In Depth Look at the NEW JHS 3 Series

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on today's episode i am debuting into the world not one not two not three not even four not five not six but seven brand new pedals and i think you're gonna like them [Music] several years ago i found myself in the remote wilderness of north dakota at a cabin loaned to me by the friend of a friend's other friend i was sitting on the deck in a beautifully crafted oak rocking chair overlooking a valley with a pristine still crystal lake on the edge of a mountainside full of beautiful cedars and a hawk descended down onto the lake and snatched up a wonderful plump salmon pulling it up to the tree line where the nest of its babies sat ready to feed but at the moment the hawk dropped the salmon to the nest a majestic bald eagle swept in with its talons grabbing the salmon flying away and just seconds later it was hit by a bolt of lightning struck dead dropping the salmon into the waters from which it came and at that moment i was struck with a question and with a problem i knew i had to solve it was the fact that so many new pedals nowadays have amazing features tons of controls but they're kind of complicated and they carry with them a hefty price tag for a guy like me i just want simple sometimes and i want things that are really affordable so i can have fun and try things out i said to myself josh can you make a line of pedals that are under 100 and easy to use well the jhs 3 series is exactly that every pedal is 99 no matter what the effect is and they all have three knobs one toggle and one foot switch they're incredibly easy to use so easy in fact that even nick understands them i'll take this as a compliment you should the first ever budget pedals to hit the market were in the early 1980s and they offered a more affordable option to the powerhouse's boss and ibanez who ruled the pedal market one of the first brands to ever gain prominence and respect was the 1983 release of the arion effects there's several of these which go for huge money on the used market because they sound amazing and they've been used by a lot of famous players then we see other brands like rock tech come along in 1986 making pedals even more affordable then in 1989 ibanez gets involved with the sound tank series this was one of my very first pedals ever and you can find them all over the place they sound really great even into the 90s we see brands like proco making cheaper more affordable versions of their famous pedal the rat they had the roadkill and also a pedal called the brat these came out around 1997. then in 1999 we see the release of one of the most important budget lines ever made the dan electro food series this series for me was very important because it allowed me to play tons of circuits that i could never have afforded in their original form these were everywhere and so many of us kind of cut our teeth on effects by buying these in the mid 2000s we see behringer drop a compact line of effects that followed in the footsteps of dan electro's food series by offering expensive and rare circuits in this form factor at a low price with the three series i wanted to build on the backs of these budget lines because they're so important to me as a player and these were lines of pedals that let me try things i would have never been able to hear otherwise but as a pedal maker i wanted to fix some of the glaring and obvious problems first up is quality these pedals sound great they mean a lot to me but i wouldn't trust them on a tour and i have to fix that if i'm going to make a jhs pedal so the first problem you really see with this is that jacks brake foot switches go out the enclosures are mainly plastic and that's just not going to do for a jhs pedal so we use the same hardware enclosure style foot switches jacks toggles it's all high quality it's the same exact part you would see in a normal jhs pedal that is twice the price number two is most budget pedals are just clones of things that have already been done before with maybe minor tweaks there's nothing wrong with that i love it because it lets you try classic circuits but what if a budget line offered originality well the three series is mainly all original designs and when we did use our tribute back to something we change it and modify it in such a way that it's pretty different and i think it's something fresh for the market so the three series is our chance and our opportunity at making the greatest budget line ever made under a hundred dollars and i'm really excited and really proud of that and for a all usa made pedal 99.99 i think it's gonna be really hard to beat but is it good that's up to you let's start with the overdrive and see what you think the three series overdrive is called the overdrive yes because it overdrives we're trying to keep it simple here i think you i think you understand i know a lot of you wanted a fancy name with some clever graphic whatever not gonna get it here but what we do have is a fantastic overdrive circuit that uses soft clipping and op amp and kind of pays tribute back to all of our favorite overdrives from the 70s and 80s that utilize this topology it has three knobs of volume body and drive control the volume obviously turns the volume up the body control is really unique i'm going to strum some chords and show you all the way off all the way on it's not quite a tone control it's not quite an eq although it does those and it's also sort of a gain structure knob so we called it body and then the drive control allows you to dial in how much saturation and clipping there are i'll start it at the bottom and roll it up high [Music] so and then we have a gain toggle which gives you a different style of clipping and it gets really really loud it'll blow your head off and it's fantastic slamming into the front of a tube ant i'm going to dial it back a little but here it is [Music] enough twiddling around let's let's jam [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Applause] [Music] hey [Music] next up is the three series delay it's called delay because it delays your signal it has three controls mix time repeats and has a toggle for type mix is the wet signal so you can go from all the way off dry or you can roll in the amount of effect you want then you have time which goes from slap all the way up to things like this or you can get crazy at a ton of time [Music] beautiful and then you have repeats which is how many echoes you get one two three four five six whatever [Music] infinite very nice and the type lets you switch in the down position from analog sounding dark beautiful kind of mysterious echo repeat to a clearer more precise digital clean repeat we're going to jam on it i'm going to toss in the overdrive to make it even more interesting here we go [Music] [Music] i'm [Music] [Music] now [Music] [Music] [Applause] the chorus is called chorus because it makes chorus effect it has three controls volume rate and depth the volume is the overall output level lets you blend it in how you want it which is really great if you want to use it for lead parts or kind of push your guitar out of the mix with modulation then you have rate which lets you go from slow [Music] to faster [Music] and you have a handy speed status led down here [Music] and then depth is kind of your mix or wet perception of how much course is in there [Music] then you have a toggle labeled vibe when it's down you're in chorus mode which means you have modulation with dry signal when you flip this up you remove your dry signal and you create true pitch vibrato in the family line of a boss vb2 for [Music] instance pretty seasick and awesome i'm gonna add the overdrive again and play some beetles wannabe tune let's do [Music] it [Music] so [Applause] [Music] [Music] the three series distortion has a name would you like to take a guess that's correct it's called distortion because it distorts the signal there are again three controls volume filter and distort i like calling it distort because distortion's a little too overwhelming we want to keep it simple volume is the overall volume or boost of the circuit filter is an eq tone sweep kind of thing it's fantastic and then distortion is your overall amount of gain distortion let's check out the filter i'll start on the dark end and brighten it up [Music] and now i'll turn the distort all the way up and we have a gain toggle which gives you different saturations and feel uh down is kind of the heavier sound up is more of a crunchy boosted sound let's add some delay and just rock out just get crazy here we go [Music] that was interesting some might even say that was exciting and because of that we need to move on to the next pedal it is the 3 series compressor it's a compressor and the name is compressor because it compresses your guitar signal it has three knobs volume attack sustain and a bright toggle volume is exactly what you think it lets you turn up or down and it also allows you to boost this pedal into your amp or other overdrives giving you a really powerful tone shaping device that's useful in other ways than straight up compression then you have an attack control the attack control is how quickly your guitar is slammed into the detection circuit of the compressor so it's how quickly it responds and blooms out we'll start with a lower setting uh on the potentiometer which is actually more compression quicker and then i'll turn that up you'll hear the circuit get a little louder but you'll also hear the compression take longer to actually swell in as i turn that knob up [Music] then we have the sustain control which you could also label compression if you wanted to but that's the name of the pedal compressor so sustain mixes it up a bit let's start that all the way up see how heavily we can compress the signal and then back it down [Music] then we have the bright toggle which is really helpful because compressor circuits based around this classic 70s topology tend to rob the high end so i'm going to crank the sustain put the attack where you hear the compression most and add back in the high end that's usually always lost with these types of circuits i'm gonna add some slap back delay and try to do something creative exciting for you because i know you're watching [Music] [Music] so [Music] next up is the 3 series reverb i'm not even going to tell you the name because at this point we're we're like six petals in i trust that you're intelligent it's a reverb pedal and it has three knobs verb eq and decay it has a toggle called pre-delay now this one's exciting it is a digital reverb that covers a lot of sounds that you love and a lot of things you didn't know you loved you'll discover you love them once you play it but it goes from hey i'm singing in the shower i hope no one hears me all the way to crazy ambient never-ending verbs they're kind of like pad textures kind of like you're on the back side of pluto and you're escaping your enemies you can do either or let's start with the verb control which is basically a wet dry mix for how much reverb is in the signal that's your i'm singing in the shower kind of thing i'll pull the decay up just a little a little bit bigger shower and then we're going to max the verb out [Music] hold the verb back just barely there let's put the decay not quite pluto but out there big pull the verb up now with that setting let's play with the eq when i go this way it makes the reverb dark more tame you could say when i go this way it brightens it up and you can hear every aspect of the decay and let's max out the decay go straight to pluto and just get nuts with it [Music] and pre-delay does what it says it adds a little bit of digital delay on the front end making it even more spacey and crazy let's add some overdrive and do like a chill smooth space jam i said space two [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] last is the 3 series fuzz it is called fuzz because it is a fuzz effect for your guitar it has three controls volume bias fuzz and it has a toggle called fat now this is based around classic 1960 style two transistor fuzzs and it's done in a way that gives you maximum flexibility from the circuit it keeps it simple but it gives you just enough to think you have a lot of options which you kind of do but you don't need but they're sort of there i hope that makes sense let me go over the controls volume is exactly what you think it is up or down you can boost you can slam the front of an amp you can cut it whatever you want to do then bias is a voltage control directly tied to the q2 transistor of the circuit it gives it more or less voltage basically bias could be called a gate control because it results in sputtery beautiful gating sounds but bias sounds cooler i don't know it's a choice i made i'm happy with it then you have fuzz the fuzz control is the overall clipping and saturation and unlike a ton of 60 style fuzzes this control is usable from 0 to 10 which is awesome then you have the fat toggle which fattens up the signal i'm going to play it i'm going to mess with the bias and fuzz control flip the fat toggle up and just let you get a get a sense for what's going on here [Music] all right let's do a jam i'm going to add some chorus when i feel like i need it and really it's up to you i think it's good it's good it's a good pedal i think [Music] hmm [Music] [Music] [Music] i'm excited for these pedals and i'm excited for what you're gonna do with them because i made them for you they are the people's pedals and you are the peoples i'm the person that made them but i can't take them where they need to go there is a vast universe of sound delight joy and beauty that you will settle upon in your ship of freedom through outer space time and the vortex of hope that is music beauty and art you will take these petals to a new dimension a dimension that i can't go to because i'm stuck in my dimension my dimension is i made these but your dimension is you take these and you soar through the winds of time breaking boundaries that no man has ever broken you are the people and these are the people's pedals and i bestow upon you the responsibility of humanity's goal of creating and living in a society where things are beautiful and these pedals will help you do that i love these pedals but not as much as i love you because you are the peoples and these are the people's pedals it's time for record time today's record time is brought to you by 2016's dinosaur jr give a glimpse of what you're not great record every song on this record is my favorite song on the record and it is possible you can argue with me but i'm gonna win this one it's good you need to listen to it you need to check it out they are a three piece band i think that fits in with the three series so in the comments below tell me what you think about this and tell me about a killer three-piece band and their record that you like most this is probably my favorite dinosaur junior album i really do like them all the early stuff's a little harder for me and i kind of lean towards the newer stuff all that aside check this out tell me in the comments about your favorite trio thanks so much for watching this video i hope you enjoyed it and i hope you're half as excited as i am about the new three series it's super super fun to put these out into the world in the description below are a ton of links where some amazing guitarists are going to demo through these much better than i am because let's be honest i know like four chords and there's just better musicians go watch them check out what they're doing and get a better feel for the whole line i'm so excited that i'm going to give away the whole series over on patreon there's a link below on how you can win one of these there's seven pedals and there's going to be one person per petal who wins a pedal so it's seven giveaways seven petals it's pretty simple math although it is complicated it's fine i'll see you next time have a good day i have nothing else to say bye
Channel: JHS Pedals
Views: 364,460
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: JHS, JHS Pedals, The JHS Show, Guitar Pedals, Guitar Effects, Guitar Gear, Guitar Pedal Demo, Music History, JHS 3 Series, Budget Pedals, Cheap Guitar Pedals, Low Cost Pedals, overdrive pedal, chorus pedal, distortion pedal, delay pedal, reverb pedal, compression pedal, fuzz pedals
Id: hdJ0ezgQuxU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 2sec (1862 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 02 2020
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