Titus Reacts to Linus Tech Tips Linux Daily Drive Challenge

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i'm chris titus i've been in it industry for about 20 years been using linux since the mid-2000s in the server realm and recently about three years ago been using linux desktop and i'm reacting to linus tech tips trying out linux and first before we jump into the video i just have to say my hat is off to them just for trying this out because there's an immense amount of time that is required to embark on this kind of journey i know because i did it myself back in 2018 and it was very hard as i've been a veteran windows user on the actual desktop side of things pretty much all my life ever since windows 311 and dos and even though i used linux at work it was still quite the quite the experiment to jump over into linux and uh yeah let's see how linus does it embarrassingly i have never actually made an earnest attempt to daily drive linux and one of the reasons for that is the utterly paralyzing number of choices you have to make before yeah so this is really interesting uh i always used to say distribution doesn't matter it's just like a starting point and just to kind of show and blow this up a little bit all these distributions on the screen you're seeing a lot of them are based on the same thing like you take mint elementary ubuntu pop os all those are based on debian you take garuda linux camira os manjaro i'm not familiar with that one drawer all those are based on like uh arch linux so it's kind of funny the only other like obscure one here is fedora which i really do like a fedora as well but the only really big difference when you you have all these because they're all based kind of on the same thing is the package manager and how they install programs and the code of paint on top of them so all of these can be customized and honestly you could i could take any of those and make one look exactly like the other and operate like the other no matter what it is before you even get started now i could just call on industry contacts or even use internal resources yeah wendell and anthony are awesome i love them the point of this challenge is that luke and i should be using the exact same resources that anyone else would have and with that in mind right out of the gate i will forgive the average gamer for making it as far as google hit number one for uh so these are just terrible terrible options any like best linux distro is horrible i used to troll a lot of the people in the linux community by doing these ones because everyone likes to look them up hey what's the best distro and i think the last one i did was like in early 2020 i just kind of trolled people and did like a terminal install of everything using like arch and saying this is the best distro but all these guys are pretty much garbage it doesn't matter who writes them like i said you have to customize linux to really make it your own spectacularly stupid name pop exclamation mark it is a dumb name just about every listicle that i found and legitimately has some compelling selling points it's a good beginner district just to find the notoriously difficult process of getting my nvidia gpu working properly okay so nvidia gpus i totally agree if you have an nvidia gpu you can go with pipapos it's a really good experience because it just works out of the box i would say if you really want to daily drive a linux box i really just say get an amd graphics card it's going to just be so much less of a headache because you won't have to ever deal with drivers again if you're a windows user watching this just imagine you never have to install a driver again or update a driver nvidia sometimes can have some shenanigans that kind of sucks to deal with in linux where amd is just a dream in many instances unless you just go out and buy the latest release right on launch day sometimes the support on those can be a little dicey uh to say the least so it's good just good to know and making installing the apps and tools that i'm gonna need to run my windows games a one-click affair with the pop shop if it was 10 years ago and i was looking for a challenge manjaro's bleeding-edge approach please forgive the occasional screw-up definitely calls to me and did i mention it's based on arch by the way but i want to win this thing without pulling my hair out for a month and popo s looks like a really good bet for that it's sure so if i really want to get under the hood that's totally an option but the challenge here is play games not get your phd in linux smartassery i on the other hand after a lot of deliberation decided to go with the daring the uncompromising linux mint with the cinnamon desktop environment you know i bet at the end of this luke has a lot better of experience than linus mint is a great great desktop it's very very stable that's the good thing about mint is it's really hard to break and i love their team over there it's run by a guy named clem and he does a fantastic job of just making a good experience for the end user and he focuses on that so usually anybody coming from windows mint usually gets my my vote for the newbies out there trying to trying this out for the first time as for how i think that's gonna go honestly i'm pretty confident i've used mint before i daily drove ubuntu the distro it's based on for about two years back in school so i'm not scared of figuring out how to install a gpu driver or use a package manager i'm comfortable getting my hands dirty with grub but that doesn't mean i'm not a little scared of you i'm pretty technical and i work in development every day but hardcore linux chads are absolutely terrifying you scare me and i really want this to go well because i still want you to like me when this is all over got my that's not possible one thing you should learn about the linux community you're gonna piss somebody off anywhere you step so if you're if you're like a linus tech tips there's no winning this challenge by the way in in the linux community's eyes they're gonna get roasted no matter how well or bad this goes i should just point that out oh poor luke am i drive ready and windows couldn't possibly have picked a more time to just bug the crap out that's great well he's still using windows 10 at least windows 11 currently has like a search bug that i'm dealing with that's kind of fun okay so this is what happened last time uh kind of you can see where the oh it's supposed to sort of end but it keeps going i've run into this exact same problem with mint in the install it's pretty easy to get going but yes aggravating to say the least i have run into this on multi monitors this exact same problem so this is legit i was worried that my thunderbolt connection i used thunderbolt to connect to a dock for my main display was going to cause problems with the installer because oh drivers installed or anything so i i hooked up my monitor that's here in the server closet but hey there it is just like that i'm surprised that worked oh wait where'd it go oh i thought oh wow oh the sensitivity is just so high that i couldn't tell it was there okay then uh yep yeah so if you're using a dock and some other stuff like that you're not gonna get like their proprietary tools that come with it it might detect it and work but you might have some wonkiness like his mouse speed being all jacked up is probably from it being plugged into that dock and we're there check video drivers i knew i was going to run into that it's not a big deal uh mint instead of pop os okay that is a challenge i have decided to undertake you don't even need getting a terminal to get that going he'll be fine i knew audio was going to be a challenge because i don't oh no oh no he's got to go xlr so if you're not familiar with go xlr it's a really awesome stream utility where you can hook it up and it has a usb with its own proprietary software written only in windows you can't put it through wine or anything like that it's just not going to work period and yeah he needs to not use that that's gonna be such a headache to even work with but uh yeah i i personally just use a soundcraft uh but it's all in co enclosed it doesn't have any software to interface with it let me show you kind of how i do it i usually just come into a different browser and then i just log right in it has these like its own web-based gui so when i'm talking i have a whole bunch of different computers i can screen capture like i'm doing now along with pulling in anything and everything all into here and in create custom mixes and sub mixes so this would be a little bit more of a professional interface to get this working go xlr though is is no slouch that's like a four or five hundred dollar piece of equipment this is a soundcraft ui 16 about six hundred dollars so only like a hundred dollars or two hundred dollars more than linus so it's not like i spent thousands on this uh but it would be a good alternative to what validus is doing if he didn't already have the go xlr the go xlr is just not going to work for him poor guy so that i could verify if my driver what is he using it apparently doesn't really work like that but i can just install this utility called hard info not exactly a hardware info substitute i usually just do lspci or something from terminal i don't want to get too deep into school done any of this for now because the goal today for part one is to pick a distro get it installed and run a game i will definitely need steam fail to install steam morning you're trying to remove wait a second look at that trying to remove the following pop desktop pop session gnome control center that's his entire desktop oh no there's some kind of bug in pop os here i i heard about this prior to watching this video but now that i'm seeing it i'm like oh no he can't uninstall it i surely pop shop won't allow him the following essential packages oh my gosh look at all that that's everything xorg that's used to render graphics on your display anything on ubuntu i ran into this exact same thing i was told it's super simple so yeah usually you just do like apt install steam and i don't know how this happened this is honestly i've done 20 or 30 different installs of pop os i've never seen it do this and i usually i don't think i've ever done it from through the pop shop but at the same time i usually have just done app install steam and it's fine you just install it but no oof you do not this is stupid apparently look at that oh no the following packages were automatically installed are no longer required this is the solution i have to type yes do the following essential packages will be removed oh no no don't do it don't say that as i say in order to install it oh now what is the point of having a oh uh yeah bud go man hello it's gone computer just hard reset [Laughter] you're only gonna have black screen and server now broken windows behavior on your first install but this is oh um he's dead jim he's thoroughly dead okay so we've got the novu or no so it should be noted right here like the novu and recommended novu is a development from like three or four years ago nvidia and why i always crap on nvidia and you might see that like the famous uh linus torvalds who actually uh made uh linux the creator of it he gave nvidia the bird he was just like fu nvidia because it was i think back in the 1000 series they changed a whole bunch of stuff on their back end and made it all very proprietary to where they wouldn't allow any kind of development in the open source realm on a lot of their drivers so they're forcing you to install these proprietary blobs again don't use nvidia if you're really serious about linux daily driving yes it does work yes you can you can do these types of solutions it's just a bit janky and amd's solution is light years better a few more errors than last time but i think we're still good genuinely think this is fine very good okay now linux mint also has an update manager a new version update manager is available nice it's good it's good updates and then it finds all the different updates that we need it's awesome not even posting now okay i have plugged the hdmi cable back in here so it probably will post like it'll probably get past the grub and it's probably just sitting on a black screen because it'll get right through how pop us works it uses a boot loader so you don't even really see a lot of the boot process it's really fast so what's happening is it's trying to go to something and there's no desktop there if you hold control and then alt like f2 f3 it puts it into a console tty which is what you'd use in more of the server realm to troubleshoot or you could actually reinstall the desktop from there or nvidia drivers if you you accidentally flushed your nvidia drivers and got a black screen but just remember uh ctrl alt and then the f keys and usually it's f7 to get back to the graphic environment but sometimes it's f1 depending on the distribution but usually all those inbetween f keys will get you get you to at least uh something where you see something on your screen yeah there you go tty nuke my desktop environment like my gui yeah you did man it's gone just logged in it's impressive this is what i got oh comes with absolutely no warranty i can see why this was a terrible experience and i think that's where i'm gonna have to leave it for tonight because i found this other post saying hey yeah i had this problem this was not easily solvable so i had to fresh install i don't think i'm going with pop os again i mean that was you guys were there for the whole thing that was utterly ridiculous i just also think that with you guys along for the ride the things that i did were not entirely ridiculous or unreasonable no you can be mad at me that was a bug on papa knowledge that it could have happened to anyone who's not already fully you know it's odd but hilarious black arts of linux three well i selected install it made me put in my password twice and now it's removing it never stopped trying to do that removing thing but i just closed the package manager um clicked onto i'm gonna call start i don't know if it's called start here now i'll probably make some people mad by saying this but i've always hated every package installer or any store made by anybody i think mint probably does it pretty good i thought pop does a really good job but obviously not so much but at the end of the day a lot of times i just use the terminal and i always find that extremely reliable and it's kind of disheartening to see these problems but at the same time i can't say i really ever would do it from the gui it's just even though it's there i rarely ever do anything right there when it comes to installing packages because it's so much faster in the terminal it's just one of those things with linux but but i also should know that notice that like that's not a unique linux experience either uh like i use winget and chocolaty and scoop all in windows as well so using and installing packages from the command line is just a better experience on pretty much any operating system hell even mac os has brew or homebrew that you can do that with so i'm just kind of anti-package manager but yes the jank in linux is real when it comes to package installers in the gui x server settings uh what is x server x server gonna give it to you what so this is something he's not gonna know but actually uh probably the best thing to do with nvidia cards if you ever have to install them uh there's something in here you can actually go into uh you're not gonna know this but you're gonna go into it to actually install full pipe composition and by doing that you'll remove screen tearing in linux also if you pull up the terminal you can run xor x settings and make your graphics card your nvidia card so much better it's going gonna work so much better uh because it just does all the settings for you automatically it's really good but i know he's gonna flip around because i did the same thing i made a lot of these same mistakes okay all right this seems to do kind of what we need to do i'll figure this out later let's get steam let's see if we can it was actually right there if you look and i'm gonna go back a little bit if you look right here you're gonna see usually screen tearing because you want to actually hit force composition pipeline check that and then you actually hit apply and then you want to save to the x configuration file right right behind here so those are one settings i always do on every nvidia install usually and we're gaming it's running nice and smooth this is a native game so this is really not that much of a challenge my sound still isn't working still yeah so two things here sound get rid of that go xlr already uh second thing native linux games is not always a slam dunk either i've run into problems with native games specifically the civilization series can be a bit of a nightmare to run on linux even though it's native it's so much so that honestly i almost prefer to use proton and use the windows counterpart uh to to actually run it inside of linux which is kind of funny i appreciate linus for giving a shot and luke i really am happy someone chose because i usually actually recommend popos and also linux mint for a lot of beginners uh i think linus is gonna run into a lot more problems because he's obviously using a lot of proprietary stuff some stuff that's just not designed for linux and uh yeah that's gonna be a problem the other thing here is obviously uh him using manjaro i want to see if he ends up breaking himself by installing too many packages and doing an update kind of like eposvox did but we'll see so far i'm going to be watching i'll do is reacts let me know in the comments what you guys think of this reacts video i try to add some commentary but it's just important to note these are some real world problems i totally see and have have actually run into a lot of these problems myself and you really just wouldn't know unless you've actually already done it kind of thing and uh my criticism on this one is i i just i'm happy they're they're doing it i think it's amazing and i love seeing people trying something new uh but yeah you're gonna run into some some shenanigans but i look forward to part two of this and i'll do a react's video if if you guys like this a lot and hopefully he doesn't like channel strike me i don't think he would for a reacts video but yeah we'll see all right guys let me know and i'll see you in the next one
Channel: Chris Titus Tech
Views: 95,331
Rating: 4.9422927 out of 5
Keywords: chris titus tech
Id: zQFNlTBDvto
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 21sec (1221 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 10 2021
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