Watch Us Demo 87 New Pedals From Our Favorite Makers

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wipe that up over there over there all right come on What's the total pedals we ended up at 87 87 87 petals hey everyone uh we spilled drinks people aren't even hooked up to their in it but we're doing this people spilled drinks Josh Scott Joshua driller spilled the drink all right um we have a lot to do in a little amount of time we're already late we're already late all right everybody started all right Addison how you doing today I'm great where's the Addison camera there he is thank you Nick how are you I'm great Joshua doing good I got my black Wing 602 medium soft lead yeah cool awesome show all the top Downs start with Dr I don't care just show stuff here's my first batch of pedals um and then this Addison's and Drillers this hasn't never been done before so yeah yeah all right driller you have a nice you've got like a Dutch angle on your board yeah it's cool and I got Ducks all right so I I think we we're going to be giving away the two new warm audio pedals which is like a uh no no no no no no no no we are giving away the two new warm audio pedals this is the did I not just say that the centavo which is a JHS clone clone clone um the warm Drive which is a Zen Drive clone and also the foxy one the orange foxy one and the Jet phaser we're giving away four so we're giving away their whole pedal line their whole line to us um again one person's gonna get all of it all of it one person's getting all of it wow okay let's Jump Right In um let's start with driller we're gonna here's the here okay look all right I don't know how to do this but we're gonna just jump into it this is chaotic energy yes we are going to this is our plan we started yesterday and we're like here's what we're doing we're gonna pick some petals and make a board quickly and then we're just gonna all show what we're doing and do a jam and feel free to talk during the gym there's no other way to do this quickly it's so many pedals so let's start with driller Thriller the uh the first couple things I grabbed I went with an easy option here I went with the merry cries it's an optical compressor yeah you did is that who is Mary is it Wind Cries Mary reference I don't know I think it's a Bible thing is it Jesus wept that's a great pedal name all right go ahead you know what other petal name I really like um horse meat I have that over here a lot that one's cool horse meat I sure hope she does keep going keep going then the second petal I have in my chain is the Habit by Chase blizz I have no idea how this is gonna pan out but we're gonna do it anyways sick so just those two okay for the first all right first two all right Addy oh man here's to not ever call me that again online uh I have the junk lantern from the fine folks at October audio which is like a crazy it's an octave um fuzz I have the falama analog chorus which sounds awesome and then I have the Collision devices uh nocturnal which is super cool as well I love the Collision devices stuff and we are not using guitar amps today no yeah we're using these UA thingamajiggles yes you're doing the Ruby because you're a Vox boy that's right I'm a Vox boy um I don't know if either of us will play this today I'll switch it up okay cool this is the Woodrow as well we have all three of them they're super cool we will play all three of them this Friday oh that's right you guys are gonna are gonna do a full live about all these amps so you have a call tomorrow the big wig it's gonna be awesome so the designer yeah all right all right you good oh I'm solid I'm just you need more you need a dinosaur okay here's my board I'm using the dream let me just demo this we don't have time for this but here's like your clean signal into a direct box listen to this dream tone it's like a fender style amp oh it's awesome it's insane you know what that is that's money money uh so I'm using that and I'll turn the spring reverb on and off with the novels I have the dreadbox raindrops that I'm not convinced isn't broken I do think it sounds this weird though whoa I think that's on par with the brand [Music] cool yeah then I have the horse meat which is the parade Smith clone clone uh octaverse this is a this is a banger this is a uh Mojo hand that I was unaware I remember he sent it and then it's another thing all of this stuff's been in the cabinets in the hall for like how long Joshua uh since July yeah I believe okay a lot of it but listen to this that's crazy [Music] and then I have the Fjord audio Yeah it's like a univibe and is that the right name fjord yeah I think so and then we have the dude incredible by Electric audio experiments I'm very proud and honored to finally get this stuff on the show Daniel danger has ranted about this and me not owning some of this stuff for a while [Music] yeah I think since I've shown these tones quickly show your tones um here's my every puddle in 30 seconds okay so this is just the Ruby that sounds like a boxy boxy it really does I think I'm using yeah I'm using the blue speaker and then I'm using the brilliant Channel um this is the nocturnal this is the I believe Reverb side yep and then um this is delay I think am I right yep okay so this is like a green machine here's both together oh boy there's some some uh Shimmer in there yep okay okay 30 seconds is up hey there's that um here's the falama chorus oh it's so good man I think that pedal is like eight dollars it's half a cup of coffee um and then the junk Lantern okay I think the only way to do this is to just make space yeah and let people just show off a pedal or whatever cool let's jump into it I'm just gonna start a Beatrice let's go all right if you're watching just hang on to your britches the we have three hours left literally [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] all right so I'm using those raindrops I'm just making some weird stupid noises [Music] that's a cool sound what is it that's the uh the junk Lantern the falama and a little bit of Reverb [Music] [Music] that's the horse meat foreign [Music] has a voice knob I have no idea what it's doing oh I know everyone wants to know because it's a quan but here's High Gain horse meat [Music] [Applause] [Music] it's pretty cool all right let's try this octaverse here how about driller let's let's turn on that chase Liz pedal flip [Music] all right [Music] this is a tasteless habit on a base the method for the chase Bliss experience is just turn everything yeah yeah let's Max it out [Music] foreign oh there it is oh wow it's like trying to play a long delay on you so it's doing a reverse delay [Music] I'll play this octaverse while you figure that out [Music] also hello to oce all blood noise Acorn amps and October audio they're all in the chat foreign [Music] this is such a cool pedal Mojo hand octaverse I don't understand it with a school so I'm going to try it without the clean blend there's this crazy sound I had earlier [Music] [Music] what's that one it's that same octopus it's crazy that's cool I'll do that way off this around [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] [Applause] okay here's this Fjord audio correct Joshua Fjord Fjord fuzz Fjord yeah it's the univive you were messaging about this quite a bit and he finally got it out so I'll geek around with it [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] all right let's show Addison's award this thing's super cool this is the uh the nocturnal it's doing all the work right now so this is like a big Ambience machine basically head upon in the chat foreign [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] ER like 30 seconds to figure the Habit out I don't know if it's gonna happen yeah because it was trying to do this cool thing I might have to throw it in a guitar in a second mm-hmm people love your plane by the way Jeweler they're raving he was born with a base in his hand it's a crazy story actually base in his hand in the story in his heart [Music] it's like not I don't get it there it goes I just heard it [Music] Chase Bliss some of the greatest pedals but there needs to be this tagline that's like figure it out it's like see it's amazing what's it doing it's like it has its own mind wait for it oh Nick's involved Nick's involved okay see here we go here we go [Music] [Laughter] that compressor sounds great it actually does yeah parade Smith makers of fine guitars and pedals now and amps and Acoustics has everyone ever eaten horse meat uh I think I have accidentally I had Camels Hump and camels huh yeah that's basically a horse right you mastered it I think we should switch it up for the microcosmer driller just wants to abuse himself uh turn your sm7 up oh mine up you're a little quieter in your ears oh is this my ears then don't worry about it all right let's I'll start switching out and dead air is here Collision devices is here hello everybody the whole crowd the whole family okay so the plot is you can't see but over here we're just surrounded there's bins of pedals all over the place it's actually insane um we're just gonna invite you into the chaos of switching out everything so I'm going to I'm going to leave the dream on and let me get another delay going bin it put in a bin I'll just throw it on the table chaotically or bin it I don't know so raindrops this is very cool if you like I think we should give a quick quick one sentence on each pedal this is a really cool weird delay okay this compressor sounded killer on the base I may throw it on my guitar right now you should it did sound good all right Aston yeah yeah as we remove them just talk about them sweet flama analog chorus go buy one that sounded wonderful um I assume they're like less than 40 or 50 all of them usually cup of coffee definitely horse meat um I didn't dive super into this but it sounded like a clone I mean yep it has a Vibe hi Daniel Danger real Vibe uh Collision devices nocturnal delaying Reverb maybe some other stuff didn't get too far into it super awesome ambient machine Daniel Daniel this is Daniel dangerous kind of pedal right here yeah let me know immediately what Daniel's comment is and I already know what it is he'll say something about too many knobs he's already typing it uh October audio junk Lantern octave fuzz it says on and on so you can't go wrong go buy one dude incredible I loved it it's a killer heavy pedal made in Boston yeah it's made over there in Boston Daniel danger said online that I'm his favorite um did he actually are you the same thing looking at it right now okay needs less knobs two tops this this unified was sick his stuff is so cool um so Fjord I love yard fuzz yeah the vibe is so cool um the vibe of the vibe is so so nice and this octaverse may have been my favorite petal of that board Mojo hand it's like a new top down it's like a strange really fun octave verb delay thing I've never heard in that way so I actually think it's very unique for what it is Sonic's music V said camel hump you've already ruined their next release Addison oh no I guess they didn't have to say it but now they did I'm gonna I'm gonna go marry cries compressor you're already set up so you you tell you guys tell people your boards and I'll set mine okay go ahead yeah go for it we're just winging this this is why it feels chaotic and I hope the audience is okay with this energy they are they are as long as they're here for it um hi everyone Hi driller this is the artificial blonde it's one of our petals that's an NHS pedal amazing oh my gosh and then next to what I have the microcosm because I can't get enough delay in my life man and eventually we're gonna get to the cow killer I feel a theme with you you're choosing the most complicated pedals possible for bass sure am except for the cow killer which is a base fuzz hey check out take a look at this name demonic machines cow killer I'm here for it maybe I should pair it with the horse meat yes the horse meat would be great on base that's a good idea yeah here you go [Music] utter Madness tons of Mike and Mike Knox here we have a price list and stuff I don't know how to Pro we Joshua did a ton of work on like and you've spilled water I don't know we're just trying to survive here yeah I spent days been in these pedals re-binning them because you put them all on the table then re-binning again because you decided to ruffle through them and not put them in order then I had to redo everything because you added more petals then I typed out a list that you poured water on driller poured water on it I'm sorry so do you wanna you wanna go through prices there's no order here I think we just try our best do our best hey guys we got two that is true we did get through a lot so let me find there's so many pedals so many we could have made this an online pdf we still can't we still can can we do that Katie's like she's that's and then you can scroll through all the pricing and the stuff and Joshua's work will be useful thanks no this is really great I just we're picking them out at random so uh you know it's pretty pretty exciting I will say the UA stuff that we're using as an amp they're all 3.99 so that's across the board worth it they're made in California we have uh yeah that's it that's literally that's five cups of coffee it's not even a big deal I got I got prices on mine that I'm gonna use here I'll talk yeah uh okay first one in the chain is the Jupiter effects uh catastrophe sludge Fest Dominator overdrive yeah I so we did a whole if you didn't see the episode we did on Jupiter effects from gosh it was last year maybe even before um it's awesome they make awesome stuff I just turned this on and it was so loud and I remember having a conversation with Chris their owner and he was like we just make the loudest pedals ever but he said it in his accent which is way cooler than mine so that's 249 but I believe this is pounds um or Euros one of the two this Fjord univive was 91 which seems impossible whoa 91 that's what it says It's amazing all right keep going dang when I find someone we'll just I'm also using um the JHS petals harmonic tremolo that they just released [Music] and then I'm using the Matthews effects the surgeon delay um the the harmonic trim is 99 um not worth it but go check it out anyways and then the Matthews effects um delay is 249.99 okay the PRS stuff is uh horse meets 249 and I think that's per pound um pretty good Mary cries Optical is 219 for that compressor that I'm going to use it here in a second and then there's a wind through the trees flanger that's 349 I'll just get that out of the way and yeah we'll just the dude incredible 299 so that's a tube voice preempt with the percolator fuzz in it that's a cool pedal stick this was a very very cool pillow I should have listened to Daniel when we were in Nashville and he said to buy it and I didn't Matthew Neiman so this feels right Matthew Neiman says the Fjord is 250 I tried converting from the Danish uh I mean it's not Danish Swedish KR whatever that is I don't know the point is it's not American current it's not American currency it's crunk coin it's from Sweden so one thing I would love um hopefully the builders are here hanging out get to know them if they if you see your pedal just start talking about it you're the best person to tell people pricing and all that stuff for sure because we're going to fly through this we already we're already running behind we have we got to keep going we good yeah all right my you want to do you did your board driller you're just doing the microcosm and the calculator artificial blonde and microcosm here's my board my board is I bought this it's not new but it's new to me it's the Mr Black Tape X2 so that thing sounds so good let's see oh so juicy [Music] remember every pedal gets 30 seconds because pedals matter that's right okay so that's cool tube nightmare by dead air I have no idea how much that is but let's see Joshua can maybe that's a good format we'll just name it and Josh can throw the price out um nightmare 139 it's a tube screamer if you didn't catch that yeah but it's so much cooler already this is and it looks killer [Music] that is a huge sounding Drive pedal [Music] dead air is so good everything I've played by dead air is phenomenal that's a great sounding title everything I've listened to by dead air has been phenomenal and then I have the acorn ADHD ADHD synthbuzz 149. [Music] this has the weirdest pot I've ever seen in the middle dude you have a frequency threshold so you have a drone note [Music] [Applause] we'll come back to that here's the compressor [Music] did I say dinner was in the Trap I don't know but here they are foreign all right that's that compressor is really great it's got the I don't want to use big fancy terms but do it it's I hate it when people say something sounds like a studio piece of gear I like hate it all right you all ready ready start a beating Nick let's do this okay [Music] it's about it I'm here [Music] [Music] somebody's mic son [Music] this is like a lost track from friends you know that TV show Friends I think we're Ross and Rachel are walking towards each other thank you [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] who's that tape x what you find right now I've got the surgeon on with a little bit of eighth note delay and then the sludge Fest Dominator it's just it's just gives me some Overdrive [Music] [Applause] foreign [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] all right here comes the ADHD hang on [Music] thank you [Music] [Applause] you gotta tune it in you know foreign [Music] friends where Ross kills Rachel [Applause] foreign [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] this is the macrocosm the artificial blonde okay oh now you're yeah you're tuning in to vibrato on bass guitar brought to you by drummer and Nick pretty cool while we got some bass Tunes going yeah okay let's do a pretty ball trivia time here's your question [Music] what one name is shared by both an Ernie Ball product and Music Man product as retail simultaneously they're that name in the chat first one I see on my servers will be the winner that's a good look for you behind the boxes you should have like a podcast called behind the boxes uh no you know why because I don't care about boxes foreign [Music] I didn't mind boxes until I started working for the JHS show and then all of a sudden for some reason [Music] what is that bro is it is that like uh yeah [Music] [Music] yeah take it away all right so I've got the octave up on this uh sludge Fest here it's super cool oh man kind of kills the [Music] what's this guitar I've never seen it just appears is it yours yeah yeah we were playing for three hours and I thought I'm gonna bring the guitar I love play your guitar oh [Music] that's a cool sound [Music] so there's that here's the uh three series harmonic trim I love this thing so much gosh he's being paid to say not I love harmonic trim it's so good [Music] and then the uh the surgeons on as well just like a real that's a super powerful delay I goofed with a little really he's Rick's really smart he's smarter than me his circuits are very smart [Music] I think in a minute turn yourself up in my mix because you're of it or just shredding away but you don't want more of me here before how's that yeah that was great [Music] all right let's see how aggressive we can make this chord progression so it's Friends season three and Rachel's about to kill Ross [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] thank you foreign [Applause] anyway the winner of Ernie Ball trivia time the answer was axis um and the winner is Lost Highway 1984 so please Lost Highway 1984 email me at the jhsshow at send me your mailing address and what kind of box of strings that you want and Nick thank you the tape the tapex is so good the Mr Black Tape X I first heard about that all the JTL guys use it next door on like external I'm looking to switch up my delay game on my board with a couple delays yeah this is in the running I think I'm pretty excited it's so good uh yeah just took for the price on that I can't remember that doesn't matter catastrophe sludge Fest Dominator from one of the coolest companies were they located does anybody remember I can't remember somewhere not in America right that much is very true wait what do you want to know where's um Jupiter located I should know there is in Germany and hold on vilham yes go buy a cool pedal for them you loved saying that way too much I really did uh tube nightmare it was a it was a dream Matthew's effects a great Tube Screamer the surgeon super awesome does a lot more than I showed up has midi in and out too that's cool the acorn ADHD it's a pedal for the person who is trying to find themselves that's a good that's a good tag he was pretty cool sounding I love it there's a giant brain on it with a knob in the brain and the brains in a tube there are a lot of brains on petals in this Hall that we have here yeah Mary Christ Optical compressor it's just a nice quality always on I had the compression all the way up did you and I couldn't tell it was all the way up but I could tell it was compressing it was really nice is that so that's that's a good thing yeah I think there's two camps for compression hey use it as an effect or use it as like a mastering device and that was more of a mastering device I'm just gonna stay on the PRS train apparently here is the Wind Through the Trees flanger uh so not quite yet I'm I'm just standing which one of these should I play the particle or the bitmap I'm not even sure oh 250 milliamp or higher they put a sticker over the jacket that's so smart that's smart now I can determine if I have the right Millie amperage 3 Series harmonic tremolo it's harmonic tremolo for your guitar I'm going to use the I'm going to say his name wrong again J maskis okay yes uh his his new signature big muff I'm gonna use that this time which I think you can still buy it's like a limited drop right Joshua but there's probably still someone Reverb I'm confused by it yes that's correct okay go buy one it's awesome how are those comments the comments are really the comments are really wonderful there's um one person who's very upset about the warm drive and the clown to the JHS clone clone clone what are they saying uh mostly they're upset that it's trade dress copy what you talked about uh-huh but no it's a good discussion other than that everybody's really loving everything that's happening let's have the discussion right now in the comments quickly so the question is I did a Monday monologue about trade dress and is cloning okay so let's engage in the question in a useful way instead of not being useful so the useful thing to do is trade dress applies to are you using the look of a pedal for the advantage of your product that damages the other products so like can you go make a uh what's a uh like a let's see like what's a product you use in your house something every day like a window wash cloth yeah all right Windex I make a glass cleaner and I call it like blendex and I put the same logo and all this which actually happens like generic cereal and stuff does this but the problem with trade dress and Where It's Tricky and I just don't know there's some situations that are very difficult the clan has is you can't even get one it's not being made like this is it I mean good question and then the Zen drive you haven't been able to buy a new Zin drive for years I'm not justifying anything I'm just saying like is that a trade dress issue so in the comments give your opinion I don't have an opinion right now I need to think about it more but let's not get mad at stuff without discussing it because that's more helpful that's my rant it's a good rant yeah I think it's a great discussion like it's cool that someone's bringing it up but yeah there's another clone clone big shocker and there's a Zen Drive clone huge Shocker the the difference is warm is just saying what they are and maybe the trade dress is too far maybe it's not what's your opinion I don't know would someone be upset about the trade dress of a Fender amp that no longer exists it feels gray I don't know what to do with it what do you think well I think that's the kicker for me anyways initial thoughts I haven't thought about this a lot yeah so this is where you haven't like that's right it's just an off-the-cuff discussion off the cuff in my mind I'm going if it's still made that's a big No-No but all of all of this stuff is not made anymore and so um to me it seems like a really cool way to get something yes otherwise we have the two other warm petals over there there's the foxy fuzz which is obviously a perfectly replicated tone machine yeah nobody got upset about that right and then they made the jet phaser which is a rolling pedal from like 73. nobody got set and they're blatant trade dress but nobody cared is that because these are so close to like these just ended a few years ago you know what I mean I don't know that's a great question because is an end and end or not I don't that's that's what we should discuss in the comments I'd love to go back uh tomorrow after I've recovered from this three hour thing and read your comments well they'll be there they're firing away yeah no that's good I I think that it's great again discuss this stuff and like let's talk it through and if you're not aware of that episode I just kind of walk through trade dress and stuff it got hot it got hot and heated in that one too people really there's a real energy on this topic Addison Pao wants to know if you're Japanese if your guitar is a Japanese telly from the 90s no I will talk about it real quick though this is a builder from St Louis um his name's Chris cronline I believe his um stuffer uh his stuffer his stuff is called um k-line so that's his brand he makes Incredible like vintage inspired instruments so classic yeah like Boutique guitar brand yep and I would trade dress oh well see that's a great question right because Defender still makes Tellies you can buy a Telly that looks just like this from Fender right now I think they just released it with the American Vintage two stuff but he makes Incredible quality like I've owned a couple of his things and um they're all awesome he does all the hardware and stuff like that um so go check out his his gear he's yeah go check it out yeah hey man he's an awesome Builder someone said all pedals are stolen from Jesus which I can't argue with that yeah wouldn't it be cool to see like this footage of like Jesus building a pedal yeah it's like the Year One what was the first pedal I don't know he just he's like hey I'm back I'm gonna build some pedals and this is a boring conversation we should do this let's go let's keep it up what do you got driller I got the farm animal combo uh the cow killer in the horse meat cow killer is my favorite petal name I think that is a really good name I see you got that Duke up there for later I'm saving that one you're gonna drop the Duke aren't you I'm probably going to pair the Duke with the screen violence Josh trailer can you give me just the base run on the cow killer I just want to hear it I feel really excited for it what if it's [Music] all over again [Music] I'm so scared of this wind through the trees flanger there's stuff lighting up it's retaining the low end I think I'll use that buzz phrase it sounds pretty good yeah demonic machines you get a big thumbs up on the cow killer from the JHS team can I talk again about this dream no yeah [Music] that's not a name [Music] what is that one supposed to be very cool um I'll go through my board you good with your board yes all right I will I'll let's let's look you down in here I have the bitmap I've heard of this pedal for a long time I'm not even sure what it does but I love everything they do oh all right I'm in love that's a whoa is this the is this a flurb that I like no let's see it's a bit Crusher gotta be oh it like it has light up things I I have thank you [Music] foreign there is a waveform that's just a caution sign I'm gonna play that [Music] summer schools in the chat who summer school summer school yeah I'm about to show show this crazy pedal went through the trees first though Wind Through the their names horse meat horse meat Mary cries win through the trees it's like a poet came in one day and was like let's name these petals do you remember in the early 2000s uh with the screamo the screamo phase and all the names were what was that one uh I I bet 10 something in a crowbar that your friend will hate me or something like that it was a under oath song yeah yeah it's that era where it's like this in the post metal yeah and all the names and the records are very It's Like Me Without You is in that crowd yeah leaves are dropping on my sidewalk as I walk to school [Music] a dry wet which is killer added highs I will say at a first glance this pedal has some really cool user interface for a flanger because flangers will sometimes be really good but feel limiting by having like three knobs this is letting you do it all because you have LFO one and two you can mix the lfos great and everything's very visual uh it's crazy so LFO one you have a row manual depth rate so I'll speed that up and then two slow it down [Music] it's pretty cool [Music] all right so there's that this is uh summer school made me this and it's it is a glorious petal depicting my two Dodges at home it is Rosy and Hank you know is a shop dog Daniel said too many knobs about the Wind Through the Trees yeah Daniel has an official uh over at the tmb account he he's just the officiator of too many knobs or not enough knobs there's never a perfect knob ratio with Daniel the rosie I think is a 250. hold on I could be wrong I'm guessing but I'm pretty sure no I didn't write it down I have an email I'll show it to you later and I bet this is like a tube screamer thing but whatever the point is it's a dual Drive Hank is the Gus Drive oh okay I don't remember hey this is a trade dress issue with my dogs I'm so pissed you know what I just got the the horse meat is a clone yeah it's Centaur I will say I made a fantastic joke about cannibalism and centauras with humans because I don't know where I made this I think it was on a Sweetwater video that I oh it was it was the top thousand best-selling Sweetwater petals there was a good joke in there that landed all right and then we have the pedal pawn octone and I already know what this is all about Hank is the Gladys sorry okay [Music] pedal Pond knows fuzz y'all do they wake up in the morning and they're like pooping out fuzz and that's a good thing [Music] okay that's good that was I should sell that to them all right what do you got uh a broken camera yeah Nick's trying to fix my spot on camera um but I can hold on hold on it's amazing how we never have issues till we do a three hour live oh you got it yeah oh dog look at this oh this is like a handheld mood yeah what's up is it on Katie we're going uh uh I'm gonna guess Reverb based on all of the names uh here that's great lovely okay all right 80s 90s style Reverb 329. yeah okay hold on I should be playing these briefly while while we no people people are smart yep I don't know what this is though uh Native audio pretty uh pretty bird woman this is a modulation native audio is so cool they really are it is a chorus and vibrato with preset capabilities [Music] I am taking up the time to say I really love native audio I think they have a similar thing to to us where they want to keep things really simple so all their Graphics group Graphics are simple yeah their approach to effects is very simple but they also do a very good job Daniel does that pedal have too many knobs for you it does have pretty shaky all right and then third one here big muff yeah on Navy which I'm pretty sure that's just like a triangle muff signature [Music] [Music] tomorrow's national black cap month tomorrow's national black cat day all right there it is that's what I'm using I think it's time to jam Let's Jam do you need to mount that yeah uh just let it I'm gonna I'm we're about to give away these warm petals what are some comments about trade dress I want to see how heated do we have any is there any blood in the comments yet they're so far back they don't matter yeah yeah that's fine are people enjoying this I always like feedback in the moment because if you tuned in for a three hour you know what I mean if you have three hours of free time in the chat if you're enjoying this give me a w [Music] I think Addison you should lead us out with some some progressions you know okay the Knicks armpits smell you're really close to him in that camera too do you want to do the warm audio giveaway now we'll play them next okay and then we have a potty break coming up at 3 30. yes we're gonna do a potty break so you're playing the big ma Jade masks dinosaur junior big mop [Music] chat wild episode get best work today one resistive change to make it a fuzz [Music] the Wind Through the Trees [Music] [Music] [Music] I don't know what that just happened and it felt right I don't know Tidings of Comfort and fuzz is the name of that here comes the bitmap [Music] [Music] OTE says this is the best thing I've ever heard [Music] [Music] foreign yeah it's everything it's pretty great [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] all right [Music] that's a sick bass stone is that the farm combo it's just the horse made but it sounds the horse meat incredible that basis is is uh sounding good [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] feds where's the Roses together this is the context the red panda context with the blend all the way up on Spring mode with a little bit of chorus from the Native audio pretty bird one [Music] it's like I hear the Wind Through the Trees [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] I've found some kind of light 90s Pink Floyd mode here [Music] I really like this uh I'm seeing a pattern with all their stuff it sounds amazing that's pretty easy the The Tweak ability of this is wild I didn't know how I would feel about it I mean I didn't have any I was numb inside when I saw them but I'm like this is great foreign that's the wind to the trees [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] laughs [Music] thank you [Music] foreign check this out [Music] that's the octone [Music] [Music] thank you thank you 314 we gotta do another swap we'll do the giveaway after the next slot let's do the swap my quick takeaways are uh PRS is killing it the Sounds in the PRS pedals are freaking very good very very very very good um I've had no hot take on these I saw when they dropped like everybody and their mother was like Furious as usual on the internet uh they're just they work they work really great I don't know what else to say yeah PRS is always like it's a 50 I feel like it's a thing in Guitar you know your PRS or not there's just a hot take on that always with the guitars and everything but I I love these these are just so nice I should have played my pink mayor Strat with it dang that would do that later uh this Rosie Hank from summer school you can't buy it but it's awesome and it's two petals that are currently made so what they do they will do custom pedals with your pets printed on the case so that's cool that is his thank you for just showing his pedals so thank you so much I'm gonna take this pedal to my uh home office where I film the Monday stuff and it'll be I'll set it on the two Rock I'll just live there plugged in at all times the pedal Pawn octone again they just poop out great fuzz you know that's their slogan while wearing turtlenecks pedal Pawn we poop it out so you can play it out right is that good no not really but the bitmap I I want to dive into this because I love bit Crush but I had a mild anxiety attack oh because it has 95 parameters and I'm not sure what I'm doing but like it sounds killer thank you right all right what's your what's your hot um this was uh another red panda pedal the context this was doing that tremolo thing too so I was just like 100 uh wet the whole time well it's really cool thank you yeah some texture behind the best I've ever heard the group thank you that's great well it's mostly the pedal doing the work so I like taking everything to an extreme have you noticed wait what no way um so that was a really cool one and then this I was just basically on the course mode the whole time so that the native audio pretty bird woman and then um Jay Mascus there said it twice right on the internet his signature big muff super cool native audio is here now too native audio shout out native audio is one of the Unseen Geniuses I love it I know I've said it I love love love you and they have presets that's so cool yeah uh we need to play the two warm pedals so you got the Zen got the Zen I got the con what's the current argument status um the the latest news is more people are upset about the warm drive because the Zen Drive is still in production is it still input yes I really don't know I'm not I'm asking oh okay I believe love petals is selling it well love pedal makes that brand they I believe love her meta what's it called uh hermita hermaida is inside of Love pedal now I believe but there's been I don't know I'm just not sure what they're making anymore again not in I'm just saying I have no idea my hot take on this is not very hot other than I thought the Zen Drive was over people aren't really upset about the JHS clone clone clone because um you can't get it so but now you can with the warm audio centavo I mean how many clone clones are there is it just the new tube screamer right whoa definitely because I remember walking up to Ibanez at the booth and what with the Bonsai and they're like this is sick and it's just like it just becomes like there's a public domain almost or something I don't know it's a good way to think about it maybe it's not a good way to think about it but that's just what it feels like it's your way to think about it I don't know that I think about it that way that's what's hard about thinking about it I don't know what I think about any of the clan situation do you think a lot no well there's our problem when through the trees you got to try it later or something how are we doing here Nick I mean will we be able to do this we're actually yeah but I mean we have a lot of pedals a lot more pedals I know that we're gonna pull this off I think we can do it I'm a doubter I think if if y'all start gabbing and St and start jamming wow we could get through it dang I'll gab about the warm audio warm Drive um here's the clean tone and here's the warm Drive yeah baby [Music] which is a modified Tube Screamer topology okay and they sell for a lot I have one somewhere in here they sound great it was like it was the first dumbbell thing oh nice okay it might have been like the first pedal that's like here's the dumbbell hmm okay um this is the Mad overse Electronics inflection point which um is looks like dremelon vibrato which is a super cool combo come on now let's see what this guy sounds like that's true Oh weird it has a space knob that's cool mattaverse has a kid his gift is for weirdness and that looks not as weird as I'm used to yeah I'm trying to let's see here there's a certain sense of danger with mataverse like am I gonna hurt myself using this device there's a very specific man verse pedal sitting there on the floor oh yeah there's we gotta Crank that one to get to it [Music] so that's cool and then another red panda here oh oh no that's and it's is it stereo what no I'm gonna I red panda I'm gonna take all these and really dive into them because I've always wanted to and now we have them thanks for sending them yeah oh that's something stuff with that that makes me want to make something well it's gonna get crazy in this Jam those are my three petals okay I have uh I don't know what this is It's retroactive dot Chaser yes that is a Elemental p q r s q r the dot Chasers saturation to modulation for 215 I met him in Nashville my wife and I were getting some late night vegan eats and ran into him at a restaurant he said hello and he was really nice [Music] it has the those stickers from when I was a kid the like thick the thick bubble sticker on it's so awesome such a cool look and original to a petal [Music] whoa [Music] everything about that uh let's prep uh I have the Demonic machines corn buffer add the corn buffer right here [Music] uh in typical fashion three months behind Trend let's do that again it's the corn buffer yeah go again I got a short one and a long one [Music] the question is does the Demonic machines corn buffer have the juice we'll see corn is sacred yeah that was a really corny bit let's go it's called The Corn buffer because it's based off of Pete cornish's oh they won that is fantastic that's real good that makes me want to just carry it around you should no it's like that's brilliant I just thought it was crazy because I mean he has the cow killer or whatever corn buffer one more time short stinger yeah all right moving on from that the centavo which is people apparently don't I don't know it's a it's a clone I feel like a new con comes out every week yeah like if Clon was a television show they're it's like La law anybody get that no no there's like a lot of La laws and they never end so like if clock is it like CSI there's a mod switch CSI would have been embedded cool and then this is the fantabulizing what's it do first of all dude the switch is called circumvent and it has a wonderment knob and it I everything about this I'm who is oh it's Whimsy machines I'm in love with this I don't know what it is it's a fuzz [Music] so it's it fills Fox tone Machining foreign I don't care what it is it sounds really good and it looks even better than the amazing sounds it makes Thriller I got an interesting pair in here that one is real wild I got a treminator from dreadbox which I'm let's just listen to it when are you gonna drop it drop the Duke uh next next round that's a great that's a great sound yeah tremolo on base is so underrated so if I'm going to say this if you're a bass player and you don't use trim stop playing bass hey and then the other pedal I have on here is screen Violence by old blood noise yes um this is a chavercha's signature I actually don't know what this one is I I saw this pedal sort of like this is amazing that they did this anybody else like trevorches screen violence no one responding to that because it's not funny anymore I said every joke every joke's funnier when it's really light laughs uh I heard an interview with her she's like I wish we just spelled it normal like there was an interview yeah Joshua is this uh screen violence is it just a Reverb or is there I believe so but you know what I have a laptop here I don't think it's just a Reverb I'm a big churches I like churches that one record's amazing holy smokes what is happening what is that that sounds like serious um saturated modulated Reverb yeah so modulated Reverb is that what you want what else hold on in collaboration with churches old blood noise Endeavors and Veil screen violence and effects pedal inspired by the sounds of the acclaimed album of the same name featuring tube inspired overdrive and a one knob effect that expresses itself as modulation delay Reverb or a combination of all screen violence Blends inspiration from decades past and present to create a new stereo effect that sounds good [Music] okay 326. um so we're giving away to one person to one all four warm audio clones man or warm audio pills so we have the foxy which is the orange fuzzy one the jet phaser the centavo and then the Zen Drive they just sent him in to give away so we're gonna give them away why not free pedals yes and uh we're gonna do that how so do you still want to show them do you want to play them a little or yeah we'll do a jam first okay so I'm gonna ask uh Jay JHS deep cut trivia and whoever gets [Music] whoever gets the answer correct for no I'm not gonna do first if you get the answer correct I'm gonna pick a random correct answer from the chat I'm gonna give you some petals this is for me this was actually my idea Joshua's gonna try to hoard them and I was like we should give them away that's a lie but whatever what's the question if you need that you can take it what's the question the question is uh what color was the original branding what color was the original JHS it was two brandings ago that's the only hint I'll give you let's do this I don't hate fun people keep saying I hate fun in the chat I don't hate fun [Music] what's the mood for this Jam I think it Embraces the question of trade dress the question of trade dress as a jam [Laughter] so what you're telling me is you want me to start a drum beat that addresses yeah and that's on the that's on your shoulders the issue of trade dress play the Perfect Beat that represents the issue of people's opinions of trade dress infringement okay uh mute your mics I guess foreign [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] this retroactive is so cool [Music] what you got going Allison the crazy red panda raster I feel like this is the feeling of a trade dress argument I think so or like a back B-side [Music] I'm going to turn on the fantabulizing what's it do [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] thank you foreign [Music] buffer has been on the whole time and then I'm just going to add the Quan here here's the Quan [Music] [Applause] [Music] so this is the fuzz in the Clones which I like to do with the clunk foreign [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] very satisfactory pedals on my board the warm audio sounds like a Quan the retroactive dot Chaser is super cool it's like short delays modulations but real simple to use like it's a weird noisy modulator but really nice to use and then the corn pedal's super easy to use whatever there we go and uh I love this fuzz [Music] I love this splatter of these effects [Music] yeah what do you think over here um warm drive's really cool I'm just the gain's almost maxed right now just ends up really well [Music] this is super cool um the madaverse classic awesome it's in the vibrato mode right now [Music] and then this red panda roster [Music] can't go wrong for fun effects big fan what do you think Thriller where did you land on your base tone do you want to hear this yeah [Music] that's great and the terminal is on with it it is I didn't know what this was otherwise I wouldn't put the Reverb after it yeah yeah but we're just doing things I I like where this landed we're about to do a potty break but Joshua I'm getting some help from my Consulting team um who just messaged me uh the winner oh well okay so first of all the answer to the question is [Music] what was the original color of the original JHS branding the answer is green and me and my Consulting team have picked two tall Teeter two tool two tall Teeter you are the winner of not one not two or three put four pedals a killer phaser a box tone machine kind of octave a clone clone and a Zen Drive dumbbell thing please email me at the jhsshow at uh we're at the halfway mark if you're still hanging around you're very special we're gonna take a potty break how long we want to do this body break 15 10 minutes uh if you leave we'll know it hey everyone welcome to trap stuff the travcast episode three today's episode is brought to you by the guest of today's episode which is Emily the harpist thank you for coming here Mr harpist thanks so much for having me you're so welcome anyway I'd also like to thank my mom for the use of her basement you're awesome mom thanks for the pizza rolls Mary anyway today we'll be asking the question does it work on heart I'll begin we have the JHS stomp boxes hell Mouse does this work on heart Yeah we actually tried that on heart before and it did that's awesome I love that the next stop boxes that we're going to ask ourselves if it works on harp is the JHS song Box's stinky sandwich would you ever use this on the heart yeah I would use it I haven't yet but I feel like it would be that's great next is the JHS stomp boxes six pack which is a slap back delay with a boost in your experience how would you would how would you use the stop box um well I would plug it in and get a good example like get a good feel of what the pedal does first that's amazing everyone will probably love that and last but certainly not least the JHS song boxes voice touch with the classic three position toggle um one guy a person in a dress and a bunch of people a bunch of people is my personal favorite setting how well would you use this on the um on a heart a trailer you set the video was really convincing so anyway thank you for watching this episode of Trav stuff the travcast episode three please like And subscribe to the channel and hit hit that Bell icon to get notified every single time there's a new episode and please subscribe to our patreon account so we can't afford to buy a new microphone and don't forget to follow Emily the harpist on all social media platforms so that you can you two can you two can enjoy the sounds of the heart Trav out I love Trav you know it's good that he came back in and did that it's been a while yeah it's been a while yeah yeah all right we don't have any time to waste we gotta jump back in we don't how's everybody uh in the comments let us know how your bowel movement went with the potty breaks oh no I don't don't do that yeah do that and also let's look down I switched out to the Woodrow and y'all the UAE like these are good so good this is a Tweed Brian wanted to know what my favorite philosophers and authors yeah but I want to show the Neil Young tone okay you can add some room Mike [Music] I just I like all right you can talk about philosophers but listen to this [Applause] [Music] sounds like a Tweed that's all so good so good okay but for real we don't have like very much time we got an hour yeah I feel more chill than I did now that we don't have time there's something about not having time that makes me relax is it like your internal self-destructive nature yes here's the therm Thurman Therma Therma isn't that the name of a Grecian bath what the crap I think it is look it up do I know a thing that Joshua doesn't know no you need hours with these pedals but we're here as here's what I like in this episode too it's the taste testing samples at Costco oh can I just say Springs or baths of warm or hot water yeah they're not specifically Grecian no it's a chef I knew a thing that you didn't okay [Music] that's cool the generator six by dead air Daniel does this have too many knobs it is a synth you got in the sense bro foreign it just took over maybe it only I don't think it passes guitar I don't know moving on mine Killer by Acorn I think this is a dune reference I just don't know um it is this says spice and life and there's two sides he's got the blue eyes I was expecting chaos this is like pretty chill is life volume yeah life is volume [Music] all right and this oce What's this called they have the fuzz I love the wrench what is this one called uh it is the pliers is it because it has pliers on it it is there any knowledge it's a two-in-one LMNOP let's see pedals pliers boost and overdrive from the hardware series [Music] cool all right what you got Addy yep um again uh don't like that uh this is the lvx by Maris it's incredible it's awesome we may or may not have filmed the entire episode about it yesterday oh my gosh hold on let me be so cool dude let me just find a crazy preset nope not that [Music] come on it's so cool oh what else we got [Music] come on okay it's like you don't even have to play guitar nope not going to okay and then I've got the sheriff here um from Victory amps they sent us all their uh their pedals I'm only gonna play one today we're only gonna play one that's it the British um they're by dorpy I believe dorpy effects yep yeah effects designer Builder so I'm gonna play the sheriff because I'm gonna be a sheriff for Halloween so that's why I picked that one that two Street John's road walking Surrey and here's uh here's some here's some tone what's the sheriff that is I don't know I'm not sure that's probably a marshall hold on I'll tell you dude oh classic British sounds okay that one's awesome they have like the copper The Duchess the Jack the Kraken it's a kraken all different kinds of sounds in boxes uh and then the um the full story this is a French petal so be careful okay I'm gonna play that I'm gonna play the big version of this in a second [Music] oh that's so sick is that that's Anna sounds right yeah yeah okay those are my three all right driller I Josh wanted me to play the ducatone you dropped you're dropping a Duke finally I don't know what the ducatone even sounds like so this is a fur it's a Tiny Prince of tone which is a tiny king of tone it's the Duke yeah that's one of my favorite overdrafts [Music] it's pretty quiet yeah I hear mass-produced pedals are too quiet oh it has a volume knob so weird mm-hmm yeah it's great and next to it I have the Halo yeah so you'll be able to play bass like Andy Timmons all right you should just start a riff one that's so good yeah all right [Music] I'm gonna dink around with this tasteless pedal and just see what happens [Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Applause] [Music] [Applause] I'll see you said turn up the B knob on the pliers that's where the juice is button up B [Music] [Applause] [Music] thank you foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] killer is nothing like I assume it's such a mind Bender like it's just a great overdrive but it looks like it's going to destroy you [Music] I'm using the room on the Woodrow it's really nice foreign [Music] thank you foreign [Music] we we believe wow [Music] I'm still assuming the Generator 6 is simply a synth narrator if if uh dead air if you're in the comments let me know if I'm using it wrong uh they said Generator 6 try filter all the way up and starve all the way down it's a synth device and oscillator okay so it doesn't pass guitar it's just totally for synth which is cool [Music] I love it [Applause] [Music] I would prefer it not but because it's just so have it on your board for this kind of stuff awesome [Applause] with the term the third alarm cool no guitar through I love it I think it's a fantastic thing to have pedals that your guitar can shut up on that's nice it's Unique all right what's your yep um again may or may not have filmed something about this yesterday this is amazing this does so many things um let me just let me just is there top down yeah okay let me see if I can get the light here if you click that button and then you scroll these babies I mean you see all those little little nodes right there they're all different things that you can do in this pedal it's incredible so that's so good this was super cool Sheriff there's five total six total five um from Victory amps uh go check them out super cool and then I loved this um there's a this mid switch that is incredible um couple that with different clipping options quite lovely and a cool cool name and their effects just look good like their whole their whole line just looks good so that's my takeaway uh my takeaways are this is a for most people for most people like oh my gosh there we go there we go I'm a big oce fan this is all you really need like Nick this is all you need you know like it's just all you need thing yeah it's enough yeah and it's really amazing [Music] um yeah I'm a huge I mean that the wrench fuzz is one of my favorite fuzzes in the last few years and this I'm definitely gonna play some more like it was just killer great drive then we had the the mind killer I've seen it we've had it for a while and just it just like we just kept putting it in the bin for next time it absolutely was a shocker of like not what I thought it was it's a really great Drive pedal the generator six very unique so far you don't need to hear your guitar all the time big win on that again dead air so fair so fair so fair dead air does nothing wrong and uh Chase Bliss what do we say you know what I'm saying it's it's all good it takes time it's all good but this show is not conducive to properly demonstrating anything Joel makes and that's a good thing good job Joel in the spirit of that I'm going to put the Habit on yeah um what about you driller how is that when you drop the Duke the only time I actually played the Duke was at the very beginning and then I turned it off I'm not saying it's bad because you didn't like it I didn't say that the Halo by Keely is all man huge win haven't she been looking for a delay oh yeah and I keep going back and forth I've got a like carbon copy coming from the mail next cool which delay did you have sorry what do you mean oh the Halo oh nice we can get through which is incredible I loved it sweet we did it we got through another round good job we have 45 minutes all right we're gonna I got some more here I feel good with this let's keep going all right this is a another Fjord pedal are we down to 10 viewers yet we are down to 883. all right 82. we're going to keep them on Joshua do you know what this is let me see it this do you see it oh you can't that's a fuzz that's another name or a flower that's the unified fuzz for real yes wait didn't we already play this or no no we're like he turned the univive circuit into a fun cool okay here's a quick little the Freya the Freya that's a cool name okay here let's see they had that song Oh the Freya yeah yeah that's that's being that's a funny joke super cool okay and then this is um the validity sensor um remind me the the name of the retroactive there we go yeah yeah okay let's see here why we got turn knobs turned up oh I see a verb knob but my guitar is not on what did I do I didn't power it Noob there we go not everybody can get it right the first time that's true there we now we got it right well I got two reverbs okay well didn't know that also there's like a a tremolo there's nothing wrong with two reverbs wait is that is that auto ramping is that what I'm hearing over here but based on I don't know that sounds awesome and then octave Reverb because I didn't want to make Josh demo [Music] oh it's got Shimmer and then a low octave oh that's a juicy tone [Music] that's gonna sound super Big Fuzz Vibe yeah yeah [Music] that's cool [Music] all right driller it's sick today I've got the warble swell Echo sweet ohaverse um buckle up for that I don't have a clue what it's gonna do I can take guesses it's a swell Ed I just ordered one that's weird because this one's this one's yours it's not mine it's everyone's it's the creative Collective of all petal people it's a delay too okay oh I see I see yeah string nine not for the faint of heart no I threw that on there and I saw Juno setting so yeah that's fun that sounds like a Sci-Fi movies sustained okay here's my here's my quick ones I have the Habit on here may the Lord be with me and just a phase by mataverse [Music] I love how simple this is oh retroactive is here as well hello have you been here for a long time and I've just been ignoring you next time we do this I'm gonna get 82 drum kits here's the Kraken the Kraken by victory Madison Fjord fuzz said that the mushroom knob is the key to the Freya okay that says the the Norse people would take mushrooms and then it would is this what you learned from Assassin's Creed yeah I know y'all are talking but listen to this Kraken here's the here's the mids boosted scoop them that's a monstrous sound and then I don't know what this is I think it's experiment is it experiment audio do you remember what this one is sorry I was reading this is the big silver there's probably people in the comments yeah that's electric audio experiments it is called the zero x e a e boost [Music] gain filter [Music] I have so many questions that's interesting that's cool yeah and it looks amazing all right I think trailer and Nick like let's get into this like droning string section maybe I don't know yeah I don't know something do me something do me something gloomy we got 45 minutes we're gonna do this [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign thank you to happen is amazing foreign [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you foreign foreign foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign thank you [Music] snap s [Applause] [Music] thank you [Music] [Applause] foreign [Applause] thank you don't we still have like more pedals we do but when it feels right I just like I gotta apologize I messed that last that one hit up and then yeah uh you know what they say what a mistake opens New Horizons wow that's amazing yeah this is an amazing I need to play with this more and I pulled something this is really cool ever since he turned 30. this is the most unique looking pedal I've seen in a while too so there's that uh anyway that was fun just fun just a phase it's just a good phase it's a good phaser the the Kraken freaking delivered that was awesome you know what I'm saying your Chugga chuggers were my Chugga chuggers were so crackiness God it's so good the habit I think I figured out some things gotta play with it more if you love Chase Bliss just drop a hotline in the comments go Addie yeah man I love that this is my favorite pedal of the day the validity sensor from retroactive really yes I like how the Reverb sounds a lot and then the LFO thing that's got going on it sounds like there's just like this ramping tremolo thing um if you're in the chat correct us retroactive please if I'm wrong but it's the retroactive validity sensor it's so cool and it sounds digital Reverb with frequency divider it looks awesome frequency divider what does that mean octave Reverb it's octave Reverb for your guitar Shameless plug and then the Fjord I can't remember the name Freya that's it the Freya super sick super sick love it all right we're gonna have to start making some choices if we've shown a brand We're not gonna play it from this point on we'll show it cool so there's a couple flamas we won't play uh we have they have a nanoag flanger and an optical trim that's what they are um we have October audio heavy peaches which I believe is a fuzz yeah uh trash Panda by summer school I want to play this just do it I'm playing it do it old uh blood noise expression ramper um I think it's a preset you can have two different two different things going on we've played a silver machine on the show Jupiter make a setting and then you make a setting and you can switch between I love it we've played a silver machine on the show no is this a new version I think it I love this pedal Jupiter FX it's go watch the Jupiter episode Addison retroactive said it means the LFO is based on frequency oh sick okay that's awesome that would be why it changes then based on where you're playing on that that's really cool okay um the retroactive diving bell this is really cool looking uh space slap feedback I'm gonna guess delay delay yeah Echo delay okay I'm using this then um then October audio perfect time for Halloween the witch finger so if you want a Halloween inspired always on always nice what is it always on game devices yeah so it's like an always-on more better buffer thing yes okay and then the red panda particle as well uh we've got super cool so they had a lot of wonderful offerings for today granular delay in the pitch shifter nice this is the kind of programming that viewers like you have made possible that's right um we've got the pedal on germanium CV 703 transistor I love those transistors so it's going to be a fuzz face with these military-grade British I made some of my 66 series with the CVS cool put it first that's amazing um here's another full story from Anna sounds how many full stories are there there's the full story there's three there's these there's the full story collector's addiction look at this top down so I think you can open this and then there's that's correct these are all like big muff circuits that you pop in so it's like a more it's like the muffaletta thing but it's this more tactile card version of it and it's super pretty like the way they've built this out yeah anyway that's cool the do we even know what this is the pedal brains pedal brains is a left is an expression modulator and it's light controlled light controlled my gosh obstacle Optical okay I don't think we're gonna be able to play it or use it today but it sure is cool this is from Old Blood yeah no no brains oh okay pedal brains very cool it looks awesome man good color we're getting close here uh what do you want to play driller next stroller can I hand driller play this the three my fourteen I want to hear this on base it's gonna be like a muff circuit this is supposed to be baller and as a foot protector we've also got the old blood noise flat float float I see the O there couldn't see it but now I can see it dual envelope awesome okay very cool old blood's just sliders moving filter excuse me man I'm gonna play this funky drive for sure there's this Mr White special um oh cool they have your name like name on them I don't know what this looks so cool it's like a boost the Mr White special is a Hendrix and Stevie Ray Vaughan inspired fuzz that's cool what to do this is the Jackson audio silvertone twin 12. I'm stoked to play this it weighs a lot it's a hefty pedal so if someone smudges the ant which means it sounds good okay if someone breaks into your house and your pedal board's near you can you can clock them upside the head with this so those are my three oh did we make this even more difficult I'll take another fuzz uh how about you try the do the fuzz Bob um I don't know who that's by Pilgrim reference that is by also this pedal is called pele's hair yes oh who is the spot hey uh infinite monkey it's paleo a soccer player yes but that's not what that's interesting I believe that's in reference to an old Hawaiian myth perhaps that makes more sense um I think I'm not really sure hold on pele's hair forms when molten Blobs of lava flying through the air stretch Into Thin threads oh maybe it's not a myth at all you know what else has threads it's a volcano when you shuck it did you see this the pedal Pawn fuzz has JHS does it oh my gosh look at that checking at home whoa wait top down top down top down look on that that little light there JHS if you ever want me to take a pedal home and like look at it every day of my life just put my name on it somehow it's like cool it's it's a thing [Music] all right let's do a jam I'm gonna use the Kernan Ridge which is some type of first yes yeah it's like there's a term they use like oh it's called ah I looked it up because I'm gonna do a video about it yeah I think we're gonna be able to do two more jams augmented overdrive pedals I don't know what that means yes but it's the first the world's first augmented Overdrive trash Panda I'd love to know the topology summer school and the yes funky vibe I'm excited I love univibes and I love them especially when they look old and I I pick it's fine I have a thicker one oh wait hold on I got him got it clean that up tomorrow uh where we where are we at here where's my signal I must turn on univive funky vibe is this not just perfect looking cool it isn't on switch on it oh you're too nervous on yep all right so let me set up my test of a univibe is the one sound I use and it is the vibrato oh and it's trash panda is simplified take on an op amp muff style pedal more focused on mids and less on low end let's do the chorus for all the people who want to hear the chorus that is that's thick that's a thick sound what do you have Nick I have the tiny turntable light bye who's this by mad over matterverse I mean it's an instrument is it in the base path yeah so if we had like a summing box you could run both I love that this is mad overseas like this is classic metaverse [Laughter] [Music] you could you could stick this to your guitar and then do like Tom Morello yeah Tom Morello needs that this Kernan Ridge augmented overdrive well we should do an episode on this hint hint hint hint sounds nice [Music] all right let's uh [Music] let's see here [Music] okay we good yeah I think so I'll make something up on the spot with a lot of anxiety ready [Music] [Applause] so that's basically G I think yeah D and then a sharp [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] thank you foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] the kernel is amazing just another bass Stone that is he in here the guy that makes this yes rare Buzz effects [Music] what's the muffin somewhere [Music] yeah play [Music] those are great those are killer basements on guitar they're just gonna sound massive [Music] all right this Kernan Ridge is it cool it uh yeah I don't understand how to use the presets but it has a yes cool it's kind of Awesome it's kind of doing whatever I wanted to do which is great in a way that's not like it doesn't feel gimmicky it's like no it has this pre-toned post tone which I think is a great idea because if it is what it kind of communicates most Drive pedals it's all about pre-emphasis or post-emphasis with how it Clips so you can kind of like change those and get Tube Screamer or a clone or a blues breaker like I was making it kind of work however trash panda I mean classic funky Vibe is amazing what do you think on yours yeah this was amazing the diving bell this was like this Brand's really super cool it was my favorite of the others too yeah I just something about the way it looks too these these stickers they put on top are so sweet so loved that um pedal Pond fuzz was great rolling the tone knob or not the tone knob my volume knob back I just had the fuzz all the way up and and then this was really cool not as much gain as I thought it was like cleaner is that some of the demos I've heard it almost sounds like a big muffs going into it interesting yeah I guess they're driving me in okay very cool yep all right that was awesome too yeah awesome tone so loved it I was trying to figure out if that Vibe funky Vibe thing was in 1968 or a 1969 version because he does both it's uh it says 1968 in big big numbers right on the front hey what's the fuzzba bomb supposed to be uh I don't know um rare buzz if you can tell us what kind of fuzz the Bob um is that would be great yeah one of those yeah we did that already oh I don't know that we did okay we're down to a bunch of drives of course classic did we play a full story I'll just say if you like you big muffs you have to check out this full story thing that Anna sounds has done with the modular cards you can and then there's like the collector's box the collector's edition is not available I don't know if it's gonna be re-released you can still get the smaller wood panel um okay that's good to know and then the teacher is the non-wood panel one okay I'm plugging up four Drive pedals yes and we're gonna jam and then we're gonna give our review of it and we're gonna go home and like love our families yeah I'm going straight to a baby's birthday party after this and I want to have a margarita how old is the baby the baby's having margaritas as a birthday that's a cool baby I sure hope so the baby's like come over to my body and have margaritas that's an old baby yeah it's my goddaughter come over here does everybody know that you are my son you are one of my sons God God father stay to you now yeah I'm trying to people think that Joshua and I have this deep beef but he's like I I picked you to be my my old eldest Sons I get all the children when you if you die that's not how that works oh boy it's cold this is neat okay I have two petals from who won the strings oh yeah last Highway 1984. oh we went over that two hours ago two and a half hours ago I just I was like oh no hey let's do another one William Walters uh I'm picking you at random and you're gonna get a box of strings so if you want to email me please email me at the JHS show at I love that we just took it upon ourselves to force Ernie Ball to give a second giveaway we haven't done we we haven't done Earth at all in a while it's kind of like we're kind of making up for this time who's the winner William Walter you did nothing except for be alive and that's important you were alive in today's economy yeah an economy is the broad term of living today's economy being alive is the most important thing yeah sure sure quote quote him on that William Walters I sure hope it does here's my di tone here's the Woodrow gosh those pets are so good I cannot wait to talk about them this Friday all right I have the I've wanted to play this for feels like my whole life it is the model fit by uh electronic auto experiments again I'm so pumped to get into this brand he's a genius and he designed so many things that are in the pedal industry that you don't know he's just he's one of these people that's like he's the Batman he's the Batman that you don't see in the dark of the night yeah the battle industry uh pele's hair I don't know it's apparently a volcanic term and the tma1 by Acorn what is this it's intense all of his stuff's it's a fuzz dma1 okay fuzz and the dragonaut by demonic machines they're the ones that made the pedal [Music] what you got this is it this is it we are gonna do it this is it I've got uh I left the diving bell on um but I have got two other delay what's that you need I gotta have a dog that's why I left the diving bill on would you give me the Halo oh yeah um I mean what if I touch this and I have long luscious hair like Andy Timmons that'd be great that'd be funny I've got uh the sub Sabbat how do you say this name I think it's the body it's the body I keep saying from Argentina I like the baddeus I loved how this pedal looks um the art on here is really cool so this is a fuzz the baddest Monk's my favorite jazz musician this one's got like Jimmy and SRV on here I don't know we're gonna figure out what it is I'm in the I actually am in extreme pain I'm not my back hurts something right here if you're a doctor on the stream I've hurt myself I don't know what I did how did you quit being a baby how's that Dr Boca Negra here don't be a baby wow you're worse than my wife [Music] thank you I love my wife by the way but she says I'm like why don't you love me more my wife could have like coveted the flu pneumonia and be up like washing dishes and then if I get a tickle in my throat I'm like oh this life is perishing from me and I'm laying on the floor the plague I am no more yet here I am [Music] all right this last gym better be unhinged we'll go ahead and name it dude this is so good [Music] something burning something is legit this just stopped working the UA is burnt Addison did you break it dude I hope not the UA Ruby is burning this is my Bono voice [Music] what happened that doesn't work anymore oh no we're breaking everything else while you're breaking that too you're cutting into this Jam Time how many people are left 10 841 God you're amazing every one of you are winning yeah let me smell this do you want another dry uh it doesn't smell good right just play the fender one is it holy smokes that's a bad sound what that's a bad sound they're enough remember when I said this last Jam was going to be unhinged is is current film of these these in two days right yeah might want to figure that out did you actually smell something burning yeah the Ruby smells hot you know like the smell of heat yeah this is amazing everybody go read Kernan Ridge like I'm impressed when I first saw the marketing stuff I was like what does this mean you know I fell in love with it right away simply because the way it looks it looks like modern I want I want a pedal board with that and the Maris lvx on it and you need to wear it yeah I'm gonna wear like a white turtleneck and white pants and put like white eyeliner on and only speak in adjectives yeah yeah yeah and whatever hair I have left I'm gonna dye uh I'm gonna bleach blonde it artificially artificially blonde oh hey what are you doing world I just want you to know I told Addison there are UA power supplies and I handed it to him and he said oh no it's okay we have power supplies here and I said well here it is just in case right now Addison is unwinding the UA power supply that he freshly opened from a box that I handed him four hours ago yeah that one booted up all right all right how do I go to tap mode [Music] I couldn't figure that out either you have a ruby right yep it's not that one is it oh we're good we're good how does a ruby work does anyone know how to get the Halo into tap mode no I could try to look it up real quick foreign [Music] what we're trying to do is show the common player it just stopped three hours we almost made it I know we're do we were doing so good okay how do you tap it there's the tap but when I turn it on it goes away what what is how does this work I literally filmed the release video for this pedal I can't remember tap Tempo can be activated by pressing and holding the active side stomp switch for one second the bypass LED for the active side will Flash the current Tempo to indicate that it is in tap mode does it stay there tap mode will automatically exist uh sorry will automatically exit after five seconds if no tap is detected so you gotta set it and then he figured it out oh as after right after I read the directions that's a weird thing all right let's start a gym okay do you have an amp I don't know I'll just play tambourine if not out Addison sabatia said place the Mr White boost knob at full to get the Jimmy mode on Jimmy mode we have four minutes we can do it let's go for it we're gonna have to go over five minutes but that's okay [Music] yeah what's your Tempo uh let's uh let's do PFD [Music] what's your tempo [Music] there you go I was gonna say it it's too pretty here Michael [Music] foreign foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] thank you [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] foreign [Applause] foreign [Music] thank you [Music] [Applause] us [Music] foreign [Music] [Laughter] real quick the model fit you're supposed to play like Doom with it I think that is such a killer [Music] this is one of the better like full distortions I've ever heard pele's hair is killer click the knobs honestly your reaction to turning a knob I've never seen that it's the low and the highs are like stepped and I was getting like these boxy tones [Music] dang and then the TM A1 [Music] this is also [Music] these are all killer I model fit and pele's hair they're all killer they're all amazing what about you well nothing uh worked for me so I just used the dream I was playing no I thought I heard you no I was definitely playing I just turned knobs on the dream that was okay it was the MVP here so you're having like this ended on a downward you know what it took it was upward because this this covered me so I can't even lift my arm he's broken that's all I had hey the mountain by Frost giant this is really cool I also wear Frost Giant yeah it's good stuff hey thanks everybody we did looks like the takeaway from this the takeaway too many petals is that we we can do anything we want to and we just did the takeaway is there's a lot of good pedals in the world there's a lot there's one last request to the audience okay um how many years I'm just curious there's only 773 left which is that's a lot of people that's a lot of people if you're still here yeah you are special yeah would you like to see this quarterly quarterly quarterly like four times a year we do like a marathon at this approach what was wrong with this from your view like because we're we're in the forest I don't know that I can even see a single tree or whatever this is what is wrong with this is we planned it two days ago yeah but what I'm trying to say is as a viewer ridicule this tell us what you liked suggest improvements it was three hours I'm exhausted do you want more rubber ducks less rubber ducks I honestly am so tired yeah from this everyone's saying There Are No No's it's all yes it is definitely thumbs up that's not yes probably good for us short bus special yes quarterly quarterly is cool yes let's do this every day yeah every day four times a month can you imagine if we did this every week Katie's over here like I refuse to work here anymore if we do this four times a month who is all here today oce AC Acorn um Native audio sabatius uh the one October was here October retroactive retroactive uh PR summer school PRS was October were they in the Jersey October yes dead air dead air was here yes Chase Bliss here honestly yeah I don't think I saw Chase Bliss was Maris yes for for a second Kernan was here it's I like it feels like a big hang you know yeah maybe we couldn't no there's no I was gonna say incorporate like a zoom call with everyone on it as it came out of my brain I was like no and one cool thing that was happening was different companies were noticing that pedals from other companies sounded good with their unit so that's I thought that was super cool it's all about teamwork that's what I have to say yeah I'm tired can I I think my margarita now I think we're gonna sign off yeah and uh there's this ancient Chinese Parable here we go that I feel like could close us off yet what is it the Wayward dream is as close to us as the heart inside of the lion we saw close it off that's sick good night everybody bye [Music]
Channel: JHS Pedals
Views: 152,081
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: JHS, JHS Pedals, The JHS Show, Guitar Pedals, Guitar Effects, Guitar Gear, Guitar Pedal Demo, Music History, overdrive pedal, chorus pedal, distortion pedal, boss pedals, compressor pedal, univibe, delay pedal, octave fuzz, reverb pedal, reverb, eq pedal, boost pedal, behringer
Id: d1nJsW4X55o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 187min 45sec (11265 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 26 2022
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