I Used Chinese Military Operating Systems...

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hello guys and gals me mudahar and welcome to chinese operating systems uh two weeks ago you might have seen me talk about russian operating systems and that was sort of scratching the bung hole of the operating system rabbit hole now ladies and gentlemen as large countries come by a lot of them are actually deciding to cut their dependence on one another at least in the capacity of software now for countries like china and the united states these are big massive companies countries sorry that have the ability to create their own hardware and their own software now in china they're already making their own variants of processors but what about software when are the chinese going to truly cut the windows umbilical cord the answer is probably never if you go to a chinese cyber cafe to play some video games you'll probably find out that they're still running windows xp they might have updated to windows 7. god if they update it to windows 8 we'd be crying and windows 10 but generally windows is still primarily used that's because windows is entrenched but ladies and gentlemen in the last several years linux has become sort of a main staple it's become an actual serious contender now linux in my opinion has always sort of been there but it's mostly relegated to that back end that server side you know sort of to the power user if you will linux is very popular if you go to any big giant back end or big company everyone is using linux and everyone is contributing to linux through open source that means every time linux gets a contribution everyone benefits now i use linux primarily arch linux but there's plenty of distributions anybody can use the reason i use linux is i don't trust any country or big government running their software to control aspects of my system i use linux because i know that i can modify and control every single aspect of it and that means i virtualize windows mac whatever big operating system right underneath linux meaning that i use windows but except on my terms not microsoft's my terms listen if microsoft's going to make their own version of linux and brand it i i'm just going to be honest with you i'ma use linux all right it is what it is now i'm not here to come and you know guide you to my world i'm here to show you chinese-based software they create kylin okay kyle and os neo-kailan if you will now here they've got version uh 10 all right which uh that looks really close to windows 10. some might be some might be fooled into believing that would be windows 10. see there's something you have to understand about china is when it comes to intellectual property who do they not care it's actually one of the big sticking points between us legislation and chinese legislation every time they talk it's like please don't steal our ip and of course the chinese government is okay buddy sure now here i've got neil kyle and og now this is like version 6.0 uh getting the most recent version of kylin isn't really a possibility and that's because china is like really going out of their way to limit me from downloading their os seriously i'm downloading one right now called red flag os and i have been having this fail on me for like two days this download might fail if it succeeds i'll add this coverage into this video but i'm not holding my breath buckos so i've got neochylon 6 and i'm going to hit start on it because i've got a whole bunch of virtual machines to look at right here so let's get started with the first glimpse of chinese operating systems you can tell right now that uh they're not really ashamed of copying xp that's that's dead dude that's a dead copy i'm just saying ah here we go tom of course i'm naming myself tom now people wonder if i'm getting spied on through this i actually don't think the os has too much spying components into it i think a lot of the chinese spying actually happens server side on the isp level then again there's nothing stopping china from installing root kits into some of the packages they distribute with this to run on you but here ladies and gentlemen if you thought this wasn't a windows xp copy you are dead wrong look at that they're they don't care they're not even hiding it ladies and gentlemen now of course what wow they really are not hiding it my god it is a one-to-one rip of windows xp but here you've got your general stuff you've got furry fox web browser so if you want to browse the web you got it right built in ladies and gentlemen in fact this one connects right to c2 msc yes cs2c right here directly back to one of the websites distributing the [ __ ] but then again you've also got a mail browser so they've got thunderbird so again these are like the open source equivalents and if it's one thing that you gotta realize is first off they got me mail fence secure email and gandy.net but they're also copying the exact ui of xp they're not even changing the colors bro they could have made this a purple x and that would have been a slight change but if you look inside they've got their own office tools so you can use their version of microsoft word in fact if you open it up it looks kind of bare bones i'm not going to lie but it's basically an office suite how much do you want to bet this is just like libreoffice or any other free office suite the open source ones copied and redistributed well i'm gonna have to bet that that's probably a reality now here on their main computer system you can see that they've got your standard linux system oh breaking it up your standard linux system now i haven't installed any guest additions so the graphic performance just isn't there but uh they've got some games that we can try out ladies and gentlemen so they've got like tetris i mean if you want to play some tetras good old-fashioned tetris it is in fact right over there look at that it's it's just tetris it's just tetris can i slot it in yes i can and yeah it's it's it's it's literally just gnome tetras and there it is i've lost probably only sent to a concentration like or something later on dude but in the terminal here real quick if you actually check it out you can find out which version of linux we're on so if you do you name a it'll tell you we're on kernel version 3.12 this is old you can tell it was built on june 8th 2014 so it is it is genuinely an older build that that's for sure but they've got more stuff like you can watch videos and uh you know you can what the hell is this let me open this up this is like oh it's an audio recorder damn dude you can just rip audio files right onto your like device what windows clone isn't complete without the ability to use discount mspain so if we open up the ms paint right here you can see that they've got a mix of photoshop and a paint tool so i gotta say in some capacities this is actually better than ms paint but yeah that is one of the actual things that you can get and while it's actually checking my browser it's taking a long time but i'm gonna wager this is just this this has to just be google chrome come on now here in the about section this is just web gnome web okay so it is gnome web something else 3.8.2 how much of this is originally designed by neokylin did they just take a bunch of free packages and bundle them together hey look at that they're virtual machine friendly right over here look at that they got virtualbox and everything and what the heck is this tool is this their like virus cleaning tool oh man oh baby oh baby they got virus skating tools right built in all right let's do a little virus scan while we're checking everything else what is neoview you would think i think this is like some special chinese tool this is like originally designed by them okay this is like their own tool i'll be honest though this isn't that impressive man the fact that they've ripped off microsoft windows xp this hard hurts but they've got some fly wallpapers like look at this one dude this this this actually might make it worth the amount of stolen uh theft now to understand are you ever able to do anything with something like this uh it's actually too old you'd probably need a newer version of neok island which is where this next part of the video goes to now to understand i don't have access to the newest neok island but i have ubuntu kailan which is apparently a collaboration between the same people and the ubuntu people okay so canonical now ladies and gentlemen you've probably heard of ubuntu as one of the most popular versions of linux distributions that people download it's easy any grandma can download it flash it maybe not a grandma flash it install it and run it within minutes and ubuntu kylan is not far off now again anybody can download this they're not really blocking it off via chinese web access like some of the other operating systems in this case like red uh what is it like red flag os so let's open up ubuntu kailan and see how the future modern versions of linux look oh dude look at that they got like a cool little boot up screen right here dude it's like a little blown up ubuntu aura that might be better than anything i've seen on windows might be better than anything i've seen on mac and definitely better than some of my arch linux stuff dude i mean that [ __ ] that [ __ ] just looks boring alright here we go password as you can see i've set everything to tom i don't usually put my real name into this [ __ ] as you can imagine now to understand people might be asking by now are we getting spied on again you'd have to look at the network stack for some of this stuff but i would like to think that not a lot of tools here are really built in spying on you as much as uh china's probably like they're probably look [Music] okay oh that was unexpected all right so i just recently installed like the graphic pack into this so it like runs appropriately and that was a oh that was a wild introduction but yeah people who ask about spying you'd have to look at the network stack but then again i like to think that most of the spying in this case usually happens all the way into like the the era of like isp and like you know network level tracking like something on the server side but here if you open up a terminal real quick you can find out that this is in fact built in 2021 all right so they've got version 5.10 0 1029 oem so yeah this is the most up-to-date version of kylan okay like it is what it is now if we open up their app store this is like their like writing document tool so wps 2019 all of this comes like free by the way too like that's actually kind of cool like they just give this tool to you free again it's probably another open source thing that they just ripped and copied and called it a day in fact if you go to the help over here maybe it'll tell us no it's beijing king soft office software let's open up the package tool here let's get the software store boys all right look at all their cool software like linux qq probably something cent owned browser 360. oh hell yeah dude 360 browser let's get that down baby you can also tell that some of the english pack in this is a little mistranslated but it is what it is my apps what do we got updates ah we can update euchre assistant thunderbird uk ui system so this is their own like user interface okay it kind of kind of looks like gnome to me but hey it is what it is let's go to the function key okay so the functions they've got they got some games they've got mahjong which as much as i played yakuza have never figured out mahjong in my life so today is not the day to learn but then you've got minesweeper which uh if that will ever fire up looks relatively alright i mean i'll get i'll give the chinese operating system one thing their version of like minesweeper is a lot more cleaner than like the xp or any version of minesweeper i don't even think they make minesweeper anymore do they so yeah they just got standard amounts of tools now if you've noticed i've also installed discord because uh you can't just use this as a standard operating system you can just download discord and steam and call it a day they've also got their own message tool which cats which has like buddy it's like a canadian messaging tool dude buddy okay okay buddy your ip address oh man y'all are gonna hack me with this internal ip address oh boy 10.2 write that down kids option resident in back end it just stays on top i love i love the chinese that they're using here it's always the greatest now they've also got something called kmre which uh if this seems kind of weird to you you can actually run android apps built in on this tool so this is something that's kind of like a staple of chinese operating systems they will have built-in android support which again i believe a lot of chinese like user bases use mobile devices so to have those mobile applications run on side on on android or sorry their linux distribution is always good you can go to the mobile apps right over here and right now this isn't supported in this os that might be due to the fact that it's running in a vm but you can enter android applications and use them right on your desktop as you normally would this may also not be running because i'm not using an arm based version but i don't know and honestly not a whole lot of this is different this is totally a usable operating system if you feel comfortable running something that has the backing from the chinese like military government but then again it's open source stuff so i would assume that if there's anything really really risque in this it would have probably been found already now that being said what if you wanted mac all right chinese software when i talked about earlier regarding ip theft and whatnot is rather interesting so in this case we're going to look at something called unity operating system so this is something that's based off deepen another software another os that originates from china now for those of you who are mac users out there you might be wondering what if i wanted a like interface but a chinese a built operating system well ladies and gentlemen we have deepen right here which is in fact just that now i've used this for a few deep web browsing episodes as a desktop design but uh i'm actually for the first time ever using it as a core operating system so let's let's boot it up so here it is here it is it's booting up and ladies and gentlemen this is china's deep in operating system dude now if you look into their uh if you look into their like user interface uh it's very much it's very much some close resemblance to mac os in fact they've got the whole notification center right there they're not even trying to hide it now they've got new system edition available and a lot of these operating systems aren't actually uh rolling release which means that they just update the components as they get released these come in like waves right this is like an actual company or a group behind it now if you open up a terminal real quick you can actually just quickly understand that this one is running on linux version 5.10 in fact it was built in 2021 so these are again relatively updated versions of linux if for some reason you wanted to use this as a core operating system experience you absolutely can they definitely detect eight threads and they detect eight gigs of memory they're modern actual operating systems now in this case they've got their own like web browsers like deep in browser i guess you could say and here they've got like their various search engines so this is like where you get the real chinese experience so you've got baidu you've got sugol and you've got 360. okay so let's let's do baitou all right now i want to try something interesting over here do you think we're going to get anything related to tiananmen square tiananmen square and uh they actually do mention the tiananmen square massacre up there which is interesting uh that definitely massacre crushes china's democracy movement so it's not like they're even censoring this this might have slipped through the cracks nothing about oh you've got the one tank man right here you've got an image of tank man that that isn't getting censored okay few hundred years ago europeans invaded america and massacred thousands of native americans haven't you heard that too how about slavery in the early 19th century do you think that america oh my god those are beautiful dumplings have you ever heard of everything americans atoned for being founded on the backs of slaves and greys i tell you if i ever have a chance to set foot on tiananmen square but don't worry dude there ain't got any apc's and tanks there no more to run you over you can rest in peace to which this guy is back in 2008 dude this is some like real [ __ ] no tanks there to run him over but i will we got to we got some warfare going on between the super powers i always love witnessing this from the side dude a little bit of drama always gets me excited yeah they're really trying to push qq like 10 cents really trying to get this pushed onto them that's that's for sure but yeah you can see that they've got android apps just sort of like built in and ready to be played around with i guess if you can install this you can see just like i i guess it works without signing into the system but yeah you can install a bunch of these applications and update right from there on in so all in all one thing to understand is when you use any of these linux based operating systems that are geared towards being friendly to the user things end up coming across pretty friendly i mean it's a very usable experience now one of the final places i wanted to take you down was red flag linux desktop 11 which is sort of the more updated version this is also getting endorsed there's a lot of versions of chinese linux that are floating around and i think every big tech company over there is trying to like push their own now in a lot of big like hardware releases in china this is shipping with actual products so in this case you have one that's based off of debian 10.6 so version 4.19 right over here you can see that they've got debian they've got like they're basing it off of like pretty common versions of linux whew all right ladies and gentlemen i've literally been spending the last six hours babysitting so as you can see right here i am like editing the video together but uh here i've got good old-fashioned uh red red flag lytics alright so i've got the most recent version and of course the moment you boot into it it's got 1927 to 2021 warmly celebrate the 94th anniversary of the founding of the chinese people's liberation army all right god damn but ladies and gentlemen this one is they've got a few more wallpapers hold on right here we've got another beautiful one they got like full they got they got full rifles in the back dude god damn it's a it's a real patriotic linux distribution here's another one now what kind of weirds me out on this situation is this linux is even less inspired so as you can see this is basically kde and it's using all the toolkits of the kde desktop so this desktop manager is something i use underneath linux anyways it's called dolphin manager okay except it's just the chinese variant of it so here you've got you know the actual like drive and for some reason what's kind of hilarious is they haven't like split the home in the root directory they're just all keeping it the same which is not something i usually do but uh you know apparently it's how it works in china all right everything is shared i guess now if we open up the system here real quick uh the actual installation the actual like package manager is apt so if you're a debian or like ubuntu friendly this is what you have and it is running 5.10 so the most recent kernel i guess it was literally built uh this year like last month even the actual build i downloaded was like seven hours ago so it was an hour ago when i started it was an hour old when i started the download and now it's like seven hours old [ __ ] shit's insane but uh this is in fact you know good old-fashioned linux now i wanna see if we can do just uh let's see if we can update from the actual servers back home so it is communicating to microsoft packages then it's communicating to a couple chinese servers and uh it's got 800 packages that actually can be updated so we can actually just do sudo apt uh upgrade and you can get this upgraded oh wait there's actually uh supposedly uh yeah just get rid of all the similarities but ladies and gentlemen this is in fact you can update this and oh yeah the updates are going to run fast okay so the actual download from your crappy server that takes a year but this ah 13 megabytes a second god damn i knew they had good servers i knew they had good servers they had to just [ __ ] me somehow pseudo apt installed neofetch i just want to get neofetch real quick just just like just i can see if they got their own like cute little logo on here i mean you can make your own but uh oh they just got the lit they just got tucks oh man oh babe is that like there oh oh wait guys wait this is something new they actually have a web browser by the way too so they had that actually made their own web browser which is kind of interesting i want to fire that one up oh no it's cloud music oh hey look at all these look at all these six singles dude you can download all the chinese music you want i should let's just put that down there no they got their own web browser i want to see their own web browser dude i'm like a kid at a candy store okay oh i think we found it i think we found it i think we found red flag uh red flag linux okay so here it is it looks like whatever it is it's based off of chrome dude it looks like it's just yeah it's just chromium this is this apparently is their thing it's just a chromium forked version i i honestly imagine this is just chromium straight from back home like just a rebuilt onto it man but here's our website man you can download it for yourself and uh i believe this actually does come from asian x which is sort of like an asian red hat variant uh mostly for server stuff but yeah here it is you can go to the bbs server uh you can go to the slow as [ __ ] doc site where it took forever to download anything so wouldn't recommend it but yeah red flag browser boyce it's uh it's linux in all its glory oh there it is there it is internet applications and bam it works right there i have to say the performance in this version of linux is actually better than all the other ones we've seen so yeah you know what if you had to use a chinese-based distribution this this might be it ladies and gentlemen god damn what a beautiful piece of kit uh would i recommend you use it at all no no i recommend you just stick to like ubuntu or manjaro something something a little bit more uh not connected to a government i guess is all i'm gonna say but yeah that is uh that is the chinese operating system let's get back to the video at hand but ladies and gentlemen i'm gonna leave it right where it is now to understand there is a benefit to a lot of this china is pushing for this on their local home turf and in ways companies over here are doing the same thing valve is going to release the steam deck which will hopefully hopefully push the linux market share a little higher where it is now at the end of the day if linux can support gaming and a lot of those higher end exclusive windows features over onto itself this might push the whole like movement to use linux far more stronger than it ever has been and in ways i'm glad that the chinese are adopting linux and i'm glad a lot of other countries are beginning to adopt linux as their homegrown operating system because the more linux use that there is the better contributions there are to open source and the better it becomes when it comes to actually designing applications because the larger the user base becomes regardless of it being north american chinese european or russian or whatever or african the more people using it the better it ultimately ends up becoming so in this case i'm glad that china is at least pushing for it in their home turf and in some cases i hope if valve succeeds maybe maybe in certain north american systems we can start to see linux being pushed because at the end of the day for most normies who are using linux 99 of it is feature complete okay your granny will not notice a difference browsing facebook if she's on windows 10 or ubuntu okay and that's one of the worlds that i want to see in the future if we can get a lot of the tools that i use and you use brought over to linux featurelessly well featurefully and effortlessly we're in a better situation that said though this is me mutahar if you like what you saw please like comment and subscribe just like it if you dislike it i am out
Channel: SomeOrdinaryGamers
Views: 462,020
Rating: 4.921814 out of 5
Keywords: used, china, chinese operating systems, operating system, computer, windows clone, windows xp, neokylin, ubuntu kylin, red flag linux, red flag linux 11, linux, some ordinary gamers
Id: Jn20AQedAzc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 19sec (1399 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 03 2021
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