Low Carb SALMON PATTIES - EASY Keto Salmon Croquettes Recipe!

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y'all were making salmon croquettes come on welcome to highfalutin low-carb the random web series where we find tests and sometimes create the best low carb recipes this crazy Internet has to offer today we're tackling a perennial pantry favorite salmon croquettes stay tuned alright guys salmon croquettes or as some of you may call them salmon patties they were croquettes where I was growing up and this is a pantry staple that we had on a weekly basis it was easy to throw together with stuff you just have in them in the pantry in the fridge and that is coming in very handy right now because I definitely wanted to give you guys a video this week but I also feel irresponsible going out into the world right now when I'm on a lockdown to search for ingredients to make multiple recipes with so I thought well I'll show you what I was gonna do tonight sort of for dinner and bring out a staple recipe that I've known all my life salmon croquettes so let's try that but before we begin I want to give a huge thank you to my sponsor perfect keto for sponsoring this week's video and today's sponsorship is particularly important because today is a release of a product that I've been on the in the know of for a couple of weeks now that they are excited about in I am too and that is the perfect Kido Kido cookies gosh these are good so these launched today and what's so great about these is especially in this time I mean well first of all for me they're in portion sizes right so for someone who has portion control issues like me this is a safe way to enjoy a very delicious dessert and not have a plate full of cookies in front of you but also in these trying times what's so great about these is the quality of the ingredients the fact that they contain healthy fats like grass-fed butter and grass-fed collagen with MCT oil and the fact that they are shelf-stable these are the perfect snacks to have on hand they'll keep you fueled all day even the kids like them right so I want to give a huge thank you to perfect keto for sponsoring this video and for bringing out these delicious little things because they are fantastic right now through April they're having a fantastic sale you can see they come in boxes like this and there's 12 sleeves in a box right so you've got 24 cookies in there and this right now through April 3rd one box you can get 15% off of two boxes you get 20% off of it three boxes you get 30% off this off so now is the perfect time to go ahead and stock up your pantry unhealthy products and healthy snacks that are shelf-stable and will last a while so thank you perfect cue type for sponsoring this video its sponsorships like yours to help keep our channels on the air and I appreciate that so be sure to check out the link down below for the specials this week and thank you perfect keto all right let's make some croquettes okay so let's get started on this very versatile recipe and I love this so much because this can be used with so many different products and meats and right now when you're cleaning out a pantry to use up your ingredients or you just sort of searching on a lonely weekday night and you don't want to go to the store this is a perfect recipe because it is so easy and so versatile and you can do so many different things with it okay so we're gonna start with a can fourteen and it's like a 15 ounce almost a 15-ounce can of canned salmon this is pink salmon you can use red salmon I leave the skin and the bones in because that's just the way I like it and it's perfectly fine so what's great about this is you can also use a couple of cans of tuna you can use canned chicken you can use little cans of little tiny salad shrimp you can use canned crab meat you can use a lot of thing you can fuse fresh salmon if you cook it first our leftover salmon these little patties can be made with so many different things so this is a can of salmon that has been drained the traditional recipes the southern recipes call for not draining it but that's because you're gonna use things like saltine crackers or Ritz crackers or bread crumbs or cornmeal to soak up the things and we're gonna use almond flour and that's gonna not be as absorbent so I do drain it so here's our salmon and now I'm gonna put in the rest of our ingredients and this is where it's pretty simple this is almond flour I wasn't gonna sift this right sift y'all but I wasn't going to sift this but because I keep mine in the freezer it does tend to get really clumpy on me so you'll see what I mean here so let's just quickly I mean didn't have to be like your baking but I mean come on you don't want all that in your recipe so again my parents would have used saltine crackers like a sleeve of saltines or sleeve of Ritz crackers or you can use cornmeal bread crumbs some people even use leftover mashed potatoes makes for a very fluffy croquette so now we're also going to add to that one beaten egg and you want to beat it first because you're not going to be you don't look when you're mixing this up you want you want it combined well but you don't want to over mix it into just mush you know this fish will event because it's cannibal eventually just turn to mush and you don't want bad it's almost like a crab cake when you think about it okay to this we're also going to add a little bit of lemon juice as a tablespoon of lemon juice and that was a half a cup of almond flour by the way and then this is a teeth tablespoon of mayonnaise this just sort of helps hold it together along with the egg make sure you get all of that out of there and also this is where the pantry cleaning out the pantry and cleaning out the fridge comes from okay normally this would be made with perhaps a little bit of like a quarter cup of sliced green onions or minced fresh white onion just a very little bit you want some a little bit of fresh freshness in there but guess what I don't have an onion in the house right now so I sure as heck can't go and go out and risk my life to get a onion so or anybody else's life is so right during these times so I'm just gonna add 1/2 a teaspoon of onion powder but we do want some of that crunchy sort of like a crab cake has some little bits of vegetables in it so here's where you can use about 1/4 cup of celery finely minced celery or I'm using finely minced red bell pepper if you had a jar of capers in the fridge you could use that there are a lot of different options some people could use olives whatever you have a traditional like that additional flavors of the onions and the celery that is the best to me but hey you're making this what you want this is your recipe at this point because these are our quarantine quotes I guess we can say that right and then from here we're going to use a little bit of dill weed this is dried this is a quarter teaspoon I'm sorry a half a teaspoon of dill weed and if you don't if you have fresh that's great use fresh use a little bit more of it than you do the dry and then this is a mixture of spices this is going to be a quarter teaspoon each of black pepper and salt and cajun seasoning like tony Sasser ease or slap your mama or one of those brands and a quarter teaspoon of old bay and again these are the ideal spices if you don't have them guess what I bet some paprika would be good I bet some tarragon it would be good it's really what you want to make of it so from here it's really simple you just got to get after this and combine all this into we're like a family salad sometimes it's easier to do this with a fork and I might switch to a fork like I said you do want some pieces of that of that salmon in it you don't want to get this to complete mush I actually am going to switch to a fork sometimes you can just get a little better action with a fork you want to make sure that mayonnaise and that egg is incorporated well into here if it feels really dry to you hey add another beaten egg it's just kind of free we're gonna fry these up they're gonna turn into beautiful whatever you really you want to put it it's hard to mess these that's what I'm saying if you're making something that used to be made out of saltine crackers you you know you've got some leeway in there in that recipe so from here I'm gonna make about six little patties and some people will be very exact and use a and use a cookie scoop and all that and that's great if you want to but again this is like a week gosh I'm making a mess again this is like a weeknight meal for for for my family so it had been in the past so I just say divide this up you're gonna try to get six out of here just for portion control sizes so you know how much you're eatin and then I come in here and kind of eyeball it to begin with and now with your very clean hands that you have washed a hundred and eleven times today make yourself a little patty right just like that just a little crab cake yeah cute so we're gonna make six of these all right so after you wash your hands that's number 112 today you're gonna take these little patties as you see here there's six of them and we are the best you can go ahead and fry these and we're gonna use a little bit of a ghee or oil or butter I'm gonna use butter because that's what I had but we're gonna fry these and you can go ahead and do that now but you'd get much better results if you'll refrigerate this for about a half an hour don't cover it just put it somewhere in your fridge to the side let them sit for thirty minutes they kind of congeal all the flavors sort of sort of meld together and more importantly it helps with frying so you don't overcook them which is easy to do because right the tuna is done you're not cooking the tuna and almond flour because of the fat content tends to burn easily in hot environments like oil so refridge refrigerate these for 30 minutes now meet you right back here okay all right guys so we're back it's been about a half an hour and our quarantine croquettes I mean our salmon croquettes are chilled and ready to go into some hot oil and so that's what we're gonna do I'm going to put um let me turn this on here this is a you want a heavy bottomed pan preferably over medium heat don't know much more than medium now when we fried these as a kid and growing up and well all my life they would use a fair amount of oil you know two to three inches so that the croquette sort of floated away from the bottom of the pan and while you can certainly do that we know that healthy oils like avocado wool which is what I usually fry in are rather expensive so you know this nine to eleven dollar bottle of oil you'd have to use almost all of it to fry these in enough oil for them to float so what we're going to do is use a condom you can use avocado oil coconut oil butter ghee preferably something with a high smoke point well because we're looser Quarantine croquettes this is all like they're like this much avocado oil left so we're going to do a combination of oil and butter it really doesn't matter here what you're looking for but you are looking for maybe an inch 1/2 inch of oil you don't want them bare on the pan like you're cooking a burger you you want some fat in the pan and let I mean it let you you're doing it on a nonstick skillet you could probably get away with a little bit of oil but you want something to come about halfway up the height of these little boogers so that you get a good fry on them and then you're gonna flip them over halfway through and it only takes about three minutes maybe four minutes per side and you do it over medium heat you don't want this too high at all so I'm gonna use a combination of oil and butter butter does give a lot of great flavor to this so that's what we're gonna do soon as this gets hot actually it's getting hot now so I'm gonna toss in a little bit of avocado oil I have left I don't think that's gonna be enough that's where I thought maybe I'll add a little butter in as well just to add to the flavor and you're just gonna let this get hot you're not trying to burn these let's put these in and I'm going to take it down I'm going to save you the heartache do not put all six of these and want to let you got a big old pan do not put all six of these and pain at one time they've been chilled they're going to take the temperature down wildly and you don't want to overcrowd it because that you're just steaming and you're gonna have me go make a hash you know you're not gonna make croquettes so okay so as these are cooking we're just gonna get ourselves ready for where we gonna let these guys land you could put them on a paper towel behind plate that's probably what most people would do I prefer fried stuff like this to put it on you know a baking rack over some paper towels in a pan I feel like raising it up off of the paper towels lets it dry and get a lot stay a lot crispy or for longer so that's what I did [Music] hey and of course my camera batter of camera memory ran out right as I right in the middle of talking and I'll let these burn a little bit because I was fixing the camera so these have been on for about three minutes with them over oh it smells so good [Music] all right so these are ready to come up just carefully take them out you want them to be done you don't want them to brown too much because I mean you know obviously the things are pretty well cooked in here except for the egg but you wouldn't want it to be tender and gentle like a almost like a crab cake so I'm gonna let these drain and we're gonna put our second batch in sometimes it's easy to maneuver with both a spatula and another like a turning utensil like that so let's put these in and we'll finish up that one's a little big and we're gonna finish these and I'll be right back wash up and we're gonna taste okay all right guys we're back it took just a few minutes to cook these not long at all as you can tell they turned out beautifully they look really Brown on camera here that's because the lighting I don't have a lot of overhead lighting so you don't really see how they just look really overly Brown but they're beautiful trust me and let's just taste one of these these have already been cooking for a while so let's just taste one of these guys here he's so beautiful and now you can serve these with lots of different things I'm gonna sprinkle a little bit of lemon juice on mine the genius thing about these is that you can serve these with all kinds of sides and condiments in the south where I grew up a lot of families serve these with mashed potatoes and peas well my family serve them with grits we ate like cheesy grits with with salmon croquettes but you can also just use a side salad or any kind of steamed vegetable any kind of condiment works on this that's a good valid way any kind of condiment works on this like tartar sauce a remoulade sauce comeback sauce if you know what comeback sauce is you can make low-carb versions of all those heck even just some sugar-free ketchup it's fantastic on this so these are delicate and beautiful let's see what they look like oh it looks I wish you could hold it up to the camera you try it looks like a crab cake do you see that it looks like a crabcake and normally you would have that big beautiful bright green sliced green onion but these are quarantine croquettes I didn't have any green onions so here we go mm-hmm that has a very nostalgic taste for me it's so good guys that is so good I love them it tastes so similar to the standard ones the to the standard can look at that it tastes so similar to the standard salmon croquettes that I grew up with that my mother made with saltines and Ritz crackers or bread crumbs or cornmeal and there's just a little bit of the South right at a time that I needed it the most so there you have it folks low carb salmon croquettes low carb salmon patties whatever you call them Quarantine patties it can be done even with a limited kitchen you can take so many elements of this recipe and just swap it out for other things and make fantastic fantastic little croquettes and patties well these work in an air fryer you bet spray with a little bit of oil put them in about 400 degrees for about 10 minutes make sure you really release oil them before you put them in and they come out perfectly beautiful this is super easy to do I gotta admit frying them and some butter and some oil does make them a little better than then baking them or air frying them but hey we do what we can and some hard times so thank you for joining me I appreciate that you've come along for this crazy video as like I said as long as I can keep getting ingredients I'm still gonna keep making videos and I wanted to bring you one this week and this is something that I would absolutely make it home and don't think of it as much of a recipe as just a technique so I hope that you will try it as well got a can of tuna sitting in the pantry try it out again I want to also think perfect keto for sponsoring this video guys go check out these keto cookies they are so good I'm really loving them I've been eating them for a couple of weeks my box is almost empty but right now if you use the code on the bottom of the screen you'll get 15% off the first box 20% off two boxes and 30% off three boxes I appreciate you for sponsoring me please be sure to go check that there link down below if you don't know about my patreon account be sure to check it out I'm gonna list all my patreon members here on the side it's just the tip jar for the Internet it allows people like you to enjoy what people like me do here on YouTube and you can give a dollar to a month just to sorta keep the Train on the tracks and also get some behind-the-scenes content I appreciate all of my patreon members here and I will see you very soon stay safe stay away from people follow the experts advice and we will be through this very soon I love you [Music] [Music]
Channel: Highfalutin' Low Carb
Views: 79,461
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: highfalutin low carb, wes shoemaker, salmon patty, salmon patties, salmon croquettes, low carb salmon patty, low carb salmon patties, low carb salmon croquettes, keto salmon patty, keto salmon patties, keto salmon croquettes, salmon patty recipe, low carb salmon patty recipe, keto salmon patty recipe, salmon patties recipe, low carb salmon patties recipe, keto salmon patties recipe, salmon croquettes recipe, low carb salmon croquettes recipe, keto salmon croquettes recipe
Id: s9aHed5QKLc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 15sec (1215 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 30 2020
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