LIVE: Everything Klon Centaur (History, Circuit and Shootouts)

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[Music] [Music] oh hey how's it going you waiting for the stream to start me too what am i doing oh i'm uh i'm saving the world of taliria by recruiting the most legendary warriors from the forces of light and darkness and i'm training them to fight together molding them into living weapons and assembling the greatest raiding party ever seen i'm playing rage shadow legends raid shino legends is a premium visually stunning fantasy rpg one of my favorite parts about this game is how creative you can be with your characters there's over 500 champions to collect but hands down one of my favorites is the miscreated monster it basically is like this frankensteinian looking creature ray just released the artifact forge you can save time and craft artifacts directly now they also released a new advanced quest system with amazing rewards and just brought out some new champions as well they're also developing this amazing looking doom tower as we speak which i'm super stoked about and i think i might name my next band doom tower yeah the coolest part about this game is i can basically play it anytime i want to if i put my kids to bed or i'm making a cup of coffee in the morning or i'm supposed to be editing jhs content it's right on my phone i can pull it out anytime that i want to so go to the description below after the stream and click on that and if you're a new player you'll get a hundred thousand silver plus a free champion light sworn i think we should probably make a pedal called the light sworn right after i start doom tower these incredible treasures will be waiting for you in your inbox go check that after you download the thing and i'll see you later i've got like a few dungeons i got a raid and stuff so [Music] all right get serious everybody we're so serious [Music] what's up we're here on a monday i have addison over here yo yo yo happy monday there's a screen that should go to addison there we go and nick is over here hi you changed shirts i did wow are you playing uh raid yeah i got a new reward today tell us about it i got like 7 000 silver that's a big deal speaking of silver clowns are silver all right let's jump right into this uh this is no time no time at all this is really exciting um oh one other thing we still have these shirts so available in the merch store uh go follow mr tambourine manofficial at instagram um this is the morning glory really cool shirt i like it i wore it on the last live stream with roy and we still have the lucky cat as well this is by house bear so we're having these artists do these shirts pretty fun i feel like we're really elevating our merch game for you guys so here we are is the clown is the clown over hyped that was the the click bait title and now i think we're calling it everything you need to know about the con and by the end of this we'll have five or six other titles but the point of this episode is to talk about this crazy clown phenomenon that rhyme clone phenomenon let's jump on the clone table over here this is um a lot of clones these are all original so i have these are like all these are originals then we have replicas we have even dsp units like the line six we have all the old ghs replicas we have a ninja turtle we have a lot of stuff here and then we can come down to this table top this is the first clone ever made so i think it's a good control unit i have a switcher down at my feet if you notice this goes green and red red is this and then if i hit the switcher i'm i'll have a pedal here probably and we're going to shoot some things out here what they sound like for delay i'm using this fantastic walrus delay um it's awesome and i'm just doing like a quarter note thing morning glory because i love stacking overdrives this is kind of like not there just as if i had the amp up more and then i have a fox rock um cc hybrid fuzzface so yeah you guys ready everybody excited yeah i'm excited we're gonna cover these points today or try to and addison is going to keep me on track because i'm exhausted but we're going to do this and i think the best time to do alive is when you're tired i think yeah yeah i mean because when you have too much energy it could be dull so when you're tired it'll be more exciting basic history of the klon centaur the clone centaur the pedal is actually called the centaur and it's by klon a lot of people get this wrong i don't judge you but we'll call we'll talk about that later versions over the years are there different versions of the clon are they different uh stuff like that what do they look like what's the story with all that why the recent escalation in klon interest i feel like tom brokaw right now why all of the sudden are we seeing tons of interest in the uh con if we look at if we look at for instance we did this video two years ago it has 254 000 views not bad for a pedal demo it's not about decline but i show the number two here and we have here's living room the myth behind the clone this is a newer one that's really great i bought a five thousand dollar guitar pedal does it sound any good that's the most perfect click baity thing i've ever seen good job music is weird i love his channel clone centaur the three thousand dollar overdrive pedal four clown style pedals this uh is six years ago this is when electro harmonix cloned it 1.1 million views that's andy there i like his hair in this era really nice here uh anderton's this is a fantastic video i'll reference this later everyone go watch this later um five watt world awesome guy he does really great work i want to collaborate with him at some point and then you have you know playing a real clown for the first time is it really worth four thousand dollars so we just have this incredible movement on the subject of the clone centaur so we're going to talk about that we're going to shoot out some things and then we're going to try to answer is decline overhyped so we all ready how do you feel about this addison i'm stoked i i have my answer to that last question but i guess i'll save it until the end of the stream nick what are your thoughts here i got hot takes you got some hot ticks sure all right well let's jump into some history a lot of you didn't know i'm a professor at pedal history high school so today we're going to go over um the basic history of the clown centaur i'm going to walk through it briefly again if you want really good detail i'm going to do some things in the future um but i would go to five watt world he did a great job talking through a lot of points but this is my quick take so bill finnegan is the creator of klon siberia the brand um and he wanted to build something besides a tube screamer with his twin he lived in boston he played a lot of live music twin reverb everyone was into tube screamers this is like 89 or 90 i believe and he got a tube screamer the vintage ones were starting to to go up in price i would say in 89 or 90 vintage tube screamers probably felt like the clone kind of feels now now they're nowhere near the price points but they were like the mojo overdrive you had to have so he wanted to make a different pedal he wanted something that was not a tube screamer so he enlists the help of a friend who was at mit and that guy moved on out of town but then bill enlisted a second mit engineer and this guy's name was fred finning so fred finning came on and he completed the centaur design there were prototypes as early as a year into this project i believe and bill gives fred finning credit for what is the klon centaur in the ktr it took four and a half years and the first one ever sold let's do the tabletop the first con ever sold other tabletop my bad is this guy right here this is actually it um this was sold in 1994 serial number two it was the first con ever made bill put the parts aside for number one he needed to fulfill orders he put everything for number one aside built this first sold this first and it was 225 dollars that's 395 dollars today that's an expensive pedal so yeah like we were talking about this earlier that's like color box land other what's some other expensive pedals like when we get into 400 dollar pedals this is for 1994 this is pretty wild yeah nothing's coming to mind right away but i i was very surprised when you said that because you know i think like how what was the date again it was the 19th yeah yeah like i i i feel like pedals that expensive would be sort of a rarity at that time and like you know that that's pretty wild like it seems like it's always been a very expensive yeah it's a brand new pedal unknown builder at kind of the beginning of the boutique boom was anybody else doing like what he was i mean so in this era you you know you have love tone you have mic full or you have way huge starting it's the very beginnings of the the second kind of the re the the re-emergence of boutique okay kind of like yeah that whole era so it's a fairly unique circuit it borrows from design uh elements of different things it's a hard clipper um think dod 250 distortion plus rat it kind of shares that clipping nature but it has some really unique things um and the mit guy fred finning was not a guitar player and i think that's key to how he designed the circuit so he didn't know anything about guitar circuits or guitar pedals and i think that's why it has some uniqueness to it custom cast enclosure he gooped the circuit board which is very interesting we'll show this stuff later there's a black epoxy all over the circuit board it turns nine volts into 18 internally with what's called a charge pump i do not believe that had ever been done before so that gives it a little more headroom um yeah it's pretty wild i have an original box to one of mine over here [Music] right here big deal yeah this is the box um let's do this cam so that's an original sales receipt and it says richard taylor i think 11 29.01 dollars shipped which is bonkers so yeah we have the manual we can go back to this cam we have the manual here um yeah it's like is that hand drawn it's copied of hand drawn yeah we have that we have uh the original business card klon william finnegan the phone number info www.consuberia yeah you just have like important notes about it even the original little barrel connector for the power supply so that was a 400 pedal in a cardboard box and from that point uh he made them from 94 all the way to 2009 and he made 8 000 of them by hand at a card table i think he moved around town but he did everything himself and he yeah 8 000 is not a lot of pedals but when you think about one man and the way he was making him that's a lot of pedals yeah so i built my first clone clone at a card table that's true in a shed you built the one of the clone replicas back in the day that would have been 0-9 maybe something like that yeah almost 2010 i think yeah yeah i think what the people want is to hear the first con ever made we should jam on it um first clown made first clones sold i have no idea what it's worth it's an interesting speculation i got this through a situation that was good for me i'll just say that i didn't like have to i didn't have to sell like plasma or anything right so all right let's see here i love having no signal because of the switcher there we go [Music] all right so this is how i use a clone if we look here at the control i love it as an overdrive distortion also this is here because hulu rebooted animaniacs if you're out there you know so i like it like that a lot of people will turn this way down and boost [Music] so pedal off i'm just playing the loudest more good so clean fender-y thing and back to on [Music] [Applause] [Music] it's a cool sound i would you know i don't i don't see what's so special about the clean sound i mean there's a you know i'm not hitting on it but i've always and i do always keep a clown on my board so here's the sound i like it's really nice yeah you said something earlier that made me happy for you what you said this might be it might be the dr it might be the driver i've been looking for so you're saying you care about guitar i'm saying that it's a good sounding pedal all right let's do this uh we don't know what we're playing i'm gonna turn on a quarter note delay um start up a beat [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] big thanks to our audience here so it's a it sounds good it's great if we go down here um i kicked in the fuzz face so i'm gonna get this stuff out of the way here the delay is a quarter already said that but i love the clone as a second stage overdrive meaning i run in a clean amp like this then i'll turn on a morning glory and leave it on so [Music] which just sounds like i cranked my amp it's not doing anything frequency wise this sounds good and then you know i'll stack this on but what i love is the fuzz face or any fuzz a rat they have a scooped out middle in them this sounds amazing but watch when i hit the con it's like the it's a nasally fan it's a fantastically nasal tone that i love so if you hear that sound that's what i'm doing josh i have a couple questions yeah let's go for it a couple couple comments about the blue clown is this a thing the blue clown as mentioned in uh i believe it was uh we were talking about way huge right was that it was on an episode was it yeah yeah i don't remember which one yeah so you know there there's this um the conspiracy theory um [Music] i don't know just just go watch whatever episode that was on i can't remember the way he was it about him i just know that there might be a flash where you see a blue clone but i'm not really allowed to talk about it so let's this begs the question then yeah do you have all the clones i'm missing one clone i discovered that i discovered that this week [Music] i just have to have that that's how i feel oh it seems like you feel pretty sad um there if we go to the big table top uh we have silver no horse silver horse with a short a long tail see the tail is long addison you might have to help oh yeah yep but basically you have a silver with no horsey silver with a short tail silver with a long tail then you have gold no horse gold with a short up there and then you have gold with a long tail and there is a gold with white font that i don't have dang i'm okay it's i thought it was a counterfeit for a while which we'll get into but it looks like these are real if you have one hit me up i'm not gonna beg but you know please hit me up okay so basically then we we have the clone it comes out right and yeah in the mid 90s and then we start seeing clones of these things uh my question is why why do people start cloning it and how do they start cloning it right because we know it's scooped yeah so it's gooped let's talk about that so 2009 we have this schematic is dropped on the internet the community at free stomp boxes it's an online group they uh they did like uh they put all their money together they bought a centaur and a guy named martin chittim chittim chittim i don't know he removed the goop and reverse engineered it and this is the first drawn schematic of the mystery because when you opened one up it was gooped you'll see pictures of that later um and then the replicas and cloning started now 2009 it's important to know that he had stopped producing it at this point and the prices were starting to go through the roof so that's why they did this and then i released this in 2009 um this is the jhs replica i did we did a good many of these yeah um nick built a lot of the i don't know the numbers we actually don't know how many quite a few were you didn't were you one of the first to do this i would you think i mean i kind of feel like you were i think i was that feels like one of those things it feels weird to say but it wasn't like i wasn't trying to i think i was just the first person stupid enough to sell one and not like i didn't think about because i got some hate over it but i like didn't i was just like well you can't buy them and that was situation so i actually i had a phone call with bill this is around 2009 i still lived in mississippi we had this phone call he taught he told him told me a lot about the pedal and why he did certain things why he put the foot switch where it is why this happened and and i made a vow to him i said hey when you put a new one out i won't sell mine and when he put the ktr out i still haven't made one so i've stuck to that uh like i told him i could have made a probably a little bit of money on a clone replica or something but it's it i it's fine when the ktr came out i put that on my board i've rocked that on my board for years so yeah it's fine if you look at these these are actual prices they're selling for that's bonkers this is bonkers 750 this says the jhs a point for point rendition extremely hard to find very sought after used only good luck snatching one it's it's crazy to see that we were just just making a pedal it's so crazy that a clone is selling for almost twice the price of an original yeah that came out look at this gosh that's insane yeah so that's uh you know i had that phone call i stopped making them the ktr comes out and this is there is now a war around late 2009 i believe there's a lot of statements about the secret diode and no one can actually replicate it so even though we have a schematic bill state and he told me on the phone hey i have these diodes i've never seen them you can make this but it's not going to clip the same so good luck and that was kind of that's that deal so let's put a jhs replica yeah up here and let's shoot them out so this is hopefully very very clearly this will answer the question can you replicate a clone yeah i mean we've we've gone through this like the petal myths episode and stuff you know i made a joke about we've been to the moon or at least we've faked it and we've like we have mcdonald's being delivered to our houses now so i think we can handle a circuit that's from the 50s but i i get what bill is saying and you know he has a stash of a part that um has you know it's it's a one in three four a diode that's very common he got his from a russian supplier apparently and they're supposedly a little different and i believe that but i you know how different is that sound i i i don't agree that it's that different and that's an opinion and so my opinion is not like gospel or anything so here we go let's look at um before we play this uh to the folks watching while we're gonna jam on this one um cast your vote for another one that you might see on the table maybe we could show the table real quick what else do you guys want to hear if we have time there's so much stuff we'll do more than this episode this is like this is important like just to get this out in the air yeah coconut water i just had to have a drink so here we go here's the og notice red light now let me tune this to kind of find the parameter now one thing about shootouts and i've told people over and over you cannot exactly expect knobs to line up there's a 20 tolerance in a pot meaning here on this may need to be here on the same pedal like if you take two morning glories and put them all there's a tolerance there's a there's an error in part accuracy and that's real important to know so here's the the the replica so obviously you need to turn the volume up [Music] see that taper is different you're just going to set here and you get your [Music] it's a little too dirty [Music] i'm switching them if you if you close your eyes everybody everybody close your eyes here we go [Music] [Applause] okay they sound very i can i can tell that the pots are not perfect but i mean that's i don't know how to complain about that you were doing this to me earlier with a bunch of these on the table and i was just like this is silly like so crazy yeah it is i'm switching now yeah let's jam yeah a new a new fresh beat no pressure new fresh create here we go somebody mute their mic [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] i mean i would put a dash more gain maybe yeah it's the same circuit yeah let's talk about it when it's in the mix with everything i mean i feel like i thought i could hear a difference when you first started but like the more you played i just feel like it's so negligible it the differences are so small it just feels like yeah let me even let me hold on so one thing you'll notice in something like this is like how does a chug let's do the switcher view so people can view this that is i there is no difference [Music] so how does a full chord feel i hear a darkness there so but is it but pot tolerance has to be accounted for like if scientific method is introduced into this right you have to do that [Music] it's identical back to the chug those are identical sounds that's crazy um yeah it's not but and then another way to do this is so max the gains out that means you're at full circuit potential meaning full clipping of the secret diodes so i know for a fact the diodes in here are one in three four a's they are not from russia i'm pretty sure they're chinese these are the russian ones so how do these stack up let's see you should hear the full potential of the clipping diode [Music] yeah that's so crazy so i'm and and try to be let me let me try like a high note thing like something a little [Music] fluttery yeah so which one do you guys think sounds better i it's so it the speed yeah the diode thing so this a circuit is a circuit and there's not magic in a circuit that sounds like a dr seuss circuit is a circuit there's no magic in the circuit you just get the circuit then you get it to work it yes that was more like a beasty voice right but so diodes have what's called a forward voltage drop and what that means is there's a certain voltage at which when i hit my guitar i create voltage it's an ac voltage so how quickly does the diode grab this is a hypothetical image for you to understand how the circuit works the diodes grab your signal and pull them down the ground and distort it they chop off your waveform so you have a pretty wave well it grabs it and like flattens the top off and that's what distortion is so germanium diodes have a really quick thresh they clip really quickly if you put an led in it feels more responsive you can beat your guitar a little bit heavier and it feels more like an amp but a germanium diode in this configuration is going to clip really quickly and easily and these are just near identical and i know i didn't buy these from russia yeah so that is part of the problem with this pedal is the secret thing which shows up in the ktr later when you look at the circuit board we've got one comment yeah uh gary daviland says i hear about point zero of a db change .01 db change around 19 kilohertz so i was hearing that same thing yeah but it's do you guys get the j you didn't get it yeah you're you you delivered so no i was i was about to s i was about to add to that okay any differences you hear are usually the fact that we're sitting here on the fly i have a camera in front of me i'm holding a guitar hoping it's in tune we have to jam it's like is the volume the same level it's usually volume a lot of pedal demos the pedal you're like that pedal sounds so good it says loud a lot of smart good yeah you always pick the one that's loudest louder is always better in a demo scenario okay so question unless you guys okay um so there's different like over the years we have all these different kinds right yeah so um what are there any circuit differences is it just cosmetic is it so if we go back over here all of these versions have cosmetic differences i do not know who created the art i think bill probably did i do not know why some have a horsey some have a horsey with short tail long tail i i don't know i don't know why they're silver and gold i have no clue but the circuit is the same and bill himself says that there are there is a resistor that is not included in a ladder version but it's like it's an inaudible change what's the resistor where is it it's just that i believe it's that if my memory is correct it's on the first versions there's like an input resistor it's it's just like yeah it's a negligible thing rat he himself the point is he says it doesn't matter they're all the same yeah i mean that's he's stood by that for a while okay so if they're all the same then what about the ktr yeah let's go the ktri let's go to the ktr uh this is to get to the ktr we need to go to so klon is klon siberia ghs pedals is a company name colon siberia is this company's name and this is all that's on the website you can go there right now and it says this this is all that's on there and that's literally the color of the screen as of this date december 22nd 2011. so this is eight nine years ago exactly two years after i stopped so he stopped in oh nine that's how i know that um this is around the time we talked he stopped afterwards he stopped accepting orders uh there finally seems to be more and more light at the end of the tunnel with regard to a future availability of a new clone the design of the new unit has been completed for quite a while now the unit itself will be produced according to my specs detailed instructions by a very highly regarded contract manufacturing firm oem manufacturing is what he's talking about a private label the first production run is now in the process of being scheduled but realistically the soonest the new unit could be available for purchases perhaps two months from now um and it may well be a little longer than that at some point between now and then this site will be revised to include a link that you'll be able to click on maybe it did at some point i don't remember thanks for your patience uh yeah and then basically this is released and uh when this came out yeah so uh when it came out i ordered one from guitar sanctuary and and mckinney texas that came in and we pulled ours and quit making them and threw the boards away and everything i made like one more for spoon yeah i made one replica we threw everything away the funny thing is is that it's in the same it it's in the same size case as our clone but the well it's sort of flip flop like the it's like are the jacks mounted on top is that considered the top where the jacks are yeah yeah that's the top so it's like pretty much the same size case as ours yeah even though i have replicas that you just heard i i like this i use it i like the form factor i actually like it better than long ways and it's on my board this is easy to deal with yeah we used to mod them which is funny if you find that good luck i'm not gonna explain it it's uh so let's put this down here um now if we look at this picture um kindly remember the ridiculous hype that offends so many is not of my making the thing on the side is a buffer always almost almost better that means buffer on oh almost always worse buffer off so this is a private uh contract manufactured clone centaur that bill had made and the company that made these initially is uh it was rocket that made these um so when you see the archer they actually produced these for bill and they had a falling i wouldn't say as a falling out they just didn't like working together i don't think it was like you know nobody super drunk and i think yeah as far as i know it was fine and bill seems like really nice he was so kind to me and yeah i think he just they didn't it didn't work out so i don't know where the second run was made i have no idea it doesn't really matter but yeah here's the ktr so let's shoot it out let's get it to sound um like this one and i like the position where i use it for a demo as well because we know we're hearing the diode if you roll this gain off you don't even hear the diode so there's a there's a really great humor in the fact of i see a lot of people saying i hear the special diode and then you look at their board they're using it as a clean boost and the diode's not even activated because you have to push enough gain across the threshold of the diode to even get it to clip so if you're running your clon down here you're not hearing a diode so you could and i will do this at some point i'll just take pliers and cut a die the diodes out of a clone to prove this point out of a real clone might as well come out and then but when you're here you really do hear it so where roughly where does that happen in the i know it's probably a little different it starts i mean you know you're going to hear it you can analyze it and hear it and you really do hear it up in here i mean i i and i love the sound of the germanium cutoff that's one thing i love about this pedal that's cool all right there's our control the red and let's see [Music] yeah okay you want to jam on that let's do that let's do that start a sick beat no [Music] pressure somebody moved their mic [Music] [Music] hmm [Music] [Music] okay again yeah so we're hearing the diode we know that cleans the clean is simple the clean it's not a simple circuit it's a brilliant circuit but the clean is like you know go build a clean boost that's complicated that diode is the secret but we're hearing the diodes in here so these match really well and what we just answered is does this really sound as good as this i still see people like i have the ktr man just doesn't cut it it's the same builder the same secret part if you open the case it says um i can't remember the saying it's something like these the secret diodes he made a joke in there which is a funny he made it funny uh it's it's the same thing and he was so strict about quality control that um rocket was not good enough apparently i mean this is a guy who's obsessed over the fine details that's what i appreciate about him so yeah ktr so the consensus so far is you can replicate yeah this thing even though it's totally magical yeah and i think so like to clarify this i think the thing that we're saying is what sets the claw apart or what makes it or the legend swirling around it this mystical diode is kind of where the the secret you know lord of the rings esque story lives and we're saying that we've activated that diode by turning up um the drive where it's actually the volume where it's actually clipping the diode and yeah and it has the forward voltage and there's also a parameter called slope how it slopes it it's to me it's an audible across a lot of designs now when someone takes a design let's say a centaur and like the voyager is a good example is a really cool pedal they use a totally different diode and it you know yeah it feels way different to me um you get into that anytime you see a toggle switch you're typically dealing with changing out those diodes and you have a result like yeah i'm pretty sure like this toggle and the sacred cowl mojo hand is you know that's a great mod because it is so drastic yeah right right and another thing i think that's interesting about the clone is that it it does still have some of that clean in it mixed in which i think is something that until you fully max the gain there's always clean so you can get you know as you're pulling the gain more and more and more you're at the same time removing clean stuff okay it's a really cool blend that's really cool where in the i mean obviously like addison said like their tolerance is different but like kind of where in the general like vicinity of the the drive does the clean kind of fully go out and when is it sort of like gain all the way up clean is fully out okay yeah so but like anywhere behind like fully up there's still a little bit there is some remnant of clean yeah but this is great this is a ktr clone that's funny if we go to this camera it's like it's by cool kid it's really funny um yeah what do we want to do now do we want to play uh what's wrong what are people wanting to hear yeah has anybody put anything in the comments of something that they want to hear there's been a few full disclosure though i've been distracted in conversation haven't been watching let's do some of these cheapos yeah i think i think that this is a hot thing right now so when we get into cheapos here's the nux the mosky and let's throw in a k line i like this k line brand um there's this they have this guy right over there that blue that blue one that's what you're looking for no yeah it is they have a two in one of that oh this that's k-line as well and i've demoed this before um the joyo there's a whole episode about these um so let's let's pick one of these let's do i don't see enough demos of like k-line i see a lot of demos of these i'm just gonna tell you they you can find the same sound this had a different tolerance on the treble pod it was interesting but it was there you know so let's hook this up uh maybe take a question or you guys have any other questions we'll hook this up oh sorry go ahead bro okay uh i so correct me if i'm wrong but like do you feel like the clone is probably like the last truly like original thing that was made i know it's still kind of based off of like hard clipping circuits but when you come like we just did an episode called like overrated overdrives or whatever and you kind of or under how to pick an overdrive i can't remember it's yeah like my brain isn't a i can't ever remember anything we make but like one of the things that you did was you you went through overdrive circuits and you were like soft clipping soft clippings no understanding and you actually made the conscious decision to include the clone in as it as its own style category of overdrive which kind of makes me feel like it sort of like earned its place yeah as a category i i think that i think the clone is now the topology of the almost almost a common overdrive topology which is really interesting historically the tube screamer you know we get the full drive from that we get oh my gosh there's so many pedals there are tube screamers so i think the clone has now become the other alternative finally yeah um it's that it's that legendary at this point and i think that that is a really good argument about it's not over hyped it's like an origin of a new species right right and yeah i mean think about the builders who have made a clone i have a list here so wampler um the wampler tumnus let's just go over to the table um we have keeley did an oxblood which is a really cool circuit because he didn't replicate the clone with the original schematic he tried to do it in his own way with his own circuitry it's really that's cool to take way huge made conspiracy theory i showed walrus earlier they've just continued that now electro harmonic soul food somewhere over there um and this is most interesting if we go to this top down this setting on a boss pedal is called centaur yeah that says something centaur that's legendary i think that that's a sign of it is now in some weird way it almost feels like public domain or something right like um like how a tube screamer or like really like any of these topologies that are commonly used and modified it's like the clone is just sort of yeah in there yeah i think so let's let's go to this k line here the control [Music] so there's the control let me dial it the k line in it's called the pegasus [Applause] there you go and i think i think that pedal is 30 or 40 bucks um all of these are i would put them in the category of they sound fine um [Music] let's let's go for this how about we start a bass riff you call the key yeah let's spice it up i like a hey let's do it keep a yeah sweet [Music] somebody mute their mic i'm gonna start switching them [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] all right yeah again sounds good yeah let let's talk about uh i'll briefly fly through this so uh in february 2019 bill launched clone direct sales on ebay and these are current made reissues by him the last one sold on november 8th for 4 500 and they took a photo of it in a tree yeah you've never done it i mean this is the new version same parts everything and he's calling it a reissue but it's identical to the others is it gooped do you have an idea it is i believe it is yeah and he says i'm bill finnegan the designer the klon overdrive designer of the professional drive unit um a builder of every single centaur from the beginning 1994 until the end of the production period now on a small scale i'm again building a few centaurs yeah he just says i'm building these as official uh in the intervening years i occasionally built centaurs and gave them to a close friend so that they could sell them on ebay i'll still do those so that was going on like it's basically become it's basically become like this its own form of currency like yeah people are just collecting them like uh like dragon treasure like in rage shadow legends the sponsor of this episode hey bro the ad's over already let let's talk about the most interesting facet that i want to hit we have about eight minutes if we stretch it 10 more guys i have dinner plans with my wife and some friends yeah it's fine clowns are more important that's true you can eat centaur all right clone centaur ktr users group on facebook i became a member of this months ago when i received a clone in for service i was going to repair it for someone and i realized it was a counterfeit it fooled me over the photography dang the guy sent me photos yeah i can fix that up i know what's wrong with it i can do this i got it in i even held it in my hands and with the forms and put it in a bin had it at home went and opened it and i just i had the moment where i was like it's off i felt i felt like a like a museum curator that was like this sculpture is not accurate you know it was like i just could feel it and so basically on this uh forum we've been helping people with this issue of counterfeits it's a massive issue so if you look at the right here that's the counterfeit notice the kerning is off that's something that freaked me out i saw the kerning that was the first thing i saw the first thing i noticed when i opened the back and then i looked at it again on the outside kerning's off something's wrong bill is meticulous wow um then i noticed the goop was not shiny but look the detail they forged his they they have his numbers down really well wow the handwriting i've i've analyzed his handwriting across mine so this these are real ones i did a photo session that i use in this forum to help people wow and it's super crazy um here's a guy you know i'm getting worried my gold clown is a fake and it turned out this was a fake this guy bought a couple and they were fakes so we're notice that goop is just you can just tell it doesn't feel right there's things with the pots there's things with the circuit board i even did photos about how the enclosures there's issues with the cast wow that's the board you can tell it's soldered horrible there's just like problems so these are being counterfeited a lot of them i see are coming from human gear in japan a brand are coming through that store and then you can get on um amazon and buy the enclosure whoa eighty-five bucks um you can buy kits like this you can buy the screws this is an amazon full kit with the with the proper color feet the proper knobs no printing so this is so crazy this is the first time a pedal we have clones and replicas this is counterfeiting like you do a van gogh right right this is a different thing for petals there are literally like professional like art counterfeiters that like mix the like egg yolk together in the right way to like you sound like you do that like i'm not saying i don't i'm just saying i'm what i am saying is whoever's doing this you should stop because this sucks you just compared a pedal to a van gogh i'm saying that because because this has never happened these people on this forum i encourage you if you're you need to be really careful if you're buying one of these for investments it's a great investment it's an awesome piece of gear if you have the money but like people are getting ripped off left and right yeah i'm gonna work on some documentation probably do a video on like how to not get scammed on this issue and there's a lot of knowledgeable people on here but we haven't had a pedal in such demand and high prices five thousand dollar listings right we can we now have a counterfeit market right for a pedal yeah it's not a clone mark yeah yeah it is a market to trick people into thinking they are owning a real deal clone centaur yeah i think that like just to clarify it it's not an issue about cloning it's an issue that people are trying to make them look like originals and selling them for way too much money like cloning there's tons of clones the fact that people are like buying these for thousands of dollars and they're not real that's a problem yes not cool it's crazy it's absolutely maddening and i think i think that point is really important for people to understand like if you're gonna invest in this be slightly afraid exactly be very very careful what you seeing on the thread there allison yeah i got a question what's up with john mayer's black clown josh scott it i will respect his privacy i get asked this all the time it is not this it's not a centura like the replica company this is a replica that doesn't try to this is very clear this is not a counter like it says you know syria tone amps it's not this that's all i'll say good enough and just remember he's john mayer he can have the real thing lots of uh lots of ask about uh gooping one in particular was uh does gooping affect uh part tolerances at all in any way why did he goop um he gooped to hide the circuit because he worked on it for four and a half years got it and i think he's a genius of building a mysterious interesting product i think that the pedal when he talked to me talked about how he put the led on the left the foot switch on the right when you're standing at a mic stand like he thought everything out he thought everything out and there's no there's nothing in him that's like oh they're all grouped today it was like there's a pointed yeah effort do you think if it wasn't gooped it would be have gotten as much hype like do you think if he hadn't ever gooped it like do you think that there's an aspect to the years of it being so mysterious that that added to i think it i don't think it'd be as popular i think the mystery because we have just spent probably 20 minutes of today explaining you can make it yeah there's not a lot of things i mean the same people on their super computer phone which defies rules that 10 15 20 years ago were like it's impossible to get that process like they're saying you can't take a diode from turn of the century kind of tech right and replicate it i mean yeah it has a so true like it's it's not i don't want to use like terms like brainwashed but it's like we're so like this is magic and we want it to be magic but it's an analog overdrive circuit yeah simple as wow should we play a digital version and then get out of here yeah that sounds good let's do that well is it overhyped we're going to close on this i'm going to shoot out the dd200 here if we look down it'll be a fully kind of this is boss's take it's an analog signal path in here i believe with some digital stuff and then a three band eq so this is like as far from trying to be like hey this is a clone clone but it has a clone sound centaur sound so we'll play that but is the clown overhyped in the comments is the klon overhyped yes or no feel free to expound i'd love to read all of those so do that now while we jam what about you guys rhett schultz says yes rhett i agree with red rhett i disagree i okay i think the clown itself number one i wanted to say this the whole time it's a beautiful battle but it's gorgeous closure i think it honestly might be one of my favorite looking pedals i wrote a whole section in the saltbox book where i covered the uh the art of pedals through the decades and the centaur as a feat i did a feature on like it's it's amazing the look yeah yeah i think the the pedal a clone a clone itself is over hyped but i don't think the clone circuit is over hyped at all i think it does a special thing so there's my the circuit is worthy of a lot of love 100 absolutely is it worthy of five thousand dollars well rightly not yeah yeah i mean and i'm sitting here owning a bunch of them i didn't pay that yeah but i'm a collector like i curate i tell my curate stuff right right right yeah what do you think yeah i mean i i i think it's like i feel like i agree but like in different words like i think it's i think it's overhyped just in the amount that it's like fussed over like it's fussed over too much and i i think like like anything it's like a tool and it sounds awesome like i said like i think it might be the drive sound like i've been looking for um and i think like the the design of it is brilliant i think like we do it a disservice by not talking about why it is actually a good circuit it's like it really i mean we don't even call it the right thing it's true yeah we call it the clone it's called it's a centaur he was supposedly going to make a second pedal and he bailed on it he showed it in damn but he never did yeah yeah i think it just has it has a lot of hype around it to the point where we don't even call it the right thing wow so if we look here here's the red control we'll come out of eight we'll do like a [Music] the e bluesy funky thing let me get this lined up again this is a boss pedal everybody [Music] dang it's i'm not gonna waste time because we all need to go home to our families let's jam on this it's pretty close uh let's go um [Music] [Music] [Music] hey [Music] [Applause] joshua [Applause] [Music] yeah all right goes on your drums still sound good with the rim mic on there we go i hope this was insightful um it's a lot of info we have a lot of stuff planned for the clown centaur on the channel but this gives us a grid for what you want to know in the comments it's a big deal get engaged in there let us know more questions we're going to continue to offer and try to help through these crazy times of five thousand dollar pedals don't buy a counterfeit go to that facebook group um and be a part of that yeah there's a lot i could say also check out the patreon if you love stuff like this go check that out it helps support the show the staff that we have to do the show which is very separate from the pedal company also travel research interviews there's all kinds of expenses then we have the ghs you can go look at every episode ever there's record time there's shirts tons of stuff any final words from anyone here i feel like we've said all that can be said for today real quick yeah this clone is mythical and legendary what's the next clone any ideas i was asked this the other day in the interview i have no i wish i knew we'd just leave that one hanging just comment below comment in the comments if you're watching this afterwards what do you think the next clone is i think it's probably a jhs pedal hey probably not what's our worst selling pedal it's probably that yeah i don't know this was good this is great thanks for watching thanks for being a part of the show have a great day bye [Music] you
Channel: JHS Pedals
Views: 158,356
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: JHS, JHS Pedals, The JHS Show, Guitar Pedals, Guitar Effects, Guitar Gear, Guitar Pedal Demo, Music History, synth, synth guitar pedals, synth effects, Nick Loux, Nix Tapes, overdrive pedal, chorus pedal, distortion pedal, boss pedals, compressor pedal, delay pedal, octave fuzz, reverb pedal, reverb, eq pedal, boost pedal, behringer, Josh Scott, Roy Mitchell, Mutemath, Bass Guitar, Bass Pedals
Id: 6Ast9xQyTEU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 65min 30sec (3930 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 23 2020
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