How To Make Salmon Patties

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welcome back to cooking with Tammy live I'm Tammy and today I'm going to show you how to make my absolutely delicious salmon croquettes also known as salmon patties yes so without further ado let's jump right in and get this recipe started right here we have some bell peppers I have red and green as well as mince garlic and some diced onions when it came to the bell pepper I didn't use the whole bell pepper what I did do was as you can see there's like little demarcations like little segments I took literally like one and a half and that's what I'm using two cans of salmon yes however you can use fresh salmon if you want just ask the person at the seafood spot to take the skin off the salmon however I'm using canned salmon I also have some Mayo eggs breadcrumbs paprika as well as onion powder black pepper salt and we're sure sure sauce as well as some oil first things first we are gonna remove the bones from the salmon yes we are I'm gonna put my gloves on first and what we're gonna do is we're gonna take the salmon how many of you love salmon can't salmon fresh salmon it doesn't matter to me I like it both is so delicious alrighty there's like some soft bones in there so what I'm doing is I'm just gonna take my finger and remove it place it right here also when it comes to the skin it literally literally just slides right off you just have to take your finger and just literally rub it against the skin and it will come right off okay so we're searching for soft bones some people they leave the bones in because like I said it's soft bones so they just literally just break it all up mash it all up and so most people you don't taste it but I am gonna take the extra step take that extra mile and take the bones out how many of you remember when your grandmother would make salmon croquettes or salmon patties uh-huh I certainly do I remember all right just be patient it takes a little while doesn't take long all right even if there's like a bone or two it's not gonna apprehend it's not gonna like literally mess the recipe up it's not gonna cause any problems okay just slide it right off and it literally just comes off just like that I ended up making or should I say I'm gonna make salmon croquettes because true story I ended up ordering from ubereats McDonald's right yes I know I know in its literally four five of us and the tab came to 87 free which is not much but I noticed when you order through like third parties the fast food chain they charge more because you know whatever for whatever reason so at checkout it was like literally 80 something books and I'm like you got to be kidding me about to lose a piece of meat and my kid my crazy new only the bones all right and the crazy thing is we waited for like a good hour and unfortunately our order was canceled how you like that so everybody's starving everybody's anticipating waiting for this food bad enough we're overpaying mm-hmm and they have the nerve to cancel our order so guess what like grandma always say it's always important cuz you never know when certain things is gonna go down always make sure you have some canned goods and you have certain staples in the cabinetry like flour eggs rice for everybody is different but for her she all would always tell us make sure you have eggs flour rice bread and what else oh and water in store like literally she would have buckets of water just storing like just in case he has an accident not an accident but more so some type of emergency and she was ready like she's ready for like any situation put it that way so yeah I looked in my cabinet the salmon was there and I'm like you know what we haven't had it in a while anyway and besides I don't have a salmon recipe or should I say not a salmon recipe I'm sorry salmon croquette or a salmon patty recipe on my channel so I'm like now be the perfect time not only does everybody starving but now would be the perfect time to put that recipe out oh yes siree Bob gotta be smart grandma's or the best they know how to survive in any situation and make the best out of any situation I'm telling you all right what we gonna do is we are gonna turn on stove top on and we are gonna saute our veggies we're gonna saute our red and green bell peppers as well as the onions yeah we're not gonna add too much oil just enough to saute put the lemon right here I'm gonna wait for the oil to get hot and then I'm gonna add it toss it around just a bit get it all nice and softened and once we're done we're gonna set it to the side for about maybe two three minutes for the veggies to cool off because you don't want to add veggies to your hot veggies is what I should say so your mix because you're gonna be adding eggs and so on and so forth and you don't want to cook your eggs while it's in here and your salmon patties are still not cooked by the way how's everybody doing I hope everybody is good yep so that was a crazy story and a true story talk about paying too much for food in the first place that's what I get because I should have went in the kitchen and made something to eat rather than trying to order McDonald's in the first place so that's a good lesson choice trying to overcharge me talking about 80 something dollars are you kidding me at the garlic minced garlic you want to cook your veggies first to allow it to get soft because you don't want to put your veggies uncook veggies into the mixture and then once you start to fry the patties they're gonna be uncooked and it's gonna be a little bit hard and so on and so forth so it's better so so I say them and get them nice and soft now that our veggies are done we're gonna move on to adding our ingredients to our salmon and the good thing about this is we don't have to over season just a little bit of salt not much as well as a little bit of ground black pepper just a little bit a little onion powder mm-hmm a little smoked paprika perfect and I am gonna add a little Russia Shura sauce step the flavors up just a bit mm-hmm couple drip drops and I am gonna beat my egg and we're gonna add it to the mixture as well as our Mayo if you don't do the mayor you can add two eggs it's totally up to you you can add two eggs or depending on the amount of cans that you're using that's how many eggs you add if you want to exclude the Mayo but I'm doing a half and half half male half one egg half male half and half you get it and I'm gonna take the bell peppers that cool down and I'm gonna add it to the mixture mm-hmm and I'm just gonna mix everything together get it well incorporated it smells so delicious and it looks so pretty I'm also gonna add some breadcrumbs now when it comes to the breadcrumbs we're just gonna add accordingly not too much at first so adding the breadcrumbs what we're trying to do is we're trying to get a mixture that we could like pretty much molds together just like making a burger no different and you want it to be able to literally hold and stay together so you don't want to add too much you want to kind of play around with it just a bit add accordingly and once you're able to mold it together then you're in business all right we need a little bit more breadcrumbs still a little wet and also you guys can play around with the breadcrumbs if you have like parmesan breadcrumbs in a refrigerator or even Italian breadcrumbs feel free to add it is just gonna take the flavors up even more yeah from the feel of this this is it right here the texture is perfect this is what we need and by any chance if your mixture feels kind of loose take a couple pieces if you're not able to mold it together and literally have it stay together then of course you're gonna add a little bit more breadcrumbs just like just like I did a little bit at a time or until you get the patties to hold and stick together let's see if let's see what we work it with let's see if it works oh but first I'm gonna add a little breadcrumbs to the plate just a little bit because as I'm old the salmon patties I want to be able to like literally just place it on the plates without having to stick to the plate let's do this all righty we're gonna mold it like I said just like a meatball same concept and as you can see it's literally holding together this is it right here perfect perfect perfect perfect tuck the sides in mm-hmm give it a nice shape place it right here and we are gonna continue molding until we have all our our salmon patties mold it into shape just out of curiosity how many of you guys used to eat salmon patties for breakfast or lunch or even dinner mm-hmm I know some people eat it like literally for dinner some people eat it for breakfast I guess I depend on where you grew up also grandma's didn't play that like they made whatever and whatever time according to what they had yep you were gonna eat you are not gonna be hungry even if it meant eating eggs for dinner eggs with something right eggs with rice fried rice with eggs so and of course when you add the veggies to the mixture you know not only gives it a nice taste and a nice color contrast and everything but it also stretches the salmon mmm-hmm also to this you can add a potato that would definitely stretch it out depending on how many people you're feeding right it's time to Friday's salmon cakes up or should I say salmon patties salmon croquettes it's all the same thing they all taste absolutely delicious we're not gonna add too much oil just enough not so much mm-hmm that is perfect all righty what I am gonna do is you can add just a little bit of breadcrumbs not too much just coat it lightly mm-hmm and when you add the breadcrumbs it's gonna give it a nice little crust it's gonna have a nice outer shell nice crust on the outer salmon cake or salmon patty mm-hmm just like that not too much to take away from the taste but just enough to give it that nice brown color all right we are gonna place our first salmon patty into the pan just like that turn the stove top down on medium-high you don't want it too low and you don't want it too high just like that give everything ample space because you want everything to fry evenly don't want to overcrowd the pan because what you're gonna do if you overcrowd the pan is you're gonna drop the temperature of the oil mm-hmm well you know what these are some pretty good-sized salmon croquettes so I am going to add just four four it's perfect treat it really delicate really delicately all right that's it now when we're frying our salmon patties what we're gonna do is we are gonna allow our salmon patties to fry it on medium-high heat in the perfect indication to know when to flip our salmon patties is around the edges it's gonna turn nice and golden-brown and it's gonna have that nice little crust if ocation and that's our perfect indication to say okay it's time to flip it over so so far on the first one that I placed into the pan I'm seeing like around one you know like one part of it where it's starting to brown up and I'm gonna allow it to go for probably about another 20 seconds before I flip it over mm-hmm all right time to flip it over perfect whoo perfect absolutely beautiful absolutely beautiful and we're not gonna play around and mess with it and flip it over every five seconds and we're just gonna allow it to do its thing before we flip it over because we don't want to break it up because at the end of the day guess what guys is still fish and fish is a really delicate and see why it's important to make sure you give it enough room I like to call it flippin room enough room to flip tumble roll and so on and so forth if you overcrowd the pan it's gonna be really hard to get your spatula Indian and flip it over give it enough space and that's why you don't want your flame too high because you don't want to brown the outside and the inside is still raw you want to give everything enough time to literally cook through so that's why it's important to keep that stove top on or that flame is what I should say on medium heat all right perfect perfect I'm gonna continue to fry the salmon patties and I'll come back and show you what everything looks like in two seconds Hey two seconds like I said it is time to remove our last salmon patty from the pan and look at how beautiful absolutely gorgeous everything stayed together it's just beautiful now that a salmon patties are done I'm gonna show you how to make a delicious lemon dill aioli sauce it's gonna complement our salmon croquettes really nicely so here's what we're going to do gonna take some mayo the according to the amount of salmon patties you have I am gonna take about maybe two scoops and I am gonna add about a teaspoon of minced garlic I'm gonna add some dill paste not too much because dill is somewhat pungent as well as some fresh lemon juice and what we're going to do is we're going to give everything a good mix taste test time of course guys and I can't wait to dig into our delicious salmon patty guys hmm Wow flavorful and absolutely delicious the meat is nice and tender and it has like this perfect outer crust because we added the breadcrumbs so you hear that crunch and I'm gonna try it with the sauce mm-hmm the lemon dill sauce so delicious so complimentary it takes our salmon patties so a whole different level I could literally stand here and eat the whole thing it's absolutely delicious anyway guys full recipe details cooking with Tammy recipes and I'm gonna tell you how to you know give you measurements as far as how to make the dill sauce and so on and so forth but in the meanwhile I have to literally go and finish up on the salmon patty because it's definitely a one absolutely delicious the mayo and the eggs perfect perfect contrast delicious is nice the texture is nice and smooth its creamy it's delicious its flavorful it's not over-seasoned not to mention the lemon and everything else everything is just like it literally ties together so well this is definitely a step up from the salmon cakes that we ate as a child absolutely delicious because of course we have that sauce to go along with it and we added the worst Ashura sauce which makes it taste even better anyway guys I catch you in another video until then enjoy
Channel: Cooking With Tammy
Views: 584,847
Rating: 4.8606596 out of 5
Keywords: How to make Salmon Patties, Delicious Salmon Patties, salmon croquettes, salmon patties, salmon, salmon recipes, salmon croquettes recipe, salmon cakes, salmon recipe, salmon patty recipe, seafood, recipes, easy salmon recipe, fish, salmon patty, fish cakes, recipe for salmon croquettes, seafood recipes, cooking, recipe, how to cook, how to cook salmon, easy recipes, fish patties, soul food recipes, cook, how to, fish recipes
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 54sec (1254 seconds)
Published: Wed May 06 2020
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