Lil Dicky Spits Hot Fire While Eating Spicy Wings | Hot Ones

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now it's gotten in the throat yeah that's a [Music] shame hey what's going on everybody for first we Feast I'm Sean Evans and you're watching hot ones it's the show with hot questions and even hotter wings and today we're joined by Dave bird he's a rapper comedian and filmmaker you know from his semi-autobiographical FX comedy series Dave for my money one of the best shows on TV and after almost a decade of anticipation we have a new L Dicky album as as well a 20 song soundtrack to the show called penith available now Dave bird welcome to the show thank you for having me Sean I appreciate being here what's going through your head as you prepare to take on The Gauntlet are you having any concerns going into this I definit yeah I'd be lying if I said I didn't have concerns I I don't know where I stand as far as heat and like I can tell you I'm definitely a [ __ ] just in general like that can apply everywhere globally I'm a global [ __ ] like I don't like roller coasters I don't like even sledding is like too fast um but I I tend to like the heat so I'm just curious I don't know what to expect I just I think the line will be drawn there'll be a point where like I am too big of a [ __ ] but I'm hopeful that it's after the 10th [Music] win okay here we go here we go classic buff [Music] that's classic that's a Timeless Wing so I'm curious about the process of creating a fulllength album of original songs created for a TV show that you've created like which comes first the song concept or the role that it needs to play in the show it varies um but for a lot of these songs uh the song did come first here's what happens is that I you know I make the show the show takes up an extreme amount of my time like I can't even emphasize how much like it's like a year of like just cuz I'm writing it I'm in every scene I'm part of the directing I'm editing everything at the end scoring it so what I do after every season is like oh my God I'm in the studio every day just trying to make music maybe for the show but really I think of it as just like making music for a future project so it it varies and I understand your question because it is like a total chicken and egg thing but in this case uh it's not the chicken or the egg I guess it's just um God even though I'm not even like that religious at all it makes sense to me I followed along yeah and then uh it was a big deal for us to get name checked in your new song ha haa yeah can you take us behind the music and how a reference even ends up in a verse like are you kind of humming along and then hot ones has the right syllables do you have a punchline and then you reverse engineer it is it abstract and difficult to explain just like the first question no it's not that abstract it's not that abstract I think in this instance I do have like a little Google doc of punchlines that you know every time I think of something interesting I'll like write it so there is like a list of different punchlines now that list gets smaller and smaller as time goes on and I use them but I I do add to them um and it's hard to say nothing like you're up on hot ones was like something that I've kind of always had in that little list and I'd been waiting to use and when I I I don't know why I used it then and there but I used it and I think it works great well it worked out for us shout out to you guys thank you for having me I'm happy that you appreciated [Music] it there are two wings that so I just pick one huh they're right next to each other I can let me help you like look what would you do in this instance I like everything else is in a sequential order this these oh actually you are right yeah this isn't like me being weird this is uh I would go with this one okay and we'll see how it lines up okay sauce number two a delicate baby wing so if a rapper doesn't show up for a studio session I guess you can always just ask them the next day but if they don't show up for a scene in a show that you're making it can be like effectually lighting hundreds of thousands of dollars on fire yeah are there any stressful Cameo situations that come to mind when you think of the first three seasons of making Dave there are so many and to be clear I'm not going to name names but there are several instances where episodes have been written about a particular celebrity often times it ends up being a rapper uh and they just and it they don't show up on the day and then I immediately have to totally reimagine rewrite the scene on the spot call someone else hope someone else is in town you know I'm not going to name names again but it is very stressful I've had to bring $20,000 in a backpack uh for like whoever shows up that day and then I left that backpack at catering at lunch and I was like shooting another scene and I was like oh my God like my $20,000 and I sprinted to go get my backpack it was still there um and then an artist came and actually didn't even charge anything so uh anyways it it's very stressful I think it's much easier as time goes on like season 1 I'm having to convin proof of concept yeah I'm like YG like trust me it's going to be great like season 3 I'm like Brad I know you've seen it uh and yeah so it's gets easier as time goes on okay Stellar fuzz I got big I got a lot of meat yeah I was a big chunk of meat I saw that spicy I had to take a bigger bite just to keep up that's spicy mhm and this one is a little bit of a step here that's great that's great I would order that no problem W no problem and I keep it real I'll let you know I know you do no problem it's lingering but it's not a problem I'm not happy it's still there so no matter how ambitious the show gets artistically I know it'll always be important you just always have great jokes is there a backstory to the somebody suck me viral campaign the backstory it's so like dumb but yeah essentially me and my best friend Benny Blanco love Benny for whatever reason we started calling each other Buck it very quickly transitioned into Chuck there was one night in New York City where we were like drink I stayed up the latest I ever stayed up and I think I was just like we were like oh like Buck like Buck me and I was like suck me but like not seriously just like and then I was like oh like somebody suck me like the mask you know and it really and we started once we said it it was all we could say for like a month and I knew I had to get it in the show and and I remember right after it came out I remember all of my high school friends we were in Costa Rica on a vacation and they were like I think they were like that somebody sck me thing like it's never going to catch on and I was like okay and then we were in Costa Rica and like some guy was like yo Little Dicky and I turned and he was like somebody suck me and it was so validating right in front of like all of my best high school friends and that's that's the [Music] story I feel nothing yet do you feel anything I'm on the same wavelength I feel like I that whatever that just did cooled everything down wo I feel like I'm I'm now back to zero sketch has been shaked clean M I'm going to take a sip of milk just cuz I like milk only cuz I like milk not cuz I'm troubled from rapping to YG to the double XL freshman Cipher to doing a freestyle in The Breakfast Club you know a lot of these major moments on Dave are all about that tension when it comes to rising to the moment yeah how much does that mirror the reality of being an up and cominging MC the double XL freshman episode which was anchored around me doing it and failing MH I don't know if I've even said this on record so it might be a hot ones exclusive oh lucky us truthfully that is my that was my experience in my double XL freestyle I I messed it up like 25 straight times I truly [ __ ] it up I've never felt that much heat and humiliation and embarrassment but then eventually I got it right and that was the one everyone saw so like actually like like when I if you look at the YouTube comments everyone's like Little Dicky killed that if only they knew if only but now they know and you know but you know that's the power of editing and I wanted to speak to that it's okay to fail it's like you know and that failure uh caused hopefully strength moving forward but uh you know it's not always going to be all uh roses and Glory sometimes you're going to [ __ ] up 25 straight times in front of the guys who Idol Eyes it's got a Sheen to it mhm cheesy color I don't like the flavor no disrespect to the brand on her n taken keep it real I know you keep it real just you know most flavorful obviously there's spice mhm so this is the one that feels like the step up it's getting serious now going forward I'm not going to lie to you mhm and so that's halfway right 1 2 3 4 5 yeah that's halfway the other ones are just so much darker and tint iag happening around the corner yeah yeah take a little sip so I love asking URS who came from the DIY video making school what was the coolest new way you found you could spend money with a network budget and then what did you see as being like the biggest waste oh you know there's so many things where I'm like it costs that like for example like anytime you have like a any flame on camera you got to like have like the fire marshall like come in and like you have to have like a whole man there like if I want to like light like a anything it's so like so people are always like n we can't do like any sort of lighting or like even a dog you want to have a dog in a scene like you're going to have to have a trainer you're going to have to have like uh maybe multiple trainers and like all it's just a whole there're all different departments that require it's you can't really do things in a shortcut like DIY way anymore like there's all these rules and the bureaucracy of Hollywood exactly but obviously I couldn't be more privileged than the dogs we've had on set have been just lovely yeah [Music] yeah this thing is [Music] tan too big of a bite immediately no reason to make it that big and this one's called bourbon Maple Reaper Reaper and that's the reaper I think that it's for boing that's do you think the idea of Comedy rap as a genre that it ignores the degree to which hip-hop and comedy are already deeply intertwined I think you're right that there always from at least from when I've been a kid like there's been always been like very comedic presences in hip-hop look at Eminem like there was you know he was doing things that was making me die laughing even like ludicrous and like his old videos like that's always kind of been a thing I think the funniest hot ones episode we've ever shot has been with Trick Daddy you know like he's funnier than any comedian we have on here yeah I think at least initially at least in the beginning part of my career was certain because I was trying to prove myself as a comedic presence you know like so I'm trying to like get noticed by a company like FX that like I can get a TV show and so I was really leading with the comedy sometimes uh in a way that might have been much more than Trick Daddy ever has uh but yeah I think there was a great Synergy and and it's been that way I'm not the inventor of that Synergy top four top four baby here go not a big bite for the uninitiated what makes the chicken cheese steak at Frank's Pizza in cheltonham yeah what makes that such an elite cheese steak the reason that Frank's pizza chicken cheese steak was so good was because they used big chunks of chicken I'm talking like you know just hunks of boneless meat and their cheese American it like everything was like so by the end like slick you know like there's a type of American that's used and that is a hot wind the one that I just there's a type of American that's used that like makes everything just like glisten you know you look you take a bite you look at it and everything is got that gloss got that cheese gloss and if you can go Buffalo chicken cheese steak and they had you know Philly and and New York they got great bread great rolls so it it is a shame that Frank's has done I think it it'll be an Irreplaceable hole in my heart but I'm happy that I had it for all this time so this next one is the bomb Beyond Insanity terrible title the bomb Beyond insanity I don't want to go why would you want to go beyond Insanity I feel like insanity is the furthest we want to go as a species no I agree with you but but we have to we have to go beyond the concept of the show I hear you cheers brother [Music] cheers immediate heat yeah it won't stop definitely The Worst by far I'm just setting expectations over here now what gotten in the throat yeah that's a shame that's a shame season [Music] up everything is different now yeah remember the good old days remember those times that's why yeah mhm now yeah it's completely on its head probably getting worse as time evolves and it's just going to keep growing all right unfortunate and we'll get over that Hill cuz there's two more I can't even it's they get worse my tongue is really hot it's it sucks it's okay I get it I get it besides Alan Iverson who's your all-time favorite Philadelphia athlete I have to pick one you can let it fly I'll let it fly Let it Fly name's flying into my head Brian Dawkins Legend visor mhm just knocking people out safety coming in head hunt Jason Kelsey oo come on contemporary talk let's never forget who he is look this is going to surprise a lot of people I I was a big McNab guy you know I think Philadelphia always looks at him as a uh he didn't get over the hump but I would rather personally compete for a decade every year and be in it yeah yeah than like and for a guy to 10 years straight pretty much to like have us like in the conversation and have hope right I'm into that you're a sports fan like I'm a sports fan I think it's all about the ride you know cuz it ends in disappointment for everybody except for one team you know I mean there's all these Perpetual playoff teams and I just hear like the camera guy Bill over here he's a Bills fan just complaining All Season like I get it you know they get to there and they lose but I'm like at least you're in the game at least you're in the playoffs I always say you don't deserve to participate in the joy of winning a championship if you're not going to be along the ride for the misery mhm but when the Eagles won in 201718 I turned down free tickets to the Super Bowl to go to the game to go back to Philly to watch with all of my high school friends they won no better night of my life than being in Philly the night the Eagles won their first Super Bowl like walking around the city like you could bump into someone on that night and they would like normally you bump into someone in Philly and it's like they're like annoyed that night they're hugging you and it was beautiful brotherly love I felt it that night how are you feeling it's real it got real it got real but I am okay and I just hope I continue to be okay this one is just like it's it's so sh like there's like a incandescence to it if that's the right word I don't know if it's the right word nor do I care let's [Music] go good chicken let's let talk about the chicken we haven't spoken about the chicken cuz I know you're a chicken guy you know like your favorite dishes you know you like this chicken cheese steak you like the company chicken company chicken in the show as well yeah you're a chicken guy so my favorite food my mom cooks and my favorite food in general if I was on death row and I had one meal my mom makes this food called company chicken and Company noodles cuz she would make it whenever company came over it was just like the name we gave it we made it in the show and one of the best parts of literally they have like an onet Chef who like got the actual recipe from my mom and I I was like oh my God they're really making like Vats of company chicken and Company noodles and I love it so much that I was like they would be like and it was a dinner scene a 5 hour scene to shoot they' be like cut but I was so I kept EA it like like even in between they were like my you know Jeff Schaefer the guy who I my co-creator was like Dave like we're shooting the scene for 5 hours like I wouldn't keep eating when we're not even shooting your coverage in between takes like I was like I just love it too much and they made like a really solid batch kept eating I'm not kidding I farted and I [ __ ] my pants on set I farted I had I was like H and then I went to the bathroom I looked down and there was [ __ ] in my underwear and I had to literally like whisper to wardrobe like hey like I need new underwear cuz I just [ __ ] cuz I love the food so much so shout out company chicken shout out to company chicken that Wing's not terrible all right well on the topic of [ __ ] your pants on set the final straw I spit everywhere the last dab an open Package don't do that okay like smelling salt oh God it was too big of this yeah yeah do a little hit that Wing down how oh like I do a little yeah get a little knockoff he all the sauce is going to touch the tongue there's no way to escape but you know what it's the last one the last bite to you Dave to [Music] you and down it goes let see so show your Tower to close things out we've seen today that your self-belief it allows you to manifest these things that people in your life including your parents don't think can happen when you think about Dave Bird's final form what is the Legacy that you want to leave like when you picture that what is it that you envision great question by the way I'm still here I'm right here with you there we go uh look first and foremost I think you're asking me a question as it pertains to like the art and the creative Legacy deep down I want to figure out a way to live life where my happiness and peace of mind and satisfaction is not totally intertwined with like the success or output of my art but I I also I really feel like I'm scratching the surface as a rapper too like I think what I've achieved with my TV show is so up here and I don't think I've achieved that as a rapper but I think I can so for the next immedate future like right now actually my main determination is to like catch up as a rap and like really like cuz I think probably a lot of people thought I was a rapper to get a TV show and then I'm done with it far from I feel like this more hunger as a rapper than I've ever had like I feel like I'm like 2010 all over again and just like needing to prove myself which is a cool place to be 10 years into it so I don't know I don't know man I just want to be great well you know what you have a hunger for the wings of death today taking on The Gauntlet in front of you and conquering now there's nothing left to do but roll out the red carpet for you Dave this camera this camera this camera let the people know what you have going on in your life guys I just put out uh a new album It's called penith The Dave soundtrack which is uh if you've watched my show it's like every one of the best songs that's ever made it into the show it's the first time I put out a body of Music in about like 9 years I feel like my whole career up into this point has been like setting myself up for what's about to come and what's about to come you'll just have to wait and see but uh penith the day of soundtrack out now Spotify music anyway you want to stream it I'll see you guys in Hell thank [Applause] you I'm proud of myself like this yeah we can just do this I got SN or we can do we could do a [Applause] [Laughter] snap hey what's going on hot ones fans this is Sean Evans thank you so much for watching today's episode and if you would like to get the taste of hot ones delivered right to your door well I have good news for you the season 23 hot ones 10 pack is available now that's to get your hands on the season 23 hot ones lineup milk not included ice cream highly recommended and remember be careful around the eyes
Channel: First We Feast
Views: 1,489,530
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: First we feast, fwf, firstwefeast, food, food porn, cook, cooking, chef, recipe, cocktail, bartender, craft beer, complex, complex networks, spicy food, foodie, burgers, food documentary, Lil Dicky, lil dicky, dave fx, lil dicky sneaker shopping, lil dicky freestyle, lil dicky hahaha
Id: byHNjqq9Lxk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 27sec (1287 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 15 2024
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