LIVE Cook Along | Salmon Patties

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arwan I think we're lying it ain't Memorex no more I hope y'all can hear me if you can give us a thumbs up or let us know because we're trying to adjust the volume and the lighting so we just need a little help to make sure it's right we in the kitchen today because we got no signal where the wagon is so bear with us we'll get it all to going and we're gonna have a good time and we're gonna cook what who knows what we're cooking Jim does anybody know because I forgot the recipe whoa salmon patties yeah looks good hello Terrance I hope you're well my friend so everybody we're gonna let everybody just sort of busy it around here a minute till we can get good and started and know that we got everybody and then we'll jump to the recipe I hope y'all caught the video yesterday we had a good time putting that in together and we didn't actually have to cook nothing that was a sort of a good deal for me but we hope you all watched it it was something we wanted to put out to where everybody can just have a good time see some of the things that you know maybe we've done through the years and had a lot of people comment I remember that remember thanks a wonderdog so it was I can't pearl looks good broke the granddaughter is over here making computer I give her a shout out Shan over can you do that yeah we're trying to get thinking weeper still time to get going doing what hope you were able to find the groceries that we needed okay see if our audio is better now I'm just going to go well I already cut us out so I'm just gonna go is is the audio better now okay everybody says so we're just gonna go with the camera audio no but you could leave it on if you want I hope everybody's had a great day today because it is a great day above the grass and every time you get to have one and there was a lot of vitamin D in our country today bringing down from the sunshine 95 degrees in southwest Oklahoma somewhere was a little early but I'm playing is supposed to be down to the 50s again another weekend so it's spring in Oklahoma you never know what you're gonna get but hey we take it all and we love it each and every day but this has been a recipe that's probably been in our family for ever since I was little so that's me at least two weeks ago and we've always had it was one of them deals that was easy to think she could put it together in a hurry and hey we have a guy from Alaska today said I hope you don't mind I'm probably going to use fresh okay I'm getting a lot of conflicting audio people are saying it's great and then people are saying it's too low so I don't know if that was from the old Mike let me try one more time with our Mike okay one more time we'll filled up 59 seconds before we officially have storage and it says we are connected here so let us know folks if that's any better and we'll try to keep it at one level or the other and we'll get started and make sure it's good much better loud and the other people are coming in later because they're saying I'm too loud which is when the mic was yeah so we'll go with that folks and hope that we've used these Road Mac's before and they've always been good to us and everything look good over there now puh yeah yeah everything is good I think we are good to go so it is officially 6 o'clock in southwest Oklahoma welcome hey folks we so glad to have you new subscribers hey we're glad to have y'all and we've picked up a bunch of them in the last 28 days guess what happened this morning at 7 and 49 Central Time anybody remember I do me and Shannon we had a celebratory cup of coffee with the beagle and Duke we reached 1 million subscribers and that's due to y'all folks we couldn't have done it without you we have the best fans in the world and we're just so glad to have you and we call you all family and since we've all gathered here what do you do you cook for family so I hope everybody got the ingredient list of Shann head on there or maybe so you have the cookbook if you do have the cookbook it's on page 224 it is this one right here the new one that just came out last week Faith Family and the feast but it's there for you in the community tab or on our Facebook page you can have the recipe and I'm gonna give you a little time but we're gonna talk about what we need to put all this together you can see down there that first of all it says at the bottom of the recipe deal sauce now me I'd only didn't like deal till Shannon come along so I have to like it now I know what I mean but it is very good with a salmon patties so for the sauce we're gonna need some sour cream the big is in there asleep and ain't no telling where Doogs at there's Duke in there too y'all y'all know Duke he's pretty famous dog he has his own mayonnaise company Duke's mayonnaise now folks in the south got me on this quite a while back and told me Kent you need to be using that dukes and let me tell you folks if you can find it that probably is the best man Davis I have ever used in my life on a sandwich cooking mix that in with some eggs of a morning makes them light and creamy in it is so good so sour cream mayonnaise a little bit of deal weed and if you got some fresh growing right there use that too some granulated garlic and we're in good shape so we're gonna put this together we are so we're gonna start with a half a cup of mayonnaise and sour cream oh I don't even wanna stay up there so we're just gonna put it over here y'all know my measurement well I'm trying to be precise tonight we're gonna call that a half a cup on the money mayonnaise and sour cream always work well together so let me get this and here we cleaned off a little and we get as a half a cup of Duke's mayonnaise and I hope y'all are following right along I don't want none of you to get ahead of us I think we had some comments earlier that people said I've already made this so we're gonna eat them and just watch the video I reckon that's alright too so 1/2 cup of mayonnaise then we're going to use some of this here deal weed and oh it never has been open yeah that's because we don't use it much no me so bear with me folks these things can be perplexing I would like to know that too I'd like to everybody be making if I'm making so we got deal weed we got us some garlic powder and I'm just gonna sift a little in there I like about that much their precise recipe is laying there before us all so that is good mix all this together folks because we need it to sit and what I call it the icebox and we're gonna let it set till we get the rest of these patties all made up and get them fried and the big center if we're gonna eat I'm gonna come in the kitchen you have woke up party so let me get this in there ice Popp and we'll get back over here let me get some of this stuff out of the way now I hope you were all able to find a can of salmon now folks I have made many a meal out of that stuff right out of the can I can just open it right up and just commence to eat it is pretty good stuff now my mother actually we replace this at times with just a can of tuna folks I tell you something else that goes in it just as well and then his sardines now I don't be buying them all nine syndecan sardines I buy them kipper snacks and they'll work just the same just make sure that you get them in there and get them all mixed up really well so let's get past iron it is the best thing to fry something in a heat source birth is not in the house so we're going to use this new newfangled stove we have here and we're going to need some Fraggle now I'm going to use avvocato all I've been to where I'm getting quite fond of it but you can use peanut oil anything was pretty high smoke point now we're going to try to run about 350 so it's not real critical that we have to have something that's going to get to 400 or so and it's just gonna be a shallow fry folks so we're just going to go ahead and pour this in there so that old can be warming up and bear with me as this goes in there because it's got one of them fancy pouring spouts on it takes about a quarter of an inch probably as you get up hot wise on the skillet just make sure you have enough if you don't have cast iron hey I really don't like stainless steel because sometimes that stuff transfers heat too fast for me so if you're going to use it make sure that you have maybe a thermometer to check that heat and make sure you stay a little below 350 in this thing with steel but one thing about cast iron folks too is this stuff is saving you money because when we get this hot we can actually turn it down to where it doesn't take as much heat because cast iron is holding heat in so let me find a can opener well it may be organized but you ain't no can't opener in there Oh folks we might have to we may they took the can openers for me one time in chop they really did I don't see nary can't open or no worse and folks guess what's going to happen y'all have seen it happen meanie try to find the correct you ain't in here neither so let's look over here huh maybe she put it in here folks this is what you call having bloopers and you didn't even know it so can opener now a lot of people tell me you can't be doing that turtle knives I don't really like this knife anyway as y'all can see up here this knife is already bent it is open mini cans before and I'm going to go ahead and turn this heat down to about medium right there and we're gonna take this like we're just gonna open this can now a lot of you be thinking that is the bad way to do it but how many of you seen our chopped grill masters no not chopped it was chopped redemption in New York City they took all the can open theirs away from us before we ever started some of them folks didn't know how to open a can with a knife I was shocked I can tell y'all I didn't like this knife cuz I don't know if I'm eating it open you know this is real so there we go folks now I don't seem to get in here see that juice that's in there don't think we're gonna strain this no I want you to dull the entire content in there and when you have a can opener it comes out better so this make sure you get it all in there yes it is good when you get it in there take your a spoon or a fork and I just want you to just mash it up in here and sometimes you will see when they can this salmon they might be a bone in there that's big enough you can't hit but this stuff has been pressure cooked so them bones itself is laden baby I ain't never worried about none of I just like to get it mashed up pretty good we still got folks cooking alone that's what I do know I see if they are cooking they're probably not gonna be typing too so you can't ask them they probably had real candles and right kid you know how many people are actually cooking along that's right I'd like to know they're cooking folks you all know what we call these remember how many of you know I need for you to holler it out cackle berries and rooster bullets it takes two of them we're not gonna just beat them or anything when we put them in and the shell don't go we're just gonna break them in there and let them sit now I'm gonna mix that mr. tab with your mags all mixed up in there will thats pretty good term form now if you can get fresh eggs folks it even makes this a better dish and a big says I might have spilled something but he's gonna get licked off the floor here so when you mix that up right there and you can see the consistency of that big says no I can't but it is just right two eggs and be sure that we drained the can make sure we get all the juice in there now to that we're gonna get us 3/4 cup of flour now folks I like to put this in as I need it sometimes you may not use exactly 3/4 of a cup and I'll show you when we get there but baking powder it's got to have a little because I like to give them just a little pop on that crust so let's get us some of that in there anybody know what the measurement says in the book Shin I don't so I'm I'm gonna put that much right there in there which i think is the correct amount give it one more stir and you can season with salt or pepper at this time but why would you when you could season with our original it's got a little lemon to it folks so it really goes great with this dish it does there we go thank y'all for just joining in you're a little bit behind but I got faith in you catching up we appreciate each and every one of you watching while I'm doing it because it is something that is simple and if you can find this in the grocery store it is graced our table many times and it's so easy to put together and it's really pretty quick the little sauce is in there chilling it is going good as it can be so hey we are good now folks we got a have some green onion and I had a knife one time not that knife I was using huh I didn't really like it so you can put these on a cutting board I got a cut man uh-huh that is what's called big in here at the right time in the right place and that is what you call getting the most use out of your Mesquite spatula big don't eat that onion so indigo and folks if I have dr. DS up in so many ways to where I would go ahead and put a Hal opinio in there with them that was diced up so whatever you need that suits your flavors taste hey that's what I'm after and that right there folks gives it a little color now it's time to add the flour and like I said we're not just going to dump 3/4 of a cup in there we are going to just sort of go with it as it needs it so we'll start with about a half because we need these to be able to sort of hold together but you don't want them to drive that they're crumbly and fall apart and I'll let you see it here I mean it how it falls off the spoon and you'll know what we're after we're we just ate and so we're going to end up probably using nearly that 3/4 of a cup and I can smell that ole is getting nearly right to the right temperature and how many of you know we probably been left out some ingredients somewhere Shin I think in that deal sauce it was supposed to have a little lemon yes and the lemon is here don't think we got one yeah so folks I'd like to just take a little bit you can see how it falls off there really as a whole piece now so it is what I call just right now I like to test that grease so we just going to take a little dab of that and you can see it's frying right alone and folks will medium heat so we ain't got this thing up on high it was on high maybe two minutes and then we just turned it down I have used bread crumbs in them I have use panko in them whatever you got on hand type I've seen people do it with rice flour or almond flour this is how my mother always made them and we used to spleen that big so we just come take that you see that doll upper right over and when they get to that point right there I just want you to give them a little mash right there well that was sitting in there we'll void and get him a buddy this is more of a shallow fry now than a deep fry remember that as we're going along here and look at that little feller he says turn me over that is the beagles first sample and look at that good golden color we got there folks and you can make them smaller you'll get more servings out of them but this is gonna send us just fine so we're running about 350 because we're only about 4 or 5 on that and it goes to 10 so we're medium trying to run it 350 getting hotter than that you'll brown that crust too fast and it'll be a little less cooked in the middle so we got four in there can we get one more salmon patties as we call them in our country I did that for you we call them Solomon paddies because look here on the can s al mo n Salomon how do you say it Shannon Salomon that's what I thought now I need you to get you a paper towel put in a plate or if you got a wire rack that's sitting over a cookie sheet because we're going to need to turn them over here in just a second who was first in does anybody remember I think it was this guy right here but he's not ready you can see browning just a little around the edges when gonna turn him to quick but this little feller that's sitting right here he needs to come out and I want y'all to look at that mmm the big says I could look at that real good if you get it closer we're talking goodness so usually about maybe three to four minutes aside when you're at the right temperature of the old and then you'll flip them back over get them to where they're good increase because that's the best part of it they have graced our table so many times and they are so easy but while I've got y'all's attention and them or Frank guess what Saturday 9 a.m. Central Time there's another video coming out we're trying to get y'all a lot of content a lot of you be quarantined up just like we are we want to have you something to watch so be sure you tune in for that hope everybody's seen the video yesterday that we put out and we just need you to share the good news and share the happiness so I think it's time we can maybe take a peek under here you're so gifted so we're gonna turn him over and folks I like to do it this way so he don't splatter no grease and that's what I call just right I have cooked these many times it used to always be a staple on wrenches for me as a noon meal because I tried to cook for them guys just like my mother used to cook for me and they are good eating I have put them on a piece of lap bread and then slather them with ketchup and call them a sandwich many times and folks I even like these coke I'll cook a bunch of them we'll eat them then I'll wrap the rest of them up or just let them sit there on the stove while sit and I can come by and get me one of them and a loaf of bread I'm in good shape I am anybody got any questions sham we need to know of that we can answer while we got a little time here because we just frying right alive so I want you to do I eat them with ketchup I do but the deal sauce is so good if you like that stuff but I'll tell you something that's really good on them too and that's our relish and I've done some of that the scent the aroma is calming yes to me it is when you can hear that sizzle in this gimmick that's what I'm talking about is music to my ears so hey we in good shape I have used when we were little young some of them folks would go fishing for carp or gar and then they were it's a real bony fish but then they would pressure cook that down to where it's just softened all them bones make our patties do our patties it's sort of the same thing but it works just as well it's something that we had a lot of back in the times because we could get them out of the river and hey my mama could fix them so you can use a lot of things tuna fish sardines just make sure you get the egg in there make sure you get the flour and you're good shape happy dance Billie Blair I don't really know it's got to be the 1 million subscription happy dance and I'm probably gonna get some of my people to help me that sitting over here on this other side because they love to dance I just know they do let's take a peek over here and just see this side we like just a little folks so we can hear that that's the crust I'm after now I have deep fried bees and you can just when you take them give that spoon when you I'll to show you you hit that spoon upper set the whole spoon in the old and then just let it slide off that way you ain't getting a bunch of little droplets everywhere and have like 37,000 little sampling patties floating around whoo it would for a fact folks and I want to thank y'all so much for the Big Mac video that uh y'all embraced it and it took off I think it's a million five million six now so that is good we're just trying to share good food happy times and something to eat so we gonna take this one that was the first participant in the distributing uh-huh I need to get him moved over so that you can sit there and folks if you don't like them that thick give them a little more mashing but you can see that baking powder sort of makes things jump up there a little and that's what I'm after because remember this salmon is cooked and it don't take long for that egg to cook in this mixture but ain't no sense in overcooking them sort of like a steak y'all remember that deal you don't dive one swing on killing twice yeah I need to know that is a good sound I like that crust so I'm going to give these just a little more in this other side anywhere we go you can see the difference in the color of we turning these over so we're gonna let them brown just a little more not that much they will get some of that oil but you can see we started out with that avocado all about a quarter of inch thick we still got a lot of oil in there so you're not really soaking it up that's why you want to have your ole at 350 and not any cooler because if you don't that oil will soak up in there further so there you go I'm coming over that is good it is Colin cook along and they're actually participating look here big the bowl is empty buddy it is bad it is so let me hear this and hear a little mash that was last check things that we turn huh and they hide enough to burn the hair off of probes but to promise you that but you can see that onion in there give it a little color and oh it does add some taste to it so keep an eye on your heat make sure that you're not running too hot you may have to turn it up turn it down just a little but make sure you try to stay at 350 and it's like I say it's a shallow fry remember when we make the Big Mac uh-huh y'all know that we're gonna cook them we're gonna cook them were they big enough to hold something the Duke is asleep if I'm guessing duker people are asking about you yeah they don't have to have something or they don't want to participate no more so folks y'all seen how easy this was to put together and I would have got a full meal deal it's a happy meal don't come in a sec yes we have some simple easy cooking playlists that you can go what you call them no it's called simple recipes easy ingredients yes and they're all they're all easy everything we cook is easy and I if you can't find some of this Stokes stuff folks be creative because a lot of stuff will take its place if you can't find salmon hey get you some toner if you can't find tuna get you some sardines they'll work but hey don't be afraid to try something this is the time when you might create a masterpiece so we like just a little on that last one let me get that sauce out Shem and we'll add a little lemon to it a deal sauce yep half a cup of sour cream 1/2 a cup of mayo a little bit of dill weed a little bit of garlic and we're gonna have some onion no we're gonna have some limb on roll that lemon purse before you ever cut it makes it easier to squeeze that juice and look at that seed want to jump out of there so we'll put him right over here and just give it a good squeeze and we'll mix it one more time but folks I like them this way too I like to give them a little less so they'll have some of that to sit right there on top while we get this last one out there now folks remember you can season this with salt and pepper whatever you need but if you got some of that original like I say it's just sort of a lemon base to it when we start with it so it's gonna make it to where it gives it a little tang let me find this here little baby spatula whisk that I had in there before and we'll stir that up with that lemon and yeah smells like deal I want to see what your Oh see I got to find one first excuse me big well I think today will go with this Corral where okay that's it's been crowded up there that in the pantry for quite some time so you can do this one of seven ways me if I had a spoon it'd be even better so we're just going to get us some of this sauce it is on page 224 I think is the exact number it's on faith family and the feast in fact now let's put it right here to where they can see it and I'm going to take some of this sauce and let me see if I can do this the way they used to do it on some there you go that's the way I like it and then you take this one that come out very first you remember which one he is because you lady him at three o'clock on the plate always put the first one at three and then you take this and you break it across her and brings back many a Sunday night supper at our house then you don't need a fork no more folks easy you can't have this and Scott let me see if I can find you a bite I don't have an onion there you go and oh my gosh there's no onion right here Dukey hang on here you go y'all had y'all's now that's it if I'm gonna fix it and we're gonna have it where most I'm gonna have it with fried potatoes or beans maybe some fried pork chops something like that but folks I can have this and some ketchup some of this sauce and a piece of lap bread I'm in good shape one thing I do get chastised for Shan never gets a bite oh so have at it uh-huh it is good so I'm gonna have one more bite we don't have any music to dance with do we had Lee huh see these good people who got over help and shoulder and granddaughter and her best friend and they man in the comment section so what we're gonna see tonight hey I think we still at moonwalk and you got to do the low as you can go and you be looking good folks it's easy its quick turn out if you're making them ah wait wait wait board atta boy you wait no you know the wait you got a lot of manners oh you get away okay that's it did everybody's turn out good chin I hope folks had a good time hope they enjoyed this recipe I need to ask you a question now if you like these let us know we'll do some more of them will dig a recipe out of that book or maybe our own tasty cowboy book and we'll do some more cooking loans we will but remember Wednesday always got a video Saturday we're going to try to have a video nearly every Saturday and we do this one as well 9 o'clock I am Central Time guys I'm glad they liked it it gives me something for supper them two over there ain't getting none of it but we're gonna have it and then the video Saturday folks I'm gonna give you a little deal at the very end of it you know a lot of the time people be telling us they closed the gym down I ain't got a gym membership no more I can't go to the gym how am I gonna work out we have a cowboy workout video on the end of this one that's kind of Saturday you don't like this oh my be false advertising but I do know this we're going to give you some cures that we have come up with that have always helped us at the wagon to get through some hard times whether you have a runny nose or maybe you even have a tooth that needs capping or you got heartburn we just got old natural remedies that come from Mother Nature and some of them old farmer almanaque bee my mother never used to usual nose and hey I'm still alive so we use a tripod because we have to be able to move around to show the picture so we don't want to just to stand and boring shop angle be a standing stir so hope everybody enjoyed this because we sure did and hey thank y'all so much for tuning in we'll all get through this together it is a great time and we will come out better people on the other side remember always be a better neighbor because that's what mr. Rogers told us to and I will update the description below to include the full recipe for directions for everybody that's going to be doing this later yeah and like a site be sure you let us know you want to do this again and we'll try to do some more live cooking loans we'll pull a recipe from somewhere and it'll be simple it'll be easy check out our playlist that's simple easy recipes hey they are good to go and I just tell you god bless you each and every one thank you so much for coming by the kitchen tonight hope you enjoyed everybody's got a salmon patty so let's get after it me see y'all down the trail
Channel: Cowboy Kent Rollins
Views: 350,262
Rating: 4.9492464 out of 5
Keywords: salmon patties, easy salmon recipe, how to make salmon patties, how to make salmon patties with canned salmon, how to make salmon patties with flour, salmon recipes, fish recipe, salmon cakes, salmon cake recipe, fish cakes recipe, salmon patty, salmon patty recipes, salmon patty sauce, canned salmon, canned salmon recipe, best fish patties recipe, fish patty, cast iron cooking, kent rollins chopped, salmon patties recipe, depression era cooking, depression era recipes
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 41sec (2141 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 26 2020
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