Steak Fingers | Dairy Queen Remake Steak Finger Basket with Gravy

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what's more iconic than a dairy queen basket meal and what is it steak fingers and gravy and folks i'm going to show you how to get that crust so golden brown and stay on there so good and show you how to make that simple gravy come on we ain't even got to get up in the car to go to the drive up window [Music] hey y'all come here man i'll show you something ready i want y'all to see this one of the best fast food meals i ever eat in my life and where's it come from the dq to dairy queen whoo them things was so popular and you still see them here there in yonder but what is it steak fingers that's what i'm talking about and some gravy now if i've got some steak fingers and some gravy i can make it all day folks and you can ask shan i have pulled up in through the drive up one ordered me some of them eat them before we got out of the parking lot that's so good but i'm finna show you how to make them and make them even better so come on and we'll get this deal started we will the star of the show in a steak finger basket it is a steak that's what it is now this is some round been run through the cuber about twice now folks i have done this so many different ways but that's about four and a half ounces and you can get about three maybe four really good pieces of steak out there but if you feel like you need a splurge you're trying to impress the wife for valentine's day or you just want to get back in the good graces of the household go get you a new york strip yep you heard me right and i need you just to treat it like any other steak that we ever cooked that i showed you about now that is what you call cream of the crop but folks this round right here that's tenderized it will make some good steak fingers now when you buy a piece of this and as you can see as shan's got you all in here there ain't no gristle ain't no lines ain't no nothing this is what you call a good piece of round steak certified angus beef so we know the meat is what's happening but we need to mix up our dry and are wet so we can get this going as you can see the duke is ready the bee is ready ain't you big yep it is time to get this underway so i need you to get a cup and a half all-purpose flour which is pretty close to that i tell you what folks let's just go ahead and do it two cups since we done got all that cut up y'all too i never was good on fractions two cup of flour two tablespoons of corn starch and a tablespoon of baking powder to that we're gonna put a tablespoon and a half of red river ranch which is about that much and a little more for wind know me where do you get it where do you get the red river ranch the only place you can get it is from and folks you will not be disappointed you won't so i need you to give that a good stir it or mix in with a whisk or your finger set that aside at this time i need you to get a deep frying apparatus whatever you got i don't care if it's a fry daddy a dutch oven something go ahead and set it over on a burner over medium low heat for the time being because we're going to preheat it to 350 degrees now let's put the wet together but wait we got to go to the hen house look what i got right there damn chickens is on the ball today duker they have done laid one rooster bullet and one cackle berry i want you to go ahead and mix them up really well then we're going to add us some buttermilk how much probably about a cup to a cup and a half this recipe and anything that we might be using will be listed down there in a little link below or you can just go right over there to the website hill recipe and it'll take you right to it you can get all the shortcuts and we have a lot of good inspectors here i know you love a dairy queen do but we're going to just wait you got that mixed up really good we'll go to double baptizing and go to fry well the assembly line is ready the oil is getting hot there in the dutch oven now folks i would ask you to just take these and if you want to just go ahead and put three or four over here and get them floured up before we double baptize them maybe y'all need to go back and watch me where i don't beat bobby flay on the chicken fried steak throw down and we double baptize some meat folks because it gives it a better crust take your little tongs put them right there in that right there bring them back over here lay the flyer back to them one more time and then double baptize because we want that batter to be really good and thick on there and for us to get a good crunch that's what we need and when you get them to this point i need you to go ahead and do them all because they need to sit on this wire rack just a minute that's going to let that batter and everything adhere to that meat so let me get the rest of them done we'll go to frying got them all there like i say you need to let them dry there a little bit while your oil's getting hot but another batter i would suggest that you use because i have done it many times on ranches and still like it even at home what is that our sourdough starter you didn't know we had one easiest thing in the world takes a place of buttermilk or milk any recipe that you use but great to batter meat with so let's just pick one of these little rascals up shake off some of that excess and just go to laying them in the hot grease now this is what i'd call really a shallow fry not so much a deep fry because it's not completely covered in oil and just always remember as a safety issue lay them to you first and splash away from [Music] well you can see them as fried up pretty golden brown they are and i'll be loving i do be sure you check your temperature as you go along because a lot of times when you're laying meat in there if the meat's colder than the grease it's going to cool off a little so you want to make sure that you maintain that but guess what you can't be having none of them unless you got some good old white gravy to go with it but we just dipped us a little grease out there and got it over on the burner it's probably got too hot while i was talking to you about we don't want to burn that flour get my flour right back over here and we're using some good all-purpose flour and we gotta make us a little roof so just sprinkle in there and then we're going to get us a tool here that i think is the most valuable gravy making tool in the world what is it who knows you in the third row by the water hydrant behind the trash can yep it is the exo spatula which will be listed down there in the little description to go see these here them holes will help you mash the lumps out of gravy because my mother told me so many times ago anybody can make gravy but if it's got lumps in it no it's got to be smooth so back over on the fire it goes and i just want you to go to mashing and stirring around we'll add us a little more flour to it that was about nearly a half a cup of grease that come right out of that deep frying grease wizard so it's got all them good meat drippings and flavor in it so we're gonna add just a little more flour and we're just over some probably medium low heat right now just until we get this roux sort of like we want it gravy is intimidating for me no no no shannon there has never been really a true recipe for gravy you just have a little grease a little flour a little milk or if you need to thin it with water now traditionally on ranches and i still do it today and i love the taste of it i use canned milk if chad will get in here a little i want you to see how that's beginning to sort of sizzle up there just a little that's what we're looking for when you pull that around there and it's got that sizzle to it because we don't want to burn this roof so you remember now we got to go find a milk cow somewhere let me see i remember in one video i think it was the fish and chips the hen house was over there let me see look what the cow done bro buy for me some cow juice now if you're really really feeling special and you wanna like i'm saying you're trying to impress your wife with this meal get you some heavy cream and use that i mean folks that stuff is so good now when you begin to pour this milk in there i need you to be stirring in high action be paying attention to it because it's going to try to clabber up if it gets chance and you just keep stirring and keep mixing and we're going to make us some gravy now folks you don't want to still turn that fire up really hot because one good thing about cast iron remember it'll hold some of that heat in so we're still over a medium low heat and we're just going to let it cook till it thickens to the right stage season it to the right desired taste buds and then we're going to call it gravy now i can remember one of the first wrenches i cooked on whoa probably i'm not even going to tell y'all how long ago it was because y'all be thinking i'm old but let's just say it was a long long time ago and i was cooking gravy one morning being over there didn't have old bertha with me because we had to move camp every day and guess what showed up shin i was making gravy and i looked over three o'clock in the morning here come an old mama skunk three little bitty ones gonna trot right into camp she was and i said hang on there a minute miss stinky i said now you know i ain't got no coral with you and i'm just trying to make gravy and i want it to taste like bacon grease not skunk grease so if you would please just keep on going i'll throw you a little piece of bacon out there and they'll go i reached right down in there got me some of that bacon out of that skillet throwed it out there she went right on them kids they eat all that and you can see guess what folks that there is what you call gravy i'm talking the ray of sunshine coming down off the golden crust and the white gravy ain't nothing better than some good gravy now if y'all noticed in the video the duke has been been sort of absent at times he has but he has smelt the odor of chicken fried steak and gravy and allowed he'd make an appearance but i'm gonna tell you who's been here through thick and thin and he's probably been with me and shannon 11 12 years and that is that good beagle right there folks we know y'all love that dog and we do too he has brought us a lot of fun and a lot of good laughter and a lot of love so big i'm gonna feed you first buddy cause you is what's happening how do you think dad's steak fingers is plenty good huh oh you oh dip yours in gravy okay here you go i don't know if you even tasted that you can double double dunk triple dunk 14 dunk whatever you got to do rolling rolling rolling down the river i just feel good today got me some grave in my way derek quinn i just want to thank y'all now in no way am i putting these people down but folks i have loved this meal and i will continue to eat it when i'm on the road but i haven't showed you how to make this a whole lot easier and it's simple to do at home gravy is so easy what oh you want to buy the dairy queens too okay whoop there we go the crew is fed now i hope you enjoyed this because me and shan and nabig and the duke we really did we thank y'all for tuning in we never take it for granted that you watch these videos and everything that we used will be down there in the little links listed below to where you can find it and as always i tip my hat and i thank all our service men and women and all the veterans that have kept this old country safe and still are doing it today and that old flag for flying wherever me and shan's at we appreciate you each and every one but folks we appreciate y'all we thank you for tuning in if you're a new viewer don't forget to hit that subscribe button and if you're an old viewer just wrap you around all the love around them and bring them in and say we're going to watch some cowboy kent rollins videos every day 2 30 on wednesday that's how they do them things we're talking radio real fast whoop here we go god bless you each and every one and i'm gonna see you down the double dip trail on this date fingers duke hold the light shield it ain't one of them no and we have malfunctioned when you got the wagon at one location something that's another location and you're trying to shoot in the backyard and you ain't got all your stuff you got a chair and a trash can and another chair a worm before and a light reflector it's what you call macgyverizing it is beam me up scotty [Music] no
Channel: Cowboy Kent Rollins
Views: 2,070,056
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: steak fingers, steak finger recipe, chicken fried steak, chicken fried steak and gravy recipe, chicken fried steak fingers, country fried steak, country fried steak fingers, dairy queen steak finger basket, dairy queen steak fingers, how to make steak fingers, kent rollins steak, homemade steak fingers, fried steak, fried steak fingers, steak fingers recipe, kent rollins chicken fried steak, how to make gravy from scratch, gravy recipe, white gravy recipe, cream gravy recipe
Id: ixmGe-UE140
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 35sec (815 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 10 2021
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