LIVE: Soviet And Russian Pedal History (w/ Tone Mob)

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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] what a great audience i'm so supportive all right how are you how's it out there in the internet internet's a big place did you guys know that yeah it's pretty big how big is the internet nick it's as big as your imagination that's a big place to be and that's where we are today uh it's been a while since we've done a live and uh this is one heck of a way to kick it back off we have a special guest blake how are you i am confused it's okay what has you confused i don't really know if i can get into it here yeah i'm uncomfortable with the discussing these type of things just so many pedals and there's a lot yeah a lot of gear a lot to deal with i'm pumped we're giving away a ton of stuff and we're gonna talk about soviet union slash russian pedals what's the difference in the soviet union in russia we're going to get into that nick just right now what what are your thoughts on soviet union versus russia i'm no historian but i think that they're different yes so okay i think we should we should learn together what they are like a family okay we're gonna do that right after i tell everything we're giving away this is the most giveaways we've ever done on the show this is a big one this is the giveaway extravaganza so after that you're gonna walk through a tone mob introduction okay the soviet union yes okay so the giveaways are ernie ball trivia time we're going to give away a box of strings of your choice ship directly to your door might i add and the winner of this box of strings gets a bonus addison what is the bonus gift today from ernie ball it says it it's for a live giveaway here this is an ernie ball volume pedal junior so they're going to get a box of streets and a volume pedal uh we're giving away a hercules guitar stand this is yes yeah the children are very excited the guitar stand uh hercules is a good brand i'll we use them here it's as if hercules the characters holding your guitar safely yeah i like that he's very strong though yeah like he might squeeze too hard he could kill your guitar but he holds it softly it's a soft embrace by a strong arm wow that's what you want that's what yeah it is amt addison you want to walk us through this giveaway because they are they are russian there we go oh sorry no it's cool it's fine uh so we have this cool little little module called the uh pangea module from amt and this goes inside of a pedal it's a cab sim really cool um kind of all-in-one thing it's got like ir loader room reverb things like that that you can do um so we tossed it and it goes into the batter it's a shape of a battery yeah oh here i can show them yeah it goes in there show them wait uh it's like an all-in-one right now right there right there you see that little thing in there uh-huh yeah it's right there so that's what we're gonna give away so you can put one in a pedal as well um it's a very very awesome thing we'll tell a little bit of history and a little um backstory on amt you will i will you're going to do a little bit of uh your own pedal history high school i am they have a oh that's true they have a really um neat history which we'll get into okay getting one of those away and then tone mob you're giving away yes we have a couple things here they're both going to go to the same person the first is a little a little diddle that's from copper sound it is great company a lot of people probably seen they do pedalboard flashlights woo yes so you can you can mount that to your pedalboard and when you have a cable go bad on stage that's super useful you can find out what's going on you can say hold on audience that's right i gotta get whip out my flashlight yep you can just pull it out and they're like whoa yeah yeah they're like that's so cool and the other thing is something pretty cool those are cool boxes by the way yeah well you know there's a little trick with them too so not only do we have a fancy lid but if you got a big board it's a pedal riser boom ingenuity you thought of everything are those made in the forest of oregon these are made in michigan i think actually i can't remember exactly where they're made but they're made they're made in a forest i had a brand made that's cool they literally just shh on there like a cow that's got to be fulfilling to do that all day i would burn something into a thing you should get one of those and brand your like steaks like if you have people over for steak night you think so i think you should we need a jhs brand if anybody's listening over in the uh admin section of the building our brand manager get a brand manager can you get a brand get it get it wait hold on boom yeah we're giving just the box though oh yeah yeah there's something inside the box we're gonna give away the germanium model one which was a special fuzz that i did with solid gold effects a few years ago and uh it's really awesome and it sounds really excellent and somebody's gonna get that the box and the flashlight so if they win it with the box they'll have the box they will have the box wow i love i love how this episode it's like we got in the car we cranked the engine and we're rolling yeah we're we're already to the point that we need to be at which is it's time for pedal history high school we have to get into the soviet union in some pedal history we have to learn we have to learn [Music] thank you thank you when most of us think about soviet petals we usually think mike matthews we think electro harmonics because we see these and you see sovtech and you see russian writing on them wait a whole few things here you said sovtech is that how you're supposed to say it well you can say it that way okay okay yeah i think it is this is america and you can do what you want unlike in soviet see this so would you say this is made in the soviet union yes yeah correct answer yeah okay cool okay um hold on oh um uh legends of fuzz we replicated this actual unit here this came out in 1991 and this is going to lead us into our understanding of most people's understandings even though we will need to go before most people's understandings this is going to be the intro to understanding is that clear is that super clear you have to go before your own understanding yeah to further understand you have to go beyond what you understand do you have to go before what you understand i just said beyond that could be after or before because maybe you only understand where you're at but understanding needs to be before or after you go under that's parallel linear is all about understanding so or the or philosophy tower pedals are philosophy so red army overdrive why is this called the mike matthews red army why does it not say electro harmonics why okay i'm glad that i asked and then you followed up asking in the 1970s electro harmonix ruled the world mike matthews started in 67 with the lpb1 by 69 he had the big muff we see different iterations of that we see the small stone we see the memory man he's a beast he like rules the world but what happened nick in the early 80s electro harmonix went bankrupt it's a sad story they declared bankruptcy yeah got in over their head with some issues and uh it all went under and so mike sustains a career in a this similar musical instrument industry by selling parts um he actually told us nick we were with him and he told us the story he started selling op amps and parts and then he found tube factories in russia and he's like in his new york apartment kind of wholesaling parts and he sees these tube factories and he goes all these amps use the tubes these fender amps these marshmallows he gets the idea he starts going over to the soviet union and he finds some factories and uh these factories st petersburg is one of the main ones and he basically starts building his products in these factories he realizes so 1990 let's say i think he first went in 89. by 1990 he's seeing the prices of say a triangle big muff or what we call a rams head or a memory man or a small stone they're going for crazy prices and he goes i'm going to remake these so that's what we have here this is a big muff but this doesn't say big enough because mike was in such a desperate situation that he sold the electro harmonix name he sold most of his technology uh the 16 second delay for instance all of that incredible delay technology he sold to akai that's where you have their first delay units like the head rush and all this stuff comes from that tech so he uses his name mike matthews and this is where he starts building a brand again and then in a few years you end up seeing right here yeah you see this stuff happen an electro harmonics you could say electro harmonics you could say so sovtech or soptek i think mike keeps it loose like that yeah um so how did he get his name back is it just because he was building them in he got successful enough that he bought it back oh gotcha i don't know he sold it to you that's what we think of with the soviet union that's where we see these sovtek heads soviet technology soptec yeah but petals actually started being built there in the 70s there's a really great guy who's been helping me out understand some of this i don't know much at all but soviet guitar effects if you go to instagram at soviet guitar effects really cool page and you'll see a lot of this weird pre-sob tech russian stuff and we have tons of it if you go to the pedal down cam so much just just lots of things that are before ehx and that's kind of the pedal history i saw now i think i think we need a tone mob look at world history yeah so last night i had flown into kansas city i was pretty tired i was zoning out and josh was like i have homework for you and i'm like okay i was gonna go to bed but all right you know yes dad about drill sergeant yeah if you're coming on this show you're gonna you're gonna i thought i was just gonna come and chill and you know eat your food play your pedals the pedals deserve our best so i wrote up a lot of notes here about the history of the soviet union it's real brief uh there's all kinds of crazy details but this is valuable because we're gonna have a lot of hateful comments joshua people are gonna get mad because i'm gonna say something's russian because you're gonna say something's wrong yeah i'm going to say something's wrong i'm going to say it's soviet union or russia but it's actually not or it used to be might accidentally show a polish pedal that it's going to get really hard to do we're going to lay this out here right this is because we're americans right yeah we have a very tiny world view of how this actually works yes so you know to try to get ahead of some of that like what is the soviet union i think a lot of americans think soviet union equals russia and that's not necessarily true so here's a few little tidbits here so the soviet union had its orange origins in the russian revolution of 1917. radical revolutionaries overthrew cesar nicholas the second ending centuries of romanov rule uh they basically got tired of being treated like hot garbage by the monarchy and this is a disney movie and it's anastasia yeah this is factual documentary yeah from the 90s that is my favorite documentary the documentary ken burns did anastasia right yeah i really like how they captured how rasputin escaped um the underworld and came back to wreak his magical havoc on uh russia that part was really cool i like how accurately they portrayed that i like how joshua somehow managed to sever rasputin's hand and oh yeah yeah why did you manage that well i can't really tell my secrets um on a live stream but i don't know why you did it either that's the real question is why let's do it i have role models i'm glad jesus is with you too the lord jesus is protecting me from your whole scene over there is very not a surf shirt rasputin's hand a candle of jesus this is alright very often guard just don't light the um candle fingers because he will come back no i mean i know back back to the bolshevik revolution so that happened in 1917 and ended in 1921 with the formation of the eu the the united socialist soviet union what does that stand for i actually didn't know that till now until just now because you know we're back in the ussr mm-hmm yeah you know you hear that and you just go it's russia back in the united states socialist services in my head as an ignorant just kind of a challenged american right i go some war happened and the russian dudes won back the soviet union they put a different flag up and it was the same right but so to touch on your point of what is soviet union what does that mean well a little interesting sneak peek everybody or not sneak peek a little tidbit the soviet union once covered one-sixth of the world's entire land mass so it covered a lot of ground had 15 different soviet republics i could name them all if you want but let's go for it you want me to try i think it's worth it okay all right i'll give it a try i'm going to mess these up real bad yeah don't mess the words up words can be really old sometimes let me give you a jazz beat um okay while you do that because i just feel like it's appropriate i think so um okay uh addison do you wanna give me some jazz bass i got you bro um i know you addison has a new book of jazz bass riffs that he's learning yeah i'm excited is it jazz bass or is it jazz bass it's both all right let's all right here we are i want to introduce to you tone mom history jazz all right here we go everybody we're going to talk about some of the soviet republics one of them being armani you know the place how about azerbaijan you familiar with them caps you should get familiar belarus estonia georgia how about georgia you heard of georgia waffle house not the wall street not atlanta kazakhstan i've heard of that here we go this one is a little bit challenging okay kurijigstan that's not right it's close latvia latvia lithuania moldova yeah russia russia tajikistan [Music] turkmenistan [Music] this is a live streaming first on youtube yeah there you go soviet union names of countries spoken over jazz i don't want to be that guy great um but it's belarus and kakistan so you are that guy that's why you're here though we haven't i know we haven't officially met yet listen listen if anybody's gonna be the well actually guy it's gonna be joshua yeah words are hard words are hard words okay thanks joshua so russia was in the soviet union but was not the soviet union it wasn't the entirety of the soviet union but that statement russia was in the soviet union but was not the soviet union yeah sort of is it because people think that russia is responsible for the soviet you know what i mean like they're the ones that are like in control that's not necessarily the case right i think maybe just people don't know anything about history i think that's what it really is that's what it really boils down what else you got there so we got because people want to hear us jam and we want to yeah we've got more uh you know so moving forward to 1924 communist leader vladimir lenin he kicked the bucket he was one of the revolutionaries that got that whole thing going uh he was from georgia georgia not that georgia uh and none other than joseph stalin took over yeah not a great guy doesn't have a really great rapport not a great guy uh joe yeah he kind of viewed all the citizens as expendable yeah that's not cool and uh that didn't work out great for no several million people as it turns out not to make light it was really really awesome but uh you know not to glaze over all that but like i think people are probably largely familiar with stalin in world war ii that's where most of my knowledge started is like some of the style and the linen but that that whole period before no idea and then like cold war yes so like going into the cold war cold war uh words are hard words are hard i can't even say cold cold's tough it's all right you know uh nikita khrushchev yeah became the guy in 1950 oh he was a secretary in 1953 and he became premier in 1958 so that's a serious promotion yeah i mean i think it's a different kind of secretary yeah i don't know i was seeing if you guys bit the joke that would uh that would be a wild thing to put on your resume you'd be like well i was the secretary for a couple years and then i basically ran the whole business i ran the whole thing that's happened and uh he started rolling back some of the more intense stalin things he called it like the destalinization of the soviet union not that it all went away entirely but you know he's like gulags those aren't great yeah let's probably not do that anymore right you know yeah so you know about gulags right yeah i just i was just imagining a poster that said gulags those aren't great and that was his campaign it might have been something like yeah we have a guy in kansas uh it's bob hamilton heating an air he ran for senate and his slogan was because it's america um that was his slogan so i've heard of worse go ahead because wait he literally bob hamilton bob hamilton because it's some i think it's because it's america that was his saying i don't know is he like or it's it's america it was something like anyway it's like that less is more approach yeah a lot less yeah uh so yeah in talking about some of the cruise jeff stuff i have a direct quote most of this i pulled from so how can it be incorrect or wrong i got it from the internet it's on the internet uh quote khrushchev criticized stalin for arresting and deporting opponents took steps to raise living conditions freed many political prisoners loosened artistic censorship which is probably going to resonate with people that like this show and close the gulag however he did intensify relations with the us and start progressing that whole cold war thing that's where the seed of that was planted yeah so i think people generally get the cold war the space race things like that generally yeah probably wrong but we generally understand i mean we probably didn't go to the moon yeah i mean it's just hard not to as to go i'll just say that i'm not going to say i believe either way i'm not saying but space race space race is a big deal mm-hmm kennedy space travel going to the moon blah blah blah yeah yeah so um they sent a dog up they did they they sent a dog up sputnik was a thing sputnik that's the first satellite i believe they uh they also put somebody in space do you want to talk about that i think we should yeah so i don't know how we do these giveaway segways but uh hey real quick um on a serious note the chat is fine i just want to let everybody know if it gets too spicy i have a happy trigger finger and i will block and remove people if i feel the need yeah oh man joshua you just is that a warning or is that like a threat that's a threat you've been given all authority thank you to just zap people thank you this is our little room and house if you come in here and hang out be nice i like it we want you to be here let's give it what are we giving away we're giving away the tone mob stuff that i showed you and then we're going to jam sound good yes give away the tone mobs yes so in 1961 the russians put somebody in space okay what was his name he was the first man in space so we're gonna human base we're gonna do a jam and we're gonna hear who the winner is after the jam and then tell you what we just jammed through so we're gonna do this before we jam though this is a work of art it is a work of art it's glorious my father-in-law bought it at a pawn shop in florida several years ago it's the gorgey park signature kramer they were an 80s band to my knowledge philippe at caroline tried to tell me the story i glazed over a little bit um they were a russian hair metal band that went on tour with bon jovi and gave hope of a post-war healing between the nations i can tell yeah do you have gaff tape on the back of your work of art it has a splinter so we just gaff taped up there from uh optimal tone i like to call it tone tape yeah the tone is in the tape here's the clean signal it's just one big humbucker that's blazing hell loud and uh let's do a jam i'm gonna if we do that pedalboard cam i'm gonna just do the grunge here which is a gamma russian grunge clone and you're gonna do a clone of a dod is it a clone or is it just pretending to be a dod i think it's all those things we'll talk about that in a minute right yeah y'all ready yes mike's off [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] do [Music] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh my hair up a little bit i got so into that i forgot to dm that one talk about it though but if i i i feel like that was like the sound of a cyberpunk bike gang fleeing the authorities after successfully robbing a tech plant it's definitely a tech plant that was building a power core that they were going to use to manipulate the public of that city and so they were taking it for the people and they were riding out into the desert away from the like hover hover police so it's like soviet rebels of sorts maybe yeah i don't know but like the future yeah well that's this the grunge um i do have the box it's the grunge gr1 by yarosov made in the soviet union uh there's a manual beautiful what do you got there i got a dod clearly yeah it looks like it is but it's tricky it's not it's not a dod what's it say on the back it says union for probably for soviet union yeah so i'm always watching for weird dod's i thought this was a proto when i saw it so here's like a classic 90s 90 literally 1990ish era they just straight ripped it perfectly i was so excited i was like the d.o.d they don't do that and i got so excited bought it got it here i was equally happy yeah it's not a letdown play by itself it's nice here let's just go [Music] that was a flubber that's a chewy cord you're using the benson reverb yes to match your hat you gotta represent oregon i always have benson in my signal chain that's how i that's how i roll well let's go to that winner joshua who won yes the winner is the winner of the tone mob pedal is polar paul polar paul what a name paul i like it the answer to the question who is the first human being in space i want to clarify human being yes yes um that's important is yuri guerrigan hold on i have it pulled up on youtube [Music] um actually it's gagarin you will [Laughter] did we just witness joshua getting corrected josh got well actually my [Laughter] i'm gonna retire the grunge there's a gray version of this my friend daniel danger has the gray if you see a gray version it needs to come home to me i'll be okay i promise what live tv y'all you know when things are live sometimes you hit the button wrong right right yeah okay sometimes you start the riff off bad it's fine it's fine do you see i'm yep sorry go ahead i was gonna say daniel danger has a gray one you said yeah what a cool name hey speaking of cool names he's probably on here he better be paul email me vlog at and you'll get that you'll get that pedal and if you're not and the flashlight you're not getting the flashlight the love of god if you email us i'll lose i'm going to go with this that flanger i'm going to go with a flanger that i i'll talk about it here in a second but it's it's a it's a ditty i have to hook it into a 220 converter um it's very russian that's it's soviet actually soviet yeah we don't know which country it came from which republic what are you going to go with i'm thinking i want to i was really jamming on this earlier and i think i want to do it again since i've been missing out on some distortion but the hyper metal now is that a bot is do is that a box there oh wait a minute is that i'm not i think that's the box hold on it is [Music] they just straight ripped on boss there it even has a sticker on the side yeah look at that boss look at that sound js sounds not josh scott i just want to clear the air hyper metal hm7 what could that be oh look hey beyond the box there's actually some beyond the box yeah we've got some instructions in here let's see let's see let me go let's go to the blade cam while he there we go he's investigating that like yeah it is oh wow a lot of this i get from russia okay um okay should i do yeah you can just do the camera right yeah we got instructions we got uh we got all you need to know about the hyper metal the hm7 and this is just uh oh hey look at this product of elton you think they mean elton john so apparently there was a company called elton i've yet to find that elton petal but elton made the sound js series that's all i do know is it elton or is that where it was made i think it's elton as a company and it probably was elton john because he was tied in musically to the soviet union he was aware of this has anyone ever heard this story yeah i mean rocket man is it really that oh exactly i don't want to get into it but it's a thing i thought you were about to tell it well i don't i you know as a teacher yeah yeah yeah telling people to learn for themselves is the greatest yeah okay yeah that's that's so that's interesting yeah is there any that's any other nuggets that's all you're gonna say anything else about this anything else they don't get the joy of finding it for themselves huh you know research is a learning experience in and of itself it's what i always say it is and i think the best teachers are those who don't teach at all that's right wow like my gym teacher in high school she just had us run laps you know what they say those that can't teach teach gym let's start off with uh let's listen to this sound just sound i'm gonna say sound just sound just just is it working oh wait i forgot because i was trying to be kind to everyone there we go all right let's listen to this bad boy i look i love verb let's kill that verb for a second oh you got a foot switch down right there yeah yeah bro there you go there we go that's better it's still on we're verbed out i think my foot switch isn't working broken i'll help you it's fine you'll help me i think the soviet union had a lot of herb well yeah in those those big empty coal chambers yeah let's kill that at least it's not humming apparently the benson verb refuses to be turned off [Music] if you turn the unit off it kills the guitar oh there i go i'm fading it's killing his guitar sometimes there's technical difficulties you know sometimes huh it's fine it's live tv it's totally fine in a world while you're doing it while you guys figure that out let's talk about this pedal yeah talk about that so this this is a this is a crazy pedal let's go let's keep it on the top down here's what i know there we go um this is called soviet effects help me on this one this is the electronica e-l-e-k-t-r-o-e-r-o-n-i-k-a-f-l-o-1 it's just a weird soviet cleanser uh works at 220 volts has a transformer inside i've seen quite a few of these um i'm gonna turn it on okay [Music] i literally have never demoed this to my knowledge oh [Music] it's a little bit like how i like to use the electric mistress [Music] nice delay time yeah doubling a little bit [Music] i mean that's the sound yeah i like that [Music] i'm using this by the way if people hear delay it's i think it's sad that top tech didn't have a delay [Music] so let me find a sound did they not have a delay because they didn't own the technology anymore they just just didn't make one they're too hard to make probably let's see that's the thing yeah so i'm gonna i'm gonna i like that a lot let's let's check out your okay now we're back in business here hyper metal right here so much verb so much verb it must be on the preset of the captor that's what it is yep okay let's find one that doesn't wait hold on do you have a do you have a room knob on there i've got a preset knob what's the one right above that this is great content right now it is i can't see well the captor has presets they're really cool who likes the captor the torpedo okay i got it all the way off but they're still a little all right different pre-set let's try a different preset yeah keep going that's fine oh we had no setup time today that was like a room that'll work like that sure i guess okay let me see if i can log into it as well oh there you go it has yeah this is just becoming a an ad for it's a great unit so on the show i run into an iso cab usually or i use that and he's running the softec mig-30 through that that's why we're able to do this in such a small room and i never ever go direct ever so this is new for me i'm always just playing i'm logging in i'm logging in nice from my phone addison let's do some login jazz yeah i'd be glad is that kenny logan jazz i'm connected so look here let's do an ad for this the the torpedo captor i'm logged in i'm gonna let's follow my journey here yeah torpedo has an app you can't see it from the glare all right let's do the top down hopefully we can see this yeah yeah yeah look at that i'm in the app let's i can move microphones around this is an unintentional ad i hope they're happy with this let's uh let's play around here with the the dry wet [Music] all right you can go back to me now because i can't reach my hand out that far let's see presets devices let's just pick a totally dry rig [Music] it says it says it's not connected oh man is your bluetooth on i'm i'm logged in but it's not connected you know it says no torpedo connected i don't know we have to move on again no setup we're flying by the seat of our pants yeah let's play this thing okay let's see what this sounds like sounds like a hyper metal let's just you know do the uh [Music] you want to like guide us through a dungeness yeah so picking up where we left off i think joshua should take off where we left off so we had a gang of future bikers biker gang that power core power core i remember they're they're and they're they're headed off into the desert with the future cops on their tail what happens next okay so they've actually gotten far enough into the desert that they've lost the future cops they've been traveling through the desert on their hybrid bikes for three hours and as they're going west into the sunset uh they are driving upon the camp of people that have been waiting for them for seven days as the people see the bikes coming up over the horizon uh the mothers and the children begin to weep because the power core that the biker gang stole means that they're going to be able to pull water from the sand it means that they're going to be able to irrigate their crops it also means that the cops the cyber cops are going to be on their tails within the next several hours so there's a decision that has to be made so the village elders the village council meets together to decide we can either feed our families or we can use the power cord the power core to power up our large transportation tanks and move everybody further off yes so they're further they're going so the council is deciding council is deciding do we feed the families or do we keep moving okay i like this so we're just gonna do this simple progression e minor d to c um all right let's go there [Music] mute those mics y'all my community [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] so [Music] that felt really good that did feel really good so really really good i like that i liked it a lot um i feel like we're supposed to do something oh yeah it's like something in my eye i think it's ernie ball trivia time [Music] hi guys it's already ball trivia time today okay so usually uh ernie ball gives us a whole pack of strings but today they're giving you a pack of strings and a volume pedal you see this this pink sticky note here i'm feeling a little sassy right now and i like this pink sticky note so you're gonna get the sticky note too uh here's how it's gonna work similar to the other giveaway if you answer first in the in the chat to the question you're gonna get an ernie ball volume pedal junior it's a passive one uh and you're gonna get a whole pack of strings after you email me if you're first so here goes here's the questions everyone ready we're ready okay question is what jhs and ernie ball music man artist created a custom guitar that features a bypass option to send his controls to his board that's our question wow so throw your answers in the uh in the chat below or wherever your chat is it's probably to this side let's see it doesn't matter it's to one of the sides of your of your video screen that you're currently watching right now and uh josh was gonna pick a winner for us here shortly yeah yep it's great i just wandered around he did yeah he's trying to kill time see if we got that verb off there it's haunting me you know it's still there i don't know where it comes from though huh i got it did you kill it yeah it's priest preset one is dry wait is that tremolo from the pedal yeah yeah oh nice so i just i want to say oh that's my fingers yeah don't let our unpreparedness reflect upon the torpedo it's an accident no no no no no no let it reflect solely upon me i'm actually curious if you go into your settings josh you probably have to reconnect bluetooth in your settings i already i did it oh you did okay sorry i just used preset one right i have it set up kind of like just a 212 cab i would use nice fantastic what do i want to use what are you using i'm using this l this is l-e-l i know that yes i don't speak russian but i can see that yes it's the tr-1 that font is on fire it looks so good and it's like what did you call this earlier josh you said it's like if a boss pedal got stung by a bee and swollen yeah hmm tr dash number that's awfully familiar you don't say but it's also kind of like those weird uh yamaha pedals the ones that have like the but it's bigger in every way except the knobs but those knobs i think are the same they must be they might be but it's a cool tremolo and this one you know just because the lights on you know don't mean nothing you don't have to worry about it in russia lights stay on or wherever this was made soviet union it could have been russia within the soviet union yes we did we learned about that um i'm plugging this this big boy up um i have a message here from soviet effects explaining who made this tell us more yeah so this big big old thing here these are foot switches and uh it usually it takes these crazy they're almost like midi looking cables they're on some european things i have so we made converter cables actually bottom one reverb you just plug in i mean the soviet union had their own cables let's that's how independent they were they were like none of this european stuff none of it so they say on here um i believe this is called the sam fuzzwa vibrato i think okay sam i think that's what he wrote as in samuel i think so nope wait what it's either sam or poult poltava poltava poltava i don't know that's i'm not sam wait two different companies apparently oh okay okay okay yeah so we're going uh if you could see what i'm doing here it's quite confusing but that's okay so we're gonna go out in to the memory man and then this interesting it's from my guitar the comment section is saying pultava from ukraine poltava from ukraine okay i also want to say there's a book i'm in this book it's the stompbox book that came out alan did daniel's in it and there's this the soviet guys are in this book i left it at home accidentally because getting kids to school in the morning it's a job you know about that yep yeah i mean you have a real life that's not just jhs my life revolves around pedals and my family just needs to deal with it got it but we're suffering right now because of that you know yeah because of your family we're suffering basically so this how about you do a little you want me to work that yeah i'm not going to play i don't what do we got here this is on and off this is yeah that's actually really amazing pretty cool that is cool it's isn't didn't boss or roland have a fuzz wall unit yeah color sound had it first i believe or jin jin out of italy which made like the box stuff so yeah the fuzz was worth a thing i've got a shinai one around that's sick [Music] what's this button do that's the power wow all right and it's worth noting since i changed the batteries in it earlier it has two batteries in it so i don't know if it's running at 18 volts or if it's running two different circuits there's no telling what soviet technology is in this room you got this trim from lille yep let's play that for a second let's see how fast and slow it goes it's pretty tasty so here we go [Music] i love a good slow trim what's our scenario here let's let's keep these plot lines down to 60 seconds hey no one puts our creativity in a cage sorry that's fine i like a good story uh so okay the space cops are coming they got to make a decision are we going to use this power cord to power our our transport to get us out or are we going to stay and fight and then um the village elder a white-haired older woman walks out and says there's a third option that we haven't discussed and they look at her like what are you talking about she says as your elder i will make the ultimate sacrifice and then they turn around they realize she has already installed the power core into their transport and she says i'll stay behind 54 and 50. shut up addison uh and then the whole group what is this like the grandma from dante's peak uh no okay and so then they all load up in the transport they start driving off and she reaches down into the ground and mystical energy starts coming out of the earth and she starts generating the spirit of the desert and as the police cops are approaching her eyes turn white and they start shooting lasers at her and they engage in a technological battle with the spirit elements that she's channeling so make that work and then did we give away the strings in the ernie ball yet we need a win i have a winner do it uh the winner jacob pennington you are the winner of the strings and the ernie ball pedal please email us at vlog yeah email us dog at if you're not jacob pennington don't email us all right mike's off uh if you want to play along at home a c that's all we're doing here just a a a a c [Music] the clean trim with this blend is really cool in a jam we got this nasty [Music] what your mic's off what genre with this this just guitar tone bass that sounds like it's like spaghetti western psych rock soviet psych rock yeah that should be a genre maybe it is a genre that's a wild fuzz that sounds really cool crazy gated and i don't see a way out of that you don't need to that's crazy [Music] i need to check that circuit out maybe that could be in the legends of fuzz one day that'd be cool and i would have these complicated uh jack converters to drive everybody crazy but that's where the tone is it is uh so you know let's do one more jam and then maybe hot topics okay i feel good everybody i like it feels good i like to swap some new pedals yeah let's see what we want to go ahead let's do a top down and have uh the next jam after this jam let's do it by popular vote okay okay joshua yeah that's good just just blurt out i want to see that green whatever if you don't know the name yeah um i i'm gonna try a different distortion i'm gonna try one of these crocs can i uh can i talk about amt for a little bit while you guys are switching stuff yeah i the reason i i think now's a good time is because of the weird jacks so um it's pretty cool story uh amt is a well and we'll do a giveaway too um with amt but amt is a really cool company um they are loca located in um russia i believe still now do you know that josh is it russia yep so i'm going to read just a little bit i've got my page of notes here just about their backstory in history and they reached out and they sent us some of these cool modules and they've been awesome to email back and forth with um so here goes all right the year is 1982 the soviet union is shut down from the rest of the world because of the iron curtain and living by its own rules and laws taking pride in its independence and self-sufficiency it's hard to believe that most people living under the conditions of complete informational and cultural isolation don't even suspect there's a completely different way of life going on the rest of the world they have no clue about what's going on in music movies painting literature etc very few are aware of the existence of the beatles rolling stones picasso even the entire soviet art is in chains of social realism which is considered the only true style politically the one which worships the achievements of the communist party and the advantages of the soviet way of life so at this time sergey the founder of amt was an employee of a russian defense uh enterprise but quickly became interested in music and dedicated all his free time to practicing with his band and this is kind of where the idea of those those funky jacks comes in like most russian musicians of the time he experienced a deep lack of quality musical instrument and often its complete absence everything produced by the soviet industry was hopelessly inferior to its western counterparts hold on yes yeah you can interrupt me here what yes i don't know if i buy that that's wild yeah that's wild things produce i mean i guess it makes sense right iron curtain yeah it does make sense yeah during that it does yeah absolutely so what's really interesting anytime musicians traveled abroad their priority was to purchase quality instruments drums um you know recording equipment and bring it back and that quickly became the envy of all the other musicians colleagues at work et cetera um so like if you had a strat or a les paul you were just like yep absolutely yeah you were a big deal yep so moving on a little bit further one day sergey borrowed a mini moog on loan for just a few days from his friend he fell in love and so from that point on he spent every saturday evening for a year trying to clone this thing and then this is a little tidbit directly from sergey what he said the things which were simple and obvious for western engineers were completely unacceptable for me i didn't have any access to radio components using the original and i couldn't find reference tables which would help me to find analog components even then mostly uh most of the original components were soviet-made so they weren't um like one-to-one replacement so he spent tons of time in trouble looking for circuitry of um various kinds to give him the necessary results so his experiment after year ended in you know a clone that wasn't quite as good as the mini moog but then because of him starting to do this there appeared in demand in quality guitar effects which were also impossible to find at the time [Music] so he goes on to say each time i had to reinvent the wheel all over again when his friends would ask him for gear i still had no information whatsoever the only way to imagine how this uh this or that effect worked was to listen to guitar sounds on the records that he'd hear like pink floyd led zeppelin super max etc um and then he said by the way those records were not easy to get uh he bought them on the black market and then they you know record them on tape machines reel to reel so um and then by that point uh it was you know roughly 1987 and that's when the private entrepreneurship in russia was born and sergey gained the reputation of renowned engineer of developing music equipment so he went through all this process of you know learning this stuff quite literally blind uh and has created an incredible company and nowadays the things that they they work on and create are wildly complicated uh including this module like to fit what is in here do you have the other side this he just has several of these drive pedals which are um this kind of hit before you saw like iridiums and things you don't need an amp it's a din simulator it's a great you can use it with your aunt that's great that is that p2 yep is one of the best heavy distortion channels i've ever heard that's all i'll get in after this yeah it's over there to show that yeah we'll pass it on but just wanted to give a plug to a really really successful music company that still exists today that's putting out insanely awesome stuff you know i guess what are we at almost 40 years after its inception so um congratulations to being around so long amt so if you have a ds1 yep or any boss pedal really that's it drop that module in that's right so we'll give this away um you want to do this after the jam let's see right now yeah let's do it and then we'll do a jam and then see who the winner is perfect all right so i've got a trivia question here pertains to amt again first one in the chat here so question everyone ready here goes amt was originally formed in 1987 but in 1991 they changed their name to amt before finally changing to their current name amt electronics in 2001. here's the question what does the acronym amt stand for go i like that all right you're gonna play a pedal that i think is awesome i have a weird focus thing going on i could fix that while you're fixing that i i was reminded of something while he was talking about amt so i just found out about this recently you were talking about smuggling in bootlegs of things into russia have you ever heard of bone music no bone music is literally bootleg vinyl of the beatles and insert other artists like that that they cut onto old x-rays they could only be played like five times or something like that and they were smuggled into the soviet union because that music was technically illegal for them to have so if you can imagine like having a beatles record on a dude's rib cage which is kind of metal and you're like i can hear it five times yeah that's a real thing we talked about it on uh chasing tone here a few a few weeks back it was a really cool article and the article was called bone music i'm gonna go read that that's insane that is wild so they would i guess according to that bio maybe they would get that and then dump it on a tape machine right keep it yeah exactly wow we should just do that with music now we have nothing to complain about you can only listen to the album five times yeah i feel like such a whiny baby right now because i'm like yeah my wi-fi is not working uh why is this album not on here anymore i have to go to this there's too much music i just can't all right let's do jim you're going to play i'm playing the tube screamer look yeah i'm playing the uh let's get it up there yeah it says tube screamer but that's a lot of it has a phaser in it it has a phaser in it so let's see yeah let's do a little demo here i haven't played this one today so we'll see if it works i'll just andy this for a moment yeah let's see what we got okay here we go oh yeah that's a phaser [Music] so i'm assuming the drive is probably so let's go over to the screen so it's like you get either or [Music] sounds cool that's probably kind of interesting it doesn't sound like a screamer though does it there's no way [Music] actually it probably is probably [Music] speed and color is probably a small stone the color would be the switch and they just made it a knob i mentioned earlier my friend daniel he has a big crazy collection some of this he just found a small stone clone from soviet union it's like perfectly cloned like cosmetics i think that was the go-to cloning thing in the 70s was the small stone it's a great circuit yeah i'm gonna go the lel soft drive same enclosure this is like more modern level um and i'm gonna assume it's green it says sd9 though which is the sonic distortion from the nine series is the other green overdrive from my venus which i like a little better personally yeah i can tell real quick if it is an sd9 no that's not an sd9 you need to it's like the pearl jam trying to dime out the controls [Applause] it's not an sd9 but it's definitely a screamer yep is that an st1 maybe that's possible this guitar just resonates with me right now i mean it looks good on you it looks like you were made for that guitar yeah size wise yeah it fits like perfect the ergonomics are ideal what do you think nick it looks extremely uncomfortable to hold that one uh corner looks like it's jabbing into your armpit there yeah it is we have some boxes here to these yeah yeah would you say that you have the box [Music] yeah we have the box look at all those things they have the x metal the mega drive brutalizer hyper distortion yeah i wish i could read these i don't mean the english translation but there's a lot of products on the back of this box anyway let's do a jam uh let me see here let's go to g [Music] gc let's do something kind of generic give it some space g c e minor d keep it as basic as possible we need a narration yeah joshua do you want to pick it up go okay so space uh future cops are coming up over the horizon elder matriarch forces her hands into the sand and spirit energy blasts up from the sand as the cops are coming up over the ridge they begin shooting cyber missiles at the tribe but from the sand arises the deserts of the spirit which look like purple glimmering eagles and purple glimmering wolves and purple glimmering cobras and they begin attacking the future cops [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] ah [Music] hmm [Music] ah [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] i is this like russian country i don't know i don't know what that was it was something though oh that was like it's like i don't know like third eye blind slash country matchbox 20. yeah soviet matchbox 20 country yeah was it was that slide when you hit that slide action joshua do you think that was soviet matchbox um yeah it didn't really match my story but that's fine how do you know um i also have a winner hey what would you know about it at all uh i know that i have a winner okay thank you um the winner of the amt module the question is what is the acronym the answer is asia music technology and the winner is joshua time seven hey that's i didn't pick you because your name is josh are you sure but i call myself joshua you're positive you didn't do that it wasn't there's no nepotism 100 he is the first person on my server all right i believe that all right it's time for hot topic um welcome to hot topics the part of the show where we that's definitely not sponsored by the gear page um it's the part of the show where we pick a hot topic and we talk about when we talk about it it's pretty simple it's pretty straightforward i have some hot topics here um there's a couple here that are pretty good uh i think i'm gonna pick at least one maybe two depending on how we're feeling we have time for two i just i love the gear page okay i want to hear what addison likes the gear page i hang out there guys i'm just going to say i'm on the gear pick them up look me up send me a hello that's right all right here's the first question who influenced the gear you are using madison i'm going to start with you now or now now okay who influenced the gear you're using okay now so there's there's a couple angles you could take yep artists yep or just or just sweet people in your life that care about you uh okay two tones that i really like if you've heard me talk at all you've heard me talk about the deluxe memory man same one josh's playing today um that particular pedal i saw james duke use he's used it for years i think he still does great guitar player he's played with a ton of big names um yeah great dude all the bright lights is his independent project him and his brother and a guy named jacob arnold so he uses that pedal i would say that was an influence for me seeing that and then finally getting it and hearing it and you know realizing how many people play yeah deluxe memory yeah you know yeah yeah the list goes on and then another one was the vb2 um and i originally heard a guy named taylor johnson he's a session guitar player now i believe he lives in la might live in nashville um but he uses wb2 like crazy and i fell in love with uh the sounds he use uh uses that he gets with that on records i don't know words words is hard as we that's all i wanted i just wanted yeah how about you blake who has influenced the gear you are using oh man so probably one of like the most direct ones there's a lot of people in in particular but when i was younger i watched frank from my chemical romance smash a white les paul custom nice and i was just like you know what i want a white les paul custom but i'm not going to smash it because i wanna play it and uh fast forward years and years later i was able to pick up a 1981 les paul custom that's actually my son calls it the the lello one because it's faded to yellow yeah it's like urine white yeah but in a good way you know actually no this is this would be bad you'd want to get checked out if you're less if it looked like this this would be it'd be awkward but uh yeah so that's probably like the most direct i'm like i saw that and i was like forever wanted a white les paul custom and uh was able to snag one nice and able to get him on my podcast at one point so that was fun too yeah what about you josh i no longer buy gear for how it sounds i haven't bought gear for how it sounds in so long yeah so who who uh maybe i'll phrase it for you i probably need to back up so yeah help me out go back okay close your eyes go back in time it's it's it's the year 1990 it's the mid-1990s late 90s you're you're just a boy yeah looking for tone not yet a man not yet a man who's influencing that tone that you're looking for mike mccready noel gallagher um yeah yeah yeah yeah like sonic use yeah stuff like that that's a great answer thanks i couldn't find it without your help you're welcome i'm glad that i could have been of service do you care to extrapolate on that at all go a little deeper yeah uh i'll go i love univibe and i use it as a vibrato i don't play like it's always on my board but i never like chunk a chunk of machine gun with it really you know yeah but i first got into that pedal because uh when you listen to pearl jam records you always hear this the movement on the solos and it was a dunlop rota vibe and that's where i figured out i like univibe uh but then i made it i use it like i want to use it eventually i think of like rat pedals just being such a big piece of some of that grunge culture especially like like rock like sonic youth type music big muffs and and all i've get it and then i'd kind of realize i'm not that band but i love the pedal and use it how i want to use it sure so i think yeah is that a good extrapolation that's a good that's a good uh yeah just kind of a good answer i think it's i find gear through those people and then usually you're not using it like they do yeah exactly what about you and hating some of it what about me eventually um i don't really uh i mean the thing is like the gear that i have and the music i listen to don't necessarily i don't really like search out the gear that like the guitar tones i don't know i'm just i don't really care i feel like i i mean literally if you want to see what inspired the gear that i used go watch the like two hour long thing where you guys build me a pedal board and that's where it came from it's not a super exciting story but that's what it is uh i had fun do you guys wanna do one more do you wanna move on let's do another one yeah one more yeah where what are we what else are we doing and if you're watching this you're not you're obviously okay with this yeah yeah if you're still here we're an hour 20 in so second hot topic um a surprising cover version so what's a cover of a song that just like blew you away i'll go first uh please don't be son in my sonic use cover of um superstar by the carpenters is awesome i didn't know that that song was a carpenter song and then i saw a video of theirs pop up on youtube i don't know why and i was like this song is so cool and then i found out it was a carpenter song and it's on an album that they did collaborating with all these people um all these different artists and they're all doing covers of carpenter's songs i can't remember what the album's called but it's really cool that's cool but that's that's one of my favorite covers yeah i don't i wonder if a lot of people are going to see this one coming or not but i was highly impressed and surprised by casey musgraves cover of neon moon i didn't expect that to do it for me even though i like her i was like you can't touch that song you can't touch that song it's a perfect song but she was able to touch it and it it moved me in the right way it was amazing yeah that's cool josh i can i throw two out fine i would first say uh toriyama smells like teen spirit oh yeah yeah that is a good cover oddly similar is that did she play two pianos on that one yeah it's so good cool uh i think she did it after he passed like i'm not sure what happened i heard it much later this last friday norah jones dropped a live record i love norah jones through all iterations the more the i won't get into that it's not record time um she dropped a live record and the last track is black hole sun oh really it's crazy cool that's cool because it's nora jones at a piano yeah and it's like old nora jones but it's like the way she used to lean more into you know the come away with me era but it's still it's weird she weirds it out yeah it's beautiful that is cool addison uh weezer's cover of take on me yeah i mean pretty much every that album yeah cover record and hold on my wife's listening shout out back she just texted me uh johnny cash's uh version of her hurt is just actually that's thank you beck thank you that's my favorite phone that's right joshua uh woven hand has a cover of ain't no sunshine oh really i not i love billboards it's not good [Music] but it's really creepy and there's ravens like the hand on your desk there's ravens in there there's right yeah i'll show you later ravens whoa that's wild i want to hear woven hand is a band people should check out i haven't listened to enough of their music but josh was pretty successful all right well thank you for watching uh this has been um we're really going places yeah oh yeah i'm glad you're on the show this is just so much fun all the giveaways and stuff josh do you we have one more giveaway do you want to play a pedal that was picked by the people oh i do after this gym we'll close out on that okay we'll pick two okay um there's no giveaway pending right there is there's one pending right let's give it right now let's do it give it away come on give it away okay so we have uh one of these cool stands we use them like crazy from hercules hercules thanks for giving away some stands uh here's our question can anyone guess what our trivia question has to do with today nick does it have to do with the disney movie hercules does it ever all right here goes josh is slamming his hand over there broken russian pedals i feel like we should see this this is more important than oh nope okay oh wait we're gone we're going to read the we'll do this later we'll okay we're going to read the questions all right who does hercule man i'm so thankful for that stinger okay good stinger who does hercules convince to come out of retirement and train him so he could become a hero there's two appropriate answers here you just need to get one of them there there yeah there's two someone has two names well that's kind of oh all right we'll come back let's go through what we're using i'll start here i'm i'm going with the croc ds2 obviously based around boss stuff croc is a cool company first of all croc it's a great name i have a metal badge here that's real metal is it really it's aluminum it came off with something i think it come on yeah so croc came in this this hard like it's like a fishing cooler oh it's the super hard styrofoam let's clean these together that's the stuff like coolers are like i've had a cooler made out of that stuff that's why i said fishing cooling did you say fishing cooler sorry i wasn't listening the tops the top says croc the top says croc but i i think maybe that badge are you trying to say that you have the box do i oh yeah so the croc ds2 uh oh here we go this pedal was sent to me by someone i won't name it's not working right we're not gonna go there it was bound to happen at some point oh no boy what a crock your patch cable bro let's let's go with the other ds2 i'm not go here's the deal i want to take back my snarky rude comment maybe it's not maybe it's not the baseballs you know everybody deserves a chance right yeah that's right [Music] oh this is real life yeah this is this is as legit as it gets [Music] [Applause] uh the problem let's look at this guitar the problem with this guitar is every drive pedal sounds the same because this pickup is so hot yeah it just goes into the pedal it's like just straight in all right this is a baseballs oh yeah [Music] i love that i take back my hateful comment about someone sending this to me not working it works great you know who you are thank you that's pretty saucy [Music] i heard a rumor about that pedal what that is actually used back in the soviet russia days to communicate with possible extraterrestrials the baseballs yeah i've heard that too there was apparently we have roswell yeah they have a saint it's called the petersburg incident right and there is possibly some tech the st petersburg factories where they made the subtech amps had generals over the factories and those factories used technology from within the military and apparently the baseballs uses a part you had a little wrong you're close okay there's a part in here that was used in an alien connection device satellite okay what year was this this would have been this was 84. okay but these are made in the 90s they had an nos stash of alien technology communication chips okay that makes sense what do you think nick um sure okay cool what are you using yeah i'm using the i forgot what this brand is because i can't pronounce it no i don't know i don't know it looks like lel again i yeah i can't an l is not an l no i don't speak soviet languages so i don't know what it is cz though leads me to believe maybe czech republic czech republic maybe probably um it's a digital republic republic that's the best uh most useful stinger right it is all right so yeah it's it's a digital delay supposedly but the two modes are chorus and reverb let's listen to them let's see what it does no way that's a real reverb from that era it's probably a echo oh oh yeah wait there we go i did that [Music] again okay all right let's go to the oh [Music] when i switched it it killed it so i got an idea yeah oh yeah you just like go on a d note and i'm gonna play over you we're gonna turn our mics off i have an idea okay just chord [Music] what start a beat okay [Music] [Music] wow [Music] [Music] do [Music] so that was good wow sorry youtube for that ear ear pinching guitar that was wild frequency that was the sound of the matriarch defeating the space police future oh obviously with with their hercules stand that someone just won yeah who won it the hercules stand that jason moss just won jason moss congratulations with the correct answer phil or philactities nice if you've won something today email me vlog we'll ship it out and if you haven't won something right it's okay but don't email us shout out jason he's a big uh supporter on the tone mob check text hey whoa jason all right let's do a big shameless plug for you shameless i love the stuff you do you ready i'm ready you ready to do this smile into that camera are we ready is everybody ready i'm ready i'm ready [Music] all right tell us all about the things you do you do a lot of things i do a lot of things walk us through it the main thing that people know me from is doing the tone mob podcast where i interview guitar people about guitar stuff and space aliens and all kinds of things uh sometimes it's very on topic and sometimes it is not sometimes it is sometimes it actually gets kind of serious believe it or not there's been a lot of uh talking about addiction comes up quite often and so you're not afraid to stray on yeah there's a there's a few set questions yeah and then we just kind of let it go where it goes i did one recently we caught up it had been like a lot of years yeah i love it i love the podcast thank you thank you yeah you came on josh actually came on episode 10. this is 2015. right when we had like dropped a muffaletta yep this is the other building so and now we're on to 2 30 something it's a lot of so i do that i also do a little bit of youtube stuff not that much but i drop a video here and there i also co-host chasing tone with brian wampler yeah i've been doing this my mortal enemy in the pedals because all of us pedal guys are so just you hate each other cut throat yeah we talk about it all the time it's a bloodthirsty industry it's it's rough it's a rough gig yeah brian talks about you a lot and it's not good so i mean he may like not let me come back on the podcast after this that's fine so chasing tone if you want to if you want to go experience you know a sworn nemesis of me go over there and watch that yeah so i uh it's a good show yeah we we do that one it used to be more video focused back in the day but now it's just a podcast and it's had several different iterations the first time which was actually what inspired me to do my podcast was with brian and max and travis then those guys moved on travis yeah i was on an original yeah very old episode of that that was that predates our show i mean it's been around for a while it was fantastic it was so good and then i came on and ruined it uh yes you did but that's good and i ruined it for like 200 plus episodes chasing tone in the guitar youtube world is one of the first like consistently ran you could say programs i think it wasn't just here's a channel and here's a bunch of stuff like it was a show and brian's done that consistently way longer than we've done this show he's been doing that for a while yeah in some form so then there's that and then the latest uh the latest iteration is brian's got another guy working for him named richard he's from the uk and he has come on the last probably i don't know 15 episodes or so and he has injected some much needed spice into it so that's been really cool he's british yeah which is ironic because they don't use any salt or spice yeah you know and weirdly that's where the spice comes from in our topics because we get to make fun of him for that so it's interesting yeah shout out richard and uh then other than that uh i help out uh with several things at stringjoy stringjoy and uh scott's my dude over there and we you know work really hard to try to get guitar strings of people and then i do a whole bunch of behind-the-scenes stuff with a bunch of other companies that you know is a lot less exciting to talk about so that's me tons of stuff check out tonemob at a podcast near you uh go to [Music] uh brian fallon chris benson in that episode um scanning the pearly gates thomas nelson yeah ton 200 almost 300 episodes it's a lot of stuff it's a lot of stuff you have a store go buy some merch thanks for being on today this is a lot of fun this is everything it's still a lot of fun there's so many pedals i want to mention uh shift line is a really cool company look at that glare that's nice um they have a killer bass pre addison was talking about yep they're a russian company this is a tube pre-dating something like an iridium as well it's like a solution for capsule they have a bunch of cool things we have uh this is not russian but it would have been ussr yes yeah it would have been uh game changer is a really cool company i think we're just kind of tipping our hat to that area giving it some love there's a lot of really genius designers and products that have come out over the years so many things here to talk about um i guess we take the votes and pick the last two pedals out cool yeah i have a winner where we're at yeah already let's do that winner and then you tell us joshua the uh the uh next petals we're gonna play yeah you are going to play well it was between the baseballs and the plasma but you just did the baseballs so i'll play the plasma that's cool and then we need one more i don't have one i don't have one for you okay i was just paying attention to the top i'm sorry that's all right all right technically you did have two we just played one yeah you're giving the people what they want and more and more and that's what matters let's do uh let's do the fuzz stereo in mono this pedal is funny if you google it my name comes up because it was on an episode i don't know anything about it but i'm apparently the resource i can't find any it may not be soviet i think it is there is a chance this is japanese which is see ya see ya got a really funky foot switch like i don't know looks very soviet it does look soviet who's that winner oh we did well we already announced the winner we were just saying you know what soviet petals all good man the plasma is wild it has this electron tube in it oh does it have uh proper power there does it need i think we're good it's more juice cool i think it i think it's fine cool so i'm going to play this dry as a whistle are whistles really that dry this is you know like you're just blowing saliva josh has been doing this thing where he just says as a whistle after a statement and yeah so it doesn't matter if it's dry wet it doesn't matter it's just it just is what it is but whatever it is it's as a whiskey it's as a whistle i like that you're doing the stereo fuzz yes in mono so this fuzz is killer it may make it into legends of fuzz one day um in stereo it's plastic um that's probably why we've never seen this plastic pedals do not have a good lifespan but first here's my clean tone okay okay here we go it's got uh soft clipping apparently and hard clipping let's hear it hard [Music] i don't hear like a crazy difference i hear a little difference but probably in stereo you would i'm interested in stereo how they deal with the phase i bet they one side i think it's just dry i don't know it's interesting let's try this oh go for it unplug from the output you're in plug into the other one and see if it works i'm going to show everybody a hack for stereo pedals if you didn't pay for this but you're getting it it's clean but plug this into the other one not hooked to anything okay i know everybody's like wow what's going on what's he doing over there well it would activate the tr the nature of the circuit if it's dependent on both that's anticlimactic it really is clean yeah it just is a clean so it's like weird all they did is just split it off they're like here's your dry signal go into another amp for some reason for bass that's sick yes for bass that rules i was sitting here thinking uh i would never use that but i would use that because i'm a bass player and you notice the indicator light i don't know if this is a fault or if this is intentional it turns on like hey and then it goes out yeah it's simply indicating hey it's on yeah it's on i don't wanna i don't wanna be pushy uh i'm gonna play the plasma here give me a little demo sounds great it's really good clean tone hold on uh-oh hold on hold on hold on oh boy something is wrong something went awry how many volts that's nine nine i think you're all nines i'll tell you what's hard not enough milliamp that is right what i like about the live is you experience how insanely difficult life is yeah but not that difficult but if you live in america yeah if you're watching it maybe it's stress relieving to see the stress of doing this for markets to see that like hey you know we're real people too dealing with real struggles just like you like milli amps plasma need 12 it says nine ah okay you know nuts things are really difficult in the words of one of the greatest poets ever i tried so hard i got so far but in the end it doesn't even matter do you wanna do some hold jazz oh please let's do some holdings you got it addison do you know how to whistle i know how to whistle very well can you thanks [Music] [Music] just a couple things have happened i broke my croc box oh no oh hey wait a second i just noticed something on our uh our attempt at stereo there's a switch here for direct end stereo so maybe your trick would have worked if i would have looked at the pedal clip so a trick is like on a boss stereo chorus right if you plug out of output two and plug in a dead patch cover you get vibrato right did anybody know that i didn't know that addison's writing it down on his little tiny notepad i knew that but you know the audience may not have you shared a gem with them for free i might add that's crispy something is broken you know there's something's definitely [Music] [Applause] i have something broken this this live stream today is a real lesson in things not working uh knobs being set wrong on the torpedo power supplies hating russian soviet pedals and probably a bad patch cable which i'm going to change out because we make our own destinies this is going to pause for us make our own destinies i'm still having fun if somebody's here this far in they're like whatever they're committed they're like cooking or something and they're like yeah these guys are annoying yeah while you're fixing that i'm gonna set up the the final narrative for this jam so that when you are ready i'm ready okay this is it this is the one this is it this is the end of the story we're just gonna go this the cc cccc ddd and then down to like uh like an f perfect do an f yeah perfect all right this is how we're gonna finish the story out i'm ready a a blast of spiritual energy goes over the desert dunes disintegrating the s the future cops and as the transport flies away in the distance they feel the sonic rumble through the whole of the ship as they look back in at a mushroom cloud of of spiritual energy billowing into the air and and the village looks out in shock as their as their shaman and their spiritual leader has sacrificed herself for the good of the of the village and they hear or hear in their in their inner mind's ear if that's a thing and they fly off to find a better land with their new found uh means of providing for their people now wow that's it so let's do a jam about it are you ready for this are we good [Music] oh wait what happened and the ship exploded and everyone died [Music] all right i'm gonna be really still here we go one two [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] me [Music] [Music] um [Music] thousands of is classes for curious people at every skill level explore new skills get better at the things you already love get lost in creativity and join the millions of other people that are already enjoying this platform there's tons of stuff you can learn on skillshare perhaps you're a really creative person there are classes for you struggling to find resources on how to start your small business well you guessed it there are classes for that as well i wish skillshare had existed when i started jhs i could have taken a web developing class and made my first website way better it was bad and maybe jhs would be as big as boss or electro harmonix by now probably not and that's okay it's fine but there are courses that teach you how to record better audio how to edit video you can take classes on graphic animation so if you ever wondered how nick does the fancy graphic stuff on our show you can learn to do it yourself nick if you're listening right now there is a course called learn how to mix music with young guru frankly i want all of our gems from here on out to sound like jay-z albums i don't think that's too much to ask so go take the class nick maybe i'll take it too there's even content on how to solder and classes on understanding electronics which is super cool if you have any interest in building pedals or gear the classes are put together really well they're broken down in bite size and easy to understand pieces in some classes they even go so far as to provide shopping links for the supplies you're going to need for that class it's awesome it's amazing it's like college but way cheaper and you don't have to get good grades to keep learning that was always my problem there's literally thousands of topics and the best part is that it's less than ten dollars a month with their annual subscription that's like 33 cents a day that's like a penny an hour i don't know i didn't really do the math because i'm bad at math but maybe skillshare has a math class i should take i'll look into it at the end of this stream we'll be posting a link in the description the first 1000 people to use the link will get a free trial of skillshare premium don't go right now go in like 20 30 minutes after the lab's over it'll be there and you might really like it it's a good episode man thanks for coming on man phil great glad to be here have a good time with all the soviet russian tech this is uh probably one of the peaks of my entire life i hope wow okay i hope there's more there's more there's more it could be you don't know me you don't know what i've been through just saying come on i'm just saying it's gonna get better oh it's gonna get we're gonna do more we're just saying don't limit yourself to this being your peak there's there's a higher mountain out there calling your name blake you're inspirational wow that feels i'm just saying blake that feels awful honestly yeah i don't like that at all you don't okay never mind this is what we should it's never gonna get it's never gonna get any better than this i know that i know that and i've accepted it and you're trying to make me giving me false hope this is it hey i'm sorry this is it go check out tone mob podcast all the stuff you're doing is awesome it's good having you on thanks everybody i mean the whole team joshua i can't see you you're on the other side of that amp i'm behind dance yeah because it's great hair by the way yeah thank you oh someone said i had better hair than adam who yeah let's why don't you tell us blake who has better hair joshua or me okay let me take it bear in mind my hair isn't fresh his is pretty fresh just think of me with a fresh haircut so i mean my hair cuts like so now though strikes me he's like he's the guy he walks into you know the club and all the way all the ladies are like whoa and then beck i love you it's cool just be real careful man and joshua walks into the club and a lot of ladies are like whoa but a lot of dudes are like that guy knows what's up dang all right yeah i'm taking that one i you should start a channel where you just do that or you just just break pictures of people and rate their hair yeah uh you can go right now and buy all right this has been really great uh i think we're out we've given everything away this is a fascinating story if we'll do a pedal uh board shot here look at all this craziness there's a table next to me full of stuff go to soviet guitar effects on instagram soviet look into my eyes soviet guitar effect together we'll say it together one two three soviet guitar effects everybody soviet guitar effects one more time guitar a lot of good info there you know it's moments like this when i don't want to close the show because this feels like home but everybody has to leave home and do the real thing you know they have to go to work yeah so i'm going to close the show down and get back to work because this doesn't work in this case i'm going to close it down and literally go home yeah you need to go home you have a flight yeah i gotta catch that flight yep all right everyone uh check out the for stuff there's also a patreon you can go check that out as well and we're leaving right now three two one you
Channel: JHS Pedals
Views: 66,149
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: JHS, JHS Pedals, The JHS Show, Guitar Pedals, Guitar Effects, Guitar Gear, Guitar Pedal Demo, Music History, overdrive pedal, chorus pedal, distortion pedal, boss pedals, compressor pedal, univibe, delay pedal, octave fuzz, reverb pedal, reverb, eq pedal, boost pedal, behringer
Id: M6PF-JcdF0o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 116min 55sec (7015 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 21 2021
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