Tiny Survival Gear

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[Music] hi I'm Eric Siegel with KITT bash survival and today we're going to be checking out a few items from tiny survival gear so we're gonna take a look at the tiny survival guide the tiny survival card the pocket 45 advanced EDC survival kit and then we've also got a couple tins that we can pack gear into specifically we will try to pack this into one of these tins so first up we've got the tiny survival guide EDC wallet size so it's about the size that you can fit in your wallet a life insurance policy in your pocket disaster wilderness emergency bourbon ser e which is survival evasion resistance escape how to survive almost anything so let's go ahead and open it up [Music] so first up there's a Fresnel lens right here which I suppose you could use to start a fire if you wanted to but I believe the reason it's in there is to make reading at least Survival Guide a little bit easier because you can see the print is pretty darn small and this thing folds out quite a bit that's a big old brochure I've pulled the camera back a bit just to show you how big this thing is and its front and back so there is tons of information on here now obviously I'm not going to go over every single thing on here but this is pretty impressive I got to say and it all fits in your wallet not bad at all so if some of the sections are how to use this guy before you go bug out or stay home danger zone first steps the goal first aid shelter fire water and then on the back we've got food intro and hunting food trapping and fishing food foraging navigation self-defense knots SC re hostage worst case threats about desert arctic tropics and resources so yeah for a pocket survival guide this is pretty darn impressive I gotta say not bad at all up next we've got the tiny survival card and this is probably the most clever item that I'm going to show you today so let me go ahead and open this up so this is not a unique item you've seen these before but it is very well executed in my opinion so in between two magnetic cards is the survival card and they advertise this as some last-ditch tools so it's not a primary survival kit by any means it's just a set of emergency tools that might come in handy in a pinch so this is 302 stainless steel and they've got the survival tools itched into the metal and they can be removed fairly easily so down here at the bottom they've got a saw with two edges fine and of course they've got a pair of tweezers here that can be removed and folded in half these right here are the mini harpoons so I guess with those you could harpoon a miniature whale then they've got six fishing hooks one two three four five six and this right here is a fishing lure that you can put on the fishing line along with the hook to try to attract a fish then they've got the big knife here an arrowhead what they call a finger drill which you put in between two fingers and used to drill a hole and then three needles so let's go ahead and remove a couple of these items and do the tweezers [Music] okay and then fold them in half like that and and there's our tweezers not bad and then of course they've got the big knife here let's go ahead and remove that now I don't know how sharp the knife is out of the box in the video about this they do mention pre sharpening it so you may want to remove it and sharpen it yourself yeah out of the box or out of the card I should say this thing is not very sharp and it definitely would need to be pre sharpened but that brings up one of the most clever things about this kit which is you know what if you remove something from the kit how do you get it back in there well that's where the magnetic cards come into play so we'll put this right here and because it's magnetic it means that I can just put my knife right back where it came from just like that and I can probably do the same with the tweezers just have to unfold them I'm not sure how many times you'd want to fold and unfold these tweezers it might break but you like that and then put the other side down and just like that you've got it all back in there ready to go back into your wallet pretty cool now of course some people are gonna say that this thing is worthless and why even bother getting it because it's not a good survival kit and yeah this is not a primary survival kit but tiny survival gear acknowledges that and they call this a last-ditch effort so this should never be your primary source of survival gear it's just an emergency backup that's how I see it all right now it's time for the main event V Puckett 45 advanced EDC survival kit and I'm assuming it's called the pocket 45 because there are 45 pieces in the kit alright so first up we've got a Jolly Rancher which is good for a survival kit always good to have some sugar give you a little more round boost - then we've got a couple of ranger bands there they are then we've got a flashlight and I've seen these before you can do a momentary action by just pushing it like that or there's a switch that allows you to keep it on for good I'm bad and it's got a little keychain thing on it all right so right here we've got some first aid items we've got looks like three band-aids and then there's an alcohol prep pad we've got some duct tapes and the orange duct tape here some tin foil sheet of tin foil always good to water purification tabs a Fresnel lens just like in the pocket Survival Guide then we've got a little piece of paper here probably for taking notes and I'm gonna assume that along with that paper you would use this pencil I'm gonna guess that this is probably a water bag but let me go ahead and open it up just to be sure yeah and this is just a water bag then we've got a couple of zip ties always good to have then we've got a Ferro rod and striper there it is just your basic Ferro rod is pretty small and then a little striker ooh it fell out that's not good okay I'm gonna have to do a little repair on this with some superglue hang on a second all right I've got some superglue here and it'll just put a little bit on the end of the Ferro rod and then back down in there and then we'll wait a minute and see how it does yeah now it's working just fine so this is a perfect example of why you always want to open up and inspect any survival kit you have before taking it out in the field because something like this you know all it takes is a drop of superglue to fix it but if I was to encounter this out in the field it'd be a much bigger problem anyway moving on we've got two twisty ties to go with zip ties not bad then we've got just a very basic whistle yeah works fine then we've got a little candle then we've got some triple antibiotic ointment backseat racin neomycin and poly mics and B then we've got some matches here's another first aid item it's a gauze pad put that over here with the other first-aid stuff and then we've got this little bag here and let's see what we got in here okay so we've got two pieces of tinder for making a fire we've got to strike anywhere matches there's a little bit of cork probably for fishing with I would assume because there's a fishing lure right here then we've got some string or vine you could use this for fishing or selling or anything else you might need some line for then we've got this stuff here there's a sewing needle two safety pins three fishing weights three fishing hooks and a swivel then we've got this little compass sticker now this is beginning to make sense okay so the cork float it could be used for fishing but I believe this is supposed to be used in conjunction with the needle so the cork the needle and this sticker could be used to fashion a rudimentary compass now personally I think this is a little weak I think they should have just put a little button compass in there but for whatever reason they did it this way then we've got a razor and then another Ranger band and then in the bag here on the other side of the front they've got a list of all the stuff in the kit right there and you can pause that and look at it if you want to all right so here's the entire contents of the kit so what I'd like to do now is repack all of this stuff into one of the metal tins that I also got from tiny survival gear so there's this one which is the smaller of the two and it comes with a stick-on label in a ranger band and then there's the larger one which also has a label in a ranger band I think I'm going to try to get all this stuff into this tin if possible now I'd like to add a few things if I can find a room so first of all I'm going to get rid of this compass sticker and you know I'll keep the cork and the needle if I can but I'm gonna put a real button compass in there then I've got a mini med kit that has four ibuprofen - benadryl zand - imodium x' then i've got a little piece of fat wood to help with fire building i'd like to be able to fit in a Malita coffee filter to help filter the water a bit when purifying it in that bag and speaking of purifying the water i'm gonna add four more purification tablets for a total of six then I'm gonna add this little knife if I can find the space this is a spider coat bug it's just an itty-bitty little knife so hopefully I'll have room for that and then finally I really don't think they'll be room for this it would be great if I could find it I'd like to put some real paracord in here this is some 275 paracord about 8 feet worth so there we go that's all the stuff we're gonna try to repack into the larger of the two tins so let's go ahead and see if we can make it happen [Music] all right well it closes it's a little tight let me see if I can get a little bit [Music] all right so I got it all in there and I only had to sacrifice two items to get all of that extra gear inside the kit I remove these two small Ranger bands to save some space and because they were also redundant because we've got the two bands on the outside now and then I also removed that tiny little cork because yeah it'd be nice to have it in there but I put a real compass in there so this isn't really necessary anymore yes all in there there is a little bit of springiness when you close the kit but I think that's mainly because the water bag that's in there has a little bit of air and springiness to it but that should settle down over time with these Ranger bands around the outside so yeah I'm really happy with the way this turned out this has been the pocket 45 advanced EDC survival kit from tiny survival gear made better with a few extra items and repackaged into one of their tins so I hope you enjoy this that's it for now this is kit bash survival I'm Eric seagull and I'll see you next time [Music]
Channel: Kitbashed Survival
Views: 19,029
Rating: 4.9314642 out of 5
Keywords: Survival Kits, Survival, Outdoors, Bushcraft, First-Aid, Preparedness, Emergency, Prepper, Tiny Survival Gear, Survival Card, Survival Guide, Survival Kit, EDC, Tin, Medical, Fire, Water, Light, Kitbashed Survival, Eric Siegel, Eric's Trains
Id: eoma-ZbnW0c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 0sec (900 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 22 2020
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