Limitless Equipment Survival Kit Mk. 1

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hi folks what i've got here is the limitless equipment survival kit mark 1 and we're going to check it out today on kit bash survival so the limitless equipment survival kit mark 1 is made in the uk i got these both on amazon it's the same exact kit it's just that this is the standalone kit and then this is sort of the deluxe version that has a few more items in this larger box so because the kit itself is the same in both of these we're just going to check out the deluxe edition so if i open it up like i said here is the kit itself just like the standalone version but then they also have some paracord then there's a limitless equipment storm pad waterproof notebook and then they've got this little box that has a waterproof box on the inside and it's got the limitless equipment logo right there pretty cool so the paracord is pretty self-explanatory it's just your basic 550 paracord with a velcro strap around it i don't know how much paracord there is but if i had to guess it's probably 15 to 20 feet and the waterproof notebook is self-explanatory no need to open that and then we've got this waterproof tough box and i'm thinking that perhaps they put this in the deluxe version so that maybe you can repack the kit into the waterproof box because the kit itself comes in a metal tin that is not 100 waterproof whereas this is so maybe at the end of the video we'll try repacking the contents of this into this but for now we'll focus on the main event which is of course the survival kit itself so we'll go ahead and crack it open and there it is it's a nice metal tin nice graphics and it's got the contents on the back so it says metal container water purification cooking digging reflector signal make char cloth for tender there's one emergency whistle with a ferrocerium striker one water resistant red led save your night vision two mini chemical light sticks eight hour emergency light one liquid filled compass two meters of reflective tactical fire cord seven strand 550 pound wax tender cord for fire starting that's pretty cool a wire steel saw for cutting wood limbs one sheet of waterproof paper one pencil one meter of copper snare wire 0.6 millimeters diameter one sewing kit needles thread buttons threader and safety pins it also has paper clips there's a number 10 scalpel there's two ranger bands one large and one small there's one water carrier there's one water filter and drinking kit filter paper and tabs tinder extender file petroleum jelly add to tender to extend flame in windy or wet conditions first aid they've got a gauze pad that's eight by six centimeters you can use it for cleaning wound dressing tinder etc fishing kit hooks tied to nylon size ten foam winder eight meter six pound line and fishing lures one tampon for tender wound dressings and so forth one meter of duct tape 25 millimeter width and one 20 centimeter square of tin foil for cooking signaling and stuff like that all right so let's go ahead and pop off the exterior ranger band and open up the kit so right on top we've got a compass and the wire saw and it's one of the nicer wire saws that has the rubberized handles that's nice then we've got the fishing kit that's got the lures and the hooks and the floaters and the weights and so forth pretty cool and here's the 550 paracord the seven strand paracord that's got the tinder and so forth inside and we've got two zip ties here as well let's see we've got some sugar first aid pre-inject swabs got some salt we've got a steroplast adhesive wound dressing like a big band-aid we've got a condom for water storage [Music] we've got two cubes of bullion that's cool we've got a little thing of petroleum jelly to help ignite tender here's the snare wire here's two more ranger bands in addition to the one that was on the outside then we've got one meter of black duct tape there's the tampon to be used for tinder or wound dressings stuff like that then we've got the ferro raj striker and whistle combo tool so the whistle sounds good nice tone and then we've got the ferro rod here and the striker pulls out like that oh yeah works just fine here's the number 10 scalpel blade here's the sewing kit [Music] safety pin i imagine there's probably more than one we'll find out paperclip here's another paperclip and then here's two water purification tablets [Music] and here are those mini glow sticks they're tiny there's the pencil here's a coffee filter for filtering sediment out of water that goes with the water purification tabs here's the waterproof paper here's the little red led flashlight and probably has a piece of paper on the inside to keep it from turning on by accident while it's in storage also keeps the batteries from draining and there we go it's not very bright it's just a tiny little red led but it is something i'll have to test the batteries to make sure they're at full strength but it's just a tiny little red led oh here's one more of those mini glow sticks so there's three of those oh there's that second safety pin i knew it was in there somewhere and then lastly at the very bottom we've got that sheet of tin foil and then there's the tin itself which you could use to boil water or cook food or i suppose you could use it for signaling or something like that so here's all the gear laid out it's interesting that the kit actually contains more stuff than is listed on the contents list on the back of the tin most notably the food items the bullion the sugar and the salt those aren't listed but they're in the kit and actually that's not too unusual in the survival kit world a lot of times you'll find that in between the time when the contents list is made and when the kit is actually packed there are substitutions and additions and subtractions made but as long as the final kit has more or better stuff in it than the list i'm okay with that it's when there's less stuff in the kit than on the list that i have a problem all in all i think this is a pretty good kit for its size obviously because it's a compact survival kit it's not going to have every single item you might need in a life or death survival situation there's no shelter element there's not a whole lot of food stuff there's not a whole lot of first aid gear but you know i've said this before and i'll say it again if you're out in the middle of nowhere in a survival situation and this kit is all you have that's kind of your fault you should have been better prepared the way i like to view these kits is as backup gear to my primary gear so for example when i go backpacking i'll typically throw one of these compact survival kits in the bottom of the pack and that way if one of my primary pieces of gear fails or is lost or stolen or something like that i have backup gear to sustain me until i can get back to civilization so for example if my stove was to break well i've got something to cook food in and i've got a way to make fire so i can cook some food and sustain myself until i can get back or if my water filter breaks well i've got some basic water filtering equipment here to sustain me until i can get back to civilization that's what it's all about kits like this should never be viewed as all-inclusive survival kits meant to sustain you for days on end that's not what it's about in my opinion these kits are best seen as backup gear to your main gear anyway because we're going to be repacking this kit into this watertight box and because this box seems to be a little larger than the original 10 i'm going to try adding some additional gear to make the kit that much better if there's room so on the water side i'll be adding a whirlpack one liter stand up water bag if i have room i'll keep the condom because why not but if i get tight on space i might remove that i'm also going to add two additional water purification tablets each tab purifies one liter of water i'm gonna add a real knife this is a victorinox classic with the stay glow glow in the dark scales i'm gonna add a mini white led flashlight i'll add a little candle to the fire situation and i'll add a stick of fat wood to help build a fire then on the medical side i'll add this mini med kit that has four ibuprofens two benadryls and two diclofenacs diclofenac is sort of a powerful anti-inflammatory and i'll also add two imodiums then i'll add two band-aids a little pack of antibiotic ointment and then an alcohol wipe so let's get busy and see if we can fit all this stuff into this watertight box [Music] foreign [Music] all right so we got it all in there and you know what i think there might be a little room to spare so i am going to add one more item a little mini pick right about there and hopefully i'll be able to close this up and get all that in there yep there we go all right so i think this is a pretty good survival kit at this point or emergency backup gear kit i should say obviously it doesn't have everything you might need the most notable absence being a shelter element you know i wish there was room for a space blanket or something like that in there but all in all i think it's okay now of course by repacking it into this watertight case you are losing the ability to boil water or cook food in the tin so it is a trade-off but you know you've got a larger water purification bag so that helps with the water situation and you have the condom still and theoretically you can boil water in a condom it just takes a while so it's not a total loss not having the tin but like i said it is a trade-off but anyway that about does it for now i may come back to this kit at some point in the future and make some modifications let me know what you think in the comments below for now that's it i'm eric siegel this is kit bash survival and i'll see you next time you
Channel: Kitbashed Survival
Views: 26,892
Rating: 4.8823528 out of 5
Keywords: Eric Siegel, Survival Kits, Survival, Outdoors, Bushcraft, First-Aid, Preparedness, Emergency, Prepper, Limitless Equipment, Survival Kit Mk .1, Mark 1, Deluxe Kit, Water Tight, Water Box, Tough Box, Paracord, Notebook, Equipment, Saw, Water, Food, Fire, Signal
Id: uYXBRd276HQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 24sec (804 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 15 2020
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