portland an amazing ant builder he has pedals that are awesome i've shown them but this is let me just shoot straight with you i'll tell you what it is this does everything boost light overdrive light medium medium medium heavy heavy scorched earth fuzz harsh warm mellow soft it does everything it does stuff i don't even want to know about and you know what else you can say like it's like preset city here you just you just hit a button and the freaking sliders move it's like a robot silicon germanium transistor choices diodes choices pre post boost it has a display number screen when i see this i kind of want to quit building pedals because it's like my god what do i do look hey it's me i'm josh i just like built a drive pedal has three knobs powder coated we got a freaking wizard boy over here i mean joel's like a genius he's literally a genius i'm nothing so what's my opinion on this it's worth every time where are you going to get this you're going to make this good luck making this it goes like a billion dollars you'll spend your whole life you'll lose your family your kids won't know who you are you'll disappear you'll end up on dateline then you'll get off a date line then they'll find you you'll be dead in some back alley somewhere in portugal you don't even know who you are you're like wasted your life trying to make this just buy the thing it's worth 900 bucks all day i think it's worth two i think this is worth what you need it to cost okay if you need it to cost more pay more you should get on reverb pay over what they're asking make an offer double what it goes for if you see one for a thousand say hey i'll give you two and then move on and you have a better life [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] did y'all see that like it's alive my pedals are not alive this lives and breathes why am i even doing this panel go ahead i don't even care what you think because it doesn't matter this is amazing but go ahead panel do your thing whatever i'm trying trying to stay honest here digital sliding faders you know i i don't want to go there because when you go there you digitize other stuff in your life and then you turn around in 10 years and there's a robot you know running the prison cell i had this truck i bought it it's a dodge durango it had digital stuff in it i sold it i went back to my 79 silverado step side i crank up the window radio you know it's a button or two the wipers are manual it's got brakes gas and a steering wheel and it does me well and when it comes down to dirt tone and overdrives and buzzes i just need it to work i don't need fancy fixtures a bunch of digital woopah i don't care about it all right i want it to work sliding faders means faders will break period i don't agree with that i think it's actually pretty cool i think it's worth it but again if you don't have a ton of money you can't catch one of these new there's a few cheaper options here i'm going to offer you even though these guys are really tired of that i just want to help the people out and you're the people so here we go strymon offers two amazing options here the sunset dual overdrive and the riverside they're really good they sound great digital overdrive yeah my daddy's rolling over and upgrade whatever but for the record too you could also buy like a tube screamer and a morning glory and a rat and another tube screamer all still for less than the chase bliss i'm not saying the chase bliss isn't worth it because i just said it was but you could get multiple overdrives for cheaper than one of the chase bliss so that's an option too and then this is really cool these are just used nowadays but um this is the multi-effect overdrive distortion from line six uh the dm4 a part of the force line six six six if you're six years old you might like it yeah the way i was raised i'm gonna say it to you like it is there's sometimes there's wolves and sheep's clothing and this nuts amen amen it's not expensive enough and it's not because i think it is worth it it's because if i'm going to buy anything it needs to be buco bucks so i would say that if i were to buy one i'd probably spend more money on it and that would definitely probably even make it sound but it doesn't even make any sense it does make sense because y'all are just you got to put your money where your tone is my dude oh just play the overdrive have it made by a real man no america sitting at home doing this job plaid shirt nonsense you're like okay i'm more of a cowboy than you are a man son okay you want to go i don't have you want have you ever been into a doctor court i thought we were connecting but you're just stupid it ain't about money it's about the magic it's just like ever since my dad yeah i'm like was out of the picture i'm out on it's like i thought the money could fill the void but really it's just sustained an endless gaping space of hopelessness and i try to fill it with this gear to make myself feel better but really i'm just i'm just lost you know can you please stop rolling the cameras seriously stop to wrap this up it's really important to ask yourself a question to take a deep breath and just say hey why do i want the pedal okay why do i want the pedal and here's the thing break it down break it down for yourself you're an adult or at least you're a child and say hey it's really rare i want it it's cool to have rare stuff it's cool to say i want a pedal that nobody has because i want to be special because i want to be better than my friend that's fine just admit it you know what i'm saying it's okay to say that pedal sounds so good whether it's a thirty dollar pedal or a two thousand dollar pedal you can say that you can let yourself just admit it you can also say there's nothing in the world like this this is a technological marvel that should be sent into space to represent our nation you can say that too it's really up to you but what the thing is you need to say it you need to admit it stop playing games you know stop saying you want it because of something you don't really want it for the best thing you can do right now is be truthful to yourself let's go to record time today's record time is brought to you by 2020's american foursquare this is a record by denison whitmer i believe this is my favorite record of 2020. i've shown some of his records before and gotten to know him lately so we have two autographed copies here we're going to give away one right now on the show there's a link in the description below so go fill that out and then this will be given over at our patreon hi everyone i'm denison whitmer this is my record american foursquare i'm really thankful to be part of record time this week thank you josh and jhs petals for featuring my album congratulations to those of you who won the record i'm going to take this sharpie i'm going to sign it right here and i'm going to go to the post office and mail it to you i hope you like the songs this record is really beautiful it's kind of like a personal biography of like life change for him and i literally like every single track um well done it's on asthmatic kitty records if you're familiar with that label yeah check this out get to know his work he's fantastic i don't know what else to say yeah hit the link try to get one of these you'll love it if you know this record chime in in the comments let's talk about it talk about his past previous work and uh yeah let me know what you think if you haven't heard it i'm a huge fan and i think he deserves to be more well known thanks so much for watching this episode i hope you enjoyed it there is a link below you can jam with us on band lab you can literally download the gems and jam with us you can make an album against our wheel i think that's exciting you should definitely do that if you like this episode hit like subscribe to the channel click the bell icon to get notifications of future episodes join us at the patreon you'll have another chance to get that denison whitman record as well and that's kind of it there's um i don't know what else to say i mean you know go buy some really expensive pedals pour all your money into it you know let your life fall apart for tone and because that is the right decision um it's all about how much something costs for sure but that is what i have learned today if it costs more it's gooder better it's best [Music] you
Channel: JHS Pedals
Views: 245,008
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: JHS, JHS Pedals, The JHS Show, Guitar Pedals, Guitar Effects, Guitar Gear, Guitar Pedal Demo, Music History, overdrive pedal, chorus pedal, distortion pedal, boss pedals, compressor pedal, univibe, delay pedal, octave fuzz, reverb pedal, reverb, eq pedal, boost pedal, behringer
Id: pRSEYdo7DC4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 42sec (2382 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 15 2021
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