Salmon Patties In the Cast Iron Skillet | Quick & Easy Recipe

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if you was in the kitchen in 2020 with nasty hands i need you to make a new year's resolution don't be in the kitchen in 2021 with nasty hands okay hey everybody welcome back to my kitchen i hope you all had a wonderful christmas holiday we are excited about going into the new year getting out of 2020 but when i tell you all the baking and the cooking that i did starting like right before thanksgiving all through christmas all the cakes and pies and [Music] sweet stuff y'all i lost my ever-loving mind so i'm trying to find it okay i'm trying real hard to find it because the scale let me know when i got on it monday morning the scale let me know that uh yeah you lost your mind okay so we trying to we're trying to bring it back in okay so today we're gonna do something very simple all of my stuff i fixed in the kitchen is is pretty simple at least i try to keep it simple but today y'all we going back this is a childhood favorite of mine we're gonna make some salmon we're gonna fry some salmon patties and it's really easy to do all we need is a can of this double q pink salmon and of course i'm going to clean this old nasty can off because y'all already know it's got all the nasty germs and dirt and stuff where it's been stored in the warehouses in the back of the truck and everybody touching all on them so clean your cans okay we're gonna need some onion i will be using an egg and you guys i like to do my salmon like my mom did it with um bread crumbs and i have some hamburger buns here y'all and they've been in the pantry and they looking to look like dry irish a little stealerish so i'm just gonna grate these hamburger buns and use them you can tell they're not the freshest by no means but i can use them for breadcrumbs so that's what i'm gonna do i have three of them in here i know i'm gonna use at least two of them i might use three i don't know i'll see once i get it get it grated up and then we're gonna use some salt and pepper and i'm gonna fry them in some some vegetable oil and i'm going to fry them in my cast iron skillet okay now i already have some vegetable oil in my skillet and i'm going to start breaking this bread while i'm running my mouth i already have some um vegetable oil in my skillet you guys and i think we fixed some french fries in that oil already but it's okay we're going to use that same oil that has already been used has a little few little pieces of french fry residue in there it's okay and we're going to put these salmon patties right there in that same grease in that frying pan okay and then we're gonna fry these up and when i do my salmon you guys i usually usually like to do mine i do a salmon patty sandwich and i like my sandwiches with just mustard ketchup and some coleslaw that's how i like to eat mine i know my husband is going to want some rice with his but i love mine in sandwich form okay and just that quick i've grated up two of these hamburger patties and not hamburger patties hamburger buns and this is how much um breadcrumbs i have okay so that's going to be enough for me of course i have thoroughly washed my hands don't y'all be in the kitchen with nasty hands let me tell you something if you was in the kitchen in 2020 with nasty hands i need you to make a new year's resolution don't be in the kitchen in 2021 with nasty hands okay wash your hands when you're in the kitchen cooking cause if you don't you just mask it okay we're gonna do better in 2021 all right so now i'm going to get ready to um i need to grate up this onion i need to open this can of salmon you guys i take the bones out i know some of you guys like to eat the bones and they're really soft and you know truth be told they'll probably be a few that's left in here that's kind of camouflaged and they're so soft i won't realize they're in there but i take out all the bones that i can see if you prefer to leave your bones in by all means do whatever tickles your fancy okay okay i'm gonna start by just putting my salmon in this bowl to get most of the water drained off of it and you guys not only do i take off um take out the bones i also take remove all of this uh black skin as well don't like that either this candy so i can get the put my bones and stuff in the canyon like i said if you want to leave the bones in there and eat the bones help yourself and i'm actually glad that i enjoy salmon because i am i'm a real finicky eater and it's not much seafood that i do so i think the reason i probably eat salmon is because when my mama used to fix it it used to kind of remind me of like a hamburger or something i don't know but i am surprised that i eat salmon and let me show you guys um up close just in case you've never seen salmon see i remove all of the black skin y'all might hear my dude number one he back there in the background taking down the christmas lights and let me find you a good um did you get them all from outside let me find you some good bone for you to see y'all this is the worst part this is the part i hate but let me show you that look at that bone see that bone right there just in case you've never seen um what the salmon in the can looks like believe it or not some people haven't seen it so i just wanted to show that to you so i'm going to finish getting all of this um removing all of these bones and then i'm going to chop up my onion and then we'll be back okay now that is chopped up small enough for me so we're just going to add some pepper [Music] and add a little bit of salt one egg onion yes i like a lot of onion and then to that our bread crumbs and i'm going to turn my skillet on medium high i'm going to turn it up on high first so it can start heating up and then i'll turn it down to medium high while i'm mixing this up and then we just mix until we get everything incorporated you do not want your salmon very wet okay so it doesn't need to be real runny that's why i drain the water off of it um that's in the can and we're just going to mix mix mix until we get everything mixed up real good well incorporated now with the amount of onion and bread crumbs i put in i want to add another egg i just want to make sure it doesn't fall apart you can't have too much egg for me because we love eggs but i just want to make sure that again with the amount of onions and bread crumbs i added that it doesn't fall apart so i just wanted to make sure and that's why i just added another egg and see some people use flour with their salmon patties and see i don't that flour kind of helps hold it together too the only thing i use are the bread crumbs and a some people use flour and i know some people that also use flour and a little bit of cornmeal i don't put all of that in my salmon pads because my mama didn't okay and then once we get it to a certain point i have to use my hands use my hands make sure everything is mixed up well that's why you have to have clean hands in the kitchen and i didn't take off my thumb ring so i'm trying to make sure i keep that thumb out of the way okay and then we're gonna make up some patties look like little hamburger patties like this and then we just get them get them fried up but let me wash my hands i'm going to get these pattied up and then i'm going to wash my hands so i can zoom you guys in on the skillet while we're frying them okay i could have taken a little bit of this grease out let's see see this is something else you can do if you need to just that easy i can remove some of that grease and once we get done cooking the salmon patties i will discard this grease we will not use this grease anymore so don't y'all be reusing grease when you don't cook patties and fish in [Music] when i use when i reuse grease i reuse it you know when i have fixed um french fries [Music] okay here we go see how easy that was to remove that grease i didn't want the grease covering up my salmon patties and i have my burner turned on medium because i want to make sure that the salmon patties are cooked throughout you don't want salmon patties that are not done in the middle and i like my salmon patties really golden brown so they've cooked on this side about six minutes or so and then we'll let them continue to cook until they're brown on this side as well so do look at these beautiful golden brown salmon uh i cannot wait to put this in between some bread with some coleslaw and ketchup and mustard yo this is how i fix my sandwich got mustard on there mustard on my bread oh that's some good eating y'all i'm hungry so [Music] there's my salmon patty sandwich that i'm getting ready to eat i need to finish fixing my plate so thank you guys so much for watching i hope you guys enjoyed this video if you did give me a thumbs up push the subscribe button what's that the nosy um push the nosy what's the subscribe button baby that's that's the bell no the bell is the shape song and subscribe turn on your notification bell you guys so y'all know we're uploading over here okay so thank you guys so much for watching we already look forward to you joining us again next time i'm so hungry oh okay bye [Music]
Channel: BeautifulTooCreationsWithDonna
Views: 38,148
Rating: 4.9010191 out of 5
Keywords: how to cook salmon patties, cast iron skillet, quick and easy, how to make fried salmon patties, old fashioned, southern cook, soul food, beautifultoocreationswithdonna, pink salmon, double q, fried salmon, salmon croquettes, the best salmon croquettes recipe, fresh salmon cakes, how to make salmon cakes, simple salmon, frying salmon, easy recipes, healthy salmon patties, salmon croquettes with fresh salmon, how to make salmon patties, cooking salmon patties
Id: PQjjihNDbAY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 31sec (1111 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 30 2020
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