Elite First Aid - Survival Kit #1

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[Music] hi I'm Eric Siegel we have Kip bash survival and today we're gonna be checking out another water bottle survival kit this one's a bit smaller than the last one I checked out it's called survival kit number one and it's made by a company called elite first aid Inc their website is elite first aiding calm this kit was manufactured in April 2020 so it's pretty new and I picked this up at a local prep store here in the Atlanta area called true prep and I paid 20 bucks for it so we're gonna go ahead and open it up and check out the contents we'll see if it's any good and then well see if we can add some stuff to the kit to make it even better so the last water bottle survival kit that I reviewed was made by Rothko that one cost about 25 dollars which was more expensive than this kit the water bottle itself was larger but the contents of the kit were pretty lacking and if you recall in that video I had to add quite a lot of stuff to the kit to get it to where it was satisfactory now this one cost less but it looks like it contains quite a lot of gear even though the water bottle itself is smaller than the rothko kit so here's the contents list we've got a seven and one device that has a compass thermometer flashlight whistle magnifying glass mirror and storage two candles a sewing kit a snare wire five pop-up towels a multi-function knife a fishing kit a flint with striker ten matches two types wind and waterproof two plastic ties a wire saw a ziplock bag and a signal mirror so right off the bat I'm pretty optimistic about what we're gonna find in this kit and I can already tell that you know even though we haven't looked at the contents yet for 20 bucks it's gonna be a decent deal I mean you're getting quite a lot of stuff in there for twenty bucks anyway let's go ahead and break the seal and open it up all right let's see well first up on top we've got what looks like the ziplock bag there it is [Music] looks pretty big there no measurements on it but you should probably get at least a pint in there if you had to although you do have the water bottle soon all right let's see how hard it is to get all this other stuff out so here we've got two zip ties almost good to have those we've got one of those pop-up towels out to three of them and here comes the wire saw I think there's another towel and there's the fifth towel so there's five of these pop-up towels and these are the ones that you just add a little water to and they spring it up into a full towel I suspect they're in here not just to use as towels or bandages but you could probably also use them as tinder to make a fire let's see if we can get this wire saw out I got part of it out there we go alright so we've got a wire saw and this is better than most that you see in these survival kits because it's actually got nice big plastic handles not too bad I'm sure it's not ultra high quality or anything but doesn't look too bad you could probably easily saw a small lamb or branch with that alright and here's one tea light candle and there's another here is the multi-function tool which is a fake Swiss Army knife and you guys know what I think of these stainless china that's what it says so yeah I mean it's not gonna be that great it's gonna be a cheap Victoria Knox ripoff you know it's it's got a really bad saw it's got a knife it's got a bottle opener can opener corkscrew screwdrivers stuff like that they're really bad toothpick and that's pretty lousy tweezers so you know not great better than nothing yes but not much better we'll see what we can do about this when we fix up the key to be into the video alright then we've got our matches and like they said there are two kinds of matches in here it looks like we've got one two three four five six waterproof matches and one two three wind proof and weather proof matches so three storm matches and then six waterproof matches and then there's a striker surface right here not bad here's the snare wire there it is we've got a spool of sewing thread and a needle I bet all right here's the fishing kit oh wow this is actually not half bad look at that South Bend came Line pole it's got a nice little spool of fishing line in there with a hook already attached and a weight and it's got a floater this is actually one of the better survival kit fishing kits I've seen this really isn't that bad at all wow I'm impressed look at that alright then we've got the fairer rod and striker yeah seems pretty sturdy yeah there we go I don't want to do it too much I don't want to hurt the ziplock bag or anything but yeah seems like a pretty good fair rod and striker [Music] then we've got the seven in one tool impasse you know already this is better than those cruddy orange things those orange storage containers with the Farrah rod stuck in the side and the compass in the mirror I mean this actually has a little bit of weight to it I'm not saying it's super high quality but it's definitely not the lowest quality that's for sure and that's a perfectly fine thing to have in a survival kit you don't have to have top-of-the-line stuff but you just don't want to have bottom-of-the-line stuff so far the only really bottom-of-the-line thing in here has been the multi-tool everything else has been pretty good so there's the flashlight in the end there's a thermometer here which looks fairly accurate I'm not sure how accurate it is but it says seventy right now and it is 70 in my house at this moment and then we've got the compass which is correct got a lanyard there's a whistle here oh yeah that's a good whistle not bad at all and then we've got a mirror and a little storage area yeah this is not half bad I mean really a decent whistle an apparently functional thermometer a functional compass a flashlight and a storage area and a mirror and a lanyard that's really not bad at all and then here's the signal mirror how much to say about that it's very reflective so it'll do its job and finally we've got the water container and I'm not sure how much water this will hold exactly looks like maybe a couple cups of paint something like that but you know what let's go ahead and find out let's see how much is in here I'm guessing probably about 16 ounces or 500 milliliters and yeah it's just over 16 ounces and if we turn it around it's right at five hundred mils so it's a half liter bottle all right so here's the entire contents of the kit and now that I've seen it all laid out I think that the ziplock bag is not meant to be used for water storage that's what the water bottles for I think the ziplock bag should be used to store the rest of the gear in the kit and the reason I think that is because the last water bottle survival kit that I reviewed was the rothko survival kit and that was a big one liter water bottle and there was a lot of gear in there but once you used the water bottle to store water you had nowhere to put the gear and I think this kit solves that problem so you fill the water bottle with water and then you pack the rest of the gear into the ziplock bag and that way you've still got a way to carry the gear around and have water at the same time so let's test that theory I'll set the water bottle aside we'll pretend it's full of water and see if the rest of this gear will fit in this little ziploc bag which I'm pretty sure it will I just want to confirm yep so yeah that's exactly what I would do if I was in a situation where I had to use this kit I would put the gear in the ziplock bag and put my water in the bottle all right so what do I think of this kit well I'm sure some people are gonna complain about me saying this but actually I think it's okay it's not great it's not the best survival kit I've ever seen by a long shot but for twenty dollars it's not bad most of the components are of decent quality in fact the only component of this kit that I would say is of inferior quality is the fake Swiss Army knife but even on that topic I can see why they put this in the kit you know if you're trying to create a budget-friendly survival kit in the $20 price range there's no way that you're gonna be able to put a brand-name knife or multi-tool in the kit I mean if this was a real Swiss Army knife it would easily double or more the price of the kit so I don't like it when they put these knockoff Swiss Army knives in survival kits but I do understand the logic behind it and my advice would be if you get a kit and it's got one of these inside toss it in the trash and replace it with a high-quality knife or multi-tool before you pack the kit away for future use anyway this kit is missing some stuff there's no shelter element and a few other things as well so it's not gonna be for everybody obviously if you live in the Arctic wilderness this is not gonna have everything you need and if you live in the Sahara Desert it's gonna be a bit lagging as well but just for a general purpose budget-friendly survival kit I think it's okay that being said I do want to try to improve the kit if possible however when it was packed into the bottle it was pretty tight so I don't think there's gonna be a lot of room for extra stuff but we'll give it a try so the first thing we'll do is pretty obvious we'll get rid of the fake Swiss Army knife and in his place we'll put a real Swiss Army knife this is the Victoria Knox field master and it's got a lot of the usual stuff that a Swiss Army knife has but what makes the field master nice is that it has the saw the scissors and a Phillips head screwdriver then we'll add some duct tape this is a couple feet of duct tape I've got a Malita coffee filter to filter sediment out of the water and then I've got this bag that has a bunch of stuff in it there's a gauze pad two band-aids two alcohol wipes a sachet of antibiotic ointment there's a scalpel blade for ibuprofens two benadryl two imodium 'z and for water purification tablets each water purification tablets so we can purify up to four liters of water and since the water bottle holds a half liter of water that means each time we fill the bottle we'll use a half tablet all right so let's get busy and see if we can fit all this stuff back into the bottle [Music] these handles on the salt take up a lot of space if I got rid of these it free up a lot of space for additional gear but I'm gonna leave it as is for now [Music] you know I've got it in here and I'm realizing that there's just a little bit of extra space gear at the top so I'm gonna go ahead and add some extra cordage this is about 12 feet of 125 pound test of micro paracord and I'm just gonna stick up right here in the top and close it up all right we got it all back in there now as I said the handles on the saw are really big and took up a lot of space so at some future date I might remove that saw and replace it with a wire saw that has smaller handles and that will free up some space and then I might add a Bic lighter or maybe some candy or something like that or both but that'll come at some point in the future but anyway that's gonna be it for now this was survival kit number one by elite first aid Inc I hope you enjoyed this let me know what you think in the comments below I'm Erich Segal this is kit mash survival and I'll see you next time [Music]
Channel: Kitbashed Survival
Views: 15,156
Rating: 4.9669967 out of 5
Keywords: Eric Siegel, Survival Kits, Survival, Outdoors, Bushcraft, First-Aid, Preparedness, Emergency, Prepper, Kitbashed Survival, Elite First Aid, Victorinox, Fieldmaster, Water, Purification, Duct Tape, Saw, Fishing, Kit, Compass, Thermometer, Flashlight, Whistle, Towels, Fire, Snare, Food, Zipties, Storage
Id: f0S_6dqaDsM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 1sec (901 seconds)
Published: Sun May 31 2020
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