Josh Scott reviews the AFFORD-A-BOARD - #Affordaboard #RoadCase s03e04

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my name is ryan burke and i just love guitars that's why i'm traveling the whole world to try as many as i can you're watching 60 second home road case this episode is brought to you by harmony guitars usa made guitars with nitro finishes high personality pickups cool retro looks and included mono gig bags and playability that punches way above their price point tour gear designs and they're amazingly small and flat patch cables big ear pedals harnessing the cosmic power of cats to transport you into a new sonic dimension and gun street wiring shop unlock your guitar's hidden tones with an expertly crafted custom wiring harness see what i'm getting into here yeah i've never i've literally never heard of half these which is amazing yeah hey you i just go on amazon and ebay and i just sort by cheapest and then i like type in like overdrive or like a type in reverb and that's how i find things yeah hey everyone i'm ryan you're watching 60 cycle hum i'm joined by josh scott himself right here he's right here look you can see him we're in his place we're at jhs pedals and i'm gonna have josh review the affordable as it is right now i mean it's constantly changing but a lot of these have been on here for a while the kuvabe fuzz has been a long time favorite uh the most guy spring reverb has been a long time favorite so i've seen this evolve so this is there's not several affordable boards it's a revolving affordable board at one point i was trying to do like genre specific you gave it before the boards i did it once for metal and then for shoegaze like i don't have time to think about that i don't have the headspace for that i only have headspace for one or four to board i like this so you got this power this outlaw board yeah what's the whole thing cost give me the dollar amount here what are we talking about oh the whole thing well i didn't it's a little bit of cheating the nomad board because i don't think that's really affordable territory to have a battery-powered amp but it's so convenient to just be able to grab it and not have to plug it in uh so a florida board tell me like give me the price range of the pedals the demographic of the pedals i try it started out me trying the very cheapest versions of pedals i could find on amazon and ebay so starting at like 20 dollars yeah eventually i've i've ended up edging up towards you know like 50 dollar pedals every now and then like this is a 55 pedal yeah but for a 55 pedal it's stereo and it's packed full of stuff so it's i kind of am a little bit forgiving in that range but i try to keep everything as cheap as possible but most of these are like 20 bucks that's probably like 22 bucks i think these are like like 20 19 something like that so this is a couple hundred bucks you could have the whole board potentially oh yeah for sure okay yeah for sure they're all just dirt cheap the cheapest that you can are these oxygen free cables these are these are actually i'm a big fan of these cables these are hosa i love flat pancakes they are the flattest pancake i've found that's cool like all of their pancakes they stay together pretty well i've never had one fail on me and years and years of use they're fantastic so hosa good job on those i use other cables too but i i really like these you know what i like about this you're you're just saying to everybody if something works you can just use it it's an amazing principle that well guitar it seems to be missing somewhat in the guitar world yeah guitar signal is all about is your cable cool what your what your what signals you're choosing to lose anyways yeah we're destroying our guitar yeah you're just every step of a good guitar tone yeah has destroyed the signal in some way like going straight in and not destroying any part of your signal sounds awful yeah so like i've never been accused of not being bright enough so i've never been like i've got a problem with my patch cables i'm not losing highs to my patch cables gotcha and these you know it's really the plugs that i'm a fan of if you don't like the cable that they come with they're pancake plugs you take them with part two screws and put your own cable in there it takes no time at all no time i love this yeah you're like a tone philosopher [Laughter] i'm just angry and cheap that makes you a philosopher this is the stuff that i would have in my personal collection as my personal collection if i wasn't a demo guy getting sent stuff i would just be buying the cheap stuff is this your font it is i i saw this but i didn't fully understand well tell me tell me about this so i the first time i covered the cuvave fuzz they had their stock version one cuvave and that's how i was saying it i was i couldn't they didn't they didn't have the oomots and everything and the accent marks on their logo okay i was like what is this word kuvvave what does it mean did i never looked it up you probably don't want to i don't want to i want i want the mystery but i said it all fancy like that a lot uh the company noticed the company has named kuvave they noticed that a bunch of these were selling all of a sudden they found my video they hit me up like hey do you want you know you want some other pedals with your own art on it they were thinking i was going to have them print my logo up here oh like oem yeah oem it i was like no i want it to say cuvave still but i i want it like in my font with the um lots and the accent marks and i did have them put my logo on the bottom okay but that's classy only two of these exist and i think i gave one away i think there was a contest i feel like you could put that on reverb for half a mil maybe 750 000. you can go up to 999 i tried you can't go above that can't go above that's really short-sighted for reverb too it is to limit it's their loss literally seriously they're losing three percent three and a half percent is it five percent it's up there fight it out in the comments let's do this it's changing everything i'm pumped for this so yeah i'm curious to know what you think as like a professional circuit guy professional pedal guy yeah i i'm a big fan of this i've done what you've done i have a few drawers full of like cheap pedals i'm i like showing affordable things um i did a live on the amazon line but you have stuff here i've never played i've only played from this board the amazon distortion so that's impressive you have really pulled out some stuff here i have i mean i'm not compared to this room i've nothing but as far as affordable pedals go because i've been doing the series over a year i think and i just keep getting stuff in and companies send me their full runs at a time i have these totes like you know like a like a tote that could fit a couple shoes in yeah i have a stack of like six of them and they're almost completely full you're like king of the affordable pedals it's more of a purse than you're the authority let's do this all right all right kuvave don't want to know what it means don't tell us in the comments here we go yeah don't spoil the mystery guys come on let me flip these around we're splitting a headphone mix here this is really romantic it kind of is and now we're gonna yell it feels like maybe i'll publish this on valentine's day and this will be my valentine's day special it's a heart if you yeah you share you share a splitter yeah whatever it's fine here you go you got it yeah i got it all right this pick i think retail is the price of this pedal probably all right so the first thing i do with the circuit is i max out potential controls i like to see what a max fuzz potential and then max tone circuit potential because usually if you back off on a control that's where modifications have been made in a circuit right so i can kind of tell that's wide open i'm taking my guesses big muff or with it with a gate it's it's unbiased it's a misbiased fuzz and there's people who have been complaining and commenting because they're getting newer ones and they're saying it doesn't sound exactly the same as this it doesn't sound as heavy gated and i'm wondering if the newer runs they fixed something they thought was broken well which is the thing that makes it what it is if it is a big muff it could be it could be like a silicon tone bender the reason i say this is logically in affordable pedals they're going to use classic circuits they don't want to sit around and like pay people for six months of rd so they're going to use classic stuff the big muff is for transistors and if you have certain gains it'll gate so i just think they put them in there and then they made a run and then they ordered different transistors and they weren't the same gains that's probably the reality this feels like it could be a big muff when i back off it does to me because the tone control is like almost useless and then it's just all the way on yeah which is big muffin [Music] i could be wrong i i run this thing on this on this setting oh yeah i never turn it down [Music] let's add a little drip from the reverb tank [Music] that's a really great fuzz yeah it there's not a bad sound in it i haven't found another affordable fuzz that i like quite as much as this one and it's been it's been a long journey [Music] yeah how much is that it depends on where you buy it but they tend to be right about 20 bucks yeah it's gonna yeah there's no reason to not own that i mean it's great yeah all right now i'm not usually a uh a flanger guy or a flanger guy who is this by the way the name of the company is that it's just called fuzz okay yeah it's just called fuzz now let's talk about the flanger i've i've never been a flanger guy yeah but there's something about this one where by i said i sit i'm able to dial in like that perfect jet flange where a lot of like the cheaper flangers i've found like okay they don't have sweet spots they don't have classic spots to them where this one like i would put this against like you know like a like a boss flanger or something like that okay i have a flanger test okay it's i play it every time [Music] it's doing it [Music] it's one of the only it is the only song i've ever heard that has the lyrics her placenta fell to the floor i'll send you some songs [Music] so [Music] do that's excellent yeah [Music] yeah if you spent some time it would probably nail the like old mistress hendrix thing [Music] so we got you gotta have that so you're like you always if you're playing a show and the crowd's a little dry start spraying the crowd the other test for for me to like flanger it's not something i put on my board a lot but i have used a ton tracking is turn it into a chorus like a mild flange becoming a chorus is so good so [Music] yeah just those really slow tones [Music] how much is that probably like 20 22 bucks somewhere in that range maybe it's more expensive maybe it's 35 bucks but it's still like affordable but then yeah but i think it's interesting because it does the tunnel worm thing too yeah you gotta have that [Music] it just covers way more ground than any other flanger i've found in the affordables i had a phaser in this spot before because it's fun to hit like a distortion with a with a with a modulation and this kicked it off and it just fills that role for me how fun is that yeah and like i go plus so far on both of these hey most people shouldn't use flanger full time but some people do and they shouldn't they shouldn't but if you're just a little bit curious about flanger and you don't want to take the dive why wouldn't you start with a 20 30 20 yeah especially when this one apparently has so much range to it you know it does and then you start the addiction and then you move into like the super heavy duty you know tweaky versions of a flanger [Music] yeah it does like anything you'd want a flanger to do which is like two or three things at most yeah all right now this is currently in the overdrive spot um a dolomo if you open these up it's a k-line board they're repurposed k-line circuits okay um i tend to swap out this spot a lot because i'm fickle about oh i'm not fickle i'm just not committed to overdrives usually like sometimes i put a tube screamer in there i'm not totally sure what this is but it's kind of a light crispy kind of overdrive i like it uh yeah we'll see what you think so yeah when i just my thought process so look at a drive level gain treble bass it's probably based around like rc booster or something like that or a timmy right it's got to be something in that land [Music] [Music] it's really nice yeah [Music] 20 bucks somewhere around there it's crazy i'll flash the price up [Music] [Music] i like it with the base all the way off that that has a clone feeling it's not a clone it's not a clock it's how i use a con high gain with the base all the way off it's giving it like a mid bump because the treble probably has mids in it [Music] let me know if i'm boring [Music] [Music] i like that at max gain with the bass all the way off [Music] i never would have even thought to roll the bass all the way off yeah to me it i mean we're using this captor right yeah so it depends i mean that could be part of the headphone thing going on but it feels really great with the base rolled off yeah it's really interesting to me because i've been so stuck in my own head with all these cheap pedals for a year now to hear someone playing not the same three riffs that i play over and over again what do you play just the same dumb noodling things that have no origin and don't mean anything we all have yeah yeah you know the rut that i'm stuck in all right this one uh i played and it is uh it's like a martial governor thing yeah but the tone control was was brighter to me yeah it's heavy yeah [Music] [Music] at first it feels like bright and almost buzzy but then when you actually play it that sounds dumb but when you actually play chords it has a lot of clarity i think a lot of times when trying pedals we're a little bit cursed because we're like setting at home and we want it to sound huge but then if you actually play music with other humans which has been hard this last year you actually need to get rid of that bass or you'll never be heard yeah so i actually had uh i had my co-host steve over yeah a week or so back and he we were jamming he was playing bass and i was playing guitar and i brought in the afforder board and he set up a base afforded board and the moment he started playing i thought this thing sounded great the moment he started playing i was completely out of the mix yeah you like big full guitar sounds yeah they really suck yeah like in real life if you go like the first thing an engineer does in the studio is high pass get rid of the lows all the all the all the little songs we love the low end is gone so that's how you hear the guitar so it's interesting when you hear this like feels a little like uh but then when you play i would even go further up that's almost psychotic amounts of tone [Music] [Music] it does the thing you know and it's basic and it's basic amazon jeff bezos he signed the first 20 million of those they sold he hand selected the uh the resistors he did and another thing people don't realize if you open it up there's a slot for an amazon basics double a it sounds twice as good using this i mean they're just they're rebranded new x yeah or nux as i'd like to pronounce i got scolded for not saying new x i call it nux yeah it's it's more fun nux is a better name it is a way better name all right but they come under all sorts of brands they're usu every other brand is usually cheaper than nux uh no that's most guy moss guy but they have a horsey yeah it's not in this line no it's not that's confusing they do a coco is one of if you could google image down on the factories they like all eat lunch together and then dissipate into different buildings uh twin note is one of the rebrands one note yeah i have one of those so this uh most ski spring reverb now this this is very close to an azure reverb but i picked this one over the azure because i just like the purple yeah it makes it sound better it makes it sound better it has like a barcode on it for some reason so if you go look you could pull this up later there is a meleco spring chicken yeah i think that's what they're going for with the look here totally it's the closest to a surf sound i've gotten from an affordable reverb [Music] like the trail has the right voicing for like a surfing but that like click that happens that delay click it's charming in a way but it's not a drip [Music] hmm it's interestingly like perfectly in between [Music] like some broken tape delay and like a spring reverb unit right it's great yeah it's honestly not too far off from what a lot of pedal builders have done to try to get a spring river sound where it's like this cascading bouncing delay built-in bricks usually the little belts and brick that's what's in my spring tank and it's hard to get them to sound different i wonder if that's what's in there that actually sounds really different [Music] let's add some actual reverb to it [Music] it's a lot of herb i love that 30 bucks somewhere around there it's probably one of the more expensive ones reverbs usually are more expensive that's why they're kind of harder for me to get on the affordable board um but i don't know donna or donor what's that donor or donner i always say donner yeah because it's like the donner kebab in europe i think that's what yeah the donner meat yeah yeah all right so we have this is a stereo delay and reverb and they're like 55 bucks oh and it has tons of moats yeah it has a lot of modes and a built-in looper i got excited when i saw reverse really yeah [Music] so immediately i look at this and i go oh it's some nothing wrong with this fv1 spin thing it can't be it's like actually way more advanced that's like the popular diy kind of digital format because it can't do reverse well but this is like so this is actually some form of and captain really decent dsp and it has tap tempo that's funny oh yeah play this all day [Music] so [Music] i would buy this just for the reverse i love reverse so much so what else does we got a trim delay [Music] wow [Music] i always love the names it's probably called like crystallus ladder or something [Music] that's all my dreams sound like that [Music] do [Music] this is like really good [Music] it's a glitch like 8-bit or something yeah it's like a like a big crusher [Music] take [Music] do [Music] so honestly that's crazy how much 55 bucks maybe it might be one of the 65 dollar ones because they have they have this they have a reverb that stereo they have a a dumbbeller pedal that's not stereo and then they have a looper noise gate in that line yeah it's sonically what like the features the sound it's fantastic it's tap tempo i i didn't even try the retro i'm imagining dark and bright on that probably actually the retro doesn't that that switch doesn't do a lot okay like that's my big complaint about the line is that they all have a switch like that and they are all very subtle like it's a little bit of like grit change [Music] can barely hear it yeah i think it's like a little bit of like overdrive grit or something but it barely does anything it's not worth having a switch on there for it it's great i this is even in this room i'm thinking through other than like stumbling on something in a pawn shop maybe that's probably the best delay somebody could ever buy to learn to use delay and like honestly it has every sound yeah stereo i mean i don't care i'd never play stereo um but like that's amazing for people that do that's insane and honestly like that's a new player to me how good that is if you're a new player and you're trying to learn how to play lead or even rhythm yeah having a looper oh it's like oh i didn't even get into that it's the most important tool and it's got a looper built into it it's just like a one knob thing how do i record is it not doing it so here just play something [Music] there we go we were pressing too much [Music] i think holds a delete yeah there we go killer it's more expensive than the other affordable stuff but it's like it got a lot going on oh that that that's shocking i'm truly surprised like you know i expected decent pedals that that's a shocker for that price yeah phoenix wings this is it's really hard to find a decent tremolo for some reason yeah an affordable board this is like a nice kind of a mustard poop color but it's a i'm a color guy okay because you know i've basically learned the entire powder coat catalogs trying to build petals and this is an odd color i give a lot of props to that a lot of respect for a good color that i haven't seen color respect i already like it yeah a lot of times some of the budget trims in this room many of them are quite useless you know what i'm talking about yeah it's it's interesting to me that tremolo has it has a tone to it where there's good ones and there's bad ones usually with me it's the amount of depth and like yeah they just feel useless sometimes way too much and like there's no finesse to them this feels like an ant i'm gonna add some verb because that's what you do it's amazing [Music] um [Music] do [Music] the only thing i wish it had is that one more mini little knob for volume control i like that volume control on my trims yeah but the wave feels really nice the tonality of it feels really nice it's decent [Music] yeah it has a lot of depth [Music] so awesome this is off this is mind-blowing these are all very good yeah this affordable killer i really hope they come out with more in this line i hope they add like a modulation yeah to the line um they have the reverb and they have an overdrive which is okay this is a dumbler um and the noise gate i i like noise so why would i want to gate it i love noise um i've embraced the noise before i had this on here i had a a multi-effect thing that i think a moo gig which is a super duper cheap thing everything else on it sucked but the tremolo fit my needs and so that's why it lived on there um but yeah i got that one and it works well i could say honestly if i had an amp with virb i could play a whole gig with these two pedals and they're great great drive can make a lot of sounds out of that change the pickups for different levels of gain and then this has everything you need what am i missing like what style of effect should i be looking for and what slot should it take like maybe i don't need like a high gain drive what what do i swap out what should i be looking for i would say maybe you're missing i mean this is cool but maybe there's a multi reverb that has big big old big big sound like space bathroom sounds right right but i mean it's hard to complain been super super hard to find good reverbs in this price range yeah and it must just be like the technology is their verb good it was only all right it kind of sounds lo-fi and bit crushed a lot of the time and it's what i've experienced with a lot of the affordable multiverbs is that almost all the patches sound about the same there's just slight like eq shifting on them and things like oh here's an analog reverb or here's a spring here's you know you know like there's all these variations but it's like it's the same exact trail over a different eq filter yeah i know the newer joyo line it's a little it's it's more expensive they're more like 100 bucks see some of those brands their prices are raising they're trying to be they're trying to just be like oh we're just boss now yeah yeah so yeah i guess there is a gap in reverb it's i'm sure has to do with the technology of it but as as like digital stuff like this and they figure out their algorithms and stuff i'm sure it'll get better i like that these are mini yeah i mean even like my 3 series i've seen them used for like 70 that's pushing it and it doesn't have any presets but it is a bigger ambient delay it doesn't do spring so then you're trading off that's a little tricky to find some like if there was an equivalent to how this works for reverb yeah you could do it all yeah that's wild that this entire thing you know some single pedals cost that oh totally i mean you can have fun all day on this and make music if we just guesstimate that these are each 30 bucks each summer under summer over it's like 90 180 210 it's crazy 210 bucks that's the cost of one pedal these guys a lot of times yeah like one of my pedals is 199 that we make here so that's interesting very cool i wish that i had access to this stuff when i was a teenager i agree there wasn't a way to buy the stuff on the internet i didn't have a credit card yeah i would have had to order things out of the catalog and there wasn't there wouldn't have been 20 pedals that's what i said about these when we did i was like people were complaining but i'm going man if i had had access to the sounds i heard in that line or anything i've heard here today oh it was rough i remember the crap stuff that i had to dig out of pawn shops and off like adverts or you go to some old man's garage and there's like a broken rock tech pedal doesn't sound good this is way like just to get a fuzz that cool yeah it was impossible like literally impossible i remember ordering the black russian big muff like 50 60 bucks i had a musician's friend with a credit card my mom i begged her but that's better so it's like well damn that's how it feels like we live in an era now that's it's really encouraging for kids and people who can't buy but to be fair i've had to wade through six yeah totes of stuff to find these seven there is a lot of garbage out there yeah i have some stuff in the drawer that's like and it's and i usually i like every pedal i really do people make fun of me because like you never bash i'm like i will find something in every puddle that's fun there's a couple there's always there's a couple that really pushed me in that in this range there's no such thing as good and bad tone there's just appropriate and inappropriate like i i was playing that space station earlier and like i don't know about this but someone out there loves it someone out there finds uses for it it's on tons of records people sit there long enough to figure out where it needed to go and the first fuzzes by modern standards sounded terrible like the maestro's trash yeah but they became iconic sounds by way of being just what was available so if you can find a use for you know some 20 fuzz you found and it just scratches your itch then you know that's amazing yeah i i would go buy this if you're watching i don't know why this isn't more known affiliate links they might they might raise the pro i mean that's really good that's good enough that i'll order this and like show it myself because there's a that's such a gap i have you know i'm doing some similar things and not quite like this but like hey pedals around 100 or 75 and trying to try to shed light on some decent stuff because like you said you've weeded through so many things and i have drawers full of things i'm like you know like i'll see something on amazon and i'll just order the set i'm like it's decent it's decent that's impressive though mm-hmm yeah affordable affordable you can't afford not to afford this board thanks josh i think i'm going to try to film one more thing here today but i think that might be my last video for the day huge thanks to josh and the whole team over here for hosting me um we're going to do a live video i mean when this comes out it's already been out so they can go back and watch it go back and watch it again we're going to do a spring reverb shootout that two hours long i'm honestly wondering if we're going to be able to get through it in two hours yeah we will we will there are we will there are seven units over there including a rubber tote full of petals we'll have eight to nine actual spring head units like tube units and then we're going to have roughly i'll say 30 reverb pedals and we're going to figure out if they drip or not and that's all that matters nothing else matters so go back in time we're we're like in the past yet this is your future or something like that just go watch it again yeah it'll be called it's on the jhs channel yeah it's not on this channel it's on his channel yeah it'll be called does it drip the ultimate reverb shootout or some nonsense i feel like we're ripping off ola if we do does it drip we it has to be does it not drip and then we're not ripping off ola with it that's fine with me yeah yeah it's fine we'll name it we'll just say watch this video as the title watch this video alright bye everyone stay grounded you
Channel: 60 Cycle Hum
Views: 208,552
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: josh scott, jsh pedals, jhs show, jhs channel, jhs, affordaboard, cuvave, mosky spring reverb, iset flanger, dolamo overdrive, amazon basics distortion, donner island delay, movall phoenix wings tremolo, movall tremolo, cheap pedals, affordable pedals, guitar pedals, cheap fuzz, cheap flanger, cheap distortion, cheap overdrive, cheap delay, cheap reverb, review, demo, tap tempo, afford-a-board, afford a board, affordable pedalboard, pedalboard
Id: 2-LaQgRVzwU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 19sec (2599 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 06 2021
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